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Say What?: Commercials That Made Us Scratch Our Heads

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What I think of when I hear the word radiant: It's the look on her face that makes this hilarious. For you young'uns, that's Madame Curie, who discovered, and was killed by, radium



Edited by riley702
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The Panera ads bother me to no end. Congratulations on serving clean food, Panera. I'm glad you guys aren't dropping your sandwiches on the floor before serving them. The newest one shows people enjoying their soup and sandwich combos. In one scene two women are wrapped up in duvets while eating their soup. I guess the heat is out in their apartment and the soup and the duvets are the only things keeping them from freezing to death? It's just dumb.

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The Dove soap commercial, where they give women "spa treatments"  and then reveal that the treatment was actually Dove soap. 

And one woman says "my skin FEELS so RADIANT!" 

Really?   Skin can look radiant, but how can your face FEEL radiant?

The same way Sandra Lee can see flavor in food?


The Panera ads bother me to no end. Congratulations on serving clean food, Panera. I'm glad you guys aren't dropping your sandwiches on the floor before serving them. The newest one shows people enjoying their soup and sandwich combos. In one scene two women are wrapped up in duvets while eating their soup. I guess the heat is out in their apartment and the soup and the duvets are the only things keeping them from freezing to death? It's just dumb.

I don't mind the one with the bicyclists, but that's b/c I have a thing for the gear.

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I am confused by the Dodge ad with the farmer whose daughters run off with the Dodge brothers and their red car.


One car pulls up into the driveway, and we see a shot of the girls in the back seat with the Dodge brothers in the front.


The next shot is of two red Dodge cars driving off. Where did the second car come from??

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Why would anyone in their right mind stop watching the Super Bowl to run out to McDonald's to buy their breakfast crap? It's not like you can keep a bag of greasy food at the ready to pull out to snack on (without gagging, that is). No thanks, I'll stick to my homemade wings, guacamole and veggies.

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The Panera ads bother me to no end. Congratulations on serving clean food, Panera. I'm glad you guys aren't dropping your sandwiches on the floor before serving them. The newest one shows people enjoying their soup and sandwich combos. In one scene two women are wrapped up in duvets while eating their soup. I guess the heat is out in their apartment and the soup and the duvets are the only things keeping them from freezing to death? It's just dumb.


They should probably stop spending their money on Panera and use it to pay their damn bills.

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Congratulations on serving clean food, Panera. I'm glad you guys aren't dropping your sandwiches on the floor before serving them. The newest one shows people enjoying their soup and sandwich combos.

Do they say anything about fresh? Restaurants often use up unsold meat & veggies by putting it in their soups.

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Why would anyone in their right mind stop watching the Super Bowl to run out to McDonald's to buy their breakfast crap? It's not like you can keep a bag of greasy food at the ready to pull out to snack on (without gagging, that is). No thanks, I'll stick to my homemade wings, guacamole and veggies.

Technically you would not. You would send your wife or girlfriend who is doing nothing more than lounging around in a football jersey in your bedroom waiting for the game to end and for you to take a blue pill. Plus everyone loves the smell of pancakes in the bedroom. "It smells like morning postcoital"

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Do they say anything about fresh? Restaurants often use up unsold meat & veggies by putting it in their soups.


(sad face) I just had the Garden Veggie Pesto soup from Panera tonight...


Can't lie, I love their food, but Panera's commercials suck.  There's just something so fake and off-putting about them.  The absolute worst one imo was the "devour" ad, when it showed everyone chowing their food down like animals.  So gross.  

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This one's my own fault for bad hearing: The Oasis Financial commercial. The actor says, "They killed it, man! They really helped me out." But I hear, "They killed a man. They really helped me out." To which I think, "Who ARE these people?"

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Do they say anything about fresh? Restaurants often use up unsold meat & veggies by putting it in their soups.

I'm not sure Panera does that though.  Their soups are pretty consistent across stores, they are pretty strict about sticking to their recipes.  I have always assumed the soups are delivered to each franchise from the same location, because every Panera has the same daily soup schedule.    And leftovers go to local food pantries.  

The "clean food"  means they don't use artificial trans-fats, colorings, preservatives, MSG, etc. 

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What's wrong with putting the unsold meats and veggies into soups ?  Should it just all be thrown away?

Exactly. Unused doesn't mean trash or stuff patrons left on their plate. It's just the stuff in the "back" (kitchen, fridge, prep area, etc) that didn't get used. It's what home cooks do all the time.
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Exactly. Unused doesn't mean trash or stuff patrons left on their plate. It's just the stuff in the "back" (kitchen, fridge, prep area, etc) that didn't get used. It's what home cooks do all the time.


My sister worked for Dunkin' Donuts back in the day, and they regularly got rid of the soups they didn't sell so that customers couldn't buy them, in case they'd gone bad.

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There's a difference between "didn't sell as well as anticipated so the extra is turned into soup before it goes bad and thus goes to waste" and "has turned so throw it in the soup and hope so one notices", but it sounds like there may be some confusion on that point above. The former is quite commonplace in reputable restaurants, and there's nothing wrong with it. The latter, I'm sure occurs in some less than savory places, but I would hope is less common in general.

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Exactly. Unused doesn't mean trash or stuff patrons left on their plate. It's just the stuff in the "back" (kitchen, fridge, prep area, etc) that didn't get used. It's what home cooks do all the time.

You remember KFC's Popcorn Chicken?  I always suspected it's just the bits left on the bottom of the fryer.  Which is rather brilliant from a business standpoint.

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There's a difference between "didn't sell as well as anticipated so the extra is turned into soup before it goes bad and thus goes to waste" and "has turned so throw it in the soup and hope so one notices", but it sounds like there may be some confusion on that point above. The former is quite commonplace in reputable restaurants, and there's nothing wrong with it.

I actually think they plan menus this way. Pretty sure there was a reason Thursday was taco/taco salad day at my work cafe, and Friday's special was always taco soup. I haven't seen this particular Panera commercial, are they making a big deal about not using leftovers?

Edited by NikSac
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I actually think they plan menus this way. Pretty sure there was a reason Thursday was taco/taco salad day at my work cafe, and Friday's special was always taco soup. I haven't seen this particular Panera commercial, are they making a big deal about not using leftovers?

No. I agree that Panera soups come pre-made. You can buy some of them packaged in stores. They make the bread in the stores, but I think the rest comes from their corporate supplier. And yes, they give what they don't sell to food banks, shelters, etc.

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Technically you would not. You would send your wife or girlfriend who is doing nothing more than lounging around in a football jersey in your bedroom waiting for the game to end and for you to take a blue pill. Plus everyone loves the smell of pancakes in the bedroom. "It smells like morning postcoital"

I am reminded of Frank and Artemis's sex life:



And yes, they give what they don't sell to food banks, shelters, etc.

If memory serves, some of Panera's more annoying commercials humble-bragged about them doing that.

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Heartwarming right? Until you think about the last line. I wonder if the person who edited the ad was heading towards divorce in his/her mind:


Every time I see that ad, I think the next scene should be in divorce court.

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TELL ME this does NOT sound like "Pubic Cake"!

I posted that one in the annoyance thread. It came on during SNL last night and at first I thought it was one of their spoof ads. I then realized neither one of those people in that commercial are part of SNL's cast.

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I posted that one in the annoyance thread. It came on during SNL last night and at first I thought it was one of their spoof ads. I then realized neither one of those people in that commercial are part of SNL's cast.

There are quite a few times I've been fooled this way!

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Those Panera commercials grate.  And this latest one. Who the hell is Dan and why should I give a toss that he's "back"? 



shapeshifter, on 07 Feb 2016 - 6:25 PM, said:

Heartwarming right? Until you think about the last line. I wonder if the person who edited the ad was heading towards divorce in his/her mind:


I guess I saw the "never letting go" as something sinister. I saw it as a reference to his young children. Because, ostensibly, one day he will have to "let them go" in the metaphorical sense when they go off to college, get married, etc. 

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Ted Cruz has this ad on-- don't worry: I'm not going to talk politics because the visual is so freaky that I have no idea what the message is.  His lips are so bright red in the video that he looks like a Warhol lithograph.  At the end they show a photo of him in which his mouth is a normal flesh tone but while he's talking, I'm just fascinated by which of his team thought it was okay to let him on the air looking like he just sucked a lolly.

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I'm boycotting Barilla, after their CEO made homophobic remarks that he's now desperately trying to walk back.

During a radio interview on Italy’s La Zanzara, Guido Barilla said, “I would never make a spot with a homosexual family. Not out of a lack of respect but because I do not see it like they do. (My idea of) family is a classic family where the woman has a fundamental role.” Barilla cited personal values and a belief system that valued the role of the mother in the family. “Ours is a classic family where the woman plays a fundamental role. If [gays] don’t like it, they can go eat another brand,” he said, according to a Reuters translation.

All righty, then. But not just the LGBT community, but those who know and love them, their families, or anyone who thinks hate is a bad marketing strategy.

Oh c'mon now whaddya expect from someone aligned with the mafia (aren't they all?)  Stereotypes have two sharp edges

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The Turkish airlines ad from the Super Bowl



My first thought was "Billionaires don't fly commercial. ? "


My first thought was, "How the f@3k is Turkish airlines going to fly me to a fictional city from a comic strip??"

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Those Panera commercials grate.  And this latest one. Who the hell is Dan and why should I give a toss that he's "back"?

DUKE 2801... we meet and concur again!


Like, if Dan's back, and it's such a big deal (e.g, he's back from some remote area devoid of decent food), why not MAKE HIM A NICE MEAL YOURSELVES? It would cost less than everyone eating at Panera.

(Full disclosure: I *like* Panera, but hate their ads.)

Edited by ivygirl
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OK, the commercial for OsteoBiflex with the dad embarrassing his son with his dancing was sort of cute and funny.  Sort of.


But now there's one with a mother embarrassing her daughter with her rad yoga (?) moves.  And with a similar line:  "You know it's working by the look of sheer embarrassment on her face."


Sooo . . . the purpose of improving your joint motion is to humiliate your children in public?  No other benefits like say, increased fitness, less pain, more fun?  It's all about getting back out in public and moving your booty in ways designed to make your offspring cringe?  What if you don't have any children to humiliate?  Or don't care to humiliate the ones you have?  Does that mean OsteoBiflex doesn't want your business?


I just don't get it.

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OK, the commercial for OsteoBiflex with the dad embarrassing his son with his dancing was sort of cute and funny.  Sort of.


But now there's one with a mother embarrassing her daughter with her rad yoga (?) moves.  And with a similar line:  "You know it's working by the look of sheer embarrassment on her face."


Sooo . . . the purpose of improving your joint motion is to humiliate your children in public?  No other benefits like say, increased fitness, less pain, more fun?  It's all about getting back out in public and moving your booty in ways designed to make your offspring cringe?  What if you don't have any children to humiliate?  Or don't care to humiliate the ones you have?  Does that mean OsteoBiflex doesn't want your business?


I just don't get it.


I doubt if it'll happen in my lifetime but I'd be really happy if advertisers would stop trying to secure the loyalty of people in their target demographic by pitting them against other groups. No more smug wives against doofus husbands, evil little children who won't let their parents have any of the oranges the parents paid for, or any generation of adults against any other generation of adults.


It's gotten so that whenever I'm watching an ad pitched to my demo and it's making someone not-like-me out to be some kind of idiot, I make up my mind never to buy that product if I can help it.

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Sooo . . . the purpose of improving your joint motion is to humiliate your children in public?  No other benefits like say, increased fitness, less pain, more fun? 

I think the humiliation part is covered by "more fun."

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