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S05.E17: Amster-Damn Slap

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So will we be prosecuting under Netherlands Law or Admiralty Law were they still on the boat when it happened?  Lucky Brandi and Lisa they get to go back to Amsterdam for the trial.  I have posted the contracts for the RH three times this week and in the contract there is a specific clause about being in physical contact and being uncomfortable. 


Admirality Laws since they're in Amsterdam they're considered........................the High Seas.


Hey-O, I'll be here all week, don't forget to tip your waitress........

  • Love 13

What you think if it was a man that did that?

NOW would be burning up Andy's mentions and picketing in front of NBC to not air the remaining season thats what.

The disturbing thing was the other women were filing out the room and thats when Brandi became aggressive and wanted to do whatever she wanted to do with LisaV.

Edited by BlackMamba
  • Love 7

I have great empathy for Lisa V because I, too, was slapped by a 'friend' as a joke and that slap ended an 18 year friendship. That friend was like Brandi in that she loved to go too far and claim she was 'joking'. I had enough after that slap. She did it in front of a group of people after I told her she was invading my personal space, and even as I stood there mortified, she laughed and told me I needed to relax. Our friendship was never the same after that and I haven't seen or spoken to her in 3 years. Lisa V was violated and she is well within her rights to pursue assault charges against Brandi. Brandi is a disgusting person.


Have to say - Kyle looked great in that red dress - and taller than usual...


She looked gorgeous. I love that dress.


I think Lisa said the most profound thing of all to Brandi. I think she was afraid that none of the women would have anything good to say about her. 


CaughtOnTape, Kim can sit there and do that because she's high as a kite. 


She was rightfully afraid. She's a shitty person. She didn't even want to play the game right and only focused on superficial qualities like eyes, hair, and breasts because she lacks maturity.

Yolanda sitting there eating her dinner alone nearly broke my damn heart. That would be the last time I'd go anywhere with that boat full of stupid. Every one of them had moments of showing their asses this episode.   A nice vacation wasted on a bunch of dolts. 


I'll be really surprised if Yolanda comes back next season. 


I wanted to hug Yolanda. She's already feeling unwell and she can't get a single peaceful night when she's around these women. My goodness...they're on a beautiful luxury boat and about to be served a gourmet dinner, but they want to argue over bullshit.


Yolanda, if you're reading this, I would love to accompany you on a vacation and I will be the perfect vacation-mate...no arguing at all from me! I'll even refer to David as your King!

  • Love 22


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  • Love 2

Loved Eileen's direct and calm discussion of the situation last night.  She believed the whole group was involved and she approached it in front of the whole group.


Loved LisaV's handling of the Brandi ambush.  She was calm, firm, trying to get past Brandi, and didn't lose it when Brandi slapped her.  She even commented the next day that she wasn't going to make it a big deal even though Brandi clearly crossed the line.   Does anyone else think Brandi was treatng Lisa as a lover?  I can easily see this kind of "play" between Brandi and whomever she's trying to trap into more than a one night stand.


Kyle has lost a lot of weight and is dressing beautifully. 


I'm totally enjoying this season.  Weeks of fabulousness followed by drama and Kim and Brandi being exposed for who they are.  Love it.

  • Love 22

So here we are 17 episodes in and I still have the same question what is it that Brandi dislikes about Kyle so much?

Well, let's see..... she's beautiful, rich as hell, has a loving husband and beautiful kids, a boutique, never has to want for anything. She's breathing.

And she didn't kowtow to Brandi and want to be her BFF like Kim has done. She also has Brandi's number and isn't afraid to call her on her neverending bullshit.

  • Love 20

I think all of the woman who are not Kim and Brandi deserve all sorts of respect for not grabbing Kim and Brandi by their scrawny necks and throwing them overboard. I couldn't help but notice that they were in perfect positions for a little trip through the air (and into the water) on the canal ride...


No, no, I do not condone violence of any sort. But these two? I would have been gone sooner than Yolanda. I don't let people who do not deserve my company have my company.


It must be so awful to feel that you have to stay because of the filming but to want to leave so, so badly.


Kim and Brandi are reprehensible. I think at one time they were both attractive and mean as hell. Now those idiots are just mean as hell.

Edited by jennylauren123
  • Love 13


I wanted to hug Yolanda. She's already feeling unwell and she can't get a single peaceful night when she's around these women. My goodness...they're on a beautiful luxury boat and about to be served a gourmet dinner, but they want to argue over bullshit.

Plus the fact that it seemed to mean so much to her to bring the women to Amsterdam, saying over and over again how happy she was to be able to show them her home (and I think she was sincere).  She wanted to show them the beauty of the city, too. 


I would have liked to have seen all of that too.  How I would have loved to see the beautiful city at night from the boat, even on my TV, instead of whatever it was we did see.


This show is failing on almost all levels.  At the beginning of the season I thought Rinna and Davidson could save it.  Now I am not too sure. Nothing against them, I still believe they have been breaths of fresh air, but the constant  focus on Kim and Brandi continues to sink the show.

Edited by mwell345
  • Love 12

Brandi is getting pretty desperate to be both physically and sexually accosting Lisa V.   She's becoming creepy as fuck.  Like bunny boiling, single white female creepy. 

I think we're getting a glimpse into how Brandi behaves when she is on the outs with a man. I'm sure she fights, plays emotional games and simply pushes the man away. Later when she's lonely or God forbid, sees him with someone else she's desperate to get him back. Then she follows him around  promising all sorts of sexual favors (like she told Lisa at the charity tea).  Cornering Lisa and trying to get her to kiss or slap her is probably what she's done a hundred times with guys before, and with some success. She's been desperate to "win" her back all season, and now as Lisa gets closer and closer to Kyle she's going out of her mind with jealousy. It's weird to see as a viewer and I'm sure it's creepy as hell to Lisa!

Sorry if this has already discussed, but being on the west coast it's hard to catch up on all the posts. 

  • Love 18

At some point I wish Yolanda had stood up and told the group to straighten up and fly right or go home.  While it was incredibly rude of the gals to fight constantly, it was also rude of Yolanda to sit there and allow Brandi to behave the way she did.  Her "friend" should respect her more than that, be mindful of the strain this puts on Yolanda, and want to make things right.  Yolanda should not let her guests be attacked and be silent about it.

I have never been more convinced of anything than I am that Brandi has something on Yolanda. She let something slip to a person she thought was her friend, and I think when Brandi threatened her with the "people" think Bella is an alcoholic which, as usual, is total bullshit. It every teenager that drinks too much and does something foolish is an alcoholic, then that would be, let's see, every single student at Cal State Long Beach while I was there.  At any rate, I think that is when the proverbial light went on for Yolanda and she knew, she was not immune from the venom.


I think were it not for this, Yolanda would be just as done as everyone else seems to be. Now, they all need to refuse to film with her.  

  • Love 8

A few days ago, Marvel released their newest trailer for Avengers: Age of Ultron.  I've been obsessively rewatching it.  Tony Stark creates Ultron, which becomes a monster, and the Avengers team up to defeat it.


I feel like this season has been Howives: Age of Brandi.  She became a monster and then outlived her usefulness to Bravo.  Kim is unreliable and boring.  I've really gotten the impression that Bravo wants both of them off the show and has rallied the other cast members to do it (earlier in the season, I thought Bravo still needed Brandi).


In her TH about the compliment game (had to FF that scene because the fakeness made me barfy), Brandi said she only complimented the women's looks, because they were ugly on the inside.  Cut to Kyle TH saying Brandi was superficial.  It made me chuckle.  I don't dispute that Brandi and Kim are assholes, but I'm at the point where I doubt that they're bigger assholes than anyone else on the cast.  I get this feeling that the other women are relishing taking B & K down.


We've all accepted that Bravo directs and edits stuff to give us a certain impression, but I think they're gaslighting their own employees, too.  I'm convinced there's plenty of footage of Kim being sober, pleasant, and apologizing.  We'll never see it.  And we'll never see the majority of the shit-stirring the other women are doing.


Some snarklets:


Did any of the women eat more than a bite of all that food put out for them on the boat?  You know a situation is messy when Yolanda's only escape is to have solid food in front of her.


Brandi's fur-ish vest thing looked like dryer lint.


Eileen: "Lisa, how can you and Kim suddenly be on good terms?"

LisaR: "Well, we work on this show together, and the producers needed us to go shopping together..."


Brandi: "I slapped LisaV."

Yolanda: "How many times did they make you do it to get a take they could use?"

Edited by erikdepressant
  • Love 8

I think in this particular case, Kim was being genuine.  When Brandi was naming each person's sins, she said Kim was "taking every pill in the world", and Kim did laugh it off.  I was actually surprised.  She threw her arms up and said, "right'.


Of course Kim took the pills remark as a joke.  She knew Brandi was kidding.  However, Brandi wasn't kidding when she made the remark about Eileen being a homewrecker.  That's the difference that Kim is too brain addled to understand.  

  • Love 12

It almost looks like Eileen is tapping Kyle on the shoulder or brushing something off her.

She's aware of what's going on and giving Kyle a quick, discreet, comforting rub on the back.  See if it wasn't for the fact that Eileen wants to keep shit going I would really like her. Things like this, effortless expression and support without huge dramactics.

  • Love 5


Of course Kim took the pills remark as a joke.  She knew Brandi was kidding.  However, Brandi wasn't kidding when she made the remark about Eileen being a homewrecker.  That's the difference that Kim is too brain addled to understand.


I think, too, you can generally laugh off something a friend says, and  Kim and Brandi are "friends".  And, they're not going to go against each other because they're all they have.


So Kim could laugh off the pill comment.  But Brandi is not friendly with Lisa or Eileen, and both comments (Homewrecker and Sleeping with Everyone) were out of line and offensive.


I think most adults (granted, Brandi is not one)  know that just because a married person gets involved with someone else, the other person is not always a home wrecker.  In Eileen's care, the relationship ended in marriage.  It could very well be that the former marriages were broken long before the two met.  I just think "home wrecker" is another term that shouldn't be casually tossed around.

  • Love 7
The main thing is she didn't slap Lisa with an intent to cause harm.  And that's it.  And as far as the show goes, Lisa & Brandi are peers, so I still see no harm done.  Altho I can see why Lisa felt disrespected.  I know I would feel the same way.  But there's nothing here to think much about, let alone tell people about & rehash a zillion times. 

Now, if Brandi slapped an authority figure -- or a production person -- even if she was just kidding around?  She could get herself into a shitload of hot water.  Just to give a sorta related example, Patti Stanger slapped a production person on her show a few years ago & Millionaire Matchmaker was pulled off the air for over a year & almost didn't return.


I agree that there was no permanent damage done but what?! People don't typically go to work to get slapped no matter what the intent or who their peers are! So, I can go to my office, be all "Tee-hee, I am so cute and irreverent!" and slap another content writer and that's OK. But I better not slap the boss? I really hope I am misunderstanding what sounds a lot like a fucked-up caste system of inappropriate physical displays. 


She wasn't hurt & there was no threat.  She could make accusations, I suppose, but the cops wouldn't bother with doing much about this, unless there was some history of stalking, which there isn't.  On a personal level, there are no grounds for a lawsuit or any reason for cops to get involved.



If anyone thinks that Brandi's stupid, inappropriate and unfunny joke "slap" of LisaV was assault then they must also believe that LisaR's throwing a glass was assault with a deadly weapon.  Any of the women sitting at that table could have had a shard of glass stuck in their throat.


These comments are  just so incorrect that I have to laugh! What Brandi did, in a technical and official sense, is battery. While it seems that you guys (and I, to be honest) would probably deal with it without bothering with the cops, it is completely inaccurate to say that "no grounds" business, and say that people "believe" wrongly. Just because one person thinks that an act is inconsequential doesn't mean it isn't technically against the law (think pot restrictions, speed limits, jaywalking, and about a million other things).

Edited by TattleTeeny
  • Love 10

I'm surprised that you disagree but that's OK.


I agree with what you said about Kim and Brandi and also understand that Eileen needed to have her say.   However, I do not believe that the "right" place for these women to rehash their problems was on that dinner boat.   There's a time and a place for everything.  They could have and should have had that discussion privately in one of their hotel rooms.   

That's the problem there seems to be this inability to approach shit properly. I don't get the reasoning that because Bravo is in tow that they can't try to handle shit the way they would if the cameras weren't rolling. That's my biggest issue with the whole season. Resorting to schoolyard tactics when trying to address XYZ issues whether minor or major. Give me a break. Even with the worst home training how do ALL of these women manage to fail miserably on such a consistent basis? The only ones that I feel escapes the constant factor is Yolanda and Lisa V but even they've managed to slip into silly petty behavior too.

  • Love 4

Hey, I'm all for truth cannons.  I'm one myself in my social circles.'


'But a little shred of discretion and diplomacy go a very long way.  


The thing with Brandi is she think she's a truth cannon, but she's just an asshole.  Hey, I'm all for telling someone the truth, just not in front of other people.  Feel free to pull someone aside and let them know you think their behavior sucks but the minute you do it in front of other people, your intentions have changed.  Brandi's intent isn't to get people to take responsibility, it's to humiliate, demean and denigrate.  She's looking to make someone feel small and beneath her.


Yes, Brandi started it and Lisa was fine with it until Brandi fulfilled Brandi's expected boundary-crossing.


I understand that people see things differently and all.....but no.  I never saw Lisa being ok with anything Brandi was doing.  She was laughing, nervously, as if she was uncomfortable.  I don't think she actually thought Brandi would hit her, but that doesn't change the fact that Brandi blocked her from leaving and she was never, not even a little bit, ok with it.  Mistaking her smiling and laughing for being ok with it is just that.....a  big mistake.  It was clear she wanted to leave and asked Brandi a few times to let her by.

  • Love 23

Ok, so I love Brian Moylan's recaps of this show on Vulture. And I think he managed to sum up this episode perfectly - as he does. But this part especially had me laughing AND explained the Slap in a way that I don't think anyone else would be able to.



Here’s the thing about this slap. First of all, Bravo, of course, pumped it up to be way more than what it really was, something that Lisa, Kyle, and the rest of the girls will surely do in future episodes as well. Also, like the Brandi wine toss, it completely makes sense in her brain. Brandi thought she was playing a game and meant it as a joke and thought Lisa would slap her back a little bit, and it would be a lark. However, Brandi doesn’t think like a normal human, she thinks like a lab rat that has been dosed with whippets for two weeks straight, so it didn’t make sense to Lisa at all, who was like, “Where the hell did that slap come from? That’s not cool!” That is, actually, the right reaction to have. Lisa, would you like some of my Klonopin?

  • Love 8

I don't know how Brandi could sit there with a straight face and say she's never been told she's a mean drunk.  From her blog, after the poker party: "I generally drink wine, not champagne, and was feeling good. As all of my friends have pointed out to me, it's the third glass that usually takes me to the dark side."


Unless by dark side, she means she passes out.  Which would be a blessing compared to her wine throwing, face slapping behavior.

  • Love 13
I think in this particular case, Kim was being genuine.  When Brandi was naming each person's sins, she said Kim was "taking every pill in the world", and Kim did laugh it off.  I was actually surprised.  She threw her arms up and said, "right'.



I think she was okay with that because she understood that what Brandi was saying about her was backing up Kim's own claims about that night. She was saying it was nonsense that Kim was popping pills when really she and Kim knew that Kim had merely taken "medication" for her "pain" that "didn't agree with her" and these terrible rumors were hurtful. It was reinforcing Kim's lie that everyone has been telling lies about her by claiming she's taking every pill in the world.


Brandi is the aggressor in her "crimes".  She tries to force people into "playing" with her and when they refuse, she forces herself on them and then laughs it off as a joke.   Again, creepy as fuck.  She gives me the douche chills.



Yeah, the thing with the slap was obviously Brandi was playing it as a joke but her real hostility was plain to see. She was so in control at the gay party when Kyle was making a fool of herself but now that she feels more out of control her anger is barely beneath the surface at all times. It was unlikely Lisa wouldn't have seen the slap as just Brandi wanting to slap her.


Laughed my ass off when Kim told VP how hurt she was that Kyle could be friends with people who'd been so mean to her. Holy shitballs, ZERO self-awareness. Look to your left, Kimmie! No one has been worse to your sister than VP, and yet you defend her to the death. Oh and Kim, you've still never apologized to Kyle for spewing crap like "Kathy's a better sister" and "she (VP) defends me more than you do." Maybe that's why she's hanging out with other people, you dumb twat.



Also none of these people have been mean to Kim. Lisa certainly lost it with her--but Kim herself has decided she's okay now. But with the other women Kim just keeps trying to push this lie that they're all making up lies about her and spreading rumors when all they've really done is said, "So, Kim clearly got high on poker night, apparently by swiping a cancer patient's meds. She's in recovery, isn't she? She must have relapsed. Maybe we should say something about it."


I mean, even if she doesn't appreciate their sticking their noses into it at all, which is unsurprising, nobody's attacked her or told any lies about her at all. She just wants to get that out there as the official story.


Also I laughed at Kyle telling Brandi she'd never said she was a bad mother. Couldn't help but flashback to the original "boy pees on grass" incident of S1. Which was more about Kyle just being snooty than really calling Brandi an unfit mother, but it was still very much being insufferable about the parenting issue.

Edited by sistermagpie
  • Love 7

For me, the only genuine portion of this episode was while they were on the boat 'playing the game' talking about what they admire about each other. I found that most comments about the other were disingenuous and for the most part pure bullshit (if there is pure bull shit). In one minute they want to rip out each others hearts and devour them (with wine of course), then in the next scene they're laying praise upon each other about their 'good hearts' and crap like that. When LisaR says to Kim, "II think you're a winner, I think you have a beautiful heart and a beautiful soul. You're a winner and I love you." I NEARLY THREW UP!! Yes, Brandi kept her remarks to external things like liking Lisa's breasts, or telling Kyle she really likes her hair, or that Lisa R has nice eyes, she was only doing what she said. She said she can only appreciate them for their outsides and not what's inside. She's being true to herself anyway, I have to give Brandi that. She can't make up a lot of sweet but false things to say.


I thought Kyle is really starting to her age. Her dark eye makeup and red lips reminded me of the faded screen star Norma Desmond. She just looked older than she usually does, maybe it was the lighting or her severe makeup.




And the slap to Lisa V's face.......that's just more Brandi fucknuttery. She's insane and need therapy. I must say that for a brief second, I sort of snickered a little inside. Lisa V has always seemed like an untouchable ice queen It's satisfying in an evil way to see her knocked off her perfect pedestal just for a moment. The ever present composure was rattled.

Edited by HumblePi
  • Love 1

I agree with what you said about Kim and Brandi and also understand that Eileen needed to have her say.   However, I do not believe that the "right" place for these women to rehash their problems was on that dinner boat.   There's a time and a place for everything.  They could have and should have had that discussion privately in one of their hotel rooms.



I can see where you are coming from.  I might even agree with this P.O.V *if* Brandi and Kim had been acting normal and lighthearted on the boat.  But I really don't think they were. Not even a little bit. They were barely talking to the other women, exchanging looks, giving dirty looks to Kyle (well at least Brandi was), and generally doing their best to make everybody else as uncomfortable as possible. 


So, it seems to me that Eileen almost had not choice but to address the "elephant in the room," so to speak.  Like, it was already super awkward as it stood---why not try to hash it out, come up with at least some sort of understanding, and try to salvage the evening?  Which is more or less what she ended up doing!


I think we're going to be in the minority with our opinion of "the slap."  It was a really bad joke.  Brandi wanted LisaV to slap her first (Why? I don't know).  The promo made it seem like it was done in anger.  It wasn't. Was it wrong?  Yes.  Was it stupid?  Yes.  Was it funny?  No.........Brandi just does not know how to behave even when she's trying to be funny.



Yes - these are my thoughts exactly!  When I first saw it last night I was like...oh that's it?  Ok it's not THAT big a deal....   Then I thought, wait a second.  How sad is it that Brandi has done and said so many shitty, vicious things over the last 3 years that her physically SLAPPING A WOMAN across the face is making me think, "ehhhh it's not so bad"?? 


Really puts it in perspective.  And that perspective is that she's a horrible excuse for a human being. In my opinion, natch. 

Edited by Duke2801
  • Love 10

If Bravo busted Porsha down to a "friend" when she attacked Kenya, they should do the same to Brandi.  


Many people are serious when it comes to boundaries; if you stand too close to someone and they tell you to back off, then back off.  But Brandi kept going and going.  LisaV was right, Brandi doesn't know when to quit, she doesn't know when enough is enough.  Brandi is not a child, and she should know when to stop.  

  • Love 16

Seeing the episode just made me annoyed with Kim and Brandi all over again.


If it weren't so irritating Kim's inability to accept an apology (or ever give one) would almost seem comical. At no point did she accept Eileen's apology even though she claimed to have done so. I felt the veins coming out in my neck when Kim and Brandi exchanged that smirking look as if to say that they think they're right and that Eileen is just not getting it because she's stupid or something. 


Bravo to Eileen for not missing a beat with those two horrible women. I literally wanted to throw a cream pie in Kim's face when she made the comment about Eileen not being able to take a "joke". Those two are as vile as they come.


Brandi is mean when she drinks. Eileen doesn't even have to be thrown into the equation for me to know that. The way she treated Joyce when she was drunk was appalling and that's just one example. Brandi is stupid if she thinks that people can't remember her behavior over the course of the seasons. 


Kim again of course sits by and watches Brandi treat her sister like shit. No way would Kim have not called Kyle out for not "having her back" if the tables had been turned. Kim is self righteous, rude, and delusional. I find it outrageously unfair that she's still permitted to have this job considering the only thing that she is bringing to the table is her addiction.


I'm glad this episode highlighted the fact that Kim has absolutely no problem talking about her sobriety on camera. Again she brings it up of her own accord so it's absolute nonsense that she raked Eileen and LisaR over the coals the way that she did for having the so-called audacity to actually comment on the addictions that she put out there in front of them so that they and the world could see the issues that she has. Kim enjoys having attention on her she just wants to make sure that it's sympathetic attention. 

  • Love 22

I can see where you are coming from.  I might even agree with this P.O.V *if* Brandi and Kim had been acting normal and lighthearted on the boat.  But I really don't think they were. Not even a little bit. They were barely talking to the other women, exchanging looks, giving dirty looks to Kyle (well at least Brandi was), and generally doing their best to make everybody else as uncomfortable as possible. 


So, it seems to me that Eileen almost had not choice but to address the "elephant in the room," so to speak.  Like, it was already super awkward as it stood---why not try to hash it out, come up with at least some sort of understanding, and try to salvage the evening?  Which is more or less what she ended up doing!

Actually, Eileen's astute take on the whole group dynamic and willingness to confront LisaR elevated her to beyond-Bravo status of mental health (which is almost everyone, but still).  Not only is Eileen unusually mature and un-broken for this kind of show, she actually seems like someone I want to hang out with.


(little secret: I would also hang out with Kyle.  I don't know why. I find her pathological and in bad faith.  But there's something "safe" about her that agrees with me)

  • Love 13

Absolutely. It's like she wants to TAKE Kim away from Kyle. I thought she was intentionally trying to make her "positives" about Kim that much better than what Kyle had said. 

Progress might have been when the three of them, Kim, Kyle and Brandi were left at the table, if Brandi had excused herself instead of digging her heels in and proclaiming she is not getting in between  the sisters.  There she continued to sit right in the middle of the sisters.

Edited by zoeysmom
  • Love 9


I understand that people see things differently and all.....but no.  I never saw Lisa being ok with anything Brandi was doing.  She was laughing, nervously, as if she was uncomfortable.  I don't think she actually thought Brandi would hit her, but that doesn't change the fact that Brandi blocked her from leaving and she was never, not even a little bit, ok with it.  Mistaking her smiling and laughing for being ok with it is just that.....a  big mistake.  It was clear she wanted to leave and asked Brandi a few times to let her by.

About Brandi blocking Lisa from leaving.  I've noticed this before, she did it with Kyle once - she gets right in front of them and there hardly any space between them. My curiosity got the better of me so I checked today. Brandi is 5' 10", Lisa is 5'5" and Kyle is 5' 2".


I think that adds to it.  And I agree, Lisa was definitely not ok with it, I think she was trying to get away from Brandi.


Edited by mwell345
  • Love 7

I don't know how Brandi could sit there with a straight face and say she's never been told she's a mean drunk.  From her blog, after the poker party: "I generally drink wine, not champagne, and was feeling good. As all of my friends have pointed out to me, it's the third glass that usually takes me to the dark side."

You guys are such sleuths! Good catch!

I hope Andy fires Brandi, and brings back Joyce. I thought she brought BH to the show. I also don't think she got a fair chance thanks to the Truth Cannon.

I said the same thing in Joyce's thread. Agreed!

  • Love 10
Anyway, I saw the clip online of Brandi saying things of all the women homewrecker, bossy ect. Was her comment to Lisa V that she slept with half of LA? Is that rumor or just Brandi being Brandi? I have never heard that about Lisa V.


I've never heard anything like that either. So it makes me think Brandi was just vomiting out some hurtful crap about each woman, under the guise of it being an "untrue rumor" about them. 

  • Love 7


A couple small points:

I laughed at the beginning when Eileen said she felt like she was in an insane asylum, but with nice shoes...and purses.

I thought it was interesting that Kim said she took a pill AT Eileen's house, instead of saying she took it before arriving. I know this is Kim, who can barely string a coherent sentence together (turtles!) and doesn't know what day it is, where she is, or probably even who she is most of the time. Still, since I doubt she only took one 'pain pill' that night, I wonder if she inadvertently admitted to taking something additional at Eileen's house.

Finally, imo, ever since Kim went all Kingsley on Lisa R, Kyle and Eileen's asses at dinner, Brandi has primarily been the one who has been on the warpath and ruined the last 2 group gatherings. She really is a miserable bitch, pun intended. I don't think she resembles her poor little dogs at all except that they are miserable because they are stuck with her!

Edited by cooksdelight
  • Love 7

Oh Eileen, how many ways do I love you? I have to say that I love you all the more for asking Kim if she remembered what you said during the lunch. It was AMAZING. Way to call Kim out on her lack of "real" memory when it suits her. I love you for telling her not to roll her eyes at you (I'm still laughing). Yay Eileen for admitting that not getting along with those two beasts is not the end of the world. I can not spout off enough about how much I love you.


Kyle looked insanely beautiful on the boat. She put every single one of those women to shame in the way she looked. Never thought she was especially good looking but damn if she didn't look stunning.


LisaV's talking head, and I paraphrase, yes Kyle we're all pretending that everything is fine. lol I have to say I'm so happy that you made such an effort to love on Kyle this episode. You're right, Brandi does go to far. She doesn't know when to quit, thats her biggest problem.


Kim Eileen's right to talk about you taking a pill at her house comes from you acting like a wasted asshole IN HER HOUSE. Take a fucking seat. Eileen is not the confused one, she knows what day of the week it is and she doesn't forget what she said, saw or did two minutes ago. Kim, go cry your crocodile tears in front of people that give a flying fuck about your bullshit.


Brandi you make up plenty of shit ie Adrienne and Paul suing you, you're not stuck in the middle of shit, you put yourself in the middle between two sisters. Oh and while I'm at it Brandi of all the housewives you're the only one I cant think of a good think to say about your inside or outside.


Bravo to the whole group for walking away form the toxic twins.

If I'd been Eileen I would have had to fight very hard to not lose it in that moment. It was so dismissive and condescending that I wanted to scream. Kim's level of nerve never ceases to astound me and I should really know better by now than to be shocked by it! It's little things like this that make me loathe Kim Richards. I honestly want to know if she ever really listens to herself. Kim needs to learn about the golden rule: treat others the way that you'd like to be treated.


Regarding The Slap--


I agree with those who think that Brandi was totally out of line. I honestly think Brandi should be fired. This isn't a one time incident. She's assualted two co-stars this season in addition to throwing wine on another Bravo employee. These are all incidents that were caught on camera. What else does Bravo need to give Brandi her walking papers? Or will she be able to claim that she thought it was okay because people like Tamra have gotten away with it in the past? (Or Porsha who's gotten away with worse. Huge mistake keeping that one IMO. Ramona got lucky too.) 

Edited by Avaleigh
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I agree with those who think that Brandi was totally out of line. I honestly think Brandi should be fired. This isn't a one time incident. She's assualted two co-stars this season in addition to throwing wine on another Bravo employee. These are all incidents that were caught on camera. What else does Bravo need to give Brandi her walking papers? Or will she be able to claim that she thought it was okay because people like Tamra have gotten away with it in the past? (Or Porsha who's gotten away with worse. Huge mistake keeping that one IMO. Ramona got lucky too.)


I agree 100% that she should be fired.  I don't think Brandi can play the Porsha card, because while I'm not condoning what Porsha did, she was provoked, and Kenya was intentionally provoking her.  Lisa V did nothing to provoke Brandi. 

Edited by cooksdelight
removing non-episode talk
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Regarding The Slap--


I agree with those who think that Brandi was totally out of line. I honestly think Brandi should be fired. This isn't a one time incident. She's assualted two co-stars this season in addition to throwing wine on another Bravo employee. These are all incidents that were caught on camera. What else does Bravo need to give Brandi her walking papers? Or will she be able to claim that she thought it was okay because people like Tamra have gotten away with it in the past? (Or Porsha who's gotten away with worse. Huge mistake keeping that one IMO. Ramona got lucky too.)

So true. I can't believe I'm defending Tamra, but at least she was provocked. (Doesn't make it ok, but as a viewer, we saw the context). And I swear, if Kenya stuck that wand or specter at me a million times like she did with Porsha, I don't know what I would have done. But here's the thing with Brandi - she's crazy. That weird "kiss me, slap me" game with Lisa - what was that? And the wine toss at Eileen came out of nowhere. You can't do that shit!. Fire her, Bravo.

  • Love 10

I will add more thoughts shortly once I have time to process but the one thing I have to say now is that Kim and Brandi are assholes.


I love Eileen and I want to be Eileen.


It's rich that Brandi, who freaks out when Kyle touches her, finds it okay to slap to Lisa V (or anybody.)  She is so inappropriate it makes my brain hurt.


Kim goes off at Kyle for not defending her at the Dinner from Hell but sits there like a bump on a log while Brandi goes off at Kyle.  Fuck you, Kim.


Kim and Brandi are assholes.

  • Love 20

I agree 100% that she should be fired.  I don't think Brandi can play the Porsha card, because while I'm not condoning what Porsha did, she was provoked, and Kenya was intentionally provoking her.  Lisa V did nothing to provoke Brandi. 

IMO, Brandi is not doing these things trying to "joke" around but is trying to get a reaction from the other HW. Saying it was a joke is her go to excuse when ever she tries to provoke a fight.

  • Love 5

Idk bout anyone else. but I was thoroughly drained & exhausted from this ep.  I feel like I just ran a marathon.  Not a good feeling, Satan Andy.  These women are going 'round & 'round & 'round.  Did I buy the fakey "resolutions" at the end?  Um, not so much.  Kim & Kyle are wonderful now?  Yeah, right.  Um, guess Kim forgot she called Eileen a beast & she hates her face & hair -- or she's still always so high, it's why she never makes any sense or ever remembers anything.  


I'm wondering if there's a production person whose only job is to help Kim get dressed & get her ready & deliver her to the cameras.

She had several calling for Mr. Demille moments last night. She appears creepier every week. I can't imagine what she'll be like by the reunion. 

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