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S10.E17: Broken Records

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EXACTLY! ANNNNDDD on WWHL Annabelle turned to Heather at one point and said "why would someone fake cancer?" and Heather's response was about something recent that was in the news about a scam of some sort where people where requesting donations, funds or whatever and I'm like ummm yeah there are people who do it and in her case it was to get donations from strangers that amounts to a whooooooolllleeee lot, but Brooks isn't setting up web donation funds and asking any of you for money...... uggghhhh!!!

Well, since Brooks cancer is a main story line this season--with him even giving talking heads, don't you think his Bravo paycheck jumped  up $$ with the cancer stroryline?




As for Terry,

1) selling something well on live TV is an art & skill-- and 2), it's a lot different than being followed around by cameras catching moments or  doing his own series Botched,  where you can do retakes - and esp more so when you're a producer and have edit control. Also if memory serves, didn't it come out a few yrs back when RHNYC were caugh/shown doing retakes? So it would surprise me if it was done on OC as well.


I believe when he was nervouse  & flubbing intially, that probably was his very first practice run-through.

     Notice later the guy from Evine--maybe a director, made metntion of  the time that was spent making Terry more comfortable.

In all reality, H & T could have been there all day rehearsing,

Edited by sheetmoss
  • Love 6

Is Grey Goose paying for product placement/mention on this show? Not only do we see Shannon ordering her signature drink all the time. But this week they showed a close up of the bottle when Terry and Heather were fixing drinks.

I wouldn't be at all surprised. They have to make up for Bethenny's massive Skinny Girl RHoNYC free placements.

  • Love 1

Although it pains me to say this, at least Ryan had the intelligence to not marry Sarah.  This way, he will only have to pay child support, and not alimony, too.


Sarah seems to be as flaky and lazy as Ryan.  


I hesitate to say that Ryan acted with intelligence.  I think it's more of a desire to avoid responsibility at all costs.


That said, Ryan and Sarah seem to be a textbook codependent/dysfunctional type relationship.  I have no sympathy for either of them but I do feel for the children.  I wonder how often the older girls have been introduced to a new "daddy" or uprooted. 


Ryan mentioning aerospace makes me laugh with glee.  He couldn't handle grunt work at Fletcher Jones, no way will he last in any type of professional capacity.  Never mind that many of his antics and poor decisions have been well documented on this show.  His only real hope is that his dingbat mother will continue to pay his way (unless Meghan PI opens an agency and needs a janitor - but even then . . .) 


Overall this felt like a filler episode.  Kind of boring.  I too loved Shannon spazzing out behind Tamra/Cinnamon during that phone call.  Reminded me of Shannon spazzing out during the bowling, which always makes me snort with laughter because it's something my friends and I would do.


Clearly I'm evil but I seriously enjoyed seeing Tamra in her natural state (well, one of them) - - utterly confused and having zero clue what was going on with Brooks' medical records.   

  • Love 13

The one thing I cannot get past is him deciding to show it to Tamra. I realize she has known Vicki the longest, but she also has the most distrustful relationship with Brooks. The last thing we heard Brooks say about Tamra was "consider the source". Why give her anything? Why not Shannon? She was the one who was trying to help initially. If she is having doubts based on his behavior, why not get her in a room and explain it to her? She has always been supportive of Brooks. Why not Heather? She was the one who recommended to Vicki that Brooks release some of his medical stuff to quiet the conversation. She and Terry have supported Brooks from day one, and of course Terry has a medical background. It is just strange that they would go to Tamra, who is not only the dumbest of them all, but the one who dislikes Brooks the most.

Yes! Perfectly put. But of course it's not strange at all as to why they picked "consider the source" Tamra to be their messenger/warrior. Forget Meghan - she's a dingbat, and Vicki hates her, and Heather and Shannon are too smart. That leaves Tamra, who a) isn't the brightest bulb, b) has no medical background, and c) can be easily manipulated by Vicki and their needy, twisted, roller coaster friendship.

  • Love 5

I don't know how to copy videos to here, but on the people.com site there is a video of Heather and Terry. At the end, Terry says he looked at the images of the scan, and he hopes it's not real... To paraphrase...I like brooks and that's the scan of someone at the end of their life.

Here it is http://www.people.com/people/videos/0,,20956066,00.html

  • Love 3
Is Grey Goose paying for product placement/mention on this show? Not only do we see Shannon ordering her signature drink all the time. But this week they showed a close up of the bottle when Terry and Heather were fixing drinks.



I am bored with her choice of drink being the same all the time every time.  I really wish she would order a stoli or something different just once.  Why can she only drink Grey Goose?  I mean she wouldn't even drink the free champagne that was being passed around at Heather's party.  Oops sorry I mean the sparkling MÈTHOD CHAMPENOISE.


Is the Baptism the "end of year party" this season?  Will it be one episode or two?  I am always sad when the season ends... the void that is left in my life... lol

  • Love 5

I don't even know why Brooks showed any records to them. Until he dies or they escort him personally to chemo, they won't be satisfied and will continue to run with the story. That started with a psychic... Asking for someone to divulge their medical records is way beyond.

I agree that Vicki is completely self-absorbed. I don't know if her being at the doctor was to prove that she does go to the appointments, but who needs that?

I could give two shits about Brooks, I hope he's not dying, but he's better off away from all those harpies including Vicki. Maybe it's a psycosematic stress growth from putting up with Vicki all those years, notwithstanding the grifting guilt.

I'm done looking at Megan's five-head. I could swear I saw Tamara's tracks last week...

Brooks could go to Monster Island to be personally irradiated by Godzilla and they would still beat their botoxed heads against the dead horse that is the cancer/not cancer storyline.

  • Love 9

I don't know how to copy videos to here, but on the people.com site there is a video of Heather and Terry. At the end, Terry says he looked at the images of the scan, and he hopes it's not real... To paraphrase...I like brooks and that's the scan of someone at the end of their life.

They hadn't mentioned the scan images, only the written report so far. Maybe Brooks asks that Heather let Terry look at the scan images and he comments on them. Terry may have felt Brooks would be in bed on deaths door if the scan was his. Therefore reinforcing the HW feelings that the report & scans are forged.

The video...


Edited by talula
  • Love 3

Re Brooks' Lymphoma:  wouldn't a "mass" anywhere in his body indicate a cancer other than lymphoma? 


So I just consulted with my personal physician (a.k.a my husband) and asked him this question.  He said no, you could get masses associated with lymphoma.  So I said, "Big enough for a doctor to feel from the outside?"  and he said, "Possibly."  Then I read him the description of the mass from the report, and he said, "Then, no, you couldn't feel it if it was in that location, you could only see it if you were operating."  So there's that.

  • Love 13

Tamra was married to Darren Vieth (who was 3 years older) when she was 18 years old, the same year she gave birth to Ryan. In an interview in 2013, Darren Vieth had some pretty outrageous and nasty things to say about Tamra in a RealityTea interview.


Meghan-headbands....what can anyone say about those?


Can we get the headbands on "Easy Pay?"

  • Love 5

Yeah, Vicki called it - show them proof, and they'll move the goalposts.


So, does mass=cancer?

According to Meghan Drew it does, but Brooks is lying and doesn't have any masses. Even though the doctor verified he does.

Please someone punch Meagan in the face!

I'll provide the ladder.


Heather didn't see the report, just the screenshot that's on the internet. And, she doesn't know the difference between a dictionary and a thesaurus, so whatever.


If live tv terrifies Terry, then does that mean all of his scenes are scripted? Because the man practically humps the cameras on this show.


Whose hair track was nestled on the couch between Heather and Terry during the brief talk with the hostess?

Hah, thanks, because I was wondering what that thing was.


Was Ryan tapping Ava's head when he was carrying her around?


On a shallow note, everybody's booty was looking good (Tamra should pimp her workout regime harder), and Heather's assistant is very pretty.

  • Love 12

Regarding Ryan wanting to go into aerospace, I believe he's referring to the Mars colonist program.  He's applied to fly to Mars and never return as he has made his life so enormously unappealing he absolutely cannot wait to leave.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          

  • Love 11

Do you think SatanAndy will ask Tamra why Eddie "coughed" Bullsh@t when Vicki called her in episode 1 of this season?

It seems to me that they both had doubts early on yet now Tamra is saying she's beginning to question the diagnosis because of the other ladies or the inconsistencies she's discovered? I find it hard to believe Eddie was suspicious and Tamra wasn't back a few months.

Edited by IKnowRight
  • Love 8

So I just consulted with my personal physician (a.k.a my husband) and asked him this question.  He said no, you could get masses associated with lymphoma.  So I said, "Big enough for a doctor to feel from the outside?"  and he said, "Possibly."  Then I read him the description of the mass from the report, and he said, "Then, no, you couldn't feel it if it was in that location, you could only see it if you were operating."  So there's that.


By the way, when I called him and started rattling off all this stuff, he interrupted me and said, "Which 'Housewives' show is this about?"  Nailed!


According to Meghan Drew it does, but Brooks is lying and doesn't have any masses. Even though the doctor verified he does.


The doctor actually didn't verify anything.  He basically said "Unless this report is fake..."  All he was doing was relying on the document that Brooks provided, not providing a second opinion based on any sort of medical testing.

  • Love 10

What's funny is three of the four RH have essentially said, "just show some proof and say screw you everybody."  That would only leave Meghan.  Since they decided to show the records, I would say Vicki owes Shannon an apology.  Vicki asked Tamra out of respect to not talk about Brooks.  Tamra told her that was not a friendship.  Vicki then asks Tamra to do what she can to put a stop to it.  Next day Shannon expresses her concern and Vicki turns on Shannon.  Apparently, it does not sink into Vicki, that none of the women are interested in having a friendship with Vicki if she is allowed to conceal pertinent facts from them and continue to weave this web of deceit. So now Vicki's daughter is calling her a liar.  I am thinking Vicki wants to compartmentalize.  She can't even make it through a simple party without detaching. 


Since Heather was gone it would have been the prudent thing to do to invite both Shannon and Tamra to the PET/CT Scan reveal.  Alas, no it became a solicitation/recruitment meeting for warriors.  Just ridiculous.

  • Love 5


When he said that Brooks had a good-sized growth, my take on it was that he was referencing the report he'd read, not something he was feeling himself. That's why he gave the caveat, "Unless the report is faked..."


Growth or inflammation?  He isn't growing cancerous tumors from his particular disease, but the organs affected will develop lesions or sores if you will.  If he actually had a mass that large at the time of the consultation, it would have made sense that the 'Dr' redirect him to an oncologist. 

But, that is just how my brain works.... 


I hope these women are right because if Brooks dies of this disease I sincerely don't know how any of them could ever live with themselves. There would be no justification in the world to make what they have done alright. 


Now having said that, wouldn't his Dr's have given him a prognosis of how long he has to live? It doesn't seem like anything is working for him so I would think that for him the disease is terminal. Maybe if he and Vicki brought that up, it just might shut these bitches down. 


The doctor did not say that Brooks has cancer.


The CT report did not say that Brooks has cancer.  It said that he had a Clinical History of Non--Hodgkins Lymphoma.



This Doctor is covering his rear end, just in case he's being played. Why would Vicki & Brooks invite cameras along to a Doctor visit with a Doc he has never seen before? It was clear it was Lemka who referred them to this new Doc, the ClubDetox tree shower, juicing lady. Then we see alternative therapy and an evaluation based on one scan when he supposedly has an extensive history with NHL? I don't think Brooks faked his history, but I do think are revisiting it to have a storyline for Vicki this season.

I don't take any of Meghan's sleuthing seriously because she's a twit. I do question Vickis reaching out and making Tamra her personal Ambassador. Her shooting messenger Shannon (as Brooks pointed out) but not Tammy Sue? Watching Heather on WWHL, the take away to me is that she confirms that this story is hinky, so there you have it. Brooks has a medical issue, likely NHL as he says, but exaggerating his current status for attention, without expecting questions.


I agree with you.


And why the hell was Lemka the Quack included in the doctor visit?

  • Love 5

Two things:

1) At the viewing party, Tamra had just taken a bite of something when she said something that cracked herself up, so she was cackling uncontrollably (at her own joke) while sort of trying to hold her lips closed to keep the food in, and ... wowza, she will NOT like the way her face looked while doing that. And it went on for a while! And the joke wasn't even funny. I had such second-hand embarrassment.

2) When "Cinnamon" called in to the Dubrows' sales pitch, just after Heather used the oh-so-lovely term "tanorexic," Terry said, "No, [the tan] is real, just like these products!" So unprofessional!!! He was clearly being sarcastic about the tan being real, so is he saying the products are a bunch of bull too? (I mean, clearly they are, but he probably shouldn't blatantly say so during a sales pitch.) Hopefully that whole segment was only filmed for Bravo and didn't actually air on Evine.

  • Love 5

Two things:

1) At the viewing party, Tamra had just taken a bite of something when she said something that cracked herself up, so she was cackling uncontrollably (at her own joke) while sort of trying to hold her lips closed to keep the food in, and ... wowza, she will NOT like the way her face looked while doing that. And it went on for a while! And the joke wasn't even funny. I had such second-hand embarrassment.

2) When "Cinnamon" called in to the Dubrows' sales pitch, just after Heather used the oh-so-lovely term "tanorexic," Terry said, "No, [the tan] is real, just like these products!" So unprofessional!!! He was clearly being sarcastic about the tan being real, so is he saying the products are a bunch of bull too? (I mean, clearly they are, but he probably shouldn't blatantly say so during a sales pitch.) Hopefully that whole segment was only filmed for Bravo and didn't actually air on Evine.


I didn't take his response about the tan to be sarcastic.

  • Love 7

New show within a show -- Meghan PI?  OK then.  Oh, I hate to admit it, but I did like Selleck's 'stache & short-shorts.  Maybe Meghan should grow a Selleck 'stache.  Might get a rise outta ole asshole Jimmy, to show her maybe a teensy bit of interest.


Oh, that Meghan -- she just luuuuuuuvs knowledge.

Might get a rise out of Jeana too, since she dated Selleck before marrying Matt.
  • Love 8

I guess I can claim to have a medical background because I, like Meghan, have read medical reports.


Whether or not Brooks has cancer has been so overplayed, and I'm so tired of the whole storyline, but if I was Vicki, I'd make sure the home alarm system was set every time she leaves the house, because Meghan has definitely wandered into bunny boiling territory.


I was LOL when on WWHL AndySatan asks Heather if the women found it strange that Vicki and Brooks chose to show his medical report to Tamra.  And Heather says yes (listing all the women's qualifications--ha!).  And then Annabelle asks if Meghan is a doctor, and and Heather says, something like, well no, but she is in the medical field and has seen medical reports.  Whaaaa?  I picture a doctor, nurse, lab technician, a researcher, etc. as being in a "medical field," not someone who is in medical sales.

Edited by Lyra Angelica
  • Love 8

I hope these women are right because if Brooks dies of this disease I sincerely don't know how any of them could ever live with themselves. There would be no justification in the world to make what they have done alright. 


Now having said that, wouldn't his Dr's have given him a prognosis of how long he has to live? It doesn't seem like anything is working for him so I would think that for him the disease is terminal. Maybe if he and Vicki brought that up, it just might shut these bitches down. 

What it feels like to me is Heather, Tamra and Shannon all believe Brooks was diagnosed with cancer  back in October and he went to chemo.  I think where doubt comes in is when he decided to "exit" chemotherapy and take on alternative treatment.   Heather does not believe the alternative treatment helped the cancer, Tamra only cares as far as what gets her camera time and Shannon is just left with why not explore all the options.  I don't think any of these women would want to see Brooks loose his life to cancer.  I think it is a really stupid line for Vicki to throw out there. 


BTW he is claiming his numbers arebetter (due to the alternative treatments) and is returning to California for more treatment-it sounded like chemotherapy but there is just so much double speak involved it could be for ore cellulite reducing treatments.


I have no doubt that if Brooks were deemed terminal last April that would have been front and center.

  • Love 7

They hadn't mentioned the scan images, only the written report so far. Maybe Brooks asks that Heather let Terry look at the scan images and he comments on them. Terry may have felt Brooks would be in bed on deaths door if the scan was his. Therefore reinforcing the HW feelings that the report & scans are forged.

The video...



Interesting. Thanks for posting the link.

  • Love 2

2) When "Cinnamon" called in to the Dubrows' sales pitch, just after Heather used the oh-so-lovely term "tanorexic," Terry said, "No, [the tan] is real, just like these products!" So unprofessional!!! He was clearly being sarcastic about the tan being real, so is he saying the products are a bunch of bull too? (I mean, clearly they are, but he probably shouldn't blatantly say so during a sales pitch.) Hopefully that whole segment was only filmed for Bravo and didn't actually air on Evine.

I don't think he was being sarcastic about his tan at all. I think both Terry and Heather were embarrassed at the thought of ppl. thinking Terry spray tans, so Terry's "the tan is real" and Heather's tanorexic remark were said to disprove it. Since it was live and impromptu, I don't think they realized the skin care faux pas they made while trying to sell a skin care care line. It seemed their image was more important to them in the moment.

  • Love 12
The doctor actually didn't verify anything.  He basically said "Unless this report is fake..."

I was ​specifically talking about the masses, which the doctor said were present when he was feeling Brook's abdomen.


Maybe Meghan should grow a Selleck 'stache.  Might get a rise outta ole asshole Jimmy, to show her maybe a teensy bit of interest.

Heh, right?

  • Love 1

Well, not quite. Brooks may not be asking for money/donations but he and Vicki were pushing that ClubDetox product on their twitter pages until recently so I suspect they were hoping to get a cut of any profits. I would not be surprised to hear/read that they partnered up the detox woman and the Dr. to promote this junk. LOL


Now that makes the most sense out of it all.  Let's hawk some bullshit Detox program and the suckers who have cancer will just line right up!  Sheesh.

  • Love 8

Maybe he traveled to NY, Phila or DC to get blessed by the Pope...Meghan PI is on the case, looking at airline manifests, hacking hotel guest information, scouring the hours upon hours of news footage and security video...


OMG....now, I am picturing Meghan with a Hawaiian shirt on (and, of course, a headband), and Tamra with a skinny mustache, as her sidekick, Higgins.....

  • Love 5


This is why it's hard for me to believe that Vicki is the lover of someone who has Stage III cancer and the chemo isn't working after very little time on it. For someone as high strung as she is, as narcissitic as she is, I don't believe for one minute that she would be so laissez-faire about his current health plan.

I do. Look at the way Vicki behaved when Brianna had her cancer scare. It was all about her and when it wasn't she really wasn't that interested. She had two on camera conversations with Brianna about it and in the first one she kept telling Brianna not to cry because it was upsetting to her. In the other she was grilling Brianna about whether or not Vicki should stay with her during or after her procedure because she had to get back to work, but didn't want to leave Brianna if B needed her. Brianna had to actually tell Vicki that this wasn't about her. Vicki is a true narcissist. The only time she seemed interested in what Brianna was going through was when she could have a "deep" conversation on camera with her, or when it was something she could relay to others for their sympathy. 

  • Love 6


And people/family/visitors are pretty clueless when it comes to how long an IV chemo/biologic--even transfusion will take. They can take a very long time. I had people come with their loved one for treatment who were diabetic and did not pack a lunch and look at me (the nurse) as in-- "aren't you going to feed me? I'm diabetic!" when hello! you are not the patient here-- if you are hungry, go to the cafeteria or to any of the dozens of local eateries lol. So Vicki's cluelessness is pretty global.


Vicki started bitching about Brooks needing to "hurry up" his treatment before he was even hooked up to the IV, even before it was taking longer than expected. As they were leaving the exam room to go to the treatment room Vicki said something along the lines of, "Come on, hurry up. I need to get back to work." This was just yet another excuse to remind viewers how important she is (in her own mind) and what a big shot she is (in her own mind) because as she has reminded us many a time, SHE WORKS! An organized professional would not schedule an important client meeting on a day they are accompanying a loved one to a treatment. Doctors run behind schedule, things can go not as planned, things take longer than expected. Either Vicki is an idiot or she lied about having a client meeting.

  • Love 11

I don't think Shannon is being as good of a friend to Vicki as Vicki has been to her.  Vicki has always supported Shannon.  Last week Shannon was harassing Vicki to the point of Vicki being in tears even though Vicki repeatedly asked her to stop.  When Shannon was not invited to Meghan party, Vicki had her back and didn't go to the party either but took Shannon out to dinner instead so she wouldn't feel left out.  Now Vicki is the one being left out by Meghan and Shannon is invited.  Why couldn't Shannon do the same for Vicki as Vicki did for her.  Shannon could have invited Vicki to her house for their own viewing party.  That's what she should have done.


I wish everyone would just leave Vicki and Brooks alone.  For cripes sake, Vicki's mother just died.  She saddened enough without these assholes doubting Brooks' cancer.  It's just horrible. 

  • Love 6

Some food for thought from a post upthread: Outside the US "spaz" is on par with "retard" in terms of intent and level of ooginess (and it it's not exactly trouble-free stateside either). Before today I didn't know this either so just a heads up.


A brief history of "spaz" from the University of Pennsylvania's Language Log.

  • Love 2

Shut up with the church lady thing Tamra! We all know that you are thirsty for a storyline this season and I guess finding God is it. 


I think she is actually trying to lay the groundwork for another story line: She wants the pastor to leave his wife for her. That would keep her in story lines and drama for at least three seasons: the split from Eddie, trying to make it work with the pastor/trying to be a pastor's wife, and then the next divorce.

  • Love 2

I downright resent feeling sorry for Brooks.

This has reached the point where the endless harassment and dogging of Brooks and Vicki about this, despite many pleas to stop, has become sickening. The tide starts to turn and people begin to feel sympathy for the person they accuse of being dishonest. The relentless attempts by Tamra, Meghan, and Shannon to discredit Brooks Ayers has backfired to a great extent and only served to make them look like vultures and opportunists. In the end, the truth will come out but in the meantime, before the reunion episode is filmed and 'in the can' waiting to air, this issue with Brooks won't be resolved. That may never happen unless of course he dies of cancer.

  • Love 7

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