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Brain Bleed: The Shows We Hate & The Reasons We Hate Them

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This is about programming that you don't like for one reason or another. 

The first one that comes to mind, is the new tv sitcom starring George Lopez called "Saint George". This show really is awful. It is dreadful. I don't understand what it is about the constant stereotyping that is going on with the show's characters. The constant put-downs of George's culture by his ex-wife are really annoying. Then, there is the principal at George's night school where he teaches, who seems to have reached her sexual peak in her 40's and she is now in over-drive.  She is all over him like a dirty old man at a strip joint. I can't take watching Danny Trejo on each episode. I think this guy Is better in small doses as Tio Danny. It is pretty sad that I don't even know the names of the other characters except for George and Danny. That's pretty easy considering they use their real names.

Edited by SPLAIN

Honestly, anything with a laugh track. I just can't handle it anymore. I grew up watching tons of sitcoms, and I barely even noticed the laugh track then, but now I can't ignore it. I've been spoiled by shows like New Girl and Don't Trust the B in Apartment 23 that throw out rapid-fire jokes and don't care whether or not you catch all of them on your first viewing. (Here's one of my faves.)

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Honestly, anything with a laugh track. I just can't handle it anymore. I grew up watching tons of sitcoms, and I barely even noticed the laugh track then, but now I can't ignore it. I've been spoiled by shows like New Girl and Don't Trust the B in Apartment 23 that throw out rapid-fire jokes and don't care whether or not you catch all of them on your first viewing. (Here's one of my faves.)

Same here. That stuff is just distracting and annoying. I remember renting a dvd of M*A*S*H from my local library and finding out there was a way to shut that thing off. Man it was a difference of night and day. SO much better.

Reality tv. HATE most of it. It's just filler tv in my opinion. A cheap option for networks.

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Same here. That stuff is just distracting and annoying. I remember renting a dvd of M*A*S*H from my local library and finding out there was a way to shut that thing off. Man it was a difference of night and day. SO much better.

Believe it or not, I'm not the fan of M*A*S*H either. I finished one season's worth of it, and then that was it. It's one of the absolute worst shows I've seen.

Except for the Amazing Race, most reality shows make me turn the channel. I have a very low tolerance for bitchiness and lying, so watching people be like that is not enjoyable for me. As for scripted shows, the only one I can think of right off the top of my head is "2 Broke Girls". I tried to make it through the first episode and couldn't do it. The blonde one was too vapid and everyone else was too vulgar. Someone on the TWOP forums coined a term once, "second-hand embarrassment syndrome" and I believe I suffer from it. I just can't watch people making fools of themselves or doing stupid things. I wish I could, I'd be able to watch more sitcoms.

Edited by muffkins
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Agreed on 2 Broke Girls. I just don't get any of the humor. AT all. I think I must be broken. 

Sam & Cat, on Nick. It could have been a cute show that didn't make me force my kid to turn the channel, if they'd either picked a different character from Victorious, or made Cat far less stupid. Sad, because I didn't mind iCarly or Victorious. It's only allowed on if I'm not in the room. I know it's a kids show, but dang.

I hate laugh tracks that seem to only highlight unfunny jokes. Makes me go "oh, I'm supposed to find this bit amusing, thanks for the tip...".

The Science Channel has started playing a bunch of alien related shows. Close Encounters (not the movie, but stories of supposed UFO sightings), NASA's Unexplained Files, etc. I don't want to watch this crap. Oh! And Outrageous Acts of Science. Vaguely attractive Science-y people discuss youtube vidoes.  I'm afraid that they're going down the path that Discovery & TLC went down.

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Seconded on "Friends." I never got the big appeal of this show. Now when it was the thing everyone in my graduating class watched, and now now.

The Chappell Show was another show that apart from the black KKK wizard sketch I could just never get into. I mean, it wasn't horrible, just overrated. I just didn't see it as the Bestest Show Evar.

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Andyourlittledog2, Pawn Stars used to be kind of a cool show. It was focused on the stuff people brought in, its history, background, and provenance, and during the show you would usually end up learning a few interesting and obscure tidbits. Now it's just stupid manufactured dramas and set-ups. They had one guy wanting to sell a plane or something once. We're supposed to believe that the owner just happened to call on the day that they happened to be filming the show at the store? Stupid.

There is a show on Nick Jr called Tickety Toc, that I dislike so much that I stopped letting my daughter watch it. It's about 2 little kids who live in a cuckoo clock. Every episode is a variation of the same thing: the kids are told not to do something. They of course do it anyway, pandemonium ensues, and then they apologize. So what's the message -- that you can do whatever the hell you want as long as you apologize later? Gah. There was also an episode where the 2 kids were in some sort of talent show, and the boy cheated by wearing "magic" dance shoes. AND THE KIDS STILL WON. ARGH!!! So the message there is that it's OK to cheat? This show is now on our verboten list. 

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Mom and The Millers seem spectacularly unfunny. I really wanted to like Mom because - Allison Janney - but even she can't do anything with this dreck. I'll cosign on all of those scripted reality shows, whether it be Kardashians, Housewives, or Redneck. And the blue million fake UFO/supernatural/paranormal/"monster" shows.

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Honestly, anything with a laugh track. I just can't handle it anymore. I grew up watching tons of sitcoms, and I barely even noticed the laugh track then, but now I can't ignore it. I've been spoiled by shows like New Girl and Don't Trust the B in Apartment 23 that throw out rapid-fire jokes and don't care whether or not you catch all of them on your first viewing. (Here's one of my faves.)

TV I just don't like - New Girl! Make it Stop!

And reality TV.

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Most reality Tv for a couple of reasons:

1)How much of it is so obviously scripted, and I mean scripted beyond how the show is edited.

2) How much importance there is in 'bringing drama' ie catfighting, chicks clawing at each other, just people losing their shit ALL the GODDAMN time. I loathe this because it has filtered out from the TV world down to the high school students who watch and emulate this kind of bullshit level. Guy I went ot school with is a high school teacher and he has to break up fights at least once a day between kids because of 'drama.'

Shows like Pawn Stars or Storage wars because they moved away from what was in the actual trailers or the items that were brought in to spend entire episodes focusing on mopes like Bernie or the Chumley and showing what morons they are.

Finding Bigfoot. This while show is ludicrous but how the fuck do these four mopes get a couple hundred people to show up for a town hall meeting to talk about all of the Squatches that live among them or just outside town. There can't possibly be THAT many gullible people in every bullshit small town in the country, can there?

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Finding Bigfoot. This while show is ludicrous but how the fuck do these four mopes get a couple hundred people to show up for a town hall meeting to talk about all of the Squatches that live among them or just outside town. There can't possibly be THAT many gullible people in every bullshit small town in the country, can there?


I like to think folks come for the entertainment value of winding up BoBo, et al., with their stories, or just to get on TV since their standards don't seem to be very high. I wonder if some show up so they can find out where the crew will be out looking, so they can go out and throw rocks or knock on trees for shits and grins.

Echoing the sentiment in this thread about 2 Broke Girls - I cannot stand that show.  Ditto for The New Girl.

Likely an UO, but I absolutely despise both How I Met Your Mother and Modern Family.  Back before MF premiered, I was really excited about watching it, but when it came down to the actual episodes and characters, that show inspires me to gouge my eyes and ears out with a couple of sporks.

As for HIMYM, to me it's the poor man's Seinfeld for the GenY/Hipster Douchebag generation.  Where I live, the damn thing is on the air 3-4 hours every day due to syndication and network broadcasts. 

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As a general rule, I hate the relatively recent wave of determinedly grim, depressing, Emmy-seeking dramas which seem contractually obligated to show us relentlessly terrible people doing relentlessly terrible things and reminding us over and over again that everyone and everything absolutely sucks. I don't need (or want!) cheerily flawless characters or a show that takes an artificially idyllic view of the world, but I don't watch TV to feel wrist-slittingly depressed and dislike the idea that shows with joy and basic likability aren't genuinely 'quality' TV. 

This one is admittedly weird and stems from having spent most of my life in NYC, but I tend not to like a lot of shows that are set in New York...maybe because I watch TV in part to 'visit' other places? And I especially hate the cooler-than-thou NYC-based shows in which everyone is a fashion-fixated party girl (Sex and the City, I'm looking at you!) or snotty hipsters (as someone else mentioned, How I Met Your Mother.) 

I also tend not to like shows that are all about the 'ships. Romance is a part of life (granted, not MINE, but many people's!), and it's not like the presence of relationships or even necessarily an obvious 'will they/won't they/get on with it already' couple will turn me off to a show. In the hands of the right writers, that stuff can be poignant, relatable, amusing, etc.. But shows (and accompanying discussion among fandoms!) which seem to revolve ONLY around the romantic relationships, existent and otherwise, neglecting familial relationships, friendships, other themes, storylines, hopes, goals, fears, etc. tend to get really tiresome for me.  

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Dance Moms - I can't understand why grown women would allow themselves to be portrayed this way. The same thing applies to shows like The Bad Girls' Club, Real Housewives of Everywhere Ever, etc. Granted, you are picking up a paycheck but strangers' only impression of you is that you act whiny, catty and immaturely. Oftentimes all three (as loudly as possible).

Generally shows that go on forever because the creators/networks are all about more seasons rather than telling a concise story. 

Hannibal. It's not because I find the show too macabre, it's because I find the puns unfunny and constant. 

Parenthood. I think it's just emotionally manipulative. 

Edited by JanetMacklin
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Parenthood. I think it's just emotionally manipulative.

Oh, god, I hate Parenthood and want back the hours of my life that I wasted on it! It's funny, because in theory this family-centric dramedy would be dream TV for me, but in execution I find it a mawkish, heavyhanded, thoroughly unpleasant mess, with neither the comedic nor dramatic elements executed well and characters who are unlikable in thoroughly uninteresting ways.  

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Perhaps this is just a reflection of my viewing habits, but I'm tired of snarky, bantering dialogue.  I don't mind well-placed, incisive snark, but in this age of pop culture and celebrity, it feels like adults don't talk like...adults anymore.  It's all zippy one-liners, one-sided monologues, and snappy comebacks that commonly take me out of a scene.  None of the aforementioned are inherently bad, and actually really good when used effectively, but what I sometimes hear or read referred to as "well-written" seems to be adults talking like teenagers or college students.  If I wanted to watch either, I'd tune into the shows on MTV, the CW, or ABC Family (and that's not a knock against them, but the target audience is no secret).  It's one of the reasons I stopped watching Revenge, for instance, because Nolan is the personification of all that I've mentioned.  Yes, he's a major and beloved character, but I can't watch it.  Matter of fact, I actually understood why Emily was seemingly annoyed with him most of the time.  

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2) How much importance there is in 'bringing drama' ie catfighting, chicks clawing at each other, just people losing their shit ALL the GODDAMN time. I loathe this because it has filtered out from the TV world down to the high school students who watch and emulate this kind of bullshit level.


It's amazing to me how much this has trickled down even into grown adults who should know better. 

This is more a scheduling thing than a show specific, but I hate that networks won't counter-program. I have no interest in major sporting events (Olympics, Superbowl - which I don't even "watch for the commercials"). I don't watch major (or minor) awards shows. So I hate when these things are happening the other networks just show reruns because they figure everyone else will be watching that major event show. 

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My whole family cannot stand that children's show Caillou. It was on one day at my sister's house for the little ones, and my whole family and I were all just snarking on that kid. He is a damn whiner! There, I feel better. There are so many children's shows that are way better than this crap. Dora the Explorer is another crappy show.

Modern Family is a show I wish I could enjoy, but as long as Sofia Vergara is on it, I won't touch it.

Anything with Patricia Heaton, I can't watch. I do enjoy Everybody Loves Raymond, but that is because of all the other characters. Oh, can't stand the Amy character either.

All of the Real World seasons since Las Vegas 2002 season 12. This season ruined the show that I knew and loved and it has gone downhill ever since.

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Amazing Race. How many times can people watch other people buying airline tickets? And getting on trains. And airplanes. And off trains. And into cars. And out of cars. And spotting yellow envelopes. And opening envelopes. And reading the contents of envelopes. Repeat. And I really don't get why Phil, nothing against Phil, wins so many Emmys. And I even LIKE reality shows. Some of them.

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The Science Channel...last night, aired "Who is Jesus?".

I've decided that the majority of reality TV just shows how far people will go to be on tv, how ...much people crave attention. That they'll act like idiots and let it be shown to millions of people. And...that really annoying people have no idea how irritating they really are.

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Mom and The Millers seem spectacularly unfunny. I really wanted to like Mom because - Allison Janney - but even she can't do anything with this dreck.

Those exact two shows were on my "sucks" radar this past year too.  They were just insultingly stupid (and yet show how dumb America is because I think they got decent ratings).


And why is @Midnight so fucking grating? It often has good guests, and is relevant to my Xer/Millennial cusp interests, but I can't watch it for more than a minute.

I'm okay if I mentally block off the parts where Chris Hardwick is smarmy or blathers on like he's as funny as most of the guests (honestly, the only thing I really like Hardwick on is his Celebrity Bowling specials on YouTube).


Dance Moms - I can't understand why grown women would allow themselves to be portrayed this way. The same thing applies to shows like The Bad Girls' Club, Real Housewives of Everywhere Ever, etc. Granted, you are picking up a paycheck but strangers' only impression of you is that you act whiny, catty and immaturely. Oftentimes all three (as loudly as possible).

Dance Moms also gets my goat because of the child exploitation angle.  Which also ropes in disgusting bullshit that should send certain people straight to Hell someday, like Toddlers & Tiaras (and maybe that Honey Boo Boo "spinoff" as well, although I've seen people defend that as "not the same").  Also, ANY of those shows about X number of kids and counting.  Those shows have gigantically injured our culture, our societal mores, etc. (and I don't use that kind of criticism lightly, since I know how it's been misused to indict stuff unfairly).

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Metal Hurlant Chronicles. I'll watch most sci-fi, but holy crap such suckage as this should really generate a black hole. I only watched two episodes & they are separate, unrelated episodes each time, but the last one I watched had a bunny morph into a giant rabbit that was the savior of the humans. The first one I saw had close to 50 percent, of a 30 minute show, in slow motion. Ugh.

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Amazing Race. How many times can people watch other people buying airline tickets? And getting on trains. And airplanes. And off trains. And into cars. And out of cars. And spotting yellow envelopes. And opening envelopes. And reading the contents of envelopes. Repeat. And I really don't get why Phil, nothing against Phil, wins so many Emmys. And I even LIKE reality shows. Some of them.


Every word of this, picklesprite.  Also, the punctuation.

Honestly, anything with a laugh track. I just can't handle it anymore. I grew up watching tons of sitcoms, and I barely even noticed the laugh track then, but now I can't ignore it.

All the fifties/early sixties shows used the same laugh tracks too. Like the one with the "Uh oh!" lady. (Heard between laughs whenever Lucy, Beaver, etc. would be doing something that would get them into trouble). If she'd gotten royalties for that she'd have been rolling in dough.


Franchises. I will never understand people's need to make more and more and more of the same. You have an interesting show with interesting characters and an interesting premise, why then would you feel the need to divert your attention and make another show almost identical is totally beyond me.


While I'm on the subject, not really a fan of remakes either. Why people feel need to remake British greats (or vice versa) instead of coming up with your own something new rarely produces something that is actually enjoyable to me.

Edited by DittyDotDot
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Scandal and Parenthood


As much TV as all of us here have watched over the years, I know we've seen our fair share of terrible acting.  But I have never in my lifetime seen anything as bad as Kerry Washington on Scandal.  And I watched soaps for almost two decades!  So I just can't with that show because I'd be too embarrassed - for her and for myself.


Parenthood I hate for the completely legit and rational reason that Maura Tierney (who was Sarah in the original pilot) has always been one of my favorite actresses and Lauren Graham has always been one of my most hated, so...I revel in the knowledge that the show is canceled after this season, and I will burn down any network that even thinks about "saving" it.

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I, too, dislike pretty much all shows with those desperate, obnoxiously intrusive, we-know-you-won't-find-this-funny-on-your-own-so-we-have-to-inform-you-it's-time-to-laugh laugh tracks. 


Tara, I am so very with you on the hate for both Scandal and Parenthood! Scandal is just one of those shows where I loathed every single character within seconds of meeting them, and not in a compelling 'love to hate' way. I don't find it edgy and daring, just unpleasant. 


I hate Parenthood in large part because I'm always lamenting the dearth of family dramedies, which in theory would be among my favorite shows ever--and I really resented (um, however irrationally!) that once we finally got this alleged family dramedy, I was forced to dislike pretty much every aspect of it. I almost never find the comedic bits remotely funny and think the (melo)drama is obnoxiously mawkish, heavyhanded and After School Special-esque. I find the characters both really dull and really unlikable. (I don't mind unlikable characters if they're unlikable in interesting, entertaining ways!) And Parenthood's biggest sin is making me question my previous fondness for Lauren Graham, who I really liked as Lorelai Gilmore but found totally unwatchable on Parenthood. So, yeah...suffice it to say I'm not a Parenthood fan, though I very much wanted to be! 

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