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S07.E16: Awfully Charitable

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Or who knows--perhaps its all wishful thinking on Carole's part in an effort to romanticize her previous life and the deceased cannot refute the revisionist history. Yeah, I said it.

I disagree. By this time, Carole's tenure on the show, if what she wrote was a lie or exaggerated, it would have been revealed by now. There are far too many people that look for any type of dirt on these women and any lie/exaggeration would have been made public by now, especially about JFKJr/CK.

  • Love 5

How many of us, when we were in our 20's or early 30's thought 50 and over was old, how many of us could really picture ourselves at that age and then when we got there, we find out that it isn't as "old" as we thought? LOL


I have to raise my hand.  And laugh.  The other day my daughter described her camp counselor supervisor as "ancient".  She's 44.  :O

  • Love 6

Had the first half of the season been like this episode....ratings would have been higher...some drama mixed in with genuine human emotion.

I think that 7 is the most a housewife show can feature where you can have equal focus and not have to exclude any one. This episode excluded luann..and I know heather and kristen have been excluded in previous episodes.

I think OC with 5 is pretty strongly focused on all of them and can include friend ofs as well.

  • Love 7

I am certain I look and appear to other people completely different than the "me" in my head. I think it is called cognitive dissonance. Whenever I visit my mother (she lives a few states away), I am always surprised at her appearance. In my head she is the tall thin real estate agent dressed in a hip looking tailored pants suit with her hair done and make up on-- not the lady impaired by COPD, bloated on oxygen with no makeup needing a new dye job.  There is a part of Carole that is at the same place she was when her husband died.  People who die young exist in eternal youth in our memories.


One reason I feel Ramona has hit her expiration date on this show is because she has no arc-- how many years and she has not shown any personal growth at all.

  • Love 15

Hyperbole much? I don't enjoy the televised sessions with Dr. Amador in the slightest either, but Bethenny only said she was surprised to be enjoying the company of this gaggle of women. Nothing about how she "luvs, luvs, luvs these women so much." If there's one thing that Bethenny is--it is brutally honest. Besides, he inquired about her "social life," (probably at Bravo's request), and she obliged with an answer.


Since when is Bethenny "brutally honest"?   Ever?  She certainly isn't on this show. But thanks for the giggle.  Honestly, that gave me a nice belly laugh.  These therapy sessions are as fake as fake can be.  She clearly couldn't give a fuck about any of these women & she wouldn't waste more than a second of her time discussing them in a real therapy session.  Bethenny's fakery this season is way too long to detail in this thread.  


I'm just really bugged by these fake therapy sessions, and I was bugged she had yet another one in this ep.  And I was reminded how it bugs me that she never discussed the boyfriend, as if he doesn't exist.  She could mention she is seeing someone without mentioning his name.   But no.  All we've gotten from her this season is this false picture of her being very much single.  Yeah, real honest.  It's exactly like when she described herself as homeless.  Yeah, brutally honest.  Oh, thanks again.  I'll be chuckling all day over that one.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
  • Love 16

In much the same vein, I feel that Kristin may perceive Heather to be her "bestie" but Heather does not reciprocate (and hence what I perceived to be a flash of disapproval register on Heather's face at the charity event).


Or who knows--perhaps its all wishful thinking on Carole's part in an effort to romanticize her previous life and the deceased cannot refute the revisionist history. Yeah, I said it.

I was in my 20's in the 90's and even though we had no cellphones back then or Facebook, I was still picture-happy. I have many, many pictures with my friends. So I do find it a tiny bit strange that there isn't one snap of Carole and Carolyn together-even in a group-in her book. Again, I fully believe that they were good friends. It's just the "best friend" label that I think may be slightly embellished, and I also felt it was a way to romanticize her past. Hey, it's an exciting past. She was close with JFK Jr. and Carolyn-that time's royal couple! I just said that I was surprised there were no photos shown.


I guess Carole isn't a picture person though. Her pictures in the book as I recall were very few and not even good ones. The pictures with Anthony he was never smiling or even looking at the camera. So that may explain the lack of a photo with Carolyn, who knows?


I don't think that Carolyn and Carole had similar backgrounds. I thought Carolyn was very upper class, from Greenwich, Connecticut. And Carole is from middle class upstate New York I believe. Their connection came from their husbands being cousins/best friends and just sharing time together most likely.

  • Love 2

I was in my 20's in the 90's and even though we had no cellphones back then or Facebook, I was still picture-happy. I have many, many pictures with my friends. So I do find it a tiny bit strange that there isn't one snap of Carole and Carolyn together-even in a group-in her book. Again, I fully believe that they were good friends. It's just the "best friend" label that I think may be slightly embellished, and I also felt it was a way to romanticize her past. Hey, it's an exciting past. She was close with JFK Jr. and Carolyn-that time's royal couple! I just said that I was surprised there were no photos shown.


I guess Carole isn't a picture person though. Her pictures in the book as I recall were very few and not even good ones. The pictures with Anthony he was never smiling or even looking at the camera. So that may explain the lack of a photo with Carolyn, who knows?


I agree. I don't think Carole fabricated any relationship between herself and Carolyn, but perhaps the closeness of that bond.


The lack of photographic evidence doesn't even register with me because I'm the kind of person who opts out of photos if I can help it. I hate being photographed. Carole might be the same way.

  • Love 7

From Beth's blog:

Ramona was vintage Singer. She donates eight necklaces but wants to hog the press for her brand. FYI, I donated product for the gift bags but declined the need to be on the step and repeat sign and asked for nothing in return. You need to pick your spots. Ramona chooses them all. Heather was on point.


Beth continues:

As far as Dorinda's apology and Heather's acceptance, I understand Dorinda's point. Accept it and move on, unconditionally. Heather had a vibe that was still hanging on to the apology. It seemed the acceptance had strings.

How so? Dorinda asks for forgiveness. Heather's reply: "I forgive you. It's that easy." End of scene. Then we have Dorinda's TH about Heather being 'arrogant' when accepting an apology. Hm...... What vibe? What strings?

Ehh, I kind of get it too. I think Dorina was expecting some sort of "I have to learn I don't always need the last word. I'll forgive you, if you forgive me! ;) Lets go drink it out!"from Heather. I think Heather can have a certain arrogance that can make those conversations feel very one sided.

  • Love 2

I was in my 20's in the 90's and even though we had no cellphones back then or Facebook, I was still picture-happy. I have many, many pictures with my friends. So I do find it a tiny bit strange that there isn't one snap of Carole and Carolyn together-even in a group-in her book. Again, I fully believe that they were good friends. It's just the "best friend" label that I think may be slightly embellished, and I also felt it was a way to romanticize her past. Hey, it's an exciting past. She was close with JFK Jr. and Carolyn-that time's royal couple! I just said that I was surprised there were no photos shown.


I guess Carole isn't a picture person though. Her pictures in the book as I recall were very few and not even good ones. The pictures with Anthony he was never smiling or even looking at the camera. So that may explain the lack of a photo with Carolyn, who knows?


I don't think that Carolyn and Carole had similar backgrounds. I thought Carolyn was very upper class, from Greenwich, Connecticut. And Carole is from middle class upstate New York I believe. Their connection came from their husbands being cousins/best friends and just sharing time together most likely.

IIRC from the book, both Carole and Carolyn were from working class families in the same area of, I think, Connecticut. They had even worked at different times at the same Kohl's-like discount store. They had a lot in common, both being somewhat fish out of water in the upper-crust New York City world.

  • Love 4

Since always. Calling herself "homeless" was an unfortunate use of the word, but she did explain that the apartment she bought with her own money was being occupied by Jason while the condo she bought in SoHo was currently being renovated. She never claimed she was out on the street or living in shelters.


I don't think her sessions are fake at all. She's obviously been seeing this Dr. Amador for quite some time now and continues to do so when the cameras are not on.


It seems the only thing we do agree on is that Bethenny probably would not discuss the other Howives unless specifically asked. That smelled like a Bravo setup to me.


IF nothing else, I'm glad I could provide you with a laugh.




I don't know what you mean by actually read since I never made any claims to have read Carole's memoir nor do I have any interest in doing so. Nevertheless, if you read my comment again, you would see that I was talking about Carole possibly exaggerating or romanticizing her relationship with Carolyn, not her late husband.

Actually, when Bethenny was declaring herself "homeless", she was living in an apartment with her then boyfriend. I get he did not want to be on the show, or she didn't want him on the show, but to say she is all alone is a lie, a big lie IMO. Bethenny is not "real" nor does she tell the truth, she spins it to suit her purposes at the time.

Ehh, I kind of get it too. I think Dorina was expecting some sort of "I have to learn I don't always need the last word. I'll forgive you, if you forgive me! ;) Lets go drink it out!"from Heather. I think Heather can have a certain arrogance that can make those conversations feel very one sided.

Except that Heather apologized already even though Dorinda and LuAnn/Dorinda went at her and we never heard an apology from Dorinda to Heather either of those times, nor from LuAnn either. That Heather was able to say, ok, forget it, all's good, is more than what I would have said had it been me.

  • Love 11

How many of us, when we were in our 20's or early 30's thought 50 and over was old, how many of us could really picture ourselves at that age and then when we got there, we find out that it isn't as "old" as we thought? LOL

We went to Tahoe for Mr. Ryebread's 40th. I'm 6 years his junior and on the morning of his birthday I woke up with the brilliant sunshine that only happens on that lake, looked at my beautiful sleeping husband's just-starting-to-age face and thought, "Day-um. I'm married to a FORTY year old." LOL. It was a jolt. For realz. I haven't seen the episode yet so perhaps that what she was talking about. But knowing how I feel about Carole, probably not. ;-p

Edited by ryebread
  • Love 6

More importantly is women as the age tend to get road maps and some nice hosiery covers it up.  Not to mention dry skin and all the other things that come with age or not-like really white or almost blue legs.

I'm old and I wouldn't be caught dead wearing hosiery other than tights in fall/winter. I guess I should put that in my will, so I'm not literally 'caught dead' wearing them. [snort]

  • Love 12

I would have enjoyed the Dorinda/Carole conversation a lot more if Dorinda wasn't interrupting her every five seconds. Let the woman finish her damned sentence already! 


I will never not marvel at any so-called-professional therapist doing an on camera session. But I did love Bethenny asking him "How did that make you feel?" at one point. I realize she's polarizing, but I get a huge kick out of her.

  • Love 5
I do think Carole and Heather are BF's with each other, they have a natural ease between them that happens when you are that close to a/with a friend. That does not mean they don't have other women that they each consider BFs as well though. I suspect that Carole withdrew from everyone in her life after Anthony died and is only now allowing anyone to get close to her again and 1 of them is Heather.


Yeah some people view BFs as Mindy Lahari "best friend is a tier, not a person!"

  • Love 3

From Carole's comment on what would now be Anthony's age, I saw it so differently. She said that she had never dated anyone that was 57 before, and she realized that this would have been Anthony's age today. That the love of her life would have been of an age that she has never dated. I think these are just things that occur to her as she self-reflects. She talked also in an earlier episode about how amazing it was that Mario and Ramona had been married for 20 years and that it was so hard for her to imagine. Then she said later in a different episode that wow, she and Anthony would have been married for 20 years at this point. My husband realized the other day that at 54 he is older than his father was when he committed suicide at 53. It was so strange to watch him realize this when one of our kids asked how old grandpa was when he died, simply because he had never thought about it before. He memory of his father was that he was an old man. An old man with his entire life behind him and nothing in front of him. Suddenly he recognized that his dad hadn't been old at all, but that was how it all felt and it was so jarring to him. I think Carole was saying she has always thought of 57 as old, but in fact if that was the age of Anthony, it would be the most perfect age.

This is how I took Carole's comment too.

mcm65 your story about your FiL was touching.

Edited by imjagain
  • Love 6

I don't think it's suspicious that we have not seen pictures of Carolyn and Carole. When Carolyn was alive, it was a different time. The paparazzi culture wasn't what it is now and we didn't have camera phones. I honestly don't think Carole would embellish her friendship with a deceased woman. I believe her when she says they were very close.

It's pathetic that I remember this, but I seem to recall Carolyn was reluctant to be photographed.  Like in JFK Jr. actually asked the press to leave her alone when they got married.  And unless the two were out and about with husbands (and Anthony was ill most of the marriage IIRC), who would photograph them? The lure for the photographers was JFK Jr. 


I haven't seen Carole's whole book, just the Amazon excerpt, so don't know if she put in many private photos, but I could imagine her not putting in photos of the 2 of them.


On Carole's comment about never dating a 57 year old, in comparison to what Anthony's age would be now.  Luckily I haven't had to deal with the death of someone young, but I think people's mindset of the deceased freezes.  So likely Carole hadn't really thought about the fact that Anthony would be 57 now.  He'll always be 42-43 in her mind, whatever his age was when he died.

[edited to say, again, beaten to this comment. MotorCityMom said it better than me].

[edited again because see and seen are different words]

Edited by Mrs peel
  • Love 7
I'm just really bugged by these fake therapy sessions, and I was bugged she had yet another one in this ep.



It's too much. I get that it's supposed to be "exposition," but the point of these shows is to have the HWs interact WITH EACH OTHER and further the relationships. Instead, Bethenny is using this therapist to "convey" information about herself. That was especially driven home during Dorinda and Carole's conversation at the airport - two women talking to EACH OTHER about their respective grief, and relating to each other as women on the same show. (Yes, both were contrived to a degree…but at least the conversation at the airport felt more organic.)


And honestly, I played with my phone during that Bethenny segment. I just don't care any more about her therapy sessions and what hair she has up her ass. We all know she was in a romantic relationship while filming, so when the therapist asked her how her relationships were going and she chose to answer about the other HWs, it just seemed so disingenuous.

Edited by archer1267
  • Love 15

I believe they really were friends.  I just did a google search and there are a couple (albeit few) images with her and Carolyn. She met and married her hub first, before John had even met Carolyn, John was the best man in her wedding to Anthony.

I found this tidbit on a CBK blog:

"Carolyn didn’t really wear much jewelry, but what she did wear was always tasteful and never overdone. I’ve read about the friendship ring she had with Carole Radziwill and always wondered if it was one of the rings she wore on her right hand starting in ’98 or so. It supposedly had an amethyst in it."

  • Love 2

According to whom? Reports from last year state Bethenny rented a second apartment for herself and Brynn. I never came across anything that said she moved in with her boyfriend.



No, you said "If you had actually read" as opposed to "if you had read." Use of the word 'actually' there can imply a counterclaim to one I never made (i.e. reading Carole's book).

It was "reported" that he lived with her during filming before they broke up. Either way, Bethenny was not schlepping between hotel rooms with Bryn in tow, she had already rented an apartment, so her "homeless" shtick was lie, not just a poor word choice, just like her "I am alone" was a lie.

Edited by WireWrap
  • Love 9

It's too much. I get that it's supposed to be "exposition," but the point of these shows is to have the HWs interact WITH EACH OTHER and further the relationships. Instead, Bethenny is using this therapist to "convey" information about herself. That was especially driven home during Dorinda and Carole's conversation at the airport - two women talking to EACH OTHER about their respective grief, and relating to each other as women on the same show. (Yes, both were contrived to a degree…but at least the conversation at the airport felt more organic.)

And honestly, I played with my phone during that Bethenny segment. I just don't care any more about her therapy sessions and what hair she has up her ass. We all know she was in a romantic relationship while filming, so when the therapist asked her how her relationships were going and she chose to answer about the other HWs, it just seemed so disingenuous.

Actually, the original concept was more about their individual day to day lives..with some interaction amongst the women.

I liked that format better, however, things have to evolve..and no I prefer a balance between that format and the current one... just wish the shows still had confessionals from others in addition to the housewives.

  • Love 3

It was "reported" that he lived with her during filming before they broke up. Either way, Bethenny was not schlepping between hotel rooms with Bryn in tow, she had already rented an apartment, so her "homeless" shtick was lie, not just a poor word choice, just like her "I am alone" was a lie.

Where was it reported that Bethenny was living with the boyfriend? Do you have a source?

I disagree about her lying about being homeless, though. I don't think there was any intention to deceive. As she herself explained, she felt uprooted with Jason occupying their Tribecca apartment and no place of her own to call "home." The rental was a temporary dwelling while her new investment was being renovated.

  • Love 2

I think she may be missing her true vocation, as a comedic actress.  Once you get past the O face, which is pretty much all we saw in past seasons, you notice (or I do) that she has a wonderfully rubber face, and her features are large enough to make it very funny. 

I agree with this. Last episode when she pantomimed to the waiter to pour the wine directly into her mouth, I realized that she can often be funny. Physically funny. Beth, although I don't care for her, is naturally funny except when she tries too hard or doesn't take a breath between jokes. Laughed at her Co-conja bit. Organic. Sonja is a quieter humor - what she said about the Countess being fucked up at dinner was funny because of her delivery. Countess, once in a while she displays a sarcastic humor - "Someone's getting texts from Bethennnnnny..." Again, good delivery.

I can't think of a single time, not one, that Heather was ever funny all on her own or was the originator of a joke. She just doesn't seem playful to me at all. Y'all have made me consider why I don't care for her. I've just discovered this is one of the reasons. Ramona is too mean to be funny. Except when I'm pointing and laughing at what a moron she is..

  • Love 3

I believe they really were friends.  I just did a google search and there are a couple (albeit few) images with her and Carolyn. She met and married her hub first, before John had even met Carolyn, John was the best man in her wedding to Anthony.

I've never seen a single pic of Carolyn and Carole together. And I do pride myself on being Chief Head of Housewives Photographic Evidence. ;-) I'm not saying they weren't besties. Don't know that for sure. But I do think it's odd that for as many photos that exist of John and Carolyn, out and about, that Carole isn't in any of them. That I've ever seen.

  • Love 2

I've never seen a single pic of Carolyn and Carole together. And I do pride myself on being Chief Head of Housewives Photographic Evidence. ;-) I'm not saying they weren't besties. Don't know that for sure. But I do think it's odd that for as many photos that exist of John and Carolyn, out and about, that Carole isn't in any of them. That I've ever seen.


I'm not one to defend Carole, but my guess would be that they got closer when Anthony was diagnosed. JFK Jr. and Anthony were obviously very close, and couples tend to hang out with other couples, so I don't have real trouble believing Carole was close to Carolyn. Probably only for a couple of years before her death though, of course. 



I don't think her sessions are fake at all. She's obviously been seeing this Dr. Amador for quite some time now and continues to do so when the cameras are not on.



I mean, I believe this dude exists, I believe Bethenny has sessions with him, but every single time he has been on camera is complete bullshit. Remember the boat fiasco from her spinoff where she pretended to be lost at sea? He is just the WORST. I find B entertaining most of the time, but those scenes are pure pain for me. 

  • Love 5

Where was it reported that Bethenny was living with the boyfriend? Do you have a source?

I disagree about her lying about being homeless, though. I don't think there was any intention to deceive. As she herself explained, she felt uprooted with Jason occupying their Tribecca apartment and no place of her own to call "home." The rental was a temporary dwelling while her new investment was being renovated.

It was reported/written about in several blogs.


Telling the world that you are "homeless" and/or having to shuttle back and forth between hotels because you have nowhere else to live when you are currently living in an apartment is most certainly lying! Yes, it is an attempt to "deceive" the viewers, just like claiming she is "all alone" because she was in a relationship with a guy almost the entire time, so she was, in fact, not all alone. She wanted to put out a "poor me" narrative to sway viewers to her side so that they would buy her SG products. Most viewers do not belong to a MB site where information is exchanged/revealed and many of these viewers believe her story/lies and IMO, that is what she is counting on them, so they will start buying her SG crap.


Another example is viewers believing that Dr. A is really her therapist and not just for the show. Many here missed her comment to him at the beginning of the season where she slipped up and said she had not seen him since her 2nd spin off ended which means she did not see him at all during her talk show or through any of the custody/divorce battles until filming began for this season. If he was her real therapist, she would have seen him during those times and said so IMO.

  • Love 11
IIRC from the book, both Carole and Carolyn were from working class families in the same area of, I think, Connecticut. They had even worked at different times at the same Kohl's-like discount store.



Caldor!  We shopped a lot there when I was a kid (not in CT).  My favorite part of Carole's book was her recollection of the nasty dead orange color of the Caldor employee jackets.  Picturing Carolyn Bessette in one was hilarious.  


The photographic proof doesn't bother me -- I've had the same best friend for 20 years and I don't think there's a picture of us together.  Pictures of us taken by each other?  Yes.  Posing?  No.


Carolyn was under siege from photographers to the point of cracking mentally, and John had dealt with that all his life.  You probably aren't that keen to grab memories that way after a while of having your image grabbed everywhere you go.  

  • Love 11

According to whom? Reports from last year state Bethenny rented a second apartment for herself and Brynn. I never came across anything that said she moved in with her boyfriend.




There might have been zero truth to the fact that she lived with the dude. I read a couple of places where there was speculation they were moving in together. Maybe it never happened, maybe it did. Maybe they just spent a lot of time together. Whatever the case as to where she lived, the fact remains that she had a boyfriend during the entire time they were filming, and it wasn't just a guy she had met a month or two before. They had started dating in January, and filming began the following November. As articles have mentioned, she was careful to wait to introduce her daughter to him, which was smart. Because she wanted to wait, it makes it seem like she only would introduce them if this was a serious deal. Yet there was zero mention of her being in a relationship the the entire 4 or 5 months they filmed. Zero mention of the trip they took together after Christmas last year. Did she ever say she wasn't in a relationship? No, but she certainly gave that impression, and I have read where folks on this forum and others were shocked to learn that she was in a relationship, because the impression she gave was far different. Talking to her Therapist about not being able to let anyone new in. That she preferred to surround herself with people she had known a long time, even if they had hurt her because "the devil you know is better than the devil you don't".  She talked of being alone, afraid to get close to people. She talked of maybe becoming a lesbian because she couldn't really handle the thought of men anymore. All of those things were untrue, or at least not the complete and total truth. I agree that Beth has always been mostly honest in talking about how she feels about people and situations. She prides herself on being honest and not being "Switzerland", but that is really less about being an honest person and more about being someone who is clear about your opinions. Shit, you could say the same damn thing about Brandi Glanville. There is zero denying in my mind that there was a plan in place on how she would tell her story this year, and it was about creating a narrative that she was extremely hurt and fragile, closed off from people and extremely vulnerable. I never thought it was about making people like her because she is abrasive and to pretend otherwise would be a farce. It was about making people feel sympathy for her and what she has been through. Pictures of her dancing the night away with her man, or vacationing, or even having nice dinners would go completely against the narrative. Even if he didn't want to be filmed (and I heard he did not), that doesn't negate the fact that she could have at least mentioned him and her relationship. It was hardly a secret as they were photographed together often during filming.  To not have even acknowledged him means that never again can anyone claim that she is completely truthful. And if you don't believe me, just ask Andy. He is the one who said last year when Vicki said she didn't want her relationship with Brooks to be part of her storyline, that she would be demoted or fired if she didn't address it. He said that a HW in a relationship couldn't keep that hidden from the audience because it wasn't being truthful on a reality show. Clearly the rules were different for his fav, but I am sure that was part of her agreement to come on the show. 

Edited by motorcitymom65
  • Love 16

Yeah some people view BFs as Mindy Lahari "best friend is a tier, not a person!"


Ha - I love this, and I do this!  It goes: best friend - close friend - friend 


I mean, I believe this dude exists, I believe Bethenny has sessions with him, but every single time he has been on camera is complete bullshit. Remember the boat fiasco from her spinoff where she pretended to be lost at sea? He is just the WORST. I find B entertaining most of the time, but those scenes are pure pain for me.



'Xactly my thoughts.  Those 2 are the therapist/patient version of a "showmance."  And he is kind of the worst. For some reason, he reminds me of Dre's boss on Blackish who is always giving him terrible, misguided advice. 

  • Love 2

It was reported/written about in several blogs.




Another example is viewers believing that Dr. A is really her therapist and not just for the show. Many here missed her comment to him at the beginning of the season where she slipped up and said she had not seen him since her 2nd spin off ended which means she did not see him at all during her talk show or through any of the custody/divorce battles until filming began for this season. If he was her real therapist, she would have seen him during those times and said so IMO.


And still no source. I am unable to find any such information about Bethenny moving in with her boyfriend at the time, even if it was just tabloid fodder.


Sorry, but I'm not just going to take your word for it. I mean no offense but even your recollection of events from recent episodes has not been accurate. Just one episode ago you proclaimed that the Turks & Caicos house manager Alistair was credited "Alex, Bravo producer."


As for seeing Dr. Amador, Bethenny definitely did not say "I have not seen you since my second spinoff ended." That much I remember.

Edited by Rahul

And still no source. I am unable to find any such information about Bethenny moving in with her boyfriend at the time, even if it was just tabloid fodder.


Sorry, but I'm not just going to take your word for it. I mean no offense but even your recollection of events from recent episodes has not been accurate. Just one episode ago you proclaimed that the Turks & Caicos house manager Alistair was credited "Alex, Bravo producer."


As for seeing Dr. Amador, Bethenny definitely did not say "I have not seen you since my second spinoff ended." That much I remember.

Yes, from time to time I get things wrong. Like the House manager, and 2 times with the bedroom layouts but I am not the only one, it happens to all of us. It was written about, Bethenny and BF, in several blogs and NO, I do not keep a list of them on each HW, I just read them. As MCM just said, it was blogged/written about. Heck, it was stated here by others at the beginning of the season as well, the blogs/reports/rumors.  AND Yes, she did say something along those lines, I did not quote her but wrote what she basically said. It was something along the lines as "I haven't seen you since before my talk show". IMO, he is NOT her real life therapist, if she even sees one at all on a regular basis, he is a show prop to help her image, explain away/soften her very sharp edges. I don't see any licensed therapist doing a "reality" show in which a person signs away their rights to correct any lies told about them, signs away their rights to any misrepresentations made about them, signs away their rights/dignity/professionalism.  

  • Love 5

WW and MCM, are you sure you're not thinking of Warren Lichtenstein? There was speculation all over the net about her having moved in with him but nothing AFAIK about Mike Cerussi. With her cash, I don't know why she'd want to move in with either of them.

If I had to choose a place to live in it would be LuAnn's past or present place(s). There hasn't been a home she's lived in that I didn't love.

I haven't seen Beth's new digs yet but I hope it's warmer than her last place. Was it shown in this epi?

  • Love 1

Here is some info on Bethenny's former boyfriend.   I remember seeing pictures of her leaving his place --not sure when--I think it was right after she finally gave up and moved out of the apartment that Jason was in.





IIRC from the book, both Carole and Carolyn were from working class families in the same area of, I think, Connecticut. They had even worked at different times at the same Kohl's-like discount store. They had a lot in common, both being somewhat fish out of water in the upper-crust New York City world.



They both worked at Caldor in upstate NY (at different times). And as far as pictures went, Carolyn was so broken down by paparazzi that she purposely wore an identical outfit every day in hopes they would lose interest of photographing her. I also had a really good friend and we had NO pictures together, but he was also immensely private and closeted and maybe that's a whole different thing.


I did love that last scene and I find it interesting that Carole seems to be in a different state of grief than Dorinda -- witness her comment of "she's not there yet". And I don't know when someone is "there", and if there's a certain year-mark or just ... time. I've run hot-and-cold with Dorinda this season, but I think fully understanding her grief could to a calmer woman with less frequent outbursts of anger.

Edited by JakeyJokes
  • Love 2

WW and MCM, are you sure you're not thinking of Warren Lichtenstein? There was speculation all over the net about her having moved in with him but nothing AFAIK about Mike Cerussi. With her cash, I don't know why she'd want to move in with either of them.

If I had to choose a place to live in it would be LuAnn's past or present place(s). There hasn't been a home she's lived in that I didn't love.

I haven't seen Beth's new digs yet but I hope it's warmer than her last place. Was it shown in this epi?

The reports began right after he, MC, sold his apartment and moved. There was never any confirmed source but the usual suspects of an "insider source". It really isn't what my point was about to begin with, she was renting an apartment and not "homeless" nor  shuttling between hotels with Bryn as she claimed and she was in a relationship with a guy when she claimed she was all alone. The OP said that Bethenny was honest and IMO, she is not. No biggie, no fight, at least from my end! Thanks you though! :)

Edited by WireWrap
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On a totally different note, I didn't feel the way most did about the Carole/Dorinda talk at the airport. I was moved by Carole but stone cold on Dorinda. I am that over her. Am I sorry she is a widow and the death hit her hard? Sure. I sympathize with everyone who've lost a dear one. Did my perception of her change due to her trip down memory lane? Nope, not in the least. 


It didn't help that before that talk, she's somewhat used the ordeal to excuse her erratic nasty behavior towards Heather. And had bitched about Heather's gracious forgiveness in her TL. I could be wrong because I am so over her that I don't particularly pay attention to her, much like I don't Bethenny, but didn't she say something about being the way she is because what she's been through or some such? Woman please, you are a mean lush who is trying to cement your standing on the show. There isn't anything more than that.

  • Love 8

On a totally different note, I didn't feel the way most did about the Carole/Dorinda talk at the airport. I was moved by Carole but stone cold on Dorinda. I am that over her. Am I sorry she is a widow and the death hit her hard? Sure. I sympathize with everyone who've lost a dear one. Did my perception of her change due to her trip down memory lane? Nope, not in the least. 


It didn't help that before that talk, she's somewhat used the ordeal to excuse her erratic nasty behavior towards Heather. And had bitched about Heather's gracious forgiveness in her TL. I could be wrong because I am so over her that I don't particularly pay attention to her, much like I don't Bethenny, but didn't she say something about being the way she is because what she's been through or some such? Woman please, you are a mean lush who is trying to cement your standing on the show. There isn't anything more than that.

Although I also dislike Dorinda I think she was talking about being on the show, the trips, the fights, well, the whole ordeal of being a HW on Bravo, not about her private life. LOL The conversation between Carole and Dorinda was interesting and touching to me but it did nothing to change my mind about her. Get her around Ramona, Sonja, Bethenny and/or LuAnn and she will revert back to the judgmental, do as I say, not as I do, person she is. LOL 

  • Love 6

I just finished watching the show. I enjoyed this episode very much.

Kristen looked gorgeous and amazing at her charity event, and I loved her enthusiasm. Heather was very gracious with her donations, and I believe she and Kristen are very good friends. The weird look on Heather's face when Kristen mentioned her as her best friend, was imo, due to the fact that she could hear Ramona talking loudly over Kristen and being very rude. The two shared quite a cry at the end of the night. I am so happy we finally had an event of Kristen's televised.

Ramona was such a rude bitch from the moment she walked in. She looked horrible in her dress - it appeared shorter in the front than the back. Putting her hands all over the hors-d'oeuvres was just gross and so Ramona. Only Ramona and Sonja can turn a charity event about children into a manhunt. Ramona was clearly out of line complaining about not being listed as a sponsor for her cheap ass jewelry. It was so immature, rude, hateful and totally directed at the wrong person. She should have taken it up with Kristen if she had a problem. I loved how Carole and Heather mocked her with the "puppet" "lackey" insults. They are truly very good friends and I love seeing that.

I thought Luann's top was cheap looking. Glad she was mostly edited out. I liked her better as a friend last season.

Loved seeing the clip of Jax's birthday party. It appeared everyone had a great time and given the home run Kristen and Josh hit with their gift, it's obvious they are close friends with Heather and her family. Wish we would have seen more. I think Heather is very attractive and I adore her smile, crinkly nose and all.....however, I really don't think I see her smile in Ella. It seems Ella was making the "cheese" face so many kids make in pictures. Heather and Kristen's children are adorable.

The opening scene with Bethenny's apartment and her therapy session were a snooze fest for me. I did love the dress she wore to therapy though.

The scene at the fortune teller was a nice touch, imo. I don't believe in them myself, but when I was young, my mom and grandmom used to go have their palms read quite often. I thought the woman's green house was cute, loved looking at the goodies, and enjoyed learning about the coffee. Dorinda is such a fake. She tells the woman she enjoyed the tea so much she wishes she could have it at home, but completely dissed it in her TH.

I enjoyed Carole and Dorinda's conversation in the airport. Wow, what a difference in manners when Ramona isn't around. I loved Carole asking if they could take their drinks to a table nearby. Ramona would have demanded she be served at the table. I do wish Dorinda wouldn't have interrupted Carole so much, as I find her story fascinating......Dorinda, not so much.

I loved the dinner party at Carole's and really like her relationship with Adam. I didn't sense any sign of condescension in Adam when they were shopping and he looked genuinely amused at Carole telling the story of their first argument. I also loved how Adam and Jonathan did the dishes so the ladies could chat, as that is something my own husband would do. I really appreciated Carole not having a conversation with Dorinda when she called, instead asked her if she could call her back as Kristen and Heather were there. No secret speaker phone conversations ala Jill Zarin.

Ramona and Sonja are the dead weight on this show. I believe that if Bravo got rid of them and kept the other six ladies, demoting LuAnn to friend again, it could be very interesting. I am sick of the drunken tirades and I have had enough of Ramona and Sonja.

In the preview for next week, why was everyone wearing Skinny Girl Red?

  • Love 18

On a totally different note, I didn't feel the way most did about the Carole/Dorinda talk at the airport. I was moved by Carole but stone cold on Dorinda. 


I feel the same way.  After being unsure about Dorinda I started to warm up to her after she took care of Sonja in Atlantic City but she managed to destroy any chance of my being a Dorinda fan.  She's a nasty drunk and preaches while blaming others (mostly Heather) for doing the same thing.


Like most of you I'm not a fan of Bethenny's therapy sessions but this last one touched on a few things that I think made it different, i.e. Bethenny's admission that Skinny Girl was in a "lull" and the therapist telling her she was arrogant.  I thought both were significant.


I'm not going to get sucked into the debate about Bethenny, her ex-boyfriend, her living arrangements, etc. because I'm one of those people who believe that the "Real" in Real Housewives is debatable at best or at worst, a misnomer.  I watch the show because it can be very entertaining and not because I think anyone is telling the truth.

Edited by AnnA
  • Love 6

I just finished watching the show. I enjoyed this episode very much.

Kristen looked gorgeous and amazing at her charity event, and I loved her enthusiasm. Heather was very gracious with her donations, and I believe she and Kristen are very good friends. The weird look on Heather's face when Kristen mentioned her as her best friend, was imo, due to the fact that she could hear Ramona talking loudly over Kristen and being very rude. The two shared quite a cry at the end of the night. I am so happy we finally had an event of Kristen's televised.

Ramona was such a rude bitch from the moment she walked in. She looked horrible in her dress - it appeared shorter in the front than the back. Putting her hands all over the hors-d'oeuvres was just gross and so Ramona. Only Ramona and Sonja can turn a charity event about children into a manhunt. Ramona was clearly out of line complaining about not being listed as a sponsor for her cheap ass jewelry. It was so immature, rude, hateful and totally directed at the wrong person. She should have taken it up with Kristen if she had a problem. I loved how Carole and Heather mocked her with the "puppet" "lackey" insults. They are truly very good friends and I love seeing that.

I thought Luann's top was cheap looking. Glad she was mostly edited out. I liked her better as a friend last season.

Loved seeing the clip of Jax's birthday party. It appeared everyone had a great time and given the home run Kristen and Josh hit with their gift, it's obvious they are close friends with Heather and her family. Wish we would have seen more. I think Heather is very attractive and I adore her smile, crinkly nose and all.....however, I really don't think I see her smile in Ella. It seems Ella was making the "cheese" face so many kids make in pictures. Heather and Kristen's children are adorable.

The opening scene with Bethenny's apartment and her therapy session were a snooze fest for me. I did love the dress she wore to therapy though.

The scene at the fortune teller was a nice touch, imo. I don't believe in them myself, but when I was young, my mom and grandmom used to go have their palms read quite often. I thought the woman's green house was cute, loved looking at the goodies, and enjoyed learning about the coffee. Dorinda is such a fake. She tells the woman she enjoyed the tea so much she wishes she could have it at home, but completely dissed it in her TH.

I enjoyed Carole and Dorinda's conversation in the airport. Wow, what a difference in manners when Ramona isn't around. I loved Carole asking if they could take their drinks to a table nearby. Ramona would have demanded she be served at the table. I do wish Dorinda wouldn't have interrupted Carole so much, as I find her story fascinating......Dorinda, not so much.

I loved the dinner party at Carole's and really like her relationship with Adam. I didn't sense any sign of condescension in Adam when they were shopping and he looked genuinely amused at Carole telling the story of their first argument. I also loved how Adam and Jonathan did the dishes so the ladies could chat, as that is something my own husband would do. I really appreciated Carole not having a conversation with Dorinda when she called, instead asked her if she could call her back as Kristen and Heather were there. No secret speaker phone conversations ala Jill Zarin.

Ramona and Sonja are the dead weight on this show. I believe that if Bravo got rid of them and kept the other six ladies, demoting LuAnn to friend again, it could be very interesting. I am sick of the drunken tirades and I have had enough of Ramona and Sonja.

In the preview for next week, why was everyone wearing Skinny Girl Red?

The party next week is thrown by Bethenny for SG I think, hence the red everywhere.

  • Love 1

And as far as pictures went, Carolyn was so broken down by paparazzi that she purposely wore an identical outfit every day in hopes they would lose interest of photographing her.

True, and it may be hard to find pics of her out and about with any of her friends at the time. Plus, maybe Carole and CBK preferred to spend their time together at home, smoking weed and doing blow.


From a quick Google search...



Edited by jaync

Since always. Calling herself "homeless" was an unfortunate use of the word, but she did explain that the apartment she bought with her own money was being occupied by Jason while the condo she bought in SoHo was currently being renovated. She never claimed she was out on the street or living in shelters.

I don't think her sessions are fake at all. She's obviously been seeing this Dr. Amador for quite some time now and continues to do so when the cameras are not on.

It seems the only thing we do agree on is that Bethenny probably would not discuss the other Howives unless specifically asked. That smelled like a Bravo setup to me.

IF nothing else, I'm glad I could provide you with a laugh.

You absolutely did & you kept the laughs coming. Thanks for the tickler before I go beddy-bye.

I'd be worried about anyone I cared about who thought these ridiculous "therapy sessions" represent much reality. They take a kernel of truth & stretch it beyond Marvel super-hero bounds. As I asked before, why is she NOT talking about this guy & why is she behaving like he does not exist?


She lived with him for a year at the time of filming, but she hasn't mentioned him AT ALL -- or that she has anyone in her life. Brutally honest? Oh man, I'm still breaking up over that one. Bethenny really should send Skinnygirl baskets (or at least a Skinnygirl blender) to her super-fans. They seem to support her no matter what she says or does.

The dumb fake therapy session in this ep was done ONLY so Bethenny could say she "enjoyed the other women". This was a concerted effort to soften & tone down Bethenny's hard edge. Yeah, as if that's possible.

  • Love 6

I've really been revising my opinion of Kristen.  I think she may be missing her true vocation, as a comedic actress.  Once you get past the O face, which is pretty much all we saw in past seasons, you notice (or I do) that she has a wonderfully rubber face, and her features are large enough to make it very funny.  She's really appealing to watch--she doesn't even have to say anything.  (It might be better when she doesn't.)  It's as if her face alone is the Greek chorus for what's going on around her.



The way I see it is that someone has to play the role of the "straight (wo)man" to set off all the craziness of the rest of them.


As for her facial expressions, I just think we're not used to seeing un-Botoxed Housewives that can still move their faces, LOL!

  • Love 7

I thought Luann's top was cheap looking. Glad she was mostly edited out. I liked her better as a friend last season.

I thought so too. Luann's silver sequined top looked extremely cheap looking and out of place....so perhaps it was something from her HSN collection? Honestly, it reminded me of a horrific outfit that was once stitched for me for an end-of-year jazz routine I did as a kid in dance school.

You absolutely did & you kept the laughs coming. Thanks for the tickler before I go beddy-bye.

I'd be worried about anyone I cared about who thought these ridiculous "therapy sessions" represent much reality. They take a kernel of truth & stretch it beyond Marvel super-hero bounds. As I asked before, why is she NOT talking about this guy & why is she behaving like he does not exist?


She lived with him for a year at the time of filming, but she hasn't mentioned him AT ALL -- or that she has anyone in her life. Brutally honest? Oh, man I'm still breaking up over that one.

Bethenny living with her boyfriend is not an established fact. That rumor is as fictitious as you believe Bethenny's therapy sessions to be. Even your linked article makes no mention of them moving in together--only that Cerussi sold his midtown apartment to move closer to Tribeca.

Edited by Mya Stone
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