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S05.E08: Wining And Dining

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I don't disagree with you, but I hate Brandi and haven't read her books, so I had no idea abidea about theout the STD, and Jeff said he didn't either. Are we all supposed to know this detail about her?


Of course not.  She seemed to think he knew and took his comment personally.  I do not think it would justify another wine toss either way.  I do know that I feel bad when I hurt someone's feelings, even when it's accidental.  Brandi's burned another bridge and her life sucks.  It doesn't get me excited.

  • Love 3

Of course not.  She seemed to think he knew and took his comment personally.  I do not think it would justify another wine toss either way.  I do know that I feel bad when I hurt someone's feelings, even when it's accidental.  Brandi's burned another bridge and her life sucks.  It doesn't get me excited.

Well they practically went skipping out of the clubhouse holding hands after the after-show (Jeff and Brandi), so it appears she's fine. Like you, Jeff truly felt bad that he hurt her feelings, and he apologized. I wonder if this will teach Brandi that saying racist shit is hurtful, that disclosing personal information can be damaging, that spreading gossip can hurt people's feelings, even if it's the so-called "truth." Or is she the only one that can be victimized?

  • Love 10

OMG I had the worst case of second hand embarrassment tonight. Brandi was atrocious. And soo creepy. Eileen should get a restraining order.

Man, I am super close with my parents, but we never did the sobbing going away ordeal that each of the wives does whenever one of their kids leaves. Wtf.

As bad as Brandi is, and she is horrible, I didn't think she was coming on to Babyface and it was humiliating the way David called her out. Maybe he is so used to her being inappropriate, he just assumed she was flirting. Or maybe he is a jerk. Perhaps both!

If Yolanda lost her voice for two years, wtf is this shit I have been hearing for the past two years? I think Ken and Lisa would beg to differ.

Edited by Brooke0707
  • Love 6

I really enjoyed how Eileen has Brandi's number. She listened to her politely but was open about how crazy she looked and insulted she felt. Afterwards when Brandi tried to garner sympathy by saying she was having a bad day and she cried Eileen said something like "Good, you should." She's upfront and honest with Brandi and it just makes Brandi look worse then ever. 

Joyce did this too. I was missing her little...but now I have Eileen!

  • Love 24

OMG I had the worst case of second hand embarrassment tonight. Brandi was atrocious. And soo creepy. Eileen should get a restraining order.

Man, I am super close with my parents, but we never did the sobbing going away ordeal that each of the wives does whenever one of their kids leaves. Wtf.

As bad as Brandi is, and she is horrible, I didn't think she was coming on to Babyface and it was humiliating the way David called her out. Maybe he is so used to her being inappropriate, he just assumed she was flirting. Or maybe he is a jerk. Perhaps both!

I think Brandi was drunk and monopolizing the guest of honor's attention.  With the exception of Lisa and her rude comment to Babyface (there is music after n'sync and Lance Bass), I think maybe the others wanted to be included in conversation with him. 

Well they practically went skipping out of the clubhouse holding hands after the after-show (Jeff and Brandi), so it appears she's fine. Like you, Jeff truly felt bad that he hurt her feelings, and he apologized. I wonder if this will teach Brandi that saying racist shit is hurtful, that disclosing personal information can be damaging, that spreading gossip can hurt people's feelings, even if it's the so-called "truth." Or is she the only one that can be victimized?

Its just her. She is the only person that has personal struggles in life so she gets to say whatever she wants...its the way she was raised.  When she offends someone, they should always accept her apology and they better do it immediately.

  • Love 8


As bad as Brandi is, and she is horrible, I didn't think she was coming on to Babyface and it was humiliating the way David called her out. Maybe he is so used to her being inappropriate, he just assumed she was flirting. Or maybe he is a jerk. Perhaps both!


I had some sympathy for her. Then she insulted Babyface's (Nicole, thank you LVP) wife's ring. WTF? 

Edited by CatMomma
  • Love 2

I really enjoyed how Eileen has Brandi's number. She listened to her politely but was open about how crazy she looked and insulted she felt. Afterwards when Brandi tried to garner sympathy by saying she was having a bad day and she cried Eileen said something like "Good, you should." She's upfront and honest with Brandi and it just makes Brandi look worse then ever. 

Joyce did this too. I was missing her little...but now I have Eileen!

Eileen showed Brandi how a truth cannon really works.

  • Love 16

Brandi just threw wine in Jeff Lewis' face on WWHL.  Now she's crying.  She's fucking serious.  "I'm taking five."  I think it was something Jeff said to her and/or Andy about being a mother or about her sons.  I know earlier she offered to give Jeff some 'eggs' for a baby and he said some funny comments about how fucked up that kid would be, but could live with a pyschological test.  


This is crazy.  I'm waiting for the "just kidding!"  It was serious.  She's cray cray.  If this doesn't give her the door, I don't know what would?  She can dish it, but can't take. 

Edited by Lablover27
  • Love 3

Brandi just threw wine in Jeff Lewis' face on WWHL.  Now she's crying.  She's fucking serious.  "I'm taking five."  I think it was something said during the break about her sons.  This is crazy.  I'm waiting for the "just kidding!"  It was serious.  She's cray cray.  If this doesn't give her the door, I don't know what would?  She can dish it, but can't take. 

Amazing how when she ran out of things to talk about she was suddenly offended.  There was a prior break before her breakdown.


Brandi created dead air-I hope Andy keeps her off WWHL for a very long time.

Edited by zoeysmom

Brandi just threw wine in Jeff Lewis' face on WWHL.  Now she's crying.  She's fucking serious.  "I'm taking five."  I think it was something said during the break about her sons.  This is crazy.  I'm waiting for the "just kidding!"  It was serious.  She's cray cray.  If this doesn't give her the door, I don't know what would?  She can dish it, but can't take.

Where've you been, Lab? We're all over this! It was definitely cray-cray and f*cking melodramatic on Brandi's part. But they made up quickly on the aftershow, and Andy did nothing but console Brandi. Cuz she's the victim, dontcha know. And yes, "she can dish it, but can't take it" was all over Twitter.

  • Love 3

Where've you been, Lab? We're all over this! It was definitely cray-cray and f*cking melodramatic on Brandi's part. But they made up quickly on the aftershow, and Andy did nothing but console Brandi. Cuz she's the victim, dontcha know. And yes, "she can dish it, but can't take it" was all over Twitter.

LOL - I always fall asleep!!!!!!!!  Also, West Coast here.  Where did I miss this?  

  • Love 4

LOL - I always fall asleep!!!!!!!!  Also, West Coast here.  Where did I miss this?

I just meant here - on this episode thread. The thread was all about the ep., but then WWHL started, and people started live-discussing it! There might also be discussion on it over on the WWHL thread. And if you're interested in the aftershow, it's posted over at Bravotv.com. Hope that helps!

  • Love 3

The wine toss.  I'm inclined to believe it was an authentic moment of weirdness.  I also have a part of me that's like...if I suddenly got to hang out with my favorite tv characters (the actors who play them) I'd need a moment to process that too, so I, um, appreciate seeing that from Brandi who's not part of this crowd.  It's overboard and childish, but I feel like it's genuine.


The wine toss, though...it's kind of tame in the world of these shows. At first I thought it was too small to build an episode around, but thankfully Brandi kept layering on bullshit.  I do appreciate her, though, because the moment where she was walking back into the house after apologizing to Eileen was magical for me.  The way Eileen was just "yep, you should have cried" (paraphrasing) was awesome, and I love her.  Rinna too.


I also appreciated that David wasn't a Brandi fan.  I felt like he was a real person for the first time as he watched her talk/flirt with Babyface. 


I wonder what would have happened if Brandi weren't on the show.  Like Tamra in the OC last season, she's driving 90% of the drama.  I also wonder if the producers did market research and found that weeping over children going to school makes these women seem relatable.  My mom was emotional when I left, probably moreso when I wasn't around, but they've played this saga to death over the past few years on a couple of these shows.  It has to be a calculated move on their part, to feature it that much. 


Last thing from tonight...if they don't do a "moving on" montage at the reunion I'm going to be pissed.  They've said that phrase at least once an episode every episode thus far, it needs to be celebrated.  

  • Love 3

Scenes Brandi ruined:


A very nice luncheon by throwing wine in Eileen Davidison's face.  Who does that?  And I normally call production shenanigans on these type of scenes, but in this case, I think not. 


A very nice Yolanda Dinner, complete with lemons, by telling Babyface (lol at PapaFace) that the ring he gave his wife was too small.


A sing along with the King by the finger comment. 


A perfectly nice Somemore toasting by sitting on the King's lap and then pointing it out to Yolanda.


I'm so over her. She's not funny, she's not amusing in the slightest, and the show would be so much better without her.  But until people like Kim stop with the "Well, it's Brandi and at least she apologized", it's going to continue.  Lisa Vanderpump is right -you can't just say and do whatever you want and then think an apology makes it ok.


But...the entire show was salvaged for me when Lisa Rinna called Brandi for what she is during her TH. Finally, someone said it.

  • Love 18
I don't disagree with you, but I hate Brandi and haven't read her books, so I had no idea about the STD, and Jeff said he didn't either. Are we all supposed to know this detail about her?



I haven't read Brandi's books either & have no interest to, but Brandi has discussed many, many times having gotten an STD.  I don't remember whether she implied she got it from Eddie or outright said she did.  I thought she said she discovered it during their marriage.  This info is pretty out there.  I'd be surprised if Jeff didn't know it.  Look, Jeff is a really nasty dick.  I never could stand him.  Hate Brandi to the bitter end if ya must, but Jeff's STD comment was a typically nasty & cutting comment for him.  He's just the type who would have no hesitancy whatsoever to tweak any/every weak point you may have.  He's a vile character.


And no, I don't believe Brandi deserved the STD comment.  OK, she's acted like an embarrassing, rude, offensive moron.  And I think she said (on WWHL) some cutting remark to Jeff, but not on the level of the STD comment.  And yeah, it is similar to "joking" about someone's HIV status.  It's very low.  But very typical of Jeff Lewis.


I guess have very much the minority opinion on Brandi.  Of course, I don't think much of her.  Who would?  But she doesn't inspire in me the kind of vitriolic hatred I've seen.  Sure, I'd be annoyed if she threw wine at me or pointed one of her idiotic insults in my direction.  But I know I wouldn't be enraged.  She's not clever or cutting in her insults -- er, certainly not like Jeff Lewis, that is.  In short, guess I'm in the minority by far, but she doesn't bother me much.  If she were for some reason in my circle or I had attend a party with her (ugh), I could easily enough dismiss her or not pay her much attention.  She just doesn't mean much to me one  way or another.


I get Brandi.  She's desperate now.  She's desperately trying to hold onto a place on the show.  If that place means being the one hated, then she seems OK with it.  Who knows -- maybe she thought in her tiny brain, that by saying she wasn't the "scorned woman police", she would actually put that notion out there.  And maybe she thought viewers would support her when she threw wine at Eileen, who pretty much admitted she was a cheater.  Um, didn't exactly work out dat way for ole Brandu tho, did it?  So watcha gonna do, Brandi -- throw wine at every known cheater?  Guess you should be going after Tori Spelling next, eh, hun? 


they made up quickly on the aftershow, and Andy did nothing but console Brandi.



I've always had the impression Andy likes her.  She causes conflict & she gets talked about.  Exactly what Andy digs.  She's not like Aviva at all.  She will follow orders from da bosses.  She hasn't in the past, but I think she knows better now.  She needs da job & I kinda doubt she'll do anything to get fired.


Man, I am super close with my parents, but we never did the sobbing going away ordeal that each of the wives does whenever one of their kids leaves. Wtf



Oh, enough, Kyle.  You're way overdoing it.  Is that your bit every ep this season, Kyle?  Ole weepy weepy Kyle again, cuz her daughter is goin' off to college?  How bout workin' in dat store you seem to have forgotten about?  Or if you can't turn off the waterworks, ya might wanna consider therapy and/or meds.  But I don't wanna see it anymore.  Doin' the laundry seems to make ya happy, Kyle.  How bout dat?  Maybe with Mauricio -- for the 2 minutes every day when he ain't sellin' houses.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
  • Love 7

Everything about Brandi tonight was incredibly embarrassing to watch. It's awful. Get her off the show. Lisa is right, she's a "wounded little girl" but ... I'm done. At least we got to see Lisa and Eileen gawp at her in horror.


You are so right.  It was so uncomfortable watching everything Brandi did/said.  She was like an out of control car.  She's one of those women who thinks that everything she does is cute and flirty.  Like all men want to sleep with her because she's just so darn funny and cute.  I didn't get the impression that any of the men on the show last night wanted to have anything to do with her.


Considering her husband cheated on her and apparently this JR boyfriend cheated on her, did she ever think that maybe it's HER?  I couldn't IMAGINE being in a relationship with someone like that.  

  • Love 5

Is this the first time Yolanda has said she couldn't speak for two years?

I think so. Because I'm pretty sure I would have remembered when Ms. Judgmental was silent. It wasn't during Season 3 or 4, that's for sure. Couldn't have been since she met and married The King, because he'd have sent her to a sanitarium or someplace for someone else to deal with it.

Then again, this is the woman who thinks her husband won an Oscar, so anything's possible.

  • Love 9

Stalin hated Hitler.  Doesn't mean I like Stalin.  Or Hitler. 


By this I mean as much as loathe Brandi, I don't stand up and cheer when the pricier famewhores sneer from their corner.  This is the flea bitten mongrel you both joyfully joined and rubbed against Lisa Rinna and Eileen whatsyourface.  Sorry but I find them just as bad the rest already.  I wish a huge wave would rush in and take the Foster house out to sea with the entire cast and their hubbies.  And Rinna's horrific children.  Hell they can have Kim's dog and whatever lackeys Lisa Vanderpump has on her leash.  Like that freak Ken.  Not the bullying old fart who she is married to (he's already cover).  The one the rented swan hated.


Rinna talks a good talk.  But deep down I'll bet she is as hard as any that cameras are on her and "DRAMA" is unfolding.  Brandi is stupid enough to not realize both the other two are newer.  But both came on not only thirsty but survivors of sorts of the soap opera market.  Bitch eat bitch there.  Brandi has no idea how much she is playing into their hands.


I am surprised how poorly Eileen sells mocking self-deprecation though.  She seems so phoney in those talking heads.  I can't imagine how close she walks to the cliffs of Humblebrag when the cameras aren't on her. 


I wish they had brought back Camille because she not only understands the game, she is also crazy enough to get int he mix.  Watching Rinna glide her tongue over whichever veteran gets her camera time is almost as gross as Brandi doing...well whatever Brandi is doing.  Eileen is selling a package and I'm not buying.  It reeks of being over produced, filled with by products and only microwavable. 

  • Love 12

There was an actress who played on Y&R years ago named Kimberlin Brown. She played this diabolical character named Sheila. She said one day she was in a public restroom when this random stranger started beating the crap out of her. She said the woman really believed she was Sheila until she snapped out of it.

I would never thought to have seen Babyface on a show like this. He always seemed so shy about his private life. But I guess he's changed post-Tracy. He wouldn't even let people call him Babyface. He wanted people to call him Kenny or just "Face." Which is so stupid because why choose it as your stage name? It's not like it was his childhood name. Bootsy Collins gave it to him.

Edited by charmed1
  • Love 2

There was an actress who played on Y&R years ago named Kimberlin Brown. She played this diabolical character named Sheila. She said one day she was in a public restroom when this random stranger started beating the crap out of her. She said the woman really believed she was Sheila until she snapped out of it.


I've heard some horror stories about "superfans" with soap stars.  I remember reading something about the guy who plays Sonny on General Hospital and fans stalking him outside his home or coming up to his door.  He had to hire security for his children because of the crazies who really believe him to be Sonny Corintho's.  There are some crazy ass people out there.

Edited by DollyMamaB
  • Love 4

You know when children like another child and they pull that kids hair, or push over their blocks, to get attention because they don't know how to express their feelings? Well, that's Brandi. She gets lots of feelings that she doesn't know how to handle, or express, so she throws wine/sits on laps/has verbal diarrhea. Same with the feelings she can't deal with post Eddie cheating.

Somewhere in her life she became emotionally arrested and is still dealing with adult emotions and situations in a childlike manner.

Reasons not excuses. Jeez...I'm so over her and wish she was off my tv. Brandi is NOT the RHoBH type person I enjoy watching.

  • Love 7

Oh boy, oh boy, where to start?


I have always disliked Brandi, even when she was the darling of the show and everyone seemed to praise her for her honesty, barf.... I am glad to see that my initial feeling was correct all along, since the beginning all I saw was a stupid and unfiltered woman with very poor social skills. Being poor or having a lackluster education doesn't mean that you get to behave like a moron and everybody else is supposed to take it because of your unfortunate circunstances, the people whom I admire the most are exactly the ones who despite their circunstances have arisen to the top and left the excuses to the side.


Brandi has an unfiltered mouth and poor social skills which is already a dreadful combination, now add to that an unfiltered and unpredictable behavior when she is drunk (which is quite often) and you have a woman whom IMO needs to be ostrasized from this group. If she has friends that are as trashy as her and they get along perfectly fine, more power to her, hang out with them and make a fool of yourself all day long. I am not kidding myself into thinking that any of the other women would have anything to do with her outside of the show, the only dumb one is Kim Richards but she doesn't count because she is another one who has a stunted mentality.  


Yesterday's episode didn't change my view about Brandi at all, it just confirmed it, on the other hand I have been on the fence about Eileen and now I openly like her, she has more self control than I ever could and she provides the right dose of snark without being trashy. The combo between Eileen and LisaR was priceless, shade BH style. I loved it.

  • Love 16

Okay, I tried to give Kyle and her daughters a pass on the whole not-knowing-how-to-do-laundry thing. I'm well aware how coddled kids are these days. I'm sure there are loads of families out there where the mom does everything and the kids don't have a clue what's going on. People are pressed for time and impatient and they'd rather just do things themselves than take the time to teach. Not saying that's the case with Kyle, just saying I don't think teenagers never having done laundry is an anomaly. However, not even knowing which one is the washer and which one is the dryer???? That takes a special kind of ignorance. 


That being said, I do enjoy Kyle and her family and I wish we could get more scenes of them (as well as the other families) than an entire episode of "Brandi's a Trainwreck!" Because that's what she is and it's not even enjoyable and snarkalicious to watch. 


First of all, I'm over the scorned wife shit. I get it - being cheated on sucks. Being betrayed and left for another woman must be unspeakably awful. But she acts like she is the first, or only, person to be cheated on. Sadly, it's a phenomena that happens daily, so quit dragging the damn storyline out and acting like you're some spokeswoman for the jilted, and have the right to cast judgment on everyone else's relationships. 


Besides that, she is clearly drinking (and other things?) way too much and becoming unhinged. She was like some crazy, stalker, superfan - bullying Eileen to perform for her at dinner. Wow. She has no social awareness. Most people would realize it was making Eileen uncomfortable and that she truly did NOT want to do it, and let it go. But not Brandi. Like I said in the last episode, she's a pusher (tm Mean Girls). She just cannot let shit go.....to the point that she throws wine on another woman???? Again, no social awareness. She totally thought it would be funny - that it would catapult Eileen into taking on that Soap role and she could live out her Days or Y&R fantasy. Just bizarre. Poor Eileen. Seeing those tears in her eyes, she felt so uncomfortable. Bless her for holding herself together the way she did. 


But does that moment humble Brandi? No. She apologizes and gives some random "peace offering" (is that how everyone makes up on this show? Jewelry?) and is back to being a tacky bitch. For someone who bristles at the mention of anyone being even a smidgen unfaithful, she sure seems to like to flirt with married men. It's okay to sit your skanky ass down on David Foster's lap, what? Because his wife is right there? Yolanda must really love the Mother Superior role, because I do not know how she tolerates Brandi. Brandi is just a soulless, bitter, old hag and she cannot stand to see anyone happy. See a loving couple at dinner? Comment that the dude should have bought his wife a bigger ring. Then flirt shamelessly with other married men. Misery loves company and what-not. She's so gross. 


Seriously, Bravo, she does not belong on this show. Her behavior is getting more and more out of hand. Boot her ass! 

  • Love 16

All the focus has been on Brandi's alcoholic slurring, the wine toss & her endless role as poor widdle single mom victim.  Will no one address the really unexplainable horror of Brandi's hair at Yo's party??  What was that football shaped lump at the back of her head?  And why was it secured in place with some tacky quinceanera  or bat mitzvah accessory from Claire's? (maybe they stopped tere on the way to the party to pick up the "apology" gift for Eileen) I thought she had a live-in hairdresser? What is his real occupation 'cos he can't do hair for sh**.  He must be fronting some of the rent at the house and be her paid escort to help her navigate through doors, stairs etc when she's sloppy drunk and teetering on ridiculous 5 inch heels.  The other distractions were the blue veins on her boobs.  I thought she had tattooed a map of her neighborhood streets up there so she could find her way home at 4 in the morning.


If King David speaks to Yo about his embarrassment and distaste of Brandi's antics, you know Our Lady of Lemons will cut her off ASAP.  One mustn't displease the King.  And enough of singing his praises to all the realm any time you have friends over.  It's a little Stockholm syndrom-y to me.


Loving Eileen & Rinna!  I think Lisa R is hilarious.  I so would have been in that fridge too.  Although, I probably would have rearranged a few shelves to set Yo off.


And for the love of God!  Can we just stop with the waterworks over kids going to college/moving out!   It is a part of a healthy young adult''s life.  These dolts are acting like they never realized their babies would get older and move on.  Most of these women were married & parents in their late teens or 20's.  Your wealthy, pampered kiddos are off to college or careers, not heading into Afghanistan or Syria.  They will be back...when they need a car, money, clean underwear.

  • Love 20
If Yolanda lost her voice for two years, wtf is this shit I have been hearing for the past two years? I think Ken and Lisa would beg to differ.


I didn't think Yo meant that she literally lost her voice. I took it more symbolically - as in the Lyme screwed up her head so badly that she couldn't say what she wanted to say. Which is BS, if you ask me. But now that her "voice" is back, we shall hold her to that. No more making excuses if you piss somebody off. 


Considering her husband cheated on her and apparently this JR boyfriend cheated on her, did she ever think that maybe it's HER?  I couldn't IMAGINE being in a relationship with someone like that.


I'm still not entirely sure I believe that JR cheated on her. In my mind, they had an open, on-off relationship. He finally got sick of her and moved on, maybe did it in a shitty way by just ceasing to call or return calls. And in her mind, they were still a "couple". But yea, I don't think they were ever a serious enough couple that he even COULD cheat on her. Bitch is delusional. 


Reasons to love Lisa Rinna this episode:

Standing in Yolanda's fridge.


That was my absolute favorite part of the episode - "I'm going to be young forever!" She's a hoot. 

  • Love 16

I'm still not entirely sure I believe that JR cheated on her. In my mind, they had an open, on-off relationship. He finally got sick of her and moved on, maybe did it in a shitty way by just ceasing to call or return calls. And in her mind, they were still a "couple". But yea, I don't think they were ever a serious enough couple that he even COULD cheat on her. Bitch is delusional. 


You're probably right.  I can totally see it played out in Brandi's head that way.  I'm sure Brandi is a lot of maintenance in a relationship.

  • Love 6

Eileen was wearing a hat when she arrived and her hair looked limp and dull where it usually has those loose barrel curls and is shiney. Speculation...

I thought about that too. Of course we knew the wine throw was coming. And Eileen had on the hat, then took it off and her hair was, as you say, uncommonly limp and dull. Then after the wine throw she put her hat back on. Anyway, though I do think Brandi is a narcissistic drunk I really enjoyed this show tonight -- especially LisaR and Eileen. So much fun. Then we get next week's previews and, by contrast, so yawn-worthy. Why do we need a week about kids going away to college? Please, no. 

  • Love 3

This show is no longer fun to watch. Brandi does not fit in with these women. She has no class, no manners and she can NOT read a room. I was so embarrassed and appalled by her behavior. I applaud Eileen because I would have lunged across the table and ripped Brandi's weave from her head.  You could tell Eileen was hurt and angry and humiliated. I would have been too. Even Yolanda was shocked. And yet Brandi just sat there like the moron she is and didn't even offer an apology. She would have probably said it was Eileen's fault because she didn't jump to Brandi's demands and act out a soap scene. I thought throwing $40 on the table was tacky. Eileen is paid what $750,000 for this show? NO idea what she makes on Days but $40 is nothing and she's' not a trained monkey who has to perform when someone snaps their fingers. Brandi is vile, she has no social skills and she doesn't belong in Beverly Hills.


She doesn't seem to get that Lisa could care less if they speak again. Lisa and Ken are totally done with Brandi. I wanted to hit her in the face when she smirked well are you going to apologize to ME? When Lisa said she was owed an apology. Sweetie, Lisa doesn't give a shit about you. She doesn't want to be your friend and she's not the one groveling and stalking you and trying to get back in your good graces. That's YOU. So you are the one who needs to applogize and even though  you finally did Lisa still doesn't give a shit and isn't going to be your friend. You are trash to her now. Brandi just does not get it! David Foster was so disgusted by her. I don't think he wanted her at that dinner party. On a shallow note Bella has very saggy boobs. And she didn't looked like she was ashamed of her behavior regarding the DUI. She looked annoyed with her mother. Yolanda is a terrible hostess. Why in the hell would you seat your guest of honor next to Brandi of all people? Especially after her horrible behavior the day before?  And then toasting Lisa about the opening of Pump and then ungraciously and rudely bringing up how she and David were not invited. Who does that? And I'm glad Bravo provided that flashback of Yolanda screaming at Ken because I'd forgotten all about that and how Yolanda claimed Ken assaulted her (even though camera footage showed otherwise). If I were Lisa I would not invite Yolanda to anything either and with Puerto Rico nonsense on top of that Yolanda is lucky Lisa even speaks to her.

  • Love 16

Brandi and Jeff Lewis. I am not sure it was a joke, it was very raw.

I already know it is hypocritical on my part because if it was about anybody else I would be horrified, but Brandi does this to other people all the time so I wonder if now she knows how the other person feels. I am glad she took a dosis of her own medicine. The "joke" was in horrid taste but so are all of Brandi's "jokes"

IMO Brandi was okay with the joke at the beginning, she was taken aback but got over it, she seems her usual trashy self the rest of the interview, then going into the last commercial break she thought about it, thought about it and realized that she pretty much had looked like an a$$hole with Eileen and was going to be grilled on all blogs and racked through the coals and so then the bright idea came to her mind.

What is the one thing Brandi excels at? She is excellent at playing the victim

She took her last chance and before Andy could say anything she acted offended and cried her fake tears and it paid off. Today instead of talking about the glass of wine that she threw at Eileen for no reason at all and how vulgar and psycho she is, we are debating whether the confrontation with Jeff was real or not, how Jeff was out of line and how nobody deserves to be treated that way. Brandi went in a split season from villian to victim.

Brandi knows how to redirect attention form her bad actions to others being "mean" to her and it usually pays off, last night was no exception.


She can dish it with a laddle but she cannot take even a teaspoon of it.

  • Love 17

I spoke too soon




Now this lunatic is saying that it was all a joke between her and Jeff to fool Andy. I don't believe it. Jeff's face was real and he hasn't said a word or replied any tweet that Brandi has tagged him on. I do hope that Jeff stays away form her, another burnt bridge for Brandi.


Maybe this is just another of Brandi's psychotic moments and she is trying to fix it by saying it was a joke.


For years I never thought that anybody on Bravo could be as loon as Kelly Bensimon but this chick Brandi surely is giving her a run for her money.

  • Love 12

Ok so this show has devolved into putting a mentally ill addict in various situations with normal ( relatively normal) people to see what hilarity ensues. This is not fun nor entertaining. I'm out until Brandi is off this show.

Yes. I totally agree, and I find it repulsive that Eileen and Rinna find it so funny to openly make fun of her. Saying she's so "weird" and "crazy." I don't respect that behavior at all. But, if I've not made it clear enough across the board, I'm completely never okay with mocking or attacking people for reasons that they either have no or little control over and while drinking is literally voluntarily, there should be a suspicion of addiction and/or mental illness in this case...suspicion enough to show empathy or at least avoidance. I'm hoping Eileen and Rinna's reaction was at least in self-preservation..meaning they were embarrassed (with the wine being thrown and hearing Brandi's "compliments") and wanted to just laugh and make the focus on Brandi. And, yes, they weren't screaming or hitting Brandi, so it could have been worse.

But, I still don't like their comments on tv like that or to Brandi's face. It's not entertainment to see someone spiraling down so far. This and Scary Island and Taylor's suitcase episode and Taylor's husband's suicide....when is enough, enough? I don't have fun watching. I watch to keep up with these people whom I've watched since day one, and with that, mostly I feel sympathy and sadness. Fame and money. Dangerous. There will always be someone to laugh and find joy in another's misery. Looking at you, Eileen and Rinna. Get off the soaps, wake up, and join life.

Depression + watching these "shows" = misery

  • Love 1

I didn't watch WWHL yet, but was it really a joke?  Brandi isn't a particularly good actress.  And what, does she think she is Andy Kaufman now?  Please don't try to pull elaborate stunts on the viewing audiences, you aren't that subversive Brandi.  You're just trash.


Methinks she's just covering her tracks for acting like a drunken emotional idiot on live TV.  I guess that's worse than when she does it weekly on taped TV.

Yes. I totally agree, and I find it repulsive that Eileen and Rinna find it so funny to openly make fun of her. Saying she's so "weird" and "crazy." I don't respect that behavior at all. But, if I've not made it clear enough across the board, I'm completely never okay with mocking or attacking people for reasons that they either have no or little control over and while drinking is literally voluntarily, there should be a suspicion of addiction and/or mental illness in this case...suspicion enough to show empathy or at least avoidance. I'm hoping Eileen and Rinna's reaction was at least in self-preservation..meaning they were embarrassed (with the wine being thrown and hearing Brandi's "compliments") and wanted to just laugh and make the focus on Brandi. And, yes, they weren't screaming or hitting Brandi, so it could have been worse.

But, I still don't like their comments on tv like that or to Brandi's face. It's not entertainment to see someone spiraling down so far. This and Scary Island and Taylor's suitcase episode and Taylor's husband's suicide....when is enough, enough? I don't have fun watching. I watch to keep up with these people whom I've watched since day one, and with that, mostly I feel sympathy and sadness. Fame and money. Dangerous. There will always be someone to laugh and find joy in another's misery. Looking at you, Eileen and Rinna. Get off the soaps, wake up, and join life.

Depression + watching these "shows" = misery

But this isn't Intervention or some Discovery channel documentary.  It's a show that's been on for nigh on ten years that revels in the destruction and drama of self-involved women.  If you need to be handled with kid gloves, you shouldn't be on the show.  I'm glad we have two new cast members that aren't inarticulate trash, and I'm glad they tell Brandi what she is to her face.

  • Love 15

Ok so this show has devolved into putting a mentally ill addict in various situations with normal ( relatively normal) people to see what hilarity ensues. This is not fun nor entertaining. I'm out until Brandi is off this show.

Yet again, Bravo has managed to sink to an all-time low in entertainment. Bravo creates these shows with one intention, get us to watch them. Their means to that end is through negative or sensationalized situations. Andy Cohen is just the pimp Bravo uses to promote shows like this because he's every bit as trashy as the rich 'hoes' that he puts on display. I can't blame Andy Cohen because if it wasn't him in front of the cameras holding the script cards it would just be someone else that's just as willing to trade personal integrity for personal gain.


Brandi is a living, breathing psychopath that needs a few months in a sanitarium. She's taking Lexapro and Xanax which isn't unusual for celebrities, but she's stupid enough to say "you can't mix alcohol and anti-anxiety medication" but she just said she takes Lexapro in the morning and Xanax if she's in a situation that causes anxiety!  Duh Brandi! This women is a god-damned MORON.


In the beginning, when Brandi first arrived at RHBH, I sort of liked her. I thought she was funny and unfiltered, but still had a handle on her behavior. As time went on, she became more and more unraveled and I think Bravo pushed her to be that. The thing that put me over the edge with Brandi entirely was the comment and gesture she made in front of everyone at the Foster's home about 'fingering your wife'.  Holy crap. If I was there, I swear that I would have to get up and assault her bodily and risk jail time for doing that. It appears that Brandi, and every one of the housewives for that matter, can do or say whatever they want and as long as they say "I apologize" and that makes everything okay and forgiven. The bad words or actions just melt away forgotten into infinity. It doesn't matter to any of them if there's any sincerity in the apology or if it's just two words that are supposed to erase all the evil they do. This broad needs to be fired, she's totally out of control. Shame on you Bravo, shame on you Brandi and shame on me and all of us for supporting this mess by watching.

Edited by HumblePi
  • Love 12

Lawd No!  Brandi sat on David's lap.  Its ova y'all.  She knows better than some mess like that.  You know that Yolanda don't play with the King like that.  I cannot wait for the showdown.


I love Babyface and I enjoy the after dinner piano playing at the Foster abode.  I hate that Brandi screwed up that song.  UGH.  Where is the petition to get her off this show?




Amen to your Amen. The wine throwing was bad, the overall behavior was bad. The sitting in David's lap might seem like a small thing, but it isn't, IMO. It is very disrespectful. We have a group of couple friends that are truly like family. We spend Holidays together and have  been through much in 25+ years of friendship. Yes, of course we hug and "kiss" each others hubby's, hello and goodbye. When

at appropriate places we have danced with each others husbands. But I cannot imagine just going over to one oof those husbands and plopping myself in their lap. After all these years.


But then I cannot imagine discussing "finger banging", or even using the term with them either. After all these years.  


Brandi stands out like a sore thumb. Yeah, the other women have their issues but none of them are trashy. Even Kim, though at some points in the show being drunk and stupid, and being an admitted alcoholic never behaved in such a disgusting and trashy manner.


I am alos sick of everyone feeling sorry for "poor Brandi". She is hardly the first woman to have been dumped by a man. Most of those women don't have the luxury of being dumped for a woman of means. Many of them struggle financially (I mean REALLY struggle, not Brandi's distored version of struggle) on top of the pain.


I really don't believe being dumped by Eddie is the cause of Brandi's behavior. That's just another of her excuses. I am sure she was an unbearable bitch long before she even met Eddie. No, you are not the Scorned woman Police so stop acting like it.


I didn't enjoy the show last night. I found it disturbing more than entertaining and I am clear the reason is Brandi.She is not entertaining. 

She is just a vile, trashy disgusting piece of crap. She really needs to go. Now.  

  • Love 15

I didn't watch WWHL yet, but was it really a joke? Brandi isn't a particularly good actress. And what, does she think she is Andy Kaufman now? Please don't try to pull elaborate stunts on the viewing audiences, you aren't that subversive Brandi. You're just trash.

Methinks she's just covering her tracks for acting like a drunken emotional idiot on live TV. I guess that's worse than when she does it weekly on taped TV.

But this isn't Intervention or some Discovery channel documentary. It's a show that's been on for nigh on ten years that revels in the destruction and drama of self-involved women. If you need to be handled with kid gloves, you shouldn't be on the show. I'm glad we have two new cast members that aren't inarticulate trash, and I'm glad they tell Brandi what she is to her face.

In my opinion, just because the show's purpose isn't to help the addicted or mentally unstable, doesn't mean I have to think it's right for them to show it on tv, profit from it, and ....yes, here it is again....add to the systemic discrimination of those with a mental illness. It's very irresponsible. And, it's a whole lot of people making the decision to film and show this...along with a whole lot of people watching. In no way do I think that's okay. And, yes, I think a strong suspicion of something going on along the lines of mental illness counts.

  • Love 4

But this isn't Intervention or some Discovery channel documentary.  It's a show that's been on for nigh on ten years that revels in the destruction and drama of self-involved women.  If you need to be handled with kid gloves, you shouldn't be on the show.  I'm glad we have two new cast members that aren't inarticulate trash, and I'm glad they tell Brandi what she is to her face.


I find Eileen and Lisa refreshing.  They aren't tarnished by all the drama yet.  I don't think Brandi is mentally unstable, I think she's just one of those people who need attention, good or bad.  I know people like her, hell, I'm related to one.  They flirt with all men, they think they're "cute" (you're cute when you're 6, not 40).  I don't think Brandi's problem is alcohol, I think she uses alcohol as an excuse for her behavior.

  • Love 23

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