Lisa Vanderpump is one of my favorite housewives, however, I don't understand why she is so unwilling to forgive Brandi whilst she allows Kyle (the most two-faced, pot-stirring phoney of all the housewives, ever) back into her life with no consequences. Brandi was the least "brutal" of all the conspirators on that awful trip to .... wherever they all were ganging up on Lisa V. Brandi was legitamately hurt by Lisa shoving Sheana down her throat. Period. Brandi is honest to a fault. She's brash and tempermental. She's inappropriate. However, everyone seems to forget when she first arrived "on the scene" how "principled Kyle" was mocking her high heels on crutches, followed by the despicable mean-girl antics with stoned Kim about not "wanting Brandi on her team...." And do we recall how Kyle always talked shit about Lisa V. (and everyone else?) How about how she tormented Camille Grammer the first season? Kim may get on most viewers' nerves, however, I disagree. She's sweet, and she's absolutely right in feeling that Kyle exploits her weaknesses to make herself look good and righteous. Kyle is so UNcool, it's cringe-worthy. I know plenty of gay men, and none would lower themselves by attending a party with such a crude label. There's a reason why Yolanda (annoying with all her "loves", for sure, but arguably the most genuine and least petty of all on the show, is so close with Brandi. Yea, yea, yea; Eileen and Lisa R. are great. But I am always suspicious of anyone not suspicious of phoney-ass, trouble-making, social-climbing, Kyle. Oh, and one last thing. Have any of these women learned not to use their swizzle sticks as straws? For crissakes, they might as well slurp their coffee!