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S19.E05: Week 5

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Britt is the fakest fake who ever baked a fake cake. All that sympathetic nodding and petting of Kelsy during the most WTF nut jobbing ever nut jobbed on this show just worked my last nerve. Pretty girl, bad actress. She ain't getting any younger in that town, either.

I wish Ashley I had been towed under and eaten by those Rio Grande gators. Was her dumb ass wearing an actual dress or a nightie for the aborted rose ceremony?

Chris ain't got shit to say, yet he seems to be bored and impatient when most of them try to carry the conversation. Idiot. Say something, you dolt, if you can't stand their one sided conversations.

Oh Jordan, why embarrass yourself so? Let us remember you drunk, disheveled, and adorable.

It looked like they had rooms overlooking the parking lot when Kelsy started becoming a creeper. Real class, a casino hotel overlooking the Taureses and Camrys.

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I was mortified for Chris and Carly. Did that "love guru" not realize they weren't actually a couple and that this was a first date!? How awkward. Horrifying. Carly is one of the girls in the house he doesn't have any chemistry with. I do think they got closer on the date but honestly I agree with the person who said Chris sees her as a little sister.  I still can't tell the girls apart when they are standing in a group.  Random thoughts- Becca is beautiful, I'm starting to like Kailtlynn more, I wish I didn't know what I do about Jade or I would think she had a good shot. Please PLEASE get rid of Ashley I, and the shrieking Kelsey. Or I am no longer going to watch this show. If Kelsey did not murder her husband for to get attention as a grieving widow I would be shocked. She killed him IMO lol. I know people deal with grief differently but Kelsey is insane. 

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Chris is so noncommittal even at this late stage that even his most loyal supporters might reconsider.  It’s partially due to editing and the need for suspense, manufactured or otherwise.  We might not have agreed with past Bachelors’ choices but at least we could understand them based on the Bachelor’s own statements, actions, reactions, etc.  Past Bachelors were torn between seductresses, homebodies, tomboys, teacher types, etc. and we usually understood that each B/ette personality appealed to a corresponding aspect of the Bachelor’s persona and/or ego, even if certain ladies were ultimately a mismatch, including those who initially said yes to a marriage proposal.  The reality of this reality TV star is that he is a singularly uninteresting individual.  This is not a metrosexual polymath disguised as a rather dull farmer, this is just a dull farmer with above-average looks and physique.  That, not the remote Iowa setting, is what these ladies should wrestle with most as they pursue what will likely be a Pyrrhic victory.



I unfortunately have to agree with you.  I thought Chris would be a great Bachelor, but he frankly has really sucked at it.  Every week it gets worse when it should get better.  He makes stupid decisions such as randomly kissing women he could care less about, keeping women around that want to come back which takes time away from those he chose to keep, not being smarter about getting rid of people that are obviously quacks or at the very least that he knows he has no interest in, and lastly falling for every story he is told as if that is the reason he should keep that person around.  If he was smart he would know it is those without "stories" that he might have an actual chance of having a relationship with.  He hardly talks to anyone about anything, he isn't giving anyone any indication of who he is, and though he claims to want a wife he is really not participating in this process much at all.  As crazy as some of the women are I give them credit for trying to make something work.  


Everyone has pretty much said everything else I thought about the episode.  Love guru date was awful, and how odd he took Carly on that date anyway, Britt is annoying and fake, and Kelsey is crazy/nuts.  There you have it.

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The producer machinations are really too much this season--you can tell that they have zero confidence in the love story by the way they are messing with the format. Twice this season we get no rose ceremony at the end, are they so afraid of losing their audience from week to week that they are now resorting to cliffhangers? At the very least they should keep the show's traditions in place--Survivor never blinks and skips tribal council but the Bachelor producers are clearly showing their cards here.  Changing things up for changing things up sake equals a show that no one recognizes anymore. Just turn it into a psycho beauty pageant and have Chris come out at the end and marry the winner. 


If Fleiss and Chris Harrison are bored with their show then maybe they shouldn't waste their time with it anymore.

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Kelsey's sister replied on Facebook:

From Kelsey's sister:

Kelsey's story is in fact amazing! I am truly disappointed in the footage that ABC decided to air and the way it showed no sensitivity to Kelsey and Sanderson. I have been there for my sister since the day Sanderson passed, and it has not been easy. It is never easy for someone to move on after a tragic loss happens. The footage you saw where Kelsey said, "Isn't my story amazing?" was in regards to her story of how she overcame such horrific grief. In no way was Sanderson's death amazing. It is amazing that Kelsey found the strength to seize each day, travel the world by herself, meet new people and take on new hobbies. She chose to take on each day rather than stay in bed crying; that takes a strong person to do that. She has used her experience to help others who have lost a loved one and serves as a role model to empower them to stay strong. I am disgusted by the way Kelsey was portrayed on the show and the comments/messages people are sending. No one ever deserves to be bullied, receive hate mail or be harassed... only bits and pieces of her story and footage have been shown. Thank you to those of you who are sending positive and encouraging words for Kelsey, I love sharing those uplifting words with her. I will not allow the cyber bullying to reach Kelsey, no one should ever be treated with such disrespect especially regarding her deceased husband, Sanderson. For those of you wanting to know more about Kelsey and how she has coped with her loss please read her blog after the season is done airing: www.anomalyme.com

My heart hurts for my older sister. She is truly as sweet and caring as her friends and family claim she is... it's unfortunate that ABC viewers don't get the opportunity to see that.

"You honor a man's memory by respecting his wife."


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She said that like Kelsey is the first person to ever lose a loved one or deal with the loss of a spouse.  Kelsey looked crazy because she pulled some crazy shit, including wrapping herself around Chris when it was clear he wanted to get up and leave.  


Kelsey's sister replied on Facebook:


As far as Chris surprising Britt in bed, that's the problem with these shows.  No doubt Britt knew it was happening, because as many have stated, someone wake me up at 4:30?  They're getting punched, not kissed.  Some producer, of course, told her to act happy and excited to see him, rather than tell him to get the fuck out.

So when they end up having to go back to the real world and she doesn't react to every small thing he does like he's a baby who just walked for the first time.....the relationship crumbles.  


Why is this show still on?

Edited by CaughtOnTape
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You know, I'm sure the editors had some fun messing with Kelsey (I mean hello, the creepy, horror-like music playing when she was stupidly grinning about how awesome her story is), just like they did poor Jillian with the black bar over her butt and front all the time. However, you know what, I don't feel too bad for her because at this point, I feel like people should be smart and aware enough to know what they're getting into, when they sign up for a reality show. Producers will prod you to get something they can use to make good television and they will edit and twist things to make it something that they think will be good television. It is what it is. 

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I'm glad her sister posted that. The way ABC has handled Juelia and Kelsey's stories is beyond gross. I KNEW it was editing and I can't even pretend to enjoy a show where they make fun of someone's tragedy like that. Gross and they have gone too far.

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I am truly disappointed in the footage that ABC decided to air and the way it showed no sensitivity to Kelsey and Sanderson.


I am disgusted by the way Kelsey was portrayed on the show and the comments/messages people are sending.




So, probably not surprising that Kelsey is upset today at the way her "amazing story" was showcased. I guess even after all these years on the air there are still those trusting folks out there who are unaware that reality tv producers are wolves in sheep's clothing. For every Emily who is treated with kid gloves you get ten Kelseys whose sad stories get the crazy background carnival music. This is probably a hard lesson for Kelsey to learn and a very public way to learn it. 


But, hey, now she can parlay this experience into an awesome career counseling wanna be reality tv stars on the dangers of having your amazingly sad story twisted and abused by uncaring producers.  

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Well, kudos to Kelsey's sister for a spirited and apparently heart-felt defense. Sorry it didn't work, at least for me. Lots of people have to cope with the death of a loved one--including a spouse or child. It still seems unbearably narcissistic to make that death "all about you" and turn it into "My amazing story!" Even the obituary featured Kelsey (her M.A. etc.) much too much.  The problem is that she doesn't seem to be grieving at all, she seems to be celebrating that the death gave HER a great story to tell people, something to make her important about. She didn't even talk about the difficulties--hadn't even shared her story with Juelia (or anyone after 5 weeks) even though she might have empathized and thought, "Maybe how I learned to cope could help her." Sorry, sis. I think you're wrong about her.


But actually Britt seemed worse than Kelsey to me (assuming, for now, that the husband's death was accidental). How fake can fake be? When Chris makes an attempt at a "getting to know you" question and asks how many children she wants, "I want a 100! No, really, a 100!" 


When she later said, paraphrasing "The unimaginable now seems possible that I could see myself with this guy", something like that that made me feel her game plan is pretty obvious. She thinks she's going to be Emily 2.0, even if it means "winning", then breaking up, all so she can become the Bachelorette, have her pick of guys and maybe parlay it into a bigger acting career.


The problem with that is that Emily had a good game, namely, "I know, of course, that you want me. The real question is 'Do I want you?"  Emily would not have thrown herself at Chris then "slept with" him for two hours in his hotel room much less then told the girls. Britt likes to stirring up trouble for the other women, imo, last week telling him they wanted to leave after the lake date and this week setting them up to think she and Chris had sex, with the emotional fallout from that.


I loved how the editors interspersed Ashley talking about how Britt -doesn't- want children OR marriage (ie. is there for the wrong reasons). I hope Chris figures it out for himself and dumps her, but he doesn't seem to ask anyone much of anything, so I doubt it will happen.  I'd actually like to see her go home before Kelsey or Jade.

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So, yes, they're pulling the "Editing!" card.  Which, as far as it goes, is fine.  But doesn't really justify the things she did say.  For the sake of argument, say that the whole spiel was in the context of her having a longer conversation with the production person interviewing her to do her talking head thing.  Say that she lets her guard down and engages, with some prompting, in some self mockery or some self esteem building.  She still said the things she said.  So, I see several possible theories:


She said it, and is just as psychotic as she seems.

She said it and was joking in self-mockery about the "tune in to see my amazing love story" with prodding from the production person.

She said it and is proud of herself to the point of open self-congratulation and is an idiot about how that will come across to anyone else, especially those in the audience who have also suffered tremendous loss. 


Who, at all in their right mind, would go on a reality show, spill their beans so completely, and allow the casual appearance of a talking head interview to encourage them to let down their guard against the fishbowl situation, and say something so utterly clueless and callous?  Even if it was self mockery?  Who would go on a show and think that the context of any self-mockery would be included, rather than staying fairly cautious about what one should say?


And self-mockery is the only "non-crazy" version of the "edited context" that I can come up with (for the second part of it all... where she's telling them what an amazing love story we're all in for).  But if that's the case, then the woman is maybe not psychotic, but is definitely an idiot.   Everyone has got to know by now that being on a show like this is not going to turn out to validate your wonderful self, if the editors are given the raw material to work with.


Whitney and Becca  are the ones playing this game well... keeping dignity in tact, not saying anything nutty, while still being reasonably honest about their take on what they are seeing.  They seem to be always aware of the context and the potential for editing games, and to try to keep themselves on track with their self-appointed goals of basically "not seeming like the nutcase when this all airs later."  I strongly suspect that we aren't seeing conversations that Chris is having with Whitney, and that one of those conversations is why he gave her the rose last night.  Maybe she was the only one who truly seemed to understand the situation with Jordan, his feeling of obligation to allow her some closure and all that, and was able to diplomatically clear his head a bit, while staying sane herself.  If so, that would have been a cool conversation to see.

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I'm amazed people still try to play the editing card. So an editor spliced a whole bunch of benign things together to generate one straight scene in which she uttered the whole "tune in at eight" soliloquy about her amazing journey? That's one amazingly talented editor. I suppose he/she painted the psychotic look on her face, too? 

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She said that like Kelsey is the first person to ever lose a loved one or deal with the loss of a spouse.  Kelsey looked crazy because she pulled some crazy shit, including wrapping herself around Chris when it was clear he wanted to get up and leave.  



Exactly.  All his signals were saying "don't want to make out with you right now" (other than if he had just outright rejected making out).  She's the one who was so caught up in her story that she went in for the make out session. 


I do wonder if part of the reason he's spending so much time kissing is because he doesn't want to humiliate someone by refusing to kiss them when they go after him.  There have been a lot of women doing the initiating this season.  I figure it's a combination of that, and not knowing what to do when he gets "box of rocks brain."


(edited for a bit of clarity)

Edited by CalamityBoPeep
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I'm really loving Whitney, loved her rational (who would have thunk it!) response to Ashley that they do NOT have to be mean to Jordan. And getting the rose on top of that. Chris is not good enough for her.

I agree completely. I love Whitney and would love to see her as the next bachelorette (Sorry, Britt!). But she's too reserved and poised and classy for this show and that role. And probably would get more the reaction Ashley did, as opposed to Emily, just because while I think she's just as pretty, I think Emily "reads" hotter to guys, for some reason that I can't understand. Maybe because she seems flirty while Whitney always seems honest and sincere.


She's definitely too good for Chris. Actually I could see him more with someone like Carly, but they have zero chemistry, unfortunately.

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It's strange, however, that TPTB turned on her like that. There was no subtlety in their repeated shots of her embracing Kelsey during the pre-cocktail party. Where are they going with this?



If TPTB aren't happy with Britt, it may be because they realize that she's using this show for self-promotion and is not "playing along" with the script, like being overjoyed at a hot air balloon date after noting her extreme fear of heights. I'm sure that wasn't the reaction they had expected from her and they may have felt played. But, really, who knows? 


Britt not showering is probably the same as her fear of heights -- something she says to get her noticed, but not something that is actually real.


I found Carly being upset over the shush-ing by Chris and the subsequent kissing between him and Britt while she's lying right there to be more reasonable and understandable than Britt complaining about what happened on a group date she wasn't even on.

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Age differences are less important as you enter adulthood. Kelsey started dating this guy when she was 19.

I can't remember where I read it, but she said they only knew each other 3 months before getting married. Married four years and he died a year and a half ago. He sounds like an interesting man from the obituary and the age difference doesn't surprise me because I see that a lot in my part of the U.S. (cosmopolitan, not backwoods.) Still, something doesn't add up. At that age, with that quick a relationship followed by marriage, and him helping her (paying for?) her Master's, plus she made it sound like her life was all about being a couple. I don't see how that has morphed into his death being all about her -- how she "loves my story!" etc.


Still genuinely weird, imo, no matter how charitably one tries to look at it.

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She said it, and is just as psychotic as she seems.

She said it and was joking in self-mockery about the "tune in to see my amazing love story" with prodding from the production person.

She said it and is proud of herself to the point of open self-congratulation and is an idiot about how that will come across to anyone else, especially those in the audience who have also suffered tremendous loss.


Ok - So MAYBE -  production messed with Kelsey.  There's nothing amazing about a story that goes " I married young, my husband died, and now I'm on a reality show".  (see, for example, other widow - Juelia?) 


However -  there could be an "interesting"  (not amazing) story about a widow who overcomes her grief and finds love again.  I've seen that movie, a few times, on TV (it usually happens around christmas, she's a cold bitch who doesn't believe, she finds a guy who helps her find meaning in life again, cue snowfall, cute kids, puppies) 

SO - maybe production asked her to talk about her "story"  as it would be if she ended up married to Chris after meeting him on the Bachelor.  OR, her "story"  about being rejected on the Bachelor and then becoming the next Bachelorette.  Maybe in the talking heads, THAT was the "story" they gave her to talk about. 


just speculating.   

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Kelsey's sister wrote a nice defense, but there's still a difference between how Kelsea told her widow "story" and how Juelia told her "story." To me Juelia told Chris about her husband's death because she felt it was important information for him to know before starting a relationship. I feel Kelsea looks at her story and told it as a way to get points and get advantage in a competition. It wasn't about sharing information in a relationship; it was about having a better story than the others. What's also off-putting is the certainty she has that Chris will be so moved by her story that she's promoted to the #1 spot. The pre-rose ceremony scene with the other girls seemed the creepiest when she seemed so certain she would not go home and saying she hated saying good-bye [to the girl who was leaving]while the other non-rose girls were nervous about their chances of staying. That scene did not seem too manipulated by editing.

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OK I immediately googled Sanderson Poe as soon as she said his full name---which is weird bc they never really use full names, almost as if an invitation to pry by the producers. Why was the obituary posted in 2013 and yet edited this morning? All the unnecessary capitalization drives me nuts. The one I found last night wasn't as specific--it was totally Days of our Lives Downtown Europe-y. "He studied Jazz Music in Brussels. His music is still played in Europe." Something is so off with this AMAZING YET TRAGIC STORY. He had some kind of heart thingy I'm not sure the doctors were saying a lot of words and they weren't about me so why listen?


Britt would really have to smell and she needs to be a spokesperson for whatever dry shampoo she is using bc her hair looks incredible for being unwashed. Did she not do the muck run date? Or the farmer competition one? And didn't bathe after?


They rafted for like two seconds.

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I fail to see the logic in Kelsey's need to tell Chris.  If anything, it would make him less likely to pursue her knowing this is only 18th months behind her. It is a signal to back away or run!  

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I think both Juelia and Kelsey used their stories to stay for an extra week and manipulate Chris. They weren't confident in their chances in staying and didn't want to wait for a 1-on-1 date that would never happen to share them. That is my opinion, of course, but I saw no difference in the way they shared their stories.


The producers, editors, everyone associated with this show know exactly what they are doing with Kelsey, Britt and everyone else. They are getting people talking. If a contestant gets a bad edit, has to shut down her Twitter account, gets trashed in the media, then so be it. Think they give a crap? Nope.

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When my brother-in-law passed away, my father-in-law and not the funeral director, wrote his obituary. It wasn't a typical obit. This is what Sanderson's obit reminded me of. Kelsey obviously wrote it. She is completely using "her amazing story" to launch her career as a blogger. Her FB page says "writer" on it. I don't think she cares if she wins, but she wants to use this to show how incredible she is that she picked herself up from the trauma and lived life again. 


I don't think she anticipated how disingenuous she'd come off. 

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Ok - So MAYBE -  production messed with Kelsey.  There's nothing amazing about a story that goes " I married young, my husband died, and now I'm on a reality show".  (see, for example, other widow - Juelia?) 


However -  there could be an "interesting"  (not amazing) story about a widow who overcomes her grief and finds love again.  I've seen that movie, a few times, on TV (it usually happens around christmas, she's a cold bitch who doesn't believe, she finds a guy who helps her find meaning in life again, cue snowfall, cute kids, puppies) 

SO - maybe production asked her to talk about her "story"  as it would be if she ended up married to Chris after meeting him on the Bachelor.  OR, her "story"  about being rejected on the Bachelor and then becoming the next Bachelorette.  Maybe in the talking heads, THAT was the "story" they gave her to talk about. 


just speculating.   


Yeah, that's the only "favorable" context I could give it, and even then it makes her look completely deluded and stupid.  Anyone who goes into a show like this expecting to be shown in context hasn't been paying attention for the last 10 years.  As SugarJones noted, the producers and editors don't care how they make you look as long as they get to have their drama quota filled:



The producers, editors, everyone associated with this show know exactly what they are doing with Kelsey, Britt and everyone else. They are getting people talking. If a contestant gets a bad edit, has to shut down her Twitter account, gets trashed in the media, then so be it. Think they give a crap? Nope.



Kelsey's sister wrote a nice defense, but there's still a difference between how Kelsea told her widow "story" and how Juelia told her "story." To me Juelia told Chris about her husband's death because she felt it was important information for him to know before starting a relationship. I feel Kelsea looks at her story and told it as a way to get points and get advantage in a competition. It wasn't about sharing information in a relationship; it was about having a better story than the others. What's also off-putting is the certainty she has that Chris will be so moved by her story that she's promoted to the #1 spot. The pre-rose ceremony scene with the other girls seemed the creepiest when she seemed so certain she would not go home and saying she hated saying good-bye [to the girl who was leaving]while the other non-rose girls were nervous about their chances of staying. That scene did not seem too manipulated by editing.


I agree... couple that arrogance, and certainty in her odds of getting a rose, with the fact that an episode or two back she was telling someone about her dead husband with all the feeling of an Ice Queen, now her tears with Chris, and the fact that she immediately went in for the make-out session with him when she made her big reveal, and I still think she's pretty cold and calculating.  Maybe slightly less psychotic than the editors made her seem, but still pretty calculating and manipulative.

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There is no way in hell a girl like Britt would be happy on a farm. Chris probably realizes that which is why the FS might have been introduced a little early.  Whoever his choice is must not be happy seeing this footage (unless of course it IS Britt).


I really think that Chris was going to eliminate Kelsey and that is why he broke down....feeling the guilt after her story. He probably just couldn't go through with doing that and had to rethink about who he was willing to eliminate instead.  Just speculation of course.

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Something is so off with this AMAZING YET TRAGIC STORY. He had some kind of heart thingy I'm not sure the doctors were saying a lot of words and they weren't about me so why listen?


LOL Kelsey's sister can try but there's just too much to overcome.  Mean editing can't explain her conviction that as soon as Chris heard about her husbands tragic death he would want to make out with her and make her the front runner.  Even her sister just doesn't get it that, even in the best possible light, getting on with life after a year or so, doesn't make her unique or a "role model."


I do agree, though, that the crowd of camera people, directors and editors that we get a glimpse of whenever one of the girls runs off set with a panic attack, have a lot to do with how it's all put together at the end of taping, but I think it's probably more revealing than misleading.  They have to hang around watching these "ladies," all day long and half the night so if they decide to black box Jillian's butt because she has constantly talked about how great it is -- I get that.  If they show footage of Kelsey complaining about the group dates and saying she expects all the other girls to be jealous of her, and then follow it with last night's Wonderful Amazing Tragedy Adventure, then I believe it probably fits her over-all personality.


If they decide to show Ashley saying Britt never showers, then I believe it and figure it's something all the camera people have  noticed, just as they've probably noticed Britt telling the others that she isn't interested in marriage and children.  Maybe Britt 's big fabulous weave is brand new for the show and she's afraid if she washes it she won't get it back in shape?  I have no idea how these things work.  I don't know what Britt's ultimate plan is but I don't think the show could be considering her for B'ette and still showing her weaknesses. 

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I wish he could send Carly home. I know she has a rose and is safe but I think it would cruel to do anything but let her go. She feels WAY more for Chris than he does for her. It almost seems like she had one of those bungee jumping dates where they couple bonds. But since intimacy is her biggest fear maybe she feels bonded to Chris after that ridiculous "date" because they were both uncomfortable. I think he feels closer to her but he's just not physically attracted to her the way he is to some of the other women. She shouldn't take it personally, he doesn't seem all that attracted to Kaitlynn either and she's very pretty. Carly is cute but every time I see her she is dressed like someone's grandma who is on her way to bingo.  She was way over the top with her tears and jealousy over him taking Britt on the next date.

Edited by kira28
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If Britt were in contention for B'ette they would have edited out all the not showering stuff. It didn't serve any sort of storyline, like Kelsey's dead husband served a storyline, Chris walking out on the most dramatic rose ceremony ever if by ever one means this week. Even Jade falling out of the boat served the storyline of catty bitches being pissed that they don't have some kind of debilitation that would get them one on one time. Now, if Chris were turned on by the not showering (which he admits he is NOT) then yes, I could see them using it. And if Britt is not in the running to stay in the franchise, then yes, it's comic relief. But if they wanted her to be the next B'ette, there is no way they would have shown that.


I'm also not sure I believe it. Britt probably says it for attention because I have a feeling every single thing Britt has ever done in her life has been for attention. She seems like the type who says things to try to shock people. Like OMG, you haven't showered in a week? But you smell so good!" then she giggles girlishly as Kardashleian decides to change her virgin schtick to a non-showering virgin widow with extreme temperature reactions in her extremities schtick.

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I think I'd be a lot more sympathetic to Kelsey and her claims of "editing" if it wasn't for stuff like that IMdB bio which is just as tone-deaf and self-aggrandizing as her remarks on the show.  Or maybe she'll claim that the show's producers did that, too?

Edited by sistersue
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I think I'd be a lot more sympathetic to Kelsey and her claims of "editing" if it wasn't for stuff like that IMdB bio which is just as tone-deaf and self-aggrandizing as her remarks on the show.  Or maybe she'll claim that the show's producers did that, too?

And in the obituary. It is all very consistent. Also strange is setting up a website for her "amazing story" once the show is over. (And if she thinks she's going to become some advocate for grieving widows, she needs to work on her tone.) But I'm wondering why she's on IMDB? I thought that was for people who had careers in movies or television. Her biography really seems out of place there.


Also, does anyone know where she works as a guidance counselor? I'm thinking it may not be in a public school. 

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But I'm wondering why she's on IMDB? I thought that was for people who had careers in movies or television. Her biography really seems out of place there.


One would think! My sister has an IMDb page for helping out on a short film that no one ever saw, so being on a network show definitely qualifies her.


It turns out they all have pages. I doubt most of them even know.

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What an episode... most amazing evahhh! ;)  Random thoughts:


Carly and that first date - wow. I was so incredibly uncomfortable even watching that. I fast-forwarded through some of it because it was so gross to watch. Also, when the sex yoga lady kept making them breathe an inch in front of each others' faces I was hoping they had gotten plenty of breath mints first.


Jordan, I'm sorry but that was just stupid. I was surprised she didn't at least hang out longer for the freebie drinks though.


Whitney I liked her response to the whole Jordan situation. She seemed the most mature out of all of them in that situation.


Megan scared me with the whole "New Mexico!  I've never even been out of the country!" thing (paraphrasing). I thought she was kidding at first, then realized she was at least semi-serious.


Britt - I'm beginning to think she really does shower, but it's in the Bachelor's room hehe. I'm sure the camera crews would've caught her by now though. Still, she must. I mean she always looks pretty decent. I have to think that whole "waking Britt up" part was a set-up or preannounced because as others have said I'm fairly sure I would've screamed and swung at him if I were in bed asleep and suddenly someone's stroking my face. Plus there's the full makeup.


Kelsey scared the heck out of me with the amazingness of her story and I see I'm not alone. "I'm so lucky, it's amazing my husband dropped dead a block away from home, it's so wonderful!"  She seemed so incredibly self centered.


Jade and the hypothermia thing - someone mentioned Raynaud's and I was assuming it's the same thing she has. I have it too and it's quite freaky. Most of my body can be relatively warm, but if my feet get cold my toes will turn anywhere from blue to purple to translucent with no circulation at all, just from cold water.


Ashley just makes me laugh. She's so ridiculous I can't help but crack up every time she's on the screen.


I think there are a couple of other girls but I have forgotten who they are at this point.


I was a little bummed for no rose ceremony because I was pretty curious who he'd pick (or not) at this point.

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Welllll, isn't Miss Kelsey impressive with her own IMDB entry. Seems she's famous. Or infamous. For being a widow?


And Britt can certainly tell her side of showergate at "The Women Tell All". That's where all the good dirt gets dished.

Hi, been lurking here for a few weeks. On the IMDB under filmography it says how many episodes of The Bachelor Kelsey is on. Hope it's accurate.

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From her IMBD, this breaking news:


Did not apply to be a participant on The Bachelor, was nominated by a friend.




Oh, that changes everything!!!


Seriously, that IMBD is golden! 


How about this dramatic use. Of periods.


Moved to Sarasota, Florida two weeks after graduating high school. Alone. With only $1,000 to her name.



Hahahaha! I see an appearance on Bachelor in Paradise in her future.

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While I feel for anyone who loses a loved one…Kelsey, your story is not "amazing." There's not even enough in there for a Lifetime movie. You are hardly the first young woman to lose her husband prematurely. (Becoming a widow on your honeymoon when your new husband gets attacked by a shark? Now that's a story.)


Also, using her "story" to win Chris over was just all kinds of icky and manipulative. She wanted a pity rose, in other words. Maybe she'll last one more round but that was a fatal move. Men don't like to see women cry - it's in their nature to want to fix things, and when a woman is crying, it makes them feel helpless. (Or so Mr. Archer tells me.) And why did she use his full name, Sanderson Poe, while talking to Chris? Weird. I'm okay with someone sharing their story if it comes up organically, but she used her widowhood as a prop and as a way to get sympathy.


Carly reminds me a bit of Jane Krakowski.


Is it possible that Britt takes baths instead of showers?? Maybe she takes sponge baths? I also wondered if maybe she uses Wen, which allows you to skip a few days within washing your hair. There's no way she sleeps in makeup and doesn't have crappy skin, especially if she's not bathing. 

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My thought, too, is that maybe Britt takes sponge baths. Especially if there is a bidet in that big house, she can thoroughly cover all the bases. Maybe her hair is hard to maintain between washes and she doesn't want get into a steamy shower. They've said she doesn't shower. They haven't said she stinks.

I'm predicting Whitney for the winner. She may be too good for him but she doesn't think so. She seems to be there for the guy and not to be the next bachelorette . She is also mature and kind and has a very natural personality, unlike some of the whiners and schemes on the show.

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Oh, how could I forget to comment about yoga sex pervert's really bad wig? 


Kelsey is really nuts.    Not fun nuts, but creepy and gross nuts.  She's practically gleeful that her husband died and left her with a wonderful story, and cynic that I am,  probably a life insurance payout.  That Obit is freaking bizarre, it's more about her than him. 

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OMG I can't wait to see Ashley I explode when she gets eliminated.  She is not going to be graceful about it at all. Whitney on the other hand, is very smart the way she plays the game.  How does Britt not smell? They have been there 5 weeks, I am not buying the whole not showering thing.  And her Faux fear of heights was BS. She was my odds on favorite for the next Bachelorette, but now I think Kaitlyn would be  a much better choice. she doesn't give 2 F*C%S and I lover her.   

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