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S11.E11: The Men Tell All (Kaitlyn Edition)

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Only 17 Bachelors? Who doesn't show up? There should be 18 there (minus the two finalists out of 20). Sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo many guys left on their on accord or in a big huff that the posibilities are endless on who would refuse to come back. Shall we speculate? I'm going in this order from most-likely to no-show:

1. Ian

2. Kupah

3. Clint

4. Tony

Then again, I suppose it could be one of the guys on Bachelor in Paradise.

I was underwhelmed by the guys.


Ben's recitation of what happened in San Antonio was smooth & practiced.  He's got the patter down very well so far.  I know it's 3 months later, but I didn't see even a shred of emotion from him, the way we saw from Jared.  Of course people get over things differently, but he borders on robotic to me. 


I didn't bother watching when Kaitlyn came out.  I adore Chris Harrison, but I refused to listen to him lecture on the evils of Internet commentary.


American Ninja Warrior had REAL drama, blood, sweat & tears!  Go Cowboy Ninja!  *LOL*


The guys not there were Daniel, Shawn E, Brady, Bradley, David and Josh S.  I didn't see Ryan B, but I might have just missed him. 

  • Love 7

Well,that Internet bullying segment was harsh. For anyone to speak to someone like that definitely speaks to their own character (lack there of). It was sickening and those people clearly are sad miserable people that need to tear down others to feel better about themselves. /rant over

Ian nice try but it's too late to be the bachelor.

I didn't want to see that much JJ. Would have been interesting to hear from Tony.

  • Love 13

Did Ian redeem himself? He seemed to me like he was putting on a big show of apology, but at least he didn't flub his lines this time.

Not impressed by kaitlyn's explanations to Jared or Ben H. Especially Ben. "I had to tell Shawn because he told me honesty is important to him." And... It's not to Ben??

I disagree about Ben not showing emotion. It is just more subtle with him. To me he looked really hurt by that response.

Edited by betha
  • Love 6

I disagree about Ben not showing emotion. It is just more subtle with him. To me he looked really hurt by that response.


I think BenH has a certain dignity that most of these famewhores who come on the show can never learn. I like Jared but his responses seemed more actorish to me. I'm really surprised if Jared isnt a real actor. I thought that was what most "restaurant managers" aspire to be anyway.

  • Love 7

Kaitlin, not one week went by during my one year tenure at Comcast without a death threat.   Those people knew where I worked, too.  Put your big girl panties on, or get off TV.  Yes, it sucks, but you can't control the actions of others.


The whole cyberbullying thing was to shut down any criticism, though Tanner did a good job of hot seating.  She had daggers in her eyes when confronted.


Yes, immediately go for a sex joke when speaking with the guy who grabbed your ass, you idiot.


Only one guy had the balls to call her out, and of course the BN harpies booed him.   He wasn't being an ass, he was being honest. 


Ian made a damn fool of himself.   JJ was totally auditioning with his whole Kaitlin can do no wrong tired bullshit. 


Canada, I'll make you a deal-We'll take the Biebs off your hands if you take Kaitlin back.   Do not want. 

  • Love 16

I think BenH has a certain dignity that most of these famewhores who come on the show can never learn. I like Jared but his responses seemed more actorish to me. I'm really surprised if Jared isnt a real actor. I thought that was what most "restaurant managers" aspire to be anyway.

Actually I saw on another forum that Jared was once an aspiring actor/model.


I don't think Ben H. is a "robot". I'm not sure what anyone else is seeing. Maybe he's just not good at faking being in love with some immature girl he only knew for 2 months?

  • Love 3

Damn there are some good looking bachelors. Her final 2 are in the bottom half lookswise.

I guess we know Kaitlyn watched the show, the way she snapped at Jonathan I think it was about voting for Britt. Too bad all the Britt voters didn't bail on the show after episode 1 (like they probably wanted to). She really dismissed the guys' comments about Nick. And she said she welcomed disagreement but then was superdefensive about Nick.

Those were nasty comments Chris H read. Is it wrong that I told Mr MML that Chris H probably wrote them?

  • Love 6

Ian was pretty funny begging on his knees for America to forgive him. I forget which guy said it, but I laughed when one of the biggest criticisms against Ian was that he spent all of his free time reading books--emphasis on "reading books" with disdain. But all the guys shook his hand and he wrote Kaitlyn an apology note, so Ian is no longer disowned by Bachelor Family and shall be allowed to the Bachelor Family parties and afforded the opportunity to hook up with Bachelor rejects, I guess. I'm disappointed that we didn't hear from Tony or Kupah about their exits, though.

And I forgot all about that "all horned up" drunk guy!

Was Ben Z that hot while on the show? I never noticed him at all but today I was about to start fanning myself. Mercy!

/shallow sorry

I was thinking that about Clint. Damn, he was looking hot. Who cares that he was a jerk?! He's smokin' AND he drew Harrison on a triceratops.

Edited by JenE4
  • Love 6

Ben Z. has really crawled up in my estimation of who should be Bachelor.  He's super hot but he also has a weird genuine way of acting like he doesn't know he's super hot.  That's a rare find.  Ben H. always looked panicked and/or dead in the eyes.  He's just not camera-ready.  Peter Brady face notwithstanding.


I could watch an entire show of just those arrogant comments Ian made about himself ON LOOP.  They are endlessly hysterical to me.  I'm going to YouTube hoping that people have put together montages for me.


"I can't believe Kaitlyn is not interested in a Princeton grad who is a former model who defied death (did he say dozens of times)?"  Hilarious!

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
  • Love 5

OH NOES!!!! Mean people said nasty things about little 'ol Kaitlyn on the Intertoobz.  So we'll just forget that something happened by the time they got to Ireland that completely upended the final quarter of the season and pretend this is all about supporting Kaitlyn's GRRRLLLLPWWR!!!!!!


And now that we've completely framed the issue to chill anyone from actually criticizing Kaitlyn, guys now's your chance to "confront" her.  Ugh.


Oh, and we'll ignore that she copped to a hell of a lot more of a pre-NYC relationship with Nick than she did while they were taping.


After tonight I may be done with this franchise.  These MTAs and ATFRs really are nothing more than an exercise in Fleiss emptying the septic tank on our heads and telling us it's raining.


If I have to hear one more time "You really were falling for this girl, weren't you?" . . . 

  • Love 9

I thought Kailtyn reacted well to the internet stuff, but I thought she was dismissive and snobby to the men. She didn't seem like she wanted to see them or be polite to them. And her comment that Shawn deserved to know about Nick more than Ben did came across as rude. And say what you will about Britt, she wouldn't have allowed herself to be filmed picking her nose or smelling her own feet. Good God. Yes, I know it supposed to be funny, but I stopped finding that stuff funny in 3rd grade.


I have always thought Ben Z was hot and he has a genuine way about him-I would love him as the next bachelor. Ben H always seems like he is auditioning for the bachelor, and yes he seems kind of robotic to me. He is cute and seems like a nice guy, but I can't get a real read on him. They spent too much time on JJ and Clint. Cupcake didn't even get to say anything. I thought Ian was sincere as far as these things go, but he can't undo what was said on national TV. 

  • Love 11


Ian is no longer disowned by Bachelor Family and shall be allowed to the Bachelor Family parties and afforded the opportunity to hook up with Bachelor rejects, I guess.

I'm thinking he'll get lots of attention from the ladies of Bachelor Nation that got "bad edits" because they were "misunderstood" and didn't get a chance to show "their true selves" on camera.  Ladies like Twinkling Tierra and Kelsey Poe comes to mind.  

  • Love 3

Those were nasty comments Chris H read. Is it wrong that I told Mr MML that Chris H probably wrote them?


It wouldn't surprise me.  This episode seemed to be all about her redemption. I don't remember any other Bachelor/ette getting a standing ovation.  Heck, Jen and DeAnna were actually booed.  I have a feeling this hasn't been a good experience for her.  She seemed emotional drained and stressed. 

  • Love 2

I feel like the internet whore comments segment was conveniently placed right before the guys got to address her to make her the victim before they spoke. I've never seen so many men leave on bad terms in a season and she came off so bad to so many of them. Ian was pretty accurate in his original on show comments, just didn't say them in a good way. 

  • Love 16

I feel like I've missed something.


Are we supposed to believe that Kaitlyn spent 6 hours in the hotel room with Shawn and Ben H, until Ben H went to take a shower, and in that short span of time she went all the way with Shawn and told him he would be the one? I had the impression that she had spent hours alone with Shawn.


It wouldn't be too surprising if she and Shawn had a quickie while Ben was out of the room, but they made it sound like it had been a huge romantic evening. Which is hard to believe if somebody else was there most of the time.

  • Love 3

I don't think it's fair for Kaitlyn to single out guys who voted for Britt.   Guys signed up for the show.  Not all of them knew ahead of time who the B would be.  After meeting the two women, they were asked which one they preferred.  So what?   First impressions don't always last.   Being forced to choose between two women whom they JUST MET isn't a decision that they should have to defend.


Internet bullying?   Please!  put a video online for the public, and SOMEONE will say something ugly about you. Anyone who has competed on  a reality show gets called names online.  sometimes it's just people trying to be outrageous, looking for attention, to see how many people like/dislike/respond to them .  Funniest part -  Kaitlyn says " I got DEATH THREATS!"   and the audience is seen GASPING IN HORROR! (in the previews, on the show the gasps were less dramatic)


I agree with what some of the guys said about how Kaitlyn, if she really felt that she had to date Nick, should not have been on the show. 

I liked  when JJ was talking, and all the guys were chuckling about him.  JJ came across as arrogant, possibly to the point of a personality disorder.  His air quotes were hilarious. 

Edited by backformore
  • Love 8


Internet bullying?   Please!  put a video online for the public, and SOMEONE will say something ugly about you. Anyone who has competed on  a reality show gets called names online.  sometimes it's just people trying to be outrageous, looking for attention, to see how many people like/dislike/respond to them .


And it's wrong no matter in what context it occurs. I don't think atrocious behaviour should be excused just because it's wide spread. I thought Kaitlyn made a very good point about the worst one of the messages coming from a mother who disapproved of Kaitlyn's actions and then showed herself to be a terrible parent and a much more evil person by spewing garbage at someone she doesn't even know. Perhaps if everybody stood up and spoke up about internet bullying being unacceptable in a supposedly civilized society we'd be better off.

  • Love 20

A men tell all without the two guys Kaitlyn has been banging is rather pointless. I never once detected any genuine romance between Kaitlyn and any of these also-rans. I refuse to believe that Jared and Ben H. had trouble getting over Kaitlyn. That's ridiculous. Ben H. could have his pick of most women, and Jared has more than a few options too. Why on earth would they be hung up about Kaitlyn, especially when she was sleeping with other guys?


Ian and any of the other apologetic guys...whatever. If you demonstrate significant character flaws and then apologize, I still have to judge you based on those ugly flaws.

  • Love 2

JJ and Clint was the real thing, imo, based on what they said and also what the others lived with. They should have just owned it. (And ITA that Clint is a good looking man--kind of reminded me of a young William Hurt).  Kaitlyn's prepared jokes bombed for me as usual (really? She thought it was necessary to point out that Clint was "behind" JJ "of course"...wait for the laugh... and then make a gay "joke" about their facebook status. Kind of mean-spirited there, Kaitlyn. And, as usual, not funny. Just saying.)


I thought Ian redeemed himself. He did a good job of being "fake-humble" (that infamous farewell didn't get written for him). Weird that he wrote Kaitlyn notes all the time. Maybe he should have considered -that- was why she didn't want to spend time with him. Still, smart move to apologize to one and all--even if he inadvertently had contributed to it. Bachelor Nation will forgive him. Now he'll be able to hook up at one of the parties. Mission accomplished.


I thought Kaitlyn telegraphed her F1, too. I also thought she was pretty dismissive of the guys. ITA that Ben H is hot and seems more confident than Ben Z. I think Ben Z is sweet and sensitive but basically is too shy to be the bachelor. How could they choose a bachelor who thinks, based on a past relationship, that he might be "unlovable"?  That kind of draws people to him, but I don't think he's going to be heartless or ruthless enough for the part (See: Bristowe, Kaitlyn). 


She got an easy out thanks to CH riffing on cyberbullies. (It's the Internet. Hello!)  I wish someone had pointed out to him that THEIR EDIT was part of the reason she was getting called "whore" and "slut" etc. but of course, the show never takes responsibility for the fallout of THEIR production choices (knowing full well how the public will react).


Looking forward to next week---so this will be over.

  • Love 8

Not impressed by kaitlyn's explanations to Jared or Ben H. Especially Ben. "I had to tell Shawn because he told me honesty is important to him." And... It's not to Ben??



I think it was Ben H. who put importance on honesty.  The only reason she told Shawn is because she was afraid he would walk out if he heard it from Nick.  He was such a needy turd.


The whole cyberbullying thing was to shut down any criticism, though Tanner did a good job of hot seating.  She had daggers in her eyes when confronted.




I fell for Tanner when he sang that clever little ditty reminding her of his name at the casket date in Ireland.  He didn't let me down tonight with his questioning.  Of course, she got to ignore almost everything he mentioned.






Only one guy had the balls to call her out, and of course the BN harpies booed him.   He wasn't being an ass, he was being honest. 



I thought he made an excellent point, and he did it in a very respectful way.  The BN attendees were the ones who were off-putting for me.




Canada, I'll make you a deal-We'll take the Biebs off your hands if you take Kaitlin back.   Do not want. 



Can't Canada keep both?  We certainly don't want to deprive them of their talented natives.




Was Ben Z that hot while on the show? I never noticed him at all but today I was about to start fanning myself. Mercy!

/shallow sorry


Yeah, Ben Z was that hot on the show.   I've voted for him to be the next bachelor in every poll, but he never does any better than 2nd place.  

  • Love 4

Was Cupcake there & didn't talk or not there at all, or did I just miss him? I wanted him to explain his Mesnick & see if he could keep a straight face about it.

This felt like everyone, save a few brave souls, was dancing for their Bachelor Family dinner. Suddenly every guy had been all about Kaitlyn all along? I never got that feeling. The death threat wall of tweeted shame was just ridiculous too. What was the point of that? To try to cover up how much the show has enjoyed using the drama of the revealed sex this season? Sorry, I'm not buying it.

I felt like Harrison wasn't buying what he was selling either. Kaitlyn as a role model for his kids? The what? To think of anyone who had been on TB that I'd even remotely consider a role model for my kids I'd need a lot of time & probably a lot of booze. He would've been more accurate to say that parroting the corporate line keeps his kids in the life they are accustomed to.

Ramble Jr. is convinced the stylist either hates Kait or Kait is styling herself & no one is telling her to stop. Her clothing choices, particularly the dresses, have been unfortunate. They aren't flattering or even pretty. I don't think she's an unattractive woman, but some of the style choices this season have been very unattractive.

  • Love 5
And it's wrong no matter in what context it occurs. I don't think atrocious behaviour should be excused just because it's wide spread. I thought Kaitlyn made a very good point about the worst one of the messages coming from a mother who disapproved of Kaitlyn's actions and then showed herself to be a terrible parent and a much more evil person by spewing garbage at someone she doesn't even know. Perhaps if everybody stood up and spoke up about internet bullying being unacceptable in a supposedly civilized society we'd be better off.



I'm so with you. Why should we just accept that cyberbullying happens? It's something that's lead people to commit suicide, for heaven's sake. I knew that after the show a lot of folks on social media would say that Kaitlyn just needs to get over the cyberbulling, but it still upset me to see so many. Even if you hate the girl, no one deserves that. But I agree that it's hypocritical for the show to not own its part in creating the despised personas. 


Ian surprised me - of all things I expected from him, a big, ass-kissy apology to the Bachelor Gods was not one of them. I don't know how sincere it was (probably not much), but it was the right move. Agreed that the Bachelor family will let him attend their boozy hookup events. 

I still like Kaitlyn. I think she tried. I like that she owned that she made mistakes, and it was hard. Why not just admit that if it's the truth? I just don't get what sort of standard we're supposed to hold this girl to. 


Unfortunately I agree with those who think Kaitlyn inadvertently spoiled her final choice, which kinda sucks. I was looking forward to being unspoiled. 

  • Love 11

I thought Chris Harrison was the ultimate troll feeder with his little list of nasty tweets.  Cyberbullying is awful.  I've had long, detailed, nasty posts, complete with death threats and violent photos directed at me on political message boards, but what CH did was wrong reasons all the way.  For the sake of making Kaitlyn a sympathetic figure, he dignified a few lame, nasty tweets by reading them out on national TV.  They weren't even message board comments that might have required a little thought and sentence composition, but tweets!  I consider Twitter so much word jumble and that "mother with children," was probably a 14 year-old-boy laughing in the back of the class.  For every tweet like that there were probably two hundred saying "Kaylun is awesome!" but we didn't hear about them.   It served the show's purpose and made the audience all horrified and the men protective and teary eyed, but it also ensured that we didn't get any of the honesty we were hoping for.

  • Love 19

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