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S02.E06: Episode 6

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Ashley S. seems so sane compared to everyone else. Probably because her brand of crazy is tinged with a profound self-awareness, unlike any of these other boobs.


Who the hell is Amber? I vaguely remembered Megan because she thought you needed a passport to go to New Mexico. She and Joe would really hit it off, I think. They are intellectual equals.


Joe and Samantha act like they are such geniuses. Loved how their plotting was captured ON CAMERA and they still try to deny it. You are on television, you goddamn simpletons. Can't wait for the inevitable breakup with these two.


Tanner is the greatest commentator this show's ever had. He needs to take over Chris Harrison's gig.

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Joe, Joe, Joe. We took a vote and you are banned from the state of Kentucky. We disown you. Bye.

Just don't send him east to West Virginia. My Hatfield friends will make him drop his Mountain Dew right in the middle of Route 23.

We would rather have JJ. He doesn't know it but he clearly has hillbilly blood himself. The last time I saw an under-bite that bad it was on Gomer Pyle.

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Once Ashley lost the Dan distraction, she found other things to entertain her instead of wailing and crying -- seems like a quality woman to me.



This, so much. What I like most about Ashley S is that she isn't into sitting around and being dramatic about the made up love lives of wannabe 10 second celebs. She was into Dan and was all in, but once that fell apart she decided to just enjoy being there, hanging with the cool animals, probably looking around (like she did on Bachelor. Once she wasn't into the "game" anymore she just went out exploring). That is exactly what I'd be doing. I could care less about watching Jade rub it in everyone's face that she found "love" or watching the gang mentality that is suddenly defending Juelia in all her delusions, or any of that other fake love angst going on. I'd be playing in the water (well, until I saw the other Ashley pee on the beach, or talking to Jorge the barkeep, or just playing with the animals.

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I also don't think Dan was ever that into Ashley , I just think the producers were obsessed with keeping her on the show for a while so they suckered someone into taking the bait . Not saying no one would want to date her , just feel that they somehow manipulated things . That being said , can Dan really be that hot and sincere ? Maybe . But obviously runs at the first thing he doesn't like when he's dating someone which makes him single .

I too cannot stand when one of the people is talking about something and who they came there for and then it automatically jumps to the feet of that person coming down the steps . Everything is just so edited . Especially when someone says " oh I'm definitely getting that rose from him " . That obviously means they're not because they just said that .

The joe thing is getting really old . It's not like they dated for a year and he did this . It was after 1 date . I understand the producers are trying to drag it out as much as possible but holy crap it's enough .

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Tanner is the greatest commentator this show's ever had. He needs to take over Chris Harrison's gig.


I totally agree.  Love hearing his comments.


I usually never want to see these folks ever again but every once in awhile there is someone I hope gets some sort of media gig out of it so I can see them more and Tanner is one of the few.    Chris Lampton was able to get a HGTV career going so maybe they'll be something out there for Tanner in the world of sports, since that seems to be his passion.  Cause I don't think there is much media work in "auto finance".

Edited by CindyBee
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I think what you mean to say is:  If Ashley is literally crazy, then I am literally crazy too.  I'd literally rather hang out with animals in Mexico than with any of these people - literally!

You need to add a few "like(s)" in there.


I think Juelia and Ashley S. should run away together. Their friendship seems sweet. 

Not sure if it was Ashley that Juelia (said as "Hoo-lia" in my head) was hugging on the porch when talking about snuggling, but she threw a leg over the other girl's legs.  I hug my girlfriends a lot, but the legs don't get involved.


Joe, Joe, Joe.  We took a vote and you are banned from the state of Kentucky. We disown you.  Bye.

Red Vanwinkle (from Utopia), all 125 lbs of him,  would so kick his ass. He's a Hillbilly Extraordinaire and from Kentucky.


Joe has a distracting dent in between his eyebrows.  I can't look away from it.

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OMG enough with these stupid cliffhangers.  This wait til next week to see the rose ceremony is tiresome.  I hated it on Katlyn's season and I hate it here.  Ditto to not remember who Megan or Amber is or Samantha for that matter.



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I am a very minimalist watcher of this show, and even I hate the "cliffhangers", if you want to call them that (given the lack of actual interesting television to be offered imho).  It doesn't entice me to watch more, as it only tells me they have this garbage on for 3 hours a week, and they can't end the 3 hours with a rose ceremony?  They have to drag it out until the following week?  


I just don't get what they are trying to prove here, by thinking they are encouraging viewers to tune in by dragging everything out?  It is not working.

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I think the issue with this season is that it's timed too perfectly with the introduction of people. The split second someone either makes a connection but says they wish so-and-so was here or someone questions the connection they have, the footsteps fall of the person they were hoping to see or the person who is there seeking him/her. Granted, of course I get that that's the sole purpose of casting for maximum drama potential, but it's just too much too fast, so nothing is progressing naturally. I guess the good news is that these "relationships" only last a day, so the person Samantha REALLY wanted to meet (or who wanted to meet her) will show up next, if the show thus far is any indication.

Yes, It's like there is a hotel full of people who MIGHT come on the show.   And the producers wait until the moment that will be the most awkward for everyone, to introduce the person who will cause the most drama with whatever is developing.  Then give that person a date card, so they can "steal"  someone from the person they were making out with 5 minutes ago.

I would like this show better if the date cards were sort of random -  you get a date card, and then pull a name out of a hat to see who is going along with you. Not for all-day dates, but for a short foray into town, and adventure, something fun.     That, way, people wouldn't have to pair up so early in order to survive.   Also -  they should have games, some sort of competition, to win the more elaborate dates, and for those dates, they can choose their partner.  Or have teams of 4, and the winning team gets to all go on an excursion.    I just would like them to mix it up a bit, and not have this endless discussion that belongs in a high school cafeteria.


Part of the reason they keep talking about the Joe/Juelia/Samantha thing is there's nothing else to do!

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I think next year for BIP III, they need to bring back ONLY contestants that have left at least 1 kid at home. That way none of them can whine, cry and rend their garments over leaving behind a child in order to find love. Widows or widowers are optional.

Parents without partners in Paradise. Make it so, Mr. Hanson.

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 Looks like there's no hair and makeup team in Paradise.



Agree. I'm guessing Ashley S is doing her own hair and makeup, because even in the shots where she's hanging out in obvious humidity she still looks relatively fresh. She's really the only one who looks consistently good.


They spoke about it a little on one of the after shows. There's only Ashley S and her curling iron and Ashley I and her trunk de Sephora.


As much as I hate Joe, I did have a good laugh at his mimicking JJ's "ehhh".

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The scene with Joe and Samantha in the Camp Firewood bunks looked odd, like the dialogue was spliced in from some other conversation. I'm going by Samantha's elbows, pretty much, but her body language didn't seem to match the discussion.


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Now, I admit to not having the best memory sometimes, but I'm fairly certain that Joe did not make a beeline for Jueuuueelia the moment he arrived with his date card, as she claimed in her talk with Samantha.  I'm pretty sure he faffed around for a long time and then semi-asked her on the date; I remember there being THs from some people who were confused if he had actually asked her or not.  Not exactly what I would call making a beeline for someone!


Who the heck is Amber?  And how uptight did Dan look while on his date with her?  I love Ashley S and she is way better of without that uptight loser.


Oh god, the Ashley I wailing starts again next week.  Urgh.  I feel like a lot of that episode will be FF'ed.

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I agree that it seems like Juelia is misrepresenting some of her date with Joe, but at the same time, we did see them making out on the date, so if he wasn't interested and didn't want to lead her on, I'm thinking he didn't need to do that. And when Juelia asked him straight out the night of the rose ceremony about his feelings for her, he rammed his tongue down her throat and said something cheesy like "what are my intentions now." I laughed hysterically, which is why I remember. Anyway...Juelia does seem a little dim, but she also seems like a pretty honest and caring person (though I'd never be able to leave my 2-year-old to be on a reality show, I really think she feels this is her best chance, which goes back to the intelligence thing). Joe absolutely lied to her and is a d-bag, along with clearly not respecting women AT ALL (except for their love- and baby-making abilities, I'm sure), so I am completely on Juelia's side and understand why everyone is standing up for her (these people are all living in a junior high-level atmosphere, and they LOVE to have a bad guy to talk shit about).


Now, with all THAT being said, ENOUGH!! Juelia, honey, Joe sucks. It is so very clear, so why do you even care what happened at this point? Just be relieved that you sidestepped that land mine. Let the ultra-klassy Samantha have him. I really think part of the reason she can't let it go is because she's really angry at herself for not keeping one of the guys who was at least nice to her and tried to tell her outright that Joe was using her. She also knows that she was bragging about her awesomely strong and deep relationship with Joe in her THs, and she knows what an idiot she will look like.


On a related note, I could've sworn I saw a clip of Mikey and Juelia in the previews for the season, on what looked like a one-on-one, and they were laughing and looked to be having a great time. Did anyone else see that? Or was that two other people I saw? BiP always changes the rules, so it's not like someone couldn't come back at some point...

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Who the heck is Amber?  And how uptight did Dan look while on his date with her?  I love Ashley S and she is way better of without that uptight loser.

She was so boring. She had potential to be cute, but she sure would have looked better if she had put 3 minutes of effort into her hair and 30 seconds of effort into picking out some flattering clothes. I forgot about her as soon as she left my screen. And Dan looked so uncomfortable. Spending the date talking about Ashley S., who he just told - to her face - that he sees too many "red flags" in her. (She should have sicced one of the untrained Mexican raccoons on him as soon as he said that.) I felt like he was trying to get out of Amber getting the idea he's into her, like "Hey, are you sure there's no riff between you two?! Because if so, I'll just jet right now! Yeah? RIGHT NOW? I SHOULD LEAVE?! No? Oh. Okay. Um, yeah, I'm having fun too." What other bizarre point would have all that wishy-washy rambling served...? From the guy who goes leaping into ambulances after random women he doesn't know!

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That was a really awkward conversation between Amber and Dan!  I couldn't figure out what he was trying to do.  He doesn't want to be with Ashley, yet he couldn't quite seem to say that to Amber.  I felt bad for her.

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Once again, I watched every minute of Chris Soules's season and don't remember any Amber. Where do they GET these people?


And no way would I consider Amber beautiful or even good looking. She is average, at best. Most women look average; she is just one of a multitude. AshleyS ... now, she is stunningly lovely IMO.


All the THs about AshleyS being "crazy" made me dislike every single one of those people. She is crazy, why? Because she's not acting like the typical "little girl" who runs screaming because a land crab scuttles into the room, like that ending clip a few weeks ago? Parrots are enormously smart, on the same level as chimpanzees, plus they BITE HARD and can take a chunk out of a finger easily. Ashley goes right in with them and talks to them, even scolding when one tries to bite her ... and it stops its bad behavior. She has a wonderful demeanor and rapport. 


Then one poops on her hand and does she scream and fling the bird away? No, she laughs about it and the poops sits there. Hands wash. It's not a big deal, all you Losers In Paradise.


Color me a HUGE AshleyS fan. No wonder Chris H. seems smitten with her, she's the only one not fitting the mold. She needs to be glad she's rid of Dan, who measures dating happiness by boob size and not IQ.

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Guys, we did all think that Ashley was crazy during Chris's season. I mean, we all called her crazy Ashley, as opposed to virgin Ashley. Remember Mesa Verde, the zombie apocalypse, the wandering around climbing under fences, the powerful onion/pomegranate, the secret betting ring, and all of her incoherent ramblings with vacant eyes? I think we were all surprised that she appeared rational and normal most of the time on this show. But I'm 100% going to believe Dan that he saw some crazy that made him question their "relationship." Multiple other people also said in talking heads this episode that Ashley's crazy suddenly came out, namely Tanner, Jade, Carly, and Kirk--and I think Jared, too. I don't think she's "crazy" for talking to animals, but while she was doing it, her vacant crazy eyes came out. That's scary--it's like where did Ashley go? I don't know whether she has something diagnosable that she's fine unless she's "having an episode," or something happens if she doesn't take her medication on time or is mixing it with alcohol. Don't get me wrong. I adore her whether she's acting "crazy" or as sweet and as rational as she's been most of this season. But if you've seen her last season, then you probably know what everyone means about her crazy behavior.

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Glad to see the Ashley S. love here, I adore her as well and can totally understand her wanting to spend time with animals instead of people.  I rewatched Sun & Mon episode and I kinda get the feeling that the crazy Ashley is putting on is a defense.  People have said that she started behaving this way after her and Dan broke up so I kinda get the feeling that this is her way of keeping everyone else a bay.  She's not the one to start blubbering & crying (like Ashley I.) at the drop of a hat and maybe she's too proud to show her emotions or maybe she's just not used to being vulnerable so when she wants to deflect or take the focus of what's happening to her she pulls this.  IDK just a guess.


I still lurves her!

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My husband walked through the room during the scene where they were in some bedroom with those bunk beds and he was like what is this place, what is that ceiling?! Looks like their actual rooms are shitty.

I find it endlessly hilarious that they go to actual nice resorts for their dates -- because clearly their "Paradise" is a sh*thole.

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Why oh why doesn't Jared give Juellia a rose if he's so concerned?   Because he's hot, she's fug, and he's waiting for a better opportunity.


Yeah all the guys defend her honor mightily but no one wants to actually you know, date her. Speaking of fug, I noticed Jaclyn in the previews. I agreed with Joe, that these people were needlessly dragging the stupid issue out but his analogy to burying and digging up a dead body brings up before-mentioned Kentucky Cosa Nostra concerns.


Ashley S, in her talking heads in the red top? She's gorgeous. But those vacant eyes are alarming. I wonder why Dan is not interested in Clare at all? And where was Clare anyway??

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Once again, I watched every minute of Chris Soules's season and don't remember any Amber. Where do they GET these people?


And no way would I consider Amber beautiful or even good looking. She is average, at best. Most women look average; she is just one of a multitude. AshleyS ... now, she is stunningly lovely IMO.


All the THs about AshleyS being "crazy" made me dislike every single one of those people. She is crazy, why? Because she's not acting like the typical "little girl" who runs screaming because a land crab scuttles into the room, like that ending clip a few weeks ago? Parrots are enormously smart, on the same level as chimpanzees, plus they BITE HARD and can take a chunk out of a finger easily. Ashley goes right in with them and talks to them, even scolding when one tries to bite her ... and it stops its bad behavior. She has a wonderful demeanor and rapport. 


Then one poops on her hand and does she scream and fling the bird away? No, she laughs about it and the poops sits there. Hands wash. It's not a big deal, all you Losers In Paradise.


Color me a HUGE AshleyS fan. No wonder Chris H. seems smitten with her, she's the only one not fitting the mold. She needs to be glad she's rid of Dan, who measures dating happiness by boob size and not IQ.

This, times a hundred. I liked her on Chris' season, and thought she was the most beautiful one there, but totally bought into the "Onion Girl be crazy" narrative.  On BiP I've seen her in a completely different light--still quirky but in such a great, refreshing (even at times, insightful way). She may be the ONLY one who I think has improved her image by going on this show (at least for some of us). Maybe Tanner has, too. The others? Not so much.


I wanted to get up and cheer when she made friends with the parrots like she did (compare with Kaitlyn's, "Oh, no!  (Screeches and runs). It's a PIGEON!!!!!")  And was unflappable about the bird poo.  She's awesome and I wish CH had been even better to her when she was on the After show. Yes, he likes her but it always seems the fond way you like your crazy but harmless maiden aunt who lives in a treehouse because she loves nature so much.  She's actually a very cool and interesting persona and imo the show gets better when she's on camera. (I wish they'd bring on a great guy who "gets" nature, too, because that would be so much more interesting than, say, what Joe and Samantha find fun to do in a hot tub on camera).


Anyway, I hope Ashley S knows a lot of people don't agree with the show's "take" that there's something wrong with her "but we like her anyway". I think she's great and hope the others might learn something from her!  The Ashley-Juelia friendship made me feel less irritated by Juelia even. She's probably a very nice, not that bright and kind of naïve, person who should be feeling only one thing--happy!!!--to be rid of Joe.

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Tanner is the greatest commentator this show's ever had. He needs to take over Chris Harrison's gig.


Totally, I love his show commentary from WITHIN the show. However. HOW COULD HE NOT SPEAK UP ON THAT SCREENSHOT BIZ? How could he sit there in that final convo with JJ, Jared, and Joe and not pull THAT out of his back pocket and watch the sparks fly? C'mon, Tanner. You know how this works more than anyone! Throw that screenshot log on the fire!

Edited by itainttippithebird
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Did Dan just want to date other people all of a sudden?  I can't believe they haven't shown why he broke up with Ashley s.  I think she handled it really well considering it came out of no where.  I guess he felt safe this week because he's handing out the rose and wanted to make it interesting?  I makes no sense that one night he's totally accepting the rose to the next night breaking up with her to see what else is out there.  Maybe the cameras were too focused on the Juelia/Joe non-drama.  I don't feel sorry for Juelia, she was duly warned, Ashley was not.

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JJ: "I'm really glad to be with Megan, even though we're really different intellectually." Wait, what? Hey, JJ you're supposed to keep some thoughts to yourself.

While I agree with you, this is the same Megan who thought New Mexico was a part of Mexico and  not a state. Forest Gump and Megan are probably intellectual peers from the looks of things.


As for Kelsey Poe, as much as I'd love to see her or Tierra on this show, Kelsey was trying to sue ABC for emotional damage, so I don't think we'll be seeing her any time soon.

Edited by locomoco
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Oh, I had forgotten about Tierra!  She was MADE for this show.  No one's allowed to dull her sparkle!  Maybe she has a boyfriend now and didn't want to come to paradise.  What a pity, I could have eaten an entire bowl of popcorn watching her do what she does.

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And no way would I consider Amber beautiful or even good looking. She is average, at best. Most women look average; she is just one of a multitude. AshleyS ... now, she is stunningly lovely IMO.



My take is that Amber is quite pretty, but she doesn't "represent" well on camera. I bet she's stunning IRL. She's also too boring (aka normal) for this franchise. I'm fond of Ashely and her animal-loving self, but don't find her to be the great beauty that everyone seems to think she is. Her lips are sooo thin. 

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Tanner doesn't want to be part of any drama, just wants to snark on it from afar where nobody but the cameras can hear him; thought that was obvious.


OH SNAP!  =D  What I don't get about Tanner is said Joe showed him a text with Samantha saying do whatever you need to to stay on the island (which is kinda dumb of Joe in the first place) BUT if Tanner knew this about Joe before hand why didn't he warn Juelia before she even went out on the date?  Why all of a sudden now the great concern?  Made me look sideways at Tanner a bit and that's a shame b/c I actually do like the guy.


Did Dan just want to date other people all of a sudden?

I think he said something like he saw something in her personality that raised a red flag.  I believe she was upset or crying the night of the last rose ceremony and it might have spooked him a little; maybe he thought she was a bit too emotional *shrug*  IDK for sure and he's always been kinda vague on the matter which I think is what frustrates Ashley S.   I mean saying our personalities don't fit really isn't an answer.  But at least Dan did talk to her.....


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I find it endlessly hilarious that they go to actual nice resorts for their dates -- because clearly their "Paradise" is a sh*thole.

Yeah, I noticed at one point when people were walking toward the beach - that the "sand"  seemed to be more like MUD. 

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I think Dan made up that excuse to ditch Ashley.  From day 2 til last night, they were joined by Clare, Megan, Samantha and Amber.  That far in, he realized that fresh women would keep walking down those stone steps and he wanted in on that.  It wasn't Ashley's emotions, there were no "red flags".  I think he was just done.  Next. 

Edited by leighdear
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The only "creatures" that scare me on this show are all the crazy fake eyelashes.


I realize they don't have pro hair and makeup people, but damn. Some of these gals (and guys) are looking pretty rough. Jorge looks more pulled together! 

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Once again, I watched every minute of Chris Soules's season and don't remember any Amber. Where do they GET these people?


And no way would I consider Amber beautiful or even good looking. She is average, at best. Most women look average; she is just one of a multitude. AshleyS ... now, she is stunningly lovely IMO.


All the THs about AshleyS being "crazy" made me dislike every single one of those people. She is crazy, why? Because she's not acting like the typical "little girl" who runs screaming because a land crab scuttles into the room, like that ending clip a few weeks ago? Parrots are enormously smart, on the same level as chimpanzees, plus they BITE HARD and can take a chunk out of a finger easily. Ashley goes right in with them and talks to them, even scolding when one tries to bite her ... and it stops its bad behavior. She has a wonderful demeanor and rapport. 


Then one poops on her hand and does she scream and fling the bird away? No, she laughs about it and the poops sits there. Hands wash. It's not a big deal, all you Losers In Paradise.


Color me a HUGE AshleyS fan. No wonder Chris H. seems smitten with her, she's the only one not fitting the mold. She needs to be glad she's rid of Dan, who measures dating happiness by boob size and not IQ.

Amber went on the paintball excursion and was drinking whiskey.   You probably don't remember her, because she had much shorter hair and was pretty.   Now, she's rather haggard and apparently got an unfortunate and lopsided weave.   I think she was overall forgettable, but far more attractive on the Chris season.    Ashely S in terms of attractiveness is several leagues above the average contestant,     but the last few seasons have been producing some unkempt, scraggy looking people, so she is shockingly beautiful in comparison.    

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Joe is so that guy who answers "no" to the police asking if he stole the $60,000 from the bank because he stole $60,000.29.


Nailed it, mertensia! I despise people like Joe who take your phrasing and somehow manage to use it against you. May he crash and burn in the coming weeks.

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But if you've seen her last season, then you probably know what everyone means about her crazy behavior.



She was edited to APPEAR that way, but she was the only one who went "behind the magic curtain" and found the editors and production people in their magic lair. And saw that pomegranate and picked it, and even KNEW what Mesa Verde is. Crazy? Yeah, because she is not the normal, boring, molded-to-look-act-like-everyone-else siicone-boobed, extension-haired woman on this show. She actually was bored by all the booze and house drama and went off on her own to check out the digs.


I was hoping we'd see Ashley S. get a date card at the end and invite Juelia and just have a gals day/night on the BIP dime.



I KNOW, right? (tm Emily) I was wondering if there is some rule the woman has to give her rose to a man. Can't a woman give her rose to another woman?  That would be so ... AWESOME! Like, literally! 


Crazy is as crazy does. And eyes can appear "dull" when one is introspective, which means looking and thinking inward.

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"JJ also 'take personal offense' to guys who play with women's emotions. As you'll recall, JJ admitted on Kaitlyn's season that he got divorced because he cheated on his ex-wife."

Who, if I recall correctly, was pregnant with his daughter at the time. Yay JJ, champion of badly treated women everywhere!!

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JJ rebounded for me, though, with his circuitous True Detective "Time is a flat circle" reference concerning Joe's deflection. I was dying, picturing JJ as Woody Harrelson and Joe as Rust Cole, driving around in a 4-wheeler in paradise and reciting Nick Pizzolatto's dialogue. Thanks for that, JJ. I haven't laughed so hard all day. JJ was my MVP tonight for that.


YES! This episode was so boring, but when JJ called Joe a "circular reference" in the end I was on the floor dying and my night was made. JJ is such an intellectual giant and apparently a boob man in addition to being an uberboob.


This was the first BIP episode I've seen this season and the 2 things that stuck out were the awesome intro (man, that was great) and the lack of familiar Bachelor/Bachelorette contestants. I recognized Claire, Ashley Kardashian, Ashley S., Carly, Jade, and the dudes from Kaitlyn's season, but I couldn't pick the rest out of a police lineup.


This may be the minority viewpoint, but I'm not at all bothered by Joe and Samantha's shenanigans. This is Nick and Kaitlyn all over again with a twist. TPTB love to use the same narratives repeatedly. Just like Nick and Kaitlyn communicated via social media before meeting on The Bachelorette, Joe and Samantha did the same thing here, and I don't see anything wrong with their collusion. They wanted to meet each other on TV and Joe had to stay on the show to do that. I respect that strategy. Yes, he was misleading to Juelia, but why on Earth would she entertain Joe talking about meeting her daughter and other future plans on the first date? That first-date conversation would be a huge red flag to most sane people, but Juelia bought it hook, line, and sinker. She says she's looking for love, but it won't be on this show. She should go home to her daughter and find a nice, normal guy instead of Psycho Joe.


I'm just sick of the "fame whore" shaming that goes on because they're all fame whores on this show for the wrong reasons. None of these people have to go on this show to meet "the one." They do it because they want to be on TV. So for Tanner, JJ, and Jared to call Joe and Samantha on their shit is the pot calling the kettle black. Somebody (I think it was JJ) said they shouldn't have come on BIP if they were already involved in a relationship, but I see no problem with it. Who really cares if they planned to meet and couple up on BIP where they get to vacation in an exotic locale with free booze and shoddy living conditions? I suppose it's just manufactured drama created by TPTB.


Yes, I realize this show has a little bit of credibility because it spawned a marriage between Marcus and Lacey (supposedly without them knowing each other beforehand), but I'm sure they could have just as easily met and fell in love off-camera. Limiting the dating pool to Bachelor/Bachelorette rejects severely limits options for life partners, and I'm in awe of characters, like Juelia, who appear to have seriously bought into the idea that they're going to find love on this craptacular show. Love can happen on this show, but it shouldn't be expected.


I think Ashley S. has returned to the batshit crazy side after being scorned by Dan. Her playing with the crab gave me the creeps. I don't envy Dan's position, but he shouldn't have coupled up with the crazy one off the bat. Then again, at least it wasn't Ashley I. Poor Jared.

Edited by jmonkey
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I find it endlessly hilarious that they go to actual nice resorts for their dates -- because clearly their "Paradise" is a sh*thole.

The water in "Paradise" is beautiful but the accommodations are similar to middle school summer camp - so they get to dress up and pretend to be adults at the nearby resorts.
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My view of the situation is that they feel protective of Juelia, as if she were a little sister.  Joe was a cad to her, led her on, and completely denies it.  He contradicts himself repeatedly and is on the defensive any time you bring up his contradictions.  It's maddening for me to watch it, I think the men are aggravated all the more because they have to live with it.  It's all the lies and circular logic that's driving them batty.


Joe, man up and own the fact you and Samantha had regular and intense conversations prior to the show.  Own up to the fact you wanted to meet in 'Paradise'.  And own up to leading Juelia on.  Then the inquisitions can stop and we all can move on.


And I'm not letting Juelia off the hook either.  I hope when she watches this show, she sees how Joe did not ask her out, and did not know all about her kid, etc.  I hope she realizes how ridiculous it was to be planning an entire future with a man she only had one date with.  I also hope she realizes that finding a future partner is unlikely in Bachelorland and she's better off checking out other avenues of meeting men.  Or maybe she should just focus on taking care of her child and career (?) and not worry about finding a man.


I'm surprised no one on the show has brought up that 2 decent men were sent home when they tried to warn Juelia.   Why doesn't Juelia regret not listening to them?  Maybe she does, but the show doesn't let us see that.


I'm sick and tired of the Juelia/Joe/Samantha show and hope it concludes in the first five minutes of next week.

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I think the issue with this season is that it's timed too perfectly with the introduction of people. The split second someone either makes a connection but says they wish so-and-so was here or someone questions the connection they have, the footsteps fall of the person they were hoping to see or the person who is there seeking him/her. Granted, of course I get that that's the sole purpose of casting for maximum drama potential, but it's just too much too fast, so nothing is progressing naturally. I guess the good news is that these "relationships" only last a day, so the person Samantha REALLY wanted to meet (or who wanted to meet her) will show up next, if the show thus far is any indication.


It's started to get really annoying. It sounds like production has them all stuffed in a nearby hotel to get sprung on the cast at the exact moment to maximize the drama. I don't like the obvious tinkering going on this season, it's too pat.

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It's started to get really annoying. It sounds like production has them all stuffed in a nearby hotel to get sprung on the cast at the exact moment to maximize the drama. I don't like the obvious tinkering going on this season, it's too pat.

Yes, it's like they are asked ahead of time who they'd like to date, and then to rank order their selections.    Then, as soon as they are getting cozy with someone they ranked as third or fourth choice, SURPRISE!  Their #1 choice walks in!   

I also think the the producers encourage certain relationships, maybe by hinting that a certain person is interested.


Or maybe I watched too much "UNREAL"  to ever see a dating show and not be cynical. 

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I find it endlessly hilarious that they go to actual nice resorts for their dates -- because clearly their "Paradise" is a sh*thole.



Yeah, I noticed at one point when people were walking toward the beach - that the "sand"  seemed to be more like MUD. 


It's disgusting.  When I finally got around to watching this week's shows tonight, all I could see through all the Joe/Julelelia drama was the gross filthy feet sported by every other person.  That sand is nasty.  Even mud doesn't usually make your feet that grimy.  That's just something really disgusting (like oil or something) polluting the sand.

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Yeah, I noticed at one point when people were walking toward the beach - that the "sand"  seemed to be more like MUD. 


The huts, buildings, etc. of that resort are insanely close to the high tide line, which is where all the sediment is laid down by the waves, eventually creating the mud.


One reason I prefer beach trips offshore is the freedom (ironically); the sue-'em-all lawyer culture doesn't exist.  Therefore, snorkeling, personal watercraft, Zodiac boats, etc. are your responsibility but you can go where you like and do what you like.  Contrast this with stateside rentals, excursions, etc. that are B-O-R-I-N-G and typically involve a guide breathing down your neck  and a rulebook thicker than that of Alcatraz.  For example, JJ darting in and out of the sea stack would be verboten here despite the fact that a) they disturbed nothing and b) survived the encounter with ease.


The point is that there would be more space between the resort and the sea in the US via building codes but down there the lack of separation means the mud is right at the doorstep.

Edited by Rainsong
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