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S07.E25: Reunion: Part 3

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This times a million. That was the most ridiculous thing I've ever seen on Housewives, and that says a lot. I'm sure they didn't intend for it to go the way it did, but Dr. Jeff handled it in such an embarrassing way. First he lauded Nene for TALKING about her mother, which led to her apparent "breakthrough." Did I miss something? Did she say anything about her mother? Cuz all I heard was her say she "can't" talk about her mother, and then she walked off. She then proceeded to cry and fix her make-up, but she didn't say a word about anything, including her mother. Then she returned to the set, and again didn't say a word. Where was her breakthrough? Where was the courage that Dr. Jeff kept alluding to?

Secondly, Dr. Jeff hopped on the Nene train by speaking for her and saying she deserves RESPECT. I guess her mother disrespected her, her father, and past Housewives as well, and and I guess Dr. Jeff wanted everyone to get the memo - Queen Nene can not be disrespected! WTH? The whole segment was a trainwreck, and even though Nene questioning Dr. Jeff's skills at the end was hilariously shady, she's right in one respect - he's ridiculous.

This whole segment seemed odd to me but I cannot figure out why. It seemed like something that happened wasn't there... I thought Kandi looked bad when she didn't comfort NeeNee and Kenya, of all people, had to prompt her to say something nice.


lol. But I thought he said, "Faults...." Or, at least, meant faults, as so many seem to have heard something else! Which, if not exactly profoundly ... profound ... at least makes perfect sense, both contextually and as it's own little Deep Thoughts by Nene's Purseholder.

I forgot now, but it sounded deep and profound at the time.

Edited by Ubiquitous
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If Cynthia thought this was her way to get back in with NeNe, it was a total fail. NeNe shaded her so completely at the end with giving everyone props and then oh yea, Cynthia. I'm glad she came back there.

Dr. Jeff seems like he came to occupy the vacant wing in NeNe,s butt.

Nice touch NeNe with the shaking. She does have legitimate abandonment issues but I'm not buying that scene.


Slid her back under that bus nice and smooth though, didn't she?  LMAO!!!!!  This practically summed up that whole bullshit performance for me.  It's like when little kids are boohooing with their whole soul and then they hear the ice cream truck.....not so much with the sadness anymore huh?  Lol!!  Ah, Neeens, I love that I can rely upon her to never take the high road even when the tide is rolling in her favor.  That's made of awesomesauce right there.


Can someone please recite Greg's words of wisdom for me (headlights) & explain pls? K thx.


Sounds like consensus is "faults", but I heard:  flaws are like headlights, you can only see them in the other person.    That's real deep, now dr., you might wanna go somewhere and think that over.


I hate this constant narrative (and it *always* comes up in shows that are mostly women) that *everyone* is struggling in some way, and *everyone* has pain in their past, and *everyone* that is acting horribly is doing so out of some deep trauma that they haven't dealt with and are throwing onto someone else. This corny pop psychology. No-some people are just assholes. Case in point-Nene Leakes.


And I honestly would be shocked if Nene actually left the show. She has no skills. She has little going but this show and what little she has going on outside of it (sporadic TV and stage appearances) are directly because of the show. She leaves the show, those opportunities dry up. And her finances are seemingly so weak (or her spending is so uncontrolled) that she has not been able to buy a home. In Atlanta-which is not the most expensive part of the US. 


I have seen this in my own life-people who cannot handle hearing the truth about themselves resort to weeping to hold the truth at bay and hoover up sympathy. God bless Kandi for not falling for it-my opinion of her (I have actually always liked her) went up even further.


It's fascinating to watch actually.  If you sit real Jane Goodall still and make not a sound, you'll see them grow furious at your lack of compassion. 


Claudia going on and on about being offended by Nene's halfbreed statement would have been a great opportunity for Nene to bring up the "only see black people's eyes" comment.  I thought it was one of Nene's twitter comments that first brought this to our attention wasn't it?  I could be wrong though.


Claudia is seen saying this on a YouTube clip at event she was hosting years before having been hired on RHOA.  Assuming her castmates are even aware of it, it wouldn't make sense for Nene or anyone else to reference a thing the viewing audience doesn't know happened.  

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Greg was saying Thoughts are like headlights on a car, you only see the other person's. It means that you are quick to judge others but never see the same bad behavior in yourself. Both Kandi and Kenya are good examples of that

No one personifies this more than Nene herself. She should listen to her huzzbin.

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And how come Kandi and Cynthia didn't understand when Kenya alluded to this?  They seemed to completely misunderstand what she was saying.


Right after Cynthia returned to the couch she was was explaining that Nene was upset talking about her mom, and Kenya said that Nene made a mockery of Kenya when she talked about her (Kenya's) mom.  Meaning that if Nene had these issues herself it's odd she was so harsh on Kenya when she talked about the same kind of experiences.


But Cynthia and Kandi just told Kenya that she had talked about her mom before and was okay with discussing it, but Nene had never talked about her mom and she was less comfortable with the subject.


Huh? That wasn't what Kenya was talking about.  At all.  So no one ever really addressed the fact that Nene has these mother issues, yet felt fine seeing Kenya be mocked for hers.  


Andy Cohen seemed to have turned the show over to Dr. Jeff by that point so he never pointed out this ... inconsistency.  Everyone was kissing Nene's ass at that point so no one was going to say boo to her.  She should have been called on it.  As should have Porsha and anyone else who threw Kenya's situation with her mother in her face. 


Didn't Phaedra take some shots at Kenya's mom situation, too? 

What is sad is this what Nene thinks makes for good TV-five castmates kissing her ass and telling her how wonderful she is.  I get it she brought the concept together and now has had Carlos King fired for not portraying her in an always flattering light.  You have to have it to show it.  When asked about how her son is doing her answer-he is 25.  Non responsive.  Her behavior with the fake accepting responsibility and talking over anyone anytime they hit close to home is what makes me not even care about the Atlanta reunions.  I so wanted Kandi to finish a thought.


I can see now why Cynthia resigned as BFF, it must have been exhausting constantly kissing Nene's ass.  The whole idea that Nene asked Cynthia if Greg the purseholder could bring up Peter's treatment of Nene at the charity event was a raw nerve exposed. Greg came out like a lion going after Peter because Nene needs constant reassurance.  Peter did not mistreat Nene and at some point these southern ladies need to get with the 20th century and recognize married people are allowed to speak to people of the opposite sex.  These are hard drinking, cussing fools who will say anything in the heat of battle but a man can't tell a women she is out of line?  We are almost 15 years into the next century -catch up folks.


If Nene wants to be taken seriously I suggest she wear something under her jacket-her big old fake boob falling out of her jacket was just classless.  There is zero sexy about Nene.

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After watching that last 30 minute mess, I've a only got a couple of things....


I'm thinking that NeNe knew she was screwed after her horrible behavior, especially this past season, and that next season, she would be the one that no one would want to film with, so that breakdown was not fear of discussing her mother, it was fear of losing her peach.  


NeNe, if anything, is not stupid about certain things and is quick to assess a situation.  I'm not saying that she didn't have a rough past, and she definitely has abandonment issues (I can't blame her).  I think that is why she is such a demanding friend.  Because of her past, NeNe demands unwavering loyalty, undivided attention and undying love from anyone that she "lets in". 


NeNe is NOT that good of an actress, so that breakdown was real, to a degree, but, imo, NOT for the reason she gave.  She realized she had backed herself into a corner, and played the situation correctly.  Anger and dismissal of others didn't work, and could result in being demoted or not brought back.  NeNe needs the money, pseudo-fame and "accalades" (or however she said it).  


I didn't like Kandi this season, at all, but I think that she was the most real, Real Housewife sitting on those couches.  These women, except Kandi, all jumped to attend to the Queen, but next season, they will all be shading NeNe and tweeting and talking nasty all over again.


NeNe definitely is not ready to go back to a place of kindness and friendship with Cynthia - that was apparent by her dismissal of Cynthia in her closing thoughts.  


Dr. Jeff is a charlatan and seems like he got his degree that same place that the "Doctor" that Sheree was "dating" got his (from Photobucket images on the internet, and printed at the local Kinkos)


Lastly, since when did the producers change the name of the show from the Real Housewives of Atlanta to "Here's NeNe Leakes and  Friends"?  

Edited by njbchlover
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I call just plain B.S. on the "NeNe Leakes Reunion - Part 3 -- NeNe Brings Broadway to RHOA"


I go back and forth with Kandi -- the main reason I get upset with her is for her relationship with the witch that is her mother -- but I have to give her a "standing O" for how she reacted last night. She was the only one who admitted that she saw through NeNe's bullshit breakdown (by not getting up and running after her and all of her minions). I love the Instagram posted ^^ showing Phaedra holding onto Dr. Jeff's arm to help he and NeNe off stage or wherever.


Interesting that this quote was in the Sun-Journal (Lewiston ME) on Oct. 28, 1994: "Faults are like headlights on a car; those of others always seem to be more glaring than our own." ~ unknown


Seems Greg was "profound" over 20 years ago . . .



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Thanks y'all! "thoughts", "flaws" or "faults", either way, makes no sense purse-holder! As my grandmother would say "that's a deep thought for a shallow mind". Greg.

What I just can NOT with anymore, is the inability of these ho's (or any of the others) to ISSUE or ACCEPT an apology. Jesus Christ. Or to acknowledge YOU.  WERE.  WRONG. Maybe you didn't know details at the time, maybe you were full on HAM, but god damn, reflect a little & BEND! Mainly I am looking at NayNay & Phakedra, but it's true for everyone.

I really hope I don't let myself watch this next year.

ETA: Thanks Berly57, now THAT actually makes sense.

Edited by DrSparkles
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Claudia going on and on about being offended by Nene's half breed statement would have been a great opportunity for Nene to bring up the "only see black people's eyes" comment. 



True... but the last time NeNe took Claudia on, Claudia ran circles around her.  Even “close your legs to married men, trashbox” was not as harsh as what she threw at Claudia and Claudia just smirked at her and gave back worse.  You don’t take a knife to a gunfight twice.


Kandi should have done what Claudia did during the Circling of NeNe -- she walked up close, bowed her head and folded her hands like she was in line for communion.

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I'd also like to call bullshit on Claudia and her offense at the fact that Nene called her a half breed.  Fine, be offended, but spare me the "Maybe you should think about those other people you know personally who are mixed race when you use that type of language."  *hair flip*  




Claudia, honey, were you thinking about all your friends when you made your teeth comments?  Hmmmmmm?


And I'm comfortable sitting at the table of 1 with Nene's breakdown.  I thought it was real and I felt bad for her.  In my experience, the people who are the biggest assholes are those who have been the most hurt in their lives.  Does it excuse their behavior?  Absolutely not.  But I'm not a person who will get down in the dirt with them and sink to that level.  Treat someone with kindness and love and then you don't have to use someone else's behavior to justify your own.

Edited by CaughtOnTape
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I get it she brought the concept together and now has had Carlos King fired for not portraying her in an always flattering light.



I had not heard this.  When did this happen?

Edited by mwell345
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The reunion and the half breed remarks would've been the perfect time for Nene or Porsha to bring up the teeth & eyes comments but they didn't so...


Claudia needs to examine why she's so needy for acceptance.  It seems to be a recurring theme in Claudia's life.


I think Nene got butthurt over Cynthia's Arthur/Noelle/Grandbaby comments thinking they were shade towards HER and Bryson when Cynthia was probably just saying she didn't want Arthur/Noelle sneaking around and bringing HER (Cynthia) home a grandbaby.  I think that's where the real breakdown of the friendship happened.  Nene is disappointed & ashamed of her knucklehead son & his choices and felt Cynthia was shading her (when she wasn't) and decided to lash out and get Cynthia first.  All the Peter/bitch stuff happened AFTER the Noelle/dating incident.

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Nene didn't have Carlos fired.  He has two projects in the works, one of which is on Bravo and the other he is working with Todd Tucker on.  He was asked to leave when there was a ratings drop for Atlanta HWives though.  Had nothing to do with Nene.

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Did you guys notice when the good doctor was talking about Nene's break through, she was staring into his face with a look that said "what the F are you talking about" because clearly, to me, Mrs Leakes just wanted Dr J to admit he ran that first session wrong and she was right to vacate the premises. And, man, didn't he confirm it.....yaaas Nene, yaaas...

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Hence why (Dr. Jeff) backpeddled saying if he knew what she was going through, he would have conducted things differently.


Ya'll do realize that Dr. Jeff's statement about how he would do the therapy session differently was a standard issue double-talk BS empty and meaningless professional non-statement of acknowledging a mistake, right? 


All he said was something along the lines of "of course" if he had the chance to go back, as a therapeutic professional, he would certainly do things in such a way as to be the most beneficial to his client, that is always his goal blah blah blah.  As lily-livered as he is, he didn't completely kowtow to Nene and say what she wanted, which was that what he did was a big fuck up and he was sooo sorry, he learned from it and will never ever make such a mistake again because it was just so harmful to poor, poor Neener (and thank her for not having his license taken away for hurting her feelings, too, I guess). 


I realize Dr. Jeff is supposed to be some kind of therapist and wants to be civil to his "clients," but I don't think he did Nene any favor by pretending to acknowledge his wrongdoing for her sake.  All that did was reinforce her perception of herself as mistreated in that therapy session.  She had already displayed a completely stilted view of what went on during the session and all he did was feed into her delusions of persecution.   That is not something a good therapist does. 


Of course, true therapy and healing are not his real goal.  He just wants to be on the TeeVee so I guess his throwing a bone to the HBIC is his way of preserving his position on the show.  Bleh!


As a side note, I loved how everyone kind of groaned and frowned when Nene started in on Dr. Jeff with her initial question about whether he would do things differently.  All that good will she accumulated with her crying fit started to slip right out the window, lol.  It was like a group realization that no amount of love and support and approval will ever be enough for the Nene.  She will always instantly revert right back to the superior, castigating bitch she always was. 

Edited by Celia Rubenstein
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That was all kinds of weird. 


And I think Kandi was dumbfounded at first when Nene started crying or at least the look on her face was WTF?  And not getting up?  Who cares?  But it was one of those you just can't win situations for Kandi so staying put was smart.  Well until Kenya made her get up and I would have too just to not make it any more of an issue then it was.


It will be a matter of time before we find out if it was a real "breakthrough" moment for Nene or not.  I would like to think if it was genuine her behavior will change.  If she goes back to her old ways I would have to say it was a move  on her part to excuse her nastiness this past season.  She stared down for a long time before the tears really started to flow, was it method acting at its finest?  She was crying, but was it because of her mom or was it because it hit her she was losing her queenship and it freaked her out?

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No one personifies this more than Nene herself. She should listen to her huzzbin.

No kidding!

Every Bravo show features at least one true narcissist, in the clinical sense of the word - Nene fits the bill!

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Hell ya'll maybe she's a better actress than we've given her credit for.  That grassy knoll shit did get everybody up offa her about taking any responsibility for the therapy session foolishness.     Cherrio thank you, I never and I mean ever would've figured out that cancelling = counseling.  Even with having the context of the rest of the sentence.

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Kandi immediately got on the defensive when asked if Joyce apologized for her insensitive comments about Todd's mother post mortem, making sure it was known that during the season, the woman was still alive, like it was OK then to continue disrespecting her.  Don’t know if they are playing it up for the spinoff or if this is an issue but it just has to stop.

I couldn't help but wonder if Kandi was trying to subtly tell Todd to shut up and not ruin the surprise reconciliation on their skiing special.

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 It also appears that Peter did not see it as flirting and I also don’t think Cynthia did, either.  However, Cynthia and Peter are attached to Kenya’s hip right now so it took some teeth pulling for him to just say so.


I think Peter just didn't want to admit Nene was flirting with him because he had soaked up her attention like a sponge and he knows that is not appropriate.  And Cynthia ain't gonna say nothing about it being flirting since she never put her foot down with the way Nene was carrying on with Peter and to complain now would make her look like a spineless twerp.  Their denials of flirting had nothing to do with Kenya imo.


A lot of people, because they have already decided they just dislike Nene have already passed judgment on her that she is just playing it up and trying to deflect.  Working on a psych unit and in many group sessions, one can tell when someone is faking it or if it is real.  What I and most people who have gone through similar tramatic situations saw was real and very raw emotions.


While I admit I am no fan of Nene, I am totally willing to give her the benefit of the doubt because she has every reason to be upset about her mother. But I found her breakdown to be too conveniently timed and there was not a sufficient trigger for it in my opinion.  It seemed like a distraction technique designed to get her off the hot seat.  And no one was asking her to talk about her mother.  There have been many other times and places over seven long seasons where I could see that level of emotion about her mother being triggered.  But last night, no.  I ain't buying it. 


And FTR, I have experience in treatment settings as well.  And Nene's "breakdown" was straight up manipulation in my opinion.


My other problem is when Nene broke down, that would be the moment you shut off the cameras, take her to a private place with just you and her and THEN talk.


In show business, time is money. I can't expect Bravo to shut down the cameras and pay a huge crew of people to stand around while Nene undergoes a one-on-one cancelling session off camera.  Nor do I expect the housewives to stand around and wait while Dr. Jeff covers Nene's ass in lipstick.  She derailed the discussion which is reward enough for her.  Let her schedule a therapy appointment on her own time at her own expense if she needs it so desperately.

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That was some master manipulation. Very well done, Ms. Leakes. No doubt in my mind that Nene will be back to her old self by the new season. Hating on everybody, maybe even worse that ever because she now knows she still has the power to make them all fall at her feet. Except Kandi. Yay for that.  You just know all those bitches jumped off the couch to console Nene because they didn't want to look like assholes on camera. 


It must be exhausting being Greg. Now wonder he doesn't have another job. Nene is full time. He should have given as much time to the 5 kids and wife he left in the dust to go be with stripper Nene. 

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And FTR, I have experience in treatment settings as well.  And Nene's "breakdown" was straight up manipulation in my opinion.


I have had the same experiences and I also believe Nene's breakthrough was manipulation.  People with mental illnesses, as I have been told by a therapist, can be just as manipulative and willful as people who don't have mental illnesses.

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I have had the same experiences and I also believe Nene's breakthrough was manipulation.  


Put that "breakthrough" in quotations marks, please, lol!  Because it was no breakthrough. It was a breakdown.  Nene just cried and ran away.  I didn't see her developing any kind of sudden insight into her issues.  She's known all along she was hurt by what her mother did.  There was no epiphany, no discovery.  Hell, there was not even a discussion.  I don't know why they were calling it a breakthrough.  


In fact, to the extent Nene's diversionary tactics worked, it only inhibited the potential for any genuine breakthoughs.  It was just additional reinforcement encouraging her to use her childhood as an excuse for her obnoxious behavior.  If anything, it encouraged her to resist dealing with those issues and actually, you know ... change.

Edited by Celia Rubenstein
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Well, ITA with all you posters upthread calling bullshit on NeNe's "breakthrough".  I think she just was tired of all the attention going to other people and she wanted the spotlight back on her! Ergo, throw a fit. Start shaking and looking down while speaking about her mother and father.  I actually think she's kind of worried that if the new show with Kim doesn't pan out, she's gonna HAVE to go back to the RHOA tail tucked.  Nobody will want to film with her. Porsha's already just a "friend" and there's no guarantee Phaedra's returning.

Good God Almighty! THEN who wouldl film with her??


Totally appreciated Kandi's side-eye and also her general lack of ass kissing per the "breakthrough".  I also USED to think Dr. Jeff Gardere seemed like a professional guy but this whole mess he's gotten into with the Howives has changed my opinion of him and not for the better.

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The reunion and the half breed remarks would've been the perfect time for Nene or Porsha to bring up the teeth & eyes comments but they didn't so...


Claudia needs to examine why she's so needy for acceptance.  It seems to be a recurring theme in Claudia's life.



I'm glad they didn't bring it up.  I hate when people try to deflect from their own wrongdoing by chaging the subject and pointing the finger at someone else.  Regardless of what Claudia has said in her past, Nene was dead wrong for calling her a half breed.   I doubt Nene even knew about the teeth and eyes comment when she said it anyways so it's not relevant to this argument. 


As for the rest of the reunion - I'm shocked that there was 0 mention of Demtria and Roger Bob.  Like the first quarter of the season, Roger Bob's name was said at least 100 times.  He can't even get a shout out at the reunion?


I still like Dr. Jeff.  I think he has learned the only way to get Nene to "open up" was to let her feel she was in control. I interpeted his response to her question as, "Yes in hindsight I would have conducted the counseling differently,now that I know how insane you are and your brand of cray doesnt respond to traditional counseling methods".

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lol. But I thought he said, "Faults...." Or, at least, meant faults, as so many seem to have heard something else! Which, if not exactly profoundly ... profound ... at least makes perfect sense, both contextually and as it's own little Deep Thoughts by Nene's Purseholder.


Reminds me of "Prose by Cons" on SNL with Eddie Murphy playing convict Tyrone Green… "Kill the landlord … kill the landlord."

Edited by AuntieDiane6
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lol. But I thought he said, "Faults...." Or, at least, meant faults, as so many seem to have heard something else! Which, if not exactly profoundly ... profound ... at least makes perfect sense, both contextually and as it's own little Deep Thoughts by Nene's Purseholder.

Thanks! "Faults" definitely makes more sense. I thought Greg implied it was a complex statement that required deep thought (or repetition & study) to interpret it. However it is really a simple statement and easy to interpret (if stated clearly and not mumbled). Maybe he meant it would be difficult to understand his crappy enunciation…lol.
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I didn't have the stomach to watch Nene's bullshit until just now. It's as bad as you guys have described. Pure theatrics to garner sympathy.

I love that Kandi was having none of this nonsense.

Dr. Jeff is a quack. And Andy is completely ineffectual as an interviewer.

What a ridiculous ending to a humdrum season.

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so NeNe didn't want to talk about her mom and no one asked her about her mom…yet she spoke about her family in earlier seasons (season 1 and/or 2). Now she gives advice about how reality show cast should be open to talking about their past…wtf?


I watch RHOA in spite of NeNe. I have never been a fan of her (I'm still disgusted with her choking Kim Z…hey, why did LisaR get so much flack for going for KimR's mouth/throat when NeNe actually wrapped her hands around KimZ's throat).

After this reunion, specifically part 3, I am not sure I am going to watch it next year. I've never been a fan of Nene or Phaedra or Porscha however I can laugh at Phaedra most of the time since she is just ridiculous and not violent (usually not). Apollo should have been kick off the show after physically hurting Brandon (I think that was his name). Nene bullshit stealing of the reunion doesn't sit well with me and if everyone is just going to bow down to Nene then I don't want to watch anymore.

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I think Greg said "faults".


OhhhhHHHHHHhhhhhh!  Here I was thinking Gregg was just saying his usual batshit "pearls of wisdom," but that actually makes a hell of a lot of sense!  Damn, that was deep, lol.

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OK, I just confirmed Gregg said "faults".

Interestingly, I noticed Peter said he'd cheat with a movie star but never denied Porsha's, I think, allegations.

I noticed that, too. He made references to being "above" sleeping with waitresses- which is pompous and tacky. I heard no denials about cheating, though, just cheating "beneath him". He's a douchebag.


I do think Cynthia and Nene were real world friends, though. That exchange between them rang true and not just for TV. I think Nene's idea that Peter intervened and maybe helped Cynthia "find her voice" to keep her job and be more important to the show, is very possible. He seems to be rather Svengali-ish. I always liked Cynthia until this season. She brought some class to the show and now she's shit stirring too much. 

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Interestingly, I noticed Peter said he'd cheat with a movie star but never denied Porsha's, I think, allegations.



No, he did deny it.  He made it very clear that the waitresses who work for him are not good enough for him to cheat with, lol. I found that a touch insulting.  I am guessing they did, too. 


Somebody is gonna spit in his gin for sure for him saying that.  I'd be pouring my own drinks for a while if I were him. 

Edited by Celia Rubenstein
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This times a million. That was the most ridiculous thing I've ever seen on Housewives, and that says a lot. I'm sure they didn't intend for it to go the way it did, but Dr. Jeff handled it in such an embarrassing way. First he lauded Nene for TALKING about her mother, which led to her apparent "breakthrough." Did I miss something? Did she say anything about her mother? Cuz all I heard was her say she "can't" talk about her mother, and then she walked off. She then proceeded to cry and fix her make-up, but she didn't say a word about anything, including her mother. Then she returned to the set, and again didn't say a word. Where was her breakthrough? Where was the courage that Dr. Jeff kept alluding to?

Secondly, Dr. Jeff hopped on the Nene train by speaking for her and saying she deserves RESPECT. I guess her mother disrespected her, her father, and past Housewives as well, and and I guess Dr. Jeff wanted everyone to get the memo - Queen Nene can not be disrespected! WTH? The whole segment was a trainwreck, and even though Nene questioning Dr. Jeff's skills at the end was hilariously shady, she's right in one respect - he's ridiculous.


This! Definitely all the "you're so brave, strong, talented" stuff coming from Dr. Jeff and the other HWs was making me crazy. This could have sufficed as a televised tribute to NeNe, absent her performance. I really have no doubt that some of her reaction was genuine, but, dang, can that woman turn *anything* into an opportunity to make her shady self top dog?

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This! Definitely all the "you're so brave, strong, talented" stuff coming from Dr. Jeff and the other HWs was making me crazy. This could have sufficed as a televised tribute to NeNe, absent her performance. I really have no doubt that some of her reaction was genuine, but, dang, can that woman turn *anything* into an opportunity to make her shady self top dog?

And it's such a hollow title! Top Dog in this yapping pack is hardly worth the effort.

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I stopped watching this season after the Kenya-Phaedra reconciliation.  Felt like a good place to wrap it up.  


I read recaps online, and come here to fill in the rest because I know I'll get a variety of thoughtful amusingly-stated opinions on the goings-on.  And I have to say...I think I made a good call.  Thanks for being my methadone, basically, and letting me get a fix without the irritating experience of actually watching grown women continue the bullshit.

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Dr. Jeff is a quack. And Andy is completely ineffectual as an interviewer.

After I deleted this crap I watched shows from the ID Channel and guess who was the Dr. on that show?  Dr. Jeff - It's the show hosted by Roseann Barr about homicidal mothers.

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What the F did I just watch?


I could just see Kandi about to crack at the total bullshit being shoveled on that stage.  Why did that turn into a Nene ass kissing session just because she started crying about her mom, which had NOTHING to do with the show??? I am just completely dumbfounded by what I just watched--it was like some bizarro world.

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People who have been abandoned have a lot to prove. We see so much ego out of NeNe because she has to prove to herself that she has arrived. 


The look that Cynthia was sporting made her appear ten years older. She looked terrible. Her look has been off all season. I wasn't a fan of Kenya's dress either. 

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What the F did I just watch?


I could just see Kandi about to crack at the total bullshit being shoveled on that stage.  Why did that turn into a Nene ass kissing session just because she started crying about her mom, which had NOTHING to do with the show??? I am just completely dumbfounded by what I just watched--it was like some bizarro world.

It certainly was like bizarro world. I think Nay Nay has ALWAYS been threatened and intimidated by Kandi. Kandi has enjoyed a legitimate career in the music business and has taken ZERO crap off the Moose since the beginning of her tenure on the show. I was so proud of Kandi for seeing through that crazy charade, while the others flocked around NeNe like a crowd of silly mental patients. They ought to be ashamed of themselves. I love seeing opportunistic nitwits getting their just desserts. And after it was all over, Cynthia was summarily dismissed by NeNe who acted like she had trouble even recalling Cynthia's name. Like Kandi said, she acts this way because they kiss her ass. I am SO glad to see that you guys all completely saw through that ridiculous con of hers. Kandi was OWNING NeNe, and when NeNe realized it, she put on that ridiculous act of hers. After everything that NeNe has said about these hos, they go running up in her sphincter fighting for space. Proud of Kandi for seeing her as the dirty moose she is. 

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No, he did deny it.  He made it very clear that the waitresses who work for him are not good enough for him to cheat with, lol. I found that a touch insulting.  I am guessing they did, too. 


Somebody is gonna spit in his gin for sure for him saying that.  I'd be pouring my own drinks for a while if I were him. 


Oh, I don't know - if Peter didn't want anything to do with me, I think I'd take it as a compliment, LOL!!!  :-)

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