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S02.E10: Episode 10

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Bugs re Cassandra: She was one of the standout beauties from JPG's season, and they toss her in as an afterthought in episode 11? Eff this show.


Yes!  If I had to pick two of the prettiest women ever on this show, it might have been Cassandra and Samantha.  How much more fun to have had them from the beginning and let the men fight over them, rather than bring them in late so Tanner and company could blame them for any "break-ups," they cause.


Why does this show have to spoiler every last thing?  I'm so careful not to watch the lead-ins,  but it's hard to avoid the trailers at the end (I'm always  hoping for bloopers.)  Now I've seen a ring go on a hand that could only belong to one person and several other things that would have been big surprises if they had let them play-out next week.  Am I the only one who recognizes body parts?  This show always starts The Bachelor season with feet getting off a plane and hands getting rings and I usually know who they belong to by the second show.

  • Love 7

So, besides any breakups, the finale of this show is really about whether Ashley I. loses her virginity or not?  I am not spoiled but Jered seems the type that just goes with the flow so I wouldn't be surprised if they are now a couple.  He fell in love with Kaitlyn (like the script says to do) and now he is going to become Ashley's boyfriend because it is easier than breaking up with her.

  • Love 3

It's pitiful when I don't bother watching a show which, a couple of weeks ago, I said i could watch every night. Somehow, BIP killed itself for me. Maybe it's the addition of all these new people that I barely remember from TB or all the dead-horse beatings of things that just don't matter at all. I wish the show would bring everyone on all at once and let them duke it out from the beginning. Or just make it the Jorge show, the only one portrayed with any brains.


Coming here catches me up with everything I missed, and then some.

  • Love 2

OK I only started watching this 2 weeks ago and I am hooked! It's like the biggest 30-car pile up on the freeway and I can not look away!

Ashley I is one of the saddest humans on the planet. Amber is close in the lack of self esteem dept.

McKenzie seems too stupid to breath involuntarily. I'm assuming her young son is the legal head of household?

Jaclyn OMG!!! The level of hideousness of her face is here to fore unknown. She did THAT on purpose? And PAID for it?? Her profile "duck lip" reminded me of Sonja on RHONY. I think they are actually twins since there is NO WAY Jaclyn is 30.

I know I should feel bad watching these women degrade themselves. As a mother to a young daughter I do my best to refrain from commenting on looks or weight or dress. However,maybe if I tell myself by watching these people I can take lessons on how to NOT raise my daughter? That will take away some of my shame!

  • Love 14

Bugs, thanks for the link to the Auburn paper's interview with Ashley S. I wonder if TB is still her favorite show now that she's seen behind the curtain.


She further confirmed why I would never want to appear on a so-called reality show, you have no control over what is shown and the character they create for you. It must suck for some of these people to have an advanced degree and/or your own business etc. and be portrayed as little more than a dimwit/villain/cuckoo. But this franchise has been around for a while, so none of them should be surprised, so there's that. Fame is a bitch.


I learned more about Sam in her five-second exchange shown with Dan about Indian food and what she does for a living than I have all season. That's apparently all the real-life reality the Show will allow per person. And I had high expectations (what was I thinking?) for Ashley's I's proclamation letter to Jared, given her Master's in Journalism.

Edited by KR Vermont
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I think it's adorable that Jaclyn thinks she can pass for a 30 year old. I may have laugh/snorted at that. Even so, Jaclyn is my new fave. At least she's entertaining.

Jared is such a mope. Why do these women seem to think he's so amazing? He just looks greasy to me.

Justin's sunburn continues to amuse me.

Nothing else interesting happened that I can remember.

  • Love 1

I think she was in on that joke. Why take a fork and walk out to the shore to comb her extensions?

You've forgotten that she's learned all of her seduction techniques from Disney Princess movies. She was obviously trying to charm Jared by coming her hair with a dinglehopper like Ariel did with Prince Eric. ;-)

Edited: Oh, DeLurker beat me to the dinglehopper joke!

Edited by JenE4
  • Love 5

Whimsey98 - I meant I don't say derogatory things in front of my kid (anyone's kid actually). I post some derogatory stuff on this site because it's a way to snark with a few like minded folks.

I guess my sarcasm didn't come across re. using a p.o.s. reality show as a parenting tool. If I were that delusional, naive, or mentally diminished believe that, I'd be eligible to be a contestant on one of these shows myself!

  • Love 5

KALE!  Hahahahaha! What a wonderful world we live in.


Does a kid named Kale get beat up more than most? Discuss.

According to the Social Security Administration...


  • For 2014, the number of births with name Kale is 214, which represents 0.011 percent of total male births in 2014.
  • The year when the name Kale was most popular is 2008. In that year, the number of births is 544, which represents 0.025 percent of total male births in 2008.


And most Kale's are born in California.


Really, the most interesting thing about MacKenzie is her kid's name.

  • Love 4

So Ashley I has a Master's in Journalism? And has apparently been told she's "a natural born writer" (or at least got enough positive feedback to be accepted for the MA and graduate? And yet she has still not learned the importance of brevity?


A 3 or 4 page love letter, front and back (was it 6 or 8 pages?), to a guy who clearly isn't interested? And who already knows you think he's amazing and gorgeous and (fill in other "who cares?" content).....? 


She seems so stuck in middle school.  I don't understand.             


ETA: I -do- like her style--hair, clothes and makeup--even at that beach. But what's wrong with her?  And her idea about using her virginity as bait, not just for a one-night stand but for getting a boyfriend (who's a man, not a teen), is bizarre.            

Edited by Padma
  • Love 1

Although I wholeheartedly support Jaclyn not giving a shit about the previous relationships, I didn't get why she even bothered to say to the women at the bar that she wanted the full island scoop?  She said she wanted the scoop, and when the other ladies started telling her who was paired up with whom, she says she doesn't care about that part.  Umm, THAT'S ALL THERE IS.  That's the whole show.  Weird.

  • Love 7

A 3 or 4 page love letter, front and back (was it 6 or 8 pages?), to a guy who clearly isn't interested?

Ashley took to Twitter to gripe that the part where Jared went to Ashley with a positive reaction toward the letter was edited out. She mentioned that it DID appear to make no sense why she would give him the rose, but it would if we actually saw everything. At least that's the story she's sticking to.

I'd correct it to: Ashley has a sick obsession with her own virginity.

Be a virgin, don't be a virgin; I really don't care. But to use it as a lure to Jared (and, I would guess, earlier obsessions who didn't take her up on it) is unhealthy.

YES! Compare to how Becca was so matter-of-fact about it. Ashley I is really weird when it comes to the topic. I imagine she'll run around and tell everyone when "IT" finally happens, like how Sean and Katherine couldn't shut up about the fact they had sex as a married couple. Urgh.


For all that speculation about what Mackenzie's date card meant, it had nothing to do with "seeing into the future." I thought they were going to see a fortune teller.


Btw, have we ever seen such a normal, real-world question as Mackenzie asking Justin what his last name is? I like those little moments.

I also thought of a fortune teller. As for the conversation, it did feel real and nice, but I had to laugh when the crafty editors played that segment with Mackenzie saying they had amazing conversation or something to that effect. Asking someone their last name hardly qualifies -- receptionists do that. 

  • Love 2

I've noticed that a couple posters have suggested Ashley I uses her virginity as "bait" to attract a man.  Maybe, maybe not.  My take on the situation is that she feels very insecure about her lack of experience/expertise and wants men to be alerted to the fact that she isn't going to be "all that" in the sack -- at least not for a while.

  • Love 5

I think Ashley truly believes that all young men aspire to deflowering a virgin.  And her bestowing that honor on a guy is the ultimate compliment.  I'm sure a few do, but I just don't see any of them on a show like this. Getting drunk & hooking up?  You betcha!  Finding an actual marriage partner? Not so much....

Edited by leighdear
  • Love 5

I had posted this earlier on the After Paradise heading but realized I probably should have posted it on this one. For those who are interested...


Interesting article I found on Wetpaint with Ashley I upset about the show's editing. She confirms what we already knew about how the show does "selective" editing and clears up some questions about her giving Jared her rose after he had told her he wasn't into her. If anyone would like to read it here's the link.



Ashley took to Twitter to gripe that the part where Jared went to Ashley with a positive reaction toward the letter was edited out. She mentioned that it DID appear to make no sense why she would give him the rose, but it would if we actually saw everything. At least that's the story she's sticking to.

Yeah I saw this too and just posted a link to the article.

I've never interpreted Ashley using her virginity as a bait.  I've never seen her voice that opinion.  The fact is she's a virgin yes so it's brought up.  But does she bring it up to 'entice' Jared?  Tanner seems to discuss it the most, and Ashley tells the camera, but other than that....  I think she's just being her honest 14 year old self.

  • Love 6

I'm not a 20-30 something guy so I can't understand the "allure" of being a virginity Conquistatdor.  Is it because the girl has nothing to compare the guy's performance?  He thinks he will make a lasting impression that will forever spoil the girl for any other man's technique? Or because he's happy he's not exposing his junk to places where other junk has been?  If I were in "Paradise", I could understand #3.  Lots of well travelled road among that crowd of men & women.

Edited by BusyOctober
  • Love 3
Resistance is Futile

The BiP motto



And Valtrex-resistance is inevitable.


I'd correct it to: Ashley has a sick obsession with her own virginity.



Be a virgin, don't be a virgin; I really don't care. But to use it as a lure to Jared (and, I would guess, earlier obsessions who didn't take her up on it) is unhealthy.

YES! Compare to how Becca was so matter-of-fact about it. Ashley I is really weird when it comes to the topic. I imagine she'll run around and tell everyone when "IT" finally happens, like how Sean and Katherine couldn't shut up about the fact they had sex as a married couple. Urgh.



I don't think the two things are mutually exclusive.  I think Ashley realizes that touting her virginity is the ticket to extended air-time, which is apparently what she wants.  And that may be why she's playing it up.  As noted, Sean parlayed that gimmick into quite a few TV appearances, and he wasn't even a virgin for goodness sake!

  • Love 2

No one is stupid enough to deflower Ashley I on national TV.  That would follow them around for a very long time and could very well end up being their tag line.  Jared, the cherry buster.  


She reminds me of someone I knew.  This woman fantasized about her wedding constantly. Finding a man who clicks with her and a love that is profound never entered her conversation.  It was all about the wedding and being married.  She prepared for a date as if it was her wedding day.  It took her hours to groom herself and a new outfit was part of the deal.  This for just a casual date.  She liked to be on show.  No ego here, just didn't know how to present herself other than being pretty and well groomed.  Not saying Ashley does this, she just reminds me of my co worker from years ago.  

  • Love 4

I'm not a 20-30 something guy so I can't understand the "allure" of being a virginity Conquistatdor.  Is it because the girl has nothing to compare the guy's performance?  He thinks he will make a lasting impression that will forever spoil the girl for any other man's technique? Or because he's happy he's not exposing his junk to places where other junk has been?  If I were in "Paradise", I could understand #3.  Lots of well travelled road among that crowd of men & women.


It can probably be summed up with this quote from the movie "Wagons East"...


"My husband says the largest penis ever recorded was four and a half inches. Is that true?"

  • LOL 1
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I'm really sad that I missed this! I am always multi-tasking. This was post-face washing?

Yeah, it was post face-washing. It was easy to miss, to me anyway - because I too was multi-tasking. I heard Nick like "mumblemumble you drank a lot last night mumblemumblemumble." Mr. Wovenloaf had to fill me in - the second set of mumbles was the brewery comment. 


I love when a guy that looks like he needs to drag his haggard face to AA really, really bad tries to talk shit to other people about their drinking habits! 

  • Love 1

I think Ashley I. and Joe are very similar in their obsessions.  They don't really care about Jared's or Samantha's true self.  They're obsessed with their outward "perfection", and the satisfaction of scoring the best looking person.  Joe knows Samantha is out of his league, therefore her interest in him led to immediate wedding bells and children.  Ashley I. is so awkward with men, the fact that Jared has kissed her twice means he's hers forever. 


I don't watch The Bachelor/ette, so I don't know any of these people, but Jared seems very asexual to me.  If he has sex with Ashley, which seems to be a very slim possibility, I think he'll be entering bunny boiling territory.


I don't get Amber.  She was absolutely crushed that Dan didn't want her, and she begrudgingly went on a date with Justin.  After complaining she wasn't really interested in Justin, she's suddenly crushed that he shows interest in someone else.


I understood Bachelor Pad - it was all about the money.  I just don't get the appeal to be on this show.  All the alcohol you could ask for is nice (when you're too young to buy it yourself), but you couldn't pay me to hang out with these losers.  No air conditioning, bugs and gigantic crabs crawling all over you, no walls.  It's just weird.  It also looks incredibly boring.

  • Love 6
I understood Bachelor Pad - it was all about the money.  I just don't get the appeal to be on this show.  All the alcohol you could ask for is nice (when you're too young to buy it yourself), but you couldn't pay me to hang out with these losers.  No air conditioning, bugs and gigantic crabs crawling all over you, no walls.  It's just weird.  It also looks incredibly boring.


They get paid per episode they are on BiP, so that gives them some incentive to stick around. Plus if they are trying to build up some sort of fame-related career, it does help their visibility to get their face on TV a little bit more.

  • Love 1

A 3 or 4 page love letter, front and back

I can not be the only one thinking of Ross and Rachel! 


I think Ashley I. and Joe are very similar in their obsessions.  They don't really care about Jared's or Samantha's true self.  They're obsessed with their outward "perfection", and the satisfaction of scoring the best looking person.  Joe knows Samantha is out of his league, therefore her interest in him led to immediate wedding bells and children.  Ashley I. is so awkward with men, the fact that Jared has kissed her twice means he's hers forever.

Which is why they got along so well.  She also did a th about how funny it was that Jeulia was crushed.


Jeulia needs to seek help.  Ashley I and she should try to get a group discount.

Wasn't Chelsie the one with the fear of heights? It seems to have gone away as she jumped off the yacht without any issues. I also recall her to be fairly normal but seems much ditzier here.


Ashley S looks better hungover than most people do on a good day.


Shut up Carly. Don't be catty about Ashley S and then pretend to be her friend.


Shut up Nick. There is never a reason to tell a girl she smells like a brewery.


Dan has gone from obscure guy from past season to 'how did we miss this great guy' to 'was this guy always that self-righteous'.


For all of Ashley I's drama, she does really seem well-liked by the others. Even Joe seems relaxed around her. She actually seems like a sweet (albeit silly) girl, unlike Carly.


Justin looks like he could be a Jolie-Pitt.


I know lots of folks can't stand Tenley's saccharine sweetness, but I like that she genuinely seems like a glass half full person.


Who was Amber again?


I actually really enjoy the parts where the girls (or guys) from the same season hang out. It gives us a glimpse into what must be a lot of time just spending time with one another, when TB is out on a date.


This is neither here nor there, but I cannot watch the disastrous pyramid in the series intro without laughing out loud. Every time.


And I do like that Jared was trying to help up (I think) Jonathan after he'd presumably fell off the pyramid. He seems like a nice guy.

  • Love 9
She seems so stuck in middle school.  I don't understand.



She really is - I mean her relationship with Jared is only a crush.  They do not hang out, kiss, hold hands, sit on the lounge chairs together, nothing.  How she thinks they are involved is like when you are in 6th grade and you are "going together" in name only and don't actually do anything.

Edited by FamilyVan
  • Love 3

Mackenzie is simply a 40-watt bulb without the face or bod.

I actually think Mackenzie is really, really pretty in a young, ditzy, 70s babe kind of way. Dumb as a bag of hair, but strikingly pretty and fresh-faced.


I also find Ashley I. stunning. A girlfriend and I were discussing this over the weekend (god help us). We were saying that Ashley I. could have her pick of men if she just wasn't so spoiled, immature, and insecure. I always tell the millennials in my life that confidence, maturity and self-awareness will get you way farther than you think in the world of romance (and the world in general). Of course, there are octogenarians who never learn this lesson. 


I know some folks love Jaclyn for her snark, but to me something about her is very, very sad. Bordering on tragic. I think *she* thinks she's working the franchise, but in truth I think the franchise is working her. In a sea of above average looks, she just stands out as exceedingly homely and very bitter about it. 

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