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The Bachelor in the Media

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From what I've managed to put together from various sources:

Chris got in the accident.  The accident was either fully witnessed or someone drove up shortly thereafter.  The witness called 911.

The witness recognized Chris at the scene.  Chris had someone pick him up, and possibly started walking away, before the cops arrived on scene.  The witness gave the information on that car to the cops.

The cops later found that car parked at a residence (unsure if it was Chris' house or someone else's).  The cops had to wait for a search warrant to enter the property because no one would answer the door.

The truck was left in the ditch and towed away later with the tractor.

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6 minutes ago, saylubee said:

From what I've managed to put together from various sources:

Chris got in the accident.  The accident was either fully witnessed or someone drove up shortly thereafter.  The witness called 911.

The witness recognized Chris at the scene.  Chris had someone pick him up, and possibly started walking away, before the cops arrived on scene.  The witness gave the information on that car to the cops.

The cops later found that car parked at a residence (unsure if it was Chris' house or someone else's).  The cops had to wait for a search warrant to enter the property because no one would answer the door.

The truck was left in the ditch and towed away later with the tractor.


According to the dispatch, Chris was seen driving away from the accident in a truck, probably his truck.

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4 minutes ago, thehepburn said:


According to the dispatch, Chris was seen driving away from the accident in a truck, probably his truck.

Which is funny because "Iowa State Patrol spokesman Sgt. Scott Bright said Soules left the crash scene on foot headed northbound. The Buchanan County Sheriff's Office arrested him and he was taken to the hospital and then the jail, Bright said."

So many versions.

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6 hours ago, lizajane said:

Very sad. I saw some signs that led me to think he had a problem with alcohol, in part from his constantly having a glass of liquor in his hand all the time on the show.  

I have to say that the thing I remember most about that boring ass season was the almost constant rocks glass with Amber liquid in his vicinity. I always thought Dude was a big boozer.  Innocent until proven guilty, but he does have a history . 

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7 hours ago, CindyBee said:

I'm sorry, this part of the KWWL story is just beyond belief.  So not only did Chris run away, he hid out and then refused to cooperate!??!   Just awful behavior.  And behavior of someone who had something to hide. 

Unreal.  I'd love for them to pull his phone records to see how long he was talking to an attorney.  Prayers for the victim's family.

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Ugh, never liked Chris Soules and this just seems exactly like something he would do.  Disgusting person.  I think Whitney showed incredible intelligence when she dumped his ass.  I did love her Twitter comment about Chris giving advice to Nick.... very astute!!

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If someone has one DUI without any damage to anyone or anything, I'd probably be okay with a generous fine and probation. For a second or third offense? No way.  He made a big mistake to drink and drive (and, apparently, speed). But leaving the scene of a fatal accident is worse than anything in his life. Vehicular manslaughter. Prison time, and deservedly so.

I like the mugshot. He may just be blitzed, but he looks very sad, as is appropriate. His life is about to change for the worst, but he completely brought it on himself,, as a man who had pretty much everything. I can't feel bad for him, only for the man he killed and the people he left behind all because of Chris.

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The only reason to hide in that house and refuse to communicate or come out is to try and get his BAL down. The report stresses that he was in there for HOURS. Hours to eat, pound water, and metabolize alcohol. I cannot think of a legitimate defense that involves leaving the scene and hiding in a house until police have to force their way in with a warrant.

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 I didn't watch Chris's season of the bachelor so I can't speak about his use of alcohol on the show although I don't doubt his use of it as observed by many posters who did watch. It makes me think of a short clip Ashley I posted on her Instagram of Jade and Tanner's wedding reception in which Chris is on the dance floor with Nick and others. Since I rarely attend big social functions I'll admit I don't know what's considered the norm but it struck me as a little odd that in the clip he was holding a glass of whiskey while he was dancing. It just didn't make sense that he would take it with him on the dance floor when you normally engage your whole body while dancing and it seems to me that would be super awkward to have something in your hand while trying to do so. And that's exactly how he looked. Stiff and awkward. It very much struck me as the alcohol being an extension of himself so much so that he couldn't put the glass down even long enough to take a spin on the floor. 

Sad story. I feel so bad for the farmer's family.

Edited by yorklee2
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12 hours ago, Padma said:

If someone has one DUI without any damage to anyone or anything, I'd probably be okay with a generous fine and probation. For a second or third offense? No way.  He made a big mistake to drink and drive (and, apparently, speed). But leaving the scene of a fatal accident is worse than anything in his life. Vehicular manslaughter. Prison time, and deservedly so.

I went to high school with someone who drove drunk and killed two men who were walking home from work; she also left the scene, and it was her 1st offense.  The next day she went to the police and confessed.  She, of course, went to jail.  From what I heard, she was a model prisoner and felt a tremendous amount of remorse (not to mention that her family is fairly well-to-do), and she still got the maximum sentence (it was either 15 or 16 years) with no parole.  I'm not saying Chris would get the same treatment as she did, but I can't imagine he will get off lightly.

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 I can't imagine he will get off lightly.

Sure he will.  He can hire the best attorney that money can buy.  My guess? They can't charge him with DWI so he'll get leaving the scene of a fatal accident... one year in the county jail (out in 3 months) or 10 years' probation and alcohol rehab.

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15 minutes ago, Artsda said:

From the article:  "For Chris, what happened was just a freak accident.”

No.  Not if he was drinking.  "Freak" accidents that are the result of terrible decisions and breaking the law are foreseeable.  They dont happen everytime, but they do happen eventually and are completely preventable.  There is a reason that drinking and driving is illegal.  Its because it kills people.  And rarely the drinker. 

Even if he wasnt drinking, he was clearly operating his vehicle at a speed too fast for the road conditions (ie, spring planting when there are tractors on the road). So even if he wasnt speeding, he was driving recklessly.  Again, not a "freak accident".  

This kind of defense infuriates me.  It perpetuates terrible behavior.  

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19 minutes ago, fib said:

From the article:  "For Chris, what happened was just a freak accident.”

No.  Not if he was drinking.  "Freak" accidents that are the result of terrible decisions and breaking the law are foreseeable.  They dont happen everytime, but they do happen eventually and are completely preventable.  There is a reason that drinking and driving is illegal.  Its because it kills people.  And rarely the drinker. 

Even if he wasnt drinking, he was clearly operating his vehicle at a speed too fast for the road conditions (ie, spring planting when there are tractors on the road). So even if he wasnt speeding, he was driving recklessly.  Again, not a "freak accident".  

This kind of defense infuriates me.  It perpetuates terrible behavior.  

ITA. I hate all the sympathy Chris is getting for screwing up his life while another man DIED. I hate that everyone seems to know a drunk driver or a victim of a drunk driver. It doesn't make me think "oh well, it could happen to anyone", it infuriates me that anyone could lose their life over someone else's idiotic contempt for law! It's truly upsetting to me how many people think it's not that big of a deal to drink and drive until someone dies. Chris has like a dozen driving related offences already including a DUI. He should by now be the safest driver there ever was, yet somehow he managed to get a tractor off the road while it was still twilight outside and went into hiding for 5 hours. I refuse to give him the benefit of the doubt, let alone make excuses for him. He should know better by now, period.

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39 minutes ago, fib said:

It perpetuates terrible behavior.  

It also perpetuates some people's refusal to take personal responsibility for something, for which they are personally responsible!!! 

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17 minutes ago, Artsda said:

So he called 911, spoke to the dispatch, checked pulse and then ran for it while others were there.  


According to that article:



Soules interacted with the victim, checking his pulse ... saying he felt it. Soules also said the victim was bleeding from his mouth.

The 911 audio goes on ... the dispatcher asks if anyone could administer CPR. Someone is performing CPR but it's unclear if it was Soules.


You wouldn't need CPR if there was a pulse; I assume there was a time jump where there was no longer a pulse.

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Chris Soules knew full well his ass was going to get nailed for drunk driving and vehicular manslaughter. So he ran, hid and attempted to mitigate the evidence. That is the action of a person who is making a calculated decision to save his own ass after taking a life. 

I hope he rots in jail.

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If the pulse is weak, CPR should be administered.  I think they're using the term "CPR" as a catch all for chess compressions and/or rescue breathing. 

He'll probably be sued by the victim's family.  He'll avoid serious jail time but be financially screwed for years.

Edited by TheVoicesToldMeTo
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I'm surprised a farmer who lives in the middle of nowhere doesn't know how to do CPR. Accidents can happen when working with heavy machinery. You'd think it would be helpful to know CPR, since it could take ages for help to reach you.

So much for the theories that Chris was in shock and didn't know what he was doing by fleeing the scene. Seems he was in sound enough mind to call 911 and a lift for himself, probably an attorney as well. He must've had something to hide.

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42 minutes ago, TheVoicesToldMeTo said:

If the pulse is weak, CPR should be administered.

I was always taught that if there was a pulse you could do more damage by administering CPR.  Either I had bad instructors or things changed since my last class.

Edited by ByTor
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15 minutes ago, ByTor said:

I was always taught that is there was a pulse you could do more damage by administering CPR.  Either I had bad instructors or things changed since my last class.

I had a CPR class last year.  First step - check for pulse.  If there is no pulse, start compressions. 


He'll probably be sued by the victim's family.  He'll avoid serious jail time but be financially screwed for years.

As to whether or not Chris S will be sued - he has to have car insurance, right?   Insurance company makes a payout. 

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I hated reading how Chris was so upset when he learned his victim had "passed away" at the hospital.  He didn't pass away.  If he made it to the hospital alive and then subsequently died, then those last minutes/hours were likely filled with trauma surgeons trying to save is life.  Passed away sounds so peaceful.  This poor man's death doesn't appear to be that way.  

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Chris's courtroom appearance made our local news, of course, since it's local news here. After sleeping on this, I'm overcome with sadness about this entire event. Not that Chris is a drunk and a self-important douche, but that a respected, clean-living family man, father and grandfather, was killed because he had the bad luck of being on the same road as a drunk driver. Chris knew the man he killed, their farms butt up to each other, although the houses aren't close. But where the Soules farm land ends, the killed farmer's land begins. And yeah, Chris is 100-percent at fault. I live off of a blacktop, and when I come home after dark and turn onto the blacktop from the highway, it's like my headlights get sucked in. It's DARK driving on that local blacktop, and I always slow down since deer (or anything) can come out of nowhere and scare the cr*p out of you even if you don't hit it. Not saying the road where this accident happened is like that, but any two-lane country road requires your full attention. Something impossible when one is drunk. And fyi, Chris's house is just 15 miles from the accident site. Everyone everywhere in that area knows him AND the killed man, town population is 185. My heart breaks for that family. And, fyi, according to Iowa sources, max penalty Chris could get is a mere five years. Not enough IMO.

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If Chris really gave a shit about his victim he would have stuck around to make sure the guy was alright, which we all know he wasn't, rather than covering his own ass by running off. He didn't run to get help, since he already called 911 and he didn't run because he was in shock, since he seemed level headed enough to call for him. He didn't even run in the hopes his name wouldn't be involved, since people saw him. The only reason I can think of for him to run, hide and not come out for a number of hours, was to get sober so they couldn't prove he was drinking and he wouldn't get caught for killing a man while driving illegally. He wants to be able to say "oops, it was an accident and I am just an innocent victim too, boo hoo". Nope, all evidence is land sliding towards him being a murderer at this point.

I cannot express how pissed I am that the victims family are trying to defend him. He does not deserve it. This isn't his first time operating a deadly vehicle while impaired. (I know it hasn't been proven yet, but Chris's going well out of his way to make sure it can't be proven is pretty freaking damning for me. His behavior all points towards CYA)

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As to whether or not Chris S will be sued - he has to have car insurance, right?   Insurance company makes a payout. 

The family may want more -- and may sue him in Civil Court.  Insurance companies also may not provide defense for someone convicted of a crime in relation to the accident.  

Insurance policies also have a limited liability (say, $1 million per accident).  

Hopefully, he has a HUGE policy (say $10 million or more).  

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1 hour ago, MsPH said:

I'm surprised a farmer who lives in the middle of nowhere doesn't know how to do CPR. Accidents can happen when working with heavy machinery. You'd think it would be helpful to know CPR, since it could take ages for help to reach you.

So much for the theories that Chris was in shock and didn't know what he was doing by fleeing the scene. Seems he was in sound enough mind to call 911 and a lift for himself, probably an attorney as well. He must've had something to hide.

Is Chris really a farmer or does his family just own a lot of farmland they lease out?  I got the impression from his season on the bachelor that he's more business end of things and not getting his hands dirty.

Was this a big tractor that he hit or smaller tractor?  I would think his pickup would have had more damage done to it than he could do to a massive John Deere, so was Soules going that fast?  Maybe he was sober/ish but texting and driving?  Not sure how you can miss a brightly colored tractor (they're usually brightly colored to stand out in the field) unless you are just not at all paying attention.  These aren't windy mountain roads in Iowa with blind curves or hills.

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I agree Chris was all CYA. There's no other way to explain what he did after the accident. And his statement that his "thoughts and prayers" are with the victim's family made me want to puke. That man is a dead "victim" because of you, you drunken dumbass douche.

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Voices, Mr. Mosher was driving his 2640 John Deere tractor. It's a mid-size, you can Google a picture. JD farm tractors are always green with yellow. The accident took place at dusk, and the tractor is equipped with lights, more lights than a "civilian" vehicle, and they are in weird positions that when you see one coming toward you at night, it gets your attention, you know it's not a "regular" vehicle. And yeah, Iowa does have blind curves and hills, which means you freaking SLOW DOWN and pay attention and not drive drunk. However: Where this accident took place, the road is flat, level, nothing to obscure any vehicle from any direction.

Chris's prior arrest rap sheet is posted online. Google and you'll find it. It's pretty long. The man has a history. Too bad The Bachelor didn't look that up before letting Prince Farming on the show.

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6 minutes ago, TheVoicesToldMeTo said:


Was this a big tractor that he hit or smaller tractor?  I would think his pickup would have had more damage done to it than he could do to a massive John Deere, so was Soules going that fast?  Maybe he was sober/ish but texting and driving?  Not sure how you can miss a brightly colored tractor (they're usually brightly colored to stand out in the field) unless you are just not at all paying attention.  These aren't windy mountain roads in Iowa with blind curves or hills.

Well - articles said that the tractor driver was thrown from the vehicle, so there may not have been TONS of damage to the tractor, but tractors are notorious for all of the following: 

1) not having enclosures that protect the victims. 2) not having rollover protection 3) not having shoulderbelts (some only have lap belts) and 4) not necessarily having safety belts that work anymore (because they are in open air, their parts get worn down by grime and corrosion faster than your car's seatbelt would) and 5) not having to pass annual inspection that would check these things.  

So even if the tractor was big, getting thrown from a vehicle is notoriously worse than staying in the vehicle and colliding with the steering wheel, which is why we all have to wear seatbelts. (Thanks Ralph Nader!) (WHich is worse again than colliding with an airbag, which I doubt  tractors have). 

There was a pretty in depth article about tractor safety in Politico recently, in case anyone is curious: 


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The Des Moines Register has posted audio clips of the 911 and police calls, including a call that IDs Chris and said he was leaving the scene in a red PU truck. His truck was left in the ditch and hauled away. http://www.desmoinesregister.com/story/news/2017/04/25/collision-leaves-tractor-driver-dead-buchanan-county-aurora-iowa/306262001/

FYI: There are hundreds of models of tractors, some as big as my house. Some have cabs, some have ROPs. Some do not. You don't expect to have a roll over in a field OR on a flat, level paved highway heading home from field work.

And yeah, farming is the most dangerous job in America. Besides the chemicals, there's augers, heavy machinery, big grain bins you can sink into, livestock that can kill or maul you. Every day is a real a treat providing food for the world.

Of course, none of that matters when a drunk driver kills you. Soules could have rear-ended a mom with her little kids and kill them, too. It's not about the tractor, it's about a drunk driver who left the scene to save his own ass.

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10 minutes ago, fib said:

Well - articles said that the tractor driver was thrown from the vehicle, so there may not have been TONS of damage to the tractor, but tractors are notorious for all of the following: 

1) not having enclosures that protect the victims. 2) not having rollover protection 3) not having shoulderbelts (some only have lap belts) and 4) not necessarily having safety belts that work anymore (because they are in open air, their parts get worn down by grime and corrosion faster than your car's seatbelt would) and 5) not having to pass annual inspection that would check these things.  

So even if the tractor was big, getting thrown from a vehicle is notoriously worse than staying in the vehicle and colliding with the steering wheel, which is why we all have to wear seatbelts. (Thanks Ralph Nader!) (WHich is worse again than colliding with an airbag, which I doubt  tractors have). 

There was a pretty in depth article about tractor safety in Politico recently, in case anyone is curious: 


My FIL (well into his 60's) has a monster of a Kubota he drives around on his mountain property to do not much of anything.  Thing scares the $hit out of me.  I could see a simple slo-mo roll-over going up a hill resulting in crushing fatal injuries.  I guess my question was that I'd think there would be enough damage to Soules truck that he couldn't leave the scene, except on foot.

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5 minutes ago, saber5055 said:

FYI: There are hundreds of models of tractors, some as big as my house. Some have cabs, some have ROPs. Some do not. You don't expect to have a roll over in a field OR on a flat, level paved highway heading home from field work.

Yup.  Just trying to point out that a tractor/pickup truck collision has different issues because of the difference a tractor presents from a car.  The car and its crumple zones and airbags and seatbelts present a much safer environment than a tractor does. All of which point directly back to your primary point: when youre on a country road, pay attention and slow the fuck down. 

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1 hour ago, ByTor said:

I was always taught that if there was a pulse you could do more damage by administering CPR.  Either I had bad instructors or things changed since my last class.

Things do change!  I started taking CPR classes a few decades ago, and have continued to take them because medical community continues to learn and update the curriculum.  Way back when, we were taught that if the patient had a pulse - you leave them alone.  The objective of CPR isn't to restart the heart but to pump blood (artificially, for a heart that may be working irregularly) and provide oxygen (via rescue breathing) to keep the brain from permanent injury/dying.  Broken ribs and squashed organs can potentially be fixed.  An oxygen deprived brain cannot.

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9 minutes ago, TheVoicesToldMeTo said:

I guess my question was that I'd think there would be enough damage to Soules truck that he couldn't leave the scene, except on foot.

I wondered the same thing.

2 minutes ago, TheVoicesToldMeTo said:

Things do change!

I thought that was a possibility...for example, I thought I heard that you no longer do the rescue breathing during CPR, only chest compressions (sorry, off topic!).

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28 minutes ago, ByTor said:

I wondered the same thing.

I thought that was a possibility...for example, I thought I heard that you no longer do the rescue breathing during CPR, only chest compressions (sorry, off topic!).

Yes - sort of.  That recommendation essentially allows people who arent comfortable with rescue breaths the ability to just do compressions.  Its not considered ideal, but it is better than not doing anything, which I think the red cross had discovered was happening too often because of fear of disease.  People who are trained in how to do CPR are now supposed to do rescue breaths, but after the first 30 compressions, not before like they first recommended.  But don't want to do breaths? Cant do breaths? Do compressions.  They will be better than watching someone die. 


44 minutes ago, TheVoicesToldMeTo said:

My FIL (well into his 60's) has a monster of a Kubota he drives around on his mountain property to do not much of anything.  Thing scares the $hit out of me.  I could see a simple slo-mo roll-over going up a hill resulting in crushing fatal injuries.  I guess my question was that I'd think there would be enough damage to Soules truck that he couldn't leave the scene, except on foot.

Yeah - I would be the same way.  My step mom in law had a ranch and a tracctor and my hubby tried to take my baby on a ride on it.  I flipped out like he has never seen before.  It was literally: "farms are really fucking dangerous, and this is what I do for my job (injury prevention).  No fucking way.  Its not a toy and you don't know what you're doing.  No. 

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1 hour ago, TheVoicesToldMeTo said:

Is Chris really a farmer or does his family just own a lot of farmland they lease out?  I got the impression from his season on the bachelor that he's more business end of things and not getting his hands dirty.

Yes, he is. I mean obviously he has people working for him and he's not out there all the time getting his hands dirty, but he does do actual work as well, especially during harvest. I've seen him do Snapchat videos from the cabin of whatever machine he's operating in the field many times. I just think he should know CPR especially since he's the boss and responsible for the safety of the people he employs.

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Andi gives her $0.02...


33 minutes ago, wings707 said:

Another article with a few more details whether true or not, who knows. 


This part stood out to me:


There's a buzz in the area where the accident occurred that the tractor may not have had its lights on. Someone told us the tractor didn't even have lights. Law enforcement, however, isn't sure the tractor needed lights because it was twilight at the time of the crash.

 @saber5055...am I correct in assuming this (esp the bolded part) is not particularly likely?

Edited by ByTor
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I just heard on the news that Chris's full 911 call is now released and online. Here is the link. This site also reports Chris's Instagram account has been taken down.

I can't do a real link, so you will have to copy/paste: http://www.kwqc.com/content/news/Listen-to-Chris-Soules-911-call-after-fatal-crash-420502383.html

I will have to check if that model JD has lights; I would assume so. But with or without lights, Chris shouldn't have rear-ended it. I brake early and often when I see farm machinery on my roads as it doesn't take much to run up on them. Of course, I've never tried it when drunk ... unlike Chris.

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If Chris had his lights on he would be able to see the tractor even if it didn't have lights. It's not like a deer that jumps out into the street, it is a slow moving, large object that, if Chris was going a reasonable speed, he would have seem before he reached the point where he couldn't avoid it. Unless there was a sudden downpour that blocked visibility, but no one has mentioned that so I'm guessing weather wasn't a factor.

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 I might be remembering this wrong, but wasn't his season the one where they couldn't travel much because he had a DUI?

I doubt he'll do much if any time for this if they can't prove he was drunk. It sounds like he went to great lengths to cover it up. What a stand up, husband/ father material, type of guy.

Where I live, people flee all the time and if they ever catch them (which they mostly do not) they do under 5 years for manslaughter and are not usually charged with drunk driving because they're sober when they're caught.

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Ali the former Bachelorette was on Entertainment Tonight when they aired the Chris Soules story tonight and the other host asked her if the contestants are made aware of the Bachelor's background and she said no. Wonder how this will affect the show? 

Chad was interviewed and he said he only met Chris once and Chris was drunk. He said it was known in the Bachelor family that Chris liked to drink. ouch!

Edited by Armchair Critic
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Chad was interviewed and he said he only met Chris once and Chris was drunk. He said it was known in the Bachelor family that Chris liked to drink. ouch!

Not to defend Chris, but that jerkoff Chad is one to talk about being drunk. If you told me that cretin never spent so much as a second of his time on The Bachelorette and Bachelor Pad sober, I wouldn't be surprised. 

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10 hours ago, ByTor said:

I was always taught that if there was a pulse you could do more damage by administering CPR.  Either I had bad instructors or things changed since my last class.

You're not wrong at all.  If there's a pulse, weak or not, you should not be doing chest compressions.  Anyone who does them in that situation can seriously hurt the person.  It scares me, the ideas some people have.

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3 hours ago, reggiejax said:

Not to defend Chris, but that jerkoff Chad is one to talk about being drunk. If you told me that cretin never spent so much as a second of his time on The Bachelorette and Bachelor Pad sober, I wouldn't be surprised. 

Exactly.  Chad seemed to have a pathological need to stir things up. I wouldn't trust anything he said.  

Yes, Chris often had a drink in his hand. He came across as a guy who enjoyed having a cocktail ( or 2 or 6).  Chad was more of a frat boy drink till you pass out kind of guy.

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