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S05.E18: Confessions Of A Housewife

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Lol. For me it's 100% pain. 100% pain has totally gone into my phraseology so I guess I have to thank Kim for giving us that gem this season. Almost any time I read it I burst out laughing. It's even happened at work a couple of times if I'm being honest. 


ETA: SwordQueen, I just read your post, yes I agree. Honestly I've probably incorporated at least two phrases from each franchise into regular use.


Ha, me too.  Everything is at 100% now.  No more of this pansy 30/60/80% business.  It's 100% or Go Home. 

  • Love 11
They will never blame Big Kathy for anything. Ever.



Kyle came close earlier in the season. It was in a talking head, talking about how their family way was to NOT talk about the elephant in the room, and maybe that wasn't the right way/healthy way... but God help you if you as an outsider judge them.  Or something like that.  It was like she was consciously saying "yeah, I know, secrets are deadly, we pussyfoot around Kim's problem, and that's not healthy.  Message received, loud and clear -- but that's how we roll and it's probably not going to change just because people give us flak on social media telling us how we SHOULD be with each other."

  • Love 12

I guess I'm at the point where I don't think Kyle needed to tell Kim one more time that Brandi is a bad friend. That was Kyle's agenda. Kim's agenda was to make Kyle feel guilty for not being there again. Kim didn't need to do that either. They both came in with an agenda to make the other feel like shit. It was a completly unneeded meeting to have at all. Neither had good intentions. Both just want to win. Neither one really cares about anything else at this point. If I had been Kyle I never would have set this up in the first place and if I had been Kim I never would have gone. I think they're both huge assholes.

I think your point is the right one; the mature and logical one, but I have to disagree.

I think that as long as Brandi is telling Kim that Kyle is a bad sister, that Kyle should do whatever is necessary to make the point that Brandi is a bad friend. Put signs up in Kim's yard, hire someone to do some fancy skywriting, convince people to send her tweets all day. This is at the root of so much shit and Kyle needs to get to the bottom of it. When I rewatched this latest episode, I noticed that Kim was the one to bring Brandi up. Kyle asked her if one of the reasons she was mad at her was because she didn't defend her against Lisar. Kim said that she didn't need her because Brandi was there and she always defends her. Kyle had listened to all of Kim's rants against Lisar and she hadn't said a word about Brandi until Kim decided to remind her that Brandi cares for her more. Is Kyle just supposed to take that and not tell her the truth about what Brandi has been saying? It might be the right thing, but I wouldn't be able to keep it to myself.

  • Love 23

What's confusing to me is why Kim is so bitter at the things Kyle has, but isn't bitter towards Kathy Hilton.  I get that Kim feels her childhood was stolen and that the success her family had was on her back, but shouldn't her anger be directed towards her dead mom instead of Kyle? I think she feels Kyle didn't suffer in the same way she did. There's so much genuine anger there. 

Kim is angry that Kyle thrives while Kim is trying to survive and that Kyle and Mauricio cut her off.

  • Love 14

Thx Breezy 424 for the clips.   Sounds like Kim wanted to take money out of the house, but hadn't put any in towards mortgage and taxes.  They bought her (and Kathy) out - giving Kim way more than $20K.   Some time later and it seems like quite a bit of time - Kim wants to buy back in.   She is right about one thing - they didn't want her as a partner.   Kyle was right, Kim couldn't afford to help financially keep up her share - Kim wanted to be a partner but have Kyle pay for everything.    No way did the sale of her mother's house pay for the new one.  Oh, the proceeds went to the house, but the new one is worth far more than the old one.  


Whatever the original 20K was for, she most likely asked for it straight out - and when she was turned down, the idea of a loan against her share came up.   I wouldn't blame any of the family for not wanting to pour more money down that rat hole.  A bottomless pit.  

  • Love 8

I think your point is the right one; the mature and logical one, but I have to disagree.

I think that as long as Brandi is telling Kim that Kyle is a bad sister, that Kyle should do whatever is necessary to make the point that Brandi is a bad friend. Put signs up in Kim's yard, hire someone to do some fancy skywriting, convince people to send her tweets all day. This is at the root of so much shit and Kyle needs to get to the bottom of it. When I rewatched this latest episode, I noticed that Kim was the one to bring Brandi up. Kyle asked her if one of the reasons she was mad at her was because she didn't defend her against Lisar. Kim said that she didn't need her because Brandi was there and she always defends her. Kyle had listened to all of Kim's rants against Lisar and she hadn't said a word about Brandi until Kim decided to remind her that Brandi cares for her more. Is Kyle just supposed to take that and not tell her the truth about what Brandi has been saying? It might be the right thing, but I wouldn't be able to keep it to myself.


I'd want to tell her if I were Kyle, but the truth makes no difference to Kim.  She was caught in a lie during their conversation about the house being in escrow when Kim was informed about the sale and yet she still persisted in her accusations that she was wronged by Kyle and Mauricio.  Kim is only going to care that Brandi has done HER wrong, when she is actually confronted by it and it bothers her enough.  She won't (and didn't) believe Kyle and she doesn't care that Brandi hurts her sister and out-and-out lies about her (remember she "didn't hear" Brandi accusing Mauricio of cheating on Kyle).  I get why Kyle wanted to say something but it was doomed to be repetition of the same ole, same ole with Kim.  I'm not sure what I think Kyle should have done though.  It's such a cluster.


Also, this whole "my childhood was stolen from me" theme seems like such a turnabout for Kim, since, I believe the video was posted in her thread, there was an interview with Kim and Big Kathy, where Kim says that she has no regrets about being a child star and missing out on normal kid things, since she has her own kids and can experience those things with them.  How that Kim became this current Kim, I can only imagine.  Maybe she was lying to herself then, too, because she obviously feels that her life isn't what she wants it to be and that Kyle owes her something.  She says it's Her Goddam House that Kyle owes her, but if Kyle can whip out those documents and prove that the sale was on the up and up, what would be Kim's "reason" for her anger towards Kyle, then? 

  • Love 9


IMHO all students in the US should also speak Spanish at least!


Depends on the region.


Here, in Maine, we are much closer to the province of Quebec, where the official language is French...yet...in many public places in Maine - such as hospitals & retail establishments - that are close to the US/Canada border, and even in many throughout northern Maine,  the bilingual signage is English/Spanish, where it clearly should be English/French in deference to the population who actually live here, work here and spend their hard earned dollars (American or Canadian). I can go into the local Lowe's & all the signage is English & Spanish....such a joke! and SO insulting to a great deal of the Maine population who are Franco-American by both heritage and language....one size fits all? Not so much.

  • Love 13

Depends on the region.

Here, in Maine, we are much closer to the province of Quebec, where the official language is French...yet...in many public places in Maine - such as hospitals & retail establishments - that are close to the US/Canada border, and even in many throughout northern Maine, the bilingual signage is English/Spanish, where it clearly should be English/French in deference to the population who actually live here, work here and spend their hard earned dollars (American or Canadian). I can go into the local Lowe's & all the signage is English & Spanish....such a joke! and SO insulting to a great deal of the Maine population who are Franco-American by both heritage and language....one size fits all? Not so much.

San Francisco has subway signs in Chinese.

  • Love 3

One thing I thought was kind of funny is that the age difference between Brandi and her Dutch Date is almost exactly the same as the age difference between Ken and Lisa. Only the Dutch guy was 3 years older than Lisa was when she married Ken. Lisa was 21, Ken was 37. Brandi is 42, and Dutch guy is 24 or 25 since he went to school with Lisa's kid.


Thank you for pointing this out, the double standard drives me crazy. Is it only acceptable to cradle rob when you marry the baby?

And regarding Lisa telling Yolanda that Brandi is her asshole now. Well that's all well and fine. Lisa stood by (and belly laughed) when Brandi attacked Jacqueline. She also supported her through her attacks on Kyle. But now that Pinky herself was affected - well Brandi's an asshole and Yolanda is wrong for staying friendly with her. Why doesn't Yolanda say this to Lisa? Lyme brain?

Edited by RedheadZombie
  • Love 7

Thank you for pointing this out, the double standard drives me crazy. Is it only acceptable to cradle rob when you marry the baby?

And regarding Lisa telling Yolanda that Brandi is her asshole now. Well that's all well and fine. Lisa stood by (and belly laughed) when Brandi attacked Jacqueline. She also supported her through her attacks on Kyle. But now that Pinky herself was affected - well Brandi's an asshole and Yolanda is wrong for staying friendly with her. Why doesn't Yolanda say this to Lisa? Lyme brain?


I don't see a double standard. First the age difference between Brandi and the guy she exploited for a story line was 20 years - not an issue until she only refers to him as a beautiful cock (if it were a reverse situation and it was the guy that was 20 years older referring to the 23 year old as a beautiful pussy no one would be laughing or giving it a pass). Second, Lisa never said that Yolanda was wrong for staying friendly with Brandi. She simply said that she was done with Brandi. She didn't ask anything of Yolanda or expect her to cut Brandi off or anything like that. Just that Brandi is Yolanda's asshole now. So why would Yolanda say anything? She is feeling the same way as Lisa about Brandi but is still trying to believe there is something worth salvaging there. 

  • Love 23

I don't see a double standard. First the age difference between Brandi and the guy she exploited for a story line was 20 years - not an issue until she only refers to him as a beautiful cock (if it were a reverse situation and it was the guy that was 20 years older referring to the 23 year old as a beautiful pussy no one would be laughing or giving it a pass). Second, Lisa never said that Yolanda was wrong for staying friendly with Brandi. She simply said that she was done with Brandi. She didn't ask anything of Yolanda or expect her to cut Brandi off or anything like that. Just that Brandi is Yolanda's asshole now. So why would Yolanda say anything? She is feeling the same way as Lisa about Brandi but is still trying to believe there is something worth salvaging there. 


Sorry, it's completely a double standard.  Let's not forget that Ken's son married a much older woman, and their best friend Mohamed has a revolving door of young women.  We have no idea how Ken spoke of Lisa, his son spoke of his wife, or Mohamed speaks of his young women when they meet him.  Lisa has spoken quite frequently about her pussy, to my regret.  I dislike Brandi as much as the next person - she's a troubled mess.  But Lisa and Brandi were good friends for a reason.  The sun doesn't shine out of Lisa's ass (unless your Ken) and she can be hypocritical, judgmental, duplicitous, and cruel - just like the other ladies.  And she can be as crude and base as Brandi, Lisa's just a lot more polished, and has the lovely accent.


But let's agree to disagree.  I want Brandi and Kim off the show if only so I can stop reading comments about them.

  • Love 9

Wow did you check out the preview of the reunion



Kim lies her ass off and deflects everything on everyone else and takes no responsibility for anything. Brandi attacks everyone and tells them they want to screw other men, that their marriages are a sham and that they are all phonies and hypocrites. You know the full Holden Caulfield. What you used to yell at your parents when you were in Middle School.


Oh and Yolanda looks around for some Lemons.


Looks like it is going to be a blast!

  • Love 17

I agree.  Not much more to say about Brandi and Kim that hasn't been said.  I've got a question that isn't about a newbie but it isn't about B or K,  either.  It's Lisa VP and something I didn't notice before or see mentioned..


This week's epi gives us a flashback to when they were at the windmill talking to the guy Yolanda allegedly kissed years ago.  LisaVP leans in and says to the guy, "Go on, kiss her again.  For old time's sake.  Fluken mahkhen fluken flahken!" 


Had we been in China and if Lisa had said, "Ching yang chong, chinky yang dong?" would that be okay?  I can't decide if Lisa making fun of the dialect is just stupid or offensive.


Well I found it offensive since Yolanda is married, and the guy's wife was standing right there.  It was also condescending to tell Yolanda "all of this could have been yours", knowing Yolanda is filthy rich.  She was mocking the guy's humble windmill home.  The mocking of Dutch was insulting, IMO, but I didn't want to stir up Lisa defenders by saying so.  Everyone seems to think it's insulting when someone mimics Lisa's accent, so considering she wasn't mimicking, she was mocking, then yes - it's offensive.

  • Love 9

Actually Brandi has become so nasty and aggressive I think she has mixed up the pills she is abusing and she has been loading up on testosterone. 


Pretty soon she won't have to worry about her tampon showing.


She will be upset because her balls are gonna drop.

Lol, I wish Faye Resnick could read this.

Edited by Avaleigh
  • Love 4

Yes that's true and Kyle should not feel guilty about having a nice life. However, the whole trip was a dumb idea. I mean invite Kim all the way to your new vacation home which will remind you both of the biggest fight you ever had just to sit around looking at the view and tell her Brandi is a bad friend? That's just so stupid. Helen Keller could have seen that this was going to end with the two of them trapped in a house screaming at each other. These women all have this bizarre need to physically trap each other in arguments. I'm really at a loss as to what Kyle was thinking. It's hard for me to even feel bad for her because she created this sister bonding trip from hell and now she's got Kim and the camera and an incoherent fight about something with a house and lots of tears. Oh and steak. The steak looked good. Why? Why do you do these things, Kyle?

To have a better chance to get another scene in the episode?  Tax write-off?


Excellent question, but much has made of the need for one on ones, and it was private and maybe Kyle thought her sister might like to see the place. Maybe it was naive and and, Kyle, though quite adorable, is also quite dim; still, it reads as a nice gesture to me.

I agree that's what Kyle was trying to portray.


I think that Kyle is always hoping that Kim has changed. She likes to say that she has. One of the first things she threw out to Kyle is that she is not the same person she was 3  years ago. She seemed to want some type of acknowledgment for not bringing up the house for the last few years. Kyle said that they had talked about all their issues and had resolved things after Kim out of rehab. Or she thought that they were resolved. Kim then said that it turns out that they hadn't really resolved them. How fucked up is all of this? I think that part of their dynamic is that Kyle is always thinking that Kim is different, and is always a bit surprised to find out that she is not. 

I dunno...drama with the Richards sisters is pretty predictable to me...


But then why couldn't Kim have said no to Palm Springs?  Is Kyle supposed to know Kim better than Kim knows herself?

Doesn't everybody? LOL


I have a mentor (very Black church mother, if you understand the reference) who noted years ago that I tended to downplay my accomplishments, intelligence and insightfulness in order to make others more comfortable.  She said to me words that I use as one of my mantras: "Never apologize for the way God chooses to bless you."

Thank you for this!  And I can't wait to use it as my new mantra. :)


I think everything all of them do is calculated for a reaction or to extend their screen time.  From what they wear to what they eat to where they go.  Always.  And if they aren't doing the calculations, Bravo is doing it for them.


I don't think for a minute that Kyle, when told that they'd be filming at her new house, didn't think there might be drama.  She was counting on it.  Just as much as Kim was when she said she'd go. 


Those two, like peas in a pod. 

So true!  I think it was before the Amsterdam trip the online rags were reporting that the ladies were boring and we can't have that.  Therefore, here comes drama, especially from the bottom-rungers.


Didn't kim go to the "stolen" Palm Springs house in S1. I could swear they were there. Wasn't that chicken salad house?

I think the PS house was the handed-down family casserole with margarine NOT butter...aah the good old days.


Sorry, it's completely a double standard.  Let's not forget that Ken's son married a much older woman, and their best friend Mohamed has a revolving door of young women.  We have no idea how Ken spoke of Lisa, his son spoke of his wife, or Mohamed speaks of his young women when they meet him.  Lisa has spoken quite frequently about her pussy, to my regret.  I dislike Brandi as much as the next person - she's a troubled mess.  But Lisa and Brandi were good friends for a reason.  The sun doesn't shine out of Lisa's ass (unless your Ken) and she can be hypocritical, judgmental, duplicitous, and cruel - just like the other ladies.  And she can be as crude and base as Brandi, Lisa's just a lot more polished, and has the lovely accent.


But let's agree to disagree.  I want Brandi and Kim off the show if only so I can stop reading comments about them.

Unless she has a malodorous you-know-what...allegedly.

Edited by SoCal4Us
  • Love 2

What is the deal with these women boohooing about their parents' health and not one of them actually goes to be with them? We have Yolanda, LisaR and Brandi, two of which have next to nothing to do, and they can't be with their parents? I'm assuming Lisa might have some work that's keeping her away. Cry me a river. When Brandi was on a date with her son, um, the homely young man, she was almost too drunk to stand up. Class act.

  • Love 9

Those women are so loaded up with hormones and possibly HGH as well, they may menstruate when they are 90.


I was thinking that earlier. Tampon Tammy will doctor shop to keep the flow going as long as possible. When that ends she'll probably start dye staining tampons red to leave around hosts bathrooms to "prove" she's still on the rag at 70. Stupid cow.

  • Love 5

Thanks for this, I have been trying to make sense of it and this seems like a very plausible timeline.  In my mind I figure Kyle and Kim's extended conversation like this:


Kim: You stole my GodDam house Kyle, you are a thief

Kyle: Kim, we never stole anything from you, mom left the house to all three of us and we bought you and Kathy out

Kim: you are a liar, you are lying

Kyle: Kim, look at the cancelled checks, here they are, you cashed your part, 120K altogether

Kim: my check was smaller than Kathy so that means you stole from me

Kyle: I didn't steal from you Kim, you borrowed 20K from the home equity and had to be paid back, you already used those 20K so you had to pay that back, in the end you received just the same amount of money than Kathy

Kim: you are a fuc%^& liar, you stole my house

Kyle: I did not, please take a look at this checks, these are the documents you signed, during all negotiations Kathy was with us, are you calling her also a thief?

Kim: No, Kathy always has my back unlike you, she will never steal from me

Kyle: but Kathy was there with us when the sale was made, do you think Kathy will let me steal from you. We (K&M) never charged you for all the miscelaneous payments that a house entails, taxes, insurance, electric, cable, etc. We split it in three ways. Even after that for years you were allowed to use the house free and clear of all payments.

Kim: It doesn't matter, you stole my house.

Kyle: It was our house Kim, all three of us

Kim: You stole my GD house and you know it

Kyle: the checks speak for themselves Kim

Kim: I tried to buy my share back and you didn't let me

Kyle: you tried to give me 20K back, that wouldn't buy you anything


Edited the post for the reply....


But - this is absolutely amazing - are you sure you're not a producer and you were there during this?  Wouldn't be surprised if the actual film of this exact conversation is in a vault somewhere in Andy's apartment!!   :-)

I need to speak about Brandi's blog for this episode so I guess I'll take it to her thread. Just when I thought this selfish trick couldn't sink any lower. If it weren't for a certain well placed question mark... Ugh, I'm so disgusted I feel like I need a moment. I try to refrain from being too quick to refer to any of these women as bitches but Brandi is sorely testing me in this regard because seriously, who does this? Who does this shit? She is a hateful menace and the fact that she's wrapping this steaming pile of shit with a plea for donations for the "Walking for Wishes" event for the Make-a-Wish foundation because she's supposedly such a sweet, caring, and generous person makes me want to vomit. 


From Brandi's Blog:




I'm almost impressed with how Brandi and Kim have their vile behavior down to an art form.


I really hope that if, during the Reunion GDHousegate is brought up again, Brandi will have the smarts and courtesy to keep her big mouth shut.  If she makes any comments, I think that Kyle will completely lose it!!  

Edited by njbchlover
  • Love 4

See this is the Kyle that I feel is the real Kyle. Frustrated, not the nicest, passive aggressive etc. etc.. wants to punish whenever she can, won't let an opportunity go by to bitch about Kim or imply annoyance at something Kim is doing.


But, Sincerely Yours, you could change the name from Kyle to Kim in your post and it would still be true.  That's why, although I prefer Kyle to Kim, I think that everything with them is tit for tat.  Their pattern is "you accuse me of this and I'll accuse you of that, or I'll accuse you of the same thing you accuse me of."  Nothing will ever get resolved because neither will ever let the other off the hook.


I really enjoyed LisaV's call with Ken. I loved that she didn't exaggerate or embellish or flat out lie about the slap, unlike the versions of the glass throw and strangulation attempt. 


thewhiteowl, it was so refreshing to see one of the women describe something without either embellishing or outright lying about what happened.  Kudos to LisaV!


I think Kim loves when she can make Kyle cry like that because she does get to have the last word, all the while being the bigger person and comforting Kyle.  She was that kind of big sister -- the one who would take away Kyle's toy/whatever and make Kyle cry and then, with all the authority and faux generosity she could muster, she'd give the toy/whatever back to Kyle, just to see the gratitude and fear/awe on her little sister's face.


SwordQueen, BRAVO!!  You've provided the perfect description of the Kim we've seen on the show, and I'm sure that's how she has operated her whole life.  I just wish Kyle would man up and stop letting her nasty sister continue to reduce her to tears.  Kim gets too much satisfaction when she makes Kyle cry.   

  • Love 11

To have a better chance to get another scene in the episode?  Tax write-off?


I agree that's what Kyle was trying to portray.





I think the PS house was the handed-down family casserole with margarine NOT butter...aah the good old days.



Aha, OK. I know there was some sort of food related incident.

  • Love 3

I don't care about ages, as long as everyone is legal, but man Brandi, have some self-respect and at least keep that shit to yourself.  It actually ages you to brag and be seen with men half your age like it's proof that you still got it goin on.  She's always so bare-ass backwards.  And she's got no game, sorry.  I had second-hand embarrassment watching that "date


 I have to say it is the only moment I have ever felt sorry for her, just for a second. Her blurry eyes and slurry voice demanding he kiss her in public. I felt real pity then had a cup of coffee and came to my senses.  What a mess she is. I think a hundred years ago they used to make alcoholics watch film of themselves drunk.   Wonder if she ever watches?

Kim does not have relationships, she holds people hostage. Kyle needs to cut the cord.

  • Love 5

I guess having her daughter badly bitten by a dog her sister should never have had in her home in the first place and then that sister blaming her daughter for getting bit is was the final straw.


I would hope it would be the final straw for Kyle, WireWrap, but she seems to be a glutton for punishment when it comes to Kim, so I'll be pleasantly surprised if Kyle does indeed walk away from the mess that is her sister.


Eileen and her husband went out for a romantic dinner, being filmed of course.  Within SECONDS Eileen started talking about Kim, and then Brandi.


She was under contract to talk about Kim and Brandi.  That's why the cameras were there.  The women (ALL of them) talk about the others in practically every scene because that's what they're being paid to do.

Edited by parisprincess
  • Love 7


Kyle shouldn't have to hide her house, her husband or her happiness so that Kim's feelings aren't hurt.  Bitch, fix your gotdamn lashes and come eat this burnt ass chicken.  Ain't nobody got time for her shenanigans.





LMFAO Someone who's brave email this to Kyle so this grow herself a spine!

Edited by BlackMamba
  • Love 7

It's working for her!  Fans are on her side!  So I doubt it will ever stop now.


Oh, and Kim is well aware of what kind of sister Kyle is, and has been.  She doesn't need Brandi to tell her shit.

Lol no. Kyle has been crying that way since Season One and people weren't on her side then the way they are now. What is making people switch over to feeling badly for Kyle (for some of us reluctantly) is seeing just how God awful a human being Kim is.

And disagree with your second point too. Kim needs someone to tell her what day it is. She has the hate, that she has in spades. But Brandi fills in the justification. Dynamic duo! I can't wait till they're on opposite sides next season, way more fun.

  • Love 14

Sorry, it's completely a double standard.  Let's not forget that Ken's son married a much older woman, and their best friend Mohamed has a revolving door of young women.  We have no idea how Ken spoke of Lisa, his son spoke of his wife, or Mohamed speaks of his young women when they meet him.  Lisa has spoken quite frequently about her pussy, to my regret.  I dislike Brandi as much as the next person - she's a troubled mess.  But Lisa and Brandi were good friends for a reason.  The sun doesn't shine out of Lisa's ass (unless your Ken) and she can be hypocritical, judgmental, duplicitous, and cruel - just like the other ladies.  And she can be as crude and base as Brandi, Lisa's just a lot more polished, and has the lovely accent.


But let's agree to disagree.  I want Brandi and Kim off the show if only so I can stop reading comments about them.

I'm not sure about it being a double standard either. Brandi chose not just a young guy but someone who was friends with Lisa V son and that takes it into a whole new level of icky and weird.

  • Love 5


I have a mentor (very Black church mother, if you understand the reference) who noted years ago that I tended to downplay my accomplishments, intelligence and insightfulness in order to make others more comfortable.  She said to me words that I use as one of my mantras: "Never apologize for the way God chooses to bless you."  Now, not everyone believes in God and/or blessings, but the point stands. 


The sad thing is Kyle even said to Kim when Kim said I love it down here (the desert) Kyle replied "that's what I mean. me and you."  I think Kyle even has a room for her there.  But the jealous bat is still mad because it ain't her or she did have it and not anymore.  Well boohoo tough tit!  If my sister or anyone in my family ever wanted to share that kind of success with me, not to say I'm a smoocher, but hell, I'll be relishing in their success with them!  It would be a pleasure.

  • Love 17

 I have to say it is the only moment I have ever felt sorry for her, just for a second. Her blurry eyes and slurry voice demanding he kiss her in public. I felt real pity then had a cup of coffee and came to my senses.  What a mess she is. I think a hundred years ago they used to make alcoholics watch film of themselves drunk.   Wonder if she ever watches?

Kim does not have relationships, she holds people hostage. Kyle needs to cut the cord.


If I take Brandi out of the situation and put another women in her place, then yes I do feel for her. lol  But, this is Brandi.  She doesn't just create messes within her own life, she tries to (and sometimes succeeds) in making messes in other people's lives, too, and so I just have nothing to extend to her in the way of emotions.


100% True Fact, if that had been almost any other HW (Kyle, Lisa R, Eileen, even Lisa V) in her place, she would be all over that shit, making fun of her, patronizing her, making fun of the guy, contemplating the current state of her vagina, etc.  She would be merciless.  So, I'm not giving her more consideration that she would give anyone else because of that and because she puts herself in these situations.  I think in her mind, when she's planning these things out, she sees herself being this total MILF that every guy wants to bang and ever women wishes she could be.  But when reality hits, and it does, she can't handle the discrepancy.  That's when she gets all whiney and tries to play the victim. If public opinion had largely shifted in the other direction, she'd be pleased as a peacock about herself.  

  • Love 16


I guess I'm at the point where I don't think Kyle needed to tell Kim one more time that Brandi is a bad friend.

But isn't that part of supporting Kim, as she has yelled so many times? Kim constantly mentions "support". Well, support comes in many ways, shapes and forms.  It sometimes entails telling her what she needs to hear about someone who may not be a good friend.  Just as we sometimes tell loved ones things that may be hard for them to hear, but we do so out of love and concern. Kim will have to learn the hard way, so in that respect, I can agree that Kyle really needs to wash her hands of that relationship (Brandi & Kim) and let the shit hit the fan. Kyle did the same thing when Ken 2.0 was in Kim's life. Let it go, Kyle. Let it go.


BlackMamba - LMAO that photo. I think I know that kid!



Everyone seems to think it's insulting when someone mimics Lisa's accent,

Who is everyone? I surely am not in that group. Never posted a thing about others imitating or mocking LisaV's accent.



The sun doesn't shine out of Lisa's ass (unless your Ken) and she can be hypocritical, judgmental, duplicitous, and cruel - just like the other ladies.  And she can be as crude and base as Brandi, Lisa's just a lot more polished, and has the lovely accent.

I don't know what her accent has to do with anything, but all the ladies, I am sure, can get down and dirty and talk a good game of sex, balls, finger-banging, and porn. I don't doubt that one bit. This reminds me of the late Diana, Princess of Wales, who was known by close friends to talk a good game of sex and telling dirty jokes. It made me smile to know that she too, like many of us, can have a good gabfest about such things when we are with our friends, sometimes. Unlike Brandi, who thinks that sort of talk is appropriate any time, all the time, at every occasion. I bet she has said crap like that at funeral gatherings: *looking at a dead man in a coffin* "Oh look at his hands. Boy, he has long fingers. I bet he gave some good finger-banging in his younger days."  Nothing wrong with Brandi's talk, but there is a time and a place for it. When the ladies were in the limo having that talk about porn and sex I thought, "Now THAT is when it is appropriate."  I also don't think her having had sex with a guy she didn't know, and who was barely 23 years old,  is anything to bat an eyelash at. One night stands happen a lot. But, do they happen on camera for the world to see? Does Brandi think about her boys? Or, is she more about showing off this stud and how "young" she is? Girl need some self-respect. This is not the 1970s where sleeping around could remain a secret. Brandi is on a tv show...on camera doing these shenanigans!!   LisaV and Ken could have had sex the first night they met. Who cares? That's their business and that is how it should be. I don't watch this show to see a washed-up nobody who has nothing going on in her life, being a lush, and having sex with a stranger, not giving a rat's ass at how awful she looked, the slurring of words. Terrible. It was bad enough watching Kim when she was with Ken 2.0 


Back to LisaV. it does get a bit annoying though to hear the "P" word being thrown around a lot by her. Stop with the "P" word and give me more rich porn instead such as jewels, gowns, vacation homes and all that sort of stuff.



Eileen and her husband went out for a romantic dinner, being filmed of course.  Within SECONDS Eileen started talking about Kim, and then Brandi.

Bolded part should be a clue. They are contracted to speak about certain goings-on. This is a no-brainer. It is a tv show. That is why things are not done "privately" or away from the cameras.

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 14

Lol no. Kyle has been crying that way since Season One and people weren't on her side then the way they are now. What is making people switch over to feeling badly for Kyle (for some of us reluctantly) is seeing just how God awful a human being Kim is.

And disagree with your second point too. Kim needs someone to tell her what day it is. She has the hate, that she has in spades. But Brandi fills in the justification. Dynamic duo! I can't wait till they're on opposite sides next season, way more fun.

Amen! Kyle has always cried. Didn't someone put up an entire montage of Kyle crying? Unless I've been trolling around the wrong forums for 5 or so years, I've never heard of her getting much sympathy for these tears.

Most folks feel sympathetic for two reasons: Brandi sticking her once lovely but now botoxed and filled fat face where it didn't belong, and the fact that Kim has shown us she is basically the scum of the earth. That is the only reason Kyle is getting sympathy. If Brandi and Kim don't like the way things have turned out, they have only themselves to blame. They have done what I never thought possible - they have made some people think maybe Kyle isn't half bad.

  • Love 10

I really enjoyed LisaV's call with Ken. I loved that she didn't exaggerate or embellish or flat out lie about the slap, unlike the versions of the glass throw and strangulation attempt. What disturbs me is how the slap came to be is kind of glossed over, BG actually had grabbed the back of LisaV's head to force a kiss on her. I think "I will slap you" is an appropriate response to anyone doing that, Lisa was not joking then BG decides she digs the thought of LisaV slapping her but LisaV is not playing around at this point she just wants to get away from the crazy, I can't blame her. Unfortunately I doubt either Kim or BG are going anywhere, they are bringing the drama and Bravo is loving it. I'm not so much.


I agree....I may be in the minority, but I really like Lisa and Ken's relationship.  


I also like how Lisa V. reacts (or not) to Brandi, and that is what is driving Brandi crazy.  The fact that Lisa explained it pretty much exactly as it happened, with no drama was perfect.  


Also loved hearing the little "catch" in her voice when they were saying good-bye - she sounded close to tears, and that is unusual for Lisa.

  • Love 14

I like Lisa and Ken too, in spite of the horrible press they've been getting from the lawsuit, and food review of their restaurants.  I think they are both basically pretty fun people, and have lead a fascinating life.  I think it's a damn good marriage too.  I hated last season with the gang up attacks on them.  Sickening.


I don't think either are angels, but for RH shows, they are pretty much the top for me.

  • Love 12

If Brandi wants to go out (screw) a 22 year old, that's her business.  However, seeing her do it, just makes her look pretty pathetic.  Between the spanx showing, the kiss me, the 'bear' vest and the inability to stand up straight, that's not hot.  Far from it.  Kinda of desperate.  I don't think Lisa V made a big deal of it but I can understand her being a little disturbed and bothered by it.  I would be too.  I hope he used protection. 

Edited by breezy424
  • Love 11

Thank you for pointing this out, the double standard drives me crazy. Is it only acceptable to cradle rob when you marry the baby?

And regarding Lisa telling Yolanda that Brandi is her asshole now. Well that's all well and fine. Lisa stood by (and belly laughed) when Brandi attacked Jacqueline. She also supported her through her attacks on Kyle. But now that Pinky herself was affected - well Brandi's an asshole and Yolanda is wrong for staying friendly with her. Why doesn't Yolanda say this to Lisa? Lyme brain?

I think LvP last straw is when Brandi made the comments about Joanna Krupa and claimed they came from Mohamed.  Yolanda needs to buy a clue.  I have been in the minority in that I never thought Brandi should be on the show.  One by one hse has hurt every single cast member.  Maybe Yolanda needs to clean up a few messes she left.

  • Love 8

After seeing that clip-I think it is safe to say Kim has a pattern when confronted with adversity -she turns around and tries to make seem that she really has the dirt on the person causing the discomfort.  This will the fourth time we have seen this MO with Kim. Once with Rinna, once with Eileen, once with Kyle when she Kyle said Kim wasn't in the position for a mortgage and now over the dog bite.




Kim is definitely the Queen of Deflection - she is so good at it, I would assume she has years and years of practice.  Whenever something makes her uncomfortable or puts her on the spot, she so quickly and masterfully throws it back at the other person.  


Years ago Ramona use to brag about still having her period and she became known by some as the "still menstruating Ramona".  How does Brandi know who is in menopause and who isn't?  Seems Eileen had a child in her mid forties.


Again, I think this just goes back to Brandi not willing to admit or accept that she is no longer in her 20's.  Because she thinks she is more hip or more cool than the other ladies, who are all somewhat settled (forget Kim - not even including her in the equation), Brandi will continue to throw age-jabs at the other ladies.  


If Brandi were a guy, I would say she has "Peter Pan Syndrome", because it seems like she just can NEVER GROW UP.

  • Love 9

I think LvP last straw is when Brandi made the comments about Joanna Krupa and claimed they came from Mohamed.  Yolanda needs to buy a clue.  I have been in the minority in that I never thought Brandi should be on the show.  One by one hse has hurt every single cast member.  Maybe Yolanda needs to clean up a few messes she left.

I too felt Brandi had no business on this show even before the season started.

  • Love 6

I guess having her daughter badly bitten by a dog her sister should never have had in her home in the first place and then that sister blaming her daughter for getting bit is was the final straw.


On WWHL, Andy told Adrienne, Camille and Taylor that when they taped the reunion, it was the first time Kim and Kyle had seen or spoken to each other in over four months.

  • Love 4

Thx Breezy 424 for the clips.   Sounds like Kim wanted to take money out of the house, but hadn't put any in towards mortgage and taxes.  They bought her (and Kathy) out - giving Kim way more than $20K.   Some time later and it seems like quite a bit of time - Kim wants to buy back in.   She is right about one thing - they didn't want her as a partner.   Kyle was right, Kim couldn't afford to help financially keep up her share - Kim wanted to be a partner but have Kyle pay for everything.    No way did the sale of her mother's house pay for the new one.  Oh, the proceeds went to the house, but the new one is worth far more than the old one.  


Whatever the original 20K was for, she most likely asked for it straight out - and when she was turned down, the idea of a loan against her share came up.   I wouldn't blame any of the family for not wanting to pour more money down that rat hole.  A bottomless pit.  


Are you talking about the GD house or Kim??   ;-)

  • Love 10

Back to LisaV. it does get a bit annoying though to hear the "P" word being thrown around a lot by her. Stop with the "P" word and give me more rich porn instead such as jewels, gowns, vacation homes and all that sort of stuff.

LVP pretends to not like the "P" word but she has said "C__chie" several times. I remember last season when they were on their way to Palm Springs and she was talking to Carlton about Joyce she said "I dont know anything about Joyce but she has a small c__chie and her husband has a big wiener."

  • Love 5

If Brandi wants to go out (screw) a 22 year old, that's her business.  However, seeing her do it, just makes her look pretty pathetic.  Between the spanx showing, the kiss me, the 'bear' vest and the inability to stand up straight, that's not hot.  Far from it.  Kinda of desperate.  I don't think Lisa V made a big deal of it but I can understand her being a little disturbed and bothered by it.  I would be too.  I hope he used protection. 

I keep hoping we will see the lost footage where Dutch Boy tells LvP, Brandi was so drunk he wouldn't bang her with Kim's wiener.

  • Love 10

LVP pretends to not like the "P" word but she has said "C__chie" several times. I remember last season when they were on their way to Palm Springs and she was talking to Carlton about Joyce she said "I dont know anything about Joyce but she has a small c__chie and her husband has a big wiener." She even said "c__chie" this episode. Shes been saying a lot of sexual humor this season. "Oh my god this is serious sexual stimulation. Ive been away from my husband for too long." When they went bike riding in Holland. Then her talking head when she talking about riding Ken.

I was laughing at LisaV when she went into detail about the sex show in Thailand. That was hilarious.

  • Love 8

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