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S05.E16: First a Verdict, Then a Lawyer


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Did they say why they're doing the divorce thing? I really want to hear their stupid reason for all this.


Oh, they made sure they have viewers tuning in with no info tonight but heavily hawking the next episode.


It doesn't matter what they say.  It's a giant load of lying crap anyway.  It's all about the ratings, baby.  


But they lost me a LONG time ago. I again give thanks who throw themselves on the third rail to keep the rest of us informed.  I cannot watch any longer without getting physically ill.

  • Love 8

If it really was a 'family' decision, how come Christine and Janelle seemed to be informed by Meri separately from Kobyn?


Clearly this is something Kody asked Meri to do a long time ago and in the current drought of attention she has decided to bestow this wish on her beloved (gag) in an attempt to redeem his affections.


Firstly, she's waaay off base, the lovebirds (gag again) will continue to only have time for each other, but secondly, shouldn't there be some kind of discussion if, you know, its all about the bond and special kind of marriage they have (continuing to gag).


Even when the scenes are clearly contrived they fail to demonstrate a vaguely democratic, united front.

  • Love 2


the female student said that not only did she find the environment so incredibly supportive and the children all happy and healthy, but she wants to be a sister wife!!.


The funny part, to me, was that she said she wanted the sister wives but not the husband.  Honey, those are called girlfriends.  I also laughed when she said that her big surprise was that Kody isn't a jerk.  We all know he really is a jerk, but it was funny when she said that.  The talk with the "professor" was just silly.  They followed the TLC script trying to assure people like me that they Browns really are normal and have great relationships.  Sorry, TLC, no sale.


Why in the world would Sol need dental surgery at his age?  Like someone else said, maybe from being put to bed with a bottle?  

  • Love 1
I'm going to guess Meri is still with Kody.

I noticed that every time Meri used the word, divorce, it was preceeded by the word 'legal'.  Shge and Kodouche will now be married spiritually.  Does that mean that Meri gets a wedding and a 2nd honeymoon in Hawaii???  Oh... wait.  That was JUST for Robyn.

  • Love 2

I stopped reading at mummification, because I'm horrified enough by the human condition as it is...

In what world does this twisted fucked up little girl constitute any kind of a valid researcher?

So here's my philosophical question of the day...did all of this weirdness and famewhoring always exist in society and the internet and reality television just let it crawl to the surface, or does the constant need for content help create ever more bizarre behavior?

  • Love 5

Heh. I love how appearing on this show pretty much is the kiss of death. It sounds like the anthro folks really are who they say they are (though their role in this particular "research" is pretty suspect). They show up on this crapfest and pretty much are branded as fakes and phonies. If they're smart, they'll not include this little adventure on their CVs.

Didn't watch, but have been following here and on CJ's blog. I peeked at the woman's Twitter profile earlier and was pretty disgusted (by many things, not the least of which is her using "Dr" in her profile name. As someone who's actually EARNED that title, I found that presumptuous). Then there's the whole open-to-kinky thing...

(ETA: "are who they say they are," to the extent that they are enrolled graduate students at UNLV and an instructor on the UNLV payroll.)

Edited by RealityCowgirl
  • Love 2

My prediction is that Mary will say the divorce is her "unselfish" way of helping Robyn to have peace of mind when it comes to her children's custody arrangements. I think that's why the producers focused so heavily on Robyn's offer to carry Meri and Cody's baby. Meri will maintain this was all a surprise for Robyn. Sister Wives are selfless, don't you know?

It seems pretty obvious the tag of seeing the lawyer was filmed recently and just added to the already filmed episode. Christine's reactions seem very fitting with what was happening behind the scenes.

Christine was really quick with the "go to Hell" to Cody. My REAL question is why Robyn does not get the same statement from her. No one should ever interrupt two people in a conflict with their interpretation of what one party is trying to say- especially a husband/wife that have been together almost 2 decades.


  • Love 2

Robyn the great communicator "Sol is having dental surgery IN HIS MOUTH".

<smacks forehead because I thought it would be in his belly>

How old is that kid? I don't understand how toddlers need dental surgery already? I never saw it back when my boys were little but have recently heard of one woman whose little three year old had to have his baby teeth surgically removed cus they were rotten. She said it was a result of sugar in juice eating away at his teeth? Something about him laying in the crib with his bottle? I really need this explained to me please. .

How old is that kid? I don't understand how toddlers need dental surgery already? I never saw it back when my boys were little but have recently heard of one woman whose little three year old had to have his baby teeth surgically removed cus they were rotten. She said it was a result of sugar in juice eating away at his teeth? Something about him laying in the crib with his bottle? I really need this explained to me please. .


I have a cousin who had to have dental surgery at about the same age. He could have some sort of congenital defect with his teeth requiring surgery. He could have gotten bum genetics that caused his teeth to not have stable enamel. There are lots of reasons outside of poor parenting that can cause the need to have dental surgery at that age. 

  • Love 5

I have a cousin who had to have dental surgery at about the same age. He could have some sort of congenital defect with his teeth requiring surgery. He could have gotten bum genetics that caused his teeth to not have stable enamel. There are lots of reasons outside of poor parenting that can cause the need to have dental surgery at that age.

Thank you! I had never thought of a congenital defect. Just never saw it at all back when my boys were small.


Who the hell was Meri speaking to when she was in her kitchen saying she had to go to a lawyer.  Were we supposed to believe the TLC crew was filming her and she suddenly had an appointment with a lawyer???  BULLSHIT.


I came here just to mention this. That scene was totally bizarre and it looked like a re-shoot after the fact. Do they normally talk directly to the cameras when not on the TH couch? Anyway, that was fake as hell.

  • Love 4

This show has to be winding down I would think. If this divorce/remarriage was in any way an attempt to increase viewers, I don't  think that will happen.

Not much to say about this episode, other than:

When the adults were discussing the issue with Janelle's son lying, Christine's response seemed so dramatic to me. She went on about how surprised she was and didn't know if she could ever trust anything he said. WHAT? He is a kid and was reprimanded with the cameras rolling. I don't condone lying, but give me a break. Christine does tend to have dramatic responses, so maybe this is not that surprising,

Christine has beautiful hair and has really lost weight and looks great. I hope her mother's presence in the home will be a positive influence for her.

Janelle still comes across to me as the most level headed one of the group. That being said, it is hard to understand why she stays.

For a "happy family", there is a lot of crying going on. Meri and Robyn cry constantly.

That's all....

  • Love 2
Why in the world would Sol need dental surgery at his age?  Like someone else said, maybe from being put to bed with a bottle?  

So-called "bottle-rot" can occur with nursing, too, particularly if there is extended nighttime nursing. Keeping Sol in bed with her would indicate to me that she was also nursing him during the night. Combine that with daytime sugar and less-than-stellar oral hygiene, and you're looking at a little mouth full of cavities.

  • Love 2

So let me see if I understand this.... the divorce/remarriage was simply for insurance for the kids. But Meri has been thinking about it for 5 years. But she was the one who brought Robyn in. And it was discussed as a family but Janelle and Christine were told later. And it was simply a legal divorce but it has been difficult for everyone. And legally marrying Robyn was just for her kids but they needed a Hawaiian honeymoon, without the kids. Legal marriage means nothing because it's the spiritual marriage that matters. But this legal divorce requires a lot of crying. 



  • Love 21

Ick. I know it was wrong of Gabriel to lie about his own involvement in the fight and possibly get his trip cancelled, but I still felt badly for him. Why did they have to air all of that? I am not a huge prude about kids on reality shows. IF their involvement is fairly light. But when you start getting too much into their personal lives and not letting them have any room to breathe, it really rubs me the wrong way. Gabe was wrong. I think he knew he was wrong. Maybe he would have admitted it earlier if there weren't cameras starting him down. They asked the anthropologists to leave, but not the cameras? Pointless. 


Speaking of the anthros, I loved that Antoinette (was it me, or did Kody keep saying that oddly?) noticed he fawns all over Solomon, and doesn't give as much attention to some of the other kids. I think those two (legit or not) got a good read on the family. Overall, as a family unit, they're doing a pretty good job. They make mistakes, but I think most of the kids are happy and well-adjusted. It's quite clear the kids are given a lot of freedom to figure themselves out, and are not being indoctrinated with anything, and I appreciate that. 


I think most of the cracks are in the marriages themselves, and not the parenting. Although, the latter isn't perfect either. But I think they do an average job.


I did think it was interesting that Antoinette had the clear impression that Kodylocks rotates on a nightly basis. I find that hard to believe, given Christine's complaints about her kids never seeing their dad, and the fact that they've never really discussed their routine with us before. I wondered if maybe they weren't putting on a rotation for the sake of it finally being addressed on camera. And they can lose me with not thinking Kody plays favorites. If a contractor can assess which wife is which in 5 minutes, those anthropology students should flunk out. LOL! 


All in all, I think they called them out on some things, but not others. Maybe they were instructed not to give Kody too good of a reaming. Maybe those were their actual impressions. I don't know. Again, that family has plenty of dysfunction, but I do think they're going a lot better of a job than the fundies on the compounds, and they're not terrible parents, so....


Interesting that Meri says Kody isn't allowed to wear the ponytail in HER house. I wonder if that's how the problems with her and Janelle started, since they shared a house back then. 

  • Love 4
I did think it was interesting that Antoinette had the clear impression that Kodylocks rotates on a nightly basis. I find that hard to believe, given Christine's complaints about her kids never seeing their dad, and the fact that they've never really discussed their routine with us before.


She was either reciting the party line (the Gospel according to Kodoofus) or what TLC told her to say or the Browns did some sort of fakey routine while she was there.  Take your pick.  

  • Love 3


When the adults were discussing the issue with Janelle's son lying, Christine's response seemed so dramatic to me. She went on about how surprised she was and didn't know if she could ever trust anything he said. WHAT? He is a kid and was reprimanded with the cameras rolling. I don't condone lying, but give me a break. Christine does tend to have dramatic responses, so maybe this is not that surprising,

Christine has beautiful hair and has really lost weight and looks great. I hope her mother's presence in the home will be a positive influence for her.

Janelle still comes across to me as the most level headed one of the group. That being said, it is hard to understand why she stays.

For a "happy family", there is a lot of crying going on. Meri and Robyn cry constantly.

That's all....

That was a passive-aggressive slap at Janelle's parenting and her kids, nothing more, nothing less. Christine feigned shock, but she was loving that some of the other mom's boys got in trouble. How Janelle doesn't constantly not remove her clonky sandles to whack the other moms in the face is beyond my understanding. Maybe she smokes a whole lot of weed.



  1. Mariah can't make the time for a physician career?  What the fuck did she think she was majoring in?  VCR repair?  Part-time cashier at the hospital gift shop???  Pretty much?


I have zero respect for these assholes.  I hope TLC cancels the show and they are forced to get JOBS.

Not sure why I can't turn off the autonumbering, and it changed the original, but I'd bet 100% that pre-med is just a little too difficult for Maraiah, so next step 'down' is PA. Then she'll try nursing until she has to touch a body or gets her hands dirty. I do think the anthropolo-archeaolog-TLCplants-ogists had a valid concern that Polyg men like to strut and showcase their manliness, and would probably not want a woman who made more money than them (or had the ability to be independent and leave.)

  • Love 3

If it really was a 'family' decision, how come Christine and Janelle seemed to be informed by Meri separately from Kobyn?


Clearly this is something Kody asked Meri to do a long time ago and in the current drought of attention she has decided to bestow this wish on her beloved (gag) in an attempt to redeem his affections.


Firstly, she's waaay off base, the lovebirds (gag again) will continue to only have time for each other, but secondly, shouldn't there be some kind of discussion if, you know, its all about the bond and special kind of marriage they have (continuing to gag).


Even when the scenes are clearly contrived they fail to demonstrate a vaguely democratic, united front.

That's a good observation, so true! I think we really don't know for sure that Janelle and Christine came to know only afterwards about the divorce decision. The preview for the scene when they're all discussing it in someone's living room looks super fake. There is no way they're all finding out about it for the first time in front of the cameras. It's totally scripted. 



  1. Janelle refers to her realty job as a "way to earn 'extra' income"???  How is the only income in their household called extra income?
  2. Mariah can't make the time for a physician career?  What the fuck did she think she was majoring in?  VCR repair?  Part-time cashier at the hospital gift shop??? 


Yeah, that's exactly what I was thinking about her "extra" income comment!! Janelle, your family is going to need all the "extra" income you can get once the TLC gravy train rolls away! 



Regarding Mariah, like someone upthread mentioned, I am not surprised she switched to the  P.A. pathway instead of pre-med. It makes more sense with wanting to be a sister-wife and have a family. It's not that she couldn't have been a doctor and pursued polygamy, but this seems more realistic to me with that lifestyle. I don't blame Mariah for not realizing the hours or work load involved. It's hard to really know what it's like until you actually experience it. I felt the same way when I entered college on a pre-med track. I switched out after taking some core pre-med classes that were very rigorous and as my classmates put it, designed to "weed" out those who are not inclined to the field/subject (like myself) or don't have the capacity for the rigorous work load. It happens a lot in undergrad. 

Edited by purpleflowers
  • Love 2


  1. Janelle refers to her realty job as a "way to earn 'extra' income"???  How is the only income in their household called extra income



What I'm hoping she meant by that is that it's HER money. We know Kody doles out the money as he sees fit and Christine has directly been told if she wants anything, like a vacation, she has to take it out of her food money. We can only assume Janelle has been told the same. I'm hoping by 'extra' money she means it's hers for things for her and her kids rather than going into the Kody pot for Kobyn to spend on themselves.

  • Love 3

Anybody else notice what a beautiful young woman Ysabel is becoming?  She may be prettiest of all.


And while I'm on the topic of the kids I was reading Mariah's twitter.  That girl is obsessed with celebrities...all kinds of celebrities, but most of all that twit Miley Cyrus.  I guess she takes after her mom with wanting to focus on celebrities.  I'm surprised she has time for school.  And on the topic of school, the PA programs in Utah are at the University of Utah and Utah State.  Isn't Utah State Madison's school?  Maybe they can room together!

  • Love 1

It doesn't take much for Christine to get butt-hurt, does it?  As much as I can't stand Kody, I can only imagine how irritated he gets when she takes something he says and turns it into a massive slight, like the discussion about short vs. long courtships.  Of course, she's the one who takes the smallest criticism of the family and acts like it is the worst thing ever said.  Add to that, her fear of all the people in the "outside world" who are out to get them, and you've got a woman who is in dire need of some kind of therapy.

  • Love 4

Regarding Mariah, like someone upthread mentioned, I am not surprised she switched to the  P.A. pathway instead of pre-med. It makes more sense with wanting to be a sister-wife and have a family. It's not that she couldn't have been a doctor and pursued polygamy, but this seems more realistic to me with that lifestyle. I don't blame Mariah for not realizing the hours or work load involved. It's hard to really know what it's like until you actually experience it. I felt the same way when I entered college on a pre-med track. I switched out after taking some core pre-med classes that were very rigorous and as my classmates put it, designed to "weed" out those who are not inclined to the field/subject (like myself) or don't have the capacity for the rigorous work load. It happens a lot in undergrad. 

I agree with this... the PA route makes more sense with *4-6 yrs of school compared to 12, the expense, the hours and effort involved in medical school... it may have been a nice dream, but the reality is that if it wasn't for her then it's good that she realized it. 


Besides, if her personal goal is to be in her own plyg family like Meri and the other gals -- stroking some man's gigantic ego while competing with other women for his attention, trying to have as many babies as possible -- then a professional goal just can't compete with that.  Sorry if that sounds acidic, but after all of the crap to which polygamist women have historically been subjected, that "lifestyle choice" really creams my corn.  I can only HOPE that it's only being said due to some crappy script for the show, but I'm not holding my breath.


I thought that the "students" were off-putting and obvious.  TLC employees, TLC scripted, TLC hand-picked.  "I wanna be the 5th wife!"  Yeah, sure ya do.  Gross.  The only good observation, as mentioned upthread, was the "Kody dotes on Sol" segment, but a Cyclops holding Kody's half of the brain could see that. 


Robyn.  Seriously, girlfriend -- no one wants to hear your ample pie hole spew psychological hypotheses about your co-women, or hear you try to interpret Kody's grunts.  For the 982nd time... stfu.  We see what you're doing there, and many of us don't buy it.  Maybe some co-parenting counseling with David Sr might be appropriate? 


I noticed that the "anthropologists" didn't mention Robyn's ex-husband... you know, her kids' father.  Weird!  I would think that for her kids' sake, their history would be considered a part of the Brown family story and might want to be included? 


Meri and the divorce...  I really don't care.  I did care a little, and I still think that it was an extraordinarily skilled manipulation on Robyn's/Kody's part, but now that it's clearly for ratings (just like Janelle asking Meri for make-up therapy) I can only say that I am firmly in the camp that is merely waiting for the epic implosion of this show. 


*edited to correct amount of schooling for Physician's Assistant (PA).

Edited by AndreaF
  • Love 5


And they can lose me with not thinking Kody plays favorites. If a contractor can assess which wife is which in 5 minutes, those anthropology students should flunk out.

Things like that make me wish that TLC producers and editors had just a hair more consistency and brain power going for them.  It's one thing to make minor slips but pretty much making whole episodes around trying to define something already pin pointed makes the fakiness far too obvious.

  • Love 2

It's funny how the editing keeps changing who the villain wife is. For awhile it was bossy Meri, sometimes it's cold and aloof Janelle and it's never hard to make it Princess Robyn. Lately I think it's emotionally unstable, ultra sensitive Christine. How many parents have said things along those lines, hoping their kids will learn from them and their mistakes? My parents got married and had children super young and even though they're still happy together, they have told me so many times to wait longer than they did. Mature adults can usually see that a lot of marriages and relationships fail when people get together when they're young, because sometimes they grow apart. For all of his flaws, Kody loves his kids and doesn't want them to get hurt. I hate that Christine is making me defend Kody.

  • Love 3
What I'm hoping she meant by that is that it's HER money. We know Kody doles out the money as he sees fit and Christine has directly been told if she wants anything, like a vacation, she has to take it out of her food money. We can only assume Janelle has been told the same. I'm hoping by 'extra' money she means it's hers for things for her and her kids rather than going into the Kody pot for Kobyn to spend on themselves.


I could have sworn she turned to Antoinette and said something under her breath about, "Even though it all goes to the same place". She seemed to be saying that psychologically it helps her, even if she doesn't pocket the money herself. I could be wrong, though. 


Anybody else notice what a beautiful young woman Ysabel is becoming?  She may be prettiest of all.


Agreed! I saw her standing over by the fridge in one shot and thought she was simply stunning. 


It doesn't take much for Christine to get butt-hurt, does it?  As much as I can't stand Kody, I can only imagine how irritated he gets when she takes something he says and turns it into a massive slight, like the discussion about short vs. long courtships.  Of course, she's the one who takes the smallest criticism of the family and acts like it is the worst thing ever said.  Add to that, her fear of all the people in the "outside world" who are out to get them, and you've got a woman who is in dire need of some kind of therapy.


Gah, that woman just loves to turn a mountain into a holemill (tm Ramona), doesn't she? I thought Kody was simply saying that while everything worked out well for them (really???) despite the short or non-existent courtships, he doesn't think that's always going to be the case - and he'd prefer the kids take their time when building their families. BFD. 

  • Love 2

I agree with this... the PA route makes more sense with 2-4 yrs of school compared to 12, the expense, the hours and effort involved in medical school... it may have been a nice dream, but the reality is that if it wasn't for her then it's good that she realized it. 


I noticed that the "anthropologists" didn't mention Robyn's ex-husband... you know, her kids' father.  Weird!  I would think that for her kids' sake, their history would be considered a part of the Brown family story and might want to be included? 

PA is a physician's assistant, not a medical assistant. PA programs usually take 6 years and end up with a Master's Degree. They're more on par with a Nurse Practitioner. So many health care facilities are going toward hiring PAs and Nurse Pracs as primary care/screeners instead of physicians, so it's a good career that pays well but has fewer hours than physicians.


I could have sworn she turned to Antoinette and said something under her breath about, "Even though it all goes to the same place". She seemed to be saying that psychologically it helps her, even if she doesn't pocket the money herself. I could be wrong, though. 

She did say 'even though it all goes to the same place.'

  • Love 2

Janelle is noticeably absent from most of the group wive scenes, that says alot.  She was not there when they had dinner and said goodbye to those anthropology people.  She was not there when King Solomon came home from hospital and she rarely participates in other family planning meetings for parties etc.  Don't know why she alienates herself.  Robin is really getting more annoying as time goes on.

  • Love 1

When the adults were discussing the issue with Janelle's son lying, Christine's response seemed so dramatic to me. She went on about how surprised she was and didn't know if she could ever trust anything he said. WHAT? He is a kid and was reprimanded with the cameras rolling. I don't condone lying, but give me a break. Christine does tend to have dramatic responses, so maybe this is not that surprising,


Yet Janelle didn't defend Gabriel, she egged Christine on with a comment like - yes, and hold him accountable for lying.  Christine crosses over into mother territory with Janelle's kids.  Remember Christine had them five days a week.  Janelle seemed to have absolutely no problem with Christine's comment.


In the picture of Annie and young Christine, Christine looked just like Mykelti.  Also, the baby pics of Aspyn look exactly like Truely.


Mariah's natural hair colour seems to be very similar to Christine's gorgeous shade.  Why dye it that hideous shade?

[Running to catch up with everyone, having just watched the episodes]

Well done, everyone who called the last 5-minute cut away with Meri. And I agree with the editing call someone upstream made; first Meri makes it sound like she has been thinking about this life-altering decision for five years and it is a negative thing, then suddenly another scene is suggesting it is "no big deal". What evs. This was not a family decision, that was made very clear just by the preview. So what else is a lie?


For a bit there, it looked like the anthro-actors where asking the right questions, ones we had often tossed around here, at CJ's and on TWoP. Questions we had wanted Tameron to ask. We even heard answers that were slightly more honest and open than what we have heard, especially in the non-couch scenes. Then the anthro-actors BLEW it with the obvious TLC-written script they recited to that jackass of a professor (sitting there, half swiveling in his chair, spouting off about Short Creek, I just wanted to smack him). Anthro-actor Dude was the worst. Can't remember his exact words but he got pretty insulting about people who criticize the Browns. We heard their questions, we heard the Brown's answers and more importantly, we have watched the show for five years. Just because these two say they are OK doesn't mean they are. And they still didn't answer the prof's questions about the Love Wife and Sex Wife.


Robyn, Kody wears Sol like a piece of living clothing. Shut up. The observation was not just from a "snap shot" view of the family.


God I hope I can make it through two more episodes.

  • Love 1


Is their (Robyn's kids') dad out of the picture?

No. They have always done that. Revising history again. Wishful thinking. Scripted TV.


Wanted to add I loved Meri and Robyn's synchronized Eye Goober Swipe and Stare during one of the couch sessions. It was a wonderful moment. Perfectly timed and coordinated. My dream, before this ship completely sinks, is for all four of the wives to complete a synchronized quadruple Swipe and Stare.

Edited by Galloway Cave
  • Love 6

Meri really does give the best gifts. First, she gives Kody the gift of a new bride and then she gives him the gift of divorce so he can marry his new, improved wife. I caught the “legal” wife thing too. For people that want plural marriage to be legal, they sure don’t have a problem flipping legal marriage from one wife to another.



I think Janelle’s extra income is really a nest egg for when the House of Kody falls after the show ends.


As to Mariah becoming a physician’s assistant, it is not as easy as it is made to seem. It isn’t a 2-4 year degree. It takes quite a bit of education. My cousin had to obtain a Bachelors and Masters’ degree to become a physician’s assistant. This isn’t like being a dental assistant or just taking someone’s vitals. This involves real medical treatment. My cousin practically runs the clinic she works at, her hours are long and she is always complaining about being exhausted. I think it is a great job but I wonder whether Mariah will be able to handle the stress. I get the idea that Mariah likes the idea of doing certain things but would not actually pull it off. No way will Mariah be happy being a third or fifth wife. I would guess she would only be happy being the first wife, and even then, she will run into her mother’s problems when the new wives start appearing. Nor do I think she would be ok with sharing her income and would have no problem pointing out that she is bringing in the most money. At the same time, I am sure that she will drop out of school the first chance she gets to become a wife. I think that is really her main goal.

Edited by socalrules
  • Love 3

I had noticed how often Kody is holding Solomon before this episode, but it's interesting that the fake anthropologist pointed it out too. He doesn't hold Truly nearly as much, and there are several children who he barely seems to notice, especially Christine's younger daughters. He does obsess over his older daughters' chastity though.

Christine may be the one to walk out some day. Just like her mother and her aunt. That couch talk about courtship spoke volumes. Christine is totally conflicted between her religion and commitment, and the often miserable reality of her life.

  • Love 3

I've edited my prior post to reflect that I misspoke about the Physician's Assistant (PA) program, which -- when I looked at my own college's website -- said that it is a 2-4 year program (depending on the student) POST BACHELOR DEGREE, which I forgot to add to my post. 


Sorry for the confusion!  I didn't mean to imply either that I did not know what a Physician's Assistant was, or that it is an easy program to complete.  :)

  • Love 2
I think it is a great job but I wonder whether Mariah will be able to handle the stress.


I'm going to guess no since she hasn't a role model in that whole motley crew that has any kind of work ethic. She'll never make it through that program. It's brutal.  And while it's possible she's been a volunteer in a hospital at some some point (although the All About Me polygamists don't seem to give a rat's ass about any kind of charitable work) I sincerely doubt it.  As a nurse of 45 years I absolutely abhor med students who waltz in expecting to sail through the program having never even SEEN a sick person let alone set foot in a hospital.  Even a PA is going his/her hands dirty.  It's blood and poop and vomit and piddle.  I don't frankly think that Princess Mariah is up to it.

  • Love 9


Wanted to add I loved Meri and Robyn's synchronized Eye Goober Swipe and Stare during one of the couch sessions. It was a wonderful moment. Perfectly timed and coordinated. My dream, before this ship completely sinks, is for all four of the wives to complete a synchronized quadruple Swipe and Stare.


Ha! I caught that too and laughed.


After suffering through countless pityparty episodes of Meri crying about "I want a baby but I can't get pregnant!" and to see her now calmly state "Nah. Not really. J/K. Different season of life!" is fucking insulting.

  • Love 2

So one of Robyn's kids was on the couch and the caption said "Kody and Robyn's daughter." Is their (Robyn's kids') dad out of the picture?

They've done this on previous episodes too. I also wondered the same thing you are, but people here have surmised that it's probably to keep Robyn's first three kids equally included in the family and also to simplify how they are labeled on the show. 

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