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S13.E06: Bunking With The Devil

Tara Ariano

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There are always challenges that involve rolling balls, balancing balls, balance, and tossing crap. Those are all pretty easy to practice. Maybe not the specific game but many of the challenges, especially the individual challenges, end up involving some element of games you play at a cook out.


That's not entirely true, though: As we learned from dear Ben Wade back in Tocantins, some people spend a lifetime practicing for even the most obscure of challenge skills.

  • Love 6

There are always challenges that involve rolling balls, balancing balls, balance, and tossing crap. Those are all pretty easy to practice. Maybe not the specific game but many of the challenges, especially the individual challenges, end up involving some element of games you play at a cook out. Find a friends kid or a niece/nephew and go to Chucky Cheese. Play some horse shoes or bag toss. Do some exercises on one leg. Find a running course that has the basic gym exercises on them. Stephen took the time to do Cross Fit training, he knows the game well enough to know that he needs to be able to do some type of ring toss game. 

I don't think they've done that challenge in about 6 seasons.  I don't know how often some version of ring toss is used but Survivor Wiki lists 40 recurring challenges, each with multiple parts.  I respect your opinion but I think if I lived in Manhattan I too wouldn't bother heading out to Chuck E Cheese to practice skee ball and wack-a-mole on the chance it'd come up in Survivor.  I'd do Crossfit, which is designed to help you with all kinds of physical activities.  I'm not saying you're wrong, just that I agree with Stephen on this one.  Some people suck at balance, some at trivia, some at puzzles, some at eating brains.  You can't become proficient in it all.  This cast didn't even know if they were going or not.  

Yea, I get that. But I wonder how what Ciera did was good for her Bayon alliance. Is Savage still going to be on board with their 5 when Ciera went behind his back and changed the plan? I don't know....


It's not about what's good for her Bayon alliance, it's about what's good for her Takeo 5 alliance. While booting Andrew would've been a helluva lot better for them,  Woo is another immunity threat going into the next phase.  In the short term, it weakens Andrew and it almost definitely puts him on the chopping block so Ciera wouldn't need Andrew anyway.


Re Stephen. He's so scared that he's literally imagining things that  are extremely hard to do and then actually doing them.  That's usually the sign of someone who's scared of being inept. I also don't think you quote a person  if that quote didn't matter to you. I think the reason why Stephen was crying is  that the one area that he excels in is strategy and it seems that nobody's even taking him seriously there. That being said, Bayon members screaming at him in that ring toss probably didn't help matters.

  • Love 3

I did not enjoy watching Stephen cry but it has to be really hard for them living in that type of environment, yes its just a game but with the lack of food missing your family and wanting to make the most of your second chance you could get emotional , every man is different not all men are macho men and hide their feelings so there was nothing wrong with Stephen crying. Just a natural reaction to the circumstances he was in.

  • Love 6

Ugh, I hate when it is between two people I like. When they have the chance to get rid of either Abi or Kass and they choose to boot either Woo or Spencer? What are they thinking?


The way I see it Woo is a loyal player who is also good at challenges. Woo would never leave Savage. Savage was Woo's Tony who would drag him to the end and Woo would let him win just to get the honor to sit next to him in final tribal council. In the contrary Kass and Abi are unpredictable and flippers, which means they can be manipulated into changing their game if needed, and Cierra is smart enough to know that. Also Kass and Abi suck at challenges so they will be good goats to take to the end.

  • Love 2

TattleTeeny said:

Speaking of Kimmi, exactly what is her dietary designation? Vegetarian? Vegan except for the show?

Kimmi's Wikia page says: Her perfect day would include a trip to the beach, horseback riding, eating many times (a vegetarian, she will not eat land-dwelling animals, only seafood), having sex, and watching the sunset.

  • Love 1



Ah, so not even a vegetarian, then. Not that it affects me--this is just a personal nitpick--but I really wish people would get their shit straight in these matters; lately I feel like a whole lot of people just want to label themselves something they perceive as out of the ordinary. I wonder if she's a pescatarian for humane reasons or for health ones.

Edited by TattleTeeny
  • Love 8
I don't usually play the Winner Edit Clip but what Kass said about Spencer. (sigh). I was hoping for the blindside, but I do think she did the right thing (and I think Spencer will save her/owe her one too).


Is there such a thing as a winner's camera shot? Because the way they are staging Savage's talking heads give him this angelic backdrop with the setting sun and rolling blue waves that seem symbolic. 


But then again, the rest of the episode seemed like they are setting him up for a big fall. I was half wondering if he was going this time, but there wasn't enough specific talk about targeting him. 


Two things, funniest moment of the episode was Abi just casually walking away from the reward challenge, so sure that Kimmi's ring went in. That was hilarious.


The whole slip'n slide sequence was hilarious to me, very undignified for most of them (save Joe/Woo/Jeremy). Kimmy's sideways belly flop was hilarious and Stephen could not have looked more foolish if he tried. Wonder if Rob C & co are having a field day with that montage. 


Loved Spencer's comments. "My fate tonight rests in the hands of Khaos Kass. God help me."


I found this very hammy, and it reminded me how much Spencer resembles that kid who plays Octavian/Augustus in the HBO Rome series.


I found that very rehearsed and hammy too. I typically enjoy Spencer's comments, but that one came off so awkwardly. 


My favorite thing about Spencer is his near-constant stress face (one of the funniest moments of Cagayan for me was that family reward where his sister showed up with an identical intensity during the challenge and there was a priceless shot of her making the exact same scrunchy stress face as it came down to the wire.) He has great expressions.


I would have just been praying I got the burned frog, because that looked the easiest to eat. And then when it was over Jeremy comes back for more!!! Craziness.


Yeah, I thought the deep fried frog people got off easy, deep fried anything is guaranteed to be better and frog legs are not that unusual (whole frog moreso), but still...it's fried! 


I think Ciera and Kass knew that they had the votes for Woo but not Andrew.


I wonder why though? They only needed their 2 & Abi plus Spencer. Did they think Abi wouldn't go for it or Spencer wouldn't go for it? 


I actually do kinda agree that Woo was an easier sell on both counts, Spencer was hero-worshipping Savage and Abi had a grudge against Woo (though I'm not sure Ciera/Kass knew about that.) 

  • Love 2

I was surprised Spencer believed Kass so readily, given their history.  Maybe we just weren't shown him talking with other people about the Woo vote.


The thing is, she could have no reason to come to him unless something was up.  If they were all voting Ciera and everyone was cool with it, no reason to go to Spencer.  There's nothing in it for Kass if there's no move being made.


LOL, I Googled him too and he was like a TwoFace. One picture - hot. Next picture - NOT! I don't want Joe either, though. I don't think any of the guys on this season do it for me, sadly. 


While JT is to me one of the more attractive Survivors, particularly as he lost weight, when I compare him to Joe I'm not comparing looks, just game.  JT had possibly the best social game ever in Tocantins, he played everyone there like cheap fiddles--including Stephen, who was just as starry-eyed and infatuated with him as everyone else.

  • Love 2

Regarding the deep fried frog... I am assuming they deboned it before putting on the plate?  I didn't see any of the contestants spitting out bones.  So many disgusting things in that challenge.  I could have sworn that in some food challenges of the past, there have actually been good things, like fruit.  Am I making this up?  Maybe that was in some version that involved a wheel of fortune that determined what you would eat?  


When Abi doesn't have a confessional and is shown being whiny and insecure, she does seem like she could be pleasant.  I enjoyed watching her work with Ciera to get out her nemesis Woo.  And when Spencer mouthed "thank you" to her and she responded with that raised eyebrow, smile, and slight nod, that's the most I have ever liked her.  Unfortunately, most of this is probably due to editing, but I guess I'll take what I can get.  Any episode without Crazy Abi is a good episode.


It's really telling that this episode, I found Stephen to be way more insufferable than Abi.  Stephen is an insecure person with extremely low self-esteem.  He is physically weak and physically inept.  I remember from his first season, he was infatuated with JT, the good looking alpha male that he wanted to be just like.  Then on this season, last week on his blog he complained about Monica trying to break up his "budding bromance" with Jeremy when she was talking about a girl's alliance.  He seems like the kind of Omega Male who seeks out and idolises the Alpha Male.  So now he seems to be developing some sort of obsession with Jeremy.


Oh, and the tears.  The tears!  I think he was crying because nobody wanted to go along with his plan to vote out Joe.  It was going to be his "big move", when he finally grew some testicles and decided that he was tired of everyone gushing about Joe and engineered his boot.  Then perhaps the girls would finally pay some attention to him and recognise his manliness and bravado and superior mind.  Because who needs good looks and big muscles when you have a strategic mind, right????  He is a loser.  I hope he goes home soon.


What is the big deal with mac and cheese?  Just for carbs purposes?  Seems like everyone always gets so excited when that is a reward.  

I think because perhaps mac and cheese is the ultimate comfort food.  It's warm and filling and satisfying.  And it reminds you of home.  Something your mom would make for you when you came home from school.  I wouldn't be surprised if to this day, a lot of adults associate mac and cheese with their mothers.

Edited by blackwing
  • Love 5

Abi is obnoxious but I think a part of her knows that she is not a great Survivor player and that she cannot win. Stephen thinks that his approach to Survivor will win him the game. Worse of all, Stephen claims to love the game, he writes about the game, he podcasts about the game and he still doesn't understand that it is not just about strategy. He still acts like challenge prowess and helping around camp isn't important.

It's far worse than that. This self-proclaimed "expert" is such a dimwit (and that makes his show a crock too) that he doesn't even comprehend... nay... refused to comprehend that his notion of what IS strategy is wrong/overly simplistic. He has no concept of the true "long game".  No true understanding that this could possibly mean more than lining up alliances. But oddly enough he also doesn't really understand the short game either. His thinking is all in the middle. The short game stuff about how people can react illogically doesn't seem to compute with him either. Oh he sees it, but I don't think he really understands how or why it happens.


Really he's horrible at this game. I'd say he's lucky to still be there, except I think the others realize he's horrible at the game and thus no serious threat (another reason they'll  never really listen to him).

  • Love 5

That was so tough to watch Terry have to quit.  He was so stoic.  Good thing because I was crying along with Kass, and I was spoiled.  When Penner was pulled for his leg infection he cried, a lot.  I cried with him, too, though.  The sad music can really ramp things up.


When I hate the music is during the challenges.  You can usually tell when the game-winning toss is about to land because the music builds to the crescendo right before it.  Bad editing choice.  


Kimmi's belly piercing had us cringing on the slip n slide.  I guess that's why she did a side belly flop?  


It sounds like Terry knew Danny was sick and needed a transplant when he left but they didn't expect him to get worse so soon or for the transplant to occur so soon.  I'm a little relieved to know the entire thing didn't just get sprung on Terry in Cambodia.  My daughter is about that age.  I couldn't leave her for a month for anything but to even imagine her having a major health crisis and me being on the other side of the world?   I agree with Kass, it's one of the worst things imaginable.   http://www.courant.com/community/simsbury/hc-danny-deitz-simsbury-heart-transplant-0911-20150910-story.html

I like Spencer and hope he makes it far. I don't think he's just lucky, BTW. There may be things that we don't see either which make people gun for him so hard.


They don't gun for him so hard, though. He's been vulnerable twice... when Varner wanted him out initially and this ep, when Savage wanted him out. IMHO, Savage targeting Spencer was logical; Savage had been on tribes with everyone except Spencer and Kelly. Spencer's obviously the more active player between those two. Spencer was not vulnerable in the Monica boot. It was between Monica and Wigles. Spencer was never in danger. Spencer got the screentime that ordinarily would have gone to Wigles, which may have contributed to the perception that he was. But he wasn't. 


So Spencer's been in danger twice and both times he's been saved due to actions initiated completely by other people. He didn't appear to know he was the target back on Ta Keo until Abi let it slip to Shirin, and Shirin accidentally took the target off Spencer's back and put it on her own by trying to go after Varner. This time, he was saved by Andrew badly mismanaging leadership (why?? why unilaterally decide Ciera should be the decoy?) and Ciera deciding to take action as a result. Meanwhile, he's ringled no votes, formed no power alliance, and had very little impact on the game in other ways. He's been good at challenges, but not brilliant at them, and his competency has rarely resulted in a victory.


Abi is obnoxious but I think a part of her knows that she is not a great Survivor player and that she cannot win.
I am no fan of Abi, but I actually don't think she's playing horribly, although I agree she can't win. But she seems to make a good initial impression consistently, and she's good at playing for herself. The latter may seem like a small thing, but it's not unusual to see players or viewers forgetting that no one's task is to make sure their alliance gets to the end... it's to make sure they, as an individual, gets to the end, preferably against people they can beat. I think Abi is actually playing the best game possible for Abi--just stay one flip ahead so that by the time her alliance is fed up with her and ready to vote her out, she's the indispensable vote for the opposition. Eventually, she's going to have nowhere left to flip or she won't be the final needed number, but with merge coming up, I think she's going to be a useful pawn for some quite time. 
  • Love 8

From the interviews I read, Danny was fine when he left. Shortly after he left, Danny started to struggle and his mother made sure to take him to the Doctor and follow up because he was so tired and struggling so much. They caught the problem just in time, he was taken from the Doctors office to the hospital in an ambulance. His wife called CBS as soon as Danny was hospitalized. The last Terry knew, Danny was catching footballs and complained about being a bit out of breath.

  • Love 6

Really, really enjoyed the episode.  Seeing Savage get his comeuppance - even second-hand - is always a delight.  The return of the gross food challenge was fun, Fishbach's tears were ridiculous, Spencer getting saved was great (he's a favorite of mine, though I'd be hard-pressed to say why); the only downside was way too much Kass.  She's almost as full of herself as Hantz and that's saying a lot.  


As long as we're commenting on appearances, though -- and I agree Abi's ass is epic -- I have to put in a word for Tasha, and that word is -- HOT!  She's one of those contestants who looks better the longer she's out there -- curvy AND muscular, and the way she rocked the food challenge was just ... wow.  


And can I just say, while Fishbach was moaning about how shitty he is at challenges, he rocked the gross food challenge -- so we finally found something he's good at!  But I have to agree with the commenters who've pointed out how one-dimensional his understanding of the game is.  In that, he's a typical Survivor player, who thinks the only important aspect of the game is the one HE's good at, and it's only everyone else's stupidity that they don't see it (I believe this is called Hantz's Disease).  There are many routes to the end in Survivor, and it's up to the player to figure out the best gameplay for him/herself.  


Kudos to Ciera for not taking Savage's patronizing bullpuckey.  She swung that around fast.  And now, Abi can even go to Savage and say, they all wanted to vote you off but I convinced them to vote Woo so you owe me (don't know if she's that strategic, though).


Sorry for the random nature of this, didn't really organize my thoughts before I started typing.

  • Love 5

I think Stephen has performance anxiety. Being the expert nerd strategist who does blogs and podcasts about Survivor, he probably feels he has to live up to a certain expectation, and it's freaking him out. I hope he can get out of his head and just play the game in the moment. I'm not sure he can do it but I'll hold out hope for him.

I imagine Stephen has always put a lot of pressure on himself in life, and he probably feels even more pressure to do well because of his podcasting about Survivor. It's kind of a perfect storm for disaster game wise, especially for a person who might already be a bit tightly wound: physical stress, repeated failures at challenges, high expectations, feeling isolated, and a sense of impending doom. I expected more from him, but I can understand why he's unraveling.

But Judd/Fabio won and he was no strategic wizard.

You speak the truth. Edited by Turtle
  • Love 8


I never even knew pig snout was edible.


Ugh, I don't know what was worse - the snout or the brains. I just cannot wrap my mind around eating a snout. I give huge props to anyone who even put those things in their mouth!

I think that was the easiest.  We are all familiar with the taste of pork and many countries eat the entire animal.

In most places in the world where they eat animals they eat the whole thing.  I kind of thought that one was a softball for Abi since pig snout (along with pig feet, ears and tail) is a standard ingredient in feijoada, a black bean stew usually considered the national dish of Brazil.  On the other hand it looked like it might not  have been cooked - it didn't look like the pig brain or the balut had been cooked either.


So my husband loves to cook Thai food. Loves it. He bought some chile paste to make a dish with but the normal chile paste was not available. He bought two other jars of chile paste (untranslated ingredients) made by the same manufacturer and brought them home. He googled the ingredients and one of them was, I shit you not, was artificial water beetle. So when the water beetle came up tonight, I paused the show and called him into the room. He was pretty happy that he tossed that jar of chile paste because the water beetle just looked all sorts of wrong and artificial water beetle strikes me as even more wrong.

I have seen that before, but never cooked with it.  I always assumed it couldn't be that different in its way from shrimp or lobster paste, but apparently it's made from not the entire animal, but just its scent sacs (!) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lethocerus_indicus#As_food, which is why most of the water beetle paste sold is artificial:  http://www.chicagoreader.com/Bleader/archives/2014/03/25/add-the-scent-of-wild-water-bug-love-to-your-dips-and-sauces.  Go figure.  In any case the water beetles were definitely cooked, like the tarantulas and the scorpions.  Do they remove the stinger from the fried scorpion, or does cooking it do something to the poison?


I would have been all over the fried frog.  I love frog legs and the legs are practically the only meat on the frog anyway - the rest of it would just have been crunchy.


Not to sound cliche, but the embryo tastes like chicken. Once you get past the notion that you're eating a fertilized duck embryo, you'll find it's quite tasty. Add salt or vinegar, to taste.

It has a really intense broth , if it's cooked. Then the hard-boiled egg part.  Plus I've never seen anybody eat it w/o condiments - salt or vinegar, as you said, or chile sauce (maybe water beetle chile paste? - hahahaha).  I think duck tastes richer and more intense than chicken, but yes it's poultry.  But this looked raw to me, and no condiments, not even salt.  


Also I thought the fried chicken didn't look that great - dry and hard and greasy, like it had been prepared quite a while before and sat out for a while.  The mac and cheese looked more appetizing to me.

  • Love 1

Good episode.  Some of the innovations and "twists" the PTB have added over the years have been of dubious merit, but shuffling tribes twice was an awesome idea to prevent the kind of stale Pagonging we often see.  Call me crazy, but I think it might be interesting to see them get shuffled every episode, and delay the merge as long as possible.




Ah, so not even a vegetarian, then. Not that it affects me--this is just a personal nitpick--but I really wish people would get their shit straight in these matters; lately I feel like a whole lot of people just want to label themselves something they perceive as out of the ordinary. I wonder if she's a pescatarian for humane reasons or for health ones.


I thought she might have shifted to being like me (I remember her being a vegetarian in Australia).  I don't have any label for myself, but I don't eat pork.  Not for religious reasons (I'm an atheist), but I just draw an ethical line there.  Turns out her line is lower in the hierarchy, but I don't see anything wrong with people having their own preferences even if they don't fit a common label like "vegetarian" or "vegan".

  • Love 5
I think, in some ways, Spencer is actually playing worse this time around, because he is such a super fan and is a bit starstruck by some of the veterans. He's letting his desire to be part of that "inner circle of champs" really cloud his judgement.



I don't really see it that way. Varner came to Spencer and said he wanted to align with him and Spencer thought it made sense and helped his numbers and went with it. Then Varner, playing hard, decided to immediately target Spencer and Shirin because he saw them as threats. It looked like Savage approached Spencer as well and basically treated him as a friend. As it stands, Spencer has no numbers and no alliance, so of course he welcomed Savage's friendship and believed him that Spencer was with him.


Because if you think about it, I can see why Spencer would not think Savage would lie because Spencer had no real alliance and numbers in the group so what would be the point of misleading him? It's not like he would have the numbers to really do anything. Yes, he could have tried for an idol or something but it's unlikely he could really flip the game. His best chance would have been to try and rally Woo, Abi and Wigglesworth to him and vote out Savage but Abi was too busy hating Woo, he and Woo had no ties and Woo would likely see this as serving no purpose for him and Savage had just saved him and Woo is very loyal and he and Wigglesworth have no ties either and she wouldn't risk going against the numbers. So he really had nothing so yeah he figured Savage was being honest when he told him they were good. 


Last week, Spencer is saved because Monica was playing too hard and misread her relationship with Kimmi.




Not entirely true. If the editing is anything to go by, the vote was actually between Wigglesworth and Monica - Spencer was fine. Jeremy and Stephen seemed set on Wigglesworth until Kimmi planted the seeds about Monica not being trustworthy and they went for her. And while that wasn't all Spencer sure, part of Stephen and company's reason for targeting Wigglesworth was because Spencer had planted the seed that she was tight with Terry and had friends on the other side and so they saw her as a threat to flip and join with others for numbers, down the road. 


This is the problem with how the nerds approach this game. They require the protection of the stronger, more physical players. Without them winning the challenges, the nerds go home because they are a liability. And yet it seems that many of the nerds seem to want to ignore this.



Yeah I don't get that attitude. Look at Spencer, he is a self proclaimed awkward nerd and he's actually very good in challenges because the tribal part aside, being good at challenges helps you when it comes to the merge and individual immunity is up for grabs. No matter how good your alliance, having the security of an immunity necklace is pretty priceless. 


I just don't think anyone can really properly prep to be good at challenges on Survivor.



I disagree. Enough seasons of this show has made it clear that these challenges are often endurance type challenges, physical or memory based or a combination of all. To me if one is going on the show, become physically fit in terms of running and swimming especially. Then practice as many puzzles as possible because there will be a lot of them and practice endurance stuff like standing for hours. 

  • Love 3


They don't gun for him so hard, though. He's been vulnerable twice... when Varner wanted him out initially and this ep, when Savage wanted him out. IMHO, Savage targeting Spencer was logical; Savage had been on tribes with everyone except Spencer and Kelly. Spencer's obviously the more active player between those two. Spencer was not vulnerable in the Monica boot. It was between Monica and Wigles. Spencer was never in danger. Spencer got the screentime that ordinarily would have gone to Wigles, which may have contributed to the perception that he was. But he wasn't. 


So Spencer's been in danger twice and both times he's been saved due to actions initiated completely by other people. He didn't appear to know he was the target back on Ta Keo until Abi let it slip to Shirin, and Shirin accidentally took the target off Spencer's back and put it on her own by trying to go after Varner. This time, he was saved by Andrew badly mismanaging leadership (why?? why unilaterally decide Ciera should be the decoy?) and Ciera deciding to take action as a result. Meanwhile, he's ringled no votes, formed no power alliance, and had very little impact on the game in other ways. He's been good at challenges, but not brilliant at them, and his competency has rarely resulted in a victory.


Good points logically thought through.  What interests me is this reality you point out vs the editing "reality" we are getting that gives an impression of Spencer as young David fighting off Goliaths right and left.  Got to be a reason for that editing choice I'd think.


So Stephen is Survivor's answer to Salieri to Joe's Amadeus?  Oh the obvious jealousy.  The tears were really cringe-worthy.  I agree he isn't playing a good game being more concerned with some "big move" than the bits about outwitting, outplaying and outlasting.  Merge is so close and then Joe will become a legit target.  So chill, dude.  (Props to Jeremy having to put up with Stephen without wringing his neck cause I got to believe Stephen is always "on" and a pain to be around).


Also props for Ciera realizing her place in Andrew's pecking order and doing something about it asap.  I agree with the various posters above who pointed out why Woo was the logical target due to needing Abi's vote.  Love that Abi the Wacky is providing more chaos than Kass could even dream of.


This has been a fun season so far.

  • Love 5
I think, in some ways, Spencer is actually playing worse this time around, because he is such a super fan and is a bit starstruck by some of the veterans. He's letting his desire to be part of that "inner circle of champs" really cloud his judgement.



I don't really see it that way. Varner came to Spencer and said he wanted to align with him and Spencer thought it made sense and helped his numbers and went with it. Then Varner, playing hard, decided to immediately target Spencer and Shirin because he saw them as threats. It looked like Savage approached Spencer as well and basically treated him as a friend. As it stands, Spencer has no numbers and no alliance, so of course he welcomed Savage's friendship and believed him that Spencer was with him.


Because if you think about it, I can see why Spencer would not think Savage would lie because Spencer had no real alliance and numbers in the group so what would be the point of misleading him? It's not like he would have the numbers to really do anything. Yes, he could have tried for an idol or something but it's unlikely he could really flip the game. His best chance would have been to try and rally Woo, Abi and Wigglesworth to him and vote out Savage but Abi was too busy hating Woo, he and Woo had no ties and Woo would likely see this as serving no purpose for him and Savage had just saved him and Woo is very loyal and he and Wigglesworth have no ties either and she wouldn't risk going against the numbers. So he really had nothing so yeah he figured Savage was being honest when he told him they were good. 


Last week, Spencer is saved because Monica was playing too hard and misread her relationship with Kimmi.




Not entirely true. If the editing is anything to go by, the vote was actually between Wigglesworth and Monica - Spencer was fine. Jeremy and Stephen seemed set on Wigglesworth until Kimmi planted the seeds about Monica not being trustworthy and they went for her. And while that wasn't all Spencer sure, part of Stephen and company's reason for targeting Wigglesworth was because Spencer had planted the seed that she was tight with Terry and had friends on the other side and so they saw her as a threat to flip and join with others for numbers, down the road. 


This is the problem with how the nerds approach this game. They require the protection of the stronger, more physical players. Without them winning the challenges, the nerds go home because they are a liability. And yet it seems that many of the nerds seem to want to ignore this.



Yeah I don't get that attitude. Look at Spencer, he is a self proclaimed awkward nerd and he's actually very good in challenges because the tribal part aside, being good at challenges helps you when it comes to the merge and individual immunity is up for grabs. No matter how good your alliance, having the security of an immunity necklace is pretty priceless. 


I just don't think anyone can really properly prep to be good at challenges on Survivor.



I disagree. Enough seasons of this show has made it clear that these challenges are often endurance type challenges, physical or memory based or a combination of all. To me if one is going on the show, become physically fit in terms of running and swimming especially. Then practice as many puzzles as possible because there will be a lot of them and practice endurance stuff like standing for hours. 

  • Love 1
I don't see anything wrong with people having their own preferences even if they don't fit a common label like "vegetarian" or "vegan".


Oh, I don't either--eat what you want and by all means do it for your own reasons; it's the semantics that bugs me. Per the Wikipedia piece (which admittedly may not be her doing), she's labeled a vegetarian, which she isn't if she eats seafood. While I eat completely vegan 99% of the time, that last bit that keeps it from being 100% is why I'd logically call myself a vegetarian. Further, if it's for ethical reasons that she doesn't eat some animals, I wonder why others are fair game (but I try to avoid being That Guy and getting into that discussion, both online and off; it never goes well, for one thing, and basically, I'm really only concerned with my own treatment of animals. I have no interest in making anyone feel guilty about eating. That said, I'd have sat out this challenge altogether).

Edited by TattleTeeny
  • Love 3

Man, I hate those gross eating challenges, I would be just like Kimmy, just give up to the other person.


Kimmi only gives up if it's eating a land-dwelling animal with a spine.  She's okay eating seafood and worms (from her first season).


So sad to see Woo go. He bought such a positive energy to the game. I even love his little "blindside" quote.


Abi's a legit idiot.  Woo was one of your protectors and you vote him off just to teach him a lesson.  You know what? I want you to make it deep just so you knows how pointless you are when you get dumped once there's no more use for you.


I'm sorry but omg Joe is so boring. His strategy is horrible. The only reason that he's still here is that Jeremy needs a shield.


Woo was not Abi's protector - he voted for her twice and expected her to go home both times.  She's right to not trust him.


And another key reason Joe hasn't gone home yet is he's avoided tribal council.


I read a Q&A with Jeff and it said Danny received his transplant in September. So if they left in May to start shooting, and Terry left about two weeks later, that means the poor kid waited for about three months for that heart. What a toll on the whole family and it's always sad to think what had to happen for you to get that new organ.


In his interview with Gordon Holmes (link in his thread) he says the family spent 79 days in the hospital.  So yeah, it was a major toll on the family, glad everything turned out okay.

  • Love 2

If this episode doesn't finally put to rest the myth that Savage is a great strategic player, then nothing ever will. He brings Woo and Abi back to his old alliance and tells everyone how loyal they are, not realizing that what he's saying is that they're loyal to him. That alone should have caused a revolt from Ciera and Kass, but he made it worse by putting Ciera's name up for elimination, which would have ensured her ouster if Spencer had had a HII. Not to mention that he was wrong about Abi, and since it's no secret that she has flipped on literally every single alliance she's been in, there's no excuse for that. This guy is worthless. His THs were so confident that I was hoping this meant he was going home, but I guess having his stupid plan thwarted will have to do. It's too bad Woo had to pay the price, though. Woo is also a terrible player, but at least he's not a posturing egotist.


The lesson this season seems to be that if you're on a love tribe like Old Bayon, even if you don't love everyone (and you won't) and are willing to go against -- or even appear to go against -- your original alliance, you better be certain you've got your ducks in a row. Monica didn't last week and she got chopped. Andrew didn't this week and he lost Woo, but it probably would have been him gone if Abi weren't so high maintenance. Joe floats Kimmi's name and immediately gets targeted himself, though if they had gone to TC, it's 50/50 whether it would have been him or his new ally Wentworth going. And the fact that both Jeremy and Stephen were willing to back Kimmi when Joe targeted her tells me she made a decent choice not to throw in with Monica last week; we don't know the details of the their alliance, but they're certainly tighter with each other than they are with Joe and maybe Keith, although who knows about Keith. He gets less screen time than Wiglesworth.


People crying doesn't bother me unless they're doing it to manipulate people the way Dawn did every single damn day, and Stephen's in particular didn't bother me. It's got to be hard to be an equal partner in an alliance and then lose the game by unanimous vote, and because since his season, he's put himself out there as a Survivor expert, he's got to be worried about the potential humiliation of failing this season as a strategist. So I understand his feelings, but I don't particularly care about them. At least while he was playing he didn't know he was going to get the derp edit.

  • Love 10

While Ciera appeared to be the one who masterminded the vote to get out Woo, I am having a hard time understanding why it was so offencive to her that Andrew suggested her name as the decoy in his effort to get out Spencer.  Andrew knew that Spencer knew that he, Abi and Woo were a solid alliance.  Spencer is a smart guy.  So Andrew had to suggest someone else.  The only other people were Kass, Ciera, and Kelly.  He picked one of them.


I have never been all that impressed with Ciera.  She gets way too credit for "I have to vote out my mom".  It wasn't her decision in the first place... she went along with it because she wanted to be part of that alliance and that was what they decided.  She is a physically weak player who plays too emotionally.  Her action to get out Woo was based in insecurity and a desire to stick it to Andrew to show to him that she isn't one to be messed with.  A better player would have understood why he was doing what he was doing, and just gone along with it for sake of the tribe.


Perhaps he does indeed think she is useless, but that wasn't the time for her to fight that fight.  Their goal that night should have been to get out a dangerous player like Spencer.  Instead, they dumped Woo, and now, until there is a merge, it looks like they are at a physical disadvantage.  

  • Love 5

I can't understand how Terry could leave his son in that condition to go off and play Survivor.  


Terry left for Survivor at the end of May, when they thought his son just had bronchitis, and Danny's heart condition wasn't diagnosed until June. Terry left the game 13 days into it, so the timing suggests that he went home as soon as they discovered it was something serious.

Edited by fishcakes
  • Love 11
While Ciera appeared to be the one who masterminded the vote to get out Woo, I am having a hard time understanding why it was so offencive to her that Andrew suggested her name as the decoy in his effort to get out Spencer.  Andrew knew that Spencer knew that he, Abi and Woo were a solid alliance.  Spencer is a smart guy.  So Andrew had to suggest someone else.  The only other people were Kass, Ciera, and Kelly.  He picked one of them.


Except Kass and Ciera were in his original alliance, and Kelly was never working with him. So that would have made more sense. To Ciera it says, "I value my new alliance members more than you". She felt herself on the bottom and wanted to change that.

  • Love 9
So Andrew had to suggest someone else.  The only other people were Kass, Ciera, and Kelly.  He picked one of them.
Why Ciera over Kelly? He's not in an alliance with Kelly and neither is anyone else. She's a logical, believable target. Most importantly, if Spencer pulled out an idol, it wouldn't be as big of a deal for Wigles to be sent home.


It is always a risk to have your name written down at Tribal. It's especially a risk when idols may be at play, and the target player is logically going to be at risk. 


However, most importantly, Andrew shouldn't have been picking. The choice should have been an alliance decision (which probably would have landed on the obvious of Wigles).

  • Love 11

While Ciera appeared to be the one who masterminded the vote to get out Woo, I am having a hard time understanding why it was so offencive to her that Andrew suggested her name as the decoy in his effort to get out Spencer.  Andrew knew that Spencer knew that he, Abi and Woo were a solid alliance.  Spencer is a smart guy.  So Andrew had to suggest someone else.  The only other people were Kass, Ciera, and Kelly.  He picked one of them.


I have never been all that impressed with Ciera.  She gets way too credit for "I have to vote out my mom".  It wasn't her decision in the first place... she went along with it because she wanted to be part of that alliance and that was what they decided.  She is a physically weak player who plays too emotionally.  Her action to get out Woo was based in insecurity and a desire to stick it to Andrew to show to him that she isn't one to be messed with.  A better player would have understood why he was doing what he was doing, and just gone along with it for sake of the tribe.


Perhaps he does indeed think she is useless, but that wasn't the time for her to fight that fight.  Their goal that night should have been to get out a dangerous player like Spencer.  Instead, they dumped Woo, and now, until there is a merge, it looks like they are at a physical disadvantage.  

I think Ciera was correct to see Andrew using her as a decoy as a red flag. He also made sure to tell everyone how tight he was with Woo and Abi ("unbreakable!" Everything with that dude is so overdramatic, I feel like he sees Survivor as some kind of audition, but that's a different topic altogether)... not realizing that a)it showed his old Bayon alliance that they were no longer as important to him, and b)HE was in charge of both alliances. What happens if Ciera/Kass go along and get rid of Spencer? Who would be next on Andrew's hit list? Assuming no imminent merge, Ciera absolutely should have been worried, because in that scenario it probably would have been between her and Wigglesworth, and Ciera is much weaker in challenges and more vocally strategic. 


Dumping Woo weakens Andrew. It was much less risky to go after Woo than Andrew himself, because Abi. I know we didn't see that part (wish we had) but there is no doubt in my mind that all it took was one short convo between Ciera and Abi for Ciera to realize that Abi has been chomping at the bit to get rid of Woo and that trio was not, in fact, UNBREAKABLE. I also thought Kass and Spencer played well here. If their rivalry is truly real (and if not, good acting, both on the show and off) they did what a lot of lesser players would not have been able to do, which is put the bad blood aside to benefit both of their games. Kass saved Spencer's ass by telling him what was up, and Spencer took the leap of faith and trusted her - he could have fucked that up easily and sealed his fate by not trusting her (and a lot of people would have done just that and gone running their mouth to the wrong people, trying to flip the vote to Kass, IMO). 


Woo may have been a loyal soldier or whatever but he was way too passive and he was ANDREW'S loyal soldier at that point, making it absolutely the right move to get rid of him (IMO). And I think Spencer is just as strong in challenges as Woo (didn't he actually win more individual immunities in his season than Woo? And was kept over J'Tia in the inept Brains tribe because he and Tasha were the only ones doing any good in challenges at all?) So that aspect wasn't a factor, I don't think. I always thought Woo was useless and I'm not at all sorry to see him go. Andrew Savage can go anytime now, thanks. 


Stephen is kind of pathetic. I think he's the one with "zero chance of winning the game." Again. 


I was spoiled so I knew all about Terry and his son but glad to see the show gave them that bit at the end showing that Danny is doing well and plugging organ donation. But I'm sorry, I was laughing when Probst was "interviewing" the other parents about it all earnestly and shit - wtf did he expect them to say? "Yeah, Jeff, not sure if I'd have gone home. Terry's a quitter! THIS IS MY SECOND CHANCE!!" 

Edited by yankee1151
  • Love 10

Terry left for Survivor at the end of May, when they thought his son just had bronchitis, and Danny's heart condition wasn't diagnosed until June. Terry left the game 13 days into it, so the timing suggests that he went home as soon as they discovered it was something serious.


We were apparently posting at the same time.    I made my original post at 4:30, realized by 4:35 that I had erred in my perception of the timing, and removed the post at 4:36.    Your post came in at 4:41.

  • Love 1
Why Ciera over Kelly? He's not in an alliance with Kelly and neither is anyone else. She's a logical, believable target. Most importantly, if Spencer pulled out an idol, it wouldn't be as big of a deal for Wigles to be sent home.


Exactly.  Picking Ciera as the false target was just dumb when there's a perfectly cromulent option in Wiglesworth sitting right there, independent from any alliance, not particularly close (that we have been shown) to anyone in camp, already with some votes under her belt...  Not to mention that it so very, very clearly signaled to Ciera that she was at the bottom of her alliance, and expendable.  The only flaw in her go-forward plan, however, is that now she's in a girl alliance with two loose cannons who vote emotionally and flip like flapjacks:  Abi and Kass.


I actually really like all the tribe shakeups, and I think it is absolutely necessary with returning players like this.  They all know each other from attending Survivor events.  They already have existing friendship circles from that which could easily turn into alliances in the game.  Constantly shaking up the tribes means that they have to be pretty nimble with their alliances.  Otherwise there's too much back channel stuff going on.

  • Love 11

Replace Woo with Jeremy and I agree. Like how are these women getting all riled up about oiled up Joe when Jeremy was there looking like a Greek God? But whoever upthread said that maybe it's because Joe is single and Jeremy is married is probably on to something.


The fact that Jeremy is married makes him hotter, in my opinion.  He's a firefighter (can't get much more heroic) married to a decidedly non-supermodel wife, who also happens to be a cop.  Most cast members who look like Jeremy spend their time strutting around in a skimpy pair of underwear.  The fact that Jeremy doesn't do that makes the oiled up moments that much better.


Woo looks good but comes off as so moronic it seems indecent to admire his body.  Joe is completely unappealing to me.  The hair is just too much, and he's got the tiniest little mouth I've ever seen on a man.

  • Love 7

Oh, I don't either--eat what you want and by all means do it for your own reasons; it's the semantics that bugs me. Per the Wikipedia piece (which admittedly may not be her doing), she's labeled a vegetarian, which she isn't if she eats seafood. 


I think a lot of the time it's just because most people know the term vegetarian but many (most probably tbh) don't know any of the terms for other things, like pescatarian or pollotarian.


The only flaw in her go-forward plan, however, is that now she's in a girl alliance with two loose cannons who vote emotionally and flip like flapjacks:  Abi and Kass.


I don't think Ciera is really in an alliance with Abi. She might be, but it could just as easily be that she used Abi this time for the vote and would just as easily vote her out if that made sense.


The fact that Jeremy is married makes him hotter, in my opinion.


I just mean that Jeremy having a wife might be what's stopping the women from saying "Oil up, Jeremy" while they make lustful faces like they do with Joe.

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 2

The soft-hearted mom in me was just gut-wrenched by Terry's son's situation.  So glad he's okay and looking so healthy!


The harder-hearted witch in me enjoyed the vote count, watching Andrew's face get darker and darker and darker as he realized he was no longer in charge.  Just so much fun to watch someone so full of himself get brought down a few pegs. 


Excellent episode for me.

  • Love 7

I would put good money on the fact that Abi was bitching enough about Woo that Ciera and Kass knew that she would vote for Woo in a heartbeat.

Ciera confirmed on Twitter that that was exactly the case.


I loved Ciera saying, "Sorry, Savage - you picked on the wrong girl."  I was hoping she'd follow through with her threat by trying to get him out.  I don't understand the logic in taking out Woo, who seems very swayable as far as alliances go.

I think she just wanted to limit Andrew's options by getting Woo out.  Getting out Andrew himself would've also been a hard sell on Abi, who felt like he'd protected her in the past (along with Tasha).  So just go for one of Andrew's options instead.


See? That's what I was thinking. If you don't want Spencer to know, but you don't want to upset your new buddy Woo, why not target the other outsider - Wigglesworth? I just did not get a lot of the moves made by Bayon last night. 

That was Ta Keo, not Bayon.

I think a lot of the time it's just because most people know the term vegetarian but many (most probably tbh) don't know any of the terms for other things, like pescatarian or pollotarian.


You're likely right (though if she controls her Wiki page, she should use the accurate term); I have a cousin who insists she's vegan because she doesn't eat any red meat. I am not even sure there's a name for that, other than "person who doesn't eat red meat."


I should clarify something from earlier: yes, I do get excited for macaroni and cheese, and probably always will. But, as it is now, what I actually eat is macaroni and "cheese," haha!

  • Love 2

Is there such a thing as a winner's camera shot? Because the way they are staging Savage's talking heads give him this angelic backdrop with the setting sun and rolling blue waves that seem symbolic. 


There is indeed!  During the season that Earl won (with Yau Man, Dreamz, the 4 Horsemen, and the best blindside ever), Earl was always being shot in hero-mode.  Standing at the top of a cliff, gazing out to sea, lit from behind, with a  big walking stick.  He was the first unanimous winner.


If he keeps forgetting to read the room, I can't see Andrew winning this.  You gotta ask people who they think should be put forward as the supposed victim, not just pick Ciera.


I love the gross food challenge!  It gets really boring to watch the "do something hard to get some bags of puzzle pieces, then do something hard to get them back, and finally, put together the puzzle" challenges.  Gross food is a classic, they used to do it every year.  The other one I hope they repeat is the march of doom where each tribe is chained together and they walk in opposite directions in the sea and try to lap the other tribe.

  • Love 6

How were the all so sure Spencer or Woo didn't have an idol?  There seemed to be no plan or discussion on splitting the vote.


I don't think Spencer can do much of anything to save himself at this point because I can't blame Ciera for being upset that Savage just put her name out there like that without talking to her first. To her that could mean that she's at the bottom and is expendable and the tribe won't hesitate to get rid of her. She could be at the bottom of the 5 member alliance that Savage wanted.


I wish we could have heard Savage's logic for saying that he would tell Spencer that he was voting for Ciera.  I wonder if she really was on the bottom of his pecking order, or was she the one he most wanted to sit next to at tribal and thought she would be game savvy enough not to get offended about being chosen as the decoy? Perhaps he felt she was the most believable pick because she is the "weakest." Or maybe Spencer had mentioned voting out Ciera earlier, that we didn't see.  It just seemed very random - "Okay, we are all going to vote for Spencer, but I will tell Spencer we are voting for ... eenie, meenie, minie, moo...Ceira"


Ciera has said on twitter that Abi was the reason. I assume that Ciera did want to get rid of Andrew, but Abi was pushing for Woo. Getting rid of Woo isn't necessarily a bad way to go anyway and it was easy since Abi hated him, so it made the most sense to just go with that.


Thanks to everyone who posted twitter info regarding the choice of Woo.  The editing made it seem like that Ciera was just bothered that she was named as the decoy vote and decided "I'll show you and vote for somebody else. Nyah, nyah, nyah.  I will pick, um, uh, Woo.  So there!"

  • Love 1

Terry, who was going to lose anyway, can now be brought back for a third chance, as the caring dad who lost because he sacrificed playing the game for his son.  Terry is not a hero for doing what just about every other parent would do in that situation.  Unless it was edited out, Terry never asked Jeff what was wrong and the son's condition.  (Sorry to be so cold-hearted, glad the son is OK.)


I really don't agree that only parents can understand the parent-sick child bond.  I also think many other relationships-significant others, child/parents, siblings, friends-would get the same reaction.  Parenthood is not sainthood and does not deserve to be elevated as such (IMO/YMMV).

I suspect that Terry was given more details than made it into the episode, and then the show/network left it up to him and his son to decide how much they wanted to say about his situation in their blurb at the end. I don't care for Terry as a player, but I really felt for him and thought the show handled his departure really well.


That said, I, too, did not care for the "How do the parents feel?" question. It made me want read-scream this essay from the rooftops.


This being said, dumb move by Savage in just naming Ciera as the would-be vote without any discussion or consultation. 


Agreed. If you must throw a decoy name out, then pick someone who is not in either of your alliances (Kelly) or, if you must pick someone in your alliance, ask for volunteers or better yet, volunteer yourself. To be honest, I'm not sure why Andrew even thought he needed a decoy name. Blindsides are necessary if you think someone has an idol and you don't have the numbers to split the vote (which Andrew did—he could have put three votes on Spencer and two on Kelly if he was so worried) or if you're worried that someone has an amazing social game and might be able to turn things around on you.


While Spencer has managed to hang on, despite being a potential target at all of the tribal councils he's been to, he doesn't seem to have an alliance, except maybe a loose one with Kelly Wiglesworth since they've been together this whole time. If Andrew was confident enough in his alliance to dictate to them the plan the way he did, then he should have been confident that Spencer wasn't going to be able to flip any of them.


I think Keith cheated. When he opened his mouth it seemed like he had a huge bulge of stuff either under his tongue or at the side of his mouth. I noticed he didn't stick out his tongue. Then when he turned away, he was seen visibly still chewing.

I thought I saw something fall out of his mouth when he opened it at one point. But he got away with it at the time and it's not like they can go back and strip Bayon of the win that round.


While I enjoy the "secret alliance" between Spencer and Kass, I still think it is a wrong move. Spencer is more of a strategist, Woo on the other hand, is more a follower.

Yes. I'll repeat my surprise from the other week that no one seemed interested in being Woo's new Tony. In Cagayan, Tony basically owned Woo's vote. Fiven that Woo wasn't really taking any strategic initiative this time around, I think he could have easily been led into a similar dynamic in this season, too.


I also like Kass! Say what you will about her, she makes the show more interesting for me. I actually like how she doesn't play into the stereotypical middle aged woman "character" on the show - motherly, afraid to "make moves", looks to a younger alpha male to make decisions for her.

I would hate having to play with Kass, and I am definitely not rooting for her, but I agree that she makes the game more interesting. I am especially interested that she doesn't seem to feel that this is the start of a long-term alliance with Spencer. In Cagayan, she seemed to think that she'd be able to flip between Tony's alliance and her old one, which didn't pan out for her since her old one (understandably) didn't trust her after she flipped on them. On this season, she may actually get away with dropping one alliance for another and then going back. I don't think she'll win, but I think she does make a good obstacle for other players.

  • Love 3

It always amazes me when a survivor self-identifies as a great strategist as they are usually the least flexible in adapting their strategy to the game they are actually playing. Many times these 'strategists' feel superior and look down on the others. I think that most winners have adjusted their strategy as the game progressed. Last season Max, Shirin, and Dan all had pre-game strategies in place and couldn't really adjust. This season it seems like Shirin, again, Monica, and Stephen seem to be trapped in their pre-game mindsets. I don't think Stephen is going to be able to make strategic adjustments based on the shifts in the game and therefore I don't think he's the strategist that he thinks he is.

  • Love 5

I ff'd the gross challenge. I just can't watch that.

So did they do away with the clues hidden in the rewards? I keep expecting someone to rummage through the fried chicken or the fishing gear prizes looking for one of those little rolled up paper clues, but nothing so far! I do like the new fangled HII being hidden on sight in the challenges vs " look for a weird tree/rock". It was tiresome to watch people stroll along and whoops! Found an idol!

Even though she wasn't on much and hardly spoke, I still want Abi to go home. I never felt strongl dislike for Savage form his original season (maybe b/c I barely remember it), but his smugness is really starting to become irksome. He or Abi can go fall off a cliff anytime now.

  • Love 1

You're likely right (though if she controls her Wiki page, she should use the accurate term); 

A wiki by definition is edited by a bunch of people.  It's entirely likely that Kimmi has no clue how her eating habits are described in various corners of the internet, and even less interest in it.  She may have been 'actual vegan' at some point and someone wrote it then. 

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