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S06.E13: May God Bless And Keep You Always

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In the excitement of her big day, Sarah surrounds herself with the original Braverman clan. Meanwhile, Hank approaches Zeek for his blessing and asks Drew for a special favor. Amber adjusts to life as a new mom with a little help from her grandparents. Julia and Joel get a phone call that forces a life-changing decision. Max gets his first job, while Crosby and Adam reach an understanding about the Luncheonette. Kristina presents Adam with a new plan for the future of Chambers Academy, and for their family.


I thought the wedding was very well done for the most part. 


So sad that Zeke died at the end. It reminded me a lot of Mark Greene's death on ER. At least he went peacefully.


I'm glad that Crosby kept the Luncheonette. Don't care about Snowflake Academy. 


So Ryan ends up being in the picture for Zeek, Jr. and Amber has a new guy. 


I didn't notice Jasmine's pregnancy. I will have to go back and take another look.


Joel and Julia had another (biological?) kid besides Victor's half-sister. Nice.


All in all, a satisfying ending. I will miss the show, warts and all.

  • Love 4

I have a lot to say about the finale but one thought is clouding my mind...was that SCOTT PORTER with Amber in the end??

Yay for J/J having (adopting?) yet another child! Of course they needed to make Jasmine pregnant & Sarah with another kid I'm sure...

Yes - my first thought was "That's who George ends up with"

I got the impression that the fourth baby was theirs. Also, Sarah didn't have another kid, I think that was Amber's second.

Of course no Hattie look into the future.

  • Love 2

In spite of all the criticisms, that was a fine send off for the show. Sarah looked lovely at the wedding and Camille got to go to the little French village.

I can't believe my prediction in the "How will the show end?" thread was actually true - babies for everyone! Not only was Jasmine pregnant, Joel and Julia had two more babies in the flash forward! And Amber had a second baby and a new guy!

Max graduated and actually smiled and even hugged Nora, although I'm stunned he wasn't valedictorian. Career success for Crosby and Adam, and Kristina becomes some sort of Snowflake Tycoon.

Zeke dies peacefully in his reading chair and the family spreads his ashes on the ball field. Happy endings for everyone except Haddie, who could have become an astronaut who does brain surgery in her spare time, but we'll never know.

I give them credit for bringing back everyone, including Amber's baby daddy and Hank's daughter, even for bit roles.

  • Love 10

Poor, forgotten Haddie.   Everyone got an ending except her. Does she have a girlfriend/wife, children?  Who knows?

Most of the kids didn't get "endings" in any real sense (which makes sense). I don't care about Haddie anyway.

Jason Street, snitches! Luke and Jason Street sharing the same screen. Awesome. One last Friday Night Lights tip of the cap.

  • Love 5

I am not a monster, but that just felt like a giant wrap party to me. Zeek dead in the chair was the tropiest of tropes. Lazy. (the writing, not the dead guy). OK, maybe I AM a monster.


So did Joel and Julia and their magically healed marriage end up with TWO more kids? (I did have to laugh when Joel said "where are we going to put another kid?" Oh I don't know... in your GIANT HOUSE?)


Anyway... what was once a great show really went out on a low note for me. But it seemed like they were enjoying themselves so, yay?

Edited by panthergirl13
  • Love 12

I loved this show, and loved to be mad at this show. And I loved every sappy, sentimental moment of the finale. It even produced tears and I'm pretty heartless most of the time. I'll miss it.

But let's talk about the real champion of the series, whomever coordinated the music. Absolutely pitch perfect (pun intended).

  • Love 14

I thought it was a touching ending. I'm a sap apparently because I lost my shit at the end and full on ugly cried. I loved this series and will miss it.

Nice that they showed everyone's future, but as a previous poster mentioned, a little sad Haddie was forgotten.

I ugly cried, too. It doesn't help that my parents are close to that age, and I worry about them.


I loved it, but I am a sap. 

  • Love 8

Wait - Adam and Christina have an older daughter? Who knew?


Other than that, I reveled in that ending and getting to see into the future a little bit. I don't care that it was a bit unrealistic or tropey with all the additional babies and giant success for everyone. It made me happy. It's what I wanted for them. I had my issues with this series, most of them in the Adam Braverman clan, but I am glad I came back for the final season and I enjoyed the hell out of that ending.

  • Love 6

I ugly cried as well.  Mostly because my own father died in his sleep a week ago.  Sadly, he was a bit younger than Zeek (62).  So yeah, that hit a little too close to home.  This show really had a way of reflecting things that I went through in my life.  It both helps and hurts at the same time.


I'll miss this show.  I had my issues with it and was annoyed by almost every character, but I'll miss it.

  • Love 24

Those last 10 minutes made me forgive a lot I've had problems with throughout the last two seasons. Despite making Max particularly loathsome for quite some time I admit I smiled seeing him laugh and smile while playing baseball and I appreciated them throwing that in. I went from my eyes pooling up with tears watching everyone (accept poor Haddie of course) to full on "HOLY SHIT SCOTT PORTER!" but I'm a total FNL whore. Seeing Ryan happy and part of his child's life for a brief second was a nice touch as well.


As much as I've felt the whole Sarah and Hank story has been forced the last two seasons, thinking back and looking at tonight I have to say Ray Ramano has been pretty damn spectacular on this show.

  • Love 6

I felt like there were a lot of great moments and not so great moments in the finale.  I couldn't get over the whole Christina gets a job where she can create schools like Chambers Academy for lots of money.  It was ridiculous and while I guess I should have expected something of that sort I would have preferred that Adam get the water company job.  Not everybody gets some crazy dream world fantasy.


I also thought Joel and Julia adopting right after getting back together was a horrible idea.  But apparently it worked out great and then they get pregnant.  If they had this plan in mind for the finale why couldn't they have at least gotten back together at the start of the season and had time to heal their marriage. 


I really loved the flash forwards at the end but how much trouble would it have been to include Haddie and a girlfriend possibly with one of them pregnant?  I also think they could have easily cast a little blonde girl to play Nora at the graduation.  She would have been at least seven years old when Max graduated so I find it hard to believe she wouldn't have come a long.  Most seven year olds with perhaps something to color or do quietly can sit through a long ceremony.  Everyone else had all their kids included why not Adam and Christina?  Alternately perhaps they could have shown Haddie with Camille in Europe or something.  Just something!  Even Ryan got included why not her?

  • Love 11

Snowflake Tycoon.


I love this!


Zeek dead in the chair was the tropiest of tropes. Lazy. (the writing, not the dead guy). OK, maybe I AM a monster.

And it was so atypical of them After endless episodes where they show each and every family member's reaction to The Phone Call and then all the Family Gathers in the ER scenes, I thought wow, way too late to pretend you're not a drama queen Parenthood.

Well I've seen worse series finales, that's for sure. I've been hate-watching this for so long I was pretty surprised to feel sentimental about them all.

  • Love 7

Yeah the only thing I'm irritated about is Haddie didn't get any closure. It would've been nice to see her with a girlfriend and Nora of course at Max's graduation. It wouldn't have taken away from anyone else's screentime since the three of them could've been standing in front of all the adults on the stairs.

Why do all the LGBT characters in dramas like these get no attention? It's really glaring.

  • Love 5

"Alternately perhaps they could have shown Haddie with Camille in Europe or something.  Just something!  Even Ryan got included why not her?"

Yes. I would have liked to see Camille with some company for that trip... it depressed me to think of her going all by herself and missing Zeek. Haddie could have gone with her... or Drew. Or Tim Riggins, for that matter. Someone.

I was really hoping to see Max end up in jail, but I know that's just asking too much. At least Joel and Julia had a satisfying ending.

  • Love 17

Other than Kristina not being the one who died and being a little irritated that she's getting rewarded for creating Snowflake Academy, I was OK with finale. I did think that the joyous baseball game so soon after Zeek died (the new babies were still really tiny) was odd. That scene could have been set months later and been effective.

Amber's new dude meant nothing to me. I've never seen him before.

  • Love 6

Yes. I would have liked to see Camille with some company for that trip... it depressed me to think of her going all by herself and missing Zeek.

On the other hand, considering the cast of characters, at least this way the trip was about her and for her, instead of just being the backdrop to someone else's problems. (I mean really, would you want to travel anywhere with any of those people? It's tough enough sitting next to them in a diner or a hospital waiting room.)

  • Love 6

Really, seriously, at least Camille got an ending.   She really had only slightly more to do than Haddie in the whole series.  And I can totally fanwank that she met her art class there.    


But honestly?    I didn't hate that ending nearly as much as I might have.   

Still think I would have liked this season more though if killing Zeek didn't take up so many episodes, though.

  • Love 3

Yeah, I figured the fourth child of Julia and Joel's in the flash forward was a bio-baby Bc that baby had red hair like Joel.

I was shocked by the Victor having a half-sister thing Bc wasn't his mom locked up? The gal gets around on those conjugal visits then.

I figured we find out that Julia was pregnant eventually.

So Haddie and Nora don't even show up for Max's graduation? I'm thinking perhaps he murdered them both, along with the dog and Adam and Kristina covered for him...it makes sense.

The flash forward thing threw me at first Bc I was thinking damn, Zeke dies then Millie takes off for Paris and leaves Amber high and dry.

It irked me that Drews girlfriend was in that huge family picture at the wedding. I could see Jasmine's mom being in a photo like that but I would draw the line at Natalie being in it. Damn skank.

That wedding dress was doing Lauren Graham no favors, the cleavage then the gloves. Ugh. She is so damn beautiful but she must have pissed the dresser off on this show.

When Zeke was walking her down the aisle I got misty eyed, but it's Bc we never got a true Richard Gilmore walking Lorelai down the aisle and now we never will.

  • Love 10

Yeah I am also upset that Haddie didn't get her ending.  I find it hard to believe she wouldn't show up to her brother's graduation.  Perhaps it would have also been cool to have Adam Kristina and the family attend her graduation.  Given that she has had relationships with both men and women, I would have even been happy for her to end up with a man maybe even Alex , for us to see her with a girlfriend and Camille in Europe, or something! It just seemed bizarre.  Besides that, it was great to see everyone with a happy ending.  

  • Love 6

Last week when Adam told his mentoree (soufflé) that he hasn't found his passion yet, I predicted he would stay at the school, and Crosby would helm The Luncheonette himself, with Amber's help. They all get their happy ending! Hey, why not? I thought it was cute when Crosby told Amber he would be the new Adam, and he needed her to be the new Crosby.

I thought the flash-forward montage was really well done and sentimental and sweet. Also kind of Six Feet Under-ish, which made sense for SFU, being a show about death and how we all die, but here? Then someone mentioned upthread that the movie ended with lots of babies, so that makes a little sense.

Hilarious to see Jason Street at the end! Mae/Amber is a huge FNL fan, so that was kind of cute.

It was definitely weird that they would show everyone's future except for Haddie. Has there been friction with the actress? Maybe just unavailablity due to her being at school? Money issues?

  • Love 2

If Haddie hadn't been in the episode at all then it would have made sense that she was missing from the end.  But clearly she came to film some scenes (wedding and spreading Zeke's ashes) so I don't understand why she couldn't have been in Max's graduation scene.  And with all the little ones they cast for the flash forwards why couldn't they have bothered getting a little blonde girl to be Nora?  All she would have had to do was stand there clapping and smiling. 


Also did Hank and Sarah buy a house?  It looked like they were at their house and that seems like an odd move since they didn't have any children living with the fulltime when they got married.  Also for their wedding why didn't they include Ruby. As obnoxious as I find her it seemed weird to me that both of Sarah's children would be up there with them while Ruby was sitting in the audience.  It's not like they're a traditional couple so why not have two maids of honor or whatever. 

  • Love 7

Oh my gosh, this stupid show.  I hate this stupid show.  I am constantly a wreck when I watch it and tonight was the end of all the tears I had.  I cried from beginning to end.  Most of it was pretty predictable, but I thought it was a nice send off for the Bravermans.  I'm glad they got an ending and I'm satisfied with all of it because it was wrapped up neatly.*


I spent the whole episode waiting for Zeek to die.  When Camille called his name, I just knew he was a goner.  I was half expecting him to drop dead walking Sarah down the aisle.  I'm also going to confess to making the ugliest cry sound when she ended up in France. 


Also, Amber marries George Tucker!  George Tucker!  I didn't watch Friday Night Lights but I love Hart of Dixie and George Tucker!  He's too good for her though. 


It was nice to see the cast being themselves in a few of the baseball shots.  We got a few smiles from Max, which I believe were from the actual Max and not the pod person we've seen for 6 years.  I wish they would have developed his character more, they tried to make strides with him in this episode and it just made me sad. 


*If it hadn't been the final episode, I would have been spitting nails at the expanding Snowflake Academy and Crosby suddenly being a businessman and the Luncheonette being profitable again.

  • Love 6

I'm glad I'm not the only one who was upset that Haddie got short shrift in the wrap up. I was so bothered by that!!!!


I thought it was interesting to show that Crosby's lack of self-confidence was why he thought he had to have Adam to continue the business. He's one of the few characters on the show who really, truly grew and matured, and having him realize his own competence was a nice capper for that arc.


I kept thinking for the past few episodes that now that Zeek was ailing, Camille would never travel, after all the trouble they went to to make it possible for her to do so, and how sad it was that having repaired their marriage, she would still have this road not traveled scenario. So when Zeek died, while I was very sad, I also saw it as a way she was liberated to pursue her dreams. I know that sounds terrible. It's not that I thought it wasn't sad, but it's both things, not either/or. When they showed her in France, I thought: I guess the show thought so, also. It is really hard to continue after losing a long-term partner like that. My best friend died almost 5 years ago and her husband of 40+ years is still not over the loss, and I don't know if he ever will be. So seeing Camille face that was bittersweet, and I like that the show did finally give air to this issue. Most TV is geared to the concerns of people in their 20s and 30s.


My complaints against this show are many, but I was glad there were at least a few redeeming features in the send-off.


ETA one more complaint! In the scene where Camille and Zeek invite Amber to come and live with them, Amber hugs Zeek, but hardly even thanks Camille. I really wanted her to hug Camille also. There's just some way that it felt so cold and unbalanced.

Edited by possibilities
  • Love 6

Ehhh. It was alright. The only time I cried is when Cameal (however you spell the wife's name) , called out out Zekes name, I knew he was dead. But as for the rest of this sappy show? Nah, I just can't stand Christine and her gazing at her loved ones in the background, ALWAYS! Who does that? You could definitely get a glimps of what the real Max in real life is like for a few seconds there, but not that I'm not happy about everyone's 'happily ever after ending', too much happiness!

I’ll admit I teared up for a minute during the ending montage, but then I was like, ‘wait a second, I don’t even like any of these people anymore, why am I getting so emotional?” But the episode was nicely done and it’s always sad to say goodbye.


The wedding was lovely but I hated Sarah's dress. 


I was more shocked by Julia and Joel’s puppy addition than the second baby. Four kids, 2 of them babies, and you’re going to willingly add the hassle of a new puppy to your household? Good luck with that. And I guess Joel built two additional rooms.


Considering the writers were handing out babies like they were Oprah during her favorite things giveaway (you get a baby!! you get a baby!! everybody gets a baby!!), I was glad that the baby boom spared Sarah and Hank. For one, she’s probably too old, although that never seems to be a problem on TV, but Sarah has explicitly said she was done having children and she and Hank are obviously in a different stage of life and are clearly happy and settled together with their little blended family of older children + grandchildren. It was also great to see Ryan in a healthy and happy place.


They should have made Amber’s step-daughter a little older than Little Zeek because it wasn’t clear from the montage that she was the husband’s kid. I initially thought Amber immediately got herself knocked up again and had another kid with a different guy until I read Katims' interview.


Fitting that the flash forward for Adam and Kristina’s family focused solely on Max and left out those pesky daughters of theirs that are always trying to steal Max’s thunder.


I found Camille going to visit the hotel in France Zeek wanted to show her surprisingly touching. And nice ending for Crosby and family as well. A bit predictable that everyone got their happy ending but nice to see nonetheless. 

Edited by Everleigh
  • Love 14

That sure was a Braverman wrap-party.


About the absence of Haddie, I am torn between two possibilities: the writers left her out just to torture us because some of us have complained since year one about her second class citizenship; or she died because she's a lesbian, the tv trope we can't seem to get rid of even in the 21st century.

  • Love 4

Bastards! I know, I know, Zeke wasn't going to live forever but I was hoping as it got so close to the end of the episode that I would be spared from his death. "Only 10 minutes to go, all clear!..never mind." That was the point when I really started to cry.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't recall ever seeing Max smile until this episode. I choose to believe that offsceen Dylan got a restraining order and that there had also been more than one assault charge filed against him by others. When Haddie was rattling off all of his alleged wonderful qualities, I said out loud, "Please don't say funny!" Luckily, she didn't appear to be as delusional as her parents in that regard.


The only characters I've really cared about for a while were Joel and Julia, so I was thrilled to see them get back together this season. If they hadn't, I wouldn't have been satisfied with the ending.

Edited by Scout Finch
  • Love 2

Add me to the ugly crying group!  I really liked the finale - I'll miss the Bravermans.


The scene that really got me was when Zeke and Camille were standing back watching their family bunch up for a group picture.  The two of them standing there, watching their kids and grandkids laughing and gathered together, reminded me of my own parents.  They've been married over 50 years now and are about the same age as Zeke and Camille.  Family gatherings, with all 4 kids, 10 grandkids and now 2 great-grandkids, are hard to come by but when they happen, my parents, especially my dad, always take a moment to step back and just see what the two of them have created.  I've actually heard my dad say "We did good, didn't we?" to my mom before.  That scene just got me.  All the love and pride while looking at their family.


Trope or no, Camille calling Zeke's name had me saying No, no, no, out loud at the TV.  The scenes with Zeke and Sarah were beautiful.  I pretty much enjoyed the entire show with few exceptions.

Too much Max!  I swear, he had more screen time than anyone else!  I just find Max and in conjunction with him, Christina and Adam, so damn annoying.  I could care less about Haddie as well, I find her just as annoying as the rest of her family.  Less scenes with all of them would've been fine by me. 


All in all, IMO, a good series finale.  And Jason Street at the end - so awesome, we just needed Tim Riggins to make an appearance!

Edited by 2Old2BAFangirl
  • Love 3

Skimming through the comments.

apparently most people were not displeased but I don't think I can watch it. Too cheesy (my opinionated guess, based on what I've read here)

Too many babies, because apparently if you don't have a child (or many) you are not good enough - yeah, the name of the show is "Parenthood" but I would prefer a twist, or some out of the box storyline. Maybe that's why Haddie wasn't there, she is not good enough  for the Bravermans

Everyone seems to be happy, well adjusted, mature and thriving. I know, why throw in the last episode sadness and "reality"? That's why i think it is too cheesy for me

Good riddance Bravermans. May a family like yours never come up on my screen again.

  • Love 3

I must be in the minority because I wasn't overly moved by the ending. To me, it seemed pretty predictable -- just read the "How will Parenthood end?" thread see how many story lines actually came true.


Poor Haddie, still the redheaded stepchild. I'm surprised they even bothered to bring her back, let alone give her a scene with actual lines!


I'm glad Zeke's death was more quiet and peaceful rather than a big production in a hospital with people fawning and weeping over him.


Hated Sarah's dress (and the gloves!!), but I have to admit it was nicer than the dress LG was supposed to wear when Lorelai was going to marry Luke on Gilmore Girls (that dress was hideous).


Adios Bravermans. You all got the happy endings we expected because after all, you are Bravermans and everything magically works out for you!

  • Love 10
I am not a monster, but that just felt like a giant wrap party to me. Zeek dead in the chair was the tropiest of tropes. Lazy. (the writing, not the dead guy). OK, maybe I AM a monster.

So did Joel and Julia and their magically healed marriage end up with TWO more kids? (I did have to laugh when Joel said "where are we going to put another kid?" Oh I don't know... in your GIANT HOUSE?)

Anyway... what was once a great show really went out on a low note for me. But it seemed like they were enjoying themselves so, yay?


Yes, thank you.


I felt very underwhelmed and this is coming from someone that has been pretty moved by a lot of the episodes this season.  I liked the episode up until Zeke's death, and then I found the rest to be too fast and too much.  I felt like after all of the buildup they have Zeke die in a way that is brushed over like nothing happened--if they were going to do that they should have just decided not to have him die.  He could have been a part of the ending at a baseball field (suppose he had the surgery and it went well).  I understand they didn't have time to show grieving, but to go from throwing the ashes to no tears from anyone and just a bunch of laughter?  That sounds nice but doubtful given the tears they have already shared even while he was still alive.  


And then all of these scenes with all of these random new people and babies was a bit much.  We have watched this show for a few years now, and not nearly that much has happened that fast--I don't think we need to think that much will happen to the characters in just a few years more.  I don't see why they had to show Amber with a guy...they could have just shown her with her child, and same thing with Julia/Joel--adding another baby to the mix though nice for them just felt like a bit much.  And yes, of course Jasmine pregnant too.  


I am glad so many of you liked it....I was really disappointed in it.  I think they could have simplified the ending, and done better with Zeke's death (or not have him die).

  • Love 5

I was fairly satisfied with the finale and I teared up a few times.  But I was not so bowled over that I didn't snerk at Kristina's news flash that she'd been courted by a non-profit to open up more amazing Snowflake Academies.  Or to be annoyed as usual at Max's horrid behavior as he snatched the phone from his dad and then corrected his parents on THEIR listening skills, with no consequences as usual!  And suddenly he had mad skillz at taking photos of people, even posed photos (which he hates) and suddenly gained the ability to say hello to people and to smile.  Yeah, right!  But I still teared up and was happy to see most of the stories happily ended. 

  • Love 8

In a way it kind of had to be predictable, so that everything would make sense given what has transpired during the past season.


I had to laugh at the heavy dose of magical thinking, whereby Crosby taps his ruby slippers together and realizes that he had the ability all along to run the Luncheonette on his own, and that Kristina has other options that allow Adam to step into a headmaster role, etc. etc.


Since I haven't been watching that long, I was mostly immune to the tears, but Joel and Julia adopting the baby got to me, I have to admit. And as someone with a child who has struggled with learning and emotional issues, I could actually relate to how huge it was for Kristina and Adam to see Max dance with a girl (apparently without breaking into a tirade or sexually harrassing her) and then graduate from high school. Otherwise, I think the finale was probably most satisfying to the creator and the actors, which is sometimes how it goes.

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