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S05.E20: Reunion Part 1

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That's not the way I read it.  I took it as a counseling session, possibly for "fucking cunt" and attacking Andy when he compared her to a dog (which I thought was a slight too and a poor way of him trying to help her) among many other behavioral issues she's displayed.  Possibly an ultimatum that could have ended either in a firing or a renegotiation of her contract. 

Really? That's a fascinating theory. I totally took it as Brandi seeing the writing on the wall, and trying to pretend that she's pursuing other TV offers....kind of pulling a Jill Zarin. I love your theory, though, but a couple of things don't make sense - the HW's are hired season to season, and they have a few months to make decisions on casting for next season, so I can't see them deciding to fire her on the very night of part one of the reunion's first airing. Also, would she admit to getting a slap on the wrist? Still, your theory puts the "fly on the wall" in a more logical light. Interesting.

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The women should have stuck to the way they treated Brandi at the White Party at the beginning of the season.


They were cordial in their greetings to Brandi but after that didn't interact with her at all, leaving her with her ever-present stylist to sit at a table and bitch about how no one was talking to her.


I believe she gave up and left the party early.


Had they stuck to THAT strategy and refused to engage her and her shenanigans, they might have guaranteed this would be her last season.


Hopefully it will be her last season.


I just don't see what else she can bring to the Bravo table at this point.  I think she's pulled everything out of her repulsive bag of tricks and overplayed all of it.


Please, Bravo, give her freedom to pursue all of these other amazing opportunities she claims to have and give us somebody at least a little more functional and likable.  We've earned it after all of these seasons of Brandi bullshit.


(and feel free to show her BFF little Kimmie the door, too...)


I would love to see how far Brandi's new wine venture goes if she is relieved of her Housewife duties.  (Or, even if she does stay on the show.)


I really don't think this will be her last season.  She brings the drama, which Andy and the producers love.  And, next season, they will be able to film her more without the other ladies, because they will have the possibility of filming her doing promo tours at her local wine shops and supermarkets for her wine.  

Kyle/LVP & Yo/Kim/Brandi. Basically unbothered in the part 1 of the reunion.



First off, I absolutely LOVE this artists' work shown here!!  

Secondly, I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE that the artist made Brandi look "hippier" and a tad heavier than Kyle...Brandi must be fuming!!    ;-)

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For me, the most alarming aspect of the reunion was Yolanda's declining health.  She always seems up for most anything, despite not feeling well, so when she openly wept and said that she needed to be in bed, my heart sank.  I've been spoiled by her professionalism, always getting the job done, and it hadn't quite sunk in that there were times when she had to give up to the disease. 


I'm afraid that I looked at Brandi and Kim with something close to hatred.  Kim is a lost cause to me and is so mired in her "pity me" attitude that she'll never change unless and until she is introduced to a psychiatrist who is also a miracle worker.  As for Brandi, she has become so filled with hatred for the others and a mouth so exceedingly filthy that she belongs in a sewer.  Brandi hates herself, yet she continues to do and say hateful things.  She muddied up the reunion for me every time she opened her mouth.

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http://www.bravotv.com/the-real-housewives-of-beverly-hills/season-5/blogs/lisa-v-the-line-has-been-well-and-truly-crossed I think that is the theory Lisa Vanderpump has put out there.   Brandi destroys relationships because she  is worried the other person will tire of her and not find her worthy of their friendship.  I believe she is also horribly aggressive in initially cultivating the relationships.    I think Brandi took the rejection by Lisa as an partner in PUMP very hard as it cemented her feelings that Lisa thought of her more as a sidekick than an equal http://www.wetpaint.com/lisa-vanderpump/articles/2015-02-17-turned-brandi-glanville-down-businessI also question why a single woman would want to hang her hat and invest her money in a gay restaurant?


The airing of Lisa's latest rejection though is getting a little redundant.  I thought Lisa described their relationship to a tee in the finale episode.  All this nonsense of Brandi demanding foes call her because her father is sick is just further evidence Brandi doesn't know how relationships work and it is time for her step away and quit trying to engineer them.  I have often wonder what the other 12 BFFS of Brandi's feel like with chasing Brandi after these RHOBH friendships with such gusto,  A dozen friends and having her children 50% of the time should fill her dance card.


Because then she would have somewhere she would be able to drink for free??  That could be the reason Lisa didn't want to partner with her...why would you partner with someone who would drink the inventory??  

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Hey you all I posted the reunion numbers to pt-1 in the media thread.

Season 4's reunion numbers pt 1 did a 1.71.

Season 5's reunion numbers pt 1 did a 2.286

When LVP was in the hot seat ratings went down.

When Brandi was in the hot seat ratings went up.

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Brandi's face basically



Brandi wishes she were this cute.  The hair is about right though.  Lol!

And I find the fact that she freely admitted to beating the shit out of Kyle hundreds (thousands?) of times in her oversized head downright goddamned PETRIFYING.

This is a grown-assed middle-aged woman with 2 growing children, yet she has time to mentally envision beating Kyle to a pulp "hundreds" (or thousands) of times in her head?

Honestly, this bitch is whacked in the head and needs to be gone from my TV.


And probably taken for an emergency psych eval.







And can you imagine if the tables were turned and Brandi called Kim the "c" word and Kyle just sat there and said nothing? Lordy.



Kim needs to remember the first night they met Brandi and she called Kim a meth head.  Kyle came to Kim's defense like a pitbull.  I would give anything if they would show a clip of that confrontation to refresh Kim's memory of how Brandi has always tried to out her addictions.  She's no different now, Kim's just too involved in her girl crush of Brandi to face it.


I would be good money that Yolanda has shared something with Brandi that she knows she shouldn't have. Not saying it's totally awful, but everyone has something they would rather not have made public and I bet she made the big mistake of trusting her "friend".



Maybe Yolanda is the one who told Brandi that Mohammed said Joanna Krupa has smelly lady parts.  LOL!


I can see her sitting in front of her floor length mirror in her bedroom with a glass of wine, picking at her face, and talking to herself about all the ways she's going get back at Kyle and then hysterically starts crying over how much she loves and misses LVP and then wipes her face dry and gets up and poisons Lisa's swans.



Brandi acts as if she wants to skin LisaV and wear her as a jacket.  Watch your back indeed.  smdh

Edited by swankie
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What's odd is that Lisa V. and Kyle obviously don't like each other and have nothing in common. Lisa V. is quick and smart. Kyle is slow and not smart. They use each other, backstab each other, and mock each other every chance they get. However, they do like to get together and pretend to be "classy" ladies, boast about money, and plot together.

So actually, Lisa V. and Kyle may be perfect for each other. Enough said there.

Brandi's Blog

Im crying at those sentences.

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I like to think -- and it's true, I've been called a dreamer many times in life -- that Daughter Rinna (was it Delilah she said?) heard how snide her comment sounded when the show aired, realized how insensitive she came off, and really did feel some remorse.  Of course, maybe she just is insensitive and doesn't give a crap. But I know that I've made offhand, often heat of the moment-type comments of which I'm not proud, and I'm definitely old enough to know better - so maybe she's just in the process of learning by doing.  Or not.



I didn't cringe or clutch my pearls when Rinna's daughter mentioned "chub chubs".  Sadly, where I live they would have said, "fat bitches".  I'm not going to say where I'm from, but "chub chub" sounded like she was being nice compared to what I hear coming from teenager's mouths these days.


Hell, anything brought by Camille would beat the hell out of anything brought by Brandi or Kim.



This makes me laugh because I can remember when Camille was considered the "Most hated Housewife" of any of the franchises.  This was reported in all the blogs as well as from Andy on WWHL.  I guess time does heal all wounds.


Have to say I loved Lisa and Kyle together having it out with Brandi in that scene. She makes my gorge rise. Saying Lisa was jealous and wanted the Dutch boy for herself, aaaaaarghh!



Oh, I would have given anything if right after Brandi made those statements, Andy would have said, "Well, lets ask him in person, here he is...welcome to the show...Dutch boy!!!"  To see Brandi's face after that would have made my millennium. 

Edited by swankie
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Wow, Brandi really is morphing in to Adrienne! The beady eyes, the blown up cheeks...

I also sense that she's insanely jealous of Gigi and Bella. They were raised in the lap of luxury and Gigi, in particular, is becoming a huge model. Brandi, on the other hand, was never a big model. Sure, she's tall and skinny, but very common looking.

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LOL, I guess Brandi forgot to tell her blog ghostwriter that she needed to write a blog for the reunion shows as well because Brandi would already know that since this is her 4th reunion! LOL


So Brandi "had" to "write" a blog?  Wonder if that means Kim will have to.

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I love that Brandi said that she and the Dutch boy Skype and that he wants to come visit. Then Lisa says he denied sleeping with her. Lol . Even men from another country have enough sense to deny her. Brandi's brand of trash transcend national borders and language.

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I think she's saying that Kyle, off-TV, told her dirt about Lisa and Ken, and either they arranged to reveal the dirt together, on-TV, or agreed that if Brandi did, Kyle would back her up. But then she didn't. So, in Brandi's view, Kyle used her/manipulated her and made her look bad, and I guess she considers that a lesson learned.

Lotus, that is kind of what it seems like she is implying, but Brandi told this to Lisa when they were shopping together in Amsterdam. Brandi was already knee deep in her Kyle hatred at this time, so I cannot imagine that Brandi was doing something that she thought Kyle would back up. It is always hard to try and understand the way Brandi's mind works, but this one is especially strange.

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I'm glad Brandi finally confirmed what many felt when she looked to Kyle during the last reunion.  The "information" about Lisa not owning her restaurants, being bankrupt, and "used to live in the valley" came directly from Kyle.  As expected.




Do you mean "confirmed" it this year or last? Brandi accused Kyle of telling her this information at the reunion last year, so this was no revelation. The part about Lisa cheating was, but we all know who Brandi claims told her the other stuff. Kyle addressed it both at the reunion last year, and then again when she wrote her blog for the 2nd part of the reunion.  This is what she had to say about it at the time:


"During the Reunion, Brandi said that she heard that Lisa and Ken filed for bankruptcy and had lived in Calabasas -- then blamed me for telling her. I was taken aback because A: I never heard or said Lisa and Ken filed for bankruptcy. If I HAD said that I wouldn't have had a problem saying "Yes, I said that. That's what I heard." Finances have nothing to do with our issues with one another and are very personal. However, if I had said that -- I would have admitted it. B) The "Calabasas" story came from a speech that Ken gave at the party when Lisa and Ken renewed their vows. It was a heartfelt speech that addressed their life and journey together, including some highs and lows. Perhaps that's where this story came from. I didn't appreciate Brandi trying to pull me into her issues with Lisa".

Edited by motorcitymom65
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I love that Brandi said that she and the Dutch boy Skype and that he wants to come visit. Then Lisa says he denied sleeping with her. Lol . Even men from another country have enough sense to deny her. Brandi's brand of trash transcend national borders and language.

Yea, that Brandi. She thinks Kyle is dumb, but Brandi is no brain-trust herself.


I remember a few years ago when Brandi talked about having a one night stand with Gerard Butler. He initially denied that it happened, which was awkward for Brandi, as she had to give a few more details to back up her claim that she did indeed have a one night stand with this guy. He did eventually agree it had happened, but added insult to injury by saying that he never did catch her name and didn't really remember much about the encounter.  At the time I thought that the entire thing must have been extremely humiliating for her, and also that she was such a dumb ass for starting the whole thing to begin with.


Now we have a similar situation. She claims to have had sex with a guy that she just met, and he is denying that it happened. This is just something that I cannot fathom. Having to play defense to prove my claims that I had a one-night stand. Not that there is a thing wrong with a consenting adult doing whatever she wants, but clearly these guys don't want to talk about the encounter in the media like she does. What about this is hard for her to understand? Another example of Brandi the Truth Cannon not understanding why other people prefer to live their lives with some discretion. 

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Ah, how could I forget that?


And then sat there at the head of table for all the world like a naughty little toddler caught with her hand in the proverbial cookie jar as Ms. Dubois systemically verbally attacked the other women at the table.


Yeah, I'd absolutely love a season 1 Camille back.  That Dinner from Hell was pure gold.  


Such a difference between season 1 Camille's vile behavior and that of Brandi and Kim.  I loved to hate on Camille and snark on her antics.  


Brandi and Kim, not so much.  

I'm one that absolutely doesn't want to see any more of Camille for at least a dozen reasons. I'll just give two. I don't like her face or her expressions. Let me go a step further since I woke up feeling a little more snarky than usual. (I need coffee), I think they all looked like 'old hags' as Brandi put it. Believe me, I'm far older than all those broads, but with the greasy faces, blackened eyes, and wrinkly necks, they looked as though they put on their makeup with a trowel instead of a brush. Kyle looked especially bad to me. She looked older than usual, her straight hair was not flattering and it was a hideous two-tone, she looked absolutely emaciated and her face was so stern and hard that she appears to have aged 10 years since the final episode. Yolanda, who is supposed to be so sick with Lyme disease actually looked the healthiest of all of them. Lisa Rinna, Kim and Kyle Richards, and Lisa Vanderpump all looked just awful. Brandi looked like she aged 10 years also but her face looked more swollen and distorted than ever.


Will they ever come to their senses and realize that they can't look like they're in their 20's anymore simply by being thin, dying their hair and plastering on makeup? The fountain of youth worm turns eventually and they start looking like caricatures of their former selves. I'm having brain flashes now of the old movie with Bette Davis and Joan Crawford, 'What Ever Happened to Baby Jane'. I wish this 'over-the-hill' gang would realize that by trying to look and act like you're still in your 20's just doesn't work any more once you approach the sixth decade of life.


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My fault. I was manipulated and let myself be used. I have to take complete responsibility for that.



I'm surprised she admitted to being wrong about airing that LVP had an affair (even if she continues to backhandedly state it as true), I don't think I've heard her admit to being wrong before about anything.

I think Brandi's statement there is less of an admission of responsibility and/or guilt than an attempt to gain sympathy along the lines of "See how they treat poor naive me?

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Really? That's a fascinating theory. I totally took it as Brandi seeing the writing on the wall, and trying to pretend that she's pursuing other TV offers....kind of pulling a Jill Zarin. I love your theory, though, but a couple of things don't make sense - the HW's are hired season to season, and they have a few months to make decisions on casting for next season, so I can't see them deciding to fire her on the very night of part one of the reunion's first airing. Also, would she admit to getting a slap on the wrist? Still, your theory puts the "fly on the wall" in a more logical light. Interesting.


I read that like you did, she is trying to pull a JZ and her "multiple offers" and so far all she has had are few cameos and nothing really important at all.


This Brandi's antic reeks of desperation, just like when Yolanda practically told her that the other ladies were all upset at her and what did Brandi do? She said "well I have a date so I rather be there"


This looks the same to me, "Bravo, you are making wait long for my contract? I will show you, I will let you know in the blog that you forced me to write (so I can collect my last few coins) that I am already in talks with other "TV executives" so suck it Bravo. If you want me then you better hurry and signed me up before others do so I can start bragging about it on my podcast and tweets"


I so hope that Bravo doesn't take the bait but who am I kidding? Bravo likes Brandi, the trashier the better, Brandi has no decorum, no morals, no decency, she has no shame and she has nothing to lose because she has nothing. She will do and say about anything to create a shit storm, she is Bravo's darling because she gives them exactly what they want.

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Maybe Yolanda is the one who told Brandi that Mohammed said Joanna Krupa has smelly lady parts.  LOL

And on this topic...............

"TMZ reports that Joanna has slapped Brandi with a slander and defamation lawsuit citing emotional distress stemming from several times Brandi said in the media and on twitter that Joanna’s vagina smelled and also accusing her of breaking up Yolanda Foster‘s marriage to Mohamed Hadid by having an affair."  http://www.realitytea.com/2015/01/22/joanna-krupa-sues-brandi-glanville-slander-defamation/


So, BAM! Brandi, take that 'biotch', you're finding out the hard way that your unfiltered, foul mouth will wind up getting more than someone's penis in it. This is probably the first of many lawsuits that will ultimately fall on you for saying shit about people whose careers are damaged by your words.

Edited by HumblePi
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I thought it was telling that Brandi is not alone in having an elderly and failing parent. Yo and Lisar are also dealing with this. But they don't see the need to bang people over the head with it.

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Lotus, that is kind of what it seems like she is implying, but Brandi told this to Lisa when they were shopping together in Amsterdam. Brandi was already knee deep in her Kyle hatred at this time, so I cannot imagine that Brandi was doing something that she thought Kyle would back up. It is always hard to try and understand the way Brandi's mind works, but this one is especially strange.


Furthermore in her blog of that week Brandi mentions the conversation between Lisa and herself and talks about a "recurrent joke" between the both of them and never mentions Kyle at all




Now she’s on Twitter pretending to clutch her pearls (or, in her case, diamonds), acting like the Queen of England saying I accused her of cheating on King Ken. Officially, here you go Lisa V.: I have never ever said that, never thought it, and you know it’s complete and total BS. I was just continuing a long-running joke that you started with me years ago. Ridiculous.


Brandi could and if true should had screamed for all to hear that this gossip about the cheating came from Kyle , yet in her own blog she tells us that this is a recurrent joke between them and never ever mentions Kyle, Brandi is a liar and a manipulator and she has her forever loyal group of fans who will believe whatever she spews without looking at the inconsistencies of her lies.


Now that she is trully mad at Kyle and that her ploy to throw Kyle under the bus didn't work and Lisa didn't fall for her bait to break the friendship again, now Brandi suddenly remembers and swears that Kyle told her that Lisa cheats on Ken with her personal trainer (which she never had) , Brandi was so desperate to get back on Lisa's good graces that she concocted something and hoped it would work and when it didn't she got furious. Just like she IMO concocted a gang up meeting orchestrated by Adrienne before season 2 reunion and it did work because Lisa took her under her wing.


She completely misread the shopping outing in Ansterdam and thought that Lisa and her were back to normal and she pushed too hard and lost it all, she should be mad at herself, instead she projects and she is mad at Kyle. She figures that if she "won" Lisa back then Kyle would be left in the dust and when it didn't work she went from disbelief to madness. Brandi is dangerous and if I was Lisa I wouldn't take lightly her threat of "watch your back"


Brandi gives me vibes of SWF so if I was Lisa I would be extremely careful around Brandi


Kyle has replaced Leann as "the other woman" and Brandi will do anything and everything to "pay her back"


Never thought about it that way but you are 100% right. Kyle should never be with Brandi alone, ever.

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I thought Yolanda's remark about not believing in 'an eye for an eye' was astute, Lyme brain or not. IMO Brandi And Lisa both have a preoccupation with getting even. Brandi reaches for the low hanging fruit (olive branch?) in that if someone says she drinks too much she says they smoke pot, are a homewrecker, are menopausal, jealous, whatever. I don't see it as deflection in the sense that she is trying to call attention away from an issue she is in denial about, but an OTT defense mechanism to protect herself from rejection. "Brandi peed her pants!" "Well, Lisa pooped hers! Love me!"

On the other side there is LVP, who is still so butt hurt about the last reunion that she saw to it that this time Brandi was the one being thrown to the wolves. The Bella/alcoholic thing is a trump card because Brandi can't say what she was referring to, which was the hacked e-mail from Yo to Bella about her impounded car being littered with used tampons (yep, ironic), prescription drugs, and empty bottles from an over-21 club. So yeah, people weren't calling Bella an alcoholic, they were calling her an alcoholic drug addict. Brandi's choice was to be quiet and let herself be harangued, or betray Yolanda's trust and prove a point for Lisa. I also noticed LVP mentioned Adrienne must have "come out with a new line of hooves" and reiterated the idea that Adrienne only has parties to sell stuff, and still AFAIK has not apologized to Kyle for commenting about Mauricio's affair around Portia or the implication that Kyle is friends with whoever is selling a house. Like she said about Brandi's obviously hugely exaggerated remark about LVP fucking half of L.A., when you "put stuff out there" it takes on a life of it's own.

Edited by The Mighty Peanut
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This season of RHOBH has been so full of raw hated, resentments, foul language and sincere dislike for each other that I wonder how in the world this same over-the-hill gang can go on another season together?  Eventually, something will happen that is going to destroy someone's life for real, and if that happens then TV-land is an accomplice to that by supporting it by watching each week. Yep, I'm among the guilty ones that does, but we're seeing that being in this show is starting to corrupt their personal lives. Do they wonder if the decision to be in this show in order to show off how wealthy and beautiful they are might just be the thing that destroys their credibility as human beings or in a worse case scenario their own relationships with their families?


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Yea, that Brandi. She thinks Kyle is dumb, but Brandi is no brain-trust herself.


I remember a few years ago when Brandi talked about having a one night stand with Gerard Butler. He initially denied that it happened, which was awkward for Brandi, as she had to give a few more details to back up her claim that she did indeed have a one night stand with this guy. He did eventually agree it had happened, but added insult to injury by saying that he never did catch her name and didn't really remember much about the encounter.  At the time I thought that the entire thing must have been extremely humiliating for her, and also that she was such a dumb ass for starting the whole thing to begin with.


Now we have a similar situation. She claims to have had sex with a guy that she just met, and he is denying that it happened. This is just something that I cannot fathom. Having to play defense to prove my claims that I had a one-night stand. Not that there is a thing wrong with a consenting adult doing whatever she wants, but clearly these guys don't want to talk about the encounter in the media like she does. What about this is hard for her to understand? Another example of Brandi the Truth Cannon not understanding why other people prefer to live their lives with some discretion. 

Actually what Brandi initially claimed is she had a week long relationship with Gerard Butler and denied it was a one night stand:  http://www.crazydaysandnights.net/2012/01/brandi-glanville-says-gerard-butler-is-great-in-bed.html


After he denied even knowing who Brandi Glanville was the details emerged that it was an afternoon bang and he quickly lost interest when she revealed herself to be a reality star.    http://www.usmagazine.com/celebrity-news/news/gerard-butler-admits-he-slept-with-brandi-glanville-but-forgot-her-name-2013123  It did give him an opportunity to talk about his new lady love.


Pleading the Fifth is a game-discretion is advised.  Strongly advised.


My issue with Brandi and thanks for pulling the Kyle explanation of the genesis of the Calabasas story is just because you hear something about someone does not mean you have to repeat it to the subject of the rumor or gossip and certainly not on camera.  Brandi telling Lisa that her best friend Kyle said. . .  is more about Brandi wanting to make Kyle look bad than keep Lisa in the loop.  She did the same thing with Bella-you don't jab someone with a lie to make your point.  No one has ever thanked another person for publicly bringing a gossip item to their attention.  Because Brandi has zero filter when it comes to her personal life doesn't mean those around her want to be like her.  I personally appreciate filters.  I don't want to know if David and Yolanda watch porn together, I don't even want to know if David banged a porn star.  Now if a porn star pops up with David Foster's child-that is worth listening to.

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You know, I thought Yolanda's defense of Brandi in the beginning (I'm not okay with throwing her on the road like a bag of garbage or whatever) was pretty humiliating. As far as defenses go, it was the equivalent of a pity fuck.

Brandi - I think you hate yourself and it makes me feel sad for you and your kids. Please go see a therapist. Daily.

Yes! Now I like Yo so I may be biased, but I think all her song and dance about poor poor Brandi was to basically make her look like the piece of shit she really is, without looking like an asshole herself. After that comment about Bella i think Yo was done with her but just doesn't have the same over the top mean streak many of the others have to go for her jugular . She's much more slick about it. Even Brandi caught on I think because at one point she had a look on her face like 'gee, exactly how pathetic am I in your eyes Yo". Which deep down made me giddy.

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I'm one that absolutely doesn't want to see any more of Camille for at least a dozen reasons. I'll just give two. I don't like her face or her expressions. Let me go a step further since I woke up feeling a little more snarky than usual. (I need coffee), I think they all looked like 'old hags' as Brandi put it. Believe me, I'm far older than all those broads, but with the greasy faces, blackened eyes, and wrinkly necks, they looked as though they put on their makeup with a trowel instead of a brush. Kyle looked especially bad to me. She looked older than usual, her straight hair was not flattering and it was a hideous two-tone, she looked absolutely emaciated and her face was so stern and hard that she appears to have aged 10 years since the final episode. Yolanda, who is supposed to be so sick with Lyme disease actually looked the healthiest of all of them. Lisa Rinna, Kim and Kyle Richards, and Lisa Vanderpump all looked just awful. Brandi looked like she aged 10 years also but her face looked more swollen and distorted than ever.


Will they ever come to their senses and realize that they can't look like they're in their 20's anymore simply by being thin, dying their hair and plastering on makeup? The fountain of youth worm turns eventually and they start looking like caricatures of their former selves. I'm having brain flashes now of the old movie with Bette Davis and Joan Crawford, 'What Ever Happened to Baby Jane'. I wish this 'over-the-hill' gang would realize that by trying to look and act like you're still in your 20's just doesn't work any more once you approach the sixth decade of life.

Your post gave me a smile. I actually like Camille, particularly when she isn't self- aware, I find her to be entertaining in a pompous self-important way. I also think she has shown she is capable of compassion and grace. I like her.

I agree with most of your assessment of the HWs reunion appearance. The trouble with Brandi, other than her personality, is that she had fillers done. She doesn't need to do this. She is obsessed with her face and anti-aging that it is having the opposite effect on her and making her look older, puffy, and a younger sister to Adrienne. Thankfully, fillers are temporary and the puffiness will wear off. She needs to leave her face alone and keep the extensions out of her hair.

Kyle does look bad. I don't know if it's her lipstick or the hair, but she looks so severe. She looks so much better with less makeup, they all do. Lisa Rinna is really pretty without a lot of makeup too. I will say LisaR is a win for me for best dressed. Both she and Yolanda's dresses are Victoria Beckham and the winter white looks amazing on them. I agree, Yolanda looked very pretty. But I wouldn't describe any of them as old hags, they all look great for their age, well except for Kim Richards, but I'm extremely biased there.

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Exactly.  I think she worked very hard not to bite any bait her sister was throwing out there.  Until she lost her shit with Brandi, that is.

Excellent point.  And Kim is damn lucky that Mauricio and Kyle aren't taking her to court over Alexia's dog bite.  I definitely think Kim's guilting power is on the wane....thankfully. 

I am surprised that when Alexia showed up at the hospital for treatment from a dog bite the authorities did not confiscate the dog for (rabies observation or repeat violent tendencies) and Kim's homeowner insurance would pay for hospital expenses. Sadly if you actually use your homeowners insurance you are usually dropped from it.  Anytime you show up at an ER with a dog bite the authorities step in, at least here in Maryland they do.


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My fault. I was manipulated and let myself be used. I have to take complete responsibility for that.


I'm surprised she admitted to being wrong about airing that LVP had an affair (even if she continues to backhandedly state it as true), I don't think I've heard her admit to being wrong before about anything.

I think Brandi's statement there is less of an admission of responsibility and/or guilt than an attempt to gain sympathy along the lines of "See how they treat poor naive me?"


To me, it sounds more like an abuser blaming the abused for "making her do it."   "Oh, I'm at fault for letting you make me hit you!  I have to take responsibility for letting you make me hit  you!" 

I am surprised that when Alexia showed up at the hospital for treatment from a dog bite the authorities did not confiscate the dog for (rabies observation or repeat violent tendencies) and Kim's homeowner insurance would pay for hospital expenses. Sadly if you actually use your homeowners insurance you are usually dropped from it.  Anytime you show up at an ER with a dog bite the authorities step in, at least here in Maryland they do.


Kim is not a homeowner.  It's questionable that she has renter's insurance.  I doubt she has any idea what that even is.

I thought it was telling that Brandi is not alone in having an elderly and failing parent. Yo and Lisar are also dealing with this. But they don't see the need to bang people over the head with it.


Yo and LisaR don't need to use their parents' health as an excuse for their own bad behavior like Brandi does. 

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Anytime you show up at an ER with a dog bite the authorities step in, at least here in Maryland they do.


Maybe Kyle and Alexia pretended they didn't know the dog. My BF did that when our neighbor's dog bit him.

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I thought it was telling that Brandi is not alone in having an elderly and failing parent. Yo and Lisar are also dealing with this. But they don't see the need to bang people over the head with it.




Not only that, Brandi did this nasty smirk when Lisa was talking about it.

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I thought the look on BG's face during this entire exchange was very telling. When Andy asked her what she said, she sat there for a moment or two as if she was trying to see if there was a way to lie herself out of it, Or in the very least deny she said anything. She is the worst.


Oh, that was a glorious moment. You could hear a pin drop as they all waited for Brandi to say something. At first, she thought she'd get Andy off her back by saying "What?" all innocent like, but when Andy didn't move on to commercial or to the next topic, Brandi was stuck. Lie and say that she said nothing, or put it out that she said something pretty vile. And even then, she didn't say 100-percent what she muttered; she gave Andy half of what she'd said.


I thought Yolanda's remark about not believing in 'an eye for an eye' was astute, Lyme brain or not. IMO Brandi And Lisa both have a preoccupation with getting even. Brandi reaches for the low hanging fruit (olive branch?) in that if someone says she drinks too much she says they smoke pot, are a homewrecker, are menopausal, jealous, whatever. I don't see it as deflection in the sense that she is trying to call attention away from an issue she is in denial about, but an OTT defense mechanism to protect herself from rejection. "Brandi peed her pants!" "Well, Lisa pooped hers! Love me!"

On the other side there is LVP, who is still so butt hurt about the last reunion that she saw to it that this time Brandi was the one being thrown to the wolves. The Bella/alcoholic thing is a trump card Because Brandi can't say what she was referring to, which was the hacked e-mail from Yo to Bella about her impounded car being littered with used tampons (yep, ironic), prescription drugs, and empty bottles from an over-21 club. So yeah, people weren't calling Bella an alcoholic, they were calling her an alcoholic drug addict. Brandi's choice was to be quiet and let herself be harangued, or betray Yolanda's trust and prove a point for Lisa. I also noticed LVP mentioned Adrienne must have "come out with a new line of hooves" and reiterated the idea that Adrienne only has parties to sell stuff, and still AFAIK has not apologized to Kyle for commenting about Mauricio's affair around Portia or the implication that Kyle is friends with whoever is selling a house. Like she said about Brandi's obviously hugely exaggerated remark about LVP fucking half of L.A., when you "put stuff out there" it takes on a life of it's own.


So, yay for Lisa and Kyle working on their friendship, but I agree with you on this breakdown of Lisa. Lisa will harangue folks about putting stories out about her (and expect a retraction and clarification), but she has no qualms about doing the same to others. 

Edited by Mozelle
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Not only that, Brandi did this nasty smirk when Lisa was talking about it.


When did Brandi NOT have a nasty smirk on her face?  If there was a brief moment, I missed it, lol. 


I 100% don't like her hair, her face, or her attitude.  

Edited by izabella
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One part that bugged me was the discussion about Lisa R's supposed anorexia. Andy asked BrandI if she thought Lisa was anorexic and BrandI said something like "I would never judge or label her as anorexic, even though she doesn't eat in front of me . " She made a second similar comment. It was typical passive/agressive, manipulative BrandI bullshit (Unless Brandi is drunk or angry, then she drops the 'passive' part. ). Instead of calling her on it, Andy said something about how Lisa judged Brandi even though Brandi wasn't judging her. What a joke. Andy was definitely going easy on Brandi in that scene, imo. Fortunately, Lisa saved the day by outing that Brandi did call her anorexic in a text.


Thank you for pointing this out.  Aside from Brandi's derogatory remarks towards Kyle at the end (I can't even begin to imagine calling another woman that...I find it absolutely deplorable and refuse to even type the word), this showed me once and for all that Brandi is an absolutely horrible person and will throw out whatever she can if she thinks it will take the focus off of her or make her look better by comparison.  

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I thought it was telling that Brandi is not alone in having an elderly and failing parent. Yo and Lisar are also dealing with this. But they don't see the need to bang people over the head with it.

But it only matters if it happens to Brandi. 


With all the recent Camille conversations, I was thinking about the whole scorned woman scenario Brandi can't let go of. What about Camille? Not only did Kelsey cheat on her, and leave her for another woman, he got said woman pregnant. To add insult to injury he did this after Camille had already signed up for this show, making the humiliation all that much more public.


Yet whatever other faults she has, Camille doesn't seem to plan to define herself for the rest of her life as the scorned woman and defender of faithfulness.


So many of us were set and ready to support Brandi when she started this show largely because she was a scorned woman. Let's face it, how many of us would have had any idea who she was without the public affair and scandal with Eddie and Leann? Yet she has managed to burn every ounce of that goodwill by acting like the trashy skank that she is.


I know I have never liked Leann, but at this point she looks like June Cleaver next to Brandi. I feel so bad for those poor boys.

I cannot imagine how embarrassed they must be by the weekly antics of their trashy mother. I am sure they love her, she is their mother, but how humiliating it must be for them. 


Brandi could actually take a few lessons from Camille. But then Brandi could take lessons from almost anyone and it would have to be an improvement. Including Leann, and I bet that really burns.

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But I wouldn't describe any of them as old hags, they all look great for their age, well except for Kim Richards, but I'm extremely biased there.

I agree with your entire post but mostly this line here. I think everyone, with the exception of BG and Kim, are really beautiful, especially Rinna and Yo. So they're older, are they supposed to stop caring what they look like, just go away or die because they have a few lines?

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When did Brandi NOT have a nasty smirk on her face?  If there was a brief moment, I missed it, lol. 


I 100% don't like her hair, her face, or her attitude.  


Ha, good point!


And I cosign all that you've said.  She's just a nasty, nasty piece of work. 

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I don't disagree but I would say it applies to Kyle as well. She should watch her back because I have no doubt that LisaV and Brandi were giddy over the prospect of Mo cheating on Kyle and I also believe the magazine thing and that they wanted to knock kyle down a peg.

These hoes ain't loyal. Not a one of them. But at least Kyle and Lisa V aren't vile drunken trash who are painful for me to watch.


This is the kind of damage Brandi, with Kyle's help, did to Lisa V last season.


Not a single person has verified the magazine story. In fact the opposite has happened where the other people present's account contradicted Brandi's story.  Lisa's constant denial have fallen on deaf ears . Her word meant nothing, even when it is against Brandi, to people who have branded Brandi a lying lair who lies on this story. This includes Kyle. She was handed an opportunity by Brandi to play victim and she was going to be the victim come hail or high water. Her choice to believe Brandi gave the story traction and Lisa earned the reputation like in the post I quoted. 


Compare that to Lisa's reaction when Brandi told her what Kyle supposed said about her in Amsterdam. Even before further falling out with Brandi and making up with Kyle, Lisa wasn't buying from Brandi that Kyle told her about the supposed bankruptcy.


So yeah, Kyle needs to watch out for Lisa. Brandi might come up with another story.


Edited because death and deaf are both the same. 

Edited by Deputy Deputy CoS
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During the finale, Lisa went up to Brandi and said "I got your email", then Brandi went nuts.   But, I'd love to know what was in that email?   My bet is a torchy "I love you and Ken, I'm sorry, it was a joke, etc.  Why can't you forgive me, I promise I won't do it again"   Think it was like some sort of note passed in the hallway in Jr. High. 

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This is the kind of damage Brandi, with Kyle's help, did to Lisa V last season.


Not a single person has verified the magazine story. In fact the opposite has happened where the other people present's account contradicted Brandi's story.  Lisa's constant denial have fallen on deaf ears . Her word meant nothing, even when it is against Brandi, to people who have branded Brandi a lying lair who lies on this story. This includes Kyle. She was handed an opportunity by Brandi to play victim and she was going to be the victim come hail or high water. Her choice to believe Brandi gave the story traction and Lisa earned the reputation like in the post I quoted. 


Compare that to Lisa's reaction when Brandi told her what Kyle supposed said about her in Amsterdam. Even before further falling out with Brandi and making up with Kyle, Lisa wasn't buying from Brandi that Kyle told her about the supposed bankruptcy.


So yeah, Kyle needs to watch out for Lisa. Brandi might come up with another story.


Edited because death and deaf are both the same. 

Yea, but Lisa and Kyle are basically in the same place at this point with Brandi when it comes to believing things.  Lisa believed Brandi over Kyle in the S2 reunion. While Kyle and Lisa had been friends for years, Lisa believed Brandi - a person she had no reason to trust at all, especially given the whole Cedric deal - but she did. She took Brandi's side over Kyle's. She now recognizes that Brandi was simply trying to get in the middle of them, but she wasn't able to see that clearly at the time and so she decided that Brandi was the one to be trusted and Kyle was not. Lisa then went on to tell anyone who would listen that Brandi was a good person, a truthful person, someone who came from a place of love. Was Kyle wrong to listen to a word that Brandi said? She absolutely was wrong.  I have never thought, however, that it was clear that Kyle completely believed Brandi. She never said that she did. She asked the question and was thrown by Lisa's reaction. Namely her reaction to Brandi at dinner when she walked over to her and told her that she loved her and would never ever do anything to hurt her. Kyle said in her blog that this gave her great pause. She didn't understand why Brandi was being consoled after being the one to throw out the allegations about Lisa in the first place. Why wasn't Lisa worried about Kyle. She was crying and Mauricio was furious. On top of the magazine allegations, Brandi had also just accused Lisa on the bus of using her with the whole Scheanna deal. Yet Brandi was being hugged, she was being kissed on the head and reassured of Lisa's love and affection. Kyle got absolutely nothing. That will always go down as the strangest part of that entire episode, and it absolutely looked to me like Lisa was a bit thrown and afraid of what else Brandi might say. 


I think it is also important to note that this has never been mentioned again after the reunion. Never. Not one time. Lisa has mentioned the bankruptcy deal on several occasions when talking about the things that Brandi has done to her. This was what she asked Brandi to apologize for when they had their lunch. This was what Lisa mentioned at this reunion. She has never accused Brandi of lying about the magazines after that initial incident. This is the 2nd most amazing thing to me. It is almost like all of these ladies have decided that it never happened. It was the entire reason for the shit that went down in PR. That was what the argument at dinner was about and that was what sent Lisa and Ken fleeing to their hotel room to chug cheap wine and smoke on the patio. It was all about the allegation of the magazine, but it never gets mentioned with the airing of grievances.  The bankruptcy deal, however, gets mentioned and it was never even part of the show. Brandi said this and it was reported on just a few days before the reunion. It is extremely strange for something that wasn't even on the show to end up being such a huge part of the drama.


My personal opinion on why no one talks about the magazine deal is because it happened, but not in the way that Brandi said that it happened. I think Lisa made some sort of a joke, it was confirmed by production, and no one wants to make a "thing" of it. Lisa doesn't want to admit she said anything, Brandi doesn't want to admit she got it all wrong considering how dramatic it all became, and Kyle doesn't want to remind people her husband was accused of cheating. It's like it never happened. 

Edited by motorcitymom65
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I agree with your entire post but mostly this line here. I think everyone, with the exception of BG and Kim, are really beautiful, especially Rinna and Yo. So they're older, are they supposed to stop caring what they look like, just go away or die because they have a few lines?

I was thinking the same thing. As I approach 50, I'm 48, every day I wake up and seem to discover something from aging! Very depressing. Although, most people think I'm 35-40, as I inherited good skin and a 90 year old mother, that looks 75, that taught us not to worship the sun. Remember kids, don't forget sunblock on the neck too, it keeps my neck from giving away my age! I was always fascinated with Jacqueline's on NJ since she's pretty young to have neck lines...

Kim is the one who aged dramatically, more so than any housewives on any of the real housewives. Sun overexposure, and living on alcohol and juice will result in the shell that is left of Kim. She's lucky she still has good hair. She's does make a good effort, except the heavy duty black eyeliner is harsh. She just looked old at the reunion. What a contrast to how beautiful she looked at Brookes wedding. Kim usually is very age appropriate, another reason why her and Brandi don't go together. Although Kim is guilty of embracing the split-sleeve tops, she must own at least a dozen. Yes, she has good arms, but they make me think of South Beach or Boca, just like Kyles moo moos. I liked her simple pink dress. Not sure if it's her color, but it looked lovely on Kim.

Lisa R looked fabulous, IMO. Lisa R & Yo both picked lovely, understated dresses that match their age. I would like to see Rinna relive her Melrose Place hair though, and lay off the eye shadow. Yo looked great, best case scenario given her health. Her shorter hair is SO much better than her long, stringy hair of the past.

Eileen may have picked the wrong dress, but the color was perfect for her and her hair & make up looked great. It's hard to believe she is the oldest lady in the bunch. Kudos to her California girl look at 56. Aging gracefully like Cheryl Tiegs & Christie Brinkley. Don't always love Eileen's outfits, but I think she's just quirky. (House decore)

Lisa VP needs to lose the bump and the extra layer of makeup, it ages her dramatically. I did not like her reunion dress at all, her make up or hair style. She's so beautiful, but she needs to find a new make up artist. Granted, it's been 5 years, but her make up was much more subtle in season 1 & 2. She looks fresher with less eyeshadow. LVP looks so much better when we see her hanging around the house with the dogs & Ken or in work mode with fashion tees & jeans. She looked gorgeous in the pink blouse, pencil skirt and her pink shoes at the pancake house in Amsterdam.

Kyle did not look her best at the reunion, but it was really just a miss with her hairdo. She has improved so much this season, her reunion look was just a let down. I didn't think she looked bad. Kyle looked beautiful all season.

Brandi, Brandi, Brandi. The youngest, although not by as much as she thinks, looked terrible. Greasy looking hair, but better hairstyle, awful dress...no color and highlighted her tummy. How is that possible on someone so thin? The wrong dress for her body. Her face was so puffy you would think she was the one with the illness. It's just sad. Her obsession with youth and procedures is ruining the once pretty face. I agree, she now looks related to Adrienne.

HD TV is tough on everyone, but I don't feel these women, except Brandi, are trying to dress younger than they are...I think they look great! They just need a make up artist that believes in less is more.

I will leave the title of youth chaser to Tamra Barney. Eeek.

Edited by IKnowRight
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Maybe Kyle and Alexia pretended they didn't know the dog. My BF did that when our neighbor's dog bit him.

Yikes, wouldn't that mean the bitee would require additional testing and treatment since there'd be no way to confirm the dog's vaccine record was up to date?

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HD TV is tough on everyone, but I don't feel these women, except Brandi, are trying to dress younger than they are...I think they look great! They just need a make up artist that believes in less is more.


Yes, when we saw that make-up person spackling Kim's face, I couldn't help but think that MORE make-up on an older face does not make a person look better.  It just makes them look that much more dried out.


And they all need to let go of those fake eyelashes that look like tarantulas and hide their eyes. 

Yikes, wouldn't that mean the bitee would require additional testing and treatment since there'd be no way to confirm the dog's vaccine record was up to date?


I think so - that's when they make you get rabies shots and tetanus shots.

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Not only that, Brandi did this nasty smirk when Lisa was talking about it.


Yes, I felt like Brandi's inner voice was saying "Go ahead, steal my stuff, bitch" or something.

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Yikes, wouldn't that mean the bitee would require additional testing and treatment since there'd be no way to confirm the dog's vaccine record was up to date?


They gave him a tetanus shot and sent him on his way. He knows the dog is fine...but they "don't know" that he knows that. Quotations marks because I think the hospital people knew exactly what my BF was doing in that regard (he didn't want to make a big hassle for our neighbor or the dog), and chose to let it go. 

Edited by TattleTeeny
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Lisa VP needs to lose the bump and the extra layer of makeup, it ages her dramatically. I did not like her reunion dress at all, her make up or hair style. She's so beautiful, but she needs to find a new make up artist. Granted, it's been 5 years, but her make up was much more subtle in season 1 & 2. She looks fresher with less eyeshadow. LVP looks so much better when we see her hanging around the house with the dogs & Ken or in work mode with fashion tees & jeans. She looked gorgeous in the pink blouse, pencil skirt and her pink shoes at the pancake house in Amsterdam.


I completely agree.  She's a beautiful woman but she's at the age now where she needs to update the look a bit to be a little more age appropriate.  It would take a few more years off her face.

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Man, that was good. And two more parts, yes! I cannot wait to hear what choice words Ken has for Brandi when/if the hubbies make an appearance.


I have to echo how bad the makeup and lighting was. Seriously, what the hell? And Brandi's jacked face had me in 100% pain. Her hair was nice, but the color was almost the same as her skin tone (like with TMCFR), and that's never a good look.


By the way, that is not the first time Brandi referred to Kyle as such. 

Yeah, which is one reason why I wasn't surprised that Andy didn't make a big deal out of it this time. Teresa Giudice has called three of her fellow HWs a "cunt" on camera, without a peep from Andy IIRC, so it seems he isn't personally offended when the word is used amongst the HWs.


Oh, I hope he does, and I can't imagine he has not taken steps in that direction. 

But, unless you're privy to how they interact with their kids and raise them, then why would you hope for all custody to be taken from a parent that you personally don't know? Brandi might be the biggest twat that ever twatted in terms of the show and social media, but that doesn't mean she's an unfit parent. Even Kyle said Brandi is a good mother, and she surely knows more than any of us viewers. Plus, as another poster mentioned, we don't know how Eddie and LeAnn are behind closed doors. They may get sloppy drunk on the regular themselves.

Edited by jaync
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