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S14.E01: Mad Dash Mayhem

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I liked Ashley, and I liked Candice more than I expected. I would actually have sent that dress up over the one with the yellow lining (and wow, could Heidi have slapped the newest host a little harder over that?).


I didn't expect to like Austen girl, and wow, I really didn't like her. I'm getting unholy love child of Michelle and Amanda vibes. I'm afraid that she's going to be this season's POV monkey, in which case I hope she has a facial expression she hasn't had cause to roll out yet. And no, honey. Not everyone was shocked that the cute guy who failed to drape his way to glory went home. Not only that, not everybody was shocked that the people on the top were NOKD. That was pretty much just you too.


I would have been more annoyed at Merline if most of her 'song' hadn't been one phrase repeated over and over, mostly while the camera wasn't pointed at her. I call shenanigans. 


I hadn't heard about Zac's new job. I think it's kind of genius. Brooks Brothers womenswear has needed a shakeup for years, and maybe some clothes for people who aren't built in parallel lines and don't want whales on their clothes, and he's at the outer limits of how far away from that they're going to be willing to go.


It used to be "Rate the Runway".  I always loved looking at the designs on Friday mornings at work, on my HUGE computer monitor.  *LOL*


This appears to be it, on the site under "Photos".  Now it's called "Final Looks", added after each episode.  I guess they don't care about viewers rating anything anymore!

Between the last few seasons of this, the last few seasons of All Stars, and the yawning vortex of suck which was Under the Gunn, I don't imagine they're all that excited about having comments at all.


And, you know, speaking of Tim, good lord, he dropped an F bomb? I'm completely shocked that he took a break from nurturing the next generation of designers by keeping pets and being nasty to people he thinks are beneath him to do something indelicate.



Tim says to every boot "I'm going to have to send you to your work station to clean up your space".   Then we always hear the voice over and see that shot of the dark workroom and the poor rejected designer packing stuff up under the glow of a single, lonely light bulb....*sob*  


Every time. 


I'm not sure why anybody would think they go in there with nothing.

I may have missed something, but wasn't NZ guy one of the two who forgot their stuff?

Edited by Julia
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Thanks for the link to the close-ups. Ugh, lots of them were worse than I thought. Many of the "safes" were pretty terrible.

I did like the winning look, but not the crying, hope it was just nerves. Still, glad show is back.

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I thought for sure that Edmond would go home just because his dress was so basic. I don't see him sticking around for long but I'm happy he wasn't eliminated first since he's been trying out for the show for ten years.

I really liked Ashley's look and I'm happy that she won. It's always nice to see a designer that embraces color and pattern.

For some reason I really like Kelly. Her own look is a hot mess but I thought her dress was interesting. I just wish Clinton Kelly would make a special appearance and give her a makeover. Anyway, I felt bad that she had to share a work space and a room with Merline. Unfortunately, I'm getting Buffy vibes from her so I don't expect her to last long.

Candace also needs a makeover. I'm so tired of the Wednesday Adams look. Her design was fine but nothing special. She'll probably be around for a long time just to annoy me.

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My gosh, did Zac Posen have most of his facial skin planed off? The Botox is pretty obvious, but his whole face is now Ken-doll smooth. Creepy-looking.

I didn't notice because I was checking out all the work done on Nina Garcia. Boy, does she have a tight neck and chin line now!

Happy that Ashley won. Lindsey (the blond from Austin, TX) bugged me no end. First, on the audition show, I thought every single one of her outfits was entirely boring and forgettable, and she continued with a completely pedestrian outfit for the first runway challenge. I thought she was ridiculous with her comments about the people who forgot their sewing boxes. Hers weighed 80 lb.? Really? Even if that included her luggage, who cares that she weighs 100 lb. and she toted 80 lb. around. Bully for you, Lindsey. You want a cookie?

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It used to be "Rate the Runway".  I always loved looking at the designs on Friday mornings at work, on my HUGE computer monitor.  *LOL*


This appears to be it, on the site under "Photos".  Now it's called "Final Looks", added after each episode.  I guess they don't care about viewers rating anything anymore!



Thank you! I was so punch drunk after watching the so-called GOP debates, I found myself nodding off during the re-airing of Project Runway. I'm sure I missed some of the final looks as a result.


ETA: I did not like Edmond's. It basically looked like a tube dress with a superman cape. Very unattractive to me. But, I can also see why Duncan -- is that the NZ guy's name? -- went home. If he had shaped the fabric more to the model's body, as well as draped it, I think it might have been okay. But, seriously, it looked like he just flung it around her and connected it with one little strip of fabric, like something a five year old could put together from their mother's bed sheets.


I really liked the winning look because I could see different types of women wearing it -- young and older -- which is probably Ashley's strong suit, because she's used to designing for more than the stick insect 20-somethings.


Merline surprised me. She's personally irritating, but that outfit was very interesting. Had hints of a Frank Lloyd Wright influence to it, if only it weren't one color.


I also liked Candice's although not many women could wear it because that little "skirt" attachment would draw attention to the hips.


Finally, I think David G's looked like a sack or lounge wear. Surprised they liked it enough to let it through. (Oh, and I didn't like either Kelly or Lindsey's. Too infantile for a woman to wear.)

Edited by Nidratime
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Lindsay rermnds me of Taylor Swift (looks-wise).  Her runway look was pretty plain so maybe she will impress next week. 


Sorry to see Duncan go.  I think his draping looked OK midway through, but he should've stopped there.  Too many swoops and droops in the end. The color wasn't bad IMO bu it just ended up looking like a 1st year fashion student's attempt.


Happy for Ashley and her look. 

Not loving the Goth Betty Page. 

Haitian Hat lady needs to watch out...she is risking her life with her constant chatter in a room full of people with scissors.

Blake needs to sparkle way the eff down. 

And how tall is little Pistachi-Meow?? I thought there was a litle kid on the runway.  Why would such a pette woman be focusing on over sized designs? I'm sure she had trouble finding things to fit without tailoring, but just because she grew up wearing giant clothes doesn't mean she is stuck with that look for life!

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Pistachio is a living version of Edna Mode from The Incredibles.




That's exactly what my husband said when she first showed up! :D


I have to say I'm still getting to know these people and don't remember any names really yet, but I think we've got a good group so far. Personalities are still emerging, so it could go horribly wrong, but there don't seem to be as many obnoxious divas and most of them seem to have actual talent.


I can totally see why the sent that pink bed sheet home. When Tim looked at it, he liked the way it was draping from the side on the hip and said as long as he can keep that structure in the draping it could be a wow moment. Unfortunately, when it went down the runway, there was a little draping structure in the back but the front seriously looked like when I was a kid and would wrap a bed sheet around myself. And I don't think the pepto-bismol color choice helped much.


To be fair, though, the dress I thought was the worst was that shapeless blue/grey thing with the pockets. It was a potato sack made from three patterns that did NOT work well with each other. How that avoided the bottom three is beyond me.


But that's what's interesting about this show. Sometimes I'll think something is cute and the judges will ding it because it's boring. And other times I think something looks outrageously ridiculous and the judges call it "fashion forward." If that's the case, no thanks, I'll stay right where I am! :D

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Some follow up thoughts:


As Leighdear and several others have noted: They've ALWAYS brought their personal kits to the contest. I'm obviously not talking about machines, mannequins, fabric, etc. But I'm a home-ec/ grandma taught sewer, and I have a kit that includes my favourite scissors, pinking shears (does anyone even use those anymore?), fabric cutter, thimbles (!) and even my favourite needles, as well as a few utilitarian zippers, safety pins, my pincushion, etc. If I were going on a show like PR, it would be the first thing I'd grab. I'm guessing they didn't read, or in the case of David and the Asian Indian guy, maybe didn't parse what they couldn't bring vs. what they could.


Also, being from Austin, I have to say Austin girl is NOT an Austiinite, orignally. Sorry, but she bugs me so much, I have to point out that she's originally from Alabama. Texans get enough guff for being, well, Texans, that I'm disassociating myself and my regrettably reactionary republican home state from her poste haste.


I liked Candice more than I thought I would also. Her interview on R to the R tried to make her edgy, but in person, at least so far, she seems really nice and almost normal. As normal as a fashion designer can be, which I mean as a compliment, by the way.


I'm hoping Ashley doesn't well up in tears every week, also. I'm really thinking she was just so overwhelmed with the win, after a lifetime of being the ostracized fat girl, that she got carried away. I think she was stunned with her win and emotion overtook her. We'll see....


I want to like Marline because she's quirky and it really does seem to be her personality and not just some character she plays, but holy hell, I could not imagine having to share living quarters and work space with her for six weeks, or however long it takes to film. David's caftan really did look like something from Star Trek TNG, and I was surprised it was not in the bottom. I thought most of the clothes were seriously boring. I'm hoping things improve as they have the "first challenge jitters" behind them. Seemed like most of them were not trying to win, but trying to be safe. Guess I can't blame them since no one wants to be the first one out.

Edited by PepperMonkey
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If I had to listen to her [Merline] "singing" all day, I would have stuck my scissors in her eye.

I would have liked someone to say, "I'll lend you my scissors/tape measure--for as long as you don't say a thing."  I did like her final garment though.


I would like a better explanation as to why the mix up with the tool kits happened.

Indian Guy said he thought he was told not to bring anything.  I assumed that meant the usual restrictions about pattern books and reference tools (remember S3 Keith?), and he took it too far.  I can see that happening.


Though I loved him [Tim] in the workroom tonight, I continue to believe his time might have passed because he's out of sync.

I didn't love him, as I thought he moved out of mentor mode to fashion judge and critic.  He's imposing too much of his own opinion on the designers.  He used to express his disapproval with more caution or guidance.  Now he's more "I hate this, do it over."  I also don't think he should say anything to the judges while they are critiquing.  His job should be done by then and he shouldn't be influencing their decision unless there's a serious mismatch between what the designers brief was and what the judges are basing their critiques on.

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I liked Candice more than I thought I would also. Her interview on R to the R tried to make her edgy, but in person, at least so far, she seems really nice and almost normal.

Agreed.  She give me a bit of a Mila vibe, who BTW, is blogging again this season on the mother ship homepage.  I've always liked her commentary.  It sounds like she at least has been registering what the fans are saying in social media. 


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Ashley reminds me of Shay from The Biggest Loser in terms of editing. Many sympathized with her at the beginning and then as the competition went on a great majority grew to dislike her when she started showing any sense of entitlement or selfishness because it went against her original narrative. I really hope that's not the case with Ashley because I really liked her outfit and I am all for any designer that designs outside the size 0 spectrum. Hopefully this competition boosts her confidence. 


Edited for clarity. 

Edited by PinkSprinkles
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Ashley reminds me of Shay from The Biggest Loser. We all feel sorry for her at first and then hate her by the time she gets voted off because of her entitled attitude.

I'm willing to cut a dyslexic obese woman who was bullied a certain amount of slack if she needs to figure out how to handle success gracefully. It doesn't sound as if there have been a lot of people in her life modeling 'good winner' for her.

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I get what you're saying, Sprinkles, but I don't really feel sorry for her. I'm just hoping she can overcome her inferiority complex and realize she's a talented designer before we DO grow to dislike her. Right now, I love her, and as a lifelong weird kid - drama geek, show choir, nerd way before nerds were cool, and were, in fact, picked on and made fun of - I understand how she can doubt herself and be surprised to tears by her win.

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I get what you're saying, Sprinkles, but I don't really feel sorry for her. I'm just hoping she can overcome her inferiority complex and realize she's a talented designer before we DO grow to dislike her. Right now, I love her, and as a lifelong weird kid - drama geek, show choir, nerd way before nerds were cool, and were, in fact, picked on and made fun of - I understand how she can doubt herself and be surprised to tears by her win.


This is my hope as well. I should have phrased myself better. I personally don't feel sorry for her either, but I can see a great majority of the audience feeling that way at first and then turning on her the first time she shows any sense of selfishness or entitlement because it goes against her initial narrative.  That's the danger of the "sympathetic" edit and it's been the downfall of many a reality show contestant. 


I'm definitely rooting for her, though. As a plus-size woman myself I love it when we are given a versatile designer that has the ability to make women of all sizes look good. :-) 

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Lindsey made a romper. A ROMPER. On a design show. I think she and her eye rolling are already dead to me.


All I could think whenever I saw Kelly was that she's stuck in 1988. I'm not sure how she made it on this show, and I admire her pluckiness, but I didn't realize guidette chic was a fashionable aesthetic.


Had I been in that work room, I would have had to politely ask Merline to shut it. Good attitude or no, she was being rude and ill-mannered, and I was hoping someone would diplomatically speak up about it.

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I get what you're saying, Sprinkles, but I don't really feel sorry for her. I'm just hoping she can overcome her inferiority complex and realize she's a talented designer before we DO grow to dislike her. Right now, I love her, and as a lifelong weird kid - drama geek, show choir, nerd way before nerds were cool, and were, in fact, picked on and made fun of - I understand how she can doubt herself and be surprised to tears by her win.


Totally agree. Didn't feel sorry for her, per se, but did find myself saying, "Aw, don't doubt yourself. You seem pretty awesome all around." I really loved her, and the outfit she put out. I'm sincerely hoping she continues to excel, because I intrinsically liked her from the first second.

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I was disappointed in too many of the designs for being so basic.  If a garment meant to represent a person as a designer, and it's a basic-as-you-can get pencil skirt and crop top (looking at you Big Guy Who Hates Small People), well, what does that say except they are run of the mill?


This was a chance to WOW people from the start, and they had to have predicted this would be the first challenge, so why so blah for at least half?  Can't blame it all on fabric choices.


I don't disagree with the top three.  Although those voluminous skirts like Ashley's are not my taste, I can see why it would win.  I'm not sure how flattering that would be to a plus-size, though (here speaks someone who hasn't worn anything tucked in at the waist in a few decades).

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Some follow up thoughts:


As Leighdear and several others have noted: They've ALWAYS brought their personal kits to the contest. I'm obviously not talking about machines, mannequins, fabric, etc. But I'm a home-ec/ grandma taught sewer, and I have a kit that includes my favourite scissors, pinking shears (does anyone even use those anymore?), fabric cutter, thimbles (!) and even my favourite needles, as well as a few utilitarian zippers, safety pins, my pincushion, etc. If I were going on a show like PR, it would be the first thing I'd grab. I'm guessing they didn't read, or in the case of David and the Asian Indian guy, maybe didn't parse what they couldn't bring vs. what they could.


Merline (the woman's whose parents are from Haiti) said that she got to the airport and her luggage was overweight so she left her kit at home in the hope that the show would provide equipment.   For the cost of a $50-75 overweight baggage fee she gave up her sewing kit on the way to a sewing contest.   That was some poor critical thinking right there.  What else was in the bag that was more important?  Lots of clothes and shoes?  Ditch some of that or pay the fee, just don't leave behind the tools you need for the contest for heaven's sake.

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Although those voluminous skirts like Ashley's are not my taste, I can see why it would win.  I'm not sure how flattering that would be to a plus-size, though (here speaks someone who hasn't worn anything tucked in at the waist in a few decades)

It would depend on the plus-size figure, which I'm hoping Ashley will get a chance to demonstrate on the show -- plus-sized women, like everyone else, come in a variety of shapes and proportions.  Also, I thought she did a great job of making a skirt with a dramatic pattern and the appearance of fullness (via the pleats) without actually making it too oversized and poufy and overwhelming.

Edited by beadgirl
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LOVED the winning look, and as a fellow er, heavy girl (I can't bring myself to say "fat"), I'm pulling for her. That skirt was gorgeous. The pink Grecian thing was godawful, though I loved the designer. All in all, I thought most of the designers showed promise--but I always say that on the premiere until my hopes are dashed about three epis in. I was a little worried about Merline. I have bipolar 2 disorder, and she seemed more than caffeinated to me. Some people are naturally excitable and talkative, but repeating phrases over and over like that--"make it work make it work make it work"--she seemed a little manic. Either that or she's huffing meth.

Edited by venezia54
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This was an entertaining start. I like Ashley, but are they going to let her design for a plus size model, since that's her point of view? Or maybe she designs for all sizes, but I thought she said she mainly focuses on plus sizes since it's such an under-served market. It would be interesting if PR would let her use a larger model as her normal model and not even make a big deal out of it, just let the designs stand on their own merits against the standard design sizes and not as a separate category.


I'm really looking forward to seeing Ashley design for plus size this season, so I hope they're given the opportunity. But it struck me last night that the outfit she designed could easily have worked for plus-size as well, especially the skirt. The top would have worked in a different fabric and perhaps without the large triangular cut-out in the back. When one of the judges mentioned she'd have like to see the top as more of a crop top, I wondered if Ashley designed it to reach the waist in the front because that works better for plus-size. But more likely it was because she knows you don't need a copped length in the front when half the back is gone, kind of like the low-cut vs. short skirt equation.


I really like her so far. I haven't watched PR in a few seasons (just got burnt out on all the manufactured drama) but I'm glad I tuned in last night. So I guess I'm along for the ride again :)



I was also hoping the judges would say something about David Giampiccolo's dress.  OMG, it looked like something an elderly alien ambassador would wear on Star Trek.   Holy moley was that a piece of crap.


Isn't he the one who said he had no interest in designing anything pretty? I get that "interesting" does not always equal "beautiful" but having no interest in designing anything pretty? I don't get why he's here.

Edited by Gbb
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One thing I will say about Ashley's look is that the skirt is the winner for women of differing ages and shapes.  The top is semi-backless, sleeveless and cropped with a nude lining panel in the front.  That particular piece is very size and age restricted to me.  


Merline's outfit, including both pieces, is only restrictive with the back opening that would make a bra band visible.  Easy fix though to just close that seam a few inches higher.  As annoying as she was personally, I think her entire outfit was more wearable for a wider range of women.  


ETA: Gbb & I were having the same impressions about Ashley's top!

Edited by leighdear
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The first part where they introduced everyone became extremely boring. Another season of immature super ego maniacs bragging abouthow they don't care for anyone but themselves, cheesing for the talking heads moments and ready to become mediocre in an industry that is becoming more and more edgy.  Add Mongo to the mix and it turns into a yawn fest. Get over yourselves. Please! Learn to lay a seam flat.


I am not sure what happens, and here I am siding with the contestants... but the examples they show as a hopeful do not match anything they do later on until they get to the final three. If they were allowed to stay with who they are the show would be so much more interesting. I have learned to multitask while it is on and while I wait for for the runway segment.


And that intro is only good for so many showing.... the one where Tim and Heidi toss the colored chalk? paint? on each other.

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One thing I will say about Ashley's look is that the skirt is the winner for women of differing ages and shapes.  The top is semi-backless, sleeveless and cropped with a nude lining panel in the front.  That particular piece is very size and age restricted to me.  

Except for the very short and fairly round--that happens to be my body type (4'9" and a size 24), and I would look ridiculous in that skirt.  Cut it down to a cute little knee-length number, though, and I would have been all over it :)

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And, you know, speaking of Tim, good lord, he dropped an F bomb? I'm completely shocked that he took a break from nurturing the next generation of designers by keeping pets and being nasty to people he thinks are beneath him to do something indelicate.

Tim seems less and less concerned with concealing his bitchiness these days; he was very condescending to the designers during the critiques. It's not that the criticism was unwarranted, but he could have expressed himself differently. I wonder which minimally talented designer he will choose to save this year?


Lindsey didn't really irritate me this episode. I think she's just very forthright and less concerned with presenting a telegenic image than some of the others. I appreciated that she was able to honestly assess her work as it came down the runway.


Blake bugs with his feigned naiveté ("They play baseball at Madison Square Garden, right?") and enormous ego. 


I really liked Ashley's look, but am concerned about how she will fare in the upcoming challenges. If her portfolio is any indication, construction is not always her strong suit.


Tired of Zac Posen knocking designers for lacking originality when virtually all fashion (including his) is a variation on a theme. I continue to think he's a poor choice for a judge; he doesn't have a modern eye for design.  

Edited by ThatsDarling
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One of the things my daughter and I say, almost by rote these days, is, "DIDN'T THEY EVER WATCH THIS SHOW BEFORE?"  So, yeah, why would they not know there was a kit they bring along, when that's the iconic last shot of every episode? 


And my word, yes, Zac looked odd.  To me, whatever he did/is doing made him look older, so probably not what he was hoping for.  


I do think the season shows promise, though.  So many diverse backgrounds and points of view should make for some good runway shows. 

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Tim says to every boot "I'm going to have to send you to your work station to clean up your space".   Then we always hear the voice over and see that shot of the dark workroom and the poor rejected designer packing stuff up under the glow of a single, lonely light bulb....*sob*  


I kept wondering why the 3 without kits didn't ask Duncan for his.

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Well, they must have *some* down time while doing this show, even if only to eat and sleep. Presumably, they could slip out and buy some of the items they need as long as it wouldn't have been restricted from their kits.

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I love me some Zac Posen. I think he's so handsome & dreamy! I just love his neat little suits & the expressions he makes when he's watching the runway. The way he talks about clothes & gets hands-on with the looks.... As a matter of fact, I was looking for the Zac Posen thread. Where is it? I found a cute article (mostly about food & family) that showcases his lovely personality:



I like Zac's facial expressions too, but his face is looking really shiny. Lol.

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That had to be a setup, right? It's the 14th season and I don't recall that ever happening before, but now 3 people do it? Nah. I think that had to be some manufactured drama. 


I agree.  After all, if any of them had watched prior seasons of PR, they'd see that whenever someone is auf'd, Tim sends the person back to pack up/clean their workspace and we see the designer packing up their tools.  Unless these particular contestants thought everything would be provided.

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And that intro is only good for so many showing.... the one where Tim and Heidi toss the colored chalk? paint? on each other.

I'm pretty sure that is CGI'd in. It would be pretty hazardous for them to breathe chalk or dry pigment that way. You can bet they wouldn't expect a star liike Heidi to do that. (besides, her face stays totally clear)

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I agree.  After all, if any of them had watched prior seasons of PR, they'd see that whenever someone is auf'd, Tim sends the person back to pack up/clean their workspace and we see the designer packing up their tools.  Unless these particular contestants thought everything would be provided.

Tim says "I have to send you to the workroom to clean up your space". He does not say anything about packing up "their" stuff. It always looked to me like everyone had very similar containers. Since it's never actually been mentioned on the show specifically that I recall, I could see how people might not realize from watching that the kits are personal property. In fact, it would be logical to assume that they are all given identical kits to "level the playing field".


They also turn off a non-existent light, so I don't think viewers can reliably determine much from that segment.


I still think it's hinky that THREE people didn't understand that they were to bring their own. There has to be more to it than "haven't they ever watched this show?" I have more sympathy for the 2 guys who didn't seem to understand the rules than for hyper-singer who apparently knew to bring one and then chose to ditch it when her luggage was over airline weight limits.


I wonder if they are allowed to go out on their own once they are ensconsed at the hotel? It seems that in addition  to not having a free moment (and not even enough time to sleep) they are herded everywhere. I'm betting they do not have the option of going out and buying anything that isn't available in the hotel sundries shop. I'm also betting that they will be required to use some of their next Mood budget to buy what they need (and then will turn out the best garments despite having less money for fabric, or some other drama scenario)

Edited by slothgirl
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LOVED the winning look, and as a fellow er, heavy girl (I can't bring myself to say "fat"), I'm pulling for her. That skirt was gorgeous. The pink Grecian thing was godawful, though I loved the designer. All in all, I thought most of the designers showed promise--but I always say that on the premiere until my hopes are dashed about three epis in. I was a little worried about Merline. I have bipolar 2 disorder, and she seemed more than caffeinated to me. Some people are naturally excitable and talkative, but repeating phrases over and over like that--"make it work make it work make it work"--she seemed a little manic. Either that or she's huffing meth.

My first thought about her was, "I'm totally NOT tweaking!!  Not tweaking!!  Not tweaking!!  Totally!!  Totally!!"  Egads, what a torrent.

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repeating phrases over and over like that--"make it work make it work make it work"--she seemed a little manic. Either that or she's huffing meth.

I was thinking ADHD, but manic seems to fit to. Although, now that I think about it, she was reminding me a little of DeCaprio in the Aviator in those scenes when he couldn't stop repeating a phrase and would clamp his hand over his mouth.


I'm also betting that it wasn't as constant or drawn out as editing would have us believe. ;)

Edited by slothgirl
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I was wondering why they kept showing shots of Merline's bare feet.  I was sure she was going to step on a pin and bleed all over or something.  I guess that it was to add to the overall "Merline's quirkily annoying" theme, but to me bare feet barely (ha) register.  I know enough people that would rather go barefoot in a situation like that, and I actually scratch my head at the women who wear heels, or big chunky jewelry, or stuff like that to work in.  

Thanks to those who clarified upthread--I thought Merline handed her kit over to the TSA folk, not to her family seeing her off!  I was so confused!

I like Ashley because she shared some of her tools (who shared the leftie shears?  some guy I think?).  Alabama/Texan was so snooty and rude about the mistake,  Sure, they messed up, but to be not allowed to compete off the bat for that?  Give them the benefit of the doubt about the mistake.  

I don't think they're allowed out and about (they could, gasp, go to a library and look at a pattern book or something!) (also they're either sleeping or working, it seems) but I hope they can use some of their Mood budget for a couple of tools.

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Tim says to every boot "I'm going to have to send you to your work station to clean up your space".   Then we always hear the voice over and see that shot of the dark workroom and the poor rejected designer packing stuff up under the glow of a single, lonely light bulb....*sob*

They always show them turning out the light and that was Laura Bennett's pet peeve when she was blogging about the show.  It is all set up-there are no lights like that so I always figured the whole thing was a set up.

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I don't see the hand of production in three people forgetting their kits because I think people are just getting dumber so I buy that for the first time ever three of them would misread instructions.


No, that's not exactly true.  I think the three who "forgot" were probably all some variety of the woman who admitted she took it out because her luggage was too heavy, and they expected the TV show to step in and save them from their own bad choices.  So, because that's the assumption that feels right to me, I wanted them to all get sent home.  No begging from people who don't want to look like dicks on television, no grinning and goofing like it's all lightweight.  Just get the hell out, because it wasn't important enough to you to triple-check things before entering a contest with a big fat cash prize that, it seems, you've likely auditioned for multiple times, and I feel like that attitude is enough to get you eliminated.  


I've been dealing with some spectacularly entitled people, though, so my perception is probably skewed and I'm clearly a little bitter.  I'm also dying for consequences, and I'd have liked to see them here.


I also liked openly-bitchy Tim Gunn.  He reminds me of Alton Brown, who was also fun as a Stuffy Know-It-All for awhile and is now comfortably settled into Jackass. Maybe Tim could get a second wind, so to speak, if he goes fully down that route. He took a big hit with "Under the Gunn," might as well roll with it, right?

Edited by phoenix780
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Regarding Tim's comments about Duncan's dress.. I liked it a lot more in the work room as well... It had more design to it vs just a wrap of fabric... But either in execution or as he continued working, it turned into too much.

I did like the color, though, and I don't know why the judges were so whiny about that color. Plus this was a mad dash for fabric, they only had so much to choose from vs a shop at mood.

The more I think about this, the stranger it seems to me. Tim loved the dress in the workroom, & I can see one person being wrong about it, but the other designers were all really surprised when they found out that the judges didn't like Duncan's dress, even Lindsey, who is kind of a bitch says "I am shocked that Duncan is in the bottom, everybody is". Every year the judges seem more & more out of touch, apparently they were the only ones who didn't like Duncan's dress.

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Oh, God. This is going to be another Gretchen season, isn't it?  I  . . . I literally understand nothing that happened on the judging runway except for the win for Ashley. When even the other contestants thought the guy who went home was going to be the winner you know there's a problem.

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I didn't understand the love for his dress back in the workroom and was glad to see that the judges didn't like it.   I thought he was going to be this season's Anya.  

... Lindsey also doesn't have long for the show with that floral romper that could be found on the sale rack at Kohl's today.  


When Tim applauded Duncan's work, I thought he was looking at it the same way I did: that it was a lovely premise that - once a fully finished garment - could've been a winner. Duncan was already integrating the texture of the fabric into the design, which a lot of them don't seem to get.


But as someone mentioned on the way to the runway, Duncan hadn't changed a thing from the time Tim praised it to the runway! Long windy road between Tim gives the go-ahead to a promising idea and a fully-realized dress hitting the catwalk. Duncan seemed to have stopped at the beginning.


Lindsey - wow, was that a ridiculous follow-up to all her "I'm here to win" bloviating and borderline trash talk. I had exactly the same thought - said to my boyfriend, "I could go out and buy that anywhere right now!" I know she said she was just shooting to be safe in the first go-round, and I guess she accomplished that. And I wouldn't go so far as to say she should've been in the bottom; it was cute, it was executed well. But she'd better have a lot more to pull out of her sleeve if she wants to fulfill her own PR.

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When even the other contestants thought the guy who went home was going to be the winner you know there's a problem.

I wonder, though. Because Tim was so very nasty to most of the folks he spoke to and so very nice to Duncan, and if they do actually watch the show, they may have noticed that people who Tim is very nice to tend to be praised no matter what crap they send down the runway.

Is anyone else getting Bailey Quarters from Lindsey?

Edited by Julia
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And that intro is only good for so many showing.... the one where Tim and Heidi toss the colored chalk? paint? on each other.

I think the intro was a take on the Holi Festival in India. I don't much about it, but it seems really fun & carefree in an almost child-like way. I remember it inspired Galliano a decade ago, before he lost his GD mind:



Edited by NowVoyager
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I think the intro was a take on the Holi Festival in India. I don't much about it, but it seems really fun & carefree in an almost child-like way. I remember it inspired Galliano a decade ago, before he lost his GD mind:



Thanks for posting that. I'd forgotten all about it. I do understand the creativity in the intro but hoping we are not stuck with it for the entire season. Maybe after a while I won't "see" it anymore.

Edited by ethalfrida
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I also loved that Ashley is on, that people were NICE to her and that she WON! YAY ASHLEY!


Pistachio could have gone home. That dress was fucking hideous and reminded me of aprons that older ladies wear. But Kiwi sealed his fate when he said "I'm not sure who I am yet as a designer."  No, dude. Just...no.


Ms. I weigh 100 lbs (Lindsey) bugged me from the start. And then her outfit was so pedestrian. Is she going to be Korina for this year? Middling designs with lots of bitchy judgement? I hope not.


Merline does these things that I try really hard to prevent myself from doing (I have ADD). However, I'm aware that when I sing songs to myself and repeat phrases mindlessly that it's really annoying to other people (it's annoying to me too) and makes me look crazy. So I try to refrain. It's possible that she's so nervous that it's coming out involuntarily, but I almost felt like she just lost her sewing kit (she didn't say that at all). She's just so...spazzy.


Looking forward to this season!

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Just Fab accessory wall and Sally Beauty Studio? What a comedown this show has had.


I have a feeling the others will turn against Ashley. I can see her becoming this season's Michael Costello.


Crappy always beats boring.

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