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 True story:  my grandfather and his sister Pearl did not get along.  She was a larger than life character - always dressed in shiny white, painted her nails white, had white hair in an old school Dolly Parton piled high fashion.  When they lowered his coffin into the ground, she went to leave, probably so she could guzzle from her flask without anyone seeing.  She fell on the half-lowered coffin.  Rather than acknowledging she tripped, she started sobbing and screeching, "Why?  Why?  Take me Lord!"  At graveside services they rarely lower the coffin while the family watches now.  The family doesn't know how lucky they are.  I could see Vicki pulling a Pearl and riding the coffin into the ground.

Hysterical! If a screenwriter is lurking here and plans to incorporate this scene into a future project, know that we are your witnesses to demand you receive storyline credit.

  • Love 10

Haylie is one nasty, spoiled bitch. But, isn't that attitude common among teenagers in the OC? And what medication is she on, and why doesn't she handle her own meds? She's old enough. Why did they find it necessary to rent a cheesy hotel suite to get ready?

What the hell was Meghan wearing? She seems to like the weird backless tops, and the thing she wore around her neck looked like a toilet seat cover.

Will Ryan ever marry the mother of his baby? I'm betting, no.

Hopefully, birth control

  • Love 10

Fourth, the daughter was acting like a bitch? Not so much to me. To me she's a child (yes, 17 is still a child) dealing with her mother's terminal illness, her dad's 3rd marriage to a trophy bimbo intent on using her to further her fabulousness on a crap reality show and cameras in her face. She was pissy? I would be, too. Fifth, why the frig were every adult in the damn pictures the girl didn't even want to take if this was a bonding moment between daughter and her sick mother?




EXACTLY.  Thank you for expressing this so well.  My word, Hailey is a child dealing with a dying mother, a twice divorced father (who is not exactly Mister Sensitive Emotionally Intelligent-- nor was he around all the time for her, far from it-- he's more like Mister Self-Absorbed), and an intrusive, selfish "stepmother."  Of course she's moody!  


Is she taking that out on her mother?  Maybe.  It's such a strange and counterintuitive thing, though-- we tend to take out our real feelings on the person who is the safest, the person who will actually care and listen.  They don't deserve it, but the feelings just come out at them, it just happens.


So I give Hailey a huge pass.


EDITED!  Because WHOOPS-- I wrote this post initially calling Hailey "Meghan"!!!!!  Big diff.  Sorry! 

Edited by OhGromit
  • Love 8

This and the last episode were a little dark since there is this silly nonsense tied in with a very real tragedy with Vicki's death. So I feel weird snarking, but I will. hehe.


Meghan is a weirdo. She keeps going on and on about how amazing it is that she gets along with the ex-wife, but really she should be more focused on getting along with her husband. I think she focuses on Haley and LeAnn to distract herself from thinking about her own relationship and how bad it is. 


I didn't think Haley was that bad though. She's just a kid and she probably was feeling a lot of pressure with all her family and friends there and these expectations to have this bonding experience with Meghan. It also seems that she doesn't get along with her own mother that well (I'm not buying that it has to do with cancer).

Yes, she was a brat, but she was also not in control of anything that was happening. It was like, "We are doing this for you, be happy! Surprise!" And being a kid she is thinking about how her mom forgot her dress and can't get past that. The whole thing was really about Meghan, so I understand why she was annoyed. 


That baby and the nose. Ryan and his dad both have that upturned nostril thing, which the baby also has, only the baby also has a lopsided nose. When Tamra was staring at the baby holding her, I kept thinking, "Tamra doesn't know what to say because this baby is so strange looking." But, the baby was cute in general and seemed very healthy and alert and I loved the little gurgling noises she made.


Brooks continues to be creepy. When Vicki said, "look at him, he's wasting away!" to Tamra, I thought, "What kind of comment is that to make about someone who has cancer?" and also, "Of course he's losing weight, he isn't eating anything. On purpose." It just seemed so fake. Not buying the cancer story at all, but the truth is, we will never know if it is true or not so it's not really worth speculating. 


I can't believe that Vicki held her dead mother. Yuck.

  • Love 5


Well, I hate to speculate, but the Mom does seem serene and it is California, so is the "medication" legal pot that Mom shares? Seems possible.

A couple of years ago a friend of mine was dying from prostate cancer. He was prescribed medical marijuana, which he used. It helped him with his pain. I'd be hard pressed to find anything wrong with that.


If Mom is using pot--and we have no reason to think she either is or isn't--nor is it any of our business IMO .I simply hope it's helping.

  • Love 14

Shut up Vicks I'm done!  "I want her to be warn, I want her to wake up."  She's not in a coma for freak's sake!  And talking about playing music in the mausoleum?  I had the feeling she meant it was nice for her Mom, and not the visitors!  When she was crying and shrieking with Tamballs, I noticed there were no tears.  Eyelashes and mascara remained perfect.  And after sleeping for one hr. a night for a few days which I do believe - she has to say she's going to drag into work.  Oh yeah, sure you are.  Hate to say it, but Brooks looked better with his weight loss. 


I also noticed she was dragging a Tumi suitcase around.  They showed the name prominently.  And I remember Shannon telling David to "get her the Tumi" when she was packing for the retreat.  product placement me thinks.  They are frightfully expensive.  Either they have to name drop or Tumi giving them some free stuff.        


I noticed the Tumi suitcase also (just because I covet one!!!)....but, then Vicki brought a suitcase upstairs (I didn't notice if she brought two suitcases into the house).  The suitcase she brought upstairs contained a bunch of photos in frames of her Mom, and that one had Louis Vuitton logos all over it.  I'll have to watch again to see if she brought two suitcases in with her.

  • Love 1


That baby and the nose. Ryan and his dad both have that upturned nostril thing, which the baby also has, only the baby also has a lopsided nose. When Tamra was staring at the baby holding her, I kept thinking, "Tamra doesn't know what to say because this baby is so strange looking." But, the baby was cute in general and seemed very healthy and alert and I loved the little gurgling noises she made.






I thought the baby was so super adorable.  I did notice the lopsided nose though.  Does that go away with time?

  • Love 1

I haven't read all the comments but I just had to comment on Meghan. First I think Jim should have gotten his daughter away from the cameras and to a good therapist. That child is dealing with a lot and the last thing she needs is to be on this show. My father passed away 20 years ago from intestinal cancer. My older brother's and I were all out of the house married but our youngest brother was 15 and he was angry at my dad and nothing my dad did was right. My parents made him see a therapist and it helped him. The whole situation is just sad to watch. 


I did learn one thing from Megan last night. Even though I am old enough to have adult children I am still a cool mom. I know all about instagram and twitter. The things that woman says just annoy the crap out of me. 

  • Love 8

Shannon is going to have to move. I bet David has thought about the affair in every room of the house. She probably rode in his car. Time for a new car. Actually, I think Shannon might need electroshock. That will erase her mind of any recent memories. I read somewhere that David's affair is actually a high profile successful woman. She is also married with kids. 

  • Love 8

I thought baby Ava looked like an everyday average baby, but what do I know, not a baby person, more of a dog person soooo...


The Beador marriage is a fascinating trainwreck for me.  However, I feel creepy and dirty for watching because of their children.  I really hate that they are dragging them into their fucked-upness.  Shame on both of them for that.   All 3 seem like bright funny girls, despite what they're subjected to.


I feel bad Vicki lost her Mom, but she's milking this drama for all it's worth.  Typical narcissistic Vicks. 

I understand Vicki's Mom's death was sudden & shocking to her loved ones, but hey, but as far as deaths go.... .... dying suddenly at home, with your doggie nearby sounds like one of the best ways to go if you ask me.




Shannon is going to have to move. I bet David has thought about the affair in every room of the house. She probably rode in his car. Time for a new car. Actually, I think Shannon might need electroshock. That will erase her mind of any recent memories. I read somewhere that David's affair is actually a high profile successful woman. She is also married with kids. 


Watch (what happens).   I bet next on the agenda is that Shannon will insist on meeting her.



Oh and count me in as another "extreme rarity" that I (AND Mr. jnymph) are friends with my ex husband & his current wife.  

And there aren't even any kids involved.  Just dogs. ( I know I know, again with the dogs.)   Nothing kinky or weird.  It's just that I happen to *like* my ex.  Just don't wanna be married to him.   Simple as that.

Edited by jnymph
  • Love 7

Good grief.  Could this episode have been any more depressing?  We have Brooks with cancer, Jim's ex-wife with cancer, Vicki's mother dead and Shannon's broken marriage.


And Skeevy Ryan has reproduced.



I did learn one thing from Megan last night. Even though I am old enough to have adult children I am still a cool mom. I know all about instagram and twitter. The things that woman says just annoy the crap out of me.


And this!!!!  Annoyed me too.  Yeah Megan, that's the way to  becoming a good mom - know all about Twitter and Instagram, oh, and let's not forget SnapChat.  Hashtag I Can't Stand Her.

Edited by mwell345
  • Love 13
Shannon is going to have to move. I bet David has thought about the affair in every room of the house. She probably rode in his car. Time for a new car. Actually, I think Shannon might need electroshock. That will erase her mind of any recent memories. I read somewhere that David's affair is actually a high profile successful woman. She is also married with kids.


My best friend's husband had an affair with the next door neighbor.  They had to move.  I mean, as soon as my friend found out, they literally packed up that night and left.  The house got repossessed.  She wanted nothing to do with the house ever again.  My friend wanted to know all the details, as well.  I think she felt made a fool of.  He'd gone to the grocery store, the kid's school (!), Best Buy...all kinds of places.  Very nervy, that man.  At night he'd slip out of the house and go next door.  His wife would leave to visit her mom, etc., and he'd just saunter on next door. 


David's affair doesn't sound like it was with a very naive woman.  Honestly, I don't understand how people do this.  Especially when one knows the other party is married and with children.  It's so selfish.  I liked David last season.  Now, not so much.  I don't care how neurotic or whatever Shannon can be.  What a kick in the gut. 

  • Love 12

I think that Shannon is a bit shrewish, but I have to cut her some slack. David's affair wasn't just a one time thing. He had an ongoing relationship with this woman and made a decision to leave his wife and children to start a life with her. It would be enormously difficult for me not to constantly wonder whether our marriage was strong enough for him to stay, and if he was planning his exit strategy once again. I mean, he was telling Shannon that he was committed to making their marriage better at the same time that he was planning to move in with the mistress. There is something so incredibly horrible about that, and I understand why Shannon is still reeling. And, on a related note, this is why I have no problems with David apologizing to his daughters, or for one daughter telling him that she "can forgive, but never forget." The words may be her mother's, but I wouldn't discount the possibility that the kids suffered some real emotional pain when their father up and left them for nearly a month. 

  • Love 12


There was probably some school project that required them to make a model of a historical or cultural building in their area, and Heather insisted he do the new manse, "because one day it will be really important and historical. It has a porte-cochere, for God's sake!"


As much as I'd like to make fun of Heather for having her son do a model version of their new home, that was actually a picture of Thomas Jefferson's home, Monticello. I lived nearby for several years, went there many times. I recognized it immediately.



  • Love 10

I'm sorry that Vicki's mother died. But death happens. Vicki isn't a 10 year old that lost her mother to devastating cancer. She died peacefully in her sleep. Why can't Vicki realize that for someone's life to end peacefully, without pain, and an older age is a blessing for them. That's the thing, it's a blessing for her mother and not selfish Vicki. I really couldn't even believe some of the tearful things she said like, "she's my mom, she's supposed to be here" "Why is she sleeping so long, she was supposed to be awake" "I was bringing her out here next month and we were all supposed to go to Disneyland, you can't die when you have plans". "I physically picked up my mom, in her casket, and I was just sobbing in her cheek"  WTF! who does that? Then Brooks who is going through cancer treatment and 'withering' away in the words of Tamra. Brooks stands there like a meek child with his hands in his pockets as Vickie carries on about "I want my mom". 


Didn't any of these rich Orange County housewives lose someone close to them? The more I watched Vicki and her hysterics the angrier I started getting. I have a brother in the final end days of cancer. He's been suffering horribly for far too long, death will come as a relief to him and to all those who love him knowing that he won't have to suffer anymore. I think if he could he would choose to die peacefully in his own bed with his dog next to him. I can't even comprehend the abstract, idealistic, imaginary bubble people like Vicki live in all their lives without being subjected to the harsher side of life and realities of it. I only hope that she doesn't have to watch Brooks go through the agony and devastation that some people with cancer have to go through.


And David, he had to be either drunk or on drugs when they were both talking to their daughters. He was slurring and weaving and seemed removed mentally from the whole discussion. He shuts out his daughter and doesn't hear them. Shannon has a problem with David that goes deep, maybe too deep to fix.


I can't say more about Meghan other than she's an idiot. Yeah, she's the step-mom that's 'amazing and has a tight relationship with Hailey'. Does she really bring up the cancer of Hailey's mother every time they're together? Meghan is a shallow, worthless woman.

Edited by HumblePi
  • Love 14

My daughter's face was a bit smashed after she was born and her nose was very crooked. But within a few weeks it all straightened out and she blossomed into a gorgeous baby.  And she is still a gorgeous little girl. That little baby Ava will settle into her looks. Not all newborns look perfect (more don't).


Ryan...he does look like a shooting rampage guy. He needs to shave that nasty beard. I think his GF is probably like 10 years older than him.


Does anyone else think Meghan is a bit sociopathic? Wow, I had the creeps on the beach when she brought up Vicki's mom dying. I knew EXACTLY where she was about to go. She has a mean streak in her. Hailey was shifting uncomfortably as Meghan launched into, ""Vicki was wailing that she can't live without her mom, she needs her mom" (something like that) and then delivered the final blow with, "then I thought of YOU (Hailey) and how soon YOU won't have a mom and how SAD and TERRIBLE that will be for you." I almost reached through my TV screen and punched her in the face. The icing on the cake was Meghan's little smile that came out when she said all of this to Hailey. EWWW. What a creepy bitch.


Then to continually talk, in every episode but especially this one, about how Hailey's mom is DYING. DYING OF CANCER. SOON SHE'LL BE DEAD. But at least Hailey will still have her, Meghan, the amazing stepmom who is an even BETTER mother to Hailey than her own....after all, she knows about Instagram and Snapchat... Seriously, vile stuff. Now I don't feel bad at all that her husband can barely stand to touch her.


Still makes you wonder though...why did he marry this sociopath? Maybe the gay rumors are true? I just don't know what to make of them at all. Meghan is one nasty bitch. She also likes making Shannon scramble. She is just mean to her core. I hope to God she has no children of her own.


And p.s. I am still praying that there is a miracle and Leann beats cancer. Now THAT would be truly amazing.

  • Love 18

"What the hell was Meghan wearing? She seems to like the weird backless tops, and the thing she wore around her neck looked like a toilet seat cover."


Lol - I think I actually gasped when the camera shot showed her bare back.  You could rip a 2x4 on those shoulder blades. 


I let out a gasp myself. Megan is incredibly thin. She should probably avoid looks that expose her shoulders and back. 


I'm pretty sure the suite she rented for her stepdaughter was featured on the first episode of "Laguna Beach." It looked exactly like the location of Lauren's black and white party. Maybe Megan saw it on TV when she was 20 and thought it would be cool to rent someday. 

  • Love 3

Why was Meghan wearing a bathroom toilet rug?

Because she's the coolest Mom ever, ha! I hate it when people go around saying hash tag, so annoying, it's over let it go.

Damn, Shannon really is an emotional cutter isn't she. I have never had to deal with my husband cheating but even I know her needing to know every sordid detail is not good. If that is how she continues to be they do not have a snowballs chance in hell.

Does anyone know is Jim really loaded? Not that Meghan is the biggest catch in the world but I am at a loss. He is a asshole to her, he isn't handsome or have a smoking bod so what's the deal?

Heather building a mansion is so tiring. First of all STFU, nobody wants to hear your rich people problems. Most of all you do know you aren't actually constructing the house yourself!

  • Love 4

"What the hell was Meghan wearing? She seems to like the weird backless tops, and the thing she wore around her neck looked like a toilet seat cover."


Lol - I think I actually gasped when the camera shot showed her bare back.  You could rip a 2x4 on those shoulder blades. 


I never thought I would think that Meghan and Nene (formerly of ATL) would have anything in common but they do - both should steer clear of backless clothing.


That being said, can Meghan shut the EFF up about how hard it is to raise a kid!?!  You did not raise Hayley, her mother did!  She is 17 years old, so at the most, you're a touch of big sister advice and a clothes closet to raid.  She's essentially an adult, so all she needs is love and financial support, not raising.




Could Hayley share clothes with elongated skinny mini Meghan? Could anyone outside of the alien from Close Encounters of the 3rd kind?



  • Love 11

OK, I'm completely baffled by Ryan moving back to OC.  First off, Sarah seems like an extremely nice woman.  All of her daughters seem very well-behaved & sweet.  So what is a seemingly nice woman like her doing with a loser like Ryan?  Have they gotten married yet?  Is he gonna leave Sarah & go back to OC?  I thought she owns a gun store she inherited from her parents.  How could she move to OC?  Color me totally confused on this situation.  


Anyone think having a kid is gonna suddenly make Ryan responsible?  Yeah right.  I suspect poor Sarah is gonna be stuck raising another kid on her own.


I saw a preview of Eds saying he didn't wanna support a grown man, but Tams is the breadwinner of the 2 of them, so he really has no say.  She owns the gym & she's the one making the big Bravo cash, so Eds can shut his trap & take a seat.  Tams controls the dough.  If she wants to waste her money on Ryan the loser, it's her choice.

Wait, did anyone notice some lamebrain producer thought it was necessary to put Lizzie's name underneath her when she met Heather?  What the what?  Poor, poor Lizzie.  They assume we forgot her already.

Roseville is much more affordable than OC. They would be stupid to move.

  • Love 3


I did learn one thing from Megan last night. Even though I am old enough to have adult children I am still a cool mom. I know all about instagram and twitter. The things that woman says just annoy the crap out of me.

Okay, I know about instagram and twitter and all of that; I simply choose not to use them. Hence the reason my son thinks I'm a Luddite.


I don't think Megs is a Luddite, I just think she's an asshole.

  • Love 5

OK, I admit it.  I rewound Meghan face-planting on the paddle board ..... a couple of times.


Something else that bothers me about Hayley, in retrospect.  Even after her friend flat out stated that LeAnn told Hayley to get her dress, she would not back down on it being her mother's fault.  And why?  Because Hayley was really stressed out when her mother told her that.  As opposed to the stress of dying of cancer and leaving your children in Meghan's hands?  Nothing can beat that stress, but shame on that dying woman for being so forgetful.  Has Hayley heard of chemo brain?


 Are babies always that ugly when born, or was that b/c she takes after Tamra's ferret-slacker of a sun?


Typically, C-section babies are pretty because they don't have the misshapen heads and facial features of a vaginal birth.  Baby Ava looks like she may have been a week or two over due.  Her eyes were pretty swollen and almost bruised looking, and her nose looked smashed from being wedged in tight.  But the swelling in her eyes will go down, and her nose will return to it's normal shape.


I got the feeling when David did that, that he wanted to say something to Shannon and he did not want it to be on film.  He and Shannon went behind the closed door, leaving their daughter on the other side.  


I don't know.  His passive-aggressive digs at Shannon combined with the DV incident in the past, make me wonder if David is a rage monster.  I think he slid the door closed so he could give her arm a good hard squeeze, and whisper a little threat in her ear.  I don't think we can judge the history of their marriage by what we've seen, but at this point, they are clearly bringing out the worst in each other.  They're lucky that their girls seem like easy going children who can laugh at their parents' absurdity.  They seem well adjusted at this point, maybe David/Shannon should cut their losses and end the marriage.


One thing I've learned about super rich people is that the money they have is never enough because they spend it like maniacs. I'm guessing if Terry lessened his workload, Heather would bitch because she wouldn't be able to purchase a $7000 sink and go over on the cost of cabinets by $500,000. Heather wants Terry to spend more time with the family AND she wants all the money his work brings in. Can't have both.


Now be fair!  Heather only went $160,000 over the $500,000 cabinet budget. 

  • Love 5
Does anyone know is Jim really loaded? Not that Meghan is the biggest catch in the world but I am at a loss. He is a asshole to her, he isn't handsome or have a smoking bod so what's the deal?


He played MLB for 17 years.  Don't know if he had a multi-mil contract, but he probably didn't do too badly.  He's also a sportscaster now & I think he's a partner in some businesses & owns several homes.  I'd bet he & Terry are at around the same the level, despite those 2 building that ridiculous house & pretending to be billionaires.


Speaking of that dumb house, I still think those 2 phony-baloneys are nothing but pretenders & their only intention with that house is to flip it.

  • Love 4

I actually liked this episode quite a lot. Things were actually happening in their lives - not all this manufactured drama at this week's reason for a party.


The stepdaughter was a complete pill. I was glad Jim finally said something to her. And I laughed out loud when her friends pointed out that her Mom told her to take the dress and she didn't. Hilarious! As a stepmom myself to a teenager I kind of get why the mother didn't say anything. Arguing constantly takes so much out of you and maybe she just doesn't have the fight in her. 

Also, I think Meghan had as much right as anyone to be there. She is the stepmother and her daughter lives with her.


I love the interplay of the Dubrows at home on a random day. I found it funny and authentic. I could see very similar things happening in my own house. And I don't think the son was doing a model of their new home - I thought it was a picture of a D.C. historic building, maybe the Lincoln Memorial?


I am shocked that Vicky wasn't allowed to bring Brooks. Talk about focusing on all the wrong things at a moment of crisis. 


I might have teared up when Tamra first held the baby. But I will never admit it. 


Also, weeks ago didn't Shannon say it was time to move forward from the affair? And now she is making him make lists of where they went? What a joke. And he gets in trouble for not calling when she says? Ugh.

Edited by scribe95
  • Love 4



Does anyone else think Meghan is a bit sociopathic? Wow, I had the creeps on the beach when she brought up Vicki's mom dying. I knew EXACTLY where she was about to go. She has a mean streak in her. Hailey was shifting uncomfortably as Meghan launched into, ""Vicki was wailing that she can't live without her mom, she needs her mom" (something like that) and then delivered the final blow with, "then I thought of YOU (Hailey) and how soon YOU won't have a mom and how SAD and TERRIBLE that will be for you." I almost reached through my TV screen and punched her in the face. The icing on the cake was Meghan's little smile that came out when she said all of this to Hailey. EWWW. What a creepy bitch.

Then to continually talk, in every episode but especially this one, about how Hailey's mom is DYING. DYING OF CANCER. SOON SHE'LL BE DEAD. But at least Hailey will still have her, Meghan, the amazing stepmom who is an even BETTER mother to Hailey than her own....after all, she knows about Instagram and Snapchat... Seriously, vile stuff.

This right here is why I will NEVER like Meghan.  I find this incredibly insensitive.  Why does she feel the need to remind that young girl at every turn - "your mom is going to die".  What an idiot.

  • Love 10

Hmm me wonders how well Meghan and the most previous Ex-Mrs. Edmonds get along? You know, the one that was first slated to be an OC housewife.

It's funny you bring that up because I was curious about the exact same thing. This is from Wikipedia;


Edmonds has two daughters, Lauren and Hayley, with his first wife Lee Ann Horton. Edmonds and second wife Allison Jayne Raski were married on July 16, 2008, at the St. Louis County, Missouri Courthouse in Clayton, MO and the couple divorced in January 2014. The couple have two children: a son (Landon James) and a daughter (Sutton Jayne). Edmonds married Meghan O'Toole King (his third marriage) in St. Louis on October 24, 2014.


It appears that perhaps the boney stick name Meghan could have been the main reason for the failure of his second marriage to Allison. Although Jim Edwards achieved fame in baseball, his business endeavors post-retirement have been less than an overwhelming success.


"In September 2013, Jim Edmonds 15 Steakhouse closed in St. Louis, of which he was a 50 percent owner and it was named for his jersey number.

In December 2013, Edmonds and his business partner Mark Winfield, reopened the F15teen space as a restaurant called The Precinct. The restaurant was dubbed "the safest bar in town” and also the “home of the hottest wings. In May 2015, The Precinct closed.  Edmonds and Windfield continue to partner in the restaurant business with the opening of Winfield's Gathering Place in Kirkwood, MO as a BBQ style restaurant. It does not promote Edmonds’ celebrity brand. In fact, no Edmonds, Cardinals or other sports memorabilia clutter the interior."


Jim Edmonds probably assumed, like other sports figures, that opening a restaurant associated with their fame would be an instant success, but it wasn't. It also appears that anything with the name of Jim Edmonds promoting it is like the kiss of death of restaurants.

  • Love 5

As much as I'd like to make fun of Heather for having her son do a model version of their new home, that was actually a picture of Thomas Jefferson's home, Monticello. I lived nearby for several years, went there many times. I recognized it immediately.

It was Monticello, we were there last March and it was a very interesting house, nice town too.  I am sure if Heather could get the new house made in to a model kit she would, lol.

  • Love 3

A couple of years ago a friend of mine was dying from prostate cancer. He was prescribed medical marijuana, which he used. It helped him with his pain. I'd be hard pressed to find anything wrong with that.

If Mom is using pot--and we have no reason to think she either is or isn't--nor is it any of our business IMO .I simply hope it's helping.

Nothing wrong was implied. Used the word "legal." It seemed like "medication" was a stilted word. And someone asked why Mom would have it if H lives elsewhere. Edited by SFoster21
  • Love 1

It was Monticello, we were there last March and it was a very interesting house, nice town too.  I am sure if Heather could get the new house made in to a model kit she would, lol.

I thought it was Montecello also. I haven't been to that, but I have been to the building that influenced it. Andrea Palladio's Rotunda in Vicenza, Italy 

  • Love 2

So far no one has commented on the moment that disturbed me the most, so I'll do it:


Who snaps a pic of the coffin as its being carried down the aisle at the funeral?? Is this a thing now?? I mean, who has the presence of mind to think "I need a pic of Mom's coffin"?? Who carries a camera or phone into a funeral?? Since Vicki picked up her mother out of the casket, did she take a selfie while she was at it??


I feel better now.

Edited by ElderPrice
  • Love 5

The same person that picks her mother up from the coffin to cry on her cheek?

Seriously, I didn't even notice until you mentioned it. I'm not a fan of photos at funerals. I do have pictures of my sister's boxes that contain her ashes, though. (To be fair, I had to email the photos to my mother. We don't live on the same continent and she wanted to see it when it was finished and my sister was " home". So I may not be best person to comment on the subject.)

  • Love 4

So far no one has commented on the moment that disturbed me the most, so I'll do it:


Who snaps a pic of the coffin as its being carried down the aisle at the funeral?? Is this a thing now?? I mean, who has the presence of mind to think "I need a pic of Mom's coffin"?? Who carries a camera or phone into a funeral?? Since Vicki picked up her mother out of the casket, did she take a selfie while she was at it??


I feel better now.

As disturbing as it sounds, I've seen photos taken of the deceased in the open casket (after non-family exits the viewing) to be sent to relatives in Europe.  I don't know if this is some kind of tradition, but I found it to be beyond morbid, and can't, for the life of me, understand why people would want something like that.

Edited by AnitaKnight
  • Love 5


Shannon has a right to be hurt etc, even devastated. But she does not have the right to cling to this man forever simply to "make him pay" which is what she seems to be doing. I think she would love to,dump him, except he might want that and then be happy.

I agree! Shannon will probably never get over David cheating and he will likely do it again just to get some peace and something that makes him feel good. I work with a woman who was married 20 some years and her husband cheated on her. Before she found out, she was pretty easygoing, fun, basically a happy person. After the first affair (yes he did it again) she fell apart, lost weight etc. Her husband left her a few times for the other woman and eventually came back. Supposedly told her he wanted to work on their marriage, she was a mess.To this day she is obsessed with the other woman and wants to make her pay for "ruining her marriage". Doesn't trust her husband out of her sight and every time she calms down and thinks things are ok, something triggers her. Or her "wonderful" husband cheats on her again or walks out on her. She and her hubby had a baby together and her hubby had two kids with two women he's cheated on her with and his first mistress and he had a relationship for FOUR years behind his wife's back even after she found out the first time and the wife had a baby with her husband. (mistresses' baby was born first). Some people never let go. My coworker is a miserable bitter woman who looks like she aged ten years.  She would be so much happier if she just kicked him to the curb. She's obviously not happy now.  But she seems to not want to let go of him because he might run off with someone else and be happy.

David and Shannon are some sick individuals to drag their daughters into the middle of this mess. I don't think their marriage will last.


Who snaps a pic of the coffin as its being carried down the aisle at the funeral?? Is this a thing now?? I mean, who has the presence of mind to think "I need a pic of Mom's coffin"?? Who carries a camera or phone into a funeral?? Since Vicki picked up her mother out of the casket, did she take a selfie while she was at it??


I feel better now.

As disturbing as it sounds, I've seen photos taken of the deceased in the open casket (after non-family exits the viewing) to be sent to relatives in Europe.  I don't know if this is some kind of tradition, but I found it to be beyond morbid, and can't, for the life of me, wonder why people would want something like that.

When I was a kid I was going through my grandmother's photo album and right next to the family Christmas pictures were pictures of my deceased uncle (Open casket) taken from several angles. He was in his 50's when he died. Talk about morbid. But people do it.

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Life is too short...even with herbal remedies...to be as unhappy as Shannon is making herself...not to mention David. I was married twenty years, the last 5-7 years pretty miserable. No cheating, just mutual unhappiness. On my own for eight months now and feel so much happier, healthier and sane. My friends say I am back to being the person I was twenty years ago, in a good way. Even my chronic pain seems less debilitating most days. There is much to be said for living a peaceful life.

  • Love 13

Brianna probably was the one who barred Brooks from coming to Chicago. Besides Vicki's brother Billy, didn't Vic have a sister too? I believe both of them lived in Chicago near their mother. Vicki's been in California for many years, so I'm somewhat surprised at Vicki's over the top reaction to her mother's death. Yes, I get that she is grieving, and it's always awful to lose a parent, but Vicki's reactions are always about HER more than they are about anyone else.

I suppose Ryan wants to come back to Orange County so he can claim his spot in the C.U.T. dynasty...lol. His wife may be a nice woman, but she isn't a child and she already had 3 kids when she hooked up with Ryan. She had to know about Ryan's reputation, so I don't feel too sorry for her.

Meghan brings nothing to this show, I don't get it. Other than her countdown to death, for Hayley's mom, why is she around?

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Nothing wrong was implied. Used the word "legal." It seemed like "medication" was a stilted word. And someone asked why Mom would have it if H lives elsewhere.

The only reason I commented on LeeAnn having her daughters meds and apparently the dress is I doubt Meghan, her assistant and Jim have Haley full-time.  It just sounds more of Meghan working over time to blow her horn,




He played MLB for 17 years.  Don't know if he had a multi-mil contract, but he probably didn't do too badly.  He's also a sportscaster now & I think he's a partner in some businesses & owns several homes.  I'd bet he & Terry are at around the same the level, despite those 2 building that ridiculous house & pretending to be billionaires.


Speaking of that dumb house, I still think those 2 phony-baloneys are nothing but pretenders & their only intention with that house is to flip it.

I posted this the other day on last episode thread-Meghan and Jim bought a house and it wasn't for anything close to $10 million closer to $2.5, which makes them superior in housing on the show only to Tamra and according to the LA Times he has been selling a lot of real estate including the desert "mansion" half the size of Kyle''s desert home, that was bought and sold in the same year.  The house he bought in St, Louis has a modest price tag.  HumblePi gave a pretty good run down on his failed failing businesses.  Sounds to me his big break is getting a wife on RHOC.  First he tried with #2 and scored with #3.


Unrelated but if Haley is college age and tragically without a mother and Jim works in St. Louis and has two minor children in St. Louis what would be the point of Meghan and Jim living in OC?  It would seem Hayley could go to school in St. Louis or do as many children do leave town to go to school.

Wow. Someone set Haylie's make-up gun to whore.

Oh shut up Shannon. A list of all the restaurants my ass. If you want to know which friends met the mistress then ask. And then leave. I will give you until next episode to throw David out. If not then shut the fuck up.

I will forever remember the "set the make-up gun to whore", thank for the laugh.

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So far no one has commented on the moment that disturbed me the most, so I'll do it:


Who snaps a pic of the coffin as its being carried down the aisle at the funeral?? Is this a thing now?? I mean, who has the presence of mind to think "I need a pic of Mom's coffin"?? Who carries a camera or phone into a funeral?? Since Vicki picked up her mother out of the casket, did she take a selfie while she was at it??


I feel better now.

It's all about cultural mores though isn't it?  Death Photography has been around for a very very long time. You feel the way about this the way I feel about wakes/viewing. I would never have one.  They are common in Ireland but almost obsolete in England.

There are countries and cultures where behavior like Vicki's is expected and the norm..

Edited by JennyMominFL
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I wonder if Ryan wants to move back to make it easier for him to get tv time with bravo and make money. He just seems like such a good for nothing. And I'm with Eddie, I wouldn't want to be giving a grown man with a family money. Does he even work? Are his fiancées children from a marriage or die she just collect them as she went. Maybe they aren't quick to marry if she is getting alimony if she was married.

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