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S10.E22: Reunion Part 3

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The insane venom Shannon has for Vicki is ridiculous when compared to what Heather, Tamra and Meghan did to her.



This is what gets me also.  Last season Tamra and Heather had Shannon pretty much measured for a straight jacket and from jump street, Meghan gave her judgy eyes and questioned her scruples.  All Vicki did was tell her to back off with the Brooks questions and told her brother and his girlfriend that her husband had an affair (which Shannon had already told the gossip squad) and now Vicki is condemned to hell.  Shannon is in for a very rude awakening now that she's hitched herself to Tamra's wagon.  She needs to go back and watch every last episode of Tamra's and Gretchen's so-called friendship and see how fast Tamra turned on Gretchen.  I don't think Shannon can handle Tamra's pitchfork up the ass half as well as Gretchen did.

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Brooks has this very weird way of making very intense eye contact when answering questions.  I believe that it's his "tell" for when he's going to lie.  He's so super slippery.


And my take on Vickie and all her lying is that she knew that Brooks was exaggerating (or all out fabricating) his cancer but that at the point of filming she was in love with him and didn't want to rock the boat.  Vickie has weird feelings of loyalty and devotion and is definitely not adverse to lying on behalf of the person she loved.  If she and Brooks were still together, she wouldn't have admitted that she had doubts.  She would have continued to carry on the lie.


And I do feel for her losing her mom.  Grief is strange and can contribute to unusual behaviors.  I don't believe that her lying and covering were because of her mom directly, but I do believe that her death brought out Vickie's need to never be alone so she clung to Brooks and made some horrible choices as a result.  She has a lot of making up to do!!


Poor Vicki!  If the whole "Brooks has cancer" thing had never happened, her mother's death could have been her main storyline and she would have had all of the ladies groveling at her feet the entire season.  She would have gotten so much sympathy and attention it would have been like she had died and gone to Heaven herself.  But, Cancergate took over like a cancer in and of itself and forshadowed Vicki's ultimate sympathy card.  Hey, I'll cry two tears in a bucket...fuckit!  lol

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I broke a nail earlier today I called my local nail shop to see if I could get in to fix that nail tomorrow, but my lady has tomorrow off, my dog threw up a questionable substance, when I was 8 I specifically requested totally hair Barbie, but received totally hair Christina, and I just read through this entire thread... Pm for my address to send a casserole.

Ok but seriously, Brooks needs to hang out with Leah from teen mom 2 (for those who don't follow that show she is clearly addicted to drugs, but is now trying to pass it off as narcolepsy) they can live on an island and sleep on their fake medical reports.

There was only one thing I was going to address and it's such a stupid detail and I think it was 2-3 pages ago... But someone was confused at Brooks refererrencing his "medical team", while in this case I think it's more just because they don't exist and it's easier to say team than singling out a specific doctor to later be proved wrong (especially with Meghan and Heather on the case) but my mom was diagnosed with endometrial cancer, and was treated by the gyn onc team at the hospital she was at, there were 2 doctors that were considered her oncologists, but they had a practice together and switched every 2 weeks who had hospital duty, so it was easier to reference the team unless whoever I was talking to knew the situation with 2 doctors.

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All of this is so true but I kind of side-eyed Heather when she said the second physician, (not the supposed IV physician friend of Terry's) but the other man that Brooks claimed was treating him told Heather "No this guy is not my patient" when she asked?  That just seems soooo wrong to me.


I guarantee you - my PCP is my friend, a personal friend of mine, and I know damned well that if I called him tomorrow and said "Hey is XYZ your patient?" he'd reply something to the effect "Now you know I can't divulge that information" even if XYZ was not a patient.  And that's the way it should be.  Damned right answer.  I would expect him to say exactly that.  I dunno.  Just me.  That's why I agree with Scrambled Fog.  


Not just you.  Me too.


The only possible answers to, "Is Mr. Jones a patient of yours?" are yes or no.  So if the doctor doesn't treat Mr. Jones, then he could theoretically say no, and that would be the end of it.  But what if he does treat Mr. Jones?  He can't say yes, so all that's left is some version of, "I can't answer that."  Which would leave no doubt that the answer in fact is yes.  Because he didn't say no.  I'm very familiar with HIPAA, but morally & ethically, IMO, it's appropriate and less messy to simply not confirm nor deny. 


That's how we handled it in my many years working in the medical field, and I think it makes perfect sense.


I like Heather, but I don't think she should have had any conversation about Brooks with her neighbor, the doctor.   And she certainly shouldn't have shared anything he told her on national TV.   I would have thought she would have known better.  Although Terry seems to have a love for gossip.  Not cool.

Edited by DebbieM4
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As I said before, if this doctor wanted to make a public statement that Brooks wasn't his patient, he should have been doing that himself rather than Heather.

I do not share your same opinion about confidentiality, but I do agree with this. I'm not certain the neighbor doctor appreciated Heather making this comment on air.
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I think the difference is Brooks claims Dr x treated him. No one is calling the office blindly to find out if a certain patient is in their files. Just like if a friend refers someone to a doctor and "Joan said you did great work and her surgery was a success" he doesn't need to say "I can't confirm or deny I helped Joan"

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I think what distinguishes Heather's neighbor is his name was used on the show as a treating physician and Brooks claimed the doctor recommended XYZ.  We only have Heather's word as to what the doctor said.  It is not as if the doctor is doing interviews on E. 



I am sure that is the standard for most physicians and this physician did not issue a public disclaimer.  His conversation was with Heather a friend and neighbor.  So I think it is very realistic for friends and family of patients to thank or mention a patient to a physician-at which time most physicians I know don't confirm the person as a patient.  I would think it not very time consuming to say he is not my patient.  It certainly stops the discussion and creates a whole new about Brooks claiming he is doing XYZ. 


Now I would surprised if City of Hope issued a public statement saying Brooks never received treatment.  That would seem a little unseemly.


Brooks has his oncologist working at an imaging center and a hospital imaging center and writing scan reports.  A busy physician indeed.


He probably delivers pizzas too.

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About the doctor-patient confidentiality thing being discussed here: I fail to see why this is such an important point. The fact is Brooks did lie about this being his doctor and the back and forth about whether the doctor was within his rights to defend himself? I just don't see what this matters to the events of this season. The doctor was not a "character" on the show, except as a small part/big lie of Vicki and Brooks scam. Maybe we should move on from this point? Before it causes a thread lockdown for back-and-forth beating a dead horse?

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I never was crazy about Shannon, but I sort of found her entertaining with the colonic and having her husband checking her. I think she is lightening up a little bit which was nice because the OC was good when they are just having wild, wacky times.

Is that what Heather said? I kept thinking I was mishearing her when she said "noncologist".

That and a comment she made at the baptism about jews never forgetting? -wish I could remember because it was clever-were the best quips of the season IMO. Edited by mardo4
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I really didn't like the way everyone at the reunion went into a "Vicki is too smart and strong to allow a man to control and abuse her" I felt like we should go back to 1985 and explain that strength and intelligence do not make a person exempt or above emotional or physical abuse. Neither does money. It was surreal. If she is in it, she needs help to get out of the cycle. She has to seek the help herself. I'm not trying to start an "is she or isn't she" conversation because it doesn't matter. They were oblivious to the message is sends to abused people to suggest she isn't the type of person to get herself in that kind of situation. Most of the world stopped talking about it like that decades ago.

Edited by freeradical
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i really thought Brooks looked like he was trying to control his rage during the Andy interview. I thought he was so twitchy because he was furious.

l Yes, he didn't like the way Andy laid out the accusations. There weren't alot of open ended questions where he could spin another parcel of lies. I think Brooks' twitching/jaw clenching and how his answers started to be short and defensive was telling.
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Can someone help me with the Vicki storyline? She is "duped" but she doesn't know if he does or does not have cancer? She was very clear to repeat that multiple times in the show. If she doesn't know, how was she duped?

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I was able to accompany my husband to all of his chemo treatments, (I sat right next to him during his treatments) and there were other patients in the room, maybe there are different standards for various chemo treatment centers/hospitals??

Yep.  Me too.  

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What I saw when I finally watched the whole of Part 3 was a very defeated Vicki who at last had to face the truth that she has indeed been duped by Brooks. Not just about the cancer but everything all along. She has to realize now that he never truly loved her and it was all one big line (long con) of bullshit. I think that's why she's said a few times that she misses Don and regrets the divorce. At least her relationship with Don was real.

I wonder what Brooks ultimate move was going to be. He got in her house, got shares in that Vicki's Vodka that he apparently cashed out, had some part in the detox juice deal...

I think Vicki began to question his "love" and motives somewhere along the line and thus The Cancer appeared. Maybe she was pushing him to work harder at insurance selling to bring to bring in some money and he balked and started the cancer crap. (Have we ever learned for certain that he ever did actually sell insurance at some point? I think they met at some sales conference. Or maybe he was hanging out at the hotel bar looking for action and posing as a conference attendee.)

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Hi gang! Your friendly neighborhood mod here dropping by to remind you to please agree to disagree. No one here is going to "win" an argument or change anyone else's minds, so, make your point, reiterate once if needed and them move on. No one needs to "prove" their opinions here and everyone is allowed to have one. Please be respectful of other posters. Part of being respectful is not repeating the same point over and over as well as letting someone else believe what they chose to believe. 


We get that this is a hot topic for everyone but please, be nice to each other!! 

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l Yes, he didn't like the way Andy laid out the accusations. There weren't alot of open ended questions where he could spin another parcel of lies. I think Brooks' twitching/jaw clenching and how his answers started to be short and defensive was telling.

She is setting up her story for next season. I don't think she will address the cancer stuff, but it will all be about how she was duped by a bad man. How she is such a giver of light and love, and how trusting she is. How she cannot be alone, which leads her to make poor decisions that prompt others to take advantage of her. It will be about how that trust impacted her relationship with her daughter, her friends, caused legal headaches, and impacted her business.  She will try to portray herself as selfless, hard working, and as someone who is just trying to move the fuck on. I think she will do something similar to what Ramona tried to do - a renewal of sorts - where she is trying to find happiness on her own without a man to bog her down. She will try to be different and repair friendships, at least initially. Eventually her actual horrid personality will shine through, but they will be willing to give her a pass. Despite the the talk that the others will refuse to film with her, I think they will all film with her. She is so much like Ramona in that she makes most others that she films with look good just by being herself, and I think the lure of her being in a scene and looking like the idiot that she is will prove too great for all of them. She is too easy to mock and the audience loves to do it as much as they do. 

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One fast way for Brooks to prove he has cancer would be to ask for the report on which kind of NHL--there are literally dozens of subgroups--he has.  He's the patient and there's no reason not to give it to him.  It would be his choice to show it to Andy or the other women or E or on camera or whatever.  And it would confirm his story beyond a doubt.  I can't understand why it hasn't occurred to him to do this.  It would put a full stop to all those nasty rumours...

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As much as I think Vicki fucked up this season, and I truly believe she knows the truth about Brooks, I still think that Megan needs to shut the fuck up. She ruins everything. She is so goddamn lucky that Andy has a crush on her brother and her husband. It's obvious that and he doesn't like her very much either. I was waiting for him to pull a " Shut up, Megan" and she was answering everybody's questions. Yes Megan, you answer that SAT question so well! Vicki's going to hell! You are so clever!

Also, sign me up for thinking that Brooks has a sex tape or something else recorded that could ruin Vicki's life.

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Last night my son who is 21, a senior in college... graduating in May with 3 majors, every term on the Dean's list, 3.8 GPA & already a great job waiting for him (sorry, proud mama here!) was over to have dinner with me (I should've made a casserole LOL) & I was trying to talk to him about his senior thesis paper & he was all, mom, I'm sick of thinking about that paper right now... what's going on in your life? So we ended up talking about the RHOC & cancergate.  He doesn't watch the show but got a kick out of me telling him about it.  I got a hug & a thanks mom for getting him out of his own head & laughing at the absurdness of Vicki.


I think the deal with Shannon is she didn't expect Vicki to turn on her so it hurt more when she did.  Everyone has had someone be shitty to them at least once in life & if it is some random person or co-worker, it is easy to move on but if it is someone you actually consider a friend it stings more.


And seriously, I am thinking I am making my mom's tuna noodle casserole for dinner!!  All this talk of casseroles has me wanting some good ol' comfort food :)

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Worth  a listen to the Heather Dubrow Podcast-first five minutes there is HIPAA, Cease and Desist and Brooks was never treated by the cellulite doctor  http://www.podcastone.com/heather-dubrows-world


And Shannon talks about her various jobs.  She worked in trucking in Orange County.  She worked!!!!!!!!

Yea! One of the great mysteries of our time, solved! I feel so much better. If it came up on the Podcast, I guess I wasn't the only person wondering about this. Now, Shannon working in the trucking industry - that could make for an interesting story.

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Yea! One of the great mysteries of our time, solved! I feel so much better. If it came up on the Podcast, I guess I wasn't the only person wondering about this. Now, Shannon working in the trucking industry - that could make for an interesting story.

And she went to law school and worked for Fortune 500 companies before moving to OC.  Actually heather did an excellent job-Andy beware she could host the Reunion.

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Some other high points-Brooks gave three different stories at to where he was when he found out he had cancer.  Vicki came up with another doozy regarding taking Brooks going to the ER.  None of the women believe Brooks has cancer and feel Vicki was complacent early on.  Briana also texted the ladies and said the account of the IV story was exactly what she had previously said and was the same as Shannon's account.  All three women said there was much left out of the Reunion and that Vicki was told by make up not to take another Xanax-rumor had her at four.

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Can someone help me remember - there was an episode where Brooks was at a doctor appointment and the doctor was actually saying he had a mass, and something about treating it.  It's sketchy - I barely remember it but I thought to myself "oh, so Brooks does have cancer after all".  Does anyone know what I'm talking about?

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No, that is exactly how I remember it: Vicki was pretending she had the organizational skills of a Skittles-fueled 4th grade girl in 1986, and talked as if she was busy organizing a Trapper Keeper full of notes about meetings and oncologists.  To then shift to the notion that the binder was held by Brooks, Brooks, who could not stay on top of child support payments or argue for a suport reduction or keep either teeth or dental implants in his head, was suddenly creating some complex treatment binder, just makes no sense.


Nothing she said made any sense.  Nothing.  She is garbage.  I knew she was a liar, I knew she was probably complicit from the beginning to get detox money and pity (money, pity and non-critical attention are all aphrodisiacs for her), I knew that the only thing that would make all of this stuff make sense was that Vicki lied as much as Brooks did, I know she's always lied and is a person without any kind of actual morality and decency, and yet I'm actually shocked.  This really happened.  She really did collaborate in a fraud about a cancer diagnosis and is still desperately lying.  She is pathetic but I have no soft pity for her.  She's a rubber puppet of a woman who managed to make it to 53 with some of the markers in this culture of success and she is nothing.  She is a coward, a vapid racist surgery addict, but most of all, she is without a core of truth in there at all.  And here I thought Tamra was the biggest sociopath of them all.  Turns out it's a draw.


I can't even imagine Teresa Giudice, currently in federal prison, would ever turn on her kids to benefit a boyfriend, and since her husband is IMO likely to be deported, this could be something they face in the next decade.  I can't imagine that happening.  And I also can't imagine how Michael or Brianna can have any real relationship with Vicki ever again.  Not because of any single element of this charade, but because of the shame.  I don't know any one who would not be so deeply ashamed to have a parent exposed as Vicki has eposed herself on this show to be absolutely without scruples, and IMO to have worked with a con man to set a foundation to market magic beans to cancer patients.  She is worse to me than Tre.  Congratulations, Vicki.  At 53, at long last, you are simply the best at being the worst.

Best post I have read in this forum.    I am glad you included racist because it is not mentioned enough.  

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Can someone help me remember - there was an episode where Brooks was at a doctor appointment and the doctor was actually saying he had a mass, and something about treating it.  It's sketchy - I barely remember it but I thought to myself "oh, so Brooks does have cancer after all".  Does anyone know what I'm talking about?

He went to a doctor and gave the doctor a copy of the PET/CT scan report.  The doctor was reading from the report.

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Worth  a listen to the Heather Dubrow Podcast-first five minutes there is HIPAA, Cease and Desist and Brooks was never treated by the cellulite doctor  http://www.podcastone.com/heather-dubrows-world


And Shannon talks about her various jobs.  She worked in trucking in Orange County.  She worked!!!!!!!!

Thank you for posting this. I don't have time to listen to the whole podcast this morning, but will try to get back to it later.

One of my major pet peeves about Heather and Cancergate is her claims about the cellulite doctor. Brooks never claimed that he was treated by THAT DOCTOR! He only said that doctor used resveratrol to treat HIS OWN CANCER. So if this is the same doctor that told Heather he never treated Brooks, it doesn't mean shit. If Brooks lied about the cancer that's one thing, but using crap like this to discredit him, is just wrong. It's right up there with giving the psychic credibility.

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Some other high points-Brooks gave three different stories at to where he was when he found out he had cancer.  Vicki came up with another doozy regarding taking Brooks going to the ER.  None of the women believe Brooks has cancer and feel Vicki was complacent early on.  Briana also texted the ladies and said the account of the IV story was exactly what she had previously said and was the same as Shannon's account.  All three women said there was much left out of the Reunion and that Vicki was told by make up not to take another Xanax-rumor had her at four.


Nevermind :)

Edited by cherry slushie
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Thank you for posting this. I don't have time to listen to the whole podcast this morning, but will try to get back to it later.

One of my major pet peeves about Heather and Cancergate is her claims about the cellulite doctor. Brooks never claimed that he was treated by THAT DOCTOR! He only said that doctor used resveratrol to treat HIS OWN CANCER. So if this is the same doctor that told Heather he never treated Brooks, it doesn't mean shit. If Brooks lied about the cancer that's one thing, but using crap like this to discredit him, is just wrong. It's right up there with giving the psychic credibility.

When you listen to the Podcast it all makes sense. 

In times of illness and death, just how many casseroles has Vicki taken to friends, strangers, celebrities, wannabe celebrities since her move to California and The Big Time?

Probably the same number of times Brooks had chemo at City of Hope, or is Hoag or was it Newport Imaging or the ER.

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This is what gets me also.  Last season Tamra and Heather had Shannon pretty much measured for a straight jacket and from jump street, Meghan gave her judgy eyes and questioned her scruples.  All Vicki did was tell her to back off with the Brooks questions and told her brother and his girlfriend that her husband had an affair (which Shannon had already told the gossip squad) and now Vicki is condemned to hell.  Shannon is in for a very rude awakening now that she's hitched herself to Tamra's wagon.  She needs to go back and watch every last episode of Tamra's and Gretchen's so-called friendship and see how fast Tamra turned on Gretchen.  I don't think Shannon can handle Tamra's pitchfork up the ass half as well as Gretchen did.


I think with Shannon dealing with Heather and Tamra last year, it was a case of "first year jitters" and not really knowing what to expect.  Sure, we all watch the show, and we all see what we see, but until you are actually filming, and experiencing what goes on behind the cameras and what we, as viewers, don't see, you really don't know.


I also think that during the time that Heather and Tamra were being so nasty and horrible, Shannon was also dealing with David's infidelity and having her own, private breakdown about that.  I think that she prioritized her anger, and placed most of it at David, at that time.  Heather and Tamra being mean to her was not a priority then.  Figuring out what was going on with her marriage was.


With the Vicki situation, she has gained some "camera balls", and is not afraid to speak her mind.  I think that she and Vicki did bond, very quickly and very deeply, much more so than Shannon did with Tamra or Heather, so to have a "good friend" betray her (in her eyes), berate and belittle her, either on film, or via text and/or email, just after she had been through the worst time in her life, was very upsetting.  I also think that Shannon may have been questioning Brooks' situation for quite a long time.  She had offered all kinds of help and suggestions and Brooks and Vicki chose not to accept her help, for whatever reason.  I think that Shannon is also looking out for her reputation with those doctors/friends, etc.  Imagine IF Brooks had gone to the appointment Shannon set up.  That doctor would find out that Brooks was/is telling one of the lowest types of lies anyone could tell.  The doctor would not be able to tell Shannon what she/he (?) found, and Shannon would be in a very difficult situation, if the time came again that she wanted to recommend someone with a TRUE diagnosis.  The doctor/friend may not be so quick to actually help out another referral from Shannon.  


I can imagine all of these "what if's" going through Shannon's mind.  


Also, sometimes, people just grab on and hang onto things that others don't think are as important as other things.  Reactions to perceived betrayals are visceral and deep and almost instantaneous in most people, and we've seen it here, with Shannon.  She reacted pretty badly to Meghan's insults and behavior toward her (well deserved toward Meghan, imo), and she reacted that way toward Vicki, only more so, because she considered Vicki to be a good friend.


I agree with you that Shannon is in for a rude awakening with Tamra, because Tamra is a stealth bitch who can turn on you in a NY minute, and will cut you without you ever seeing the knife, but I can kind of understand how she is feeling right now about Vicki.  


I was actually sad to see this turn of events between Shannon and Vicki, because I thought together, they made for very good reality TV.  They were pretty funny together when they were just being themselves having fun.  

Edited by njbchlover
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I was able to accompany my husband to all of his chemo treatments, (I sat right next to him during his treatments) and there were other patients in the room, maybe there are different standards for various chemo treatment centers/hospitals??


Yep.  Me too.



I went with my son to his chemo treatments a couple of times.  It was a very large room with a couple of beds--but mostly recliners for those receiving treatments.  There were lots of family members and great camaraderie.  It was obvious which areas needed to have quiet.  A man visited every Friday, bringing homemade cinnamon rolls in honor of his deceased wife who spent many hours in the suite.  

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After watchikng this clusterfuck, I truly believe that at one point, he had cancer.  Vicki decided that would be the storyline they'd go with because everyone would feel sorry for him.  And they'd sell juicers or whatever the hell they are pimping.  She didn't bargain for people getting wise to it.


The biggest tell tail sign was Vicki seeming so blase about the cancer while he's supposedlly stopping chemo.  Now she's playing the poor battered woman syndrome.  At some point, Brooks is going to spill all he knows about Vicki and it's going to be ugly.  He's just biding his time.

Edited by sasha206
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Let's not forget Vicki is from the midwest so there needs to be lots of crushed up potato chips on top!

Vicki doesn't need a casserole.  Vicki is a casserole.  A big old Green Bean Casserole - tasteless, full of "Canned" Crap and people pretend to like her at Holiday Gatherings.


Sorry, I don't have proof to back up my green bean hypothesis, but I can provide a link to Libby's...

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Better on her Podcast than Brandi on hers?

She gave kind of an interesting history of herself.  She doesn't interrupt and she keeps the guests talking about their experiences.  her voice is well modulated and she knows how to keep things interesting-hey she got the Shannon work history out of her doesn't that make her almost Dan Rather? 

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Poor Vicki!  If the whole "Brooks has cancer" thing had never happened, her mother's death could have been her main storyline and she would have had all of the ladies groveling at her feet the entire season.  She would have gotten so much sympathy and attention it would have been like she had died and gone to Heaven herself.  But, Cancergate took over like a cancer in and of itself and forshadowed Vicki's ultimate sympathy card.  Hey, I'll cry two tears in a bucket...fuckit!  lol


Not to mention casseroles!!  :-)


Sometimes, Vicki's small-town girl upbringing really shines through - as much as she would like everyone to believe she is a wordly, sophisticated women (insert Eddie's "bullshit" cough here...).  


As has been said here, many times, I don't think any of these women would know how to make a casserole.  Well, maybe Shannon, but it would be all natural, low fat, low calorie, low everything, including taste.  Meghan doesn't know how to cook, as she has demonstrated, so it would either be something with Minute Rice that wasn't cooked enough or cooked too long.  Heather, well, she would just order something "casserole-ish" from some upscale OC restaurant, but make sure to include a bottle of champenoise-whatever, or she would have one of her staff prepare something and have another member of her staff deliver it.  And, Tamra - well, being the low-class person she is, she would probably pick up something from Taco Bell, dump the contents of the bag in a Pyrex dish, and call it a casserole.

Edited by njbchlover
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Wow, the saved Tamra really has a commitment to church now doesn't she?  Now that she is done with the season, she's watching Pasture I forget his name's online sermons.  Um, honey, you're just as bad as Vicki.

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After watchikng this clusterfuck, I truly believe that at one point, he had cancer.  Vicki decided that would be the storyline they'd go with because everyone would feel sorry for him.  And they'd sell juicers or whatever the hell they are pimping.  She didn't bargain for people getting wise to it.


That's the thing though. If he really HAD cancer, what is there to get "wise" to? The fact that he was actually in remission? Well, OK. That doesn't sound like something where I would risk looking like a big asshole to prove. I personally think he was/is lying but there is no way in hell I would stick my neck out damning the dude on camera. That, to me, is just crazy. He wasn't asking them for money, didn't set up some bogus non-profit/Kickstarter campaign or do anything that would affect the HWs (with one BIG exception being Heather's husband which not only came up later but could have been brushed away with a simple denial). I just don't get it. It all just comes across as a calculated pile on and if it ends up that Brooks the con man actually DID have cancer then they all look like crap in my eyes. Who the hell badgers folks for medical records? Beyond uncouth and kinda disgusting tbh.
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Vicki doesn't need a casserole.  Vicki is a casserole.  A big old Green Bean Casserole - tasteless, full of "Canned" Crap and people pretend to like her at Holiday Gatherings.


Sorry, I don't have proof to back up my green bean hypothesis, but I can provide a link to Libby's...


NOOOOOOoooooooo!!  :*(  I will not have my beloved green bean casserole associated with Vicki Gunvelson!!! Yes I love that damn thing and insist on having it once a year on my Thanksgiving table. And no "healthy" or "gourmet" versions.  I want canned green beans, condensed salt-filled mushroom soup and artery-clogging fried onion rings!! Hey I'm "kind of" from the Midwest...  Western PA?? Does that count? 

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Not to mention casseroles!!  :-)


Sometimes, Vicki's small-town girl upbringing really shines through - as much as she would like everyone to believe she is a wordly, sophisticated women (insert Eddie's "bullshit" cough here...).  


As has been said here, many times, I don't think any of these women would know how to make a casserole.  Well, maybe Shannon, but it would be all natural, low fat, low calorie, low everything, including taste.  Meghan doesn't know how to cook, as she has demonstrated, so it would either be something with Minute Rice that wasn't cooked enough or cooked too long.  Heather, well, she would just order something "casserole-ish" from some upscale OC restaurant, but make sure to include a bottle of champenoise-whatever, or she would have one of her staff prepare something and have another member of her staff deliver it.  And, Tamra - well, being the low-class person she is, she would probably pick up something from Taco Bell, dump the contents of the bag in a Pyrex dish, and call it a casserole.

Heather in her Podcast kind of explained her relationship with Vicki.  Supportive of Vicki and Brooks but not the type to call for a hug.  According to Heather she wished her luck before her WWHL appearance, Vicki sent back a nice text.  On her appearance she said none of the other wives have been supportive.  Heather took umbrage and Vicki essentially texted her she expected someone to take her out for coffee. 

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He did say "scan" but I think he was referring to the scan report, not the actual scan though. It is interesting that Brooks told Andy that he would talk to Terry at their 1 on 1 interview then never contacted him. He knew that Terry would never support his false claims or fall for his bogus "reports". LOL


It was so obvious that Brooks had no intentions of talking to Terry, and just said that to shut Andy up. Actually, his eyes were quite frightening in that moment. He had a look of, "If we weren't on TV right now, I'd strangle you". I've always thought Brooks was shady and a liar, but that one-on-one gave me shivers down my spine. I felt a lot of barely controlled anger simmering below the surface. I can totally believe he's been violent with Vicki.

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That's the thing though. If he really HAD cancer, what is there to get "wise" to? The fact that he was actually in remission? Well, OK. That doesn't sound like something where I would risk looking like a big asshole to prove. I personally think he was/is lying but there is no way in hell I would stick my neck out damning the dude on camera. That, to me, is just crazy. He wasn't asking them for money, didn't set up some bogus non-profit/Kickstarter campaign or do anything that would affect the HWs (with one BIG exception being Heather's husband which not only came up later but could have been brushed away with a simple denial). I just don't get it. It all just comes across as a calculated pile on and if it ends up that Brooks the con man actually DID have cancer then they all look like crap in my eyes. Who the hell badgers folks for medical records? Beyond uncouth and kinda disgusting tbh.


Oh I completely agree with you that the man shouldn't have to provide medical records --- unless he's setting a GoFundMe page.  But I truly believe that Vicki convinced him to go with this cancer story to improve his image and garner sympathy for her and Brooks thinking she wasn't *really* lying b/c he once had cancer.  Now, maybe at this point, she's unsure whether he actually ever did have it at all?

Edited by sasha206
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I never was crazy about Shannon, but I sort of found her entertaining with the colonic and having her husband checking her.


That will never stop being one of the funniest scenes of the season for me. Shannon's all freaking out and running around the bathroom, looking for an enema. And David is all, "So I'll see you downstairs?" - hoping and praying he can just meet up with after this is all over!

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Heather in her Podcast kind of explained her relationship with Vicki.  Supportive of Vicki and Brooks but not the type to call for a hug.  According to Heather she wished her luck before her WWHL appearance, Vicki sent back a nice text.  On her appearance she said none of the other wives have been supportive.  Heather took umbrage and Vicki essentially texted her she expected someone to take her out for coffee. 

First she expects/wants the women to send her casseroles and now she says she expected them to take her out for coffee! LOL She is a never ending pit of wants/needs from everyone! LOL

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