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Favorite Commercials

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I like the Kia Sorento ad where the dad rips off the 'participation award' from his son's trophy and writes 'champs' on it, because the boy's team had won all their games.

Vote not offensive. The kid and parent should get sprinkles on their ice cream.

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Offensive how?

I don't think it's offensive.  Winners should be acknowledged. I don't care if everyone gets a participation trophy, but the winners should get something special..The dad states that his kid's team won every game.  They did more than participate...they won!  We should not shame or downgrade winners.  When has it become wrong to be the best at something and to receive acknowledgment  for it?  In the Olympics not everyone gets a gold medal.  If you work hard you should reap the rewards of that work.  It might encourage the ones who didn't win to try harder next time.  We are becoming a nation of wimps. 

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I don't know the product, but I LOVE the commercial where the man is going crazy and shouting 'representative' into the phone over and over.  Been there a million times.


Is this the one you're talking about?  I've done it too, except it's more along the lines of: REPRESENTATIVE GOD DAMN YOU!



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Offensive because the father is one of those "Win at all costs" types.


I agree.  At that age, the kids should be learning the fundamentals of the game, not worrying about who won and lost.  In fact, when my daughter was that age (playing soccer), the kids and the coaches didn't keep score.  But the parents watching spent all their time trash talking each other.  They kept a very close eye on whose kid scored and how often.


It was disgusting.  The kids just wanted to have fun and learn how to play.  The parents made it depressing for the kids who were playing defense.

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Is this the one you're talking about?  I've done it too, except it's more along the lines of: REPRESENTATIVE GOD DAMN YOU!



That's it! 

I agree.  At that age, the kids should be learning the fundamentals of the game, not worrying about who won and lost.  In fact, when my daughter was that age (playing soccer), the kids and the coaches didn't keep score.  But the parents watching spent all their time trash talking each other.  They kept a very close eye on whose kid scored and how often.


It was disgusting.  The kids just wanted to have fun and learn how to play.  The parents made it depressing for the kids who were playing defense.

We can agree to disagree.  Someone who consistently loses learns a valuable lesson...try harder or find some other area where you can succeed.  Maybe soccer isn't for you.  Maybe you're the next Wilt Chamberlain or Dorothy Hamel, or Peyton Manning (or Billy Joel).

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We can agree to disagree.  Someone who consistently loses learns a valuable lesson...try harder or find some other area where you can succeed.  Maybe soccer isn't for you.  Maybe you're the next Wilt Chamberlain or Dorothy Hamel, or Peyton Manning (or Billy Joel).


*shrug*  Indeed we can agree to disagree.  I certainly disagreed with the parents who screamed in their 8 year old kids' faces for letting "that brat" score.  I also disagreed with the tears that streamed down the kids' faces while they mumbled apologies and promises to do better.


Don't keep score??  Making a new generation of special snowflakes that get offended by everything.


If you say so.

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*shrug*  Indeed we can agree to disagree.  I certainly disagreed with the parents who screamed in their 8 year old kids' faces for letting "that brat" score.  I also disagreed with the tears that streamed down the kids' faces while they mumbled apologies and promises to do better.



If you say so.

Ah!   This is not a case of getting a well earned reward.  This is a case of abusive parenting.  Those parents you cite were out of line and mean.  Shame on them.

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Indeed.  But -- and this is only my opinion -- it is a result of a "winning is the only thing that matters" mentality.


In the commercial, did the kid look disappointed that he received a "participation" trophy?  Or did he look happy?  Did the dad think, "But they won every game" or did he think "But we won every game"?  That says a lot, IMO.  The dad doesn't care about his son's feelings; he wants to live vicariously through him.  ("Why do we get the same trophy as all those teams we beat?")


But mileage varies, of course.

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I like that commercial.  In fact, I may have let out a cheer the first time I saw it.  I don't care why the father thinks it's bullshit that the winning team got the same participation trophy as the other teams rather than being acknowledged as the league champion (because I don't get any whiff of the obnoxious, or even abusive "you must win or you're worthless" sports parent behavior from him some of you are getting -- if I did, I'd join you in caring), I simply enjoy that he corrects that bullshit.

Edited by Bastet
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In the commercial, did the kid look disappointed that he received a "participation" trophy?  Or did he look happy?  Did the dad think, "But they won every game" or did he think "But we won every game"?  That says a lot, IMO.  The dad doesn't care about his son's feelings; he wants to live vicariously through him.  ("Why do we get the same trophy as all those teams we beat?")


FWIW, when the dad hands the trophy back once they're in the car, the kid says, "Thanks, Dad." So from that I'm presuming that he actually looked at the thing and saw that his father had taken off the 'Participation' label that was stuck to the base of it. If he was upset, its unlikely he would have been thanking his dad.


And I have now officially thought way too much about this commercial. :-)

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I don't mind that commercial with the trophy so much

But I couln't tell you what its for.


And that makes it a Bad Commercial.

They are running the Geico commercial about the teen twits in the horror movie, Why can't we just get in the running car? Love the 'killer' looking at them like they are too stupid to kill.

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I hope they keep bringing that one back every Halloween, as it's my favorite from the "It's what you do" series.  Everything about it is great, from the line delivery on "Why can't we just get in the running car?" to the look on the killer's face when they're making all that noise in their hiding place behind the chainsaws ("you're breathing on me!") to their decision to head for the cemetery.

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I can't help it.  I love the Terry Crews Old Spice Bearglove commercials.  (Yes, it's one word.  My husband has a bottle of the shower gel.  Shut up, it doesn't smell that bad.)


Stupid tickles my funny bone, for some reason.

Edited by Demented Daisy
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I can't help it.  I love the Terry Crews Old Spice Bearglove commercials.  (Yes, it's one word.  My husband has a bottle of the shower gel.  Shut up, it doesn't smell that bad.)


Stupid tickles my funny bone, for some reason.

I haven't seen an Old Spice commercial in ages, so I went looking for the one you mentioned. I found a plethora of hysterical ones.


I've always liked the way it smells.

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I don't know the product, but I LOVE the commercial where the man is going crazy and shouting 'representative' into the phone over and over.  Been there a million times.

That reminds of the commercial where the guy is ordering food and is giving (I think) his credit card number over the phone. And he starts screaming a number over and over because the computer must've repeatedly said "Did you say [the wrong number]?, and he ends up yanking the phone off the wall.The actor isn't that great, but I've screamed at the robot on my phone many times. "No!  No! No!  Representative! Representative!"




FWIW, when the dad hands the trophy back once they're in the car, the kid says, "Thanks, Dad." So from that I'm presuming that he actually looked at the thing and saw that his father had taken off the 'Participation' label that was stuck to the base of it. If he was upset, its unlikely he would have been thanking his dad.

And I have now officially thought way too much about this commercial. :-)

I like that commercial, too. The son didn't seem upset about the "Participant" trophy, but it meant something to him that his dad called him a champ. So I'm not mad at the dad.


When my son was 9, his flag football team lost every game that season. Every single game. It wasn't just his fault, but that O and 7 record bothered him. Mind you, this was a very non-competitive league where the score for the game was kept, but teams weren't supposed to keep track of the team records or team standings. But every child did (most parents didn't). Anyway, my son was determined to work harder and become a better player. His subsequent teams (made up of different kids each year) went undefeated the next two seasons. The kids remained very sportsmanlike, and there was never any bragging or putting down of other kids. But my son knew he worked hard, and he was proud that he helped his team win. Every kid got the same trophies, though. But my son didn't care.

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don't know the product, but I LOVE the commercial where the man is going crazy and shouting 'representative' into the phone over and over.  Been there a million times.


I thought of that commercial when I called my insurance company last week.  At least I only had to say 'representative' once.

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My Dad wore it, so it reminds me of him.

I remember a few years back Jim Rome was interviewing a guy who was part of an Old Spice campaign to market Old Spice to a younger demographic. At the time I thought good luck with that. It's been a few years, and I am an old guy and I am still saying good luck with that. Because I do not get those Old Spice commercials, at all. Actually I find them over the top silly and stupid.

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When Dad was wearing it, the ads were all some sexy sailor on shore leave with women sighing as he sauntered past. As Dad had been a sailor, well... let's just say it worked on Mom. LOL



Sorry about the size of those.

Edited by riley702
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I like the Peter Pan GEICO commercial the first time I saw it, but then I started to feel like Peter was being a bit of a d-bag. His "Hey, you don't look a day over 70!" sounded smarmy (especially since that's not actually a compliment to someone from the class of '65), and he kicked the dude in the head because he wasn't paying attention to where he was flying while he sang. 

I crack up everytime it comes on. He is super obnoxious but totally unaware of it. The expressions on his face are precious.

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I like that one, too.  I always hear, in my head, Gary from Remember the Titans saying, "Now that's a momma joke" when I see that commercial.  And I hate "your momma" jokes.  Well played, Amish Guy.

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I tear up at the commercial where the son gets a college acceptance letter and makes cookies for his mom ( there is a pic of them making cookies together on the fridge), and he leaves her a note that says We did it Mom. Of course I have a senior boy so it strikes close to home.

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I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the Petsmart commercial with the bulldog who gets his treats from other animals.  The cat on the counter pushing the dog food onto the floor,  and the parrot who puts a dog treat in the bulldog's bowl is so totally cute.  

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Cats get an unholy amount of glee from pushing things off counters. It's what they do. ;)

That would be a great Geico commercial! Treats for the dog, small appliances, a full dish rack - the hilarious items pushed to the floor are endless.

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That would be better than the one they did make - the cat ignoring the guy being chased by bad guys and then getting stuck in quicksand. "Go for help, boy!" Cat - "Who the hell you calling 'boy'?" It's obviously not HIS cat, as he's on the run, so why would the cat give a rat's ass?

Edited by riley702
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I absolutely love the Toys R Us commercials.  There's Barbie and Ken in the car with Ken refusing to ask Batman for directions.  There's the 2 toys discussing Steve who works on Tuesdays and Fridays and then there's Optimus Prime discovering from a "small child's toy" that there are many Optimus Primes. 


These commercial always put a smile on my face.

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That would be better than the one they did make - the cat ignoring the guy being chased by bad guys and then getting stuck in quicksand. "Go for help, boy!" Cat - "Who the hell you calling 'boy'?" It's obviously not HIS cat, as he's on the run, so why would the cat give a rat's ass?


You're assuming that if it was his cat, that would incline the little beast to do anything other than sit there and stare. ;-)

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