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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Apparently  there's an unwritten rule about allowing there to be only one happy and/or stable couple on the show at any time. Right now, we're getting Michael and Sabrina, since Lulu and Dante are having issues and we all know Patrick and Sam are doomed. Unfortunately, this also means we won't be seeing Flea and Mac any time soon -- or probably not Alexis and Julian either. 




The cast sure could use a trimming down, as long as baby Avery isn't cut.

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I'm just glad we didn't get a "Ooooh, boobies!" moment like we had with Michael and Lauren. 


CD and TeCa both looked so awkward. That scene should have stopped after the kissing.



Oh right...I had blocked that from memory...their relationship was filled with so many unfortunate moments, most important being that they had a relationship to begin with.


So much about Michael and Sabrina, both together and separately, is incredibly awkward to me and their love scene was a prime example of that, as you said. 



And wasn't Sonny ruled an unfit guardian by the court?  Wouldn't CPS or somebody be involved in any kind of change in custody?





I'm sure Michael had a lengthy conversation on Twitter with Avery's social worker and she was totally cool with it. Ron just didn't want to "bore" us with such trivial details and all that.

Edited by CPP83
  • Love 4


And wasn't Sonny ruled an unfit guardian by the court?  Wouldn't CPS or somebody be involved in any kind of change in custody?


Michael said that he would call Judge Walters in the morning and explain returning Avery to Sonny. Basically, Avery was taken away from Sonny as a favor from Monica's boyfriend and she will be returned to Sonny for the same reason.

Usually, when I watch GH live, my cat sits on my lap and watches, too, but a week or so ago, she started going back to the bedroom and burrowing under the covers.  I took this to be her editorial comment on the current quality of the show.  Today, knowing what was coming, I figuratively joined her under the covers and didn't watch.  Going by your comments, I'm glad I didn't.  I may not tomorrow!  My cat knows what she's doing.


Michael, spite may have had something to do with your going after custody of A.J., but so what?  All the good and important reasons you also had are still valid.  And if - when - A.J. gets kidnapped, shot, put in a coma, imprisoned, or worse, it'll be partially on your head.  But, by all means, don't let the guilt ruin your "happiness."


It's so Ava will get more desperate and make her next move. Michael would let her see Avery. Sonny won't.


I believe this is probably true.  And now, much as I love MW, Show has made me wish Ava had died of her cancer so A.J. could've stayed where she belonged, at the Quartermaine mansion.

  • Love 6

The overly dramatic orchestral music that played during the Michael returning Avery / AJ scene drove me nuts.  It felt like the show was shouting at me, "See?  This is moving!  It's heartwarming that Sonny has his girl child back, back where she belongs.  With Sonny our hero, our poor misunderstood mobster." 


No, it's not where she belongs.  And I felt no emotion.  Rising heartburn, oh yeah.  But any real emotion?  Hell, no.


And I don't suppose Sonny swearing to protect cutest baby ever with his life will actually amount to anything, which is a damn shame.  Where's an actual anvil when you need one?


Carly is always at Sonny's. Last week I noticed she referred to his house as "home."  So I guess Bobby is raising Joss now, since Carly no apparently no longer lives in her own house.  Arrgh.


*Takes more Tums*



  • Love 5

Why did Ron just throw away months worth of story today, in under 38 minutes? I expected this episode to send into a rage blackout, but instead I'm just mystified as to why a show that has to produce approximately 260 episodes per year just chuck months worth of story right out the window. Seriously, why?!?

Because it's lazy storytelling. He took what is arguably the only decent thing that was written on GH in a while (Michael disowning his parents for what happened with AJ, then the Avery custody battle) and ruined it in one episode. No slow burning storyline with Michael feeling all alone since he lost ELQ- there could have been a few scenes with him missing his family, feeling remorse about using Avery to get back at Sonny, etc. But nope- it was one episode of Sabrina and him talking about it, then just giving her back. I would have liked supervised visits, with Michael looking on guiltily as Sonny bonded with Avery, or maybe even a conversation with Sonny, Carly and Michael about Avery, the AJ stuff, etc. So much potential there, but didn't go there. Instead we get lazy writing. Same with the Dante/Val build up.

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What I got out of today - Maurice is the ultimate baby whisperer and I just can't help myself when he has a babe in arms because he is always able to make them grin and giggle and just relax. I had to smile when she reached her bitty finger out at him to tap on his nose.



Sonny may be total shit, but Maurice has a way with kids that is just special. The way baby Avery rested her head on his shoulder while babbling away with her adorable baby talk was just too cute.


And I was chuckling the whole way through when he first asked her to share and then took a bite of her teething biscuit and her beautiful smile after doing so and his reaction to munching on it, it was dimples overload.


But that was the only part of the show that I can comment on positively.


MB loves babies, and they love him! Sonny needs to renounce his ways and open a daycare. 

  • Love 7

Why did Ron just throw away months worth of story today, in under 38 minutes? I expected this episode to send into a rage blackout, but instead I'm just mystified as to why a show that has to produce approximately 260 episodes per year just chuck months worth of story right out the window. Seriously, why?!?

I'm not *currently watching but from what I gather plot point. MoRon wants Sonny and Carly vs DenAva/Morgan. Since he doesn't understand pacing, story development/movement he simply does it as quick as possible. All your details will be given on twitter if not, remember your trusty "because....reasons".

Who doesn't love a show, book or movie filled with horrible pacing, bad story telling, weak or non existent details, characters with shifting characterization or motivation with numerous plot outlines occurring "because... reasons".

IMO, this show fell apart right before the NB and excluding occasional individual shows hasn't found its way.

* I was going to watch Tuesday and Wednesday's episodes from last week but went ahead and deleted the whole week instead.

  • Love 6

And wasn't Sonny ruled an unfit guardian by the court?  Wouldn't CPS or somebody be involved in any kind of change in custody?


This could all be saved for me if Monica finds out and sends CPS after Sonny's ass.  Sadly...



Michael said that he would call Judge Walters in the morning and explain returning Avery to Sonny. Basically, Avery was taken away from Sonny as a favor from Monica's boyfriend and she will be returned to Sonny for the same reason.


...instead, her damn boyfriend is probably going to just sign off on the unfit alleged father being handed the baby with no procedure needing to be followed.  And he wouldn't let Maxie have her baby because she was dating a cop.  If Ron wants to give me headaches, he could just send someone to icepick my skull and eliminate the extra pain that is watching this shit. 


After Sonny said that he would protect Avery with her life, I really wanted Michael to say, yeah, just how you protected me in that warehouse.


I know this is a typo, but I love it, because, well, let's be real, Sonny would protect Avery with her own life.  Protecting her with his own life is a little below his pay grade.  

  • Love 9

I think I'm on the Barge for an extended visit.   I just couldn't watch yesterday, knowing I was going to see Michael give the baby back to Moobs.  And then Show would do "heartwrending".  Show's idea of "heartwrending" feels a whole lot like stabbing stomach pains to me.  

And I knew Luke and Laura would be seeing Holly, which means the stink of Ethan isn't far away, and that's almost as bad. If Genie is going to be stuck doing nothing but adding to Luke's deluded "I'm such a STAR" farewell tour, then I'm not going to be seeing much of her either.


So there's not much left for me, with Anna gone, except Dante.  And he's stuck in a dark hole of a story.  


The Barge might be a great place to spend the summer.  A little sun, a cool drink instead of vodka rage shots, yeah.......sounds better than what is currently on offer onshore.

Edited by boes
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I know this is a typo, but I love it, because, well, let's be real, Sonny would protect Avery with her own life.  Protecting her with his own life is a little below his pay grade.



Very appropriate typo.  I'm not watching.  I get ragey just reading recaps but how does Michael or anyone else for that matter not roll their eyes in Sonny's face when he talks about protecting anyone?  its the same song and dance.

This happened? I have no words that could really describe the feeling I have after knowing this. 



Back to hating Sonny 




Add Michael and sobby to that list. I actually never stopped hating Sonny and Carly so except for Laura , for now I just hate the show and TIIC of course. Boy am I happy I didn't watch AJ being put on a mob target.

  • Love 1

I'm so tired of fake Ava, walks into the Q house throwing around demands. I hate Michael giving the baby back to Sonny, it's so ridiculous and all for the sake of plot to have Ava in Sonny's orbit with Morgan on the side. 


Then on top of that Dante left Rocco there? Instead of anywhere in the world else? 

Edited by Artsda
  • Love 2

So, during Luke's last grand final hurrah adventure in 2013, he and Laura wake up in bed together, and it was supposed to be a "haha!" moment for the audience.


Now Luke, Laura, and Holly are in bed together, and it's supposed to be yet another "haha!" moment.


Re-Ron really makes sure he earns that nickname, doesn't he?


Also, Twitter informs me that Holly and Bill Eckert were in fact acquainted.


Not just acquainted -- they were lovers in 1992 and 1993!

  • Love 5

Dante earned mini points with me when he asked if Sonny stole the baby from Michael and then didn't even nod when Sonny said "I don't know if it's any comfort to you but I got your back." heh


Dante is usually so level-headed for a soap I get this weird sense of second-hand embarrassment when they put him in situations like "there are clothes on my wife's bed! She MUST be having an affair!"


I have to assume Dante left Rocco with Sonny because of some upcoming plot point. Or they just wanted to show that Sonny loves all the childrenz. Because there is no reason to not leave him with off-screen Bobbie, Nathan, or Michael. 


Not just acquainted -- they were lovers in 1992 and 1993!



Wasn't Laura's return a big deal as well? How could Holly not know she was alive? Dumb.


I liked Tracy snatching the bear away from Ava.

  • Love 7

Okay, I am officially and completed insulted and more than a little pissed off.  Are Ron and his idiotic writing staff really that clueless that they don't think their viewers actually know GH history?  Do they have so little respect for the viewers that they think they can throw whatever at the audience and no one will know the difference?


Holly didn't know L&L were married?  Really, really?  Then who was that person talking to Laura in 1983 after Laura had escaped from the Cassadines, when L&L were very much married.  Better yet, who was it that was standing in Mariah's living room when Luke announced that he and Laura were pregnant? 


Holly didn't know Bill Eckert?  Then who was she sleeping with in 1990-ish when she came back to PC.  Better yet, who did she steal the painting from before she headed out of town.


Ron Carlivati, Frank Valentini, breakdown writers and script writers can kiss my round shiny butt. 


Okay, I feel better.


What's confusing is they DO dig up ridiculous minutiae sometimes. That's why we get stuff like that Pete Harrel or whatever his name was jr. crap last year with Levi/Maxie. So apparently they do know and just chose to ignore it. Okay! So they're driving away whatever old fans who came back to watch Luke's goodbye and new fans who don't care about the history aren't going to care about Luke shuffling slowly around memory lane.

  • Love 2

Okay, I am officially and completed insulted and more than a little pissed off. Are Ron and his idiotic writing staff really that clueless that they don't think their viewers actually know GH history? Do they have so little respect for the viewers that they think they can throw whatever at the audience and no one will know the difference?


Yes, and yes.

Yes, Holly absolutely met Laura in 1983 and knew she was Luke's beloved back from the dead wife, from that point on.

Yes, Holly had an entire relationship with Bill Eckert and yes, that was during the Paloma-Hollys-long-lost-half-sister story. Which took place in a made up South American country and was terrible. (But like most things, it was Shakespeare compared to the current writing).

Maybe we are to believe Holly just lies about everything now - even pointless lies to people that she knows either know the truth or could find out the truth in one 20-second call to Bobbie? Or maybe the masks are back and it's not really Holly - its Flolly!

Edited by SlovakPrincess
  • Love 3

Sorry be so blunt/crude, but Michael totally pussied out, giving AJ/Avery back to the midgety moobster. How disappointing. The only bone we were thrown was him saying that he didn't think they'd ever have their old father/son relationship again, but that in no way compensates for him placing that child into the environment he KNOWS is hazardous to her health/life. And his near-acceptance of Snarly's reasons for lying to him about his father being murdered by the moobster was hard to stomach. The capper? Sobby sex. I think I chugged all the Pepto Bismol in the house, as reaching for the red wine would have made me totally fuzzy for work. Despite the horrors I saw on my DVR last night, functioning well at work was more important than trying to trick the brain cells into forgetting all about Michael yesterday. And also forgetting how WE NEVER CARED, MOTHER FROM HELL, SERIAL KILLER, and the mother/son con team of Sutton and Teethan slimed up my eyeballs as well.

Edited by TheMediaHo
  • Love 2

What's confusing is they DO dig up ridiculous minutiae sometimes. That's why we get stuff like that Pete Harrel or whatever his name was jr. crap last year with Levi/Maxie. So apparently they do know and just chose to ignore it. Okay! So they're driving away whatever old fans who came back to watch Luke's goodbye and new fans who don't care about the history aren't going to care about Luke shuffling slowly around memory lane.


The weird thing? That Peter Harrel -- or whoever he was -- that they dug up was from the. same. storyline. where Luke and Laura announced their pregnancy!! 


So, in late 1984, Luke and Laura were announcing their pregnancy and Holly thought nothing of it when Luke showed up in Singapore or wherever they were in 1986?  18 months later and she had NO idea that Luke was still married?


I'm the biggest Holly hater in the world, or close it, and I can't even throw shade at her for that level of stupidity!


When was that horrid crap with Emma Samms playing "Paloma".  Was she with Bill or Luke?  TIA.


I've blocked out all things Paloma-related.  But that was all Bill and nothing to do with Luke.


People, Holly knew Bill!   On Ron's Twitter!




See, if Ron hadn't fired all the GH-related writers and replaced him with his own people (Scott Sickles, Daniel Oconnor, and Chris Van Ettan, I wont' stop side-eyeing y'all until you quit daytime television for your true callings as comic book writers) this might not have happened.


We're to the point where someone's going to change the name of the hospital to Mercy, Sacred Heart or St. Eligius, and no one's going to catch it, aren't we?

  • Love 13

People, Holly knew Bill!   On Ron's Twitter!




"It was in the script, I dunno why the line was changed" is becoming a reRon all its own.


Other plot tidbits from Ron's twitter: Holly and Robert are together off-camera and there was a line explaining his absence in the outline that got cut when it went to script.

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 3

This Luke farewell stuff is total bullshit.

I chose to love Luke, so essentially, I asked to be cheated on, dragged around the world, and eventually dismissed. Both Holly and Laura singing the enabler's theme song.

This is offensively bad.


On a shallow note, damn, Liz's skin is flawless. 


I don't mean to be mean, but . . . it's just too damn late for Luke to have one last adventure. He looks as stiff as Duke used to. I'm stealing this from another poster, but this adventure should have been Nik, Liz, Lulu, Dante, etc whoever, going after Lucky and Luke passing down the torch. Laura could go with them since she doesn't look like she's about to collapse, but Luke should have stayed in Port Charles.


And yes, I'm starting to think BH sold her soul to the devil for her complexion. 

Edited by ulkis
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