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Her English isn't terrible, either. Why does he keep saying that? He's just a jerk.

Another poster (I don't remember who...sorry!) said it was to keep her dependent on him, especially once she gets to America by belittling her and making her feel insecure.  Fernando is just such a jerk, I can't stand it.  I really wish Carolina's father would do more to convince her that this is a horrible relationship.

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I keep asking myself what Devar is going to *do* for work when he can get some. There's just not that much work for beach attendants where she lives. I thought I heard some passing reference to his being something like an EMT, which suggests First Aid training? They may know but it isn't clear out here in TV land.

Similar question, which was suggested above, about what poor NIkki is supposed to do all day -- she could, like, take a course somewhere (ESL comes to mind), or maybe (light bulb!) get her driving lessons?? Something. Seriously.

And Yes, Alexsandra - so far in this series I don't think any of the fianc/ fiancees have gone home, but she looks like an awfully good candidate.

Finally, Loren -- absolute brat. I'm always interested that within 8 hours of an episode airing in these things, the Commenters here will have achieved a really sound analysis of the characters. You have her nailed, guys.

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I got the impression that Melanie isn't happy at all with Devar sending money to his family, even if he intended on sending a sensible amount. She just seemed completely confused about the fact that Devar would do it so I guess she's not familiar with the practice.

I think Melanie (like a lot of the US residents on this show) resents her fiance's family back home.  Loren is the exact same way.  It's like, "but you're with MEEEEE now,  here in 'Murica!  Yeah, I get that you're sad, but we're together, and that's all that really matters!"  It's sad, but Loren and Melanie both seem so shallow and vapid, that it's like they don't really see their fiances as real people, just as hunky beefcakes for themselves.

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And what does "damaged goods" really mean?  To me a hell of a lot of men are damaged goods, especially the ones with ex wives and baby mama issues.  


Everyone has a right to decide what "damaged goods" really means to them.  To you it might be men with ex-wives.  To me it's women with tattoos.  It's not like I expect a woman to be perfect.  My wife had a very noticeable C-section scar when I met her.  To some men she might be damaged goods.  To me that's acceptable, but tattoos are gross.  The only good thing about tattoos is they help me know which women are not right for me.  Don't I have the right to decide what I want in a woman?  Greek Mom and some others think Carolina is way out of Fernando's league.  To me Carolina is nothing to write home about.  In Colombia I wouldn't buy her a sandwich and I've lived in Colombia.

Edited by Steve
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It is funny that Mark keeps mentioning worrying about Nikki changing like his ex-wife did but now Nikki is saying how different Mark is when he isn't on vacay and wife shopping abroad. How unfun and less affectionate he is with her now that she is in the USA. Maybe it wasn't the ex Mark. Maybe it is you.

It is interesting how distant Mark is from Nikki now that they're home.  I remember he said that his first wife was all about the money and buying her things, and so you would think that she would have been pushing him to work more.  Nikki wants him to spend more time with her, is happy with the zip tie ring, etc.  So my thoughts are either that she genuinely loves him, or girlfriend is in it for the long con.  She has probably heard the story of the gold digging ex wife a billion more times than we have, in copious detail.  So, while he chose her because she is similar to his ex in the good ways (young, pretty, Filipino, etc), she's making sure he sees how different she is from the ex by not being materialistic.  I think even though Nikki is only 19, she's a lot smarter than she lets on.

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It is interesting how distant Mark is from Nikki now that they're home. I remember he said that his first wife was all about the money and buying her things, and so you would think that she would have been pushing him to work more. Nikki wants him to spend more time with her, is happy with the zip tie ring, etc. So my thoughts are either that she genuinely loves him, or girlfriend is in it for the long con. She has probably heard the story of the gold digging ex wife a billion more times than we have, in copious detail. So, while he chose her because she is similar to his ex in the good ways (young, pretty, Filipino, etc), she's making sure he sees how different she is from the ex by not being materialistic. I think even though Nikki is only 19, she's a lot smarter than she lets on.

Nikki is pulling the long con. She's the Keyser Soze of this bunch.
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I don't believe Mel has problems with Devar helping his sisters, but rather that he is going to send them 90% of his income.  So in other words, she is suppose to support him while he supports them?!  Where is their mother and the children's fathers in all of this?  I can understand and appreciate helping ones extended family, but not at the expense of your own. 

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I don't believe Mel has problems with Devar helping his sisters, but rather that he is going to send them 90% of his income.  So in other words, she is suppose to support him while he supports them?!  Where is their mother and the children's fathers in all of this?  I can understand and appreciate helping ones extended family, but not at the expense of your own. 

Yes, I would be OK with him helping out however much he wanted after contributing to the mortgage, utility bills, and food in a proportion commensurate with his salary. Not automatically 90% and then 10% for the family he has created. I know people don't make as much money as they do in the US, but it seemed like his sisters were getting a pretty sweet deal and didn't have to work OR cook before. 

Edited by deltaburkefan
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Nikki seems so genuine it's confusing.

It is confusing. But then you just have to take a good look at Mark, and remember she met him on a dating website when she was 16, living in a poor city in the Philippines. I think she was looking for a ticket out, and he was it. Maybe she has grown fond of him, but I don't think there is any way in heaven or hell that she could actually be romantically in love with him. If this is an act, then that girl should be in Hollywood.

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Tattoos in Colombia have a very different social connotation than in the states. Writing Carolina off as damaged goods is preposterous... And I don't even like her. She's low class (I'm sure your wife is too -by the way why can't you get someone local?) and doesn't strike me as a nice person.




I can get women locally, but I went to Colombia for the same reason that Melanie went to Jamaica: I'm past my prime and I can get someone younger and more attractive than I could get here.  The difference is I've got enough financial resources to keep mine, but women like Melanie and fat Danielle from season 2 will probably see their desperate husbands bail once they have their residency approved.

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I can get women locally, but I went to Colombia for the same reason that Melanie went to Jamaica: I'm past my prime and I can get someone younger and more attractive than I could get here. The difference is I've got enough financial resources to keep mine, but women like Melanie and fat Danielle from season 2 will probably see their desperate husbands bail once they have their residency approved.

While I have my doubts at Devar's intentions and loyalty - Melanie does make a good living. Edited by Nutella
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Helping family with money... that's ok... but 90% of your income!!? HEELLLLZZZZZZ NOOOOOO.

I'd be like "try more like 10% buddy"

And then he says that even if she doesn't like it he's going to do it anyways.  Have fun with that mess Melanie.


His sister also has that flat effect when speaking.... It has to be a family thing.  But Devar did light up a little when he spoke to his niece and nephew.



The salsa dancing thing was a total set up and I'm sure Alexandra knew it and that's why she felt weird.  Everyone was shoved into a tiny space and they were just suppose to walk in and join in?? So bizarre..... She should marry her dancing partner instead.

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The difference is I've got enough financial resources to keep mine, but women like Melanie and fat Danielle from season 2 will probably see their desperate husbands bail once they have their residency approved.


In all fairness, the circumstances of these two women couldn't be any more different.  Say what you want about Devar, but he seems to actually like and care about Melanie; who unlike Danielle, is a professional woman with an actual career.  Mohamed should have been so lucky.  Devar would be a fool to mess this up. 

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Ughhhh, Aleksandra WAS being bratty. Look, I realize that Rexburg isn't the nightclub hotspot of Idaho and that place was a little weird, but Josh was TRYING. Also, clearly, when she says she misses "dancing," she really means that she misses clubbing. Because I bet they could find a dance class for the girl to enjoy. Also, Mormons seem to love ballroom dancing, so there's got to be somewhere else she can shake a tail feather in that town.

Loren was ALSO being bratty last night. I couldn't believe her whole, "Everything I do is sooo selfless," routine and I don't buy it for a second. Did she offer to move to Israel? Did she find a better living situation than a tiny bedroom in a three bedroom condo in Boca with her parents? Whoever said she treats Alexei like a Ken doll is right.

I laughed out loud when Nikki proudly told Mark that she arranged his books by size. I kind of like snarky Nikki.

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Another poster (I don't remember who...sorry!) said it was to keep her dependent on him, especially once she gets to America by belittling her and making her feel insecure. Fernando is just such a jerk, I can't stand it. I really wish Carolina's father would do more to convince her that this is a horrible relationship.

That was me. It's like he's planting little seeds in her head already to tear her down before she even gets to the U.S. You're jealous, Your English is really bad, There are thousands of Carolinas out there, etc. I want to make it clear that I am not calling Fernando abusive, but he's using the tactics abusers use to keep their victims in line. Starting with tearing down their self esteem. I think he's sold Carolina on the idea that he's some kind of catch in the U.S. so that if and when she arrives here, she won't realize that the opposite is true. Nobody is lined up to get with a 39 year old divorced, bad bodied, obese man who lives with his parents. I wouldn't even be surprised if he fudged the whole cheating story to make her jealous.
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In all fairness, the circumstances of these two women couldn't be any more different.  Say what you want about Devar, but he seems to actually like and care about Melanie; who unlike Danielle, is a professional woman with an actual career.  Mohamed should have been so lucky.  Devar would be a fool to mess this up. 


You are correct, in one respect - Mohamad showed no affection for Danielle; Devar does show affection for Melanie.  And the other poster is probably right that Melanie is better off than Danielle financially, but Danielle was practically losing her home.  My opinion: Devar won't mess up what he has until he has a better deal lined up.  And in the US he can get a better deal, if by better you mean younger and hotter.  My wife might be able to get a better deal, too, but the problem for a woman is you never really know a man until you live with him.  My wife knows that I won't treat her bad (and I have money) and she's a bit of a "fraidy cat" so she doesn't want to take a chance of ending up in a nightmare with someone new.  And if she does decide to take that chance I'm at the point I can retire to Colombia.  I'm good with that.  Un clavo saca otro clavo.  I'm also fluent in Spanish.

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I don't see anything wrong with Devar sending money home to his family in Jamaica. In my culture (my family is from the Caribbean), men provide for the family and they do so with pride so once they find work in the US, they send money back home to help family members frequently. If Melanie thought Devar wouldn't send a good chunk of his earnings to his eight siblings and nieces/nephews, she's an idiot.




Really? so it's ok for Melanie to work her ass off and provide everything for them while Devar sends 90% of his income to family in Jamaica? How is that fair? Of course that conversation should have been had before he even stepped foot in the USA but this is made for TV drama. 


Loren- Immature brat. Who goes and locks the bedroom door so their fiancee can't come in and talk to them? An immature brat, that's who. 


Aleksandra- Did you know she likes to dance and wear sexy clothes? And she likes to dance? And drink? And dance? Go home, girl. From what I hear Prague is one of the most beautiful cities in the world. Go back there.  I doubt her straight laced fiancee' is ever going to be able to satisfy her in the bedroom, ever. Can you just imagine. No, let's not!

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Wee! More TV goodness. I can't comment on Carolina and Fernando because I just flat out don't understand them. No, I have one comment... I so cringed when they were out at that scenic place and she went in obviously for a little peck and he lunged into her tongue first. I kind of hoped she'd fall over the railing just to escape.

I'm really not liking Devar's family. Why is he totally responsible for supporting grown people? I understand helping out a bit, when he can, but not 90% worth. Hey sister, your kids are old enough that you don't need to be with them 24/7, just work your job. But Melanie wasn't totally right either. Why should Devar pay your credit card debt that you rang up before him?

Mark is insane. He hasn't dated at all in 20 years so when he does, he exactly recreates the circumstances of his last relationship that went down in flames. She's not your child. She's not your ex wife. Treat her as herself, or let history repeat itself.

Aleksandra really should go home. Josh is not the type to move to a bigger city so she has more outlets. What she sees will be her life and love is not enough to conquer that.

I totally blame Loren's parents. Nobody gets to be that huge of an entitled princess without a lot of affirmation from their parents. "You need to go after her"... No, she needs to understand that the world doesn't revolve around her. And next week, forcing him into modeling? Poor poor man. Go home.

And a small comment for Steve... Yes, you are completely allowed to have your likes and dislikes. I think the objection was to your use of "damaged goods". Women are people, not objects. Same as men (Loren).

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re: Devar sending 90% of his income. I can't see how between Devar sending money, their Mother sending money and the family back home in Jamaica working (even part time) that Devar really needs to send 90% of his income.  The feeling that I got from the skype video of the sister and Devar chatting is that they (sisters) don't really want to work. They have been pretty much set with Devar and/or Mom supplementing their support and them just sitting back and enjoying the freeloading.  That part I agree with Melanie. The part which i do not agree is that Devar not sending any money at all.  That is what most immigrants do. But 90% is excessive. I would figure in 30-40% while Mom kicks in the rest. These women can have gotten jobs working on the resorts which I understand pay very well.  Plus Melanie does make a decent wage. She would have to if she has a nice home and was able to go visit Devar how many times before he came to the States. Really how much does he have to kick in? I would say bare minimum and then his personal expenses. 


One more thing I forgot to add. Nikki needs lessons from Daya. I don't believe in the big honking diamond ring but in Nikki's case I think the gal has earned it being with Gramps. And girlfriend better make sure there are no specks or black marks.  


Overall I am just bothered with the attitude of the people on the show coming in from overseas (with exception to some of the others).  Just the fact that the States is the land of "milk and honey".  I know I get that attitude about Canada when I use to visit Greece.  The thought that we make money hand over fist and hardly worked. They were very surprised that we work very hard for what we got and hardly got any time off.  I think Devar is in for a rude shock when he gets a job.  Nikki and Carolina will be free loading from Gramps and Fat Fernando. Alexsandra, Alexei and Noon I'm giving them a pass as they really came over for "love" and didn't have a desire to come to the States in the first place. 

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And a small comment for Steve... Yes, you are completely allowed to have your likes and dislikes. I think the objection was to your use of "damaged goods". Women are people, not objects. Same as men (Loren).




You raise a valid point, but I think many people, both men and women, use metaphors like that when talking about other human beings and they know that they are not objects.  It's just a figure of speech.  I just did a search on Google for "damaged goods" and I swear to god this is the very first listing that came up:  


dam·aged goods


a person regarded as inadequate or impaired in some way.

Edited by Steve
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Melanie's sisters can sign up for their own reality show, but I'm not sure what the name of it would be.

Nosy, Bitter Harpies? God, they were horrible. I thought their intrusive questioning was way out of line! Melanie is a big girl and is capable of making her own decisions. They may not be the decisions her nasty sisters would make but it is HER BUSINESS. And not once did I see them behave in any way that could be construed as polite. Did anyone thank him for cooking for them? Or ask how he was adjusting? Nope, straight for the jugular. Awful. I applaud Devar for not losing his shit and staying civil. I'm just hoping he was winding them up with his "I'll send 9 dollars out of 10 back to my family". I cling to the notion that he's having a quiet laugh about sending up their blood pressures. I don't know what's driving Devar, maybe he's in it for the green card, maybe he likes Melanie well enough and is happy to live with the trade off, maybe he even does love her. But no one deserves the kind of grilling he got.


Loren is a spolled brat and breathtakingly self centered. Obviously her parents have catered to her every whim and indulged these tantrums. Poor Alexei.  


Aleksandra needs to run, not walk back to Prague. Poor thing, I just wanted to hug her. And why was everyone salsa dancing at a Dunkin Donuts? 

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Oh Aleksandra why are you here? She seemed so lonely and unhappy. She needs to go back to Prague. I'm trying to keep in mind that this all might be scripted and set up though. She was wearing a tight top with ample cleavage hanging out when she was skyping with her friend. And her jeans were pretty tight too, she wasn't dressed 'Mormon-y'.

Alexi's father said his brother "cried" when he left. That to me does not mean he had a "breakdown ". I hope Alexei has the patience of a saint with Loren because she's definitely a twit.

I wonder if Devar's mother is still sending money 'home'? And where were/are the husbands or boyfriends or fathers of the sisters and their kids? It sounded to me like the sisters had to get jobs once Devar left because he wasn't there to support them anymore. I can understand Devar helping them out but not 90%.

I can't for the life of me see what Carolina sees in Fernando!

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Ughhhh, Aleksandra WAS being bratty. Look, I realize that Rexburg isn't the nightclub hotspot of Idaho and that place was a little weird, but Josh was TRYING. Also, clearly, when she says she misses "dancing," she really means that she misses clubbing. Because I bet they could find a dance class for the girl to enjoy. Also, Mormons seem to love ballroom dancing, so there's got to be somewhere else she can shake a tail feather in that town.



I can't see anything interesting going on in that one horse town.  Aleksandra's not cut out for a place like that.  I'm sure there are some young people who could deal with it, just not her.

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Mark is a controlling person and waaaay too old for Nikki (it's not like he's a Supreme Court Justice, heh!). And here's a car like I bought my other wife. And here's her photo. But hey----I'll put YOUR photo there NOW!


Cockroaches would have had me on the first plane back to Thailand. I also HATED the parachuting deal! "But if Noon chickens out...."? WTH?! She is NOT one of your buddies!


Fernando cheated on his girl? HOW?! He reminds me of Sgt. Garcia of the old Disney "Zorro" series! Oh, am I "fat-shaming"? My bad.


Let's see....Melanie goes to Jamaica to get away from our PA winters, and she thinks Devar will be happy LEAVING Jamaica FOR PA?! She is delusional about more than a few things.


From a club-hopping girl to a Mormon bride in a Granny gown. Okay.


funkyrat, I'll have to check out the Hamburg Murphy's on my way to the Leesport Farmers Market! ;-) 'Cuz, ya know, it's COOL.

Edited by LennieBriscoe
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I think I'm the only one who saw Loren's reaction as being overdramatic guilt, and Alexei being a stoic guy. Not so much that she's selfish. She's shown that in other ways, but not in this scene.


Fernando's got an emotional hold on Carolina. She probably does not know much about the States and believes what he tells her. Side note: I would love to see them go to Zoo Miami! I lived very close to the zoo when I was young and have wonderful memories.


I think Devar would ideally like to send 90%, like most immigrants. Realistically, it won't happen. If he doesn't add much expense to Melanie & son's current cost of living, the 10% shouldn't really be too terrible when you think about it. I also believe that Devar was a lifeguard at the resort, which would mean he has some training that he could parlay into emergency or medical services. If so, they'll do well for themselves financially and he could send back plenty. Melanie should totally get a prenup since she seems to have good finances (investing maybe?) and a child to protect. They would do well to keep separate bank accounts, too. Maybe Melanie wanted someone who would relieve her of some financial burden. She made the mistake of bringing him back if that was her plan. I don't think she planned to bring back a husband from Jamaica, though. This is all new to her, unlike Mark and Wife 2.0.


Which reminds me, Mark I think the word you're looking for is "milkshake" - different drink starting with M.


Josh should talk to LDS about a permanent assignment in Prague. Happy wife, happy life.




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re: Devar sending 90% of his income. I can't see how between Devar sending money, their Mother sending money and the family back home in Jamaica working (even part time) that Devar really needs to send 90% of his income.  The feeling that I got from the skype video of the sister and Devar chatting is that they (sisters) don't really want to work. They have been pretty much set with Devar and/or Mom supplementing their support and them just sitting back and enjoying the freeloading.  That part I agree with Melanie. The part which i do not agree is that Devar not sending any money at all.  That is what most immigrants do. But 90% is excessive. I would figure in 30-40% while Mom kicks in the rest. These women can have gotten jobs working on the resorts which I understand pay very well.  Plus Melanie does make a decent wage. She would have to if she has a nice home and was able to go visit Devar how many times before he came to the States. Really how much does he have to kick in? I would say bare minimum and then his personal expenses. 



I completely agree. Devar's sisters don't seem to have any interest in participating in taking care of themselves. Melanie specifically says she has a problem because they are perfectly capable of working. Why should she support Devar so he can send everything to his family at home who aren't doing anything themselves? His attitude when he said it reeked of 'I'm here so I can send money to my family and I'm going to leach off you while I do it'. 



There are appropriate expectations for helping support families. My brother's MIL lives in the West Indies and they have needed to help at various times. Once was because she really needed an MRI but couldn't afford the flight to get one because it wasn't available on her island. So of course they helped. But never did his MIL expect to be able to sit at home and not work while they paid all of her bills. I didn't get the impression that the sisters are disabled or in any other way unable to earn money. 

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I personally think we haven't seen enough of Devar's family to refer to them as freeloaders or lazy.

Exactly. And remember... this is TLC, who will make anyone look like a hoarder, bad person, drunk, addict... if it brings them ratings.

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We don't know how old any of Devar's siblings are, do we? Or what their skills are, or what the job market is there. It's a developing country and from what I've been told unless you're lucky enough to work in a resort you're fucked.

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Oh the irony of Melanie's sisters asking about how many one night stands Devar has had, because I'm guessing that's how Mel and Devar got together. Vacation, pool boy, you do the math. I would have given MAJOR  props to Devar if he had responded with "you mean besides your sister?"  

Edited by poeticlicensed
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I can get women locally, but I went to Colombia for the same reason that Melanie went to Jamaica: I'm past my prime and I can get someone younger and more attractive than I could get here.  The difference is I've got enough financial resources to keep mine, but women like Melanie and fat Danielle from season 2 will probably see their desperate husbands bail once they have their residency approved.


Well, if the only way to “keep” a K1 spouse is based on one’s financial status, then some of these Americans are basically buying a partner.  If that’s the case, then Mark should be able to keep Nikki and Melanie should be able to keep her cabana boy, right?  As for the others, I’d have to see their financial statements before hazarding a guess about their chances of having a lasting relationship.

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Isn't buying a spouse illegal?  Like slavery or prostitution?

Mail order brides have been around for a while.  My son had a preschool classmate and the mom was very young, fashionably dressed and beautiful and from Russia.  The dad was much older and very nerdy and unattractive - it was so obvious what was going on there.  Interestingly, I was just watching Forensic Files the other night and there was an episode about a mail order bride that had gone missing and turned up murdered by the husband.  She was from the same town in the Phillipines as Nikki and her predecessor.  In those days, they were from mail order catalogues, now they have internet "dating" sites.

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Mail order brides have been around for a while. My son had a preschool classmate and the mom was very young, fashionably dressed and beautiful and from Russia. The dad was much older and very nerdy and unattractive - it was so obvious what was going on there. Interestingly, I was just watching Forensic Files the other night and there was an episode about a mail order bride that had gone missing and turned up murdered by the husband. She was from the same town in the Phillipines as Nikki and her predecessor. In those days, they were from mail order catalogues, now they have internet "dating" sites.

OMG was that Gurley who was killed by her husband's mistress who thought she was an alien princess?
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OMG was that Gurley who was killed by her husband's mistress who thought she was an alien princess?

No it was called "A Vow of Silence"





If you don't want to click on the link above - read the summary:


In this episode of Forensic Files -- "A Vow of Silence" -- a young woman from the Philippines who had been living in Arlington, Texas, with her husband and son disappears.

Emelita Villa came to Arlington in 1987 from her home country of the Philippines as an impoverished 18-year-old after Jack Reeves -- a man almost 30 years her senior -- saw her in a mail-order-bride magazine and chose her to be his fourth wife.

Six and a half years later, in October of 1994, she disappeared.

During their investigation, detectives discovered that the deaths of both Reeve's second and third wives were shrouded in mystery. Is Jack Reeves a murderer three times over, or is someone else to blame for the death of Emelita Villa

Edited by Momof2boyz
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Buying a spouse isn't illegal because legal marriage is a contract to share sex, finances, etc. Prostitution in the traditional sense was illegal because it was money for sex without the marriage, and slavery is using force.

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There's something about Mark that seems either closeted or asexual. Not wanting to sleep in the same bed originally or now complaints of no affection strike me as odd with someone you plan to marry. Plus, he's so fashion oriented, most hetero men don't dress to that fine of haberdashery.

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I THINK he said if he has 10 it will be 9.   So yes he said 9, but means 90%.

He definitely said 9 out of 10 (90%).  If you read the Previously TV recap of the Episode which is linked up above somewhere (quite funny and worth a read) this is confirmed.  I would have a problem with this too if I were Melanie!

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I heard Devar say "9%" not "90%."

I THINK he said if he has 10 it will be 9.   So yes he said 9, but means 90%.


I know that some men are OK with tattoos, and some tolerate them because they are so prevalent now in the US, but GreekMom and others are talking like Carolina's way out of Fernando's league.  I recognize that Fernando is overweight, but he also pulls a lot of women as shown by him being an unfaithful scoundrel.  Colombia is loaded with women hotter than her who don't have tattoos and who would be happy to have an average American guy like Fernando.  Now after they get to the US their stock value is a lot higher because the native-born women here don't play up their feminine assets as much.  But in Colombia she's run-of-the-mill, and to me she's damaged goods.  I'm no great catch either, but if I was living in Colombia like a lot of retired US men I'd be able to pick and choose.   Colombia has the best pool of beautiful women on the planet.

If she considers herself average by Colombian standards, then ok...she is probably willing to settle for Fernando.  But if she ever makes it here she's going to be surprised by the male attention she gets.

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There's something about Mark that seems either closeted or asexual. Not wanting to sleep in the same bed originally or now complaints of no affection strike me as odd with someone you plan to marry. Plus, he's so fashion oriented, most hetero men don't dress to that fine of haberdashery.

Or its just generational and he is giving plausible deniability to Nikki to say that they did not engage in sex until after the legal marriage
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