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S10.E22: Reunion Part 3

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Is that what Heather said? I kept thinking I was mishearing her...


You heard her. Lol.   She's got the endearing personality trait of being Alex Trebek emphatic in her inflection when she's making a funny.  The hilarious part is none of the other women reacted to it.  I was in my living room cracking up like, really, ya'll? nothing? bueller?

  • Love 17

I sneezed AND my mom died 14 years ago so I need the support and casseroles more than you. Nobody has pain like mine.

My parents died 10 years ago, 6 months apart.  And I had a VERY bad cold last week, which turned into bronchitis.  I would show you the medical records, but at the moment all I have is the proof of my co-pay and I haven't faked the diagnosis page yet - and I could do a great job on that because my Mother, may she rest in peace, always told me my handwriting was so bad that I should have been a doctor! 


So I need casseroles even more!





[and hey, everything here, except the needing casseroles (I don't even like casseroles) and faking medical records, are actually true!:-)) ]

  • Love 8

Honestly, my husband has a zero tolerance for violating privacy and he would care less about rumors. He's busy!

You mean he WORKS? He deserves a casserole! ;-)

She is probably being investigated as we type. If she is convicted of insurance fraud, that would be a federal crime. But, I keep picturing Vicki locked up in Corona bunking next to Betty Broderick and Leslie Van Houten.

Do they permit casseroles to be sent to inmates?

I don't think Mehgan and LeeAnn were close close, but I could see them actually liking each other. I don't think it had to be a "grin and bear it" type of thing for either of the.

They seemed to be OK together at Hayle's pre-prom party and photo session at the beach. Edited by Ubiquitous
  • Love 4

Lord a-mercy!  If anybody can watch that show last night and still think that anything that comes out of Vicki Gunvelson’s mouth is anything OTHER than a bold-faced lie……  well, I have some cancer-curing juice to sell  ya! Between the "Terry administering the IV" to the "no Xanax ha ha ok 1/2 a Xanax" and too many others to mention, this bitch is deluuuuusionnnalll (TM Kristin Taekman)  But srsly.  She’s awful and needs to get the boot tout suite.


Yeah, I thought I heard that too.  Very confusing.  But the bottom line is that Vicki lied to get sympathy.....and casseroles. 

Sympathy and Casseroles.  That sounds like the name of a terrible new reality show.  Vicki’s spinoff??


Brooks is doing another "Brooks Tells All" Bravo interview next week?   Bwah ah ah ha ha ha!  LMAO.  Andy should be damned ashamed of himself for putting we the viewers (or is it us viewers?) through that.  We all know Crooks is gonna lie lie deny until he dies and the audience is STILL not gonna know if he really has/had cancer or not.  I dunno why I watch this shite anyway.  I just feel duped.  And drained.  What a waste of a season.  So stupid.  All of it.  I will not be watching Brooks' interview.  Peace out on that (although I am hoping a few brave souls will be watching so they can comment).


Dumbest, most unresolved season of nothingness to date.  Brooks' faux-cancer? story line chewed up most of the season.  And speaking of chewing, Vicki needs to back away from casserole requests and tuck into a big ole' piece of humble pie IMO. I believe Vicki did think Brooks had cancer for a long time and tried to stand by him to a certain extent but she really threw her cast mates under the bus, verbally attacked them, lied, etc.  What Vicki did to Ms. Terry was flat out unforgivable.


Now I really want tacos al pastor for some reason.  I made a pork roast earlier tonight.  Thanks Tamra, you dumb ass.


It's not another tell all interview--it's the same one we saw clips of last night. 


We saw the real Brooks emerge on WWHL. Lying. Deflecting. Playing the hurt victim.

Seeing him sweating and squirming with Andy - who obviously wasn't buying into any of his crap.


 Truth.  When he can control the narrative, Brooks is slicker than cut okra in the sink.  When he's actually confronted with his multitude of lies and half-truths and can't weasel his way out?  Yeah, then we see sweaty, weasel-y, snarky Brooks.  Or, as you succinctly put it--the real Brooks Ayers.  



  • Love 20

She is probably being investigated as we type.    If she is convicted of insurance fraud, that would be a federal crime. But, I keep picturing Vicki locked up in Corona bunking next to Betty Broderick and Leslie Van Houten.      


Good Gordon, Cherrio.  If Betty Broderick was a few decades younger and not spending the rest of her life in prison for killing her husband she would make a completely BSC addition to any HoWives cast, no?  Shuddering at the mere thought if it.

Edited by beesknees
  • Love 9

Good Gordon, Cherrio.  If Betty Broderick was a few decades younger and not spending the rest of her life in prison for killing her husband she would make a completely BSC addition to any HoWives cast, no?  Shuddering at the mere thought if it.

Probably right.   Betty and her creepy husband were perfect for a housewives show.

     She is not a lifer though, she is eligible for parole. She was denied in 2010. Next hearing in 2025.

"Sympathy and Casseroles.  That sounds like the name of a terrible new reality show.  Vicki’s spinoff??"


Hilarious !

  • Love 3
Really. How long did Meghan know Leann? She is just as sick as Vicki for faking a cancer "story". Maybe sicker because someone really died of cancer and she is using it as her story.


To be quite honest, that's how I feel as well. Megan wanted to earn her orange. How did she do it? By going after Brooks hard and fast. Her reason for going after him in such a manner? Someone she loves was dying from cancer and it's all about justice, damnit! It really made me feel uneasy. 


I get that they were probably more civil than most blended families and that's great. But again, she's only been in Jimmy's life a short time. She barely seems close to him, so I have a hard time imagining she's as close to his ex and his kids as she's making out. 

  • Love 15

Brooks has this very weird way of making very intense eye contact when answering questions.  I believe that it's his "tell" for when he's going to lie.  He's so super slippery.


And my take on Vickie and all her lying is that she knew that Brooks was exaggerating (or all out fabricating) his cancer but that at the point of filming she was in love with him and didn't want to rock the boat.  Vickie has weird feelings of loyalty and devotion and is definitely not adverse to lying on behalf of the person she loved.  If she and Brooks were still together, she wouldn't have admitted that she had doubts.  She would have continued to carry on the lie.


And I do feel for her losing her mom.  Grief is strange and can contribute to unusual behaviors.  I don't believe that her lying and covering were because of her mom directly, but I do believe that her death brought out Vickie's need to never be alone so she clung to Brooks and made some horrible choices as a result.  She has a lot of making up to do!!

  • Love 10

IMO Vicki is just one sad woman.   She's always been jealous, and judgmental of the other women's relationships.  Over the years she has only gotten to be good friends when their marriages were in trouble.  Misery love company.    There has always been the sense of unfairness on her part.   She has to work, as she reminds everyone all the time, to keep up her lifestyle.   She's the one who has to buy herself the jewelry all the other women seem to get as gifts.   She's been unhappy for so long, I think when Brooks came along, she was desperate to find anybody who wanted her, who she could show off (once she got him fixed up), and he spotted a sucker.   She got used to defending him against all the usual allegations, but this cancer scam was beyond even her.    When Briana moved to OK, her loneliness and fear of being alone really blinded her.   He was smart in knowing she is always busy working, or going out of town, so he knew she wouldn't give the time to really check out his cancer claims.  Really, would anybody believe somebody would fake cancer?     Couple all of this with her losing her mother was just too much.   Again, she never got the love validation from her mother that she desperately wanted, and now never will.    It was all too much, and she was lying, covering up, and hoping it would blow over.    I believe had it not been for Meghan searching for a storyline, this wouldn't have been such a focus, and the women would have rallied around her with casseroles to help her grieve her mother.  


Briana really has a whole lot of resentment towards her mom.   She wasn't just mad about the things Brooks did, but she took every opportunity to slam her mother directly.   She broke free of the daily control of her mom, and she's giving it back to her with both barrels.   Funny coming from a woman who's own husband leaves alot to be desired.  


I'm over Tamra.   When Andy asked about church, I was sure it was going to be the every Sunday answer, but she isn't doing that.   Instead she's online, same with her psychic.  I wonder if she does a split screen?   She wanted sympathy for all she went through last year, forgiveness for how she behaved, and yet she can't offer the same to anybody.  Still the gossip, Sh*% stirrer, and the act is wearing thin.  

  • Love 14

My husband stubbed his toe last night, I would love a casserole or two to see us through this painful time.


thank you all in advance for your support


I’m sorry but I just don’t have time to whip up a casserole at the drop of a hat.  I WORK and I’m juggling MULTIPLE PARTNERS. 


Will you accept a re-gifted Hickory Farms Cheese and Sausage gift basket from Christmas 2012?


As for me, well, I ran out of WINE halfway through this crapfest last night.  That, my friends, is pain of the 100% variety

  • Love 17

Higgins, on 02 Nov 2015 - 10:16 AM, said:

    Whole season centering around does he or does he not have cancer sucked. Everybody came out looking bad and the worst part was that it was really boring.


    I would never confirm or deny as a HCP. Denial may not be a Hippa violation but it is poor practice.



Finally !  Yes!  Thank you Higgins.  This was what I was so inarticulately trying to get across.


I would totally deny someone was my patient. Poor practice? I call it saving my practice. Anyone who is already lying about me being their physician is surely lying about more, and my ass would want no parts of whatever nonsense they're trying to drag me into. I"m not having my reputation dragged because I want to be polite. Eff that noise!  

  • Love 20

Casseroles and Sympathy (1956), Directed by Vincente Minnelli:


"Vicki, a middle aged insurance agent, finds herself at odds with her OC friends, who prefer colonics, baptisms, and other water sports to baking casseroles for needy whiners.  Vicki is more comfortable in the company of her friend Brooks, who offers sympathy, affirmations, and boatloads of Xanax.  But she is later shocked to learn that Brooks has left her for a man in another city named Andy.  In the end, Vicki is left to her own devices, so to speak."

  • Love 24

Ok I finally broke down and asked my physician husband about Hippa in this incident. According to him they cannot regulate a relationship that does not exist and a doctor patient relationship is defined as http://www.ama-assn.org/ama/pub/physician-resources/medical-ethics/code-medical-ethics/opinion10015.page?

Since he was never a patient there was no violation. He states the " can't confirm or deny" is a CYA move to ensure compliance but actually is not necessary under the law. I then asked him to call the main office and provide documentation for me. He then told me to get a life and quit bugging him about housewife shit.


THANK YOU!! And thank your husband for clarifying.

  • Love 10

Ok I finally broke down and asked my physician husband about Hippa in this incident. According to him they cannot regulate a relationship that does not exist and a doctor patient relationship is defined as http://www.ama-assn.org/ama/pub/physician-resources/medical-ethics/code-medical-ethics/opinion10015.page?

Since he was never a patient there was no violation. He states the " can't confirm or deny" is a CYA move to ensure compliance but actually is not necessary under the law. I then asked him to call the main office and provide documentation for me. He then told me to get a life and quit bugging him about housewife shit.

It's really not bout HIPPA laws. It is more of an ethical issue. I just wouldn't feel comfortable with a doctor answering questions like that. I also don't any doctor who would answer that either.
  • Love 1

Casseroles and Sympathy (1956), Directed by Vincente Minnelli:


"Vicki, a middle aged insurance agent, finds herself at odds with her OC friends, who prefer colonics, baptisms, and other water sports to baking casseroles for needy whiners.  Vicki is more comfortable in the company of her friend Brooks, who offers sympathy, affirmations, and boatloads of Xanax.  But she is later shocked to learn that Brooks has left her for a man in another city named Andy.  In the end, Vicki is left to her own devices, so to speak."


Who does John Kerr get to play?


And Vicki's too feral for Deborah Kerr.  How about Joan Blondell? 

  • Love 7

Ok I finally broke down and asked my physician husband about Hippa in this incident. According to him they cannot regulate a relationship that does not exist and a doctor patient relationship is defined as http://www.ama-assn.org/ama/pub/physician-resources/medical-ethics/code-medical-ethics/opinion10015.page?

Since he was never a patient there was no violation. He states the " can't confirm or deny" is a CYA move to ensure compliance but actually is not necessary under the law. I then asked him to call the main office and provide documentation for me. He then told me to get a life and quit bugging him about housewife shit.

Bravo.  Thanks.

  • Love 4

Shannon has an interview on E-apparently after the tax date lunch Vicki went at Shannon pretty hard with texts.  Calling her vile and disgusting-so I think that probably outweighed the previous year's attacks on Shannon by Tamra and Heather.  Shannon also claimed that Vicki's texts may have been an attempt to influence her on camera behavior.  Meghan may have shunned her but she only called her crazy and unhinged which I guess in the world of RH is not as severe as vile and disgusting.  I have yet to receive my copy of the RH GUIDE TO INSULTS AND SEEDING.

IIRC, she was referring to Shannon demanding Brooks' medical records as vile and disgusting, not calling Shannon a vile and disgusting person.  As for Meghan, it wan't just the name calling, she was constantly picking on and bullying Shannon over stupid shit (judgey eyes etc) just to have a story line, right up until the end of the Tahiti trip (STORM) when Vicki attacked her.  Shannon was well aware that Meghan was trying to passive-aggressively perpetuate a fight every time they saw each other. ("Go ahead, Meghan, keep poking me.").  


I still think Shannon is way, way, way overreacting with Vicki in comparison to the other's behavior towards her.  

Edited by cherry slushie
  • Love 4

Vicki claims that she had a very normal, happy, childhood- but I do not believe her. After that Wackadoo story about her mother going to jail for keying a motorcycle, and the way Vicki had to beg her mother to say I Love You, I think maybe her childhood and family life was a bit "hinky". Proof of that is also in how weird Vicki and her brother Billy are. I always assumed Vicki wore the pants in the relationship between her and Brooks, but things look different now, and Brooks sure seems like he has some deep seated anger issues brewing below the surface. Something still seems just off about this whole season- even before Vicki's mom died she did not seem to be herself. Is it Bravo manipulating Vicki and Brooks, or Brooks manipulating Vicki, or what?!

Oh, so THIS. THAT motorcycle story was appalling, perhaps more so for me because the Mr rides. I couldn't believe Vicks brought it up as a fond memory! One of her "funny mom" stories and the others agreed...they are just as fucked up as Vicki's mother and Vicki!

Maybe if Tams prays on it she'll be able to forgive Brooks.


Oh wait, I forgot that her savior is in the "self-absolution" only business; the rest of us can suck it......


Well, at least Tam's forgiven, I mean not by me, Fuck You Tamra!

I thought you posted "self absorption" it would have been just as fitting for that slimeball, Tamra

  • Love 8

I've made casseroles for friends after they have babies before. I once made a few for my in-laws after they were in a pretty bad car accident and having some trouble getting around. I don't think it would even occur to me to make a casserole for a relatively healthy looking guy with a vague cancer story. That's just Vicki though. She's so needy that she's looking to get her love tank filled with sympathy casseroles. 

  • Love 7

It's really not bout HIPPA laws. It is more of an ethical issue. I just wouldn't feel comfortable with a doctor answering questions like that. I also don't any doctor who would answer that either.


You are right. It is not about HIPPA laws it is about  HIPAA rules.  . 

IIRC, she was referring to Shannon demanding Brooks' medical records as vile and disgusting, not calling Shannon a vile and disgusting person.  As for Meghan, it wan't just the name calling, she was constantly picking on and bullying Shannon over stupid shit (judgey eyes etc) just to have a story line, right up until the end of the Tahiti trip (STORM) when Vicki attacked her.  Shannon was well aware that Meghan was trying to passive-aggressively perpetuate a fight every time they saw each other. ("Go ahead, Meghan, keep poking me.").  


I still think Shannon is way, way, way overreacting with Vicki in comparison to the others behavior towards her.  

How about Vicki dumping a glass of water down the front of her dress because she thought it humorous and making Shannon the butt of a joke.  They never seemed to have a friendly conversation after that-couple the water dump and Vicki leaving the Aries party early the writing was on the wall. http://www.bravotv.com/the-real-housewives-of-orange-county/season-10/episode-22/videos/water-gate-20-shannon-vs-vicki

  • Love 2

It's really not bout HIPPA laws. It is more of an ethical issue. I just wouldn't feel comfortable with a doctor answering questions like that. I also don't any doctor who would answer that either.

What's unethical about telling someone, no, this stranger who is going around around saying I'm his doctor, is incorrect?


I see why one wouldn't do that in normal people world, but normal people aren't on tv being very shifty about their cancer diagnosis.  I would want no parts of it, and letting the lie go seems like a TERRIBLE idea, IMO.

  • Love 17

Casseroles and Sympathy (1956), Directed by Vincente Minnelli:


"Vicki, a middle aged insurance agent, finds herself at odds with her OC friends, who prefer colonics, baptisms, and other water sports to baking casseroles for needy whiners.  Vicki is more comfortable in the company of her friend Brooks, who offers sympathy, affirmations, and boatloads of Xanax.  But she is later shocked to learn that Brooks has left her for a man in another city named Andy.  In the end, Vicki is left to her own devices, so to speak."


Bella Roche, Years from now, when you talk about my posts, and you will, be kind.......

  • Love 9
Vicki is about to go to court in a civil fraud case.   Brooks was dismissed from the case.

I think Heather is correct, Brooks has something on Vicki, something bad and very damaging.

I agree. I suspect Brooks has been exposed to the inner workings of Vicki's professional and financial situation. I wouldn't be surprised if there's stuff that the IRS or other regulatory bodies would be interested in. Or maybe it's nothing more than Vicki not being as successful as she claims. Having that outed would mortify her and could also affect her business.

Having spent far too much time thinking about this, here’s what I have concluded  .  As others have said, Vicki is an incredibly needy person, and Brooks the con-man noticed that and pushed those buttons with the daily affirmations, etc.  So she thought she fell in love.  But I don’t think she was ready to be into the nitty gritty of him being sick.  So she threw money at him when he complained he couldn’t afford the medical bills, she never really went to any of the appointments, etc.  But she wanted to look good to her friends, so she claimed to know everything about his illness, she went to all his appointments, created the binder of his medical bills, etc.  When confronted with the  inconsistencies, she deflected and played victim.  She tried amending/changing the stories (I sat with him during chemo, no, I was only outside in the waiting room).   She doesn’t want to admit she wasn’t involved in the beginning, or that he got money from her.


Obviously I have no proof that she paid for non-existent treatments, but it fits.  In many years of dealing with a lying sister, I learned to translate my parents’ statements about her.  “X paid $900 to have that house cleaned after she moved out” translated to “I gave X $900 when she claimed she spent so much money having the house cleaned.”  Rinse and repeat, repeatedly.


Did she know from the beginning that this was a lie?  I can’t say.  But most recently there was a story of a former Miss (or Mrs) Pennsylvania who scammed people claiming to have had cancer.  She even had people drive her to appointments, with of course the friend/family member never actually entering the building to meet the doctor. Vicki isn’t as bright as she thinks, and she seems to see things in absolutes.  I can believe she was conned.

As for why she continued, up to the reunion, to defend him, the pending litigation could be an answer.  She may well want to have him for a witness (Lord knows why, with his past opposing counsel will have a field day on the cross-exam).  Also I wouldn’t be surprised if he had inside info on her real income/asset levels (more than even what we already know from the divorce).  Or he knows about other affairs of hers during the marriage to Donn.  Or knows of additional plastic surgery.


Why do these women keep saying how smart Vicki is?  How low is their bar for intelligent individuals?

ZoeysMom – this group includes Tamra, the bar is so low it’s below-ground.  Like deep mining below-ground, not even strip mining level below-ground.

not only going to Heaven, she said she was a SAINT !!!!!! So gd delusional, I hope they get rid of her next season !!!!!

Saint, heck she implied she was being crucified, just like Christ! 


Vicki claims that she had a very normal, happy, childhood-

She actually said she had a ‘perfect’ childhood.  NO ONE has a perfect childhood or anything else for that matter.  Vicki seems to jump from one extreme to another, without recognizing there is grey.

  • Love 8

I think they spent way, way too much time on Brooks Does Cancer @ the reunion. As soon as Andy realized he wasn't going to get a rise out of the lobotomized Vicki, he should have moved on to his next victim.


Tammy got off on a hall pass and a couple of fake tears. Why didn't Andy ask what was up with those weird eye wrinkles?Enquiring minds want to know because the next time I get Botoxed I don't want THAT on my face! What about her rat-faced ferret-boy son? Is everything but Vicki off limits now? BORING!


What about Shannon? Is she REALLY  happily married? She might b,e but why not put David on the hot seat..he would fold like a tortilla under Andy's relentless badgering...just like Brooks did..I kid....

The rest of them are so forgetable, I forgot who they are!

Edited by The Real Real
  • Love 4

IIRC, she was referring to Shannon demanding Brooks' medical records as vile and disgusting, not calling Shannon a vile and disgusting person.  As for Meghan, it wan't just the name calling, she was constantly picking on and bullying Shannon over stupid shit (judgey eyes etc) just to have a story line, right up until the end of the Tahiti trip (STORM) when Vicki attacked her.  Shannon was well aware that Meghan was trying to passive-aggressively perpetuate a fight every time they saw each other. ("Go ahead, Meghan, keep poking me.").  


I still think Shannon is way, way, way overreacting with Vicki in comparison to the other's behavior towards her.  

Except that no one "demanded" Brooks show his medical records. Both Heather and Shannon suggested him sharing/showing something to shut the does/doesn't he conversation down and nothing more.


I've made casseroles for friends after they have babies before. I once made a few for my in-laws after they were in a pretty bad car accident and having some trouble getting around. I don't think it would even occur to me to make a casserole for a relatively healthy looking guy with a vague cancer story. That's just Vicki though. She's so needy that she's looking to get her love tank filled with sympathy casseroles. 

If anyone had sent Vicki/Brooks a casserole I doubt it would have been appreciated because it may have contained something made with white flour, like noodles, in it so it would have just given Vicki something else to complain about. LOL

  • Love 6

Ok I finally broke down and asked my physician husband about Hippa in this incident. According to him they cannot regulate a relationship that does not exist and a doctor patient relationship is defined as http://www.ama-assn.org/ama/pub/physician-resources/medical-ethics/code-medical-ethics/opinion10015.page?

Since he was never a patient there was no violation. He states the " can't confirm or deny" is a CYA move to ensure compliance but actually is not necessary under the law. I then asked him to call the main office and provide documentation for me. He then told me to get a life and quit bugging him about housewife shit.

But did yku tell him this was for "JUSTICE!"?

Speaking of which, was the doctor Heather asked a friend of Terry's or just a neighbor? I remember Terry's snide remarks about Alexis' nose surgery and can see a friend of hiz being the kind who would do that.

I still wonder how Heather knew for a fact who the mistress was after someone texted her (the mistress) under the table.

  • Love 6

But did yku tell him this was for "JUSTICE!"?

Speaking of which, was the doctor Heather asked a friend of Terry's or just a neighbor? I remember Terry's snide remarks about Alexis' nose surgery and can see a friend of hiz being the kind who would do that.

I still wonder how Heather knew for a fact who the mistress was after someone texted her (the mistress) under the table.

The mistress/lunch/text/phone call still mystifies me.

  • Love 4

OK, let me clarify (yet again). I don't care about HIPPA. I don't feel comfortable with a doctor answering anything about patients (or non patients) with anybody PERIOD.

Is there really no line that can be crossed in this situation? Could someone go on TV and accuse Dr. Dubrow of botching a surgery if he had never treated that person? Would he be wrong to say so? I just don't get how this is unethical. Brooks is running around saying that he has been treated by doctors and that their methods have not worked for him. He is naming doctors that he says he has seen. He has been accused by many of faking cancer before. How in the world in this situation is it wrong for someone to simply say they never treated him?

  • Love 20

That is what I meant, the "report" Brooks showed on camera. Vicki sent text messages to everyone after she/Brooks showed Tamra the report but they did not show anyone else the report nor did they give Tamra a copy. Terry made the claim of seeing the report in an interview after that episode aired on TV.

I thought he (Terry) said he saw a scan, something a radiologist would have, and then said how he hoped it wasn't Brooks as it was the scan of a dying man.  Personally, that right there is where he blew it with Terry.

That 'mockument' really was a joke. (imo).

  • Love 6

I thought he (Terry) said he saw a scan, something a radiologist would have, and then said how he hoped it wasn't Brooks as it was the scan of a dying man.  Personally, that right there is where he blew it with Terry.

That 'mockument' really was a joke. (imo).

He did say "scan" but I think he was referring to the scan report, not the actual scan though. It is interesting that Brooks told Andy that he would talk to Terry at their 1 on 1 interview then never contacted him. He knew that Terry would never support his false claims or fall for his bogus "reports". LOL

  • Love 3
I don't see how anyone would want to buy insurance from her if they knew of her especially now.

One is separate from the other but when I see her now all I think is "She has lied, and not by omission, about an important life event, can you now really believe anything she says?"



Apparently she still has many true fans...and there are those imbeciles who feel "closely affiliated" with any celebrity of they purchase something from them:  autographed cookbooks, jewelry, insurance, fashions, Everything Kardashian, etc.  

  • Love 2


That is one thing I learned from this reunion. Don't seek medical treatment in the OC or with Dr. Dubrow or all of your business will be on front street.


Not for nuthin' ... but isn't that exactly what happens with plastic surgeons in southern CA? Everybody is always talking about who did whose face, physicians and patients alike.

  • Love 6

This is another thing that bugged me.  Shannon has also given Meghan a pass for bullying her re-lent-lessly. The fact that Meghan referred to that period as a little 'blip' in their suddenly wonderful friendship, is complete, utter bullshit.  


Like I've said a ton of times in this forum, if not for Vicki attacking Meghan about her step-parenting, igniting Meghan's 'how dare anyone ever criticize me' ire, Meghan would have been targeting Shannon all season, and it would have led to something very similar to LIzzie's dinner party last season.  


The insane venom Shannon has for Vicki is ridiculous when compared to what Heather, Tamra and Meghan did to her.

If memory serves, Shannon was plenty mad at both Tamra and Heather last year. She didn't let up on Tamra at all, and IMO she was overreacting about the text deal. I am a huge believer in intent. I cannot stand Tamra, but she never seemed to be telling Heather about the text to hurt Shannon, or even to indulge in any gossip. She seemed to truly be trying to make Heather sympathize with Shannon and the way she was reacting to things. She seemed to honestly care about her. She initially lied, but then quickly told the truth. She seemed sorry and contrite. Did she act horribly later? I think she did, but the initial crime of talking about the text was blown out of proportion, and Shannon blamed her for it for a long time. They were not close friends - they were just getting to know each other and it looked like they might get close. Certainly Heather and Shannon were not friends. Vicki is a very different story. She was good friends with Shannon. I think the betrayal - on both sides - cuts much deeper because of this. Having said this, I don't have much reason to believe that Shannon wouldn't forgive Vicki just like she did the others, it is just more recent. It happened at the end of the season, where the stuff last year started at the beginning. Shannon is nuts to be sure, but she seems like she can forgive and move on. Unless you are married to her.

  • Love 12

Is there really no line that can be crossed in this situation? Could someone go on TV and accuse Dr. Dubrow of botching a surgery if he had never treated that person? Would he be wrong to say so? I just don't get how this is unethical. Brooks is running around saying that he has been treated by doctors and that their methods have not worked for him. He is naming doctors that he says he has seen. He has been accused by many of faking cancer before. How in the world in this situation is it wrong for someone to simply say they never treated him?

This whole conversation got started when I said the turning point for me is when Heather said Brooks didn't see the oncologist whose name Brooks and Vicki had thrown around.  This is a classic case of deflection and since no one commented on the substance-that Brooks was not a patient of Dr. Heather's Neighbor it kind of seemed to me that Brooks had run out of oncologists.  I remember him saying Vicki saying his team of doctors were world class.


To me it is unusual to be treated by multiple oncologists.  I can understand Brooks might be comfortable with an oncologist/hematologist because of the nature of his alleged illness.  Really it is very strange to hopscotch through oncologists or reference your medical team. 


Vicki's involvement turns on one thing-did she truly accompany Brooks to City of Hope Cancer Center.  I can't believe she sat around for four clueless hours not knowing where she was.  The more she talks the less it sounds like she did.   She either took Brooks to a four hour infusion treatment or she didn't. There are no shades of grey that she didn't go in the room or see the medicine attached to the IV so therefore she can't say for certain.  If in her gut she feels he didn't have cancer then she needs to cop to this lie or stick by his insistence he has cancer..

Edited by zoeysmom
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IMO Vicki is the fn bitch not Briana. Briana is using the vehicle of the show her mother is in lust with to get through to her that the Svengali (Brooks) her mom thinks she craves and can't live without is a lying piece of shit heading into the sun and dragging her mother with him. Briana used tough love on her mom to break her free from the personification of evil her mother was caught up with. I think Briana with assistance from the other ladies and Andy finally got Vicki to face the music about her temporary insanity when it came to Brooks.

Yes Briana was harsh, but she needed a sledge hammer to cleave her mother away from that slimy no good Brooks.



I agree with you about Brianna having her mother's best interest at heart, but it was still Brooks who walked away from Vicki (again).  *I* think it's his way of making sure that she's still on the hook waiting for him.

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Heather didn't say exactly how she knew it was Nicole. But the way I understood it, was that Heather was at the lunch with her friends and telling them about Shannon and David and how David was having an affair. At the same time, Shannon was filming with Tamra. When Nicole or whoever heard Heather talking about it, she immediately texted David who immediately texted Shannon. Heather later figured out it was one of the ladies at the lunch (because Shannon was told about Heather gossiping about it WHILE she was gossiping about it) and deduced that it was Nicole. 


I feel like, at the end of the whole thing, Vicki really seemed to love the attention. She somehow got everyone to believe her that she was duped. I just don't even know why anyone is even asking her questions since she just lies and backtracks. Brianna ends up happy because she got her way getting rid of Brooks and now Vicki has no man and Brianna does, that's going to not work for her. It's almost like Vicki is this addict, where everyone is trying to get her to admit to her problem and she refuses, and then no one knows if she is still "using" or not. 

Edited by bravofan27
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Casseroles. Fucking Vicki, LOL.


I also bet Brianna is working double time to be a full housewife next year.

She's probably already put in for vacation time (she WORKS) to coincide with filming. Everything is once again perfect at the family home!


What did she expect? To pretend she was living all alone in her house while she filmed?

Well, it worked for Bethenny. Maybe some OGs have more pull than others.​


Terry has to be butthurt that Jimmy, David, and Brooks got to sit with Andy and be interviewed.


There were several screen shots taken of that report and I suspect that is what he read.

It is - Heather said so on WWHL.


Why do these women keep saying how smart Vicki is?

Right? ​Anyway, even the smartest women can be dickmatized.


Shannon is still the best RHW addition ever.


  • Love 6

The mistress/lunch/text/phone call still mystifies me.

Tamra's telephone psychic had a vision of David eating a baked potato for lunch off the nude body of his blonde mistress at a USC game.  Meghan took it upon herself to seek justice for Shannon, and she called everyone who ever knew the blonde.  It turned out she had served potatoes to numerous men in the past, and Meghan texted the Beador girls to make sure they were in the loop.  The girls contacted Heather at her construction site, who told Terry, who called Jim, who said he didn't give a shit.  Eddie went for a bicycle ride, and Vicki swallowed a Xannie at Newport Imaging.  David said it was a HIPAA violation to talk about it, and clammed up.

Edited by Bella Roche
  • Love 13

Tonight a NEW E! interview-brooks admits to mis-speaking about his Stage 3 to Stage 2-now it is a PA in his fantasy physician's office cluing him in.  http://www.eonline.com/news/712341/brooks-ayers-insists-vicki-gunvalson-believes-his-cancer-diagnosis-admits-he-misspoke-about-current-health

Tomorrow Heather, Tamra and Shannon discuss the future and what we missed:  http://www.etonline.com/tv/175195_exclusive_first_listen_to_heather_dubrows_world/

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