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S02.E01: Return to Neverland

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Yay this show is back! Cameron is just too pretty and her hair, makeup and outfits are always on point.  Love her style (and would kill for her tiny but toned figure!).  Kathryn does seem to adore her daughter, but yet hate the lifestyle she is currently living.  Yep, she is definitely prime for a meltdown (or 10) -- bring it on!


Oh, but speaking of figures...did anybody else think that Shep's ex Danni looked like she lost a TON of weight?  eta: never mind!  I think she DID always look this way, according this pic.  And damn I forgot what a stick figure Kathryn was pre-baby.  I honestly think she looks better now than here.


I'm not sure about Landon yet - but she and Shep have a past, so it could be interesting!!



Well they were "just friends" - so they say!  I like Landon so far.  I think she's cute. I saw from googling her that Landon was married to a guy named James Maby, who was briefly married to Stacey Dash from Clueless fame--and they have a daughter together. So Landon was a stepmother to Stacey Dash's daughter for a while.  Nothing of significance--I just found it interesting. 

Edited by Duke2801
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Oh, but speaking of figures...did anybody else think that Shep's ex Danni looked like she lost a TON of weight?  eta: never mind!  I think she DID always look this way, according this pic.  And damn I forgot what a stick figure Kathryn was pre-baby.  I honestly think she looks better now than here.



I was going to mention this too - even in the flash backs danni doesn't look THAT skinny. 

I think Katherine looks better now too but you can tell she's still trying to get rid of some of the baby weight.  And the poor girl doesnt have a butt :( 


So is Danni Katherine's or T-Rav's friend?? She said she had been there 3 times to see the baby. And then we hear that Danni told T-rav that he needs to move back to the city because Katherine is lonely.  I thought that was nice of her.  It would be a real pain in the ass to suddenly be 1.5 hours away from all of your friends. 


Count me in on that bus!! I LOVE Charleston.  Wish I could visit again.  I went in July one year and the humidity was out of control but I'm from Iowa so I'm sort of used to it but theirs is 10 times crazier. 

Sooo happy this is back!!! I just love that the premise of the episode is a 2nd baptism because god mother #1 was fired, LOLLLL!!  I wonder if JD was the original godfather??


I want to be Cameran.  She is soo gorgeous and funny. I thought it was cute when Craig said he wanted to hate Jason because he got to marry Cameran. Awww!!  Also thought Craig's joke that Cameran has 10 more hot years left before she needed to talk to Whitney about botox was funny!


Kathryn has gotten herself into some shit that everyone else could see coming.  I feel bad for her that Thomas isn't marrying her but unfortunately, she made her own bed and now she has to to lie in it.  I liked that she admitted that being a new mom is really hard.  It does suck that Thomas sold the downtown house and they have to live out in the country.  That must be rough to be so isolated. Again, Kathryn made her own mess, but I do have some sympathy for her. 


No opinion on Landon yet except that her voice is odd.  Sounds like maybe an overcorrection of another accent?


I hope Craig gets his shit together, career-wise. I am calling some shenanigans on the whole job situation.  How could the boss ever let him not show up until 330? Seems like possibly Craig was given some flexibility on his work schedule and took advantage of it? 


I don't really care about anyone's restaurant, but I'm glad that Shep got his going and seems to enjoy.  Maybe he will learn that there is pride in a job well-done!


Patricia is freaking amazing.  I didn't know people still had butlers in this day and age. Someone last year referred to her as Karen Walker-meets-Suzanne Sugarbaker...I would throw in a bit of Lady Violet Grantham as well!!

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OK.  I Yelped Shep's place.  The special menu?  HOT DOGS.  I kid you not.  Hot dogs and tacos.  It seems the place is very downscale and intentionally so.  I wonder if we shall ever see it again.


If it is open late at night - I would imagine it could be very popular with the College of Charleston crowd after the bars close.

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I kind of feel for Katheryn too, the poor little dumbass. I think in her head she would get knocked up and T-Rav would marry her and her life would be filled with accompanying T-Rav to fancy parties and political events while a highly trained British nanny watched over Kensington. Instead she's out in the sticks, Thomas seems to be avoiding her, and there is no Marry Poppins in sight. I find her oddly fascinating though. In this day and age you just don't meet that many women who are so upfront about their life plan of trapping a rich dude with a baby at the ripe old age of 22. That's also why I can't feel bad for Thomas either. They had unprotected sex so very many times and the girl went around telling everyone she wanted to get knocked up. When it's that blatant I have to assume both parties were on board.

  • Love 7

I saw a documentary on Netflix about Halston. Whitney made this film and is prominent in it. He seems beyond gay to me. The film is unintentionally funny as the people he is interviewing all act as though he is wasting their time. Andre Leon Talley was particularly amusing. For Patricia fans, she appears as well.

(apologies for OT.)

  • Love 4

Sooo happy this is back!!! I just love that the premise of the episode is a 2nd baptism because god mother #1 was fired, LOLLLL!!  I wonder if JD was the original godfather??


I want to be Cameran.  She is soo gorgeous and funny. I thought it was cute when Craig said he wanted to hate Jason because he got to marry Cameran. Awww!!  Also thought Craig's joke that Cameran has 10 more hot years left before she needed to talk to Whitney about botox was funny!


Kathryn has gotten herself into some shit that everyone else could see coming.  I feel bad for her that Thomas isn't marrying her but unfortunately, she made her own bed and now she has to to lie in it.  I liked that she admitted that being a new mom is really hard.  It does suck that Thomas sold the downtown house and they have to live out in the country.  That must be rough to be so isolated. Again, Kathryn made her own mess, but I do have some sympathy for her. 


No opinion on Landon yet except that her voice is odd.  Sounds like maybe an overcorrection of another accent?


I hope Craig gets his shit together, career-wise. I am calling some shenanigans on the whole job situation.  How could the boss ever let him not show up until 330? Seems like possibly Craig was given some flexibility on his work schedule and took advantage of it? 


I don't really care about anyone's restaurant, but I'm glad that Shep got his going and seems to enjoy.  Maybe he will learn that there is pride in a job well-done!


Patricia is freaking amazing.  I didn't know people still had butlers in this day and age. Someone last year referred to her as Karen Walker-meets-Suzanne Sugarbaker...I would throw in a bit of Lady Violet Grantham as well!!


Here's the thing - as you said, Kathryn got herself into this mess (obviously, with a great deal of help from TRav)...BUT - she doesn't have a ring on her finger.  She could have done what a lot of other single moms do in the world - she could have gotten herself a job, and an apartment in Charleston, if she wanted to stay there so badly.  


She did not have to pack up everything and follow TRav out to the plantation in the boondocks.  She has choices - she is an adult.  


I don't feel sorry for her being at the plantation house, because I think she is still hoping that TRav will put a ring on it.  

Edited by njbchlover
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But does Kathryn even have any friends anywhere?  Maybe she's going thru post-partum depression, but she sure wasn't a good hostess at the baptism.

I would hope so! She seems like a nice enough girl - although a bit catty and "easy"? (needed a nice term for sleeping around) in the first season. 

I would not be surprised if she had some post-partum depression, especially being away from everyone and she hates her body and now has to be filmed around all these girls who are as skinny as she used to be. Shes got great hair though!  I don't think it's all real but it looks good.


I agree she also seemed like a debbie downer at the baptism but I think I'll chalk it up to it being hotter than hell that day so I'm sure that makes anyone cranky. She seems to be one of those that doesn't hide a bad mood very well lol

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I would hope so! She seems like a nice enough girl - although a bit catty and "easy"? (needed a nice term for sleeping around) in the first season.

I would not be surprised if she had some post-partum depression, especially being away from everyone and she hates her body and now has to be filmed around all these girls who are as skinny as she used to be. Shes got great hair though! I don't think it's all real but it looks good.

I agree she also seemed like a debbie downer at the baptism but I think I'll chalk it up to it being hotter than hell that day so I'm sure that makes anyone cranky. She seems to be one of those that doesn't hide a bad mood very well lol

Can we talk about an outdoor event in August? Why didn't they move it inside? I live in Central CA and from mid-July to mid-September it's basically like living on the sun. You don't throw an outdoor mid-day party unless you want everyone to bitch about it for the rest of your life. I have an Aunt who still complains about being a bridesmaid in an outdoor afternoon wedding in August 30 YEARS AGO! And I'm on her side because what sort of sociopath does that? Move it inside Katheryn. As always Patricia speaks the truth.

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It's a good question as to why it was outdoors.  Maybe to amp up the drama factor? Who knows. It doesn't make you wonder though. 

Especially to keep them eating outside.  I thought for sure they would move that inside.


Maybe they didn't want people to stay long and figured keeping them in the heat would make them leave sooner rather than later? lol

Remember Ouiser in Steel Magnolias? She was rich as Cresus and wore fabulous diamonds with ratty overalls. Wealthy southerners can be eccentric or "I don't care" when it comes to having exacting appearances.

The wealthiest people I know dress in nice, expensive stuff, but not "labels."  They don't GAF.  They are not trying to impress anyone because they simply do not care.


I grew up in a wealthy area and it is the people who are either newly rich or barely rich that care about brands and labels.  The real old wealth do wear nice things, of course, but have zero interest in showing off.

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I have grown really fond of JD and his wife seems lovely.

I appreciated the heartfelt note that JD's wife wrote to Kathryn/Kensington.  She turned a blind eye at the ridiculousness of the event and did the kind and appropriate thing.  Not sure if Kathryn really got it though. 



I find her oddly fascinating though. In this day and age you just don't meet that many women who are so upfront about their life plan of trapping a rich dude with a baby at the ripe old age of 22.

I am right there with you.  I can see her chasing TRav with stars in her eyes and hoping to marry him.  But to take it to the level of deliberately entrapping him with a pregnancy seems so out of date and an odd plan for a young woman to actually put into motion at 22 (21?).  And wasn't there anyone in her life who could see what was going on and issue her a warning to reconsider?  She also seems like a giant fun suck; not just post baby but before as well.  What's her personality?  Does she have any friends?  I am also fascinated by the transformation that occurs in every shot where the hair and make-up change her into a completely different girl.


I can't get a feel for Landon because all she seemed to do was giggle the whole time about everything.  She kind of reminds me of Renee Zellweger.  And also that plain girl who always seemed to get all the hot guys and you could never figure out why. 

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I agree that Kathryn didn't get the fabulous lifestyle she thought a pregnancy and quick marriage to T Rav would bring her. I do feel sympathy for her because Thomas doesn't know how hard it is to have a first child and Kathryn doesn't seem to have been prepared for all the responsibility (who is?). I wonder if there is a nanny in the background, seems like there would be. Putting her out in the country so far from everyone may have seemed like a good idea -- hiding from curious tourists/fans on buses perhaps? -- but he didn't understand how isolating it would be for such a young woman. 


Thomas was so on board with Kathryn getting pregnant that I think he should have married her, with a solid prenup in place that guaranteed Kathryn and Kensie a good settlement in case of divorce. I feel it would have made him work a bit harder at being an actual husband as well as father, yet it was clear from Season 1 that he didn't want to marry her. I guess as long as he has revised his will to take care of Kensie and is paying her bills then that's about all Kathryn can expect. 


Kathryn seems to be hanging in there and hoping for the ring, and since it would be pretty difficult to hide that they did end up engaged or even married, I feel sure it's not going to happen now, that time has passed. (Although their relationship is probably just unhealthy enough that they will keep getting back together and breaking up, ad infinitum.) I read in the tabloids somewhere that she is now living with her parents after her most recent breakup with Thomas, so again she is out in the sticks but at least her parents can help with the baby.


Maybe in the future, as Kensie's needs become less all-consuming, she will negotiate a settlement with Thomas for a city apartment and a monthly support payment. In the future I can see Thomas trying to be very controlling of her behavior, as the mother of his child, and Kathryn rebelling against it.

Edited by RedHawk

It seems as though she was trying to land her someone with money.  First she hooked up with Shep but that was after she was flirting with lawyer boy (sorry brain fart on name). He got mad at Shep for that.  Then she went and hooked up with Thomas BUT then we learn that before thomas she also hooked up with Whitney. 

Thomas was her 3rd try at a money maker.  I don't necessarily think she was trying to get pregnant by all of them, but I do think she wants a high-class lifestyle. (not that she would get that with shep but he obviously has money)

Can we talk about an outdoor event in August? Why didn't they move it inside? I live in Central CA and from mid-July to mid-September it's basically like living on the sun. You don't throw an outdoor mid-day party unless you want everyone to bitch about it for the rest of your life. I have an Aunt who still complains about being a bridesmaid in an outdoor afternoon wedding in August 30 YEARS AGO! And I'm on her side because what sort of sociopath does that? Move it inside Katheryn. As always Patricia speaks the truth.

It may be 106 and sunny as shit in the Central Valley but that's nothing in comparison to 95 and humid as hell in Charleston. I've lived in both climates and I can handle the hot sunny over the humid southern east coast in August.

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I was going to mention this too - even in the flash backs danni doesn't look THAT skinny. 

I think Katherine looks better now too but you can tell she's still trying to get rid of some of the baby weight.  And the poor girl doesnt have a butt :( 


So is Danni Katherine's or T-Rav's friend?? She said she had been there 3 times to see the baby. And then we hear that Danni told T-rav that he needs to move back to the city because Katherine is lonely.  I thought that was nice of her.  It would be a real pain in the ass to suddenly be 1.5 hours away from all of your friends. 


Count me in on that bus!! I LOVE Charleston.  Wish I could visit again.  I went in July one year and the humidity was out of control but I'm from Iowa so I'm sort of used to it but theirs is 10 times crazier. 

Besides being out of town it appears to be on an island which is cool for a 2nd home but probably not for many full time.

It seems as though she was trying to land her someone with money. First she hooked up with Shep but that was after she was flirting with lawyer boy (sorry brain fart on name). He got mad at Shep for that. Then she went and hooked up with Thomas BUT then we learn that before thomas she also hooked up with Whitney.

Thomas was her 3rd try at a money maker. I don't necessarily think she was trying to get pregnant by all of them, but I do think she wants a high-class lifestyle. (not that she would get that with shep but he obviously has money)

IIRC technically she had no interest in Craig. (Which is probably why he was so bitter about her sleeping with every other guy except JD at the dinner party.) I think Craig did invite Katherine to the beach so he thought or hoped it was a date, but i suppose she just used it as an opportunity to get closer to a cast member with money (possibly/allegedly). She left with Shep and presumably slept with him then. At this point, T-Rav was trying to woo Danni, but she had no interest in dating a felon. Then it seems that Shep and T-Rav swapped Katherine and Danni (who had already previously dated Shep). Katherine and T-Rav had an initial fling (like a week?) but he called it off when others were telling him she was too young. That's when I assume Katherine and Whitney hooked up because after T-Rav found out about Whitney, Katherine tried to blame T-Rav by sobbing, "You left me! What did you expect me to do?!" Anyway, I think they were only "broken up" for a couple of days before they got back together. The last episode was supposed to be the "final" breakup...before she realized she was pregnant, I suppose. But it sounds like they have a very tumultuous relationship with many, many breakups and reunions. I suppose with so many do-overs in their relationship, we shouldn't be surprised about the christening do-over. Edited by JenE4
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It may be 106 and sunny as shit in the Central Valley but that's nothing in comparison to 95 and humid as hell in Charleston. I've lived in both climates and I can handle the hot sunny over the humid southern east coast in August.

Not to mention the mosquitoes.  Worst wedding I ever went to was on a lake in August, at dusk, outside of New Orleans.  There is not enough Benadryl in the world to curb the itch and no way not to walk away not looking like a drown rat.

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I kind of feel for Katheryn too, the poor little dumbass. I think in her head she would get knocked up and T-Rav would marry her and her life would be filled with accompanying T-Rav to fancy parties and political events while a highly trained British nanny watched over Kensington. Instead she's out in the sticks, Thomas seems to be avoiding her, and there is no Marry Poppins in sight. I find her oddly fascinating though. In this day and age you just don't meet that many women who are so upfront about their life plan of trapping a rich dude with a baby at the ripe old age of 22. That's also why I can't feel bad for Thomas either. They had unprotected sex so very many times and the girl went around telling everyone she wanted to get knocked up. When it's that blatant I have to assume both parties were on board.


I think Thomas was more open to actually marry Kathryn when he was running for a senate seat because it would look good.  Happy family, wife, and new baby.  Now that T Rav's policital bubble has burst the bloom is off the rose.  Marrying Kathryn isn't so important anymore?  He's got the baby that he loves to bits.

Edited by beesknees
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I am no scion of "great" political families, but I do know enough that I would not hold any kind of event out of doors in the sweltering heat of S. Carolina in August.  Her mother didn't advise her against that?  I'm sure she could have had some kind of nice reception at a nice hotel or one of JD's restaurants.  Can't the man who developed great outdoor malls in the South get a hold of some nice tents with air conditioning, or at least some large fans?


A little advice for Kathryn--when it comes to social events, ask yourself, "WWPD?" or "What would Pat do? "

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The second Christening was obviously for the show.  I'm guessing they didn't want all the cameras around for the first one and decided to stage one for the show as a way to get everyone back together for the season.  I did think it was odd that Danni was there but perhaps she's Kathryn's friend.


Poor Kathryn having to live in a mansion on a plantation.  This is what she wanted.  She only went after the boys with money last season, Craig actually liked her but when she found out he wasn't rich and would have to work for a living, she dropped him like a hot potato.


Cameran is awesome, she gets along with both the guys and the gals and says what everyone is thinking.


I think Whitney is the mastermind behind the whole show.  When we get tired of poor Kathryn or Craig he brings out his mother to lighten the mood.  I can't wait to see Shep and Whitney try to live together.


Landon's laugh is annoying but I'm chalking it up to being nervous so far.

Late to the party but please save me a seat on the bus -- I'll bring the julep cups and mint. Have beaucoup of both, thanks to my kin who passed their things on to the younger generation and not having killed the mint plant I got as a housewarming gift. 


And I'm from Florida which is as sweltering as Charleston in the summer. No one in their right mind has a formal event outdoors in August unless you're at the beach where it's casual and there's a breeze. And even then there are the mosquitoes... TRav's plantation might be in a swamp, as that is the Low Country. 

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Wanted to add that I absolutely loved these two "real" moments: 1) TRav's reaction when the woman said she couldn't bring herself to vote for a felon, and 2) Craig reminding Cameran just how quickly her expiration date is approaching.  Neither the woman nor Craig was kidding.


To me, this is the best aspect of the show.  Underneath all the pomp and circumstance, an occasional harsh truth will come out from which none of them, Patricia included, can escape.

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I think Thomas' place is on Edisto Island. I wonder why a real estate developer would sell his town place, which makes no sense to me unless he owns another in-town residence and they are pretending he only lives at the plantation. Given the economy and his party ways, I've often wondered if he's as wealthy as everyone is presuming.


I also wonder if Kathryn hoped the visibility of their relationship on TV would pressure him to marry her. I doubt that it's ever gonna happen, now that he has no political future. I don't think she's mature enough for parenthood, and neither is he, and I'm sure Kensie will spend a lot of time with nannies. Or maybe her maternal grandparents. I do feel sorry for Kathryn in that she's swimming in a pool of reality TV sharks.


I enjoy small doses of Patricia, but I suspect she and Whitney are mean snobs who present a palatable persona for TV. I wouldn't want her for my mama.

Edited by pasdetrois
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Though I like to watch this show, I get the feeling that these people are quite nasty and snobbish, not people I'd want to associate with in real life.  When Patricia said what would happen "in her day" I felt she really meant that in her day a child born "out of wedlock" wouldn't have a public christening.  Besides, "in her day" a lot of well to do girls who got "knocked up" would have gone to their mother's GYN's and had a very discrete abortion.  

  • Love 4

Though I like to watch this show, I get the feeling that these people are quite nasty and snobbish, not people I'd want to associate with in real life. 

100%!!!!!  Although I think Cameran might be the nicest of the bunch.  She'd probably be nice to your face and be a little catty behind your back.  But I like her. 


How did Craig get into this group? He doesn't have money but does his parents?? 

Kathryn is in over her head, for sure.  At least at the time of filming, TRav took her out of the loop with the rest of the world.  I know, for myself, I wouldn't enjoy being out on the estate for more than a week, before I would go stir crazy.  That said, I wonder if he sold the townhouse to finance the campaign.


When I heard TRav's plan to replace Lindsay Graham, I knew T would be a goner.  They love Lindsay in SC and he is the quintessential SC'er.  Couple that with Thomas' notoriety, he has/had no chance of unseating Lindsay (and in this case, we know the end of the story, because Lindsay is still in the Senate).  As far as T's being a felon, that would end up on every campaign commercial, regardless of who T was running against.  This is a non-starter and entirely unrealistic.  T should've started smaller, running locally, rather than at the highest level outside of governor.


I really enjoy this show - it is a diamond in the rough!

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She attended U of SC, was a Tri-Delt, worked in the state legislature for a little while. I do not think she graduated. According to this profile, she's still calling herself a student there.


Yes, I'm the bus trip organizer, all aboard!

According to Linkedin, four of my contacts can introduce me to someone who knows Kathryn! Charleston high society, here I come.

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