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S04.E13: 4 Seasons In One Finale

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I... I couldn't root against anyone, I liked all the designers.


That being said, I felt that Helen did the most creative work. And I don't believe the other two designers pushed hard enough to create new looks and not recycle older looks they had used in previous challenges. But does most creative mean Helen should win? I don't know, I could see the strengths of all three designers. So for me, I didn't mind the judges choices.

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Best part of the episode:  Isaac "Can we all agree that Helen is out of it?"  Other judges "Yes."


Actually, the best part was the collection by Sonjia, who was my favorite, and Dmitry, my second favorite.  I love the bold colors in Sonjia's collection but will always give it up to Dmitry for masterful craftmanship.

Edited by susannot
  • Love 19


Actually, the best part was the collection by Sonjia, who was my favorite, and Dmitry, my second favorite.  I love the bold colors in Sonjia's collection but will always give it up to Dmitry for masterful craftmanship.


Her's was my favorite as well, although Dmitry was my favorite throughout this season of the show. It evened out to be equal in my mind at the end.

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Four seasons is a great concept. But four days? The show is damn lucky all three designers did as well as they did, (better than I expected in so short a time) but with a little more time it could have been amazing. I remember being excited about a few pieces for each collectoin during the finale runway shows, but now I watch and think, "Not bad for for so little time." I don't expect to get my socks knocked off and I don't. 


I love every single one of you who posted about Helen being out in the live thread. I was behind and hoping to spoil myself. Thank you! I could watch in peace. 


I've been pulling for Sonjia all season, but I thought Dmitry was the clear winner. 

  • Love 9

I adore Dimitry -- he's so talented and meticulous. I'm thrilled he won, even though I didn't love his collection. Sonjia could have won and I would have been OK with it. I agree that both of them were derivative of their own past works. As long as Helen didn't win, I'm good. I liked her looks more than I thought I would, but I find her completely insufferable. 

  • Love 14

Best part of the episode: Isaac "Can we all agree that Helen is out of it?" Other judges "Yes."

Actually, the best part was the collection by Sonjia, who was my favorite, and Dmitry, my second favorite. I love the bold colors in Sonjia's collection but will always give it up to Dmitry for masterful craftmanship.

I think I heard a collective sigh of relief when Isaac said that.

I thought Sonjia's was very pretty, but have always been partial to Dmitry and liked what he did with the repeating curving fabric look. It was similar to what seems to be his favorite thing, which he did with the cut out white jacket, but distinctive so he didn't seem one note. I was shocked that he won again, for some reason it felt like that wasn't going to happen. So, I'm happy but would have been happy also if Sonjia had won.

Edited by TexasGal
  • Love 8

I don't know, you guys. I love Dimitry, but I did not like his collection at all. It was very 80's, and not in a good way...more like "The Golden Girls do the 80's".  The only piece I liked was the pink dress, and as the judges said, it didn't fit in with this rest of his collection.


I LOVED Helen's first dress, and would wear it in a heartbeat. The rest of her collection...meh. But at least she was creative and did not repeat too many things from the rest of the season, which I found surprising.


I liked Sonja's jumpsuit, though I would never actually wear a jumpsuit. Also liked her yellow coat and that entire look.  Other than that, wow, talk about a repeat of everything she did this season! 


I soooo wish they were given more time. I liked the 4 Seasons theme, but they weren't able to be as creative as I would have liked in such a short amount of time. That seems to be a recurring theme this season.  


ETA: I thought it was mean to make the losing designers file out dramatically with glasses of champagne.  I felt sorry for them. 

Edited by Zima
  • Love 4

Very happy the spoilers were wrong and Helen wasn't the winner. I liked the first dress she did but her Coco theme fell flat. I never like it when designers reference other designers either. I actually liked Sonjie's the best, but Dimitry did have some nice looks and his clothes are always so well made. I didn't like the white suit or the blue glitter dress, but the last three outfits were very nice.


Dimitry cracks me up with his emotionless demeanor. Act a little happy you won!

  • Love 3

The finales are always tough for me, because I usually like a few pieces from each designer so it's tough for me to pick one winner. I liked a few of Sonjia's outfits (the jumpsuit had a really cool fabric, and I liked the look of that yellow coat's draping even though it would engulf anyone who isn't tall), I liked the construction of Dmitry's works (though I like the other pieces like his fabulous black winter coat, not the 80's looks that Issac fawned over), and I actually liked Helen's idea (Coco Chanel mixed with Wednesday Adams is actually a pretty fun and unusual idea) and thought several of her looks fit that idea very well, and I did like that all-black outfit that Mira thought she could see Angelina Jolie wearing in an action film.


But I think I would have been wow'ed more if they'd had more time, no matter what Zac Posen tried to say when Mira Sorvino commented about time constraints. I think it IS a major factor. To have to come up with a collection and complete eight stunning quality, cohesive looks in four days is ridiculous. In the beginning of the episode Alyssa talked about how in regular PR competitions they have weeks, as if that's some sort of gift, and that completing 8 looks in 4 days is somehow going to prove they're the crème de la crème of designers, but I think it's total bullshit. "Months" is a gift. "Weeks" is already a challenge. Four days -- and let's be honest, with time cutoffs, interruptions, model fittings, makeup/hair consultations, and a shortened final day, it's more like maybe 3 1/2 days -- is a joke and kind of insulting. It's like they're saying, we want you to come up with something perfect, but you can do it in this very very short timeframe or you're not an "all stars"-quality designer.


What's next? A complete collection in one day? I feel like it's getting worse and worse, forcing these constraints instead of allowing some room to breathe and create. 


I think Dmitry said it all when he talked about how insane it is, and how he did the best he could in the time allotted but that's all he can do. He's a perfectionist and that's something he likes about himself and works for him when he has the time, but in this environment he could only do what he could do, given the restrictions. I think he's just relieved it's over. Frankly, I'm glad for him.


P.S. How cute was it when he reached down to pet Swatch and said, "Hi, doggie!" LOL.

  • Love 17

Dimity's probably been the strongest designer all season, but I thought his finale collection was really not good.. It's like it didn't matter, they just wanted him to win all along. How were the seasons represented? How were the dresses modern, or wearable, or even pretty? Or fashion forward? Honestly - I'm not a hater! I've loved a lot of his looks over the course of the competition. But this runway collection was so underwhelming. Boo.

  • Love 7

I didn't love any of the collections, but I thought Dmitry's was the best. I'm so shocked he won--I was sure this was set up for Helen of Cry!


Zanna kind of hates Dmitry, doesn't she? She gushed over both Sonjia's and Helen's collections while she was standing in the back with them, but didn't have one complimentary thing to say to Dmitry. Heh.

  • Love 10

I think Zana does not love Dmitri because he does not pay much attention to her. Lol.

I am glad he won though I like Sonjee too and felt kind of bad for her. But Dmitri is always my favorite, from this whole entire thing called Project Runway, so I am happy he won. He gets all of those prizes. Sooo glad it was not Helen.

I liked pieces of Dmitri's collection but mostly admired that he did what he did in so short a time. His work does not seem to suffer, no shoddy work etc. It just comes down to liking his designs or not, but they will always be done well. Sonjee's coat was not really wearable for any "normal" person...striking but made for a dramatic-looking fashion model or a Grace Jones.

Anyway...congratulations Dmitri :)

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I have hated the shortened times since Lifetime acquired PR.  Even the regular PR has way too short times for the finalist. Oh how I wish it would move back to Bravo. This is the only show on wretched Lifetime I will watch.


I liked Sonjia this season but over all Dmitry is the real deal. Helen had so many talking heads on the finale I was worried she might win.  

Edited by auntieminem
  • Love 11

When I was in 7th grade back in 1975, my mom made my pep club outfit--which, as it turns out, is an exact copy of the red jumpsuit Zanna was sporting tonight. I know a poster on this forum earlier in the season said that Zanna's fried hair, heavy black eyeliner and just plain dumb clothing choices are the in thing with a certain stable of New York fashionistas but good grief woman, dress your age.


Alyssa's flowy, wavy hair at the beginning of the program was gorgeous--why she persisted in letting them fashion a dumpy bun most of the season is crazy. And, forgive me, I would have laid odds that she trundled backstage after the runway show and gave birth then and there. I've never seen a more uncomfortable pregnant woman, poor thing. 


So glad Dmitri won--I hope he goes on to great success.

Edited by Tess23
  • Love 5


Zanna kind of hates Dmitry, doesn't she?

Time and again, we saw Dimitry completely disregard Zanna's critiques and it always turned out great for him.  Who in his/her right mind would ever take advice from a woman who dresses and looks the way Zanna does?  I don't care if anyone thinks she is the height of fashion; to me she mostly looks like a clown who refuses to dress her age.  Was that a jumpsuit she was wearing?  Why was the crotch at her knees?

  • Love 17

God that was so boring. Sonjia had the best collection but I was just happy Helen didn't win. Just weird that the last two seasons have had winners that had won their respective seasons. I was so sure this was going to be a Helen setup but maybe it was but she just wasn't that good and it wouldn't have been fair to give it to her. 


Also, am I the only one who was really annoyed at the colors used? I mean shouldn't the color scheme go accordingly to seasons. It seems like they just completely disregarded that stuff. I mean Sonjia had a red dress in her summer collection that looked like fall and should've been switched out with that awesome jumpsuit that was placed in fall. That would've made more sense to me. The colors we did get were more fall/winter in nature. 


Dmitri's last look in his collection looked like it was unfinished and the fringe placement was godawful.

  • Love 1

I am very happy that Dmitry won. Now I hope he runs far, far away from the travesty that Project Runway has become. What kind of low-rent Times Square Cirque du Soleil ripoff establishment was that place, exactly? I guess anyplace that had anything to do with fashion must have refused to let them film there.

As usual, I fast forwarded through Zanna's critiques and then through the visit from the hair care man, so I cut a lot of time off the show. I cheered when Helen came in last, where she and her dirty hair, yellow teeth and garish tattoos belonged. Coco Chanel must have rolled over in her grave when her name was invoked by that beast.

I was disappointed in Sonjia's collection. That first skirt and top number were straight up ugly. That shiny fuchsia lace dress wasn't much better. I would have liked the coat better if it weren't the color of a radioactive egg yolk.

I didn't love Dmitry's collection either but I thought it was the best of the three.

  • Love 9

One thing I don't understand is Alyssa saying the designers were there for 3 months. What were they doing all that time? With all those one day challenges they should have been done in half that time, including the finale.

Nah, that's just reality show-speak for the time it takes this damn show to air all 13 episodes. Real time was likely not much more than 3 weeks (including the 4 day finale). There were a couple of 2-day challenges, RIGHT???

  • Love 2

I've decided Dmitry would make a marvelous movie villain. (This thought was inspired by him mentioning Mission: Impossible for the 4-day challenge, LOL.) I just love his dry humor and the expressionless way he dismisses Zanna like she's nothing to him and he will be done with this competition in no time, whether he wins it or not. I could totally see him quietly leveling the movie hero with his eyes and dismissing him or her like a bug to be swatted. *GRIN*

  • Love 8

Nice to see Mira Sorvino. 


Could the Chi guy be any more obvious with the product placement comments?


Isaac's camo suit ... what next?




Helen had to dig deep to find that 2nd Runner Up smile.


I'm not sure Dmitri deserved to win, but then Sonjee had a couple of pieces that could have been modeled by Bea Arthur.


Isaac's "can we all agree" comment was a stunner.   I can't remember the last time I heard any PR judge be so blunt.

  • Love 7

Nah, that's just reality show-speak for the time it takes this damn show to air all 13 episodes. Real time was likely not much more than 3 weeks (including the 4 day finale). There were a couple of 2-day challenges, RIGHT???

I think the Chi hair guy even exposed this when he was brought in to talk to the designers. He told them they've enjoyed working with them "for the last few weeks..."

I thought some of Sonjia's pieces were nice, but most of them looked really heavy.  Her last dress made the model look heavy in the hips and like it was dragging her down - hated it.  Also hated that yellow skirt.


I liked Helen's first dress, but, yeah, Wednesday Adams.  Lace is not my thing, so that red dress they were raving about did nothing for me, and neither did most of the other lace pieces.  Glad she didn't win.


I didn't like that Dmity went 80's with his looks, but I like him so I'm happy he won.


I hate that they only gave them 4 days. 

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Good gods, the lower eyeliner on Zanna during the critique made me think she was out for an extra job on The Walking Dead.  Hell, Robert Smith put together better black eyeliner in the 80s.


None of these final collections were all that great but who the hell could in four freakin' days?  Isaac knew he was showing up for this panel and still paired a striped shirt with a camo suit, so all bets are off.  Georgina knew she was scheduled for the show but still turned up in Miss Havisham's cast offs and harsh make up that made her look Harvey's age.  And they both had more than 4 days to plan.


I do not get the love for Sonjia's yellow coat.  It didn't look warm, fashionable, or useful in any situation.  And I don't get the love for a jumpsuit ever, but I thought she should have won. And, UO, Helen in second place would have been my pick even though I hate her nails as much as I love Wednesday Aadams.  I reeeaaaalllly like Dmitry, but unlike Isaac, the 80s silhouette is just so over, and a bit too "The Limited" in the day.


But best of all, it's over.  I can let this whole Lifetime shit show wash away into whatever the sad, messy, swirling thing it has become and just relive the lovelies on my seasons 1 to 3 on DVD on perpetuity.  Before Kors went IPO, before Gunn was under something, before Klum was divorced, and before Nina went soft. 

Edited by Lizzing
  • Love 6


Zanna kind of hates Dmitry, doesn't she? She gushed over both Sonjia's and Helen's collections while she was standing in the back with them, but didn't have one complimentary thing to say to Dmitry. Heh.

I noticed that as well.  She said positive things about the other collections, but only a "it looks like a giant marijuana leaf!" while watching Dmitry's.  

  • Love 3

Mira took it all very seriously, lol. Her face was like she was watching an operation, during runway. Also, Zac makes bizarre faces and they don't match up with his actual opinions. Surprised he agreed about Helen being "out"...feared she would win when I saw he was a judge. Does Issac have that much "pull" as he seemed to be really in love with Dmitri's work, or was most vocal about it anyway. Georgina adds nothing.

Also was AM wearing the marijuana dress in previews of the reunion??

So, Alyssa has finally settled on a Bride of Frankenstein look


As for the collections:

Sonjia-Very wearable, I loved the blue leather top & the jumpsuit, but it would have been nice if her bikini model had shaved.
Dmitry-Didn’t care for the marijuana dress, but I liked the rest of the collection. It was sophisticated & classy, I’m glad he won.
Helen-My least favorite collection, I’m not a fan of capes or or the way she uses lace.


If Helen had won, I would have cut a bitch.

  • Love 4

Well, good for Dmitry.  You could see how much it killed him when he had to leave one of his pieces sloppy and unfinished because it was going to be covered by the top.  (I really like the suggestion above about giving them four days to do one look--it would have been an angle on their skills PRAS hasn't featured during the rest of the season.)


I also pre-checked Helen's final status so I could settle down to watch the show in peace.


Funny stuff besides the fashion:  Isaac sprawled in his sockless camo--even more ridiculous compared to the impeccably dressed Zac Posen.  Georgina's freeze when the acrobat popped up and kissed her.  The GoPro camera zooming up under the lace miniskirt.  A few people in the crowd looked absolutely murderous--I wonder what filming was like.


Inexcusable for Zanna to tell Dmitry, during his runway show, that his model looks like she's wearing a big marijuana leaf, then she giggles and headbutts him like a kitten.  This is a MENTOR?  Step off, bitch.

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So this morning I woke up and thought, "I wonder where I can get a red jumpsuit with a drop crotch that makes it looks like I have no ass?"  Lo and behold, there was Zanna wearing one.  I'll just give her a call and find out what dumpster she found that in.  


Next all stars they'll give the designers three hours, a ball of twine and some chewing gum with which they can make their final collection.  They'll be given a option of going to mood for fabric, but they'll have to wear blindfolds and give up one hour of sewing time.  


I did enjoy the can we all agree Helen is out moment.  I hope she enjoyed watching that as much as I did. 

Edited by Muffyn
  • Love 14

So, I didn't watch this season - despite my love for some of the contestants - because of Helen.  I'd check in every once in awhile to see if she had been cut, but she hung in there like a cockroach.  I'm very happy she didn't win but disappointed that I missed the entire season because of her.  Oh well.  Hopefully she will never darken the doors of PR again.


On to the positive:


Congratulations, Dmitry!!!!


But poor Alyssa.  She looked like she was ready to explode from uncomfortableness.


ETA:  Fabio is gorgeous.  Just absolutely gorgeous.

Edited by Kitty Redstone
  • Love 3

I was so surprised that Dimitri won.  The way Zanna acted towards him and the fact that the judges kept Helen in for the entire season (especially considering some of her bottom looks) had convinced me Helen was going to win.  Oh, and the love for her 'Coco Chanel meets Wednesday Addams...'  Truly, I wasn't surprised one bit that she was going to design for one of the Addams family, but kind of thought it would be Morticia.


Even though I think the judges did want Helen to win, I don't think there's any way QVC would cooperate.  Dimitri with some of his 80s looks?  Yes, he'll fit in (and I do shop QVC at times).


The problem I had with Sonjia's looks was the fact that she used the mini-skirt under lace look a few times and she was told by the judges at the last episode that the look didn't work that well.  I think ignoring their opinion did her in.


I am glad that Dimitri won.  I was disappoint that all 3 of them only received 4 days.  The season was too rushed and lacked the amazing looks that most of the featured designers could have created.

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I noticed that as well.  She said positive things about the other collections, but only a "it looks like a giant marijuana leaf!" while watching Dmitry's.  

but it did!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)



Glad Dmitry won - I don't like most of Sonji clothes because you have to wear biker shorts, or whatever they are under those see through clothes


Helens - meh


One thing about Dmitry's and a lot of Helen's that I really didn't like was the length of the dresses, most fell just below the knee which made it look like the dress was too long for them.

Edited by tobysmom

I honestly found myself liking Sonjia's collection best of the three.  Although, because Dmitry used a lot of black, the dark runway really affected the visual impact of some of his clothes.  I'm defintely not upset that he won.


That one dress he made really did look like a marijuana leaf.  I felt a little bad because I think he was going for something cool, but yeah... he totally did end up in "legalize it" territory.  I thought it was kind of unnecessary for Zanna to point it out during the runway walk.


Agree that the short time they have to work is killing the show.  Four days for a final collection?  Stupid.  Both Dmitry and Sonjia totally repeated looks they've already done (Helen's stuff is unremarkable enough that I can't remember if she did or not as well), but I sure as hell can't blame them.

  • Love 2

Kudos to all three for not sending naked models down the runway. The "eight looks in four days" task was downright sadistic. (Really. If you can't adjust your schedule and budget for more humane conditions and higher-quality outcomes, just cancel the franchise.)

That said, I was "Team Anyone but Helen." I had no horse in this race beyond that. Neither Sonjia's nor Dimitry's collections were earth-shaking. We couldn't expect that under those circumstances. But they both had mostly lovely pieces with one or two less successful looks.

Both repeated themselves - understandable, I suppose. Was not happy with Sonjia sending down essentially the exact, same dress (the red lace shift). But I forgave her when the coat came down the runway. It was cool, it was exaggerated for the runway. It worked for me. And, while I never use the "I'd totally wear that" criterion to judge fashion shows, as a fluffy 50something, living in a cold Western state, I'd totally wear that. For most of our winter this year, it would have been more than enough. As long as it's not on the "harvest gold" side of the yellow continuum (I'm pale pink), I'd even take it in yellow.

Dimitry's collection appealed for exactly the reason I was okay with his original win: his attention to detail, even under insane circumstances, is awe-inspiring. Now, I've never seen any of his regular collections. It may be that this is all he does normally. But for four days, wow. Whether or not I liked every look, I admired his craftsmanship.

I didn't hate-watch this season. I didn't go fan-girl over anyone. Nothing wowed. Nothing offended. People mostly behaved themselves. The three designers who made it to the end earned my respect for rising to a pretty much impossible challenge. But it's time to move on.

Edited by RealityCowgirl
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