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Talking Dead: Where Chris Hardwick Got His Groove Back

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I liked the reference; I didn't like that it was used to support his opinion that EK did great acting with her back. I wish Sarah Silverman had been there for that one.

I didn't mind this because he was right in my mind. Now it may have been good directing, but that opening scene when Beth wakes in the hospital room was really well done. 


Barrowman wasn't as bad as I thought he might be, but there was still too much of him being in love with the sound of his own voice, and I groaned when he brought up Sarah Palin. No one should be saying her name on TV at this point. Not only does it give her more celebrity, it also brings a lot of hate onto the show and onto the cast, and onto Hardwick, because he decided to make it political for a haha moment that wasn't even funny. If there are any FOX News articles about the evil liberalism of Walking Dead, he's the reason why.


The Palin 'stans went nuts on twitter after that comment. I didn't think the joke landed, but I also didn't think it was a big deal. I don't mind Barrowman, then again, I knew what to expect. He's always been a hyper fanboy. That's just who he is.

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Talking Dead continues to pull in big viewership at 10pm after TWD -- nearly 6 million this week, up nearly a million viewers from two weeks ago.  Mulaney on Fox would kill for these kind of numbers.  Heck, it beat out Skyscraper Live for total viewers -- and there wasn't even a hint of a chance that anyone would die.



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Talking Dead continues to pull in big viewership at 10pm after TWD -- nearly 6 million this week, up nearly a million viewers from two weeks ago.  Mulaney on Fox would kill for these kind of numbers.  Heck, it beat out Skyscraper Live for total viewers -- and there wasn't even a hint of a chance that anyone would die.



I don't know. Someone could have choked to death on one of those lollipops.

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So in the extra preview we got last night, Abraham is stomping the hell out of some dude. Was it just me, or did the guy look like he had a cop uniform on? BDUs of some sort? He was clearly inside a building. What are the chances Abraham is in the hospital? Maybe Beth and Maggie WILL be reunited?

I was thinking it was part of his back story, because he was wearing a plaid shirt that we've never seen.

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Yes, I'm sure you're right. I was paying so much attention to whom he was stomping, that I wasn't paying much attention to Abraham. But I now remember Gimple saying, when he was on TTD, that there would be more flashbacks this season. 

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I'm really enjoying Eugene and Abraham on The Talking Dead. The actors are really entertaining.

Agreed. Although, I find it distracting that Cudlitz's hair matches the bricks in the background.

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I am really enjoying this episode of Talking Dead. It is funny as hell. Much better than I thought it would be.


I agree with In Cuditz that there would be lots more sex in the Zombie Apocalypse.


Under the same circumstances, I expect I'd be trying to lay everything that wasn't labeled carpet from Dalton.  But hey, that's just me.

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Under the same circumstances, I expect I'd be trying to lay everything that wasn't labeled carpet from Dalton.  But hey, that's just me.


At minimum, I cannot imagine anyone waiting for three dates to have sex when they have a strong connection with someone. I always remember Dale asking Glenn what he was thinking when he told him that he had sex with Maggie. Glenn replied that he could die at any time. Who would waste a precious second? The show is weirdly sexless.

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I thought it was Carol as well, but even before she walked out I remembered that they BURY the ones they love, burn the rest. So who the hell are they burning??? It's not Beth. Too obvious. Noah's going to be on TTD next week. Maybe him?

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This might be one of the most, if not the most entertaining episodes of Talking Dead ever.

OMG so much this.  Of course, the last of the cognac might be assisting in my evaluation....

I thought it was Carol as well, but even before she walked out I remembered that they BURY the ones they love, burn the rest. So who the hell are they burning??? It's not Beth. Too obvious. Noah's going to be on TTD next week. Maybe him?


that's the old rule - before the dead started automatically turning, bit or not.

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They've still been burying their people. They buried people at the prison. Carol and Tyrese buried the girls. You can stab them through the head real quick before burying them. 


I wouldn't care if it was Beth, but I just don't think it is. 

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I've watched a few different after-show shows (Bates Motel, SoA, and The Deadliest Catch aftershows). I have to say, Chris Hardwicke does a great job, funny and smart. The others are trying to find their way I guess, but CH and Mike Rowe have nailed it. 

I thought it was Carol as well, but even before she walked out I remembered that they BURY the ones they love, burn the rest. So who the hell are they burning??? It's not Beth. Too obvious. Noah's going to be on TTD next week. Maybe him?

Seemed too short to be Noah....

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I've watched a few different after-show shows (Bates Motel, SoA, and The Deadliest Catch aftershows). I have to say, Chris Hardwicke does a great job, funny and smart. The others are trying to find their way I guess, but CH and Mike Rowe have nailed it. 

Seemed too short to be Noah....


A helluva lot better than that twit they have doing the SOA aftershow, to be sure.

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I wasn't looking forward to one with two characters I'm not all that interested in, but Cudlitz and McDermitt were likeable, had smart answers, had a good rapport with Hardwick and Gale Anne Hurd (who must have been thrilled compared to the Marilyn Manson fiasco), They were also much more amusing than just about any "comedian" the show has ever had, minus YNB.


It just makes me want more and more cast/crew and less and less of the D-listers.

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That was a fantastic episode of TTD. The actual WD episode was not at all my favorite, but wow, I like those two characters so much more now that I've seen them interact and goof off. McDermitt's "if it were John Stamos you'd love the mullet!" and Cudlitz's fist-pounding "sex NOW" reasoning were hilarious (and completely accurate). Combine that with Rosita's new-found vocal cords and I actually don't mind the Comix Crew any more.

Edited by Dewey Decimate
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This might be one of the most, if not the most entertaining episodes of Talking Dead ever.


Agreed, Josh and Michael were both delightful.  I hope Eugene survives because I want to see Josh on Talking Dead again.  He can have a permanent spot on the couch next to Yvette Nicole Brown.


ETA: Hardwick did a callback of Bob from Chattanooga.  That was funny.

Edited by GreyBunny
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I loved MC whispering, "I think the mullet is hot" into JM's ear and their resulting snuggle.  I was waiting for JM to kiss Hardwick too after he kissed both MC and Gail Anne Hurd. 


Talking Dead has a lot of peaks and valleys from week to week, but this was definitely one of the better episodes.  I think I'd say that even if MC wasn't my TV boyfriend.  I'd love to see Cudlitz and McDermitt show up with Scott Gimple sometime.  That would be comedy gold. 

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I knew from long Southland fandom that Cudlitz would be a joy to watch out of character, but McDermitt was surprisingly delightful as well. By the end of the show I was thinking of him as a mulleted Taran Killam, and am now willing to suffer Eugene's presence on TWD to allow for more appearances by his actor on the aftershow. Gale Anne Hurd goes up with Nicotero as great people from behind-the-scenes, she seemed very comfortable on camera and managed to be informative, funny, and avoid spoilers without making me feel like I was being taunted with them. A great episode, all told.

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This is probably a dumb question, but why do so many people abbreviate Talking Dead as TTD? Is it a joke, like people saying "The Walmarts" instead of "Walmart"?  For some reason, every time I see "TTD," a tiny part of my brain explodes.

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This is probably a dumb question, but why do so many people abbreviate Talking Dead as TTD? Is it a joke, like people saying "The Walmarts" instead of "Walmart"?  For some reason, every time I see "TTD," a tiny part of my brain explodes.

I'd guess posters are just paralleling "TWD."


Try to keep your brain intact, Portia. We need you.

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I got to see Josh McDermitt at Walker Stalker Con and liked him from there, he's the only reason I have sympathy for Eugene. And I know I'm capable of liking Cudlitz because of his appearances elsewhere, I just don't care about Ford. I wish Talking Dead could expand to like Beth hate but I know the partnership they have with the show they can't actively ridicule characters. But my mind can. 


And I am so glad someone mentioned the dude who does the after show for SOA, who is that guy? You gotta think it's somebody, a writer? somebody in the know of the show? but he is sooooo bad! I like Talking Dead because it brings humor to a heavy show and I like the geeky enthusiasm Chris Hardwick has for Breaking Bad and Talking Dead, things in his wheelhouse. The SOA guy is just awkward interviews. He's as bad at interviewing as Otto aka Kurt Sutter is at acting. (I know Otto is the writer/auteur of SOA and he might be a friggin genius, he just is NOT a good actor)

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And I am so glad someone mentioned the dude who does the after show for SOA, who is that guy? You gotta think it's somebody, a writer? somebody in the know of the show? but he is sooooo bad! I like Talking Dead because it brings humor to a heavy show and I like the geeky enthusiasm Chris Hardwick has for Breaking Bad and Talking Dead, things in his wheelhouse. The SOA guy is just awkward interviews.

I was the one who mentioned him - and I don't know his name, nor do I want to.

He may be a great guy in real life, but as an interviewer he sucks sulfuric acid.

He'd need a year's worth of training just to attain the lofty heights of "awkward".

Every time he opens his mouth, the art of conversation DIES.

A cardboard cutout could do a better job; at least, it wouldn't actively interfere.


He's as bad at interviewing as Otto aka Kurt Sutter is at acting. (I know Otto is the writer/auteur of SOA and he might be a friggin genius, he just is NOT a good actor)

Yet Sutter is Academy Award material compared this this frikkin' guy.

Ok, ok, I know. Wrong show. I'll shut up now. And pray Chris Hardwick never gets sick enough for TPTB to have to look around for a sub.

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For some unknown reason my season pass of Talking Dead keeps deleting itself. Yes my DVR is getting full but this is the only thing that deletes itself??? But the SOA guys make sure I get the damn after show because they tack it on to the episode. I'm just waiting out the torturous end, I have to finish the show but every week I'm like "wtf? 2 hours?" and then it's this crap tacked on. But they keep losing Talking Dead for me. 

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I watched again this morning, because I'm posting while I live watch and I can miss things. I have to say, the funniest moment for me was when they were discussing who would win a Rick-Abraham brawl, and McDermitt says Rick has "old man strength" and then starts talking about the power in his grey beard. It was so freaking hilarious, but then I got a bit defensive of my Rick. I'm all, "Hey, he's not old! He's been under a lot of stress. If you'd ever met Lori, you'd know. Then he's gotta deal with Carl and his pudding needs. It's a lot, okay? Cut him a break". 

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But what's Franjola's "day job"? How in the living hell did he get a job hosting the after show? Does he work for Harley Davidson? Does he make leather jackets? Is he the guy that puts the fake scar on Katie Sagal's chest before each show?


Chris Hardwick has 19 jobs, he's a professional nerd/fanboy. It helps that he knows his subject and is well versed in it. Franjola is like a 6th grader giving a book report on a book he didn't read. He's the character from Saturday Night live that kept asking Paul McCartney "remember that one time, you went to the one place and those dudes did that thing?"

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I have to say, the funniest moment for me was when they were discussing who would win a Rick-Abraham brawl, and McDermitt says Rick has "old man strength" and then starts talking about the power in his grey beard. It was so freaking hilarious, but then I got a bit defensive of my Rick.


And also, Andrew Lincoln is only like 5 years older than he is (and nearly 10 years younger than Cudlitz). 

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So a man who is ten years older than Andrew Lincoln is saying that his character (who is five years older than Rick) would beat Rick in a fight?  And who is the old man in this scenario?


What he should have said was that his character had more hand to hand combat training than Rick, so he thinks that in a fight Abraham would eventually win.  Then he should have said that Abraham had respect for Rick so wouldn't pick a fight anyway.


This could have led nicely to Abraham and pals returning to Rick's group and Abraham becoming a subordinate to Rick because Abraham was trained to follow orders, but Rick was more of a leader in his post-ZA job.

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So a man who is ten years older than Andrew Lincoln is saying that his character (who is five years older than Rick) would beat Rick in a fight?  And who is the old man in this scenario?


McDermitt was the one who said it, and apparently he's younger than Andrew Lincoln. I really had no idea about any of their ages, figured they were probably all in the same general range. I didn't take if as Josh trying to be snarky, just razzing him like they all do each other. And also, Rick does kind of have that wiry look of an old man who will shock you with his strength. But really, with Rick having all the grey in his beard, that just shows that Eugene and Abraham have been living too cushy so far in the ZA. Rick needs to put those bastards to work and see how long that red nightmare lasts. 

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Yes, apparently association with Rick has turned Daryl's hair from dirty blond to the brownest brown. Of course, that just means Abraham might be sporting Ronald McDonald red real soon and not so much the gray!

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