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S02.E16: The Wednesday Incident

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When Jake notices that Holt has been acting moody, he teams up with Holt's husband to figure out what happened. Meanwhile, at the precinct, Charles tries to get a confession out of a geriatric suspect who pretends to be senile and adorable whenever Amy and Rosa are around.



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Loved this eppie.

Jake mimicking Gina's vocal patterns was hilarious as was Holt's angry smiling.


I wonder what the actual number is of how many times Holt has painted that rock.

Edited by Gumdrops
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Did they cross the line with this sex tape name? I couldn't believe what I was hearing, even as I guffawed.

They dangled their toe over the line with that one. My eyes got really big and I thought "did I really hear what I thought I just heard".

I thought it was a great episode. I'm still laughing about un-ball the bands. I haven't liked Kevin so far but I did in this episode. I guess because I saw a sweet side of him.

It was great how everyone who knew Holt knew who Jake was. And his reaction was priceless.

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I am so definitely going to use, "if you love someone, you'll remember what they look like". I'm going to use it all the time.


Andre Braugher can make any line absolutely hilarious. How has he never done comedy before this show? He's like Leslie Nielsen, but with real dignity. His anger articulating was perfect. I really like Kevin when he shows up as well, he has the driest wit in the world, and I really like the way he can't help but thaw to Jake, even though he doesn't want to. Again, he's so dignified but Jake just brings out the childishness in him. That truly is Jake Peralta's gift. Loved his Billy Ocean reference too. You don't hear those very often.


Also, Raymond Holt has one hell of a busy life. He gets more done in one morning than I do in a week!


Gina is less awful when she's in scenes with Jake, because their childhood friendship gives her that aspect of humanity that her scenes with all the other characters lack. Perhaps it's because she seems to soften a bit in scenes with Andy Samberg (again, probably due to the fact that they are besties). If they could get her to build on that, and to interact like that with the other characters, she might just be tolerable.


The mean/nice old man gag was fun, and I liked seeing Charles with a bit of an edge to him, while the girls were just being suckered by the act. Didn't expect him to die, though, and didn't expect them to posthumously prove Boyle right.


And yeah, the sex tape name was a bit much, but I liked how Amy was finally, "hey man, not cool", and Jake immediately apologised. But whoever realised they could get away with that gag on network TV? That person is the genius. But I'm still not getting enough Amy Santiago on my television, and that's not cool either.

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I actually thought it was out of character for Rosa to take Amy's side wrt Boyle's suspect, and even moreso that she'd actually participate in at tea party. She could mock Boyle and I'd believe it. But a tea party? A non-cynical view of any random person whatsoever? Strange. Maybe being in love is softening her. On the flip side, I wonder what is making Boyle a little harder-- his willingness to criticize Jake, and sticking to his guns about an arrestee (and arresting someone on his own initiative without a partner) seems like a significant development.


It kind of freaks me out that "if you love someone, you'll remember what they look like" because I love photos.... I thought I loved people, but...?!

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Gina is less awful when she's in scenes with Jake, because their childhood friendship gives her that aspect of humanity that her scenes with all the other characters lack. Perhaps it's because she seems to soften a bit in scenes with Andy Samberg (again, probably due to the fact that they are besties). If they could get her to build on that, and to interact like that with the other characters, she might just be tolerable.


I agree completely. I also liked that she actually cared about Kevin's approval---usually Gina's just an awful (and, to me, unfunny!) human being who's inexplicably liked and supported by others while remaining totally ungrateful and indifferent in response. In this case, she actually cared about being liked, which made her more tolerable and human to me than usual. 

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Outstanding ep. I laughed so much. So many great lines, of course.


Holt: What's this?

Jake: Rubber band ball?
Holt: Keep your bands in a box or a bag.

(I realize that just reading that isn't so funny, but it's AB's delivery that makes it hilarious.)


Holt: Get to work! And de-ball these bands.


Jake: So rubber band balls are back.

Holt: Oh no. It's bad for the bands.


Another line delivery that just killed me was Holt anger articulating, "Coat! Coat! Jacket! Coat! Is this a police precinct or a Turkish bazaar."


I could just quote after quote. Just excellent.


Loved the scene in the elevator. Andy was great.


Loved when Holt says, "Peralta, you're a genius."


Oh, and finally - "You are each allowed two personal photographs, two trinkets, and three assorted knick-knacks."


Oh, one more... 


Holt: You have 70 seconds.
Jake: Why 70?
Holt: Do you really want to waste your time while I explain my algorithm?

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I am so definitely going to use, "if you love someone, you'll remember what they look like". I'm going to use it all the time.


For real. I can't wait for the opportunity to use that, even though no one is going to get it because I know no one who watches this show. But hey, maybe that'll just make it funnier!


This one ends up on my 'favourite episodes' list, for sure. So many laughs. I love Kevin, and how he brought Jake an orange soda with a straw from when when they had 'other children' over.


Oh, and OF COURSE Amy loves corduroy, bless her heart.

Edited by Schweedie
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Great episode, with an always-welcome appearance by Gary Marshall. I loved how charming he was with Amy and Rosa, only to nastily trash-talk them the second they turned their backs! And of course, only Boyle got to hear it. And no one believed him. 


I like that Rosa took part in the tea party. Maybe being in love is making her a bit soft, but I like a slightly-vulnerable Diaz. 


I don't even want to know what Holt still found funny the next morning about Charlie Rose.


Loved his Billy Ocean reference too. You don't hear those very often.


The only time I've ever heard Billy Ocean referenced on a sitcom is Everybody Hates Chris, so, well done! 


I liked how important it was to Gina that she stayed on a first-name basis with Kevin. The only characters on this show I still haven't warmed up to are Scully and Hitchcock. I realize it's a comedy and not necessarily supposed to reflect real life, but those two are just too unrealistic to be funny. There's no reason their coworkers would ever put up with their incompetence. Holt would have bounced them a long time ago.

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I kept wondering why Boyle didn't just record the old guy on a cell phone after the first time. It would have been pretty easy, and less obvious than the one-way mirror camera room.


Is he allowed to do that? I'm always fuzzy on what constitutes a freely given confession in cop shows. But I guess Boyle would struggle to be subtle enough to record anything without the guy realising he was doing it.

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I didn't understand this. Was it that he just wanted to talk to them to get insight on Holt's thoughts about him? "What are you doing after this?" sounds like asking someone out on a date.


Yeah, I didn't understand it either.


Great episode though!

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Well, of course, I have to love any episode that involves Terry "destroying" a street robot in a dance-off,  Amy saying the phrase "tap that!", Holt on a rampage, Kevin, Kevin and Jake, and more of Holt/Jake in general.


Angry Holt was hilarious.  Loved his line about the pictures, his hatred for Jake's rubber band ball, and when he started grinning, that was even starting to unnerve Rosa.  Andre Braugher really has found a new calling as a comedy star.  And, Andy Samberg continues to show that he's move past his typical SNL stuff, and manages to make Jake have heart, amongst the more goofier stuff. The show really has succeed with this pairing.


Boyle getting the majority of the B-plot was nice. Glad that the show continues to show that he is a good cop.  Gary Marshall was entertaining as the bank robber.  I actually predicted that Amy was going to use the dollar he gave her, to trace it, but it was still fun watching her and Rosa fall for his act at first.  I do agree that Rosa falling for it is different, but I can buy that maybe dating Marcus has softened her a bit.


Terry Crews continues to make the most of his screen time.  Terry didn't do much, but what he did, was amazing, and I loved that Holt gave him credit at the end.  He really is the guy that holds the squad together.


Compared to the past few episodes, Gina was back to being tolerable.  I do think working with Jake helps due to real-life relationships, plus I think the situation this soften her a bit, and I actually bought she was upset in her own way that they might have screwed things up.  I'll take what I can get.

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I didn't understand this. Was it that he just wanted to talk to them to get insight on Holt's thoughts about him? "What are you doing after this?" sounds like asking someone out on a date.

I figured he was asking the waitress out, because she was cute and he's recently single. I guess it just stuck around as a weird running gag with the other two people.

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I took Jake asking the people if they were doing anything after was because Holt had clearly talked about him to the waitress and the painting dude and so he wanted to know what he had said about him, he didn't ask the fencing instructor who didn't mention knowing anything about him.

As for the Turkish bazaar comment I took it because they were haphazardly arranged like the chaos of a Turkish bazaar.

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There's no reason their coworkers would ever put up with their incompetence. Holt would have bounced them a long time ago.

But Scully and Hitchcock combined for 14 arrests last year! Up from 8 the year before. Since Holt's been there, they've gotten 50% more productive. How can they be fired now?


Everyone already hit on the best quotes and parts. But, I will now be removing the family pictures from my desk. The rubber band ball, however, stays.

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This show just keeps getting better and better. Too bad it is so slept on.

Loved Holt's recognition of what Terry brings to the team once he got over keeping being lightly stabbed from Kevin.

Rosa is so becoming one of the consistent MVPs of the show. I'm glad the writers added layers to her character and didn't just leave her as the Spicey Latina who would shiv you just as soon as look at you.

Boyle carried the B-storyline well. Having something to obsess over other than Jake works for his character.

Andre Braugher continues to shine and amaze. Whoever decided to cast him is a genius.

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People have mentioned many of the fav moments...and I do love an episode where Holt and Peralta can really interact and work together.  They are a perfect duo.  I do wonder how the casting happened to get Andre Braugher on the show because it is perfect, but who is the genius who knew it would be perfect. 


My fav moment was the look of happiness on Kevin's face when he saw Gina and then the immediate look of disdain when she announced that Jake was with her.  It made me literally laugh out loud.  

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"if you love someone, you'll remember what they look like".

I kind of feel like this.  Like the old Kinks song, People Take Pictures of Each Other.  "People take pictures of the summer, just in case someone thought they had missed it,and to prove that it really existed......"

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Terry needs to dance in every episode! Can we pass some kind of law requiring this to happen?


I love Kevin, and I hope we see more of him.


Everyone has mentioned so many great moments, but I loved when Jake noticed that his Holt impression was lapsing into British! And he noticed it just when I did!  

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You guys have hit on all the good points, but I had to chime in with how much I love this show. 


I rewound Jake's impression of Gina four times...hilarious.  Gina was much more tolerable this episode. 


Loved the beginning when Jake said he had told several lovely Hispanic women that his nickname was "The Slug" bc of Rosa.  And Charles immediately went to, "That's your type isn't it Jakey? Sophia and Santi...."


Also when Jake asked Charles if he blamed him for Holt's bad mood, and Charles replied, "Don't make me do this Jake."  Love their friendship, hahahaha.

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The only characters on this show I still haven't warmed up to are Scully and Hitchcock. I realize it's a comedy and not necessarily supposed to reflect real life, but those two are just too unrealistic to be funny. There's no reason their coworkers would ever put up with their incompetence. Holt would have bounced them a long time ago.

They make good coffee.  That is an important quality if you're a cop.  Are you supposed to drink milk with your donuts?



I will now be removing the family pictures from my desk. The rubber band ball, however, stays.

But it's bad for the bands!

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I just saw it and I loooooooved it.  Everything that Andy Samberg did made me giggle like a skipping schoolgirl!


I rewound several of Jake's bits to watch them again.  I was giggling so much that I hated to miss anything.  Andy really shone in this one.


I loved seeing more of Kevin, now I get his character more and appreciate him.

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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I liked how important it was to Gina that she stayed on a first-name basis with Kevin. The only characters on this show I still haven't warmed up to are Scully and Hitchcock. I realize it's a comedy and not necessarily supposed to reflect real life, but those two are just too unrealistic to be funny. There's no reason their coworkers would ever put up with their incompetence. Holt would have bounced them a long time ago.

It is actually very difficult to fire police officers, especially if they are unionized as I presume they are in Brooklyn.  I can't help but wonder if that's why Holt is stuck with them.  The show seems to have made them out to be the rag tag group of misfits.  Since Holt was finally promoted to Captain, who better to dump on him than the misfits. 

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Everyone's already mentioned the great moments. Gina was much better this time (and I love her friendship with Jake, so that helps). So many small moments were the funniest to me, and most of it was due to delivery:

The flashback with Holt smiling. How a smile that big could be so menacing yet hilarious, is great.

After Boyle's little heartfelt "I'm a good cop" moment, which was sweet, when Rosa just says bluntly "he died" about the suspect. I should've expected it, but it was so sudden and blunt that it was just so funny for me. Then Amy dropping his wrist while the reflection shows Boyle freaking out, hilarious.

I also loved Gina's "why don't you just do the right thing and jump out the window" to Jake. Even though she had a follow up line, again the bluntness made me laugh hard.

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also loved Gina's "why don't you just do the right thing and jump out the window" to Jake. Even though she had a follow up line, again the bluntness made me laugh hard.

I loved them follow up line which was that if he did that Holt wouldn't fire her right after she lost such a close friend given that she had just suggested her dear friend kill himself to save her job.

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This show is back firing on all Cylanders again for me following that little midseason mini-slump. They're getting good return out of all the characters.


I have to wonder if the show is brave enough to move Jake to a B or C plot for one episode. This cast is so fantastic, I'd like to see some of the other characters take the lead. The characters are all so well developed now that they don't have to go through the Jake plot lines for me to continue caring about them. Rosa's development this season is the perfect example, she's really been flushed out as a character beyond the Jake-centric story-lines.

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Awww, Kevin loves his husband so very much. That's very endearing. I'll overlook his fussy ass just because of that. :)


Him giving Holt shit about lying and then walking away when he finds out that Holt had been stabbed? Good for him, frankly.


So, Jake and Sophia were officially kaput last ep and in the cold open here we get a reminder via Boyle that Jake is into Latino women like Sophia and AMY....coincidence? I think not. :)


I did not know that Terry Crews could move like that. And now I feel shafted that I haven't seen those moves in every episode. Please TPTB, fix this travesty immediately.

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I like the way that after this show settles in with me, different things stick out as memorable.


The two that make me giggle today, Thursday, are the way everybody went "Ohhh! So you're Jake?" and the fact that Holt created scores of paintings of the same rock.  Heh. And he was very proud of certain versions of that rock.

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I like the way that after this show settles in with me, different things stick out as memorable.


Heh, same here. For me, this time it was how amused Kevin looked after Diane said "You are so old to be have the way you do" to Jake. His face just cracks me up.

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For some reason I do not remember the "if you love someone, you'll remember what they look like" line...can someone tell me who said it?


Holt said that line, after Terry asked why the squad were no longer allowed to have pictures of their family on their desks.


Talk about some Holt-quality logic, right there.

Edited by thuganomics85
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I agree completely. I also liked that she actually cared about Kevin's approval---usually Gina's just an awful (and, to me, unfunny!) human being who's inexplicably liked and supported by others while remaining totally ungrateful and indifferent in response. In this case, she actually cared about being liked, which made her more tolerable and human to me than usual.


I really like Gina in general, but I loved how important it was that Kevin liked her and how upset she got when he went back to calling her Linetti. There was also a line that she's built relationships with all of the other Captains' assistants. It shows that her job is important to her.

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I love that both Gina and Jake really, truly appreciated and valued the rock paintings they received at the end of the episode.


I was highly amused that Holt knew which # painting of the rock was just by looking at it.  It's a cheesy joke, but one I enjoyed none the less. 

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Awww, Kevin loves his husband so very much. That's very endearing. I'll overlook his fussy ass just because of that. :)


Him giving Holt shit about lying and then walking away when he finds out that Holt had been stabbed? Good for him, frankly

Stabbed "lightly", please.  Anyone else would say they were nicked or the like, but not Captain Raymond "Freaky Smile" Holt!


(Who gets up early enough to fit in a fencing lesson in the morning...)

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(Who gets up early enough to fit in a fencing lesson in the morning...)


And a painting class!  But, he did get to work at 10 or 10:30.  (I still wouldn't get up early enough to do any of those things.  Or eat breakfast.)

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And what a breakfast!  A glass of luke warm water and a hard boiled egg yolk.

Hope he tipped big.


Wasn't the sex tape name just implying that Santiago is frigid?  I can see why she put her foot down, but why is that so incredibly risque?

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