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Season 3 Discussion

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I don't know if teaching her to drive is in Mark's best interest. (Because that's all that really matters anyway)  As anyone with kids knows (as Mark surely does) that once you teach your teenager to drive, that gives them a degree of freedom to come and go as they please.  I can see Mark being terrified that if Nikki can drive and isn't housebound all day until he comes home, she might go ::gasp:: OUT and meet people her own age!  Especially attractive guys her own age.  Nikki is pretty, I don't think she'd have a problem finding a cute 20 something guy.

At this point, he shouldn't even get her a bus schedule.


You're probably right about all of it, but yeah...even if it is legit all that constant nuzzling could be tiresome.  I'd snap too.  

I come from a pretty stiff upper lip culture and I don't like to be nuzzled, hugged, kissed or otherwise fondled in public.  Hand holding is normally as far as I'll go, and one or two hugs.  But I would lose my temper pretty quick if someone was nuzzling me in public, because its just not who I am.

  • Love 4

I don't know exactly how long it takes, but I do think it takes quite a bit of time to get family members over to the States. I still have family members that live here that are working to get their children/family members over. 20 years seems like a bit much, although it may have been a matter of putting the money together. And if she was trying to get all her children over that may have taken a while.

My guess is financial. She would have to prove over 125% of the official poverty line. And then the children's ages would put them on the waiting list after she could afford the government fees.
  • Love 1

My guess is financial. She would have to prove over 125% of the official poverty line. And then the children's ages would put them on the waiting list after she could afford the government fees.

Okay, that makes sense.  You know much more about the process than I do, but I have always gotten the feeling from my family that it was primarily a matter of finances.  


Do you know if the requirements have changed over the years?  I know my aunt sponsored my father, but I feel like she didn't have a lot of money at the time.

TLC is famous for trying to inflame, stir the pot, whatever.... they need to get their heads out of the sand and realize that we, the viewers, all live in places where interracial marriages happen every day. I know they do enough manipulation behind the scenes to get a show out that they think will up their ratings, but we're smarter than that. They need to do some new focus groups or studies on their demographics, I think.

  • Love 4

TLC is famous for trying to inflame, stir the pot, whatever.... they need to get their heads out of the sand and realize that we, the viewers, all live in places where interracial marriages happen every day. I know they do enough manipulation behind the scenes to get a show out that they think will up their ratings, but we're smarter than that. They need to do some new focus groups or studies on their demographics, I think.

Hahaha, TLC can't catch lightning in a bottle twice! Ignorant bigots like Danny's dad are getting thinner on the ground these days. I'm flashing back to UNReal "thousand dollar bonus to the first one to find a racist relative who'll cop to it on camera!"

  • Love 2

Every episode just gets better (worse). Alexsandra is very much like Amy last season. An incredibly sweet and intelligent girl who would have a much easier time adapting if her fiancwould stick up for her every now and again. Use your words Josh. Don't just leave her out to dry.

The best I can say for Noon and Kyle is that he seems to have a very supportive and welcoming group of friends. If she doesn't catch hantavirus from the house, that can make her transition easier.

Mark seems confused. He keeps talking about how he wants things to be different with Nikki, and then pushes her into the exact same situations as his ex. She didn't ask for a car. Let alone a fancy, "New... like new" sports car.

Was Fernando saying that he hadn't seen Carolina for a year? And we're supposed to believe he was chaste that entire time? Oh to laugh! Run Carolina! The US isn't that awesome.

Edited by cooksdelight
Removing preview talk
  • Love 11

So why are we watching fat ass playa Fernando and Carolina? Isn't this show supposed to be about the fiances' being in the US and trying to make a go of the relationships?  I have no interest in seeing a couple when they are not even at this stage yet.  Don't waste my time, TLC. You have 5 other couples, you could have saved these two for NEXT season. 

I wish they would only show us 4 good couples every season and not try and squeeze the other two in.

  • Love 4

TLC is famous for trying to inflame, stir the pot, whatever.... they need to get their heads out of the sand and realize that we, the viewers, all live in places where interracial marriages happen every day. I know they do enough manipulation behind the scenes to get a show out that they think will up their ratings, but we're smarter than that. They need to do some new focus groups or studies on their demographics, I think.

TLC would have been more successful if they had a same sex couple trying to get in on a K1 visa and getting a parent to slur anti gay stuff or having them denied a marriage license ala Kim Davis than an interracial couple.  Now there is a money making idea TLC. 

  • Love 6

I agree with the opinions that Aleksandra seems to be a very intelligent and sweet girl.  So use that head of yours, honey, and stop detailing all of the "shocking" life choices you were making before your conversion... these people don't need have to know EVERYTHING you used to do.  You can speak in generalities when talking to your future husband's distant cousins.  I can only assume production is constantly prodding her to disclose all the "bad stuff" to everyone she meets.

  • Love 6

At this point, he shouldn't even get her a bus schedule.


I come from a pretty stiff upper lip culture and I don't like to be nuzzled, hugged, kissed or otherwise fondled in public.  Hand holding is normally as far as I'll go, and one or two hugs.  But I would lose my temper pretty quick if someone was nuzzling me in public, because its just not who I am.

Right, but that's you (and I'm like that, too).  That's not the vibe I get from Melanie.


In re: Devar not seeing his mom for a while...I *thought* I heard him say,as he was walking up to her door, something about that he'd just seen her recently.  But maybe I'm confusing that with something else.  It has happened. :)

Fernando : not interested except for the food porn. Her father is clearly NOT happy. The glare!

Alecksandriuh and the low talker: the only thing interesting about these two is Rexburg and his family. Yikes.

Noon cleaning with the two guys playing video games made me sad.

Mark and Nikki: terrifying.

Devar and Stella : finally we know why he's here .... He found a Stella who is fit, blonde (let's face it that probably doesn't hurt) and conveniently lives compared to all the other resort girls he's met close to MARYLAND. ding ding ding .... Huge Mom issues there ... Abandonment and a ticket to be near her. He's been waiting for this girl for years. Fit, pretty, eligible, and close to Maryland.

I am going to hell for this but I wonder if Melanie has lost a lot of weight. Her vocal rasp is just ugh.

Can Mohammed and Danielle come back, I need me some more of this shit show.

  • Love 1

Right, but that's you (and I'm like that, too).  That's not the vibe I get from Melanie.


In re: Devar not seeing his mom for a while...I *thought* I heard him say,as he was walking up to her door, something about that he'd just seen her recently.  But maybe I'm confusing that with something else.  It has happened. :)

I actually kinda got that vibe from her when she and devar were with bev and he leaned into kiss her.  At the time I thought she was maybe just uncomfortable because he had just finished saying something super corny and than proceeded to go into kiss her.  Its like he had to do all the work, she wasn't going to rebuff him but she just didn't seem like she was all that into the demonstrative PDA at the table.  But perhaps thats just my level of discomfort talking.

Can Mohammed and Danielle come back, I need me some more of this shit show.

YASS!  Now that the Duggars are off TLC can't they just devote an entire show to those two?

TLC would have been more successful if they had a same sex couple trying to get in on a K1 visa and getting a parent to slur anti gay stuff or having them denied a marriage license ala Kim Davis than an interracial couple.  Now there is a money making idea TLC. 

They gotta save something for season 4!

  • Love 3

Okay, that makes sense.  You know much more about the process than I do, but I have always gotten the feeling from my family that it was primarily a matter of finances.  


Do you know if the requirements have changed over the years?  I know my aunt sponsored my father, but I feel like she didn't have a lot of money at the time.

They are always tweaking procedures and stuff, generally siblings would be last on the preference list but I have no ideal of what that wait is like. Visa Journey tends to be the premier chat site for those discussions of immigration to the US no matter which is the parent nation. Say mom was on food stamps there is no need for her to waste money sending it to the government because part of the process is proving by your past income that the immigrant won't go on public assistance.

  • Love 1

Mark is trying to do a re-do of his failed first marriage with Nikki. The same car, Phillipino, photo of the first wife still on display in the house. I was thinking he wants her to learn to drive so she can drive him to all his appointments when he gets old, she'll be his caretaker.

I feel bad for Alexandria. She is not a bad person for having some innocent fun before she became a Mormon. I wish Josh would defend her to his family and sour puss judgey cousins.

I truly believe Kyle loves Noon but he needs to step it up and get rid of the roommate and get their place fumigated.

There is definitely something shady about Fernando. Carolinas dad was really giving him the stink eye and you could tell Fernando knew it.

Devar said his mother moved the the U.S. When he was 8 or 9 and his father died when he was young too. I wonder who took care of him and his sisters with no parents there.

Edited by Straycat80
  • Love 1

I agree with the opinions that Aleksandra seems to be a very intelligent and sweet girl. So use that head of yours, honey, and stop detailing all of the "shocking" life choices you were making before your conversion... these people don't need have to know EVERYTHING you used to do. You can speak in generalities when talking to your future husband's distant cousins. I can only assume production is constantly prodding her to disclose all the "bad stuff" to everyone she meets.

This is exactly what I was coming here to say. She knows these people are super conservative so I don't get why she would even bring up drinking or dressing sexy. Not that she has anything to be ashamed of but the girl needs to learn to read a room. I actually hope she changes her mind and calls off the wedding. It's obvious that she's not ready to settle down. Her body language at the bbq said it all. She looked like she wanted to run out of there and high tail it back to Prague.

Anyway, up until this episode I really thought that there was a good chance that Daver really did love Melanie but something is definitely shady there. I think it's awfully strange that out of all the places in the world he happens to fall in love with an American women that lives two hours away from his mother in the US.

I know it's already been said but the whole ring situation is weird. They do know that you can get legally married without a ring? If they can't afford them now, why not wait? I assume Mel is paying for the entire wedding also (or TLC is covering it.)

It's official, I'm majorly girl crushing on Noon. I can't help it, she's freakin adorable.

Lastly, I seriously don't like Nikki. She has no intentions on doing anything other than sitting around looking pretty and eventually taking Mark for everything she can (he deserves it too.)

Why is Fernando even on this show and what can Carolina possibly see in that pig?

Edited by grumpypanda
  • Love 4

Mark is trying to do a re-do of his failed first marriage with Nikki. The same car, Phillipino, photo of the first wife still on display in the house. I was thinking he wants her to learn to drive so she can drive him to all his appointments when he gets old, she'll be his caretaker.

Devar said his mother moved the the U.S. When he was 8 or 9 and his father died when he was young too. I wonder who took care of him and his sisters with no parents there.


She just needs to put some cyanide in his corn flakes at that point.  But seriously, I wonder what a specimen's diet is like?


There was probably an aunt of some sort that took care of Devar + sisters.  At least thats how it would happen in our small, poor country when people immigrated to the US.  But those people have their own children so it probably fell to them to take care of themselves as well.  I imagine that they are very close.

  • Love 3

Who else thought Fernando was going to go into cardiac arrest after climbing the steps to Carolina's parents' second floor apartment? I have never heard anyone so out of breath. He's not even 40! Carolina: here's some advice, if he ever actually gets you to the United States and marries you, make him get the biggest life insurance policy possible because he's going to fall over dead in about 2 years.

  • Love 5

I thought my sound had went wonky, but then I realised that was Fernando. He needs to work out and lose weight for health purposes. He was winded, and all he did was walk up some stairs. (I know he's divorced but does he have any children?)

I'm totally girl crushing on Noon. She's someone I'd be friends with. She seems so sweet, and bless her heart. They seem like they're really in love. Kyle, ditch the roomie and find an appropriate place to live with your fiancée, though.

  • Love 1

Oh, really? REALLY?


Geez, will Aleksandra ever get an episode that's not just Josh's dad glaring her down and his mom making a sad panda face like she wants to dive headfirst into a bottomless pit? Poor girl :(


I know, this family runs around the globe trying to convert everyone to Mormonism and then they are shocked, shocked! that these people have been living non-Mormon lives.

  • Love 8

I agree with the opinions that Aleksandra seems to be a very intelligent and sweet girl.  So use that head of yours, honey, and stop detailing all of the "shocking" life choices you were making before your conversion... these people don't need have to know EVERYTHING you used to do.  You can speak in generalities when talking to your future husband's distant cousins.  I can only assume production is constantly prodding her to disclose all the "bad stuff" to everyone she meets.

Production, sure, but Josh too. He is getting off on how "bad" Aleksandra was. She's his prize convert! He jumped right in with "see through shirts?" when she was trying to describe what she wore in Prague, with a silly grin on his face.

His pirate shirts? No. His train whistle? Would be shoved so far up his ass if he dared tweet it my way. And he is so damn creepy about his wife that fled, I almost wonder if it's an act. But then I look at his OK Cupid profile again and realize he really is just that creepy. 

Oh god is there a link to this somewhere that I missed?!


Production, sure, but Josh too. He is getting off on how "bad" Aleksandra was. She's his prize convert! He jumped right in with "see through shirts?" when she was trying to describe what she wore in Prague, with a silly grin on his face.

I know, right! Yep, "see through shirts" is obviously what she was trying to say, Josh!  And judgy cousin "Have you ever been on a mission?" all smug. Eek, get over yourself girl. You got married at 18 and appear to be entirely out of touch with anything more than 6 feet out your front door. How exactly does that make you special? I hope Aleksandra ditches those people soon. I hate that she seems so down on herself, saying she's "bad" and all that...when she seems like a lovely, normal girl. Why does TLC have that random footage of her dancing in clubs though? Like where the hell did that come from?

Edited by wovenloaf
  • Love 4

Family reunification visas take forever.  Every country has a limit on the number of visas they can approve for family members, and it's not unusual for decade-long waits.  Especially when you must be a citizen first (and US citizenship can take six or more years to obtain AFTER you become a permanent resident).  So Devar's K1 visa would be much faster.  I don't really care too much about Devar and Mel as a couple.  She's an adult and can do whatever she wants to.  What made me crack up was when she said (a few episodes ago), "Oh, there's so much to arrange for our wedding.  We don't have the rings, I don't have a dress, I don't have A CAKE (emphasis mine)."  Oh Mel, seriously, a cake is the least of your worries.  Can you imagine a grown woman losing sleep over that?

  • Love 2

I just checked the State Dept's Visa Bulletin from July 2015.  Family reunification visas for unmarried sons and daughters from Mexico have a priority date of 15NOV1994, which means they are processing visa applications that they received BEFORE November 15, 1994.  Brothers and sisters from Mexico have a priority date of 01MAR1997.  I thought they used to break it all down by country, but this visa bulletin lists China, Mexico, India and the Phillipines.  And the number of visas therefore is very small. 

  • Love 3

I don't get Fernando at all; why is Carolina even with him?   I get a nasty vibe off of him.  


I come from a pretty stiff upper lip culture and I don't like to be nuzzled, hugged, kissed or otherwise fondled in public.  Hand holding is normally as far as I'll go, and one or two hugs.  But I would lose my temper pretty quick if someone was nuzzling me in public, because its just not who I am.



I wonder if Melanie is like that; if so and Devar isn't, that might be an issue.  I broke up with someone because he was very stiff upper lip and I'm very affectionate.  I thought he was uptight, weird and fucked up, but in reality, people are just different.  

Yes. It was like you could almost hear someone off camera going, "Devar, buddy, we're gonna need you to get your mom to sing 'Kill de White People.' Keep asking her until she caves." If so, he's dumb for going along with it.

But buy my record first.


Also grew up in backwoods PA. Can confirm. Even if someone did have an issue, they would keep it to under their breath mutterings at most.

Pretty much.  It will get you talked about, but for the most part, people will let it go.


Whats the point of converting people if you're just going to put them into a community where you constantly judge them?  I don't remember jesus making constant stink faces at mary even though she was a former hooker.  If you're going to constantly judge people, don't bother reforming them since you'll be judging them no matter what.


Or how about they refer to another TLC show....Extreme Cheapskates.  Those people are always saving money on wedding rings by buying them at pawn shops.

I think part of Aleksandra's "problem" is that she's a new convert, and was older when she was converted.  The Mormons from the first season - she was converted when she was younger.  I'm thinking they either doubt her sincerity, or feel she doesn't comprehend the whole thing.

Mel and Devar aren't far from Allentown or Reading - two places with pawn shops.  Allentown has several, one of which I've bought and sold things at.  The jewelry store they went to is probably the most expensive one around.  It's in a little "enclave" of stores that is in the middle of nowhere.  It sprang up almost overnight when a Cabela's moved in across the street.  That place is a major destination for a lot of people - they even run bus trips.

  • Love 1

But buy my record first.

Mel and Devar aren't far from Allentown or Reading - two places with pawn shops. Allentown has several, one of which I've bought and sold things at. The jewelry store they went to is probably the most expensive one around. It's in a little "enclave" of stores that is in the middle of nowhere. It sprang up almost overnight when a Cabela's moved in across the street. That place is a major destination for a lot of people - they even run bus trips.

Ha! A Tyrone Green fan!

Doesn't Reading have a big outlet mall? I remember years ago, before Potomac Mills in VA was built, going on a bus trip up to Reading with my mom to shop for school clothes.

Production, sure, but Josh too. He is getting off on how "bad" Aleksandra was. She's his prize convert! He jumped right in with "see through shirts?" when she was trying to describe what she wore in Prague, with a silly grin on his face.

Hee. Yeah I think Josh is more naive than Aleksandra because I think he equates not wearing a Mormon garment underneath your clothing as "see through shirt." I doubt there's an army of women walking around Prague with sheer blouses on. Edited by charmed1
  • Love 1

Ha! A Tyrone Green fan!

Doesn't Reading have a big outlet mall? I remember years ago, before Potomac Mills in VA was built, going on a bus trip up to Reading with my mom to shop for school clothes.



There are outlets.. I went as a kid too but I remember them being not so nice.  We also went to the Lancaster Outlets a lot as kids.   I don't remember if the Reading Outlets had jewelry stores.  

I think the relatives are just really naive and probably haven't mean an ex-"party girl" before and don't realize that it's a relatively normal lifestyle for someone in their early 20s because everyone their age has babies or is on missions or whatever.

I guess to me, I would think that if you do a mission you should meet people from all walks of life.  They should at least hear from their friends and family about how people in other parts of the world operate since they are trying to convert them.  And this is JMO, but they still all give her the stink eye, but then they ask her constant questions to elicit side eye responses.  It's annoying.  




I think part of Aleksandra's "problem" is that she's a new convert, and was older when she was converted.  The Mormons from the first season - she was converted when she was younger.  I'm thinking they either doubt her sincerity, or feel she doesn't comprehend the whole thing.


To me, if you're going to question someone's sincerity because of their age, than don't bother to convert from that particular age range.  I personally would think an older convert would be more believable since they have had time to live their life and determine that they would prefer the Mormon lifestyle to what they had.  But it seems crazy to devote such effort to convert someone and than make them constantly prove that they are really converted.  It's like you set up a two tiered system.....the real Mormons who don't have to deal with having their sincerity questioned and converts who must constantly have their faith and sincerity questioned.


Personally though, I feel like Alexsandra should run for the hills, her future in laws seem boring and judgy.  The sort that will always be kindly telling her all the things she is doing wrong, and throwing her past in her face as lovingly as they can.

  • Love 5

There are outlets.. I went as a kid too but I remember them being not so nice. We also went to the Lancaster Outlets a lot as kids. I don't remember if the Reading Outlets had jewelry stores.

Oh man. I left out the part that all we left with was some nasty food from the food court because those outlets were complete shit. But I didn't want anybody to go "Hey my nana worked at that mall's Great Cookie for 12 years and I find that offensive!"

Is this Melanie's second marriage? Because if so, I find it kind of tacky to have her parents pay for her rings or anything else. Even if they offered.

Edited by charmed1

Lesson of the episode: feminine touch = not so dirty that every bug in NO feels at home.

Oh man. I left out the part that all we left with was some nasty food from the food court because those outlets were complete shit. But I didn't want anybody to go "Hey my nana worked at that mall's Great Cookie for 12 years and I find that offensive!"

My nana worked at Auntie Anne's.....I'm offended on behalf of my nana, she retired from that place.

Fernando/Carolina -- no words. He is so clearly full of shit I'm surprised he hasn't exploded. He didn't realize that the people at the K1 visa office would want to have proof of his divorce before he sent in the application? If he was serious, it would have been overnighted to the office and he would be calling to check on it. Instead he comes with "well there are a million Carolina's" and "maybe another 2 months" and when she gets upset "another month" and with her dad "well I don't know how much longer its going to take." I think he is jerking her around and I love that her dad hates him. A good father should be concerned for his daughters well-being, and Fernando trying to charm his way out of responsibility is ridiculous. I found it very interesting that when her dad asked Fernando what the future plans were and where they would live all Fernando said was that he "understands there are obstacles." Medellian looks beautiful, she really should stay there with friends and family who love her. I can't see how its poor because isn't that where Pablo Escobar was from? She is a pretty girl and sort of looks like Jessica Rabbit to me. She can do so much better than man boobs Fernando.

Melanie/Devar -- Mel's mother looks just as awful as her sister. Get your green card Devar, wait the two years and than trade up. Although, if I were Mel I would be more worried about a man who thinks he is going to pay off his debts with "loving." Makes me wonder whats gonna happen when that water bill comes due.

Edited by cooksdelight
Removing preview talk
  • Love 3


Why does TLC have that random footage of her dancing in clubs though? Like where the hell did that come from?

They clearly shot it after her conversion/casting, because she's wearing big modest sack shirts that no one has worn to a club in Prague since 1989.


Re the modest wedding dresses, the ones she was trying on were too big for her, but for the most part, yeah, they are that stiff and frumpy. Ivanka Trump's and Duchess Catherine's dresses would not meet the standard for a Mormon temple wedding. Too form-fitting, sheer lace on the shoulders doesn't count as coverage, and Catherine's v-neck plunged way too far.


No bride should feel panicky when she sees herself in a wedding dress for the first time. Giddy nerves, yes; terror, no. Aleksandra, your gut is telling you that it's too soon! Run from Rexburg! Run!

  • Love 6

Ha! A Tyrone Green fan!

Doesn't Reading have a big outlet mall? I remember years ago, before Potomac Mills in VA was built, going on a bus trip up to Reading with my mom to shop for school clothes.

That's one of my favorite SNL sketches.


Reading has Vanity Fair - the original outlets - they pre-date all others.  We used to get our Lee Jeans there when they were still made onsite.  They'd just send a bin of jeans down a ramp, and you had to pick through them.  I haven't been in eons, but from what I understand, they're not what they used to be.


This is the jewelry store they went to - the Hamburg location.  They have a location in the Promenade at Saucon Valley - a very high end shopping center.  There is a Wal-Mart across the street that has a jewelry department - no need to buy stuff there, and platinum, nonetheless.....


Melanie/Devar-  Why can't she go on qvc.com and order up some nice diamondique (or however it's spelled) ??  Or go to Kay or some such bullshit store and get whatever rings they have on sale this week? 


Noon/the guy she's here to marry - OH MY BUDDAH!  She's a much better sport than I am.  I can't believe those 2 assholes sat there while she cleaned THEIR filth.  I *wish* a mother fucker would


Carolina/Fernando - she looks like Daisy from Rock of Love or one of the Flavor Flav girls ... she just has that look.  I can't wait for her to get to the USA and see what happens with his mom - lol.


Mormon+Stripper - WHY do these judgmental/religious people always go out and recruit people, then spend their time judging them for their pasts!? 

  • Love 8

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