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S02.E03: Episode 3

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One bachelorette has a tearful meltdown and considers leaving Paradise. Meanwhile, Josh gets a date card and asks Tenley out; and a new bachelor arrives but his abrasive behavior puts everyone off. He takes Juelia on a date but their budding relationship is short-lived after he reveals his true intentions behind coming to Paradise. Back at the house, Jared become embroiled in a love triangle that involves Ashley I. and Clare.

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Clare drove the raccoon to drink! ;)


Jared didn't lead Ashley on and Clare did not lead Mikey on. They were only being nice, they were not acting romantic towards them. Mikey needs to get a clue.


Joe and Joshua... eeeeeew


Dan is a bit of a gossip


JJ could be the next Chris Bukowski, he was making me laugh

Edited by Armchair Critic
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How'd they get the raccoon to sit on a cushion and "drink" wine?! They must have hired a raccoon "actor"/animal wrangler this year. Worth the investment!

Tenley really WAS a Disney Princess?! All of these years we thought she sounded/acted like one--and now it all makes sense. I wonder whether Ashley got her picture with her and/or an autograph. Good thing Tenley was Ariel and not Jasmine, or Ashley's breakdown level would be set to combust and she'd literally self-destruct, her tears melting her own body like the Wicked Witch of the West.

"Let's take a mind break," say Tenley and JJ. I presume the break is using their minds for a change.

Two guys arrived this week, presumably so Lauren and Ashley could each choose a guy and there would only be one extra to go home. But now that Lauren left, there will be two extra guys to be sent home. I wonder how much this will screw up future episodes if they have two guys on deck for the next few alternating episodes. Or am I doing the math wrong?

Mikey and Ashley should just partner up as friends so they can stalk Clare and Jared respectively. One is more delusional about their non-existent "relationship" than the next. "Mikey's wedding vision board is just ruined." Ha! Good one, Kirk!

Guys, those are boogie boards, not skim boards.

Edited by JenE4
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Adios, grouchy Lauren. I was irked by the fact that she didn't shower and dress before fleeing 'paradise,' and I was confused about her escape route -- dragging her wheelie luggage on the sand. Wouldn't want to sit near her on the flight (stank) or be in the vicinity of her luggage being hoisted into the overhead compartment (sand in the face). 


Well, Tenley must have upset the apple cart over at Disney tonight.....here in Orlando, FL, we all know that characters (current and former) are supposed to keep that all on the hush. It's a no-no to announce that you embodied a Disney character. On a more serious note, Tenley needs to stop trying to fast-track a love story and sort herself out. With her crying about 'repeating mistakes of the past,' it seems like she needs to take a time out for a while and stop living off the fumes of her former relationship with Kypton. 


I sometimes have a hard time understanding what JJ's saying. For example, he said either "I'm wrapped around the axle with Tenley" or "I'm wracked on the asshole with Tenley." I have no idea. 


Juelia - stop the single mom whinefest. Carly said that Juelia is on the show to find a father for her daughter --- Good Lord, what is wrong with these people?  So glad to hear that Juelia describes her daughter, Ireland, as independent....that's such a good trait for a 2-year-old to have, especially when her mother has spent the first years of her life on dating shows. {snark}


I don't really know what his personality is like, but I'm bummed for Jonathan. He is a cute guy who already gets no airtime. The Bachelor franchise and skin color --- don't get me started. 


Mikey's reaction to the Jarod-Clare date card was beyond awks. If any of his ex-girlfriends were watching, I'm sure they all felt vindicated and better off. 

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Umm that Jared! He was my favorite by the second episode of Kaitlyn's season and he just keeps getting better, and now I know he likes older women! Wait a minute, I'm married so he'll have to be my mistress. What was Lauren talking about? I loved watching her wheel her luggage through the sand, though.

These people wouldn't be getting hurt so much if they learned how to take a hint. Ashley had no reason to think Jared was really into her and Clare told Mikey every way possible. Even Julie was throwing herself at Joe, volunteering when he asked who would like to go on a date and then all disingenuous saying, "I don't know why he chose me?"

Tomorrow should be fun.

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I don't know where casting keeps finding these crazy people but I sincerely thank them as I laughed out loud a couple of times.  Don't even know where to start with my thoughts.  I guess I'll go with:


I don't know what was worst for their parents, Lauren pulling her suitcase through the sand after admitting on national tv to being a mistress or Ashley peeing in the sand.


Hopefully Juelia didn't watch tonight's episode or if she did, she was clued in to what that a-hole Joe had said about her.   Hate that guy.  

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Well the cats are amongst the pigeons now with more cats to arrive.


But first, a note on the music:  the pizzicato string motif is being worn threadbare already.  Apparently it's meant to convey comedy or lighthearted moments but enough is enough.  Credit for the surf guitar pastiche that played over the boogie board credit sequence.


Joe is clearly being given the Awkward Edit.  Carly, still determined to act as if she's 12 for the rest of her days, doesn't need to point out that it's awkward.  We already know.  Juelia is being played for a fool but like too many of the other females she is Desperate with a capital D.  She did look good in the lacy black top and white shorts although those lashes need to be left far behind.  Juelia avoids pronouncing the end of words, substituting a glottal stop for a consonant (e.g. she doesn't pronounce Ts) similar to what a Cockney in England would do.  In this she is the opposite of Ashley I who often omits the first letter of certain words (I 'an't 'elieve we're 'oing on a 'ate).


I still think JJ is a plonker but as a card-carrying cynic I have to acknowledge another member of the lodge.  However, his similes and metaphors are getting a bit too lazy and obvious.  Needs to up his game.  


Jonathan knows he is facing a one-way ticket to Palookaville but seems unable or unwilling to do anything about it.


Tenley is over the moon that she is a point in a love triangle but it was bad form to go on a decent Josh date and then come home for a quick pointless mash with JJ.  She was too easily fobbed off with Josh's assurances that his molly-taking was a 'one time thing in Vegas' considering he just bragged in the pool that he'd done it in LA as well.  Of course he's going to give it the choirboy routine and given her age and experiences Tenley's lie detector should be a bit more finely calibrated.


Mikey you are a sledgehammer ie a blunt instrument ie a dull tool.  Your one move is no move at all, therefore you shouldn't act surprised when it doesn't work and you're facing an early exit due to your congenital lack of a personality.


Dan and Tanner are good comedy value in their commentary but it's easy to smile and mock when you're in the catbird seat.


Jared, you disappoint me, lad.  Clare is a bunny boiler of the first order.  I see trouble ahead, yacht excursion notwithstanding.


Back to Joe for a moment...the producers were all but begging him to crush Juelia's hopes with the obvious aim of getting it all on camera but Joe wasn't biting. You can dislike him but he is unafraid to declare his real target:  Samantha aka Silent Sam.  And based on the preview reel at the end of Episode 1 he will get his wish - fair play to him because Samantha is smmmmmokin' hot and deserving of far more camera time than the paltry total she got during Chris' season.

Edited by Rainsong
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we all know that characters (current and former) are supposed to keep that all on the hush. It's a no-no to announce that you embodied a Disney character.


While I endorse your view, this is Disney-owned ABC we're watching so it had to have someone's blessing before going to air.  Perhaps they decided the 'buzz' would be worth more than the cost of what Disneyites term 'bad show.'

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I still like Jared and look forward to seeing how his date with Clare is scripted. :)

Jared isn't the only good listener at paradise the women love to spill to, the crabs and raccoon are great too. Love them.

Grateful that Jade got minimal airtime because everything about her voice irritates.

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Ashley came on HOPING that Jared would be there, and her sister was waiting for Joshua to show up.   At least for the two of them, it seemed the producers got them to sign on by promising certain guys would be there.


Juelia leaves her 2 year old to go on ANOTHER dating show?  No way do you leave a child that young- it can really mess with a kid's sense of attachment and bonding, especially since her kid already lost a parent!  

I hope she understands, when she goes back to her kid, that the whining, regression, fears, etc,  were all caused by Juelia  leaving. 

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If Juelia cared about her daughter, she would do online dating where she would only leave her daughter for a few hours at a time. She is/has been gone half her daughter's life, hopefully a caring grandparent is raising her. I don't remember Joe being so much of a jerk during Kaitlyn's season, but he isn't attractive to me and seems really, really dull. 


I never understand these people wanting to attach like a barnacle the second they arrive. Of course they want a rose so they can stay, but with all the eye candy I would take my time. Jared is looking better to me now that he is not put off by being with an older woman. I like Clare and hope she finds a connection here. Ashley and Lauren both seem bat-shit crazy and I think the guys can see that from a mile away. Why was Lauren so intense and crazy? Hell, I'm a happily married woman and I would go there just to lay on the beach and drink all day!


I think they all must know who is arriving, otherwise how would Lauren have known about Joshua or Joe about Samantha? Outside of Jade and Tanner, I don't see any real sparks between the other couples. I wonder if they just agree to give each other roses and as long as there are no actual feelings, everything is ok. I liked Mikey T before, but he is clueless beyond clueness now. He doesn't own Clare and she has made it clear she likes him but is not in love with him. Glad to see the two "older" women getting some competition while young Ashley I gets no one to like her. 

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Joe's interest in Samantha makes me understand why women are salivating over Jared so much. Also, Tanner talking about how he thought Jade was going to be The Bachelorette. Some were probably expecting the Bens or Cupcake and since they aren't coming, their choice was being disappointed or shifting all to Jared.


Speaking of Tanner and Jade, I assume they are having sex constantly and therefore, never seen.

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I don't know where casting keeps finding these crazy people but I sincerely thank them as I laughed out loud a couple of times. Don't even know where to start with my thoughts. I guess I'll go with:


I don't know what was worst for their parents, Lauren pulling her suitcase through the sand after admitting on national tv to being a mistress or Ashley peeing in the sand.


Hopefully Juelia didn't watch tonight's episode or if she did, she was clued in to what that a-hole Joe had said about her. Hate that guy.


Let's not forget ALL the things their parents can be proud of them for.....


All of the sobbing AND hysterical crying that took place
Lauren endlessly blowing her nose and talking about her boogers
Lauren declaring she had already found love, as a MISTRESS
The social skills that would indicate they were raised by wolves. Glam wolves, but nonetheless, wolves.

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I hate to ask but did Joe fart and a producer tell him if he is going to do that to keep his legs closed? He is such a pig.

This was my favorite part of the whole night! He was rolling his eyes at her (unsure whether it was because he was annoyed or trying to do a drunky sleepy) and then he let it fly and be free. Several seconds of silence (during which said producer did a mental tally of bank balance to decide if she could walk off) until she instructed him to at least close his legs if he was going to do that.

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The social skills that would indicate they were raised by wolves. Glam wolves, but nonetheless, wolves.



Hey, that's really unfair. What did wolves ever do to deserve such enmity? 


Mikey was being rather dramatic over a woman who could barely contain her distinct lack of interest in him. 


I love Tenley, and it saddens me that her two main suitors are Mr Villains gotta Vill and party boy Joshua. 


Joshua was bit too open with his drug experiences, but it did provide one of the funnier moments when Ashley S made a face as Josh regaled the group with tales of his use of Molly. Granted, Ashley S strikes me as more a fan of anti-psychotics, but that is still no reason for her to get all judgemental and icked out with her facial expressions. 


As for Joe, on The Bachelorette I merely thought he looked like a person who had been kicked in the head by a horse. But his time in Paradise seems to confirm that he almost certainly was. That boy ain't right. 

Edited by reggiejax
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Any residual sympathy I had for Joshua from Kaitlyn's season evaporated immediately when he asked Tenley whether she played any Chinese characters at Disneyland Tokyo.



Clare really didn't owe Mickey an explanation and I can't believe she cried over his reaction. She should have handled him like Jared handled Ashley I, i.e. ignored him entirely.


Joe's an asshole - I though he had that vibe about him even on Kaitlyn's season even though he didn't have much screen time - but he wasn't wrong about Juelia not being the brightest bulb in the chandelier. She thought he'd asked her out when he clearly hadn't and she thought he knew so much about her when he didn't even know whether her child was a boy or a girl. His "awkwardness" was clearly indifference because the one woman he wanted to meet wasn't there, nothing endearing about it.


I really hope Lauren shows up on one of the After Paradise shows and tells us how well being a "mistress" has worked out for her. What an airhead.


And to end on a shallow note: Carly, please burn those denim overalls. You are not competing for Farmer Chris anymore.

Edited by chocolatine
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Was I watching Bachelor in Paradise or the snotty 12 year-old Power Hour? Between Joe's "whatever. Bitch. Stop telling me how to act!" eyerolling after being told to not fart like that and Ashley's "peeing like I did is too sanitary! Stop being mean!" I felt like they all needed to be pulled to one side and told to act like actual adults.

Lauren definitely thought all she'd have to do is stand there and the men would fight to be hers. No, dear, in the real world you have to put some effort into it.

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Joe's an asshole - I though he had that vibe about him even on Kaitlyn's season even though he didn't have much screen time - but he wasn't wrong about Juelia not being the brightest bulb in the chandelier. She thought he'd asked her out when he clearly hadn't ...

I missed this part, although later I did hear Juelia voiceover that she thought he asked her. What did he say/she say/he say in response? Did he not want to go on the date with her but then didn't know how to get out of it?

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Lauren definitely thought all she'd have to do is stand there and the men would fight to be hers. No, dear, in the real world you have to put some effort into it.

Or let the word out that you have naked pictures on the internet.


I wish the camera  had caught the part where Clare was asking nice social questions of Joe and he was turning his head away from her.  Too shy to answer but not too shy to suddenly turn to her and remark that it wasn't her first rodeo. He's mean, ugly, and has no business calling anyone else stupid.  It's my dream that Smantha comes and treats him like the scumbag he is.


I was picturing Lauren's and Ashley's middle school years, with their mother having a few dozen drinks every day before they came home, each one sobbing about some boy they liked who was perfect for them but was going with some other girl.  Every. Day.  Still their parents have to be partly responsible for that sense of entitlement that finds a beautiful beach front resort absolutely unbearable and thinks other women should back off once they've expressed an interest in a guy. As for peeing in the ocean, for all that's decent, at least go out a little way and be subtle about it.  Squatting in the edge was something my dog would do.


ETA: When Joe first read that his date would involve horse back riding, you could hear Juelia piping up that she liked to ride.  No response from Joe.  A while later she was sitting right beside him when he said, loudly, to everyone, "Anyone want to go on a date with me?" and she said, "I do!"  Later she was interviewing that she just didn't know why he chose her!

Edited by JudyObscure
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Yeah,  I didn't get all their confusion about if, how and why Joe chose Juelia -  seemed pretty obvious that the reason he asked if she would go on the date was because he said, "Does anyone want to go on this date?" and she said, "I do!".    I didn't have much of an opinion about Joe on Kaitlyn's season, except that it was weird the way he desperately blurted out a super fake I LOVE YOU BABE just seconds before she dumped him, even though her body language was screaming that she had pulled him aside only to send him home.  I felt like maybe HE was the one who wasn't too bright, and certainly wasn't able to read a room, but any sympathy I may have had for him after that truly embarrassing scene is now dead and buried.  What an egotistical ass he is, and with no reason to be that I can see.  Someone earlier said he looked like he'd been kicked in the face by a horse, and that's the perfect description for this guy.  Juelia doesn't seem as dim as he was making her out to be, and certainly she is smarter than the two sisters put together.  She wanted to believe he did some research on her, because she wanted there to be a good reason for her to be there, and I can understand that.  She deserves so much better than this hick.  I hope Samantha is repulsed by him.


I wasn't sure if Joshua was lying to Tenley about only doing "Molly" once, because when he said you can get a coconut drink full of it in L.A., I don't think he specifically said he drank one of them.  So technically it may have been true that he only did it once, but the way he was bragging about it to the group vs. telling Tenley he's not at all interested in the party lifestyle certainly showed there is a gap somewhere.  Maybe all of his hard partying experience happened because of the ATFR show - I could see a group of the guys going out to a bar afterward, putting together an impromptu Vegas trip the next day, and those might encompass the entirety of his drug experiences.  Was he the one with the hula dancer tattoo on his leg?  It looked so fake, I was hoping it was a temporary tattoo he put on just for the show, but since they are in Mexico and not Hawaii, I guess it's the real thing.  Oh wait...he's the one who thinks Tokyo is in China, so maybe he would get a Hawaiian dancer tattoo for a trip to Mexico, after all.


For some reason I thought I hadn't liked Kirk during his previous appearances on the franchise, but maybe I have him mixed up with someone else.  I  do recall there was another guy who looked so much like him that I honestly didn't know which was which, so possibly it was the other one who bugged me.  His comment about Mikey's wedding vision board was great.  I see no physical chemistry between him and Carly, but I like how comfortable they are together.

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I'll admit it-I like Joe. He's not so different from the others who are there. Clare and Tenley both played up to guys to get a rose, and that's what Joe is doing. Jonathan meanwhile is all concerned that he won't get a rose because Juelia now likes someone else. It really is all about getting a rose and many of them are playing that game-the producers are just focusing on Joe a bit. Also, I really appreciate it that Joe seems to want someone with whom he can converse.

Clare is a drama queen. She went back sobbing about how Mikey was yelling at her. He wasn't yelling although he clearly wasn't happy. He was trying to tell her how he felt (very poorly though as Juelia isn't the only one who appears not too bright), and she turns it into yelling.

Interesting how multiple people were trying to get Jared to change his mind after he asked Clare on the date. Someone even brought up that she is 8 years older.

I think that the sisters are completely out of touch. I do not feel sorry for their mother/parents as the entitlement issues go all the way back to when they were children. Both of the sisters think all they have to do is be near the person in whom they are interested and then it is a love match. But, they both talk about how their relationships don't work out, so I'm confused as to why they don't change how they relate to others. I am so glad that one sister left. I think Ashley is beautiful but her personality is so off-putting.

Loved, loved, loved the raccoon scene. They are so super smart and can open almost anything-it was so fun to watch the editing and the raccoon opening the wine bottle.

Yes, even with all of my frustrations and complaints I am so in for the season.

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Jonathan...who bragged about having 3-ways with sisters?  Who bragged about having virgins?   Yuck.   I feel no pity for that loser. He deserves what he gets.

Oh jeez - how could I forget that?!  Forget it, I take my pity back. He can go kick rocks.

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Interesting how multiple people were trying to get Jared to change his mind after he asked Clare on the date. Someone even brought up that she is 8 years older.


The only one I can remember actually trying to get Jared to change his mind was Mikey, for his own interests, but of course he would say she is 8 years older than Jared, because in Mikey's poor little brain, the difference between 26 and 32 is 8.


I think Ashley's sister only came on the show because at the time, she was upset with her "boyfriend" that he was seeing someone else, and she wanted to make him jealous.  In her mind, he would go crazy thinking about her in paradise with a pack of horny, good looking guys, and maybe decide to dump the other chick because he realized he couldn't bear the thought of someone else having Lauren.  Then she got there, nobody cared, she realized that when the show aired her "boyfriend" would see that none of the guys were interested in her, and THAT is why she was crying and wanted to get the eff out of there.  The longer she stayed, the more humiliating footage there would be to prove she wasn't actually being surrounded by suitors, and if he saw that she wasn't really a hot commodity, he might end up dumping her and not his other "girlfriend".


I wish Lauren's departure would mean the end of Ashley's bawling, but from the previews I know there is at least one more epic meltdown coming, with her mouth hanging wide open as she wails, exactly the way toddlers do when they need a nap.


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I think Ashley's sister only came on the show because at the time, she was upset with her "boyfriend" that he was seeing someone else, and she wanted to make him jealous.  In her mind, he would go crazy thinking about her in paradise with a pack of horny, good looking guys, and maybe decide to dump the other chick because he realized he couldn't bear the thought of someone else having Lauren.  Then she got there, nobody cared, she realized that when the show aired her "boyfriend" would see that none of the guys were interested in her, and THAT is why she was crying and wanted to get the eff out of there.  The longer she stayed, the more humiliating footage there would be to prove she wasn't actually being surrounded by suitors, and if he saw that she wasn't really a hot commodity, he might end up dumping her and not his other "girlfriend".

Excellent analysis, I absolutely agree with every point. 


The raccoon was priceless.  I wonder if they have one specific photog that's tasked with nothing but wildlife filming?  The probably have hours of critter footage to splice in.  Those are my favorite parts!

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Joe is like Jekyll and Hyde, but I can't stand Juelia. She keeps leaving her toddler to go on a TV show where she doesn't have a snowball's chance in hell of actually finding love. I mean look in the mirror, woman! You look like a mess. Acting desperate doesn't help. She just wants to be on TV. Her late husband's family was also really upset with how she talked about their son and his death on national TV and sounds like there's a lot of bad blood there, so I don't think she's the sweetheart she tries to come across as. Oh and she was using Jonathan, so being used by Joe is just karma.


Mikey and Ashely I should get together, since they're both so utterly clueless. Clare told him nicely she's not interested, which flew right over his head, then stopped his attempt to kiss her, then everyone else told him that she's not into him and he STILL feels blindsided? Perhaps she's not the problem?


Joshua is as dumb as a post, so I chuckled at him saying he played the village idiot. So fitting. Eww at bragging about drug use. Poor Tenley is so desperate she'd latch onto anything half-attractive at this point. Surely an attractive woman like her can find a man she doesn't have to throw herself at.  

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This show drives me nuts.  First of all they are there to date, and get to know people.  I hate the premise that people couple off just to stay on the show, and don't give themselves the chance to actually meet other people they might like more.  Fleiss has a way to make people competitive over anything, and totally lose their sensibility.  That said, I appreciate this season there might be more change ups, and some of them are speaking of getting to know people/keeping their options open.


Joe was a mess.  Juelia--I agree she should quit leaving her daughter for these shows.  Nothing says a good dad like Bachelor and BIP!  Anyone with common sense would know they have a much better chance of meeting someone good anywhere else, but here.

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Well that was a weird episode.  I kinda remember Joe being a bit of D---head on Katlyn's season.   Wasn't he the one who was rude and disrespectful when Katlyn told him she wasn't in to him and it was time for him to leave?  IDK, I just always got a douche bag vibe  off oh him.  And the date with Juelia was painful to watch; he was practically sleepwalking thru the thing. 


As far as Joshua goes, enh this sounds like screwy editing to me.  He could have been joking about drug use or talking about his past or simply talking in general.  I've meet users before and Joshua does not strike me as a current user at all!  So I'm not really seeing why everyone is getting so bent out of shape over things.  I still like the guy and I thought we was sweet and funny on Katlyn's season.

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I would be forever grateful to anyone who conjures up a gif of the raccoon drinking wine.


Even though they're not as dramatic or exciting as the others, I missed seeing Tanner and Jade last night. Hopefully we get some more snarky interviews from Tanner tonight to make up for it.

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As far as Joshua goes, this sounds like screwy editing to me.  He could have been joking about drug use or talking about his past or simply talking in general.  I've meet users before and Joshua does not strike me as a current user at all!


I'm a bit on the fence about Josh's presumed drug use also.  We know little about his welding career, and how long it's been since he's been in a working metal shop, but most have incredibly stringent programs regarding random drug testing issues.  From a liability standpoint, it's a very hazardous environment.   The fact that he casually referred to using on camera tells me he's either clean, or is an absolute idiot with no plans to ever return to metal work.  No telling which at this point.

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I liked Ashley S' response when Dan sad, "it's always the crazy ones" and she said, "I would know". Clare, Tenley, and Juelia (the three Desperados) couldn't contain their glee at Lauren being a "mistress" and leaving. MEOW!

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I was thinking about what Ashley I and her sister were like when they were little.  Imagine the CRYING over every little thing!   Their poor mother! 


Judging solely by what I've seen of them on the show(s) they've been on*, they only cry over every little thing they don't get. I'm guessing they grew up on the spoiled side and were given what they wanted, either up front, or after a cryfest. Lauren never proactively went after any of the guys. Sure, she loved it when they flocked around her on Day 1, but when they decided to talk to other women, that was it. Obviously there was something wrong with the guys, since they preferred to be with those "old ladies" than with her. She expected them to just flock to her. By the same token, Ashley I staked a claim on Jared, but never truly let him know she was interested until someone urged her to actually go and talk to him. In other words, she had a hard time getting what she wanted when he wasn't just handed to her. Then, when she realized she had to actually go after him herself, it was awkward as all hell, as if this was the first time she's spoken to a boy. She expects him to be handed to her, and her "claim" to him is largely in her mind. Then she's all jealous and teary when he actually interacts with other women despite being hers. Run, Jared! Run!


*I admit that a heavily manipulated and edited reality show is not a great indicator of a person's true personality, but...but...the tears over stupid things!

Edited by Captain Asshat
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The fact that he casually referred to using on camera tells me he's either clean, or is an absolute idiot with no plans to ever return to metal work.  No telling which at this point.


Tee, hee, hee--true.  Plus don't you have to be tested for that kind of stuff to be on this show?   Enh I still think the rest of the group was taking what he said way out of context; I mean the scene with Mickey and the guy with the beard (Ben?) talking to Tenley about it was a bit odd to me.


Dittos to the racoon drinking wine--too funny.  And if that wasn't silly enough now we have flying crabs...WTH?  I hope Carly really isn't that stupid....

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Even though they're not as dramatic or exciting as the others, I missed seeing Tanner and Jade last night. Hopefully we get some more snarky interviews from Tanner tonight to make up for it.


Jade tweeted out last night that she was really sick for a few days so that's why they were MIA most of episode.  Plus neither one is involved in any of the drama except as part of the Greek Chorus. 

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Obviously Joshua isn't a drug addict, but I side-eye anyone who uses drugs even occasionally while partying. Let alone brags about it like he did. Maybe because I would never touch drugs myself and prefer a clear head in general. Just not my kind of people.

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I'm a bit on the fence about Josh's presumed drug use also.  We know little about his welding career, and how long it's been since he's been in a working metal shop, but most have incredibly stringent programs regarding random drug testing issues.  From a liability standpoint, it's a very hazardous environment.   The fact that he casually referred to using on camera tells me he's either clean, or is an absolute idiot with no plans to ever return to metal work.  No telling which at this point.

I didn't like how JJ kept talking down about his welding career. (I don't actually like anything about JJ, but this in particular irritated me). He was acting all high and mighty about it, I guess because it's a "blue collar" job, and because JJ's an idiot who thinks welders just haphazardly bang metal together all day. But out of the guys that have been on this show, it's not like they all had such prestigious careers, or careers at all for that matter... A lot of their titles have sounded like made up ways to get around saying "barely employed." And wasn't there a guy on Kaitlyn's season who was a male stripper, and another one who called himself some sort of amateur sex coach?? And yet another one who's title was just "Healer"?? Bunch of winners there. Yo JJ, being a "Former Investment Banker" makes you no less unbearable. 

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I don't know what was worse, Lauren taking her ball and going home over not being satisfied with the men there, or Ashley's complete and utter breakdown upon losing her sister. Girl, if you can't handle being there without your sister, you are not emotionally stable enough to even be in a relationship. 


I'm not even sure why Lauren was there. If she is so satisfied being a mistress and hates people, why did she even go? On the off chance Josh would show up and actually like her? 


Maybe if your sister didn't basically maul him as soon as he arrived and let it be known how into him you were, you'd have had a fighting chance. But girl, one date does not a couple make. Maybe Lauren should have stayed around and seen if there was any fall out from Josh's "molly" confessions. 


I don't know what to say about Tenley. I appreciated the guys looking out for her, but it seems she may have been won back over by Josh. I'm sorry, but I'm not buying it. And he was my original favorite on Kaitlyn's season. But the way he was bragging it up to everyone, that did not sound like a one time bachelor party experience. And, in fact, he mentioned molly in both Vegas AND CA, so......watch out, Tenley!


Mikey, Mikey, Mikey. That guy is clearly delusional. I almost want to feel bad for him, because he just seems so lost and confused sometimes. But I thought Claire did a pretty good job of letting him know she wasn't into him like that. Other people tried to tell him as well and he still didn't get it. The way he reacted to both Claire and Jerod at the end was nasty. I know he was hurting, but damn. 


Also, Ashley I can STFU with her ageist comments. "Her eggs are almost dead". Bite your tongue, young lady! Women older than Claire have had babies and survived. Get over it. 


Wow, Joe sure is a skeez, isn't he? At first I thought he was just a man of few words, not overly demonstrative, etc. But no, he just totally played Juelia and used her to get a rose so he can stick around and wait for someone better. Ugh, so uncomfortable to watch. 


This show is so evil, because it basically ensures people play that crap if they want to stay. I also hate how everyone feels the need to be committed week one, instead of going on different dates and seeing who's out there.

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