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17 Good
  1. Lisa R. behaved like an ass clown. I "get it" that we're not discussing Chaucer here, but attacking someone's physical features is disgusting. No wonder Kyle is a favorite. Kindred spirits.
  2. And now from the alternate universe. It's lonely being on "Team Brandi and Kim", but I'm coping. Will we ever get through an entire episode without having to endure Kyle's crocodile tears? Just heartbreaking how hard her life has been as Kim's sister. Kim knows how her sister exploits her weaknesses to make herself look good. And unfortunately, Kim blows and furthers her reputation as a nut job. Brandi did nothing wrong tonight, and I applaud her for shutting down the bs during that ridiculous display at the "weed bar". For crissakes, these women live in California. These women are in their 40's and 50's, and this is one of the first times they've ever been exposed to weed? I'll tell you one thing, "experimenting" with a mind-altering substance for the first time on national tv, doesn't add up. As for Kim, yes she overreacted. Perhaps. However, she's been dismissed as the "loopy addict sister" of righteous, sweet Kyle forever, and she's (Kim) not stupid. She's genuine. She has a pure heart, unlike her sister. We all reach our boiling point. Love Lisa R., but come on. Throwing a glass? Nobody ever knocks all the petty comments everyone makes about Brandi and Kim behind their backs, but because Brandi and Kim are direct in their criticisms, they're crazy and trashy. Hmmmm.....
  3. Kyle was AWFUL to Brandi when Brandi first appeared on the show. Mocking, laughing...I'm talking Season 2. Look it, it's not that easy for me to defend Brandi, as some of her antics are unbelievable. I don't remember her leading the failed coup in Puerto Rico. I recall her being truly hurt and upset (and vocal about it to others) by Lisa's relationship with Sheana, and Kyle taking off with it. Eating it up like she savors any and all gossip about anyone. Lisa and Kyle didn't have any truer a friendship than Lisa and Brandi did eventually. Which, I might add, started after Lisa realized how horrid Kyle and Kim were to Brandi at Dana's game night. I'm not letting Brandi off the hook completely. I just don't believe her motivation is fueled by insidious reasons as Kyle's is. I'm really surprised that Lisa doesn't make the same distinction. Hey, I'm either completely off-base on this, or I'm watching another show. I'm clearly in the minority with my take. How would any "best friend" feel when their bff is constantly putting them in the position of having to face the "other woman"? And "being quite comfortable at arm's length", is putting it mildly. (Lisa) isn't passing up any opportunity to belittle Brandi with her snide comments every chance she can. (And she's brilliant at that, part of her charm.) I get it that Lisa is still hurt, but again; everyone else has seemed to get a hall pass with their bullying of Lisa. If I still harbored that much venim, which Lisa obviously does for Brandi; I would just avoid her. It's negative energy, and it can't feel good. For either party.
  4. Brandi proudly led the failed coup in Puerto Rico. It really isn't about the lesser of two evils for Lisa-Kyle was kind to Brandi until Brandi unfairly went after her. Too bad for Brandi she did it in front of Lisa. Lisa and Kyle had a true friendship before the show began and long before Brandi hobbled into their lives. In terms of this episode Lisa seems to be quite comfortable in her arm's length relationship with Brandi.
  5. Lisa Vanderpump is one of my favorite housewives, however, I don't understand why she is so unwilling to forgive Brandi whilst she allows Kyle (the most two-faced, pot-stirring phoney of all the housewives, ever) back into her life with no consequences. Brandi was the least "brutal" of all the conspirators on that awful trip to .... wherever they all were ganging up on Lisa V. Brandi was legitamately hurt by Lisa shoving Sheana down her throat. Period. Brandi is honest to a fault. She's brash and tempermental. She's inappropriate. However, everyone seems to forget when she first arrived "on the scene" how "principled Kyle" was mocking her high heels on crutches, followed by the despicable mean-girl antics with stoned Kim about not "wanting Brandi on her team...." And do we recall how Kyle always talked shit about Lisa V. (and everyone else?) How about how she tormented Camille Grammer the first season? Kim may get on most viewers' nerves, however, I disagree. She's sweet, and she's absolutely right in feeling that Kyle exploits her weaknesses to make herself look good and righteous. Kyle is so UNcool, it's cringe-worthy. I know plenty of gay men, and none would lower themselves by attending a party with such a crude label. There's a reason why Yolanda (annoying with all her "loves", for sure, but arguably the most genuine and least petty of all on the show, is so close with Brandi. Yea, yea, yea; Eileen and Lisa R. are great. But I am always suspicious of anyone not suspicious of phoney-ass, trouble-making, social-climbing, Kyle. Oh, and one last thing. Have any of these women learned not to use their swizzle sticks as straws? For crissakes, they might as well slurp their coffee!
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