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S02.E07: Episode 7

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Well as a Katrina survivor I really didn't feel like snarking on this show last night since ABC put Robin Roberts' heartfelt program on immediately after BiP was done.  What a roller coaster of emotions for me; one minute I'm laughing my ass off at Mikey's epic return and then next I'm reliving hell on earth.


Anyway, add me to the list of those that felt just a tad bit bad for Joe, getting dumped on his birthday but then I remembered all the shitty stuff he's said and done and I no longer felt that way.  Samantha sure is a cold hearted bitch and I can't believe she thought that all this would be good for her "fashion" line.   And the editors sure seem to hate both her and Joe.  


As for Juelia, I can't figure her out and why she wanted to stay so badly in paradise.   Guess famehos are all different types.  


Looking forward to Joe's continued meltdown and his time on "After Paradise".

  • Love 5

I could swear Juelia said last week that if Joe's not into her then she'd rather just go home to her daughter. Now she's scrambling to stay around any way possible, going as far as asking CH to bring back Mikey, who she had no interest in whatsoever and who only showed interest in her when he knew he wasn't getting a rose. What in the world? Does she hate the idea of going back to her kid that much? I'm not buying her "I'm a good mom" nonsense one bit. That poor kid's an afterthought at best.


I'm sure JJ knew Mikey was on his way back, which is why he gave his rose to Ashley S. Otherwise it makes no sense.


Sam is a total player. So cold! I really don't believe she has a heart. Last week when Juelia tried to tell her what happened, she just ignored her all "I love you to death, but Joe should be here during this conversation". Then kept telling Joe not to care about the drama, she knows there was nothing serious between him and Juelia so it's all just silly. Kept lying to everyone to their face, when they all knew she was full of s***. Then she gets a rose and her other fling shows up, so she decides to dump Joe on her birthday with a birthday cake and champagne in front of them, blaming it all on him and his drama, which she was responsible for as well. She then goes back to the group all "Well I dumped Joe, can I be part of the in crowd now?", laughing and toasting. There just aren't any real feelings in there whatsoever. Scary woman.


Jade and Tanner are cute. I guess he has enough personality for the both of them. Hopefully.


Nick P. is looking old.

  • Love 9


I hope the producers at least gave Kaitlyn warning about what was coming.  Can you imagine being on the other end of that trainwreck???

Come on, this is Kaitlyn!  I'll bet she thought it was absolutely hilarious and loved every single minute of it!  I can just imagine the real conversation they had....


Ashley: "You bitch, like, you broke him!  He won't, like, make exotic babies with me now and it's, like, ALL.YOUR.FAULT!....WAAAAA..."

Kaitlyn: "Sucks to be you!"  And she laughs, and laughs and laughs.....

Edited by leighdear
  • Love 10

What is with all these people?  Ok so Dan is EXPECTED to give Julia the rose because she deserves to find love.  What about Dan?  I did not hear any women offer to sacrifice their rose so Julia could stay.  I am sure if that was posed as an option to any of the women it would have been shot down in a heartbeat.  Come idiots, its a Reality Show not real life.


And could Julia have looked any sadder at the RC?  Please tell me that was just one shot of her sad little face and they just used it over and over again.  She looked ridiculous. Seriously stupid.  And she told JJ not to give her the rose but not Dan???? UGH it's just to dumb.


And it looked like to me Joe talked himself out of dating Sam.   Could he have been any clingier?  At the beach it started out ok then he started the self deprecation of how a women like her just does not go out with a guy like him.  After awhile I think Sam started thinking the same thing and broke up with him.  


And I did not see Nick's season but he was not cute.  At all.

  • Love 10

Wow, what an episode...


-the date with Nick & Ashley S. has to be one of the strangest things I've ever seen.  And I don't like that the producers are editing Ashley to be "the girl that talks to animals" Now that Claire is gone I guess they think they need another crazy *shrug*   That whole talking to the crow thing was dumb and the joke is getting stale.


And could Julia have looked any sadder at the RC?  Please tell me that was just one shot of her sad little face and they just used it over and over again.

IKR?!  You would think after you are eliminated you were going to be executed!  Between the sobbing tears and pitiful music playing--good grief.  Well thank goodness Mickey T. showed up to save her from damn death =( 


And I did not see Nick's season but he was not cute.  At all.

I remember Nick from Ali season (way back when) and he was very attractive then.  His hair was blonde and he had this awww shucks southern gentleman thing going on--it was sweet.  Now, yeah he's had some work done because his face looks kinda jacked but he still seems to have a good sense of humor and easy going nature so I still like him.

  • Love 4

What the fuck is wrong with Juelia?? Crying through the entire rise ceremony as if this is literally the ONLY place she could possible meet a man. How pathetic. Can she not pull herself together? How is she not embarrassed by her behavior? She was acting as if her leaving this show means she has no other opportunity ever to meet a man. And Carly said the same thing! I actually think Carly even said "if Juelia leaves where else is she going to have an opportunity to meet someone?" Um I don't know, EVERYWHERE? I don't know who is the bigger moron, Juelia or Carly. I really don't understand the whole first hour of this episode. People were acting like Juelia leaving was equivalent to her walking to her execution or something. Holy shit can someone just buy Juelia an eharmony membership?

Ashley I. is mentally ill. Did she think she had chemistry with Jared? They barely speak and are so awkward together. Why is she hysterical over a man she went on one date with? This is insanity. Is this how she acts after one date with a man in real life? No wonder she is single. She says she's never been this upset about anything in her whole life. Chris Harrison should send her home to get mental help immediately.


All I can figure is that all the women must be extraordinarily drunk.  Who acts like any of these people in their daily lives?


Strike that last question... Maybe I don't want to know.

  • Love 4

Ashley I, why call Kaitlyn to complain about Jared's supposed inability to get over her?  What exactly is Kaitlyn supposed to do about it?  Yes, I have no doubt the producers suggested/insisted she make that call, but still.


Obviously the previously eliminated contestants are being kept close enough to bring back on a moment's notice. Why do TPTB think we (the audience) desperately want to keep Juelia on the show?  Most of us were cheering when we thought she was leaving. 



  • Love 8

But CLARE!  Clare said "Supposably"  - so she HAD to go!!

Thank you!  I love this scene from Friends of Joey convincing himself that "supposably" is correct.




Does Amber remind anyone of someone else? Every time I see her it almost comes to me but I can't quite figure it out.  

So glad I wasn't the only one who heard Clare say "supposably." And I know I didn't keep track of the drama between seasons but was Clare in the mix to be a Bachelorette at some point? Because she sure sounded bitter that she wasn't one (I'm not a Clare fan so I would have found it pretty intolerable).


Also I am SO over JuELLia ... not attractive, not sympathetic, not appealing. She goes on this famewhoring show, goes on vacations with Sam when she's not on the show, shows her daughter headshots of 100 guys and asks which one should be her new daddy and then we're supposed to feel sorry for her? The only one I feel sorry for is Jonathan who didn't even get MENTIONED to be back in the mix even though he was the one who got dissed by not getting her rose since he was the couple who got broken up when she picked Joe. 


What I thought they might do was to say, Hey, okay, here's Mikey like you asked for. Except you don't get to go back into the BiP world. You two have to stay in a bungalow room together and see if it works ...neither of you can pick anyone else.


At this point, the only Bipper I like is Amber.

  • Love 7
At this point, the only Bipper I like is Amber.


I neither like nor dislike Amber-she's just kinda....there


The only one I feel sorry for is Jonathan who didn't even get MENTIONED to be back in the mix even though he was the one who got dissed by not getting her rose since he was the couple who got broken up when she picked Joe.

I thought about this as well but remember Jonathon went back to Juelia and said that Joe didn't manipulate her, etc. etc.  Now true it was basically because Joe bullied Jonathon into the confession but still he did say it to Juelia...

I don't remember Juelia and Mikey having that much of a connection before.

Yeah it's because they had zero connection before.  I only saw them talking once & that was at the rose ceremony where Mickey T. was desperately trying to get a rose from Juelia and tried to kiss her.  She couldn't push him away fast enough so now this whole Mickey T. saves the day for Juelia b/s is just weird to me. 


  • Love 4

I guess it's because Jonathan was afraid he was going to get his brains bashed in (fixed because brains being bashed out may not really be a thing). But I also wonder whether perhaps Jonathan was approached and didn't WANT to come back if it meant being stuck with JuELLia whereas famewhore Mikey was just happy to be back in Paradise (hey, I can dream, can't I?). 

Edited by PamelaMaeSnap
  • Love 8

I DO NOT understand all this Juelia drama. Are there not men in her hometown? 

She is from San Diego!!!! If you can't find a man to forgive that shoddy blonde dye job in SAN DIEGO, then just give up now. (I'm half kidding, San Diego is a lovely place.) Jade's all like "This is her last chance at love!" Um, nah. It's not. It's actually her worst chance at this point. 


I've really had it with Juelia. What a hypocrite. We've all spent approximately 4-5 hours of our lives hearing about how Joe UUUUUUUSED HER FOR A ROSE, but then when she realizes she's going home, she's like "Hmm I better come up with a plan." And promptly grovels to Chris Harrison about how she missed out on a connection with Mikey that she apparently just now realized she had?? No. Wrong, Juelia. I vividly remember you recoiling in some combination of confusion and disgust when he tried to kiss you! Shut up and go home already. 

  • Love 18

I think Samantha wanted to go on the date with Nick but thought she had to protect her image by not jumping at him first thing as Joe had done when she arrived at "paradise". Instead she breaks it off with Joe later that night for seemingly unrelated reasons ("I hate the drama"). Joe was right, she can do much better. She knows it and it was just a matter of time before a hotter dude entered the mix. She worked Joe long enough to get his rose and secure her stay.

The closing credits were funny as usual. Joe and Samantha are in the ocean and Samantha keeps getting knocked over and over by big waves drifting away from Joe. He keeps having to grab her to bring her back. They end with Samantha being knocked over and this time, Joe pops up to look for her but she is gone!

Edited by yellowcalla
  • Love 6

She is from San Diego!!!! If you can't find a man to forgive that shoddy blonde dye job in SAN DIEGO, then just give up now. (I'm half kidding, San Diego is a lovely place.) Jade's all like "This is her last chance at love!" Um, nah. It's not. It's actually her worst chance at this point.

I've really had it with Juelia. What a hypocrite. We've all spent approximately 4-5 hours of our lives hearing about how Joe UUUUUUUSED HER FOR A ROSE, but then when she realizes she's going home, she's like "Hmm I better come up with a plan." And promptly grovels to Chris Harrison about how she missed out on a connection with Mikey that she apparently just now realized she had?? No. Wrong, Juelia. I vividly remember you recoiling in some combination of confusion and disgust when he tried to kiss you! Shut up and go home already.

Not only does "San Diego" mean the "whales vagina". In Spanish, it's a rather populous place. From the way they were talking about the poor widder Poo-for brains-ellia, it sounded like she was from a tiny town with no stoplight. Hag please, spend the next three years improving your life and raising your child. By that time you'll only be about 34 with a school aged child and something to offer a partner. I wonder if she calls the mothers of the men she dates to make them give her a second chance?

I agree with the idea of making her spend time with Mikey and only Mikey, since he's her soulmate and all. She's the worst kind of manipulator-no brains it charisma, just misguided sense of entitlement.

  • Love 10


And I know I didn't keep track of the drama between seasons but was Clare in the mix to be a Bachelorette at some point?

Not a peep about it.  Last year when she left BIP, she was moaning about how all she really wanted was to be on "Dancing with the Stars".  


The delusions are strong with Clare, but that just proves she's in the right franchise.  I like her, but she needs to just shut it down already.  Random reality show contestants have never been given a slot on DWTS, and I don't think they're going to start with relatively unknown also-rans from any show in this franchise (excepting Melissa Rycroft).  Leads yes, if they were popular and well behaved. 

Edited by leighdear
  • Love 4

I have such an intense dislike for Juelia.

I vaguely recall her backstory and thinking she didn't handle the situation regarding her husband very well and that TB could have used it as a PAS for suicide prevention. I excused her behavior as that of someone young, uninformed, emotionally unstable, etc… Next I remember how as a last ditch effort to get a rose from Chris she told her sob story at the most inopportune time/place~pool party. It worked and she got a pity rose. I was put off by her using her story for a pity rose.

After watching the last few BIP, I think I have an irrational dislike of her. I find myself having really mean thoughts about her and her former husband, her as a mom, her reasons for being on reality tv, her use of sad stories and seeming to relish being the victim. I know it is irrational since she is just a flawed human and no one is perfect….I think it is that the editing and commentary on the show is trying to force this "poor Juelia" story down my throat that I am rebelling and going the opposite direction.

I don't think it is rational but I really dislike Juelia. At least the "villains" have self-awareness they are playing the villain role. I think Juelia and her army buy into her victim role (and entitlement). Maybe if there weren't all those pro-Juelia talking heads, I wouldn't dislike her so much.

Hmm, I can see why Sam and her use to be such good friends (both seem to be horrible people imo based on this edited show).

Edited by Vicky8675309
  • Love 14

Yeah that was Ashley S.  I too found that stunt to pull Carly aside to talk to her about who he should give a rose to a bit dumb.  When the fuck did Carly become the wise counselor on rose distribution??

it had been mentioned earlier in the season that Dan and Carly had a brief relationship that didn't last long, but they had remained close friends. Dan considers Carly to be a close confidant that he can get honest feedback from.

  • Love 2

While I somewhat enjoy Mikey's whole meathead persona, I am flummoxed that a real person would choose to stay for another chance with him rather than just go home and maybe just try Match or something. I mean, it's not like the Bachelor franchise is really working for Juelia. Good gravy.

I really, really enjoyed Joe getting the boot. Plus the Nick and Ashley S date was so bizarre, it was pretty entertaining.

  • Love 3
Does Amber remind anyone of someone else? Every time I see her it almost comes to me but I can't quite figure it out.



Yes, she reminds me of a frizzy version of Jo, the girlfriend of Slade Smiley, on the first season of Real Housewives of Orange County.


Juelia seems to have a sweating issue - she perspires more visibly than the other women.  At one point I just wanted to take a rag to her face.  Can she not feel that???  Also, nice try thinking that the viewers would believe for even one second that Mikey had flown all the way home, and flew all the way back to Mexico, just because Juelia beckoned.  I'm positive when people get eliminated they are just moved to another hotel - one with real walls - to wait until it is determined there is no chance they will be needed for an "exciting twist".


Samantha's face looks so reptilian to me that I'm halfway expecting a forked tongue to pop out between her blinding white teeth when they show her.


Poor Jorge, trying to take his break down by the water, maybe rest his aching feet and back a little, and he has to deal with Joe bragging about how he made JJ his bitch.  Jorge didn't sign up for that!

  • Love 14

I felt like I was watching an older, less cynical version of the Bachelor/Bachelorette for about 5 minutes when we got to see a "real" relationship building with Tanner and Jade. As awkward as Jade's non-response was to Tanner opening up, it was one of the few moments in this series that didn't feel overly scripted or manipulated. I actually liked how Jade didn't know how to respond because 99% of the time, the producers always have these people say manufactured puns like, "Our relationship is really taking off [cue plane taking off]." And then the Joe/Juelia/Sam drama took over the rest of the show...

  • Love 7

Even though Nicks face looks a bit busted compared to how he looked before, he's still a million times hotter than Joe. Now that Nick is there, Sam has to drop Joe and try to make herself look like a decent person when we all know she just wants into Nicks pants.

Samantha is a mean girl in disguise. But I think her disguise has come off. Not sure who she thinks she's fooling.

I actually cheered a bit when Dan didn't give his rose to Juelia. Was so happy I didn't have to hear about how much she deserves to be there. Blah blah. But my joy was short lived. Enter Mickey and they both get to stay. Wah wah....

  • Love 9

Nothing usually shocks me but the close of shots of Nick and his possible boner complete with narration by a bird was just cringe inducting. ABC is usually family friendly, but this was so not FF.



So much THIS. I had to check the channel to make sure I wasn't on some random cable station. But no, there I was, watching this tasteless DRECK on ABC. It was in such bad taste that I'm stumped to come up with enough bad words for it. Not funny. Not family friendly. Rude. Tasteless. Shockingly disgusting. Those are a few that describe what I saw.


And shout out to the poster who asked if Juelia was/is pregnant. I couldn't take my eyes off of the pooch sticking out of her skin-tight yellow skirt, it was sort of fascinating. And I kept wondering why she didn't "suck it in," at least for the camera.

  • Love 8

Even though Nicks face looks a bit busted compared to how he looked before, he's still a million times hotter than Joe. Now that Nick is there, Sam has to drop Joe and try to make herself look like a decent person when we all know she just wants into Nicks pants.

Samantha is a mean girl in disguise. But I think her disguise has come off. Not sure who she thinks she's fooling.



I agree, Samantha took a gamble that Nick wouldn't form a relationship with anyone else while she waited a day or so to ditch Joe so she wouldn't come off so badly and then she'll make her play to get with Nick but sorry Samantha, you have already been outted to be the #1 mean girl in paradise so good luck with turning your edit around.     


And yes this is Keep the Money Nick from Bachelor Pad 3.0.   He's been laying low in bachelor/ette land for awhile but I guess he's ready for his next 15 seconds of fame.

Edited by CindyBee
  • Love 7


Nothing usually shocks me but the close of shots of Nick and his possible boner complete with narration by a bird was just cringe inducting. ABC is usually family friendly, but this was so not FF.



So much THIS. I had to check the channel to make sure I wasn't on some random cable station. But no, there I was, watching this tasteless DRECK on ABC. It was in such bad taste that I'm stumped to come up with enough bad words for it. Not funny. Not family friendly. Rude. Tasteless. Shockingly disgusting. Those are a few that describe what I saw.

ABC has not been family friendly for a long time, imo.  This show in particular, however, seems to enjoy being overly disgustng.  Let us not forget those wonderful images of Ashley I using the beach for a toilet, Joe letting one rip on camera, Jared having to pick Claire's teeth, and the embarassing one-on-ones where couples who barely know each other are encouraged to have sex in front of so-called love gurus and the like.  And I, speaking for myself and probably alone in this opinion, don't understand all the emphasis on liquor with this franchise.  Booze 24/7 on these shows.  I just think it's irresponsible.

  • Love 5

Jewleigha is seemingly perfect for Joe. Both have the insecurity, the over the top emotional reactions, low to mid grade looks, boring as hell and take up too much screen time. Leave it to a man (I kid, I kid...kinda) to think he can do better. Yeah I know there are pheromones and attraction required, but on paper, these two kids are on fire.

It's bothersome this show sets up that Harrison is always standing in a clearing in the jungle beneath some stairs. To the extent they brought in a random worker talking deeply with CH who quickly exited stage right when Jewelyia appears? Why the facade CH has a tent, port o potty and a few Snicker Bars and beef jerky for sustenance? We, as viewers, know he leaves that area. So odd.

I am buying Tanner and Jade, so help me.

This show needs a major facelift. It's boring and only the diehard viewers (like us, mostly) who know these asshats can possibly be seeing this through. A huge problem is....

#1- "I'm happy, but if #2 showed up...."

Cut to stairs, Harrison in his designated spot, standing

#2)- Hey, I'm here and hoping #1 is!"

The contrivance and overt fakeness is wearing thin. It's better when they try a little to make this seem real.

Speaking of real, I think Ashley I actually is. Her play by play of kisses, her tears at her shyness and awkwardness. I remember that so well in ninth grade.

Yet I don't mean that negatively, she's a young lady without much experience with boys/men and who is way out of her element. She'll be fine in the long run, but it's not fun watching it play out.

  • Love 3

I felt like I was watching an older, less cynical version of the Bachelor/Bachelorette for about 5 minutes when we got to see a "real" relationship building with Tanner and Jade. As awkward as Jade's non-response was to Tanner opening up, it was one of the few moments in this series that didn't feel overly scripted or manipulated. I actually liked how Jade didn't know how to respond because 99% of the time, the producers always have these people say manufactured puns like, "Our relationship is really taking off [cue plane taking off]." And then the Joe/Juelia/Sam drama took over the rest of the show...

Right on! I was surprised by the Tanner/Jade moment. It's a bad sign that any moment of reality is suprising on a reality show.


I want to see a backlash against Juelia...and not because I like Joe...no one likes Joe. I just want to see Juelia taken out of the victim role. She really doesn't have it that bad in life. She doesn't need our sympathy. She could find thousands of guys willing to date her and stepfather her child if she stopped looking on TV and started paying attention to real life.

  • Love 7

Thank you!  I love this scene from Friends of Joey convincing himself that "supposably" is correct.




Does Amber remind anyone of someone else? Every time I see her it almost comes to me but I can't quite figure it out.  


Amber reminds me of Christie Laing, the actress who plays Shamiqua on Unreal and Marian on Once Upon a Time.

  • Love 1

I posted earlier that I don't feel Joe did anything wrong in playing Juelia aside from not copping to it immediately when he was asked.  He should have just said, "yes, I'm sorry, but that's how the game is played and I needed to stick around."  This is a reality game show of sorts, and just like all the Survivors/Amazing Races/etc., you have to partner with the right people or form your alliance (in this case a one sided alliance) in order to further your survival on the show.


But it is funny that he is pretty much getting what's coming to him, with Samantha now dumping him and looking for somebody else.


That said though, I think it is incredibly cruel of the producers to play that closing credits clip of Joe gushing about Samantha and how perfect they are together, even including the part where he said she is a trophy wife and an 8 point buck hanging on the wall.  Joe is getting what he deserves, but I think this is just a bit vindictive.  The producers must really really not like him, because I don't recall anybody ever getting such a bad edit to this degree.  

  • Love 3

This is after all a reality type game show, right?  Aren't there some kind of rules about changing the rules mid-game?  That's why if the Amazing Race wants a particular couple to advance, they can't all of a sudden decide that it's a non-elimination leg.  So why is this show any different?  It was planned that two people were going home tonight, right?  Why are the producers allowed to just bring back Mikey so poor Juelia isn't bawling all the way back home?  The producer manipulation of this show is ridiculous.


This show is different because it is not a game show. There is no competition, at least not one with quantifiable results or will end with a prize. There really aren't any rules, save for what the producers decide because they are not obligated to be bound by rules. And they can decide what they want, when they want, no matter how ridiculous or unfair seeming, precisely because there is no competition or prize.


If this were a competition, and there was a prize, they would have to have some semblance of order. Bachelor Pad, no matter how random seeming, did play by a set of rules, because there was $250,000 at stake. There are people who believe the three seasons of Bachelor Pad were completely scripted and the outcome was pre-determined, but that isn't true, at least not when it came to the competitive aspect. Fleiss couldn't do that because he would get into serious trouble over it. The competition for the prize had to be on the up and up, because if it was rigged, Fleiss wouldn't be able to produce so much as a morning show in Bumfuck, Iowa.


In any case, since nothing of value is at stake on BIP, they can bring back Mikey, Samantha can be in contact with whomever she wants before the show for the purposes of strategizing, and Carly can pretend that Kirk isn't big on musical theater. And so on and so forth.

  • Love 6


And shout out to the poster who asked if Juelia was/is pregnant. I couldn't take my eyes off of the pooch sticking out of her skin-tight yellow skirt, it was sort of fascinating. And I kept wondering why she didn't "suck it in," at least for the camera.


This gives me flashbacks to a former relationship of mine.  The guy was a good foot taller and 100 pounds heavier than I, with most of his weight in the stomach area.  This conversation actually happened when the ex was trying to get the drawstring to his swim trunks tied (with my "help")


Me, trying desperately to tie the drawstring:  Suck in your gut!!!


Ex:  I AM!!!!


Me:  You must try harder!!!!!


Ex:  I can't suck anymore!!


Me:  The hell you can't! 


I ended the relationship not long after that - not due to his pregnant stomach but due to his overall "suckiness"

  • Love 4

Yay, Nick is back! I liked him in Ashley's season, and I LOVED him on BP3. What a diabolical genius he was. Totally under the radar most of the season, then Rachel "got stuck" with him as a partner and badmouthed him constantly with her little clique, saying he was riding her coattails because she was so popular. Meanwhile Nick kept up the "aw shucks, we're friends" attitude towards her so that she'd select "Share" at the finale. Then he revealed "Keep" and was like "fuck YOU, fuck YOU, fuck YOU, you're cool, and fuck you, I'm out" to her stupid little group of friends. EPIC. I stood in my living room and did a slow clap. Seriously, try to find that moment online if you can. It was amazeballs. His bod's still looking good, no surprise since he is a personal trainer.


Why are so many people here calling Mikey "Mickey?" Is that an accident or on purpose?

  • Love 17

Too funny, Trace.

And I, speaking for myself and probably alone in this opinion, don't understand all the emphasis on liquor with this franchise.  Booze 24/7 on these shows.  I just think it's irresponsible.



Because drunk or "tipsy" people say and do things they wouldn't say or do ordinarily when sober. This show, and other "reality" shows, depend on free-flowing alcohol to create "the most dramatic season EVAH!"


Thanks, CindyBee, for clarifying which Nick is this Nick. I was all about him keeping that BPad cash, but am surprised such a "hated" person would be brought back for BIP. Of course, there is no money to win, but could it be for ... gasp! ... the DRAMA?

  • Love 1
it had been mentioned earlier in the season that Dan and Carly had a brief relationship that didn't last long, but they had remained close friends. Dan considers Carly to be a close confidant that he can get honest feedback from.

I didn't know that.  Well I guess I'm just frustrated over all the pussy footing Dan did over this stupid decision.  Dude its a rose not a kidney.  Just give it to whomever you wanna bang and get it over with.


And shout out to the poster who asked if Juelia was/is pregnant. I couldn't take my eyes off of the pooch sticking out of her skin-tight yellow skirt, it was sort of fascinating. And I kept wondering why she didn't "suck it in," at least for the camera.

I noticed this as well.  The lower abdomen is a problem area for A LOT of women, especially for women who've been pregnant before so naw  I don't think it's another bun just a little pooch because she's not fat.  The thing is she wears the tightest skirts EVER so unless you have rock hard abs it's gonna show a bit.  She's better off with a looser fit skirt.  Don't know why she didn't just suck it in either....maybe she just wasn't thinking about it *shrug*


Why are so many people here calling Mikey "Mickey?" Is that an accident or on purpose?

You mean like Mickey Mouse?  Huh IDK, maybe I missed it but I thought everyone was saying Mikey?  Probably just a slip of the tongue unless there is an inside joke we aren't aware of.

  • Love 3


You mean like Mickey Mouse?  Huh IDK, maybe I missed it but I thought everyone was saying Mikey?  Probably just a slip of the tongue unless there is an inside joke we aren't aware of.



Yeah, Mickey, it's the damnedest thing...maybe it's the same poster who has posted multiple times but someone thinks his name is Mickey up in hurrr. Of course, Mikey is a stupid name for anyone over the age of 4 to go by, and everyone spells their name effing weird on this show (including my fellow Clare) ;-)


Oh, and I agree with everyone else about Juelia...I have a baby so I get the whole "pooch" situation, but that's why I'm not prancing about in skin-tight clothing on national television. If she doesn't care, more power to her! But it comes down to comfort, too. Tight clothes on a beach ain't comfy. Give me a flowy dress or something that doesn't show pit stains, I say.

Edited by ClareWalks
  • Love 3

I think think Ashley I & Joe belong together. They're both terribly insecure & sure they aren't good enough for the love, true love that they think they've found. They could cry, complain & self-hate in their own bubble of unhappiness.

Joeleea has used up her single mom, suicide husband, screwed over by Joe points. She used them all up quickly & has been skating by on the memory of them for the past couple of episodes. She needs to take her shiny face home & actually tell her daughter she loves her rather than declaring it in the third person on the phone while a camera records it.

Nick, oh Nick. You took all the money on BP & won my heart. Now you're back & interested in pinched face, cold-hearted Sam. I retroactively take back all the roses I've given to you in my mind. Instead I give you rusty shears & request you hack off some of Sam's Crystal Gayle.

I'm glad Mikey's back. He's a great big doofus, but I like him. It's too bad he's there with Joeleea. He lost out on the matchmaking possibilities on BIP. First the skanky I sister, Clare who didn't care & now whiny, shiny Joeleea. Poor lunk. At least he gets to add another minute or two to his 15.

Tanner & Jade bore me. She seems a lot like Ashley I in her ability to conversate. "Like, yeah, like me too." Do grown ass men honestly ask women to officially be their girlfriend? I thought you just discussed becoming exclusive. Maybe I've been doing it all wrong!

  • Love 9

I've only seen the episode through the return of Mikey so far, but, what's with all of this "Save Juelia" crap?  The girl isn't going to lose her home or life over going off of the show!


I think the conversation between Juelia and Chris H. was a total retcon for bringing Mikey back.  TPTB must've known what JJ was planning, they probably even told him to keep Ashley S because she makes for better television and they knew Juelia would be safe by bringing Mikey back. 


Considering "Save Juelia" took 30+ minutes and interestingly, as shown, the only one who saved her was actually herself... I hope the rest of the episode gets more interesting.

  • Love 4

Could this show seem more desperate? I remembered Mickey really wanting to date Clare, not Juelia, then being angry that she didn't like him. He was nice enough to warn Juelia about Joe, but it wasn't as if they had had a shred of chemistry. Why are we supposed to find their "reunion" romantic?


But, I have to defend Juelia a little. Unlike Samantha, she seems like a kind (if utterly bland) person. (Samantha seems mean and bland, though, so Juelia's a definite improvement over her).


But more to the point, while I hate everything about the "poor single mother, widow-woman" edit, I did feel genuinely sorry for her at one point last night. It was when she was assuring herself and us that "I'll be a good wife for someone...." and I just felt for a moment about the suicide--how the surviving spouse often blames herself and feels like its her fault, "If I'd only...." I just got an impression that Jeulia is still blaming herself, maybe even for not being a good enough wife, for her husband's problems and his suicide. It wouldn't be her fault, of course, but it IS natural for people to feel guilt and shame of their own after the suicide of a spouse. So...I do feel for her there. And think the show bringing her on BiP was a very bad idea (if I  thought they had any -genuine- morals or compassion, but I know otherwise--and that includes CH). 

  • Love 3

Tanner & Jade bore me. She seems a lot like Ashley I in her ability to conversate. "Like, yeah, like me too." Do grown ass men honestly ask women to officially be their girlfriend? I thought you just discussed becoming exclusive. Maybe I've been doing it all wrong!

Maybe on this corny ass show. I've evidently been doing it wrong too. Mr. Wovenloaf and I just kind of acknowledged one day that we were already exclusive anyway and neither us planned on changing course, so yeehaw here we go!


Re: Tanner though - I just can't get on board with the Tanner love like others have...he bothers me, though I can't really identify why. And for some reason, when I imagine Tanner in my mind, it's Marcus's face that I come up with...Then I realize, no, that's Marcus. Tanner's that other boring sap who's face I can barely remember. And why won't he just say "Hey Samantha, I saw your dang text message. Shut up."?!?! 

Edited by wovenloaf
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OT horrible moment for me.  Long ago I was waiting for a street light to change when a man came up beside me and asked if I was pregnant.  I said, "no" and he said, "well, I can fix that." I walked across the street so fast that I left one of my shoes in the lane and had to go back for it.  


Holy shit. Men like that are why pepper spray exists. And some guys wonder why women don't like being approached (or catcalled) by strange men on the street.

  • Love 2

Tanner & Jade bore me. She seems a lot like Ashley I in her ability to conversate. "Like, yeah, like me too."



Heh, heh. Conversate. This cracked me up.


I agree that the CH/Juelia convo was completely scripted. The show needed Juelia to stay for her continued "woman-wronged" story line drama, and so she would see Joe get his Samantha come-uppance first hand and, thereafter, give some righteous-woman THs. I'm guessing Michael wasn't on long enough for anyone to remember, and Jonathan either said no or wasn't asked, per the "too much melanin" reason suggested by a poster upthread. And yeah, Mikey no way was home. He was being kept stashed away in Mexico for just such a (scripted) occasion.


Let's face it, this IS a Fleiss show.

Edited by saber5055
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