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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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I still don't understand why they chose to make him Franco rather than Steven Webber, aside from some misguided attempt to turn him into a bizzaro imitation of Todd Manning.

That said, I can understand the frustration some have with mob apologists on this show being the moral authority on any issue. Although it would be better to have Mac, Robert or Anna as that voice of reason.

We've seen Jason's crimes for much longer. Jason helped Carly keep Michael from

AJ, threatened to kill Maria for being a witness, helped Courtney get away with trying to kill a cop, helped Sonny ruin AJ's chances to be a father (with Sonny kidnapping and torturing AJ in the process), started a war with Lorenzo after shooting Diego and getting him arrested (after the former went legit), kidnapped Johnny, and has done a number of reprehensible things over the years. I can see why people view them both on the same repugnant level.



Not to mention, discussing taking Maxie out during the cover-up of Michael killing Claudia plot because Maxie saw Michael in a place that would blow their story. However, Maxie like a good mob moll perjured herself on the stand.

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I actually put Franco, Jason and Sonny all in the same category, as far as being loathesome, evil monsters.  But somehow Jason and Sonny are pillars of the community.  And Johnny is a really bad guy, but Sonny is a saint.


But I agree, Sam should never be okay with Franco, never ever, tumah or no tumah.  But I also think many people should not be okay with Sonny (ahem, Carly) and yet they adore him. 

  • Love 8

Not to mention, discussing taking Maxie out during the cover-up of Michael killing Claudia plot because Maxie saw Michael in a place that would blow their story. However, Maxie like a good mob moll perjured herself on the stand.

Who could forget the story where Dante was evil because good guys Carly, Sonny and Jason basically destroyed evidence that would have otherwise shown that Michael didn't commit a crime? Of course the justice system is to blame for Carly, Sonny and Jason not realizing how lying and destroying evidence would blow up in Michael's face.

  • Love 7
and then morphing into him lecturing her about how mean she is to poor, put-upon Liz. He was the one who volunteered the information that Jake was having "problems" as part of his "poor Liz" BS, so I don't blame Sam for asking him what he meant by that. When he refused to say more, she pointed out what we've all been saying here, that the idea of him as some kind of therapist who adheres to rules of professional conduct is one of this show's more ridiculous gambits and told him if he's not going to tell her then he should at least tell Liz and Jason



Yeah that's pretty much how I remember the scene. I've stuck to my resolve to avoid this crap-fest but caught a few minutes today and if anything, Sam was mostly accusing Franco of being the person staging the stuff at Liz's house to inadvertently help Elizabeth get Jason back. When he denied it and Sam suggested that Liz got him to do it for her, he mentioned Elizabeth would never do that to her children and made some off-hand comment about Jake that Sam picked up on. She asked what he meant, he didn't elaborate so she eventually walked away but told him to tell Jake's parents whatever he thinks is going on with him. So evil of her. 


Jason's face when he realized that drawing was clearly of Sam and by that token started putting together in his mind Jake's BSC was hilarious, then made even funnier by his expression when Jake asked him if he liked his drawing.  Billy Miller was pretty funny in that moment. 

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I like the consistency of Sam having absolutely no use for Franco.....but the dialogue today was WTF.   Seriously.   I like that she finally brought up the evil sadistic things he did to her, but that was about it.  Everything else was....odd.   Franco is either as delusional as Liz, or he has spent some off screen time with her that we haven't seen.  I am not sure that Liz has mentioned Sam really at all to Franco (unless it was a scene I ff'ed), so I am not sure where he is getting the "poor little Liz, being bullied and tortured by Sam" nonsense from.   Sam has actually been pretty chill to that liar, the ONLY time she really got in her face was when she accused her of staging the break ins.  Franco made it sound like Sam follows Liz around town screaming "I WON!".  It was stupid dialogue.   And is it supposed to be funny that the man that physically/mentally and sexually violated you jokes around about getting coffee with you?  Because IT'S NOT.


And yeah, the only reason Sam asked about Jake is because Franco, the PROFESSIONAL (gag me) mentioned it first.  And when it was clear he wasn't going to tell her, she made sure to have him tell Jason and Liz....What a terrible witch, being concerned about her son's brother.   


Stay strong Kiki.  I do like HE but I spent the whole episode wishing she would push her hair back, it kept almost covering one eye.

  • Love 12

Sonny is such an asshole.


I genuinely liked Carlos and Sabrina talking about having a girl or a boy. That was nice. But LOL at the delivery. I didn't need to see a whole involved birth sequence, but Sabrina barely pushed.


 Stay strong Kiki.


She won't. She's going on a date with Morgan. Big mistake.


Jake's pictures of Sam are pretty accurate. She wears black a LOT. Hee.

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 8

My contempt of the Sam/Franco scenes is mainly due to the fact that she's sharing scenes with him at all. And over fucking Liz and her son. Sam have avoided running into this monster for literally years. Now here she is engaging him about LIZ and her plot point zombie son. 


I've conceded she's skipping on on grounds as slippery as teflon but having it be Sam at the receiving end of Franco's chorus and admonishing was adding insult to injury.


The Liz chorus being Franco's redemption is as bad as the opposite. If they think he looks good by saying these things about her, it ultimately means they think he is on the side of angels which translates to Liz' actions being angelic. 


Excuse me while I go throw up.

Edited by Deputy Deputy CoS
  • Love 9


She won't. She's going on a date with Morgan. Big mistake.



Ah, I missed that past.  Damn it Kiki.  Just when I was starting to like you.



I can't take credit for this, I saw it on twitter....but someone said that Jake probably DID see a face on NYE.....But it was Cam or Aiden trying to get back in their own fucking house.   They broke the picture crawling in through the window....


I thought it was funny.  But I am easily amused today for some reason.

  • Love 14

I really like Hayley Erin, actually. This happened completely against my expectations, because she's painted into one of the worst corners of the show. As fishcakes notes, pretty much all Kiki does is walk around that restaurant holding menus and interacting with Morgan, Ava, and occasionally Carly. The best reason to hope she goes on this date with Morgan is to see her on a different set. But damned if the actress isn't making me care about the character somewhat. KA could not have done that. The HE version seems smart and sweet.  

Edited by Asp Burger
  • Love 8

I really like Hayley Erin, actually. This happened completely against my expectations, because she's painted into one of the worst corners of the show. As fishcakes notes, pretty much all Kiki does is walk around that restaurant holding menus and interacting with Morgan, Ava, and occasionally Carly. The best reason to hope she goes on this date with Morgan is to see her on a different set. But damned if the actress isn't making me care about the character somewhat. KA could not have done that. The HE version seems smart and sweet.  

I agree.  I liked the actress when she was much younger and on Y and R as Abby. In fact, when Emme Rylan replaced her, I was horrified!  Probably why I cannot stand this Lulu.  So I liked her before she arrived on GH and I think she has done an admirable job, at least recently, with the character. Some of my fave scenes of hers were with Nina and Franco, because somehow she even made them interesting.

  • Love 1

Ah, I missed that past.  Damn it Kiki.  Just when I was starting to like you.



I can't take credit for this, I saw it on twitter....but someone said that Jake probably DID see a face on NYE.....But it was Cam or Aiden trying to get back in their own fucking house.   They broke the picture crawling in through the window....


I thought it was funny.  But I am easily amused today for some reason.

The face Jake saw was probably Elizabeth's or the man that she hired, actually.


I still think Liz is behind the incidents and they're just waiting to spring it out on us. 

The face Jake saw was probably Elizabeth's or the man that she hired, actually.


I still think Liz is behind the incidents and they're just waiting to spring it out on us. 

Its clearly Jake that's doing this. Liz wasn't hiding outside in the bushes trying to scare Jake and she didn't hire any man to scare him. The show is basically flashing neon letters that Jake is doing all this.

  • Love 5

I haven't watched this show in YEARS.  I tuned in today, and what did I see, yep the head mobster is still barely emoting.  Sonny, talking with one of his henchmen about someone who encroached on his territory, got weapons or something, is a go between, being stupid, it's dangerous, blah blah blah.  Done with a grimace, same basic expression.  I see MB is still phoning it in - he looked bored.  He has to be bored as it looked like the same mob story he's had since the last time I watched.  Click.  


I did see the picture of the Goth Girl - then I was like oh it has to be Sam.  The pictures didn't really look like a kid drew them - more like someone drew them so it looked like a kid drew them.  Actually the pages that were first picked up looked like stick figures or just lines, then the others were more fleshed out.  Ok, the 'my kid doesn't like you plotline'.  Do any of the soap writers have an original idea?

  • Love 2

I'll admit I'm biased and will always favor Liz (can't help it I've watched her since she was a "teenager" and I didn't see any of the Niz crap which helps) but I don't think she's entirely crazy to think if Jakeson remembers her too he will be less angry. Those two have a long history that predates Sam and they've been through a lot. Even when Liz admitted she lied about Danny's DNA results he wasn't super angry. Just disappointed. He's never threatened to kill Liz that I can remember and he never seemed to get more than frustrated or slightly bewildered with her.

That being said. I'm done with these two. I wanted them desperately together before and during the she who shall not be named timeframe and when Jake was conceived but it's obvious Liz is never going to "win" and I hate that getting Jason is considered winning. I want her to tell Jason and Sam to go ahead and think she is stalking her own self and go away already and she'll get help from the police - you know her sons' fathers' ex partner and maybe her close friends mother? Instead of a hit man and a part time PI who looks like a dirty Barbie. They can go dance in the rain and Sam can be blissfully happy with her idiot husband who rejects her every couple of years and the two appendages (Carly and Sonny) that come with him.

I mean. Dantes still a cop right? And from what I hear from here it would be nice to get Anna in another storyline.

Edited by MissL
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I love how Liz is all "No matter what Sam wants you to believe".....meanwhile, Sam JUST told Jason that she can't be the one to help him remember because she doesn't want to muddy his memories.   As far as I can remember, Sam hasn't trash talked Liz to Jason (Her accusing her of staging the break ins is the only time I can remember.  And I don't mean telling the truth about her lying, I mean outright trash talking)....and she has every right to.  But Liz does any chance she can get.  It's silly at this point.   If Jason can't see who has his best interests at heart here, he truly is a complete moron.


And the worst part of the Franco shit?  That he had the nerve to say Danny's name.....and Sam didn't deck him for it.  

  • Love 12

The face Jake saw was probably Elizabeth's or the man that she hired, actually.


I still think Liz is behind the incidents and they're just waiting to spring it out on us. 


Given the way the show has to gone to such effort to grind Liz down to the ground and drive away viewers at a gargantuan clip, I believe this will be the most likely outcome.

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So Liez wants Jason to have his memories back so he will know she is not a bad person like Sam thinks she is?????. Him getting his memory back is not going to change that she lied to him for 7 months. But everything is always Sams fault according to her.


So true. It isn't like she isn't still bitch face everytime Jason mentions Sam. Who cares if she was a good person in the past her present feelings and actions aren't doing her any favors where Jason is concerned b/c when he gets his memory back he'll remember how he felt about Sam and know Liz knew this too and kept him from her.


For the first time ever I am finding MB attractive, maybe that is my sign to cash out {when I find Sonny hotter then Dante}


It isn't just the beard though MB has a more high and tight haircut that looks very good on him, and Dante's hair is horrible especially in that preview. He needs to use those wings to flight away.


It's so funny you would post today because I was just thinking about you and your Sonny love!


Over Christmas when Patrick was groveling to Robin I thought of you.


I can't believe how much I'm liking Morgan. I think he and this Kiki are cute together...ummm did he get some hair plugs?


I kind of thought the whole Franco and Sam interaction was to highlight how socially awkward Franco still is. he always comes off as slightly creepy still and I never knew evil Franco. Same knows Jacreepy is angry at her and she cares about Jason plus she is a PI so I saw nothing wrong with her questions about Jacreepy's art.

I want to know what is up with Franco's hair. He looked like a mad scientist.


I thought Jason's face at the creepy picture was funny too. I thought it looked like a dementor from Harry Potter.

Can't there be a single day of the Scorpios without having to sit through all things Corinithii?  I just couldn't care less about Sonny, Carly or Morgan and wish they would all be murdered in the next shoot out.


I'm actually digging Carlos' devotion to Sabrina.  I don't get it but I like it.  JVP is a very sexy man.

  • Love 9

Do you have the address where we can send the invoices??

I'm working on it....

I actually like Carrlos's devotion to Sabrina. She's not deserving of such awesome, but I don't buy the hints the show is bringing that he's abusive and evil while Michael is good and the best. Michael didn't even think to himself "My "parents" are the least understanding "people " ever. My father will throw barware. My mother will call Sabrina names. Hmm. Also, Sabrina and I weren't together then. I did date a stripper with a heart of gold. I can date a nice nurse with a baby."

No. Michael instead keeps blathering on about lies, lies, lies, blah, blah, blah. Sabrina didn't murder your real father and lie to you about it for months. Your paragon of virtue and his sanctimonious wife did. So, take all of the seats Michael Blah Blah Blah.

  • Love 9

I'm working on it....

I actually like Carrlos's devotion to Sabrina. She's not deserving of such awesome, but I don't buy the hints the show is bringing that he's abusive and evil while Michael is good and the best. Michael didn't even think to himself "My "parents" are the least understanding "people " ever. My father will throw barware. My mother will call Sabrina names. Hmm. Also, Sabrina and I weren't together then. I did date a stripper with a heart of gold. I can date a nice nurse with a baby."

No. Michael instead keeps blathering on about lies, lies, lies, blah, blah, blah. Sabrina didn't murder your real father and lie to you about it for months. Your paragon of virtue and his sanctimonious wife did. So, take all of the seats Michael Blah Blah Blah.

Carlos may not be vilified in order to make Michael the better choice. If history is any indication, Michael will shoot Sabrina in the head, then later order her to kill Carlos to show she truly loves him, and he'll be treated like the better option by default.

It's too bad Michael Alan Quartermaine had to be sacrificed to turn another person in town into a Sonny lapdog, and the implication that his significant other has to follow suit. We really don't need to sacrifice Sabrina or her innocent baby at the altar of Mumbles.

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jsbt  warned us. These writers are horrid. I never in a million years thought someone could make Anna and Robert boring. But these new writers have achieved just that. I made in 20 minutes into FF-ing the show and I had to give up. Every time I saw Anna or Robert, by the time I pressed the pause button, their scene was already over. And I was stuck watching Sonny. SONNY, people! See Sonny Stand. No thank you. I may just have to bail (again) if this nonsense of 20 second scene snippets for the Scorpios continues.  


Do you have the address where we can send the invoices??

pdf them and send them to frank.valentini@abc.com.  His intern will get right on them.


Or better yet, nathan.varni@abc.com. It's about time he did something productive.

Edited by Francie
  • Love 6

I wonder if Michael, Morgan, or Max will hang Carlos from the meathook while Sonny directs via wheelchair? They can hand him Sabrina's baby so Sonny can magically be healed and start walking again. Of course Sabrina will be healing from Micheal's Bullet of Love, so Carly and Sonny will raise her child.

Vomit in the afternoon.

Breaking news. Clorox is now a GH sponsor, as they've learned viewers want to bleach their eyeballs after daily viewings.

  • Love 7

I genuinely liked Carlos and Sabrina talking about having a girl or a boy. That was nice. 


I loved those scenes. I thought JVP and TeCa were really great in them. They have great chem. However, this story is still the dumbest and most pointless thing going on.


I can't take credit for this, I saw it on twitter....but someone said that Jake probably DID see a face on NYE.....But it was Cam or Aiden trying to get back in their own fucking house.   They broke the picture crawling in through the window....


LOL! I love it.


I don't think she's entirely crazy to think if Jakeson remembers her too he will be less angry. 


Is he even angry now? He barely seems to care to me, as he barely seems to care about anything. He seems mildly disappointed but that's about it.

  • Love 3

For the first time ever I am finding MB attractive, maybe that is my sign to cash out {when I find Sonny hotter then Dante}


He was hotter than the sun when he was Nico on AMC. I still think he's great looking, but all the hair product and dye aren't doing him any favors. And lately he's been looking a little too thin. I hadn't noticed too much because he's been in the wheelchair but when he had the dream of walking around, he looked like he'd lost a fair bit of weight and the day he stood up with Epiphany, his hand was pretty bony. It's probably nothing, but I hope he's not sick.

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I blanked out as to whatever lame reason Sam was at the hospital to begin with because it was obviously just a plot point to get her in a scene with Franco, but I couldn't help but laugh at Sam's "maybe it's YOU!" moment to Franco...


Followed by her "Wait, maybe it's YOU working for ELIZABETH!" a-ha...


So close and yet...no


And I hope Carly doesn't find out she was using her patented "wait til Jason finds out what you did to me--he's gonna KILLLLLLLL you!" line.  That could cause their totally contrived, not-believable friendship to come crashing down.

I don't think she's entirely crazy to think if Jakeson remembers her too he will be less angry.

Is he even angry now? He barely seems to care to me, as he barely seems to care about anything. He seems mildly disappointed but that's about it.


Jason's nonreaction to everything has been really disappointing. I don't understand why the aren't letting him develop something while he's trying to figure stuff out. He's as much of a zombie as Jake, really, just less blood-thirsty at the moment.


She's still pregnant in real life, right?


No, she had a boy recently. There are some adorable links in the News thread.

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 3

Can't there be a single day of the Scorpios without having to sit through all things Corinithii?  I just couldn't care less about Sonny, Carly or Morgan and wish they would all be murdered in the next shoot out.


I'm actually digging Carlos' devotion to Sabrina.  I don't get it but I like it.  JVP is a very sexy man.



JVP can roll his r's at me any time he wants. He's the sexiest guy currently on the show. Unfortunately, probably not long for the GH world. So, one less reason for me to bother keeping up.


As far as Haylee Erin goes, I like her better than Lexi Ainsworth. I like Kiki better than Kristina. But considering I don't think Lexi Ainsworth has any business even being an actress, that's not saying much. "Krissy" (and that hideous nickname) can go DIAF.

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I spent the Franco/Sam scenes hoping that she'd stab him in the throat.

I don't care that he had a tumor. He's kidnapped her, made her believe she was going to die, drugged and manhandled her, made her believe she was carrying his rape baby and kidnapped her child.

Basic decency requires that he leave her alone.

Ugh. Didn't they already do this story with Manny?

Edited by Oracle42
  • Love 8

I'm suddenly picturing Liz & Dante as a couple. And I'm....intrigued. They are both dirtied up right now, so it could work...

Tiniest. Babies. Ever.

I spent the Franco/Sam scenes hoping that she'd stab him in the throat.

. I don't care that he had a tumor. He's kidnapped her, made her believe she was going to die, drugged and manhandled her, made her believe she was carrying his rape baby and kidnapped her child.

Basic decency requires that he leave her alone. Ugh. Didn't they already do this story with Manny?

Yuuuuuup. At least Sam was allowed to try to smother Manny. Such a shame RoHo is playing Franco because he & KeMo have great chemistry. Kinda like KeMo and RL.
  • Love 1

I spent the Franco/Sam scenes hoping that she'd stab him in the throat.

. I don't care that he had a tumor. He's kidnapped her, made her believe she was going to die, drugged and manhandled her, made her believe she was carrying his rape baby and kidnapped her child.

Basic decency requires that he leave her alone. Ugh. Didn't they already do this story with Manny?


And that's the thing about Franco.  His template response now to his past being brought up is, "I had a tumor so get over it."  But he's not actually sorry about any of the pain he inflicted on these people.

[sarcasm]Oh come now....he was an artist and NEEDED therapy...so of course that would make him the right guy for the job.....that's what art therapy means..Right?[/sarcasm]


I'm still waiting with bated breath for some kind of professional association of art therapists rising up in one voice to dispute that an untrained SERIAL KILLER who used to turn CORPSES into art is qualified for this type of analysis.

  • Love 8
And that's the thing about Franco.  His template response now to his past being brought up is, "I had a tumor so get over it."  But he's not actually sorry about any of the pain he inflicted on these people.


This attitude isn't limited to Franco: Sonny is exactly the same way. "I'm over it, so why aren't you?" It's awful.

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