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After Paradise

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I can't stand Carly.  When Britt left Chris' season she gloated about the "pretty girl" not getting the guy for once.  So clearly she sees herself as the ugly duckling; and I'm not going to disagree.  I think she's a 5 at best (a 4 when she's singing), maybe a 6 if it's closing time.


I suppose it would've been better for Kirk to pull a Justin/Cassandra and go through the motions in that ridiculous Rose Ceremony and then just break up after filming.


The more I think about this the more I wonder if it had a lot to do with it, maybe they asked him that morning before the Chris Harrison announcement and that bummed him out.



I don't know if that was it specifically.  But I do know that Chris Harrison's comments at that "cocktail party" or whatever it's called were 100% voice-over additions from post-production.  And it was in those comments where he talked about the couples taking time to decide if they could see themselves getting married, having kids, etc.


I really don't think that was ever the deal going into the season.  But obviously they decided to give us the fake Lacey wedding at the beginning and then play the season that way with the voice-over addition at the end.  


I think that once Kirk realized that's what they were expecting, he decided to bail.


Ultimately this is the problem with having a show with no actual format.  At least with Bachelor Pad there was a prize.  Last season was thrown together as a cheap way to have filler-programming.  Then apparently at some point they decided that the end point of spending 3 drunken weeks together has to be an engagement.


I think the way this played out will affect whether and which other rejects decide to sign up for next season.


Miss America seems like a nice enough girl, but my chyron for her would be "Really"??



You know, I can't stand Donald Trump.  But that lady had me screaming "Oh C'mon!  What happened?  Let's make America Great Again!"

  • Love 7

Carly apparently has this one woman show thing she was trying to promote called "Carly tells all....ish.."   It seems she sings  country type songs about her experience  on "The Bachelor".    Thank god she has some new material,  because "I think your tractor is sexy (As long as Britt's not straddling it)",  "How does it FEEL?"  (No, not that Bob Dylan song) and "He dumped me for hotter chicks quicker than my eyebrow pencil wore off"   are getting pretty old. 

  • Love 7

Actually,   I think Carly is attractive.   She has pretty eyes, and I think her mouth is cute.   All she needs is a good lip liner with a neutral lip color,  and eye makeup that plays up her eyes, instead of covering them like those awful false eyelashes do.    Her hairline would allow her to wear cute and easy to style hair, if she would take out those ratty extensions and go with a darker color.   Instead of playing up her good features,  she tries to compete with the "hot" girls, and it leaves her looking the worse for comparison.   That wig thing she was wearing along with the makeup and eyebags made her look ancient.    The blue dress was nice, though. 

  • Love 2

Kirk is not responsible if her feelings went way beyond the dating stage so quickly.  Carly likes to pull the easy-going laid back cutie pie act, so maybe he didn't realize the extent of her soul mate fantasies sooner than he should have.  He could've easily taken the soulmate chatter as one of her cutesy chatterbox quirks.  And then once he did make that realization and the BIP fantasy all came crashing down on him, he understandably had no clue how to correctly approach the situation without devastating her and put it off.  I wouldn't be surprised if he debated just seeing the whole charade through and breaking up with her after the show.  Which is what I think he would've done if he was worried about looking good for the cameras.


I don't think Kirk ever lied to Carly.  Nor do I think he is dumb (at least no more so than many of us in these types of situations) or inexperienced when it comes to women.  He was just inexperienced when it came to a woman like Carly.  Not every woman flips out like that.  Sure the thought of feeling humiliated on national television and knowing how many smug and snarky THs she gave that were sure to be used against her played a part on her breakdown, but I still think it was a bit over the top.  Hence, his understandable shock at her reaction and inability to "fix" it.  Not every woman reacts that intensely to a break up.  It doesn't make Carly a bad or crazy person, but neither does it make Kirk an asshole for not reactiing to her fit and anger in the most logical and sensitive manner. 


Agreed.  Kirk was shown having doubts about the pace of their relationship pretty early, not just to the camera, but to Carly.  He actually tried discussing it with her on their one "date," and she chose to ignore the evidence. Not the first time someone plays the victim because they projected more onto their partner than was warranted.    

  • Love 5

Kirk panicked.   Gee, who wouldn't?   He's having a fun summer fling, and deciding if he wants it to be more than a summer fling.  He has time to figure it out.  In the real world, there is no time limit  during which you have to commit to forever.

Carly starts talking about marriage and babies, the diamond guy comes around and wants to know who wants to be the lucky couple who gets their free engagement ring.  Is there some sort of timetable or contract that says they have to give it up if they don't get married?  There must be, or ALL the couples would want that ring, if only to sell it later and spilt the cash.   ANyway - then CH talks about the final rose as a commitment, and Kirk surveys the situation, realizes that Carly is great in the "paradise"  world, where it's bikinis and cocktails and no responsibility, but questions whether this is a forever kind of relationship.  The women know that the show wants proposals and diamond rings to come out of this.   You KNOW Jade and Carly have been discussing it.   Kirk has a moment of panic, followed by a moment of clarity.  He realizes that he doesn't see himself with Carly FOREVER, that he cannot commit to marriage in the short time frame he's in, and he bails.


Yeah, I think talking about proposals and diamond rings, and having to be ready by a certain date to propose on TV, would scare most men off. 

I know, it's the premise of all the Bach shows.  But I applaud anyone who is able to figure out that you don't plan your marriage around a reality TV shooting schedule, and you don't agree to marry someone you've only known on vacation.

  • Love 7


And Tanner and Jade really looked like a nice couple on the Aftershow, very sweet together. Funny how the "Playboy thing" colors the way you see someone. I think Jade is much more like what she seemed on both shows--a shy, reserved, nice friend and fairly conventional person. I actually "get" them a lot more than Marcus and Lacy who seemed like two pretty & nice people without much connection at all.

I agree. I wonder if the Playboy shoot was her "wild young person acting against type" thing.


With Marcus and Lacey, it seemed like both of them came to BiP really wanting that romantic love story, and they were able to make that happen with each other. With Tanner and Jade, it seemed like they both came to BiP without particular expectations and happened to meet and fall in love.



Kirk was shown having doubts about the pace of their relationship pretty early, not just to the camera, but to Carly.  He actually tried discussing it with her on their one "date," and she chose to ignore the evidence.

Question: This conversation has been mentioned a few times, but I must have missed it. (Guess I was getting a snack or something). I remember the TH before the FS, but what did he say to Carly?

I looked up Kira, the Miss America's cred -- Russian immigrant parents, 22 years old and this:

Platform: Protecting Women Against Domestic Violence

Scholastic Ambition: To obtain a Juris Doctorate and a Master's degree in Business Administration

Talent: Vocal

Scholastic Honors: Honors College; Phi Eta Sigma Honor Society; Gamma Theta Upsilon - Geographical Honor Society; Hofstra Presidential Scholarship; Dean's List

Career Ambition: To pursue a career in International Diplomacy

She looked much prettier in her competition gown with her hair down. Not every woman looks good with her hair skinned back.(Talking to you Jade, you looked so much better on the AP set.)

  • Love 1

Earlier on someone wondered whether or not the producers might have asked Kirk if he wanted the Neil Lane Diamond Engagement Ring for Carly and that might have been his tipping point. The more I think about this the more I wonder if it had a lot to do with it, maybe they asked him that morning before the Chris Harrison announcement and that bummed him out. After all production probably needs to know how many rings they are going to need, and how to set up the next day's final ceremony. It's not unthinkable that they asked the guys to indicate one way or another if they would need one ring, or two rings, or no rings.


Kirk might have realized that he couldn't do that charade but that possibly Carly was going to expect it and he went from "slow it down" in his mind to "just stop the train I want to get off" in a matter of minutes.  A lot of decisions that seem impulsive and sudden are actually building very slowly inside and then one thing sets you off and you know exactly what is right for you and you act. It looks sudden, it looks out of character, but it's not, it's clarity.  

Agree. I think this is exactly what happened.

  • Love 1


I liked the way she broke it off and don't see any similarity with Kirk at all.  First T&J were a lot newer, and secondly he wasn't spinning scenarios to her all the time about their future together etc. and getting massive encouragement from her until the very end. I think she was giving it a good try--treating it like a summer fling, but respectfully, and not giving him unrealistic hopes that she knew would never come true.

Tenley/Joshua aren't that much newer at most a couple days. Also, I gathered from the talk on the steps before the RC that Joshua was trying to find ways to make it work. Given that Idaho's place on the atlas has been steady, I would expect this wasn't this first time it came up even if it was the first time we saw.


I don't think what Tenley did was that bad, but it was nearly the same as Kirk, who I don't think did anything that bad either.

  • Love 3

Kirk also started his AP conversation with Carly by reminding her that one of the first things she said on BIP was that she always ran away from relationships the minute they got into trouble. She nodded when he reminded her of it so I think it was true. I think he was going to explain how that statement kept him from talking earlier about slowing things down as she would have run away at that point (just like she did when he finally brought it up), so he decided he would just stay in this "relationship" and see where his feelings went. He didn't get to build on this conversation on AP though, as she just started shouting at him and was more concerned with being right and superior than listening to him. Who knows, maybe he was planning to tell her he wanted to try again, but obviously she didn't really care about him anyway.

What if he had skipped the Neal Lane ring and just gone with the "commitment"rose at the end--while Jade got engaged? Would Carly have been happy then? Doubtful.

I feel sorry for him--I saw a clip on another site of his early talking head that he wanted to hang out for a few weeks and meet all the girls, and boom, he's with Carly, trying to do the right thing and see where it goes, while these hotties come on that he never gets to even talk to, and now he's the most evil guy who's ever been on TV. He is probably wondering what the hell happened?

Edited by MakeMeLaugh
  • Love 11

Question: This conversation has been mentioned a few times, but I must have missed it. (Guess I was getting a snack or something). I remember the TH before the FS, but what did he say to Carly?

He was trying to tell Carly as they were sitting in a swing talking before the FS that he had some reservations but she totally let that go in one ear and out the other. She proceeded to talking about her brother's wedding that she had missed and even called him on the phone right there and let Kirk listen to the conversation. She told her brother that she had met a nice guy and was having a good time and he was right there and basically forced Kirk into the conversation as he spoke politely to her brother. To me she really put Kirk on the spot and it's like he kind of gave up and just went with the flow. But like with anything swept under the rug, it's still there. At that point with a FS looming ahead is IMO when she should have been keen to any red flags that he was bringing up but she chose to ignore it and I think block it out because with her tunnel vision she only wanted one outcome.

Edited by yorklee2
  • Love 8

To add to yorklee's post, Kirk was rather candid with his questions and commentary. For example, he asked Carly what she wanted out of all this.  I think Carly interpreted that as a general "what do you want out of life" question, because she responded with a generic kind of find-someone-to-spend-her-life-with, family, blah.  (Side note: it's possible that it was edited out, but Carly NEVER asks Kirk what he wants in this conversation).  Kirk responded to that by talking about how he takes a long time to commit, how he's not sure he's her type of guy, and how fast they're going.  Carly even acknowledges the latter, but is giggly and silly and is okay with it all.  


If you go back and watch Kirk's expression and body language in reaction to her response in that moment, it.is.everything.  He's sitting right there beside her, clearly telling her he doesn't commit quickly and that they're going fast, and she laughs it off while he looks terribly uncomfortable.  It's why I call bullshit on Carly being "blindsided."        

Edited by ribboninthesky1
  • Love 9


The way Jonathan leered at Cassandra the whole time they were on was disgusting. His tongue was almost hanging out of his mouth.

That was really creepy. The hosts were commenting on him looking like he was going to "devour" her as if it were sweet, but it grossed me out. Hopefully that relationship works out so he doesn't return to the show and I don't have to hear him talk about how "delicious" women are. 


And although I understood her reasoning about her misconstrued "having your baby" comments, I just feel like there's no winning....no matter how many times she tries to explain "I didn't mean right now, it was only because he was talking about me moving into his multi-BR house," there's still going to be a huge percentage of viewers that consider that to be Stage 5 Clinger territory.


Carly did come off very badly, but I can't quite blame her for being as angry as she is. It's not just the way it went down with Kirk, it's having to watch the edited show where she looks really foolish. She may have been "over" the Kirk thing after they left there, but having to watch the whole thing unfold on TV week by week is going to bring the bad feelings back PLUS the show's editors splicing everything together to play up the "she wants marriage and kids, he's having doubts..." angle. 


I don't think she did herself any favors by being so sarcastic and confrontational, but I don't think I could have helped being that way myself in her shoes and the primary factor would be frustration at the show. 


Who knows what TPTB told Samantha when she was asked to be on this show. She got not one word of dialogue or any screen time during Chris's season so, basically, she was a non-entity. If she wanted to be a reality tv star, she needed to "make her mark" on BIP.


I have to say, the (bizarre, IMO) obsession with Samantha on this show is kinda making me tip my hat a bit to Chris Soules for barely even noticing her. Granted, he did keep her around for several weeks, but obviously as a placeholder. 


If 2 seasons of Nick Viall have shown us anything, it's that being a "villain" is just as likely to get you a callback as being a favorite, so I wouldn't be surprised to see her again. Wouldn't be happy to see her again either, but not surprised. 


I confess I am dying to know what Nick and Samantha do- does he hold her mirror whille expressing how awed he is by her beauty endlessly?


Sounds about right. She never seemed to question why he had nothing to say besides "you're the most beautiful woman I've ever seen.." 


If I had to guess, I'd say she's probably seeing other guys and keeps Nick around for ego boosting purposes. That's how that type of relationship typically goes. 

  • Love 4

To add to yorklee's post, Kirk was rather candid with his questions and commentary. For example, he asked Carly what she wanted out of all this.  I think Carly interpreted that as a general "what do you want out of life" question, because she responded with a generic kind of find-someone-to-spend-her-life-with, family, blah.  (Side note: it's possible that it was edited out, but Carly NEVER asks Kirk what he wants in this conversation).  Kirk responded to that by talking about how he takes a long time to commit, how he's not sure he's her type of guy, and how fast they're going.  Carly even acknowledges the latter, but is giggly and silly and is okay with it all.  


If you go back and watch Kirk's expression and body language in reaction to her response in that moment, it.is.everything.  He's sitting right there beside her, clearly telling her he doesn't commit quickly and that they're going fast, and she laughs it off while he looks terribly uncomfortable.  It's why I call bullshit on Carly being "blindsided."        

Wow, thanks for going back and looking at this.  That's what I recall about them as well.  I thought Kirk came across as a bit shy, might have been intimidated by the whole experience, and that he and Carly had a comfortable relationship.  Comfortable in that he is inhibited, and she is talkative.  She was definitely thinking this show would go like a bachelor/bachelorette show, where everyone is there for the same reasons.   

Kirk was in the situation where, had he said he wanted to talk to the other women and explore if anyone else was a better match, Carly would have been angry at him, and he would never have a chance to go back to her.   She pretty much made that clear.    So he stayed and tried to get to know her better.  She was the stronger one in the relationship, and he played by her rules.  then one day  he realized that the expectation was that since he spent all of BiP with her, he was now ready to spend the rest of his life with her.  That was his wake up call. 

  • Love 6

So, did anyone else notice that Tenley was kind of mocking Joshua when he was on the phone? She just made some little comments that made her seem like a mean girl. I still think she used Joshua to stay on the show in the same way for which she criticed some of the men.

I am also frustrated with these women who think they are taking a stand for all other women. First Juelia, and now Carly. Please don't make statements that are supposed to represent me as a woman. I also thought that Carly was trying to argue detailed points to deflect from her actual comments.

And that cohost! I just don't like her and I couldn't believe how short her outfit was. I do like Chris Harrison.

  • Love 4

In regards to the Neil Lane Engagement Ring, I have to wonder how much of a role the producers played in the breakup. If they got word that Kirk was turning down the ring, then wormed it out of Kirk that he wasn't even sure if he was going to give Carly the final rose, I could absolutely see them manipulating him to break up before the overnight date, on camera.

I also wonder if Carly had an unspoken pact like Tanner did with his job to leave before her brother's wedding. I believe the timeline was like a week and some change into paradise that Zak was getting married. If Kirk was the only one on her short list (I think that was heavily implied in the first episode), then it would be easy for her to split if it didn't work out/he didn't show up in time. If Kirk was having doubts but wanted her to stay, if he agreed with the things she was saying and added fuel to the fire with his responses then I think he's pretty much a douche-canoe.

Edited by Saylii
  • Love 1

I dunno guys, I feel for Carly. I feel like women in our society aren't supposed to get mad. I think she's allowed to be mad, and I think she wound up representing herself well in the end by essentially saying, look, I don't hate him. I think he's a good guy. Just, please dudes, don't do this. I also think she's cute. Unlike all the stereotypically hot chicks, she kinda has a cute, retro, Clara Bow look to her. I dig it. 


I wonder if the Playboy shoot was her "wild young person acting against type" thing.



Speaking from experience, it's entirely possible to be an introverted person and still have a wild side. I recognize this with Jade because I'm the same way. Your introversion doesn't preclude your adventurous nature - it can just conceal it to anyone who doesn't really know you well. 

  • Love 1

I think there's a difference between being mad and claiming "blindsided." I don't consider Carly a reliable narrator for whatever alleged conversation they had the day before Armageddon (JudyObscure's post captures the sentiment well), and Kirk not disputing her take of the conversation didn't convince me. Presumably, Kirk wasn't looking for another fight.  I know what I saw in episode 5, and Kirk was clear about his concerns.  So to me, even the "I think Kirk's a good guy, it's just that guys shouldn't do this" bit was disingenuous because she's still putting all the responsibility on Kirk. There's nothing wrong with being mad or disappointed, just own why you're angry, and don't act like you were some victim of deception.  I saw none of that from Carly.


She even felt entitled to a phone conversation with him before the show, and I have no idea why.  I loved that he didn't return her phone call - one, it ensures nothing is misunderstood or lost in translation.  Two, he gets to say what he wants to say on camera, for everyone to hear and see, so no one could put words in his mouth. Wise decision, Kirk.        


I sensed that Chris knew Carly wasn't coming off all that great, or maybe he kind of shut it down for commercials, heh. Can't say I blame Kirk for not coming back out at the end - I know I would have hightailed it to the airport after all the drama and being cast as a liar (though, for what's it worth, I don't think the show portrayed him in a bad light). 

  • Love 4

Jade & Tanner did a periscope one night last week when they returned to Kansas City and Tanner basically said his engagement decision was "last minute" so yeah, he probably was induced to propose by producers, just like Marcus was last year.  Now its up to them to see if they want to stay engaged in the real world.  

Edited by CindyBee
  • Love 1

OK, I am finally caught up on all the episodes from last week.


I was a little surprised at how bitter Carly was on AP. Yes, I get she was blindsided, but after some time away from 'Paradise', I'd think she would get some perspective at how extreme the situation was. Kirk absolutely messed up in his delivery, but he owned up to it on the show which is much bigger than many guys would have done.


As others have mentioned, it's likely her anger was driven by her own embarrassment. I really hope she finds peace if even for her own benefit.


I like Jane and Tanner. Wouldn't have picked the 2 of them at the start, but they look great together.


Tenley is so sweet. I find it hard to believe she doesn't have her pick of great guys in the real world. It sounded like even Justin couldn't be mad at her.

On the aftershow, Chad's beard is just strange, needs trimming, on the top edges.   

Lace looked beautiful EXCEPT she had a strange sunburn/orange thing going on  with her neck and chest that didn't match her face. 

Sean Lowe just LOVES being on TV.  How many shows has he been on? 

The show reinforced for me, the suspicion that these people text, talk, whatever, before going on the show, and already have a good idea of who they want to hook up with, and make plans before they even get to paradise.

That woman producer that was on, had a very distracting collar on her dress.  It looked oddly like cartoon hands reaching together in the front.  Then I blink, and it's just a collar.

Having viewers connect to the show on Skype just doesn't work.  The audio isn't clear when it's a broadcast of a broadcast, I can't make out anything they're saying.

  • Love 2

Because, if so, I just have to say that I can't fucking believe that I just saw ABC allow a "well, there's two sides to it" "debate" about an imminent date rape (which was avoided only because Chad blacked out).


I forgot to record the aftershow, much to my chagrine!  Would you mind recapping this for me a little?  Did someone try to have sex with Chad while he was blackout drunk???  Did he try to have sex with someone who didn't want to while he was blackout drunk??? 

Did Chad come across as "normal" on the show compared to how he came across every other time he's been on television, or did he once again have to explain that when a bunch of people are coming at you for no reason whatsoever, there's no other option but to start making death threats and throwing punches?

Edited by Irritable
  • Love 1

First, the hosts...Sean was a dud on his Bachelor series and for him to give dating advice when he was such a jerk on his season?  PULEASE!  Next, the woman host is Donald Trump reincarnated as a woman.  Not fun.  Not cute. Not funny.  Just bitchy.  

Furthermore, to bring Chad onto the show and turn it into a Screw Chad Party, seems more gauche than some of his behavior.  There could have been a casual mention, but the female Trump was on a petty roll and she kept landing 7s with her catty comments.  I didn't even like Chad.  But, the guy seems more honest than both the hosts of this show.  Certainly, more likeable than Sean during his season, when he treated his dates with a mean-spirited approach, as social experiments to build his failing ego.  Am I the only one that recalls how many people felt he was a jerk on his Bachelor show?

As for the comment by the wannabe-Trump female host, about pimping products?  Guess where I see her future.  She has all the charm of a rattlesnake.  I like my television hosts with a smidgeon of warmth, thank you.

I didn't like Chad's behavior, but then, I'm not big on drunks.  However, the idiocy of Lace or anyone else trying to counsel a mean drunk?  Seriously?  He was drunk.  He acted like a jerk.  He apologized.  

Sarah, on the other hand, did the thing that we all learn to do with drunks, right?  She put herself into a battle with a macho drunk.  Wow!  What a bright idea that was, no?  And after following him around, giving advice to a nasty drunk she got her feelings hurt.  Who didn't see that coming.  Did he take it there?  Yes.  Could she have been the bigger person and let it go since she started it and won the battle?  Absolutely!

Then, Diablo?  Who is she?  What is her gig?  Why was she acting as if America cared?  Her dress was enough to make me not care.  I wanted the hands at her neck to give her a boob grab so she could develop a personality.  I wanted Revlon to come in and take back that lipstick.  She was about as appealing and interesting as the urine soaked streets of L.A.  on a hot summer night. 

You don't have to worry about me watching this show again.  The hosts are a turn off.  And how is Sean, the jerk of his Bachlorette season landing all of these television spots?  He's about as appealing as a wall, personality wise and looks wise.  He seems like an anal retentive version of Ichabod Crane to me.   Can we call it enough with him?

  • Love 5

Sean has never met a camera he didn't like, has he? And of course he had to trot out Catherine and the baby afterwards, even though Catherine didn't look happy to be on TV so soon after giving birth.

I'm glad that the horrible Jenny Mollen is gone, but this Michelle Collins person is almost as bad with interrupting people. I watch this show to see the contestants talk, not her.

Jubilee's table manners are evidently still as bad as they were on Ben's season. Shoving food in her mouth just as she was about to be interviewed, talking with her mouth full, and having little bits of food stuck to her lipgloss is classy stuff.

Lace looked so much better without the extensions, and Leah's lip fillers have gone down to a more natural, less Kylie-Jenner-esque level, so I thought she looked good as well.

  • Love 3

My thoughts on the After Show, which I was glad to watch instead of Micheal Phelps going up and down a chlorinated body of water really fast.

I'm glad Chad got a chance to defend himself to some extent.  I agree with Spencer Pratt (I can't believe I wrote those words.)   I've been targeted before, and you can't win.   You can't win if you act well, you can't win if you act badly.   And sometimes if everyone thinks badly of you it just makes you act much worse.   

Was that Diablo Cody on the panel, who wrote one of my favorite movies of all time, Juno?  I thought she was awesome, and somewhat unappreciated on the panel. 

I think Daniel has a dry sense of humor that is just being fully appreciated.  Most people with sharp, dry senses of humor are smart.  Could he be... smarter than we think?   

I'm not a Sean fan but he acted with integrity on the show and continues to act with integrity.  (So I guess I am a fan, albeit a reluctant one.)   

  • Love 4

I only managed to stand the After Show for about 6 minutes.  Long enough for Sean to say that disrespecting Chris Harrison was the worst thing in the whole world and to remember that I can't stand the hostess.  I also can't stand Diablo Cody and thought Juno was mean, mean to the nice  store clerk who would have had to pay for her stuff out of his pocket, mean to her mother, vomiting in vases and leaving it for her to clean up, mean to the baby daddy, and of course smart enough to memorize a past generation's  TV and jazz trivia  but not smart enough to know to use birth control when she plans to have sex. But I digress.

I loved that Jubilee called  Carly, the show's darling, to task for shaming Evan the way she did. 

  • Love 2
9 hours ago, JennPear said:


First, the hosts...Sean was a dud on his Bachelor series and for him to give dating advice when he was such a jerk on his season?  PULEASE!  Next, the woman host is Donald Trump reincarnated as a woman.  Not fun.  Not cute. Not funny.  Just bitchy.  


She was a co-host on the View for a very brief time.  Seriously with all the crazy on the View, she was the one let go.


9 hours ago, MakeMeLaugh said:


I think they put Sean on as cohost to be a physical presence in case Chad started acting up, which he probably did during the breaks as they tried to escort him off late in the show.


How did I miss that?

Glib!  Ok, now we know that a benchmark for the Bachelor/Bachelorette is low IQ scores.  See there?  I was being glib.

  • Love 1

I liked Michelle Collins on the after show, but I liked her on The View and I'm sorry she's not there any more.  She has a sense of humor that appeals to me.  And she has the same love-for-the-wrong-reasons relationship to all things Bachelor that I do. 

Sean Lowe -  he's been on Celebrity  wife Swap, and Celebrity Marriage  Boot camp, Dancing with the Stars .  Making a living being a "Celebrity", the new Spencer Pratt. 

  • Love 1
4 hours ago, hyacinth said:

My thoughts on the After Show, which I was glad to watch instead of Micheal Phelps going up and down a chlorinated body of water really fast.

I'm glad Chad got a chance to defend himself to some extent.  I agree with Spencer Pratt (I can't believe I wrote those words.)   I've been targeted before, and you can't win.   You can't win if you act well, you can't win if you act badly.   And sometimes if everyone thinks badly of you it just makes you act much worse.   

Was that Diablo Cody on the panel, who wrote one of my favorite movies of all time, Juno?  I thought she was awesome, and somewhat unappreciated on the panel. 

I think Daniel has a dry sense of humor that is just being fully appreciated.  Most people with sharp, dry senses of humor are smart.  Could he be... smarter than we think?   

I'm not a Sean fan but he acted with integrity on the show and continues to act with integrity.  (So I guess I am a fan, albeit a reluctant one.)   

I agree with Spencer Pratt too, although I don't remember who he is. The people at Paradise were so busy with their own lives that they had so much time to watch Chad and Lace in a jacuzzi?  Really?  Wow!  That would be my idea of a potential mate, someone who lived life as a voyeur.  I felt the others were immature in the way they focused on him when he was drunk too.  People get drunk, you don't let them become your talking points when you are there to meet someone as a potential mate.  And you certainly don't try to pick a fight with a drunk. 

54 minutes ago, jumper sage said:

She was a co-host on the View for a very brief time.  Seriously with all the crazy on the View, she was the one let go.


How did I miss that?

Glib!  Ok, now we know that a benchmark for the Bachelor/Bachelorette is low IQ scores.  See there?  I was being glib.

Somehow, I don't think Sean would have been much defense against Chad, but I could be wrong.  

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I only got to watch a few minutes because I forgot to DVR. I don't mind Sean. I'm not physically attracted to him, but I think he is a good guy. I liked the way he approached things on the bachelor. He tried to act with integrity by not leading people on as much as you can do so in the show. I see nothing wrong with him wanting a career on TV-that's the reason 99.9 percent of the people go on the show. Did Chad do anything interesting?

I'm not a fan of the host Michelle but can't tell you a real reason why-just don't like her.

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8 hours ago, Armchair Critic said:

Sean is awfully smug for somebody who makes his living sucking off The Bachelor teat.

Ain't that the truth!

9 hours ago, chocolatine said:

Sean has never met a camera he didn't like, has he? And of course he had to trot out Catherine and the baby afterwards, even though Catherine didn't look happy to be on TV so soon after giving birth.

I'm glad that the horrible Jenny Mollen is gone, but this Michelle Collins person is almost as bad with interrupting people. I watch this show to see the contestants talk, not her.

Jubilee's table manners are evidently still as bad as they were on Ben's season. Shoving food in her mouth just as she was about to be interviewed, talking with her mouth full, and having little bits of food stuck to her lipgloss is classy stuff.

Lace looked so much better without the extensions, and Leah's lip fillers have gone down to a more natural, less Kylie-Jenner-esque level, so I thought she looked good as well.

I was wondering if my husband and I were the only people that thought it odd that Jubilee was so hungry she had to stuff her face while being interviewed.  That was odd.  

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