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S02.E06: Episode 6

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All the THs about AshleyS being "crazy" made me dislike every single one of those people. She is crazy, why? Because she's not acting like the typical "little girl" who runs screaming because a land crab scuttles into the room, like that ending clip a few weeks ago?


Brilliant. I was just coming to post this. Hated Jade and Carly snarking on Ashley S, and I'm usually Team Carly. Calling someone crazy is mean. I'm not even convinced they really believe it. It's just an easy stance to take, because that's what herd mentality does. 


I find it interesting that we have yet to hear any real snark from Ashley S. It could be that she's getting a nice edit (ahem, Chris Harrison) or perhaps she has more interesting aspects of her personality to showcase than the ability to make shallow, petty comments or - gasp! - could she be just a decent human being?


I find her genuining refreshing. What if all of the contestants were just as nice and quirky and beautiful? That would be a different show. No, we wouldn't have the tears of Ashley I or the embarrassing idiocy of Megan but do we really need more of that?

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I don't like the obvious tinkering going on this season, it's too pat.

But it's a scripted reality show.  They have to plan it out just like they plan out every other show.  They can't just leave things to chance and let these people make their own decisions and structure their own days.  It has to go by the schedule.  Otherwise there would be zero drama, zero confrontation and zero hysteria.  And that would be incredibly boring.  

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Dammit. I kinda like JJ. How did this happen? He was just so calm and articulate and made Joe look like such a fool, it was a thing of beauty. "Nyah nyah nyah!" "My little brother does things like that." "Well... I've got a little sister! And she's smarter than you!" Hilarious.


Maybe an unpopular opinion, but I really don't find Samantha attractive at all. Hearing her actually speak hasn't made her look much better than when she was on The Bachelor.


Wow, what the fuck, Ashley S? Her meltdown over Dan is even more ridiculous than Juelia's over Joe. You knew him for literally (also, sidebar, stop saying "literally" so damn much, Ashley) like 4 days and you were falling in love with him? Losing him feels like death? Oh lord.

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I miss the desperate craziness of nurse Jamie chasing Chris Bukowski, now that was comedy gold


I thought she got married on 'Married at First Sight', and they're still together.

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I guess I'm in the minority -- but I actually do not doubt that Ashley S. is kind of crazy... and it has nothing to do with talking to animals or enjoying nature. That is perfectly fine... kooky the way she does it, with her vacant eyes and whatever, but totally fine. The real crazy is probably how intense she is in terms of relationship stuff... I mean, Dan did not really do anything that bad to her and yet she is going on about it pretty passionately.  He seemed to be communicating with her every step of the way, which, in a show like this is all you can really hope for.  Weather the "red flags" he saw are legitimate or not, at least he was honest about them with her.  I also don't find her the great beauty everyone else seems to think she is -- she is by no means ugly, far from it, but she wears a a whole lot of make-up and she's got strange lips and kind of a weird chin.


As for the Joe stuff, the only problem I have with it is that no one is telling him why they think he is a douche.  Why are all these guys afraid of upsetting him?  Its so weird - its like Jared is afraid of upsetting him, they all walk around eggshells around him... except for JJ.  No, Joe, of course its not a problem that you went on a date with Juelia, felt a connection, and then later felt a better one with Samantha.   That would be fine.  But it's not what happened. The problem isn't even that he "used" Juelie for a rose, because they all do that in one way or another.  The problem is the schmarmy way he did it, and the fact that him and Samantha were basically a couple before they even got on the show.  The contestants on the show are, by definition, supposed to arrive single.  If you come as couple you are kind of cheating.  It's like what someone, maybe Kirk?, said -- just leave and go book a hotel room in one of the nearby resorts.

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I remember Tanner and Joe having a discussion when they were trying to confront him. Joe kept saying "didn't you give them a list, didn't you have one?" Tanner replied with something like 'he did have a list but if a choice further down the list was there before his #1 showed up, he wouldn't have a dick about it'. 

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I remember Tanner and Joe having a discussion when they were trying to confront him. Joe kept saying "didn't you give them a list, didn't you have one?" Tanner replied with something like 'he did have a list but if a choice further down the list was there before his #1 showed up, he wouldn't have a dick about it'.



I thought that was JJ....Joe was asking JJ if he had a list of people whom he wanted to show up.  I guess how this works is when you are chosen to be BIP the producers ask you who would like to meet and then try to get those people on the show as well...*shrug*  Nothing really wrong with that but Joe is full of crap about this I didn't know Samantha was going to be on the show b.s.


Maybe an unpopular opinion, but I really don't find Samantha attractive at all. Hearing her actually speak hasn't made her look much better than when she was on The Bachelor.

No you're not--I don't find her attractive either.  Something is weird about her face...I can't put my finger on it but maybe it's bone structure or she wears too much makeup OR maybe she's just turning out to be as much as a douche as Joe is & that is making her unattractive.


I love Ashley S. I see nothing crazy about her. She's got an awesome personality. If I worked with her in my office, she'd be my work BFF.

WORD!  I would want her to be my stylist as well.  Her hair and makeup always seems to be so perfect.  Also if you go to her instagram page she has a few pics with a new guy--is that her brother or new bf? https://instagram.com/absalt/?hl=en



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I remember Tanner and Joe having a discussion when they were trying to confront him. Joe kept saying "didn't you give them a list, didn't you have one?" Tanner replied with something like 'he did have a list but if a choice further down the list was there before his #1 showed up, he wouldn't have a dick about it'. 

Yeah, I think the producers took those lists and came up with strategies as to who to bring on what week.   Like, as soon as someone as a date with their #4 on the list, call in their #1 and give him/her a date card.  

it just seems too coincidental the way new people enter at the most/least opportune moments.  

AND I suspect that Joe was coached as to how he needed to play the game to be there long enough to meet Samantha.  He's not very smart, he was coached and encouraged to play the asshole.  And he was selected for the role because they knew he IS an asshole. 

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AND I suspect that Joe was coached as to how he needed to play the game to be there long enough to meet Samantha.  He's not very smart, he was coached and encouraged to play the asshole.  And he was selected for the role because they knew he IS an asshole. 

I agree that Joe is totally an asshole, but I don't really think he's stupid...He's not just bumbling around offending people by accident. He hyper-aware of how to successfully manipulate people...in pretty creepy ways (e.g., Jonathan begins randomly sobbing after speaking to him). He says dumb shit because he's a weirdo, and because, like you said, he's playing a role. I don't think he's actually an idiot though. I would venture he's probably smarter than the rest of them...though that's not saying much, I know.


I can't believe these Trashelor people have me so tired of their "Joe confrontations" that I'm sitting here defending his intelligence...! What twilight zone are we in?! =P

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Maybe an unpopular opinion, but I really don't find Samantha attractive at all. Hearing her actually speak hasn't made her look much better than when she was on The Bachelor.



Despite the fact that she overuses the word literally, I kind of like the descriptions she comes up with to describe her feelings at the moment.  They are almost poetic.  She seems much smarter and more in-tune than most of the people in "paradise".  Maybe she was falling for him... (It was only 4 days, I know... but for some people I guess this stuff happens quick)?


She is literally not the only person to use the word literally.  They all do to excess.  At one point, I think Carly said that she would literally die if her brother picked up the phone.  Well, I will "figuratively" die if these people can use literally in the correct sense and not infuse the word "like" after every single word.


Joe and Samantha are douches.  True story.


However, I feel like Juelia protests too much over this whole situation.  She had what... one day with Joe?  Maybe i'm tired of her because I had to listen to her whine and bitch and watch all of the other guys in paradise have "talks" with Joe for two episodes straight... but in the end it just got to be too much for me.  I sincerely want Juelia voted off the island.  There are other places to find love *gasp* than on reality television.


I love JJ on BiP!! I  have a feeling he was "villing" (or whatever the cool kids call it on this show) during Kaitlyn's season so that he didn't get lost in the crowd.  His one-liners and comebacks are killing it.  I laugh every time!  Not saying that he can't be douchey and whatnot but he also displays self-deprecating humor.  Like when he told Megan that he is unemployed AND living in his parent's basement.  He was like "That's so attractive, I know".


I love reading all of the comments and insight here!  Keep em' coming guys!

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I don't care how bad the others get, I will never side with Joe. He's Joe. He and Samantha deserve each other. They're both super sleazy. Samantha, and her dead eyes, creep me out, tbh.


Juelia is ridiculous. All this crying over one date. She was warned about Joe and she chose to ignore the warnings. She has no one to blame for her predicament but herself.


The majority of these men do absolutely nothing but gossip all day. Everyone talks so much shit and yet when it's time to confront the person they're talking about they suddenly have nothing to say. Looking at you Jared, Tanner and Jade. These three just love to be at the center of all the drama, don't they?


There's nothing I hate more than people calling someone who is individualistic crazy. Just because Ashley S. finds amusement wherever she goes and tries to have a good time in sometimes unusual ways doesn't make her crazy. Jade, who vacillates between being vacant and a complete nonentity, needs to not call someone crazy just because they're ten times more interesting than she'll ever be. I don't even like Ashley S. like that but these people really grate.


Tanner strikes me as someone who just loves the sound of this own voice. I find him incredibly boring and I don't know why they keep giving him talking heads.

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It sure does sound like all these people are almost "promised" that people on their "list" will be there (maybe as a condition for being on the show?).  So, doesn't surprise me that those waiting for their ultimate crush are trying to stick around long enough for that.  The mistake Joe made is to go overboard on selling his alleged feelings to Jeulia  (who is desperate enough to believe they could be real after one date) and making a pack with Samantha to do what it takes.  I guess those two are too involved with each other to remember there are cameras or to realize how they will look on the show.  Other people like Jered and Dan are doing the same thing (does anyone really think Jered is serious about Ashley I?) but they are just going about it a little different and aren't doing it to a single mother or to a Disneyland princess.

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Maybe an unpopular opinion, but I really don't find Samantha attractive at all. Hearing her actually speak hasn't made her look much better than when she was on The Bachelor.


She has sharp features, and her make-up has a very harsh, exaggerated  look.  Maybe there's an actress she reminds me of, i don't know, but  I keep expecting her to turn into a vampire, or reveal herself to be a witch - she just seems sinister in some  way. 


though it is kind of fun to imagine her in the hot tub with Joe, and suddenly the vampire teeth come out and she looks up at the camera, mouth covered in Joe's blood. 

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It sure does sound like all these people are almost "promised" that people on their "list" will be there (maybe as a condition for being on the show?).  So, doesn't surprise me that those waiting for their ultimate crush are trying to stick around long enough for that.  The mistake Joe made is to go overboard on selling his alleged feelings to Jeulia  (who is desperate enough to believe they could be real after one date) and making a pack with Samantha to do what it takes.  I guess those two are too involved with each other to remember there are cameras or to realize how they will look on the show.  Other people like Jered and Dan are doing the same thing (does anyone really think Jered is serious about Ashley I?) but they are just going about it a little different and aren't doing it to a single mother or to a Disneyland princess.



ITA on all points!  I can understand Joe liking Samantha more than Juelia, that's just human nature but it's the way he treated Juelia that bugs.  Not only overplaying his affections to her to get a rose but to then ignore her completely once Sam arrives is just cold especially when he knew how much Juelia liked him.  As much as I dislike Dan for upsetting my sweet Ashley S I can't fault the guy for the way he handled it.  He spoke to both her and Amber about what is going on.

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I loved Àmber on her date, simply because she seemed so incredibly "non-desperate" in both her appearance and her demeanor. In contrast to the other women who wear tons of makeup and who are overdressed, she wore little makeup, and had on an attractive but casual dress. She seemed very relaxed the whole date. And when Dan asked her a question (I think it was whether she'd like to date him again), I loved how she teased with an indifferent "meh."

What a refreshing change from the other women on this show. She actually acted like going on a first date was fun.

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I loved Àmber on her date, simply because she seemed so incredibly "non-desperate" in both her appearance and her demeanor. In contrast to the other women who wear tons of makeup and who are overdressed, she wore little makeup, and had on an attractive but casual dress. She seemed very relaxed the whole date. And when Dan asked her a question (I think it was whether she'd like to date him again), I loved how she teased with an indifferent "meh."

What a refreshing change from the other women on this show. She actually acted like going on a first date was fun.

Don't you think part of that is because she just arrived and hadn't gotten involved in all of the drama and competition yet?  I think part of the reason they all start to act nuts is because of the extended time together, and the competition of who is available to date, etc, etc.  

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ITA on all points!  I can understand Joe liking Samantha more than Juelia, that's just human nature but it's the way he treated Juelia that bugs.  Not only overplaying his affections to her to get a rose but to then ignore her completely once Sam arrives is just cold especially when he knew how much Juelia liked him.  As much as I dislike Dan for upsetting my sweet Ashley S I can't fault the guy for the way he handled it.  He spoke to both her and Amber about what is going on.

Not to defend Joe because I can't wait to see the douchebag get screwed over by Samantha but he actually ignored Juelia right after their date! He didn't wait for Sam to get there. Juelia was complaining that he wouldn't even look at her or talk to her after their "great" date. So she was "warned" as to how Joe really was before she even gave him a rose. Now when she pursued him he threw in a few lines to reassure her and he kissed her to shut her up (much like Kaitlynn did on her season when she had nothing to talk about) but as much of an ass that Joe is , Juelia is partly to blame for getting WAY too invested too quickly. I have more sympathy for Ashley and Claire. (well Claire, sort of..) I CAN fault Dan for the way he handled things. He rushed into pairing up with Ashley S by going to the hospital with her and showing he was a sweet caring guy. Now I think she's nuts for saying she's falling in love with him after a week or whatever its been, but compared to Juelia saying she'd move to be with Joe (even though she has a 2 year old) and that she was falling in love with him after ONE date that probably lasted a few hours that SHE invited HERSELF on... Ashley S at least had something more invested in the relationship. Dan was there for her when she was ill, they bonded. And when the producers probably told him someone new was coming in that was there specifically to meet him, he wanted to be unattached so he made up some bs about Ashley S showing some emotion and that he saw red flags and he dumped her. He didn't even talk to her afterward. So he went from being all lovey dovey and attached to her all week and then rips her off like a bandaid and throws her away in anticipation of a new girl coming in. IMO that is more cruel than what Joe did to Juelia. Juelia, widowed single mother or not, is delusional and needs to get over it. Ashley S does too but I can see why she is hurt. Dan acted like he was a really nice guy and then he turned on her and threw out the bullshit line about something being off about her just as an excuse to be free to date other people. Notice he sure didn't do that when it was the girls' week to hand out roses.


I don't really care if Joe and Samantha made plans and knew eachother before the show. I'm sure more than one "couple" did the same or tried to. I'm not sure how you "win" BIP or what the prize is so not sure why you would plan to hook up with certain people except for a free vacation with someone you had a crush on. But regardless these people all need something to do besides harp on Joe and Samantha. From what I've seen they are both gross and deserve eachother.

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In terms of lists, etc.... I wonder what the producers thought Jared was going to do there... none of these girls seem like they are his type at all.  Maybe they were expecting more of a love triangle between Jade/Tanner/Jared?  I feel like Jared was mildly interested in Jade in the beginning, but quickly and completely let it go as soon as she chose Tanner for the date.  

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In terms of lists, etc.... I wonder what the producers thought Jared was going to do there... none of these girls seem like they are his type at all.  Maybe they were expecting more of a love triangle between Jade/Tanner/Jared?  I feel like Jared was mildly interested in Jade in the beginning, but quickly and completely let it go as soon as she chose Tanner for the date.  


I actually think the way the date cards were set up on that first day it was suppose to be a Jade/Jared/Ashley I triangle forming.  And that Tanner was background fodder that for whatever reason Jade asked out instead.   

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Joe is so that guy who answers "no" to the police asking if he stole the $60,000 from the bank because he stole $60,000.29.




I think the issue with this season is that it's timed too perfectly with the introduction of people.

That's the way they're editing it and to me it's part of what makes it so funny to me. They've given up all pretense of this being a show that's seriously about finding love. If it happens, great, but Chris H and company are just having fun with the whole thing.

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I knew joe was scum on that group sumo wrestling date where he was acting as if his junk was so big, powerful, and overwhelming that he just couldn't keep it contained in his sumowear and forced everyone to have to look at it hanging out. So proud he was to be so disgusting even around the children in the audience. He reminds me of the movie and characters the poor men met in the "Deliverance " movie. Sloe eyed and focused on his genitalia. Yuck times 1000. Count your blessing Juelia

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Can someone please help me?  I want to know how to quote just a portion of a post.  I saw instructions somewhere when I first started but cannot find them now.  


I'm sorry to post this here but I have  looked in the questions area and did not see that    and a few days ago I posted the question to moderator on that site.   I still have not received an answer.  Thanks.  

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Can someone please help me?  I want to know how to quote just a portion of a post.  I saw instructions somewhere when I first started but cannot find them now.  



You can use the red quotation mark on the right hand side of the bottom menu where it has the thumb up for a like or the triangle to report a post. Then just like regular text you can edit/delete what you don't want to include from the quoted post.


Or you can copy and paste what you want from the post you want to quote and use the quote function which is second from the right on the very top menu that has your other editing features like bold or link or image etc. That method doesn't include the user name and time of the original post though.

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My computer wont let me edit inside the red " quote. So I have to do the copy and paste, no username method. I always feel bad not crediting the author.

You can add the person's name inside the first quote tag. It's just like the "official" quote but without the time stamp. (Use the square brackets instead of these curly ones, obvs.)

{quote name="Author"}Thingy blah blah{/quote}

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My computer wont let me edit inside the red " quote. So I have to do the copy and paste, no username method. I always feel bad not crediting the author.

When you go to the "Reply" box, up at the top of the little screen is an editing bar. The first icon on the left looks like a little switch plate. If you click on it, it should turn the quote box into text that can be edited.
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When you go to the "Reply" box, up at the top of the little screen is an editing bar. The first icon on the left looks like a little switch plate. If you click on it, it should turn the quote box into text that can be edited.

Yep, this is the method that works best for me.
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When you go to the "Reply" box, up at the top of the little screen is an editing bar. The first icon on the left looks like a little switch plate. If you click on it, it should turn the quote box into text that can be edited.

I don't know if I understood the cut/paste..I was looking for that on the reply box.   I simply highlighted the part of the post I wished to quote, I hit the quotes icon and hit reply to quoted post and the part I highlighted showed up in the reply box.!!!   It worked.  thanks all.  

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Allright -- I'm late to the game, but it must be said

Joe = poor man's Peter Krause

JJ = poor man's Mac (from Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia)

Charie/Ashley S = poor man's Jenna Maroney (from 30 Rock)

I have many more observations and reactions....but those two things must be said as I binge watch this show

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