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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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I don't think it's worth it to watch today's episode when all this snark is so much better. You guys have to stop- I have tears streaming down my cheeks as I'm trying to put my kid to sleep.

They had buff Nathan winded over boxing with Spin? Who are they trying to fool?

Valerie seems good- may tune in for her. Maybe Justus's dad is her father? Why is everyone scared of that old geezer? He looks so sickly, yet no one has drop kicked his ass yet.

Oh great- more bitch face Liz. I wasn't expecting it so soon. Definitely sounds like Ric is behind this.

Well, no surprise I was completely bored by Liz/Jake. They were by far the worst offenders. And no surprise at all that Lizzie defaults to her resting bitchface. Isn't it night time now? Why isn't Cameron home? Why do I even care what these two do?


The boxing thing was stupid as hell. Were we really supposed to believe that Nathan was winded by going 4 rounds in a ring with Spinelli? Or that he missed every single shot except the last one? Whatever, Ron. I can only suspend disbelief so much.


Agree on the Valerie Spencer actress, she's gorgeous. She kind of reminds me of a younger Tamra Tunie.



Maura is continuing to kill it, but they need to get Ava back to Port Charles and interacting with different people. It's painful having to watch her carry Michael Easton through their scenes.


Maura is the only thing worth watching on this show IMO. All the rest sucks. And preach that Ava needs to be back in PC interacting with more people. Poor Ava, being stuck with no one but Silas for company. Talk about your own special kind of hell. And I'll always feel sorry for her, because she's a damn good actress. Way better than this show deserves.



If they insist on doing this Silas/Ava crap to keep ME employed, just make him go horribly dark. Turn Silas into a raging drunk or addict and a scheming doctor working with Ava as he surrenders to his family's worst tendencies; make him her kept stud. That's the only thing that would work.


Are you trying to make me projectile vomit? I can barely stomach to imagine the ME trying to swallow her whole with the way he kisses, and then his gross, disgusting lack of chest in love scenes. You're cruel.

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I have to give Liz a temporary pass on the bitch face, at least this once.  If I opened up my door and saw Rebecca Budig I'd probably mash her into my juicer and feed the results to Kiki.  Not a favorite of mine.


The "Green Butterfly" needs to be sprayed with a can RAID - stat.  She and the REAL block of wood, Cam Mathison, killed AMC with their own version of Dutch Elm disease.  I kid, I kid,  but not much....

  • Love 8

Can we just skip to the part where Silas finds a miracle cure and Ava fucks him as a show of gratitude? Or maybe the they'll have grief sex first and then she'll fuck him again once he finds a cure.


They'll have another love baby, named, in true clever Ron fashion, "Let's All Have A."

I have to give Liz a temporary pass on the bitch face, at least this once.  If I opened up my door and saw Rebecca Budig I'd probably mash her into my juicer and feed the results to Kiki.  Not a favorite of mine.


The "Green Butterfly" needs to be sprayed with a can RAID - stat.  She and the REAL block of wood, Cam Mathison, killed AMC with their own version of Dutch Elm disease.  I kid, I kid,  but not much....


Wait until they go through 10 men until they find one she has chemistry with, or she starts spitting out her lines like a machine gun...

Edited by Pete Martell
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It's Liz's own damned fault. Not that RB's character is on the up and up, but to get involved with a dude when you have no clue about his past and whether he has a wife (and does, just not this woman) and family? She's a dumbass



Not to mention opening her home to a random guy whose background she knows nothing about.  He could be the next Ted Bundy for all she knows.


I had to turn off that video of Felicia and Puke.  And I thought Geary in drag  "I Am What I Am" was bad enough. Sheesh.

Edited by One More Time
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Since the show is under such tight budget cuts, I won't even request royalties. Ron being annoyed by it will be payment enough.


I forgot to mention before... given that the show is trying to do some kind of PSA for Shriners Burn Care and everything, even for GH it's pretty low taste that they have that commercial airing about "GH is on fire!"


So, my Aunt leans towards Sonny apologist and hasn't been a fan of Michael lately, (usually her taste is so good, she loves Harold Finch/Person of Interest as much as I do), and she was just texting me about the stupidity of jobless Morgan and Kiki (she brought up the unemployment not me) wanting to raise the baby and what an awful idea they have and it'll be disgusting if they go through with it, totally defending Michael. So, thanks Ron, for turning her pro-Michael at least for now!

I agree. I like Person of Intrest also.

I didn't see the Luke/Felicia thing in real time but I watched it on YouTube because I was curious and my God... who was the one responsible for that nightmare? They should be flogged. Ew, I'm picturing it again. MAKE IT STOP. 


As for what's happening now, I said this on Twitter yesterday but if I'll say it again: If you have to dumb down nearly every character on your show in order to make your stories work, you have no business writing a soap. 

  • Love 7

Wow, ah, oh, Lulu and especially Tracy. You might want to check the calendar and, ah, the Quartermaine family tree. "Justus" isn't just a name in the crypt.


God help me, but I am floving Boxing Mentor Sonny, actually being nice to Spinelli. (There's hate on Spinelli, and they're being an asshole bully to Spinelli, and Barware-Throwing Moobster was always the latter.) I'll be sorry when he leave for the Mirror Universe and we have to have the Moobster back.


Sorry, but I can't comment on Kaka raging over SabwEEEEEEEEna while trying to get her sister to the Moobster who Panic Room'd her mom (and was going to kill her as revenge for shooting WhoTheFuckCares) without popping a vital blood vessel.


Oh, and here's a cut scene from last week's episode with Anna in Sloan's room, when he dropped the towel:



Edited by NutmegsDad
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Hey all, I have a membership for a non-Smithsonian museum in Washington, DC, was there today, and saw Natalia L. ( ex-Emily) walking around there with some guy. She just happened to be facing my direction while walking by, saw me do a double take and accidentally stare at her for a sec.I didn't try to talk to her/distract her from her tourist experience, but I'll assume she was thinking, "Oh, a GH-er."  Talk about a crazy moment. 

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I can't imagine why the ratings are going down.  Introduction of two new characters on Friday on a show that already has way too many characters.  Reintroduction of  a mob war and Jason and cringe-worthy looking Spinelli.  Horrific integration of three major characters that have no business being created on a show called 'General Hospital' (Nina, Ava, and Franco).  Huge amounts of time/dialogue given to Sonny and Carly Corinthos.  The next generation of characters has not even hit puberty.  I have so much antipathy towards RC/FV (and Guza).  Even with the good that they do (Shriner's advert), I think that Ron probably twittered something bad about about a child suffering burns and this is a PR stunt. I do NOT want to see Sonny or Carly for ONE WEEK.  Is the soap gonna die without them?  I think not.

Edited by sunnyface
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Maurice Bernard really seems to enjoying the comedy aspect. His eye rolls are hysterical and between a geek like Spinelli and a God like Nathan is priceless. I will say that Ryan Paevey acting wasn't very good during the boxing match. I thought Spinelli was going to wake up and it was all a dream but apprently the whole boxing scenes were "real". Yikes! That was daytime acting at its worst. Hopefully, KS can liven it up on Monday. I do have one question. What the heck is going on with William DeVry's hair? Is he going bald on the top of his head? It looks different from the rest of his hair and looks like he has a birds nest on the top. Very distracting!

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I basically skipped Fridays episode, but youtubed the Pat Spencer stuff because I wanted to see the daughter (Val?)  She looks familiar to me but I can't place her.


I also watched the last 10 seconds to see Budig's appearance.  Liz's bitch face was hilarious.  I have said it before, and will say it again....I have ZERO sympathy for this twit.   You are making out with a dude who has no idea who he is.  No. SYMPATHY.


I was obsessed with Leo and Greenlee on AMC, so I am excited to have Rebecca on my screen again.

  • Love 5

  The "boxing" match was as cringeworthy as expected. There's no way in Hell that a man as fit as Nathan would be winded after four seconds in the ring with Spinelli, much less four rounds. As for Maxie's supposedly being "torn" between Nathan and Spinelli, WTF? The way I see it, there's no confusion. It's a no-brainer if ever there's been one. I'm team Nathan all day, every day and three times on Sunday. Spinelli not only has a child, he is a child as his stunts to win back Maxie prove. Nathan may not be the brainiac that Spinelli is, but he was smart enough to see through Levi's bullshit first before everyone else and now he's got Spinelli's number when it comes to his intentions towards Maxie. So what if Spinelli and Maxie have a baby? So do Sonny & Ava, Scotty & Heather and Frisco & Felicia, but it doesn't make them "soulmates." Last time I checked, "parents" and "soulmates" weren't mutually exclusive. Case in point: Frisco & Felicia. They're Maxie's parents, who at one point though that they would be together forever too-and look how that turned out. As much as I hate to say it, Sonny was actually right when he told Spinelli that the same so-called "destiny" that's constantly brought him and Maxie together is also what keeps tearing them apart.


  Spinelli may be chronologically a man, but Nathan is a man in every sense of the word. Spinelli may have technically made Maxie a mother, but it's Nathan who's made her want to be a better one. Maxie's perpetual flakiness doesn't help. When it comes to Nathan and Spinelli, Maxie sends more mixed signals than a teen pop star.  Unlike NuRecipeSpinelli and Levi before him, Nathan has never lied to Maxie nor played her for a fool. If the shoe were on the other foot and Nathan's ex girlfriend came to town determined to win him back whether Maxie liked it or not and Maxie caught them kissing, I doubt that she would play it off like she expected Nathan to do when he caught her and Spinelli kissing. BTW, Spinelli, you can't compete with Nathan and not just for the obvious physical reasons. Nathan's the better man with the better (and legal) job, much better taste in friends and as for looks, enough said. As far as I'm concerned, Maxie's indecisiveness says much worse about her than it does about Nathan.  

Edited by DollEyes
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I never even thought of Nathan faking the getting "winded" part. He might have tried to make Spinelli feel better about himself by letting him win a few rounds & then just punching him out when he had enough. I'll buy that. That said, Ryan Paevey is amazing looking. I think even Maurce Bernard got turned on. LOL!!! Paevey may never be a great actor (looking at Bernard) but I've seen worse. He will probably leave the show when his current contract runs out and become another Cameron Mattheson or Antonio Sabatio, Jr. He'll get on some show like Revenge or Greys Anatomy and be a bigger star. He seems like a nice guy and does have great chemestry with Storms. Did I say he was awesome looking? Very adonis looking.

  • Love 5

I would think Nathan went easy on Spin on purpose except for the line he had when he was winded saying something like "this isn't going to be as easy as I thought". I do think it was supposed to be serious that he was winded.RME


Some of what has already been stated is what bugs me the most out of this story, Nathan IS a way better man than Spinelli and it has nothing to do with how he looks. Plus no one can convince me that Maxie has been "in love" with Spin for a while. I mean the whole time he has been gone and even when she stayed with him to see Georgie she had no feelings for him. Now the man comes back with no job, no money and no place to live and in fact no real plan and just b/c he is Georgie's biodad that somehow makes him desirable to Maxie....um yah no. What are they going to live on. Love? The amount of love they have for each other I guess they'll all starve. SMH

  • Love 8

What I see with Maxie is a mother who wants to give her daughter something she didn't have, a life with both parents in it.



I think what should be done is have Spin go to jail for all his cyber crimes and he signs over all parental rights and then Maxie can go on to marry Nathan he can adopt Georgie and they can be one big family.

  • Love 3

ITA with DollEyes, except for the part about Spinelli making Maxie a mother. A sperm bank could have done that. What is more, the sperm bank won't take the infant from the mother and move across the country. 


What I see with Maxie is a mother who wants to give her daughter something she didn't have, a life with both parents in it.


Maxie of all  people should know that being the biological parent doesn't mean they would be the best caregiver or only caregiver a child can have. 


The baby can have both parents in her life even if the parents are not together.

  • Love 5

What I see with Maxie is a mother who wants to give her daughter something she didn't have, a life with both parents in it.



I think what should be done is have Spin go to jail for all his cyber crimes and he signs over all parental rights and then Maxie can go on to marry Nathan he can adopt Georgie and they can be one big family.


Spin going to prison would be delightful. I need Judge Country to come back and debunk all the "poor fragile nerd, he know not what he doeth" crap with Spinelli.

  • Love 6

I do think that Maxie's desire to not have her daughter raised in the same family dynamics Maxie was raised in plays in to this Spinelli thing, but I think her weird co-dependency with Spinelli plays a larger part.  Spinelli always emotionally controlled her; when they were together, her self esteem rose and fell based on what he said about and to her.  How often did he say he was disappointed in her, and have her beg for forgiveness, and then start praising her with all of his ridiculous nicknames, only to once again say how disappointed he was and how he thought she was better than whatever she had done, and the cycle continued.  Before him and without him, I always saw Maxie as confident, and with him, that completely disappeared.  That's why I really hate the idea of them being together at all (well, part of why - I also really hate Spinelli, so I don't want to see him on screen at all).  


Nathan isn't perfect but he does seem to let Maxie be who she is, without trying to control her.  This Spinelli BS is a great example - instead of a guilt trip or pressuring her, he asked her straight out if she had feelings for Spinelli and then told her she needed to figure it out.  No showing up claiming he nowhere else to go, no telling her how she feels about him that she's just to stupid to realize, no droopy dog face.  Team Nathan all the way.




(I obviously have no idea how to add a picture I found on the internet, even though I know how to add videos.)

Edited by Turtle
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Nathan isn't perfect but he does seem to let Maxie be who she is, without trying to control her.  This Spinelli BS is a great example - instead of a guilt trip or pressuring her, he asked her straight out if she had feelings for Spinelli and then told her she needed to figure it out.  No showing up claiming he nowhere else to go, no telling her how she feels about him that she's just to stupid to realize, no droopy dog face.  Team Nathan all the way.


I want to preface this by saying that while I don't really like Spinelli, I don't hate him quite as much as some of ya'll. With that said, I think that part of who Maxie is is a flighty flibbertigibbet who occasionally seems to need Ritalin. She definitely has good intentions, and her heart is way more often than not in the right place, but Lulu had a point when she said that Maxie tends to think of some things as interchangeable. Personally, I think that's a bit rich coming from LooLoo, since not five minutes after she and Dante lost custody of Georgie, she was off and running after Ben so she could give another baby another dumbass name, but that's neither here nor there.


Maybe if Mac and Felicia were actually around instead of either stuffed in the veteran's closet or off in some bubble of their own, (did they ever finish the damned recount? I lost track) they could help her out. Mac is probably the only stable adult man in Port Charles. Dante loses out by a hair because of his intermittent tendency to be Sonny's Son, or else I'd say he also qualifies to offer solid advice. Nathan's a decent guy, and I think that if Maxie is as smart as she is well-intentioned, she'd walk a wide circle around Spinelli. You know that when Sonny is actually right about something, it'd pay to make note of it.

  • Love 2

Usually I don't give credit to Maxie for much, but for once I actually don't think she deserves the bulk of the blame here. Spinelli is the one who's come to her, begging for another chance, she's told him no more than once, and besides the returned kiss (which he initiated and I don't blame her for not recoiling, she did after all have a long relationship with the man and loved him, as inexplicable as I find it) she hasn't encouraged him at all. But Spinelli keeps coming after her, because he is a creepy dipshit who can't take no for an answer. And acts like his looks are what the problem is, and not the fact that he is a creepy dipshit.


Dante loses out by a hair because of his intermittent tendency to be Sonny's Son, or else I'd say he also qualifies to offer solid advice.


I don't think he wants to touch Maxie's relationship problems with a 10 foot pole anyway.

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 7

Despite the lack of any evidence showing it, I tell myself that Mac is still really involved in Maxie's day to day life, supporting her (not just financially) and being a good example for her.  He mostly felt about Spinelli the way I do, and in the show in my head, she's going to have a heart to heart with him (without Felicia, because just no), and he's going to set her straight.  


And I love the way you said "She definitely has good intentions, and her heart is way more often than not in the right place" - that's exactly how I feel about Maxie.  Good intentions, good heart, terrible ability to think through consequences or to know when to stop digging herself farther in to the hole.  

  • Love 2

And I love the way you said "She definitely has good intentions, and her heart is way more often than not in the right place" - that's exactly how I feel about Maxie.  Good intentions, good heart, terrible ability to think through consequences or to know when to stop digging herself farther in to the hole.  


And I would be willing to cut her some slack for this if she was like a 21 y/o co-ed or something and not like late 20s* with a child. I mean just in the time I've been watching she has not learned one iota about anything and someone needs to get her off the teet eventally. There are good intentions and there is a good heart<see Nathan> and then there is just an idot womanchild and sadly I've written Maxie off at this point as the latter. I just want Nathan to open his eyes and cut her loose b/c she truely isn't worth all this hassle at this point.


Sadly she has fallen into what I like to call the Steve Urkel of women catigory that I place Sabrina and Ava in. They do things and then act all innocent when things blow up in their face with their "did I do THAT?" excuses. It really pushes my hhhhaaattteee button. Nope I'm done giving Maxie passes.


*I looked up Maxie's age and ugh! it makes it worse. She is supposed to be 20 freakin' 9! She is almost 30 with no job and girlfriend couldn't buy a clue if it were on clearance. Very sad.

Edited by Cattitude
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I didn't see the Luke/Felicia thing in real time but I watched it on YouTube because I was curious and my God... who was the one responsible for that nightmare? They should be flogged. Ew, I'm picturing it again. MAKE IT STOP. 


Which is why those of us unfortunate enough to have seen it first-hand have been so resistant to calling not!Luke "Fluke." Would you want anything at all to bring that to mind?


Yep. This is why I cling to EviLuke despite the prominence of Fluke. Because some horrors just shouldn't be recalled.

  • Love 3

Just caught up on the last 4 episodes... not sure it was worth it.


Did Morgan really say that he was going to make Michael look like a worse parent than Mama June?  More unnecessary pop culture references.


Kiki you suck.  As a character.  And the actress either sucks royally too or she is given the worst direction.  Why would Kiki look gleeful at ruining Michael?  I'd rather see old Potato Head making her surprised and frowny faces.


Rosalie - didn't you teach Nina how to text?  Then why are you constantly caught talking on phones when texting would work better?


Ava - don't whine.  It doesn't become you.  And if you're going to demand something, demand your freedom or one last visit with your daughter.  Since Delia knows Ava is alive, do you think she visits her?



The main thing that annoys me about Spencer is the fact that every character adores him when he's obviously a rude brat. Nik is a good father? Really? For raising an entitled child who walks around like he's 40? Gimme a fucking break.

 I thought Spencer's scenes in the hospital were horrible. Not just bad acting but demeaning to actual burn victims.  Disfigured for life?  Lock me away?  Shunned?  Freak?  I am sure those are all comforting thoughts to other burn victims.



{old fart here}  I absolutely HATE to see babies/young kids sitting at bars while people are drinking. IMO it's just awful.

Pretty sure it's illegal to have minors at a bar in NY state.  They can be in the restaurant area, but not in the bar area.  I've seen children be moved out.


Kiki and Morgan are vile, disgusting human beings. The fact they're saying all this stuff with smiles on their faces makes them sociopaths. Avery's not in danger, she's not hurting for anything, she's not being abused or neglected. They have no reason to behave like she's in need of saving. Kiki had her chance to fight and save her from Sonny, she chose to give her up. She chose to play board games with Sonny, the man who tried to kill her mother (which Michael stopped) yet Kiki's calling Sabrina names? While she praises and kisses the asses off Morgan who gave Sonny Ava's location and Sonny who tried to kill her mother more than once. 


I really hope Nathan boxes Spinelli into a coma. He's so annoying. 

Kiki willingly handing over Avery to Sonny was a joke.  And both of them are stupid if they think that the baby would get sent to Sonny if Michael loses custody.  Sonnie was found unfit.  So foster care it is.  It's not like Julian would be acceptable to the court.  Kiki is the best bet and she's a loser.


I am surprised they didn't bring the 'Rocky' music in when Nathan/Spinelli were 'fighting'. And why Nathan so winded? I was laughing my ass off. That was just plain funny.

Nathan swinging above Spin's head was a joke.  After the first dozen swings, he could aim lower (not low) and have knocked him out.   Surprised Dante didn't tell Nathan that it was all a ploy by Spin to look like an injured puppy to win Maxie.  I enjoyed Sonny knocking Spin out.


I won't mind if Valerie and Nathan have a past.  They'd be pretty together.


I think the hair people hate the cast.  Sonnie, Ric, and Molly now all have some reddish brown randomly in their hair.  Julian's hair is rivaling Scotty's.  Maxie's roots are a completely different color.  And Lulu's roots look like they used that temporary powder on them.  I did like Molly's bangs being swept down flat though didn't like her ears jutting out. 

Edited by Lola16
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