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S05.E21: Reunion Part 2

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Of course, she closed it with "Well, I heard things".....for fuck's sake, Kim - EVERYONE has heard/read THINGS about almost EVERYONE in Hollywood!!!   Loved Lisa V's comment - "Oh, and where did you "hear things"~~from The Enquirer?"


Ahhh, I forgot about that exchange!  Both Kim and Brandi excel at taking rumors they've "heard" and repeating them as if they were the gospel.  At least there is actual footage of Kim being out of it on several different occasions, and pictures of Brandi with her tampon string hanging out and having to be helped out of clubs because she was so drunk.

  • Love 12

I missed that explanation...loved the fact it was asked but I never heard the answer.

This happened constantly tonight. All the ladies asked a lot of good questions, but then someone else would jump in and ask or say something else. There was so much material to cover, and they all wanted to get their points in. I guess that's human nature, and I can understand that, but it was frustrating as a viewer, because I really wanted to hear those questions answered, and those issues addressed. If only this was moderated....

  • Love 21

Brandi looks up trash on everybody, true or not, then throws things out there.  Always the "I read", "I heard".   I would have thrown out so much more trash on her than the women did.   Eileen "sleeping with a married man", well, what about the women Brandi invited in to have sex w/her & Eddie?  Didn't she promote a woman sleeping with a married man?

  • Love 9

I hear you.  My hub tries to act like he's above, but he will quote some key phrases ("prostitution whore") like a champ.

Mine started laughing tonight as I was watching and I asked him which part he found so funny and he responded, "Lisa Vanderpump (yeah full name) just asked if Kim read about HH in the Enquirer." really with everything going on he heard that pretty quiet comment? I just know he was riveted, pretending to read his freaking book.

  • Love 16

So far 14 minutes in and nothing is new. Saw it on First Looks.


24 minutes in and it's still about Brandi. 


35 minutes into it...finally Andy says to Kim did you hear he (Harry) had an affair?  Maybe we finally get to the bottom of it.


Wow that Lisar is some big mouth hot head.  Talk about out of control...she makes Brandi look like one of LV's pussy blouses!  


Still nothing on what Harry did except Lisar suggested he fu'ked the dog?  Kind of the same old...same old.


Kim apologized to Eileen...? 


Kyle goes crazy about having a relationship with Kim's children...have to wait till the commercial is over. Guessing Kim will enjoy keeping her 4 children away from Aunt Kyle. In tears Kyle tells Kim, I supported you and your children...you want to take your children from me...your so mean. Kyle admits the only reason she patched things up with Kim in the past is because of her love for Kim's children. Kyle does not expect to attend Kim's daughter's wedding though Kim said a few times that Kyle is still welcome.


Whenever anyone mentions Kim being off the wagon Kyle nods her head in agreement. Has she fueled the fire about Kim relapsing behind the scene to the other cast members? Were they acting with Kyle's approval?


IMO the sisterhood is dead, dead. dead.  Forget about being an aunt if you dislike their mother...not going to work.


Well it appears we'll have to wait until Part 3 for the juice.  (:))

Edited by talula
  • Love 6

I missed that explanation...loved the fact it was asked but I never heard the answer.


Did Kim say something about it being 8 days tonight?  


I swear I heard something about her being 100% hospitalized for something like 8 days and 8 nights.  She was definitely lit like a Menorah during the reunion taping so who knows what she thought she was saying.  

  • Love 22

Brilliant! If you are not offered an extremely high-paying creative job by the end of next week's episode there is no justice in this world.

Will you be doing these for the NY ladies? Moaner's eyes alone ....


Thank you.


Yes.   Moaner's eyes alone probably deserve their own thread.   LOL


ETA: It's going to take a little time for me to get back into NY.  I stopped watching after Bethanny left so half the cast is new to me.


You're welcome.  Thought I'd change it up a little from the one thousand and one comments that Kim is the most evilest, evil that ever eviled, and Brandi is lying trash that tells the world you're a cheater - how unfair! 


I just can't keep discussing Kim and Brandi so I appreciated your post.  I don't like either of them but they didn't bother me at all tonight.  I've learned to tune them out and all I hear is blah, blah, blah.


BTW.......I thought your comment about Eileen was excellent.  They all need to own their shit.  Even though I thought Eileen was making a mountain out of a molehill, IMHO the night belonged to LisaV and Eileen.  They were the only two that didn't act like total a$$holes.  I'm sick of Kyle's whining and crying.


Speaking of Kyle.........I didn't hear Kim say she was disinviting Kyle to her daughter's wedding.  

Edited by AnnA
  • Love 4

Did anyone else find it extremely frustrating to watch when you have two or three people talking or rather screaming over each other? Good lord I think I missed more than half of what was said due to that. No moderation. Thanks a lot Andy. If you can't tell people not to scream over each other at least put subtitles on the screen.

  • Love 9

You're welcome.  Thought I'd change it up a little from the one thousand and one comments that Kim is the most evilest, evil that ever eviled, and Brandi is lying trash that tells the world you're a cheater - how unfair!

Part of the fun of coming here for me is finally getting that point of view represented since Andy seems reticent to broach either woman's awfulness head on at the actual reunion. I love those thousand and one comments myself since they're all damn accurate and generally entertaining.

I don't know if I'm getting used to the horror of Brandi's fillers or if this reunion took so long to film that they actually had a chance to settle during the course of it but she didn't look as frightening tonight

  • Love 16

So, in a preview of next week, Kim brings up a text from LisaR to her, basically telling her to stop lying and to be careful or she will F her over, followed by her telling Kim her behavior and how she treats people is not OK, and how nasty she is, among other things. Then Kim says, "There's something wrong with her!" Really, Kim? And, of course, your BFF is all right with you when she threatens to shove people's teeth down their throats, or fantasizes repeatedly about beating up your sister. At least LisaR was in tears apologizing. Something neither you nor Brandi can do. You don't bother, and Brandi's attitude is, "F you. Yes, I said that. So what?"


What a pair.

  • Love 17

I'm only 1/2 way through the comments and so many great points have already been made. I have say I was ecstatic when Kim was called out on her BEHAVIOR and how she deflected about them talking about it when really it was her behavior (higher than a kite) that was key (and caught on film). I loved the editors showing clips that contradicted Kim and Brandi's lies. Andy SUCKS!


bronchitis, pneumonia? What about the hernia and broken rib….LOL! 

5, 7,9, 8 days in the hospital…LOL


I wish someone had brought up the PAIN PATCH (fentanyl?….I seriously doubt it was a lidocaine patch). Maybe they did bring up Brandi's conversation with LisaR in more detail but it was edited out for some reason? The other women have no reason to protect Brandi and her insidious comments implying Kim was suicidal and her addiction/relapse was worse than anyone thought. I would of totally brought but Brandi talking about Kim's use of pain patches and how Brandi was the reason everyone was talking about it.


Brandi can dish it but can't take it (and can't understand that comment)


Mark this day in your calendar--> Kim apologized! It was insincere and Andy kind of made her say it but it is still a first!


I wished Kyle would of told Kim that both Kim and Kathy (if Kim wasn't lying about what Kathy said) can fuck off!


I doubt LisaR tweeted anything worse than I have thought about Kim…like--I wonder if you will feel the same way about Kingsley after he eats your face when you are passed out drunk or semi-comatose from pills…but you probably wouldn't mind since you would get pain meds and would likely poison to death a young pretty woman to be able to wear her face. I'm not serious about that thought but it did pop into my mind (I guess I am pretty twisted).


I love Kyle but she needs to find her inner mean girl and let it loose on Kim (and Brandi). Obviously it's complicated but I hope she cuts Kim out of her life for good. 

  • Love 8

Kim is fucking horrible.

Take Tamra, Jill, Vicki, Nene, Teresa, and Kelly and you still don't get anywhere near Kim's level of nastiness. Tamra probably comes closest, but I don't think even that witch is as evil as Kim. I mean Kim is just gross. The way she speaks to people, her smug bitch face, her lies, how horrible she is to her own family...just wow. Please get her off the show. Enough of satan on my tv, thanks.

Edited by Brooke0707
  • Love 19

I don't appreciate the sort of kowtowing from Andy to Brandi: "Brandi, which HW would you like to see fired?" Excuse me? Why is Brandi the only one he asks this? "Brandi, you apologized after throwing wine at Eileen. Do you think she gave you a fair shake?" Again - what?!



If I had a dead mackerel I would buy a ticket to go where WWHL is shot to slap Andy upside his square head!  I knew production was on Kim and Brandi's side when they showed Brandi's conversation with LisaR about Kim and cut it off right before Brandi was about to say Kim should have an intervention because she was "worse than everyone thinks".  I almost hit the floor when that happened.  I say we all write in and have Andy's ass fired.  He's not unbiased enough to be the mediator. 

  • Love 21

I'm only 1/2 way through the comments and so many great points have already been made. I have say I was ecstatic when Kim was called out on her BEHAVIOR and how she deflected about them talking about it when really it was her behavior (higher than a kite) that was key (and caught on film). I loved the editors showing clips that contradicted Kim and Brandi's lies. Andy SUCKS!

bronchitis, pneumonia? What about the hernia and broken rib….LOL!

5, 7,9, 8 days in the hospital…LOL

I wish someone had brought up the PAIN PATCH (fentanyl?….I seriously doubt it was a lidocaine patch). Maybe they did bring up Brandi's conversation with LisaR in more detail but it was edited out for some reason? The other women have no reason to protect Brandi and her insidious comments implying Kim was suicidal and her addiction/relapse was worse than anyone thought. I would of totally brought but Brandi talking about Kim's use of pain patches and how Brandi was the reason everyone was talking about it.

Brandi can dish it but can't take it (and can't understand that comment)

Mark this day in your calendar--> Kim apologized! It was insincere and Andy kind of made her say it but it is still a first!

I wished Kyle would of told Kim that both Kim and Kathy (if Kim wasn't lying about what Kathy said) can fuck off!

I doubt LisaR tweeted anything worse than I have thought about Kim…like--I wonder if you will feel the same way about Kingsley after he eats your face when you are passed out drunk or semi-comatose from pills…but you probably wouldn't mind since you would get pain meds and would likely poison to death a young pretty woman to be able to wear her face. I'm not serious about that thought but it did pop into my mind (I guess I am pretty twisted).

I love Kyle but she needs to find her inner mean girl and let it loose on Kim (and Brandi). Obviously it's complicated but I hope she cuts Kim out of her life for good.

"Dish it but not take it" means that you feel free to insult others without retaliation but criticism of your behavior brings tears and deflection.

Andy is performing a clever cross examination.

Though I have no advance knowledge, I suspect that the Brandi-Jennifer convos will be covered in the third hour and Brandi will insist that it didn't happen that way.

  • Love 4

Alexa gets $450 a month allowance? Did I hear that right?


No, you did not. Alexia is getting $450/week, which would be $1800 per month. The look of jealousy on Kim's face during the playback of that scene was priceless.


Speaking of Kim, she's so drug addled she can't keep her lies straight. Didn't she say during the season she suffered from a hernia, which is why she was in the hospital? Now it's bronchitis *and* pneumonia that she had for two months? Bitch, please. You wouldn't take prescription narcotics for that, either. You're an addict who relapses but are far too gone to see that lying about it over and over again whittles away what little credibility and strength character you have left.


I loved that the flash backs of Brandi calling Kim a meth head showed us Kim two noses ago, and Brandi five or six procedures ago. These girls might as well get their eyes done too because their vision seems to be severely impaired if they think these new faces are improvements.


Lisa Rinna flies off the handle too easily, but was easily assuaged by Andy. Either she's quite unhinged or Rinna is just bringing the over-the-top drama for the sake of the cameras, which would make me dislike her because she's being disingenuous.


Anyone notice how when prompted by Eileen to answer what she brings to the table, Brandi said "conflict" and not one of them batted an eyelid? Either its a well accepted fact that Brandi is the human incarnate of Eris, goddess of strife and discord or its no secret the Bravo producers have been instigating Brandi to bring the drama all season long. This, coupled with Andy's soft balling her with questions leads me to believe there is absolutely no way this witch will not be coming back for another season, much to my chagrin.

  • Love 16

someone mentioned pain pills not being needed for pneumonia…true

with pneumonia you want to cough up the phlegm and you should NOT take narcotics (prescription pain killers) which can suppress respirations.

kim should of stuck with the hernia and broken rib excuse

I was ill for 3 weeks in November with pneumonia (collapsed right middle lobe) and after 3 weeks of doing so little I was very physically deconditioned for months and had a productive cough for over 4 weeks.

Once the cough becomes "dry" then sometimes codeine cough syrups are given to suppress a dry cough so one may get some sleep.

  • Love 9

I know I'm definitely in the minority, but I can't STAND Lisa Rinna.  And I'm not crazy about Eileen.  I think they were brought on the show to spice things up and it's taken all the fun out of it for me.  Eileen asks leading questions like Kristin from NY does like she's had a script to follow and keep the show in a certain direction.  And Lisa Rinna!  Please, someone get rid of her before she completely takes over the show!!  The reunion tonight was a good example.  How many times did Lisa R stand up to talk, or butt in for a sarcastic remark,anything to stay relevant and be back next year :(  I wont watch this trainwreck next year if Lisa R is on it.  It's all about her and she is so plastic.  This used to be my favorite show.....   I can't believe I fast forwarded several parts of it.

  • Love 8



Whenever anyone mentions Kim being off the wagon Kyle nods her head in agreement. Has she fueled the fire about Kim relapsing behind the scene to the other cast members? Were they acting with Kyle's approval?


Seems like that's been Kyle's MO since the season 1 reunion when Taylor went after Kim and kept looking at Kyle like, "how'd I do? Are you going to say anything ?" and Kyle busily checked out her bodice but stayed silent. Kim can be dreadful at times but Kyle getting others to badmouth her sister is something else. IMO.

  • Love 5

I've never seen such hatred toward a sister as Kyle shows to Kim.  She sits there in her heroic suffering while her eyes gleam pure hatred at Kim.  I've read the book about that family and I know their mother pitted them against each other while telling them to watch out for each other.  How confusing and frustrating that must have been for young girls.  Especially Kyle, who admits to being the lesser known one and the least attractive.  Too bad she cant move past it now that she's wealthy and beautiful and seemingly has finally bested her sister.

  • Love 7
Though I have no advance knowledge, I suspect that the Brandi-Jennifer convos will be covered in the third hour and Brandi will insist that it didn't happen that way.


It better!  Letting that sit unquestioned is a total failure, even if it's not the narrative the show wants to push.  And if they aren't going to discuss it, they should have left it out entirely.  


Kim was just raised wrong, imho.  I don't think she relapsed, I think she's delusional and accustomed to people allowing that to be called reality, whether it's because she was a star or because she's a "fragile" addict who needs protection and support.  Even if they played unedited footage in front of her she'd likely spin a different tale.  I'll admit to being entertained tonight- thoroughly- right up until the end with Kyle.  But I'm ready for her to go.  Let her live in her delusions with Kathy, and probably Kyle.  


I thought Brandi and Kim exchanged a look when Andy asked Eileen how it was to work unscripted, as though there is in fact a script to follow.  That was interesting, as were the flashbacks when it seemed like both Brandi and Kim tried to get the cameras to cut.  I like when they acknowledge the fact that they're on TV...to a point.


Brandi was less offensive to me tonight, maybe because Kim drew my attention.  Or maybe I stopped paying full attention as it became clear that she, like, Kim, is thoroughly ensconced in a delusion she believes everyone should embrace and there's kind of no point caring about it.  In her head she's a victim, a woman who defends herself when necessary and then gets unnecessarily penalized for it.  Nothing is going to shake her from that, though I did appreciate watching Eileen and LisaR poke back at it, especially Eileen who did so calmly.  


I would, however, love to hear someone ask her a direct question about Kenya getting attacked by Porsha.  If she's so adamantly against the idea that words can provoke and therefore lessen the offense of a physical attack, she should be supportive of Kenya in that conflict, right, even if Kenya is (allegedly) evil.


Here's to finishing this up!  I wonder if we'll get previously-unaired footage to try and make wrap it up in a light, frothy way.

  • Love 5

Also, ya know what's proof positive that Kim knows she's full of shit?  Her throwing out that Kathy is on her side.


But even so, who gives a fuck?  Lisa Rinna shooting back with "Is Kathy God?" or whatever she said, made me laugh.  No one who thinks they're right needs validation for it from anyone else.  


If I had been Kyle I would've said exactly that.

Fuck you, Kim.


Way to keep it real Lisa R.  I'm soooo sick of Kim idolizing her ass and Kyle fearing Kathy.  Kathy doesn't scare no one from what I've seen on here and on LaToya's Jackson's show.  I never watched Paris' shows.  Was she a bitch or something?


So, in a preview of next week, Kim brings up a text from LisaR to her, basically telling her to stop lying and to be careful or she will F her over, followed by her telling Kim her behavior and how she treats people is not OK, and how nasty she is, among other things. Then Kim says, "There's something wrong with her!" Really, Kim? And, of course, your BFF is all right with you when she threatens to shove people's teeth down their throats, or fantasizes repeatedly about beating up your sister. At least LisaR was in tears apologizing. Something neither you nor Brandi can do. You don't bother, and Brandi's attitude is, "F you. Yes, I said that. So what?"


What a pair.


Kim and Brandi need to get married already.  They are a lot alike which is why they are they are friends.  Can hold such double standards, are manipulative, and deflection queens.  They both have common goals, especially when it comes to Kyle, destroy anyone who's more happier than they are.


I'm only 1/2 way through the comments and so many great points have already been made. I have say I was ecstatic when Kim was called out on her BEHAVIOR and how she deflected about them talking about it when really it was her behavior (higher than a kite) that was key (and caught on film). I loved the editors showing clips that contradicted Kim and Brandi's lies. Andy SUCKS!


bronchitis, pneumonia? What about the hernia and broken rib….LOL! 

5, 7,9, 8 days in the hospital…LOL


I wish someone had brought up the PAIN PATCH (fentanyl?….I seriously doubt it was a lidocaine patch). Maybe they did bring up Brandi's conversation with LisaR in more detail but it was edited out for some reason? The other women have no reason to protect Brandi and her insidious comments implying Kim was suicidal and her addiction/relapse was worse than anyone thought. I would of totally brought but Brandi talking about Kim's use of pain patches and how Brandi was the reason everyone was talking about it.



Andy is sucking at this reunion.  Thank goodness the Lisas are doing his job for him.  Maybe he had whatever Brandi was having.  Xanax on the rock! 


Kim is brain damaged from all the drugs and alcohol.  It's caught up with her that's for sure.  Her lies don't hold one ounce of water.  The best she can come up with is "focus on your own shit" or "you don't even know me"  to care.   LMAO!  Kim, IMO, was in the hospital because she was detoxing!  See they wont say but there is IG proof of it.  Hernia my ass!  Monty giving her a pill my ass!


I can't even say anything other than Kim is disgusting.  I am taken aback by how repellent she is.  I don't know what else there is to say.  She is a gaslighter.  She is disgusting.


And she's going to be here next season.


It makes me ill too.  People on twitter have been blowing up Andy telling him to fire she and Brandi.  If anyone will get fired it will be Brandi.  But damnit while I want both to go Kim has just hit that last nerve with me.  I want her to be fired so badly.  But thanks to her saving her text messages she probably has saved her job yet another season.  UGH!

Edited by BlackMamba
  • Love 5

Dayum, Eileen is a fuckin' boss!


Brandi, your digging around for dirt on Eileen means that, yes, you do think of her. Big dummy.


Kyle's Botox hills and Hulk veins, holy shit. I was scared her face was going to burst.


Rinna is pleasing this person so far.


Kim is awful and makes my head spin. But then she calls someone an eggbeater, and I'm reminded why I need her on the show.

  • Love 10

Ok wait, didn't we see Kim say she had a hernia or some sort? Was that in addition to the bronchitis? Or was RumRaisin just packed in the box too tightly?

I swear she was hunched over hugging a pillow saying she had a huge hernia.

I don't drink so it wasn't that lol. Someone help me out here?

Kim claimed she suffered a broken rib, a hiatal hernia and a ruptured disc in her blog after the poker night episode and later on, she complains about bad knees during the scavenger hunt. LOL


I missed that explanation...loved the fact it was asked but I never heard the answer.

LisaR asked her how many days she was in the hospital and Kim replied "8"! LOL In her blog, she claimed 9 days, at her house she said 5 days and at the mixer she claimed 7 days! Which is it, 9, 8, 7, or 5?

  • Love 13



And - I can't help look at her eyes.   Did she really have her makeup done?   She looks like she just rolled out of bed, and has the dreaded morning mascara smudge under her eyes.  



Kimmy looks God damn 100% awesome for an addicted, pill poppin',  patch slappin', rum soaked, raisin faced, mean, lying cunt.

Edited by Giselle
  • Love 17

Ok wait, didn't we see Kim say she had a hernia or some sort? Was that in addition to the bronchitis? Or was RumRaisin just packed in the box too tightly?

I swear she was hunched over hugging a pillow saying she had a huge hernia.

I don't drink so it wasn't that lol. Someone help me out here?


Remember that great scene where Brandi asked Kim what a "hernia" was and Kim couldn't explain it. LOL! Kim is too stupid to google her fake health problems. She should take Thiamine 100 mg a day.


Oh Brandi thought she was so clever bringing up assault/battery. I was too jazzed when Kyle asked her about those threats Brandiboop made at her. And stupid ass lost her cool and said she hasn't done it yet. Well there went your argument dumbass!


So true but I wish Kyle or LIsa had spelled it out for everyone. The glass didn't touch/cut anyone so it wasn't any different from teeth not actually being touched/knocked in. I don't think Brandi gets analogies, metaphors, similes, comparisons, etc… so it needs to be brought down to a 3rd grade level.  


"Dish it but not take it" means that you feel free to insult others without retaliation but criticism of your behavior brings tears and deflection.

Andy is performing a clever cross examination.

Though I have no advance knowledge, I suspect that the Brandi-Jennifer convos will be covered in the third hour and Brandi will insist that it didn't happen that way.


LOL;-) I know what "dish it but not take it" means but I don't think Brandi did based on her response which was something like "I can dish it and if given back to me then I can dish it back" (something like that where she doesn't admit to being able to take it….however  I think she did say separately at one point that she could take it but then made that statement)…sorry, I am rambling.


I like LisaR's exuberance and willingness to call out stuff that needs to be said, especially when others seem to be forgetting what needs to be said. I do wish she brought up the pain patch and Brandi's conversation. I fear that if Brandi stays another season, then LisaR may be her friend….I only think that because she hasn't mentioned in detail what Brandi said about Kim's sobriety/addiction. Maybe I am just paranoid. Maybe LisaR is cutting her some slack because she feels guilt about some mean tweet/text. I know it is wrong, but I kind of like how LisaR is willing to get in the gutter or play dirty (that is what the preview seemed to hint at) with a villain like Brandi and Kim. I know it isn't the best way to handle the situation but when done against a villain a part of me gets off on it even though I logically know it is wrong.


Taking someone else's prescription medications is illegal! Even if they gave it to you.


Kyle and LisaV's giggling together in response to Brandi's comment about Kyle wanting to sell Lisa's house was THE BEST response. It was honest laughter at how ridiculous the comment was and it wasn't yelling or crying or insulting. Even better, it totally pissed off Brandi more than yelling and exchanging insults would have done. That's how you handle Brandi yet don't sink to low blows. I don't think they intentionally did it and it was genuine laughter at Brandi's stupid remark


I loved Eileen and how she calmly and logically shut down Brandi.


I have to admit to liking the shade and reads done by the Atlanta women. The BH women could learn a thing or two from them but I don't want them physically fighting.


I wonder what the regular viewers think---pro or anti-brandi/kim. Andy played spin doctor for them but the other women called them out on their lies and hypocrisy. I hope the viewers (not the informed forum readers but the other viewers) don't see it as a gang up with Brandi and Kim as the victims. I don't think they will but I'm not sure.

  • Love 7

Or Adrienne's kids when she outed the surrogacy? Or Kyle's kids when she called her a f*cking c*nt? Or her bff Kim's kids when she called their mother a meth addict? Etc., etc...



And how many times does she need to mention Kyle smoking pot?  We get it Brandi and I'm sure Kyle's kids got it.  Kyle smoked pot!  Whoopty friggin doo bitch!  STFU!!!

Edited by swankie
  • Love 22

And how is taking prescription narcotics belonging to someone else NOT a slip up. You start the clock over Kim darling sorry. Ass that she is.

And I have real sympathy for Kyle since I have the same problem not crying when something so frustrates and angers me. I've had to deal with drunks in my family who remember nothing and who actually have yelled at me that my problem is that I "remember everything". That line actually stopped my crying and I started to laugh.

I don't envy Kyle having to deal with her crazy ass sister.


Sad to say but Kyle's life will be a lot easier once her sister passes. Kim loves torturing her.

  • Love 19

I know I'm definitely in the minority, but I can't STAND Lisa Rinna.  And I'm not crazy about Eileen.  I think they were brought on the show to spice things up and it's taken all the fun out of it for me.  Eileen asks leading questions like Kristin from NY does like she's had a script to follow and keep the show in a certain direction.  And Lisa Rinna!  Please, someone get rid of her before she completely takes over the show!!  The reunion tonight was a good example.  How many times did Lisa R stand up to talk, or butt in for a sarcastic remark,anything to stay relevant and be back next year :(  I wont watch this trainwreck next year if Lisa R is on it.  It's all about her and she is so plastic.  This used to be my favorite show.....   I can't believe I fast forwarded several parts of it.


I'll keep you company.  On another thread someone posted a clip of Lisa from her Access Hollywood co-host gig this week. Her schtick is why I suspect she hasn't had any steady, long term acting gigs in a while.  She's over the top, crass, yells instead of speaks, and is just up in yo' face at all times. Hands and arms waving all about the place.  RHOBH or soaps are perfect vehicles for her.  But if I was a potential employer?  I wouldn't hire her. She's exhausting in her self promotion and I don't think she plays well with others.


Over these past 2 reunions, I've seen Kyle, Eileen, LisaVP and Andy look like they were annoyed with her.  She's annoying. 

  • Love 10

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