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S05.E10: Growing Up and Moving Out


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Sorry, Mykelti.. but my 10 yr old draws similar dresses. When Kadouche was talking about how fashion should be modest, I had a "wtf" moment, considering half his wives wear those obscene yeast-infection inducing jeans.

How similar Janelle looked to Maddie, with that dark wig on, must have scared the crap out of Maddie.

Give up the damn joory business!!

  • Love 8

When Kadouche was talking about how fashion should be modest, I had a "wtf" moment...

My WTF was with Kody's whole spiel about modesty, class, etc. This coming from a man who dresses slovenly (and with a ponytail)! I agree that none of the sister wives dress very well. (I do think Janelle is beautiful and wish she would dress up more.) And when Kody goes on and on about the fashion industry's attitude towards sexualizing women... well, I'm sorry but isn't he sending a clear message to Mykelti that her mother wasn't valued enough for monogamy? He needed more wives/women to have his kids. If that isn't 'sexualizing' women, what is? 

  • Love 8

I am curious as to what job Maddie got on campus that she would need to get there so soon.


Same here. I am really rooting for Madison to go out and become something great in life.  I think Madison is so much brighter - beyond her family's ability to even comprehend. When Kody talks about her being far away from his 'protection' I have to shake my head. This coming from the guy who said your hormones escape through your mouth while kissing.. I have to give kudos to Madison for not rolling her eyes or saying anything in response to the adults' idiotic "words of wisdom". And the Browns really have to stop their lip synching dances - they look so absurd. And as Madison pointed out - the song had nothing to do with graduating.

  • Love 5

I think the lip synch is the best I've seen all the wives dress.

Drawings not so good but she's young. Hopefully she'll grow out of saying "classy." Not so sure about the designer...the showroom was interesting.

I don't feel like we got any insight into the Janelle Meri drama. You don't feel heard because you're generally more rational and don't have fits over wet bars? You didn't marry Kodouche first? Color me confused.

I don't remember seeing anything about Dayton's accident, but I've always found the older kids more interesting than the younger ones so maybe I missed that.

Interesting comment Maddy made about visiting...maybe she just meant she doesn't want to live in Vegas but it felt like there was more behind that statement.

  • Love 3

They started this season off exactly the same way as last season, complaining about all the various parties they had to plan within a week's time. Last season it was birthdays and anniversaries, this season it is graduations. Kody used the exact same script too. Boring.


They really need to get the script straight on the business too. First Kody was all excited that investors were coming on board, it was exactly what they needed to grow the business. Now he is saying he DOESN'T want investors so they can keep sole ownership. Robyn wants integrity over money, even though this business is supposed to pay for four households. Meri doesn't think it's "fun" anymore. When was boxing up $200 earrings fun? Idiots, all of them.


I take it Day-un was not wearing a helmet when he had his ATV accident. That injury looked horrible. Loved his smack-down of of Kody- "Of COURSE I'm worried, it's surgery [you doofous]." I hope the corrective surgery works.


Maddie: "Get out. Get out. Get out." Well done.


Looks like another road tip in the future, more tears over not bonding and I guess it is Christine's mom who moves in. Wonder why, since she has distanced herself from polygamy.

  • Love 4

Ahh, the Sunday night hate fests have begun anew . . .


* Janelle's honesty re: her mortification at Kody and her sister wives' boisterous outbursts.  I relate to Janelle more than any of these poor women.  Kudos to her for refusing to participate in the ridiculous dance routine.  I wish she would jump off of this sinking ship (again).


* Mykelti.  Oh, girl, that orange headband!  That face full of makeup!  Those drawings!  She really thinks she's hot shit.  I was reminded of an old sketchpad that my mom found recently from when I was in junior high.  It was filled with drawings of dresses, horses, my own face with a single tear on my cheek, and princesses being rescued by white knights.  Back then, I viewed the drawings as the musings of a sensitive, tender, romantic, and deeply talented artist.  Now, they look like what they are: teenage crap.  Mykelti needs to be reminded that just because you want to embark on a certain career, doesn't mean that you can.  Time for her to explore other options.  (It needs to be noted that Kody was a massive douchebag when he discussed it with her.  He openly rolled his eyes.)


* Dayton.  That kid talks more maturely than any of the adults.  I was so impressed with how well he expressed himself when he was talking about his upcoming surgery.  It looks like things turned out well.  (Also, no anesthesia!  Damn.)


* The dance for the graduation party.  Dear God Almighty.  There's nothing Kody loves more than swooshing that mop of thinning hair around and dancing spastically in front of a crowd of politely clapping guests.  I could barely watch without cringing.


* They're still plugging away at My Sisterwife's Closet.  At what point do they give up on the hope of receiving that loan?  No one wants to buy overpriced, silver-plated crap that only applies to a very niche market.  And Robyn complaining that she's working too hard to have another baby?  Boohoo, lady.  The last thing these people need is another baby.  How about some JOBS?  Kody's portrayal in the graduation film as a "video game-playing loser" was absolutely laughable.  Take the beer bottle out of his hand and put him in a hipster shirt that's 20 years too young for him and you have present-day Kody.

Edited by SuzyLee
  • Love 16

No it's not normal at all for a parent to accompany an 18 year old to an interview for an internship. 

Totally! Good way NOT to ever get hired. The designer would never see her as anything other than a child. And she should have put more effort into that portfolio. I know nothing about design but I know enough that I would have fabric samples clipped to my design as well as photographs of accessories. Something, anything!

Edited by Chalby
  • Love 2

 Dayton.  That kid talks more maturely than any of the adults.  I was so impressed with how well he expressed himself when he was talking about his upcoming surgery.  It looks like things turned out well.  (Also, no anesthesia!  Damn.)


They didn't say no anesthesia, they said he wouldn't be asleep.  He would have received a local to numb the area, and most likely IV sedation - what some people call "twilight".  The IV meds would reduce anxiety and control his pain, yet leave him lucid enough to answer questions.


I think Janelle should switch out with Rosemary from the Williams family.  Rosemary is goofy and likes to have fun - she would fit right in.  She also wouldn't need to be intimidated by her stick-thin sister wives, since they're her size.  Janelle will fit in with the Williams sister wives with their crippling insecurities and reluctance to verbalize their emotions, holding grudges and retaliating passive-aggressively.


I have felt for Janelle and her difficulties with Meri, but for God's sake - let it go!  Reunion after reunion, Meri is called out again, and year after year she is humbled and apologizes.  Meri cries, and Janelle coldly refuses to acknowledge it.  At this point, I think Janelle will only be satisfied by receiving both of Meri's kidneys and a lung.   I believe Meri was mean, and Janelle admits she was mean as well.  It's rumored Janelle approached Kody behind Meri's back - if true, that's a bad way to start that relationship.  At this point I just don't care.  Janelle had her say in their book, and she's been martyred in each reunion.  I'm over it.

  • Love 9

Totally! Good way NOT to ever get hired. The designer would never see her as anything other than a child. And she should have put more effort into that portfolio. I know nothing about design but I know enough that I would have fabric samples clipped to my design as well as photographs of accessories. Something, anything!

I'm with you. It looked like her drawings were glued in a scrap book.

My son is starting a career in architecture. He had to put together a portfolio of his various projects from college for job interviews. It had the drawings of the projects as well explanations all bound in a book form. He even did a smaller version shaped like a hexagon (hard to explain) that he sent out with resumes. The smaller version is what caught the eye of his current employer.

I realize he's had 4+ years of college but hasn't she been taking fashion/drawing classes for awhile? Like you all have said, they looked like a 12 yr old drew the pictures & I thought they all looked the same. I would have thought she would have asked her teacher's help in putting together a proper portfolio especially for "the" designer of Las Vegas. And yes, leave Mom & Dad home.

  • Love 3

So Kody is once again talking about his daughters and how he expects them to conduct themselves when they go out into the world. Still waiting for him to have the same expectations of his sons.


Robin is still not pregnant because she is spending way too many hours on TSWC business. Lets see, they have no investors, no money, and no sales. If she can't handle the time that takes, she certianly can't handle another kid.


The sad thing about this show is scenes like Mykelti's where some designer will give her an interview just to get a free plug for his business. On her own she would not have gotten a return phone call. Those sketches showed no talent whatsoever. But I guess like her parents and their joolry business, she will find out the truth eventually.


I'd like to make a drinking game out of every time Kadouche talks about the plight of the poyg family, and getting run out of Utah. However I have a low tolerance for alcohol and would be drunk by the second commercial break.

  • Love 6

Something weird went on with the Robyn being pregnant/not pregnant. They end last season with coy smiles and an "announcement" as a cliffhanger. Then tension and secrets at the sit-down interview with Tamron Hall, where she was told she couldn't ask about about pregnancies. Now the new season opens, and Robyn not only says she's not pregnant, but kind of mocks everyone for implying that she was. Including the audience. I don't think it's cool the way the show teases us, and then drops a subject or treats us like we're nosy or stupid.

I hate KaDouche so much, for so many reasons. When Janelle felt uncomfortable about the lip synching thing and left the room, Christine asked Kody to go after her to see that she was ok, and he looked mad and said no. No wonder she feels so alone in that huge family. She can get upset, and even her husband doesn't care and ignores her.

You guys are right about Mykelti's sketches - to call the designs basic is being kind. How awkward for that designer. He practically made a drumroll before opening the portfolio, and then he really didn't say anything. I also noticed how Kody made a comment that he doesn't like the fashion industry because he's "a man." And then they cut to the designer - a man.

Speaking of designing...Robyn is such a spoiled brat in regards to MSWC. If designing and selling jewelry is a hobby business, then sure - talk about "integrity." But if it's a business to make money, and to support a family of 20+, then accept the fact that your original business plan isn't working, and change course.

And lastly, they have so many kids that will every season be graduations and graduation parties over and over again? It really wasn't that entertaining the first time around.

  • Love 13

So much snark, so little pre-work time...

One observation, to release it from my brain:

You took your daughter to Logan, Utah, not Boko Haram's back yard, moron. Yes, boys will be boys. (And, yes, girls have needs.) Yes, bad things happen in small college towns. But geez.

How about pumping up the adventure she's launching? How about talking about the job she's starting and how great that will be? How about touring the town with her?

His obsession with his daughters' bodies (the only thing he remembers about them, apparently) is beyond creepy.

Edited by RealityCowgirl
  • Love 10

Janelle's kids seem more eager to escape the family than the other kids. Logan didn't come home very often in past seasons, and now Maddie can't wait to escape Las Vegas and go back to Utah. I wonder if that reflects Janelle's own level of unhappiness and embarrassment over the behavior of her extended family.


Good for Robyn refusing to have another spawn of Kody while being forced to hold up the Sister Wives Closet thing by herself. What are the others doing for work??? And are we ever going to see Meri use her desperately needed wet bar?

  • Love 2

Looks like another road tip in the future, more tears over not bonding and I guess it is Christine's mom who moves in. Wonder why, since she has distanced herself from polygamy.



If I were a betting woman (and if I were, I wouldn't waste those energies on these fools), I'd place some cash on mama coming to help Christine with her remaining four children. After all, her last older daughter is moving out and will no longer be available for surrogate mom duties.


We certainly can't expect Christine to woman up and mother all those kids she popped out. (No, I'm not giving the dumbass a pass. But she takes such great pride in being the bestest stay-at-home mom ever - while admitting she pushed the real work onto her older daughters.)

Edited by RealityCowgirl
  • Love 5

Good grief, Kody is dense. He was shocked that the idea of lip syncing was mortifying to Janelle. That seems like something basic you should know about your wife of 10+ years, doesn't it? 


That song they lip synced to, it was Kody's ultra cool warning to the kids about the dangers of letting a boy get to 2nd base. 


I think Christine has the tendency to get a little too loud for my taste, I agree with Janelle that she would be embarrassing to go out with sometimes. 


Mykelti: "I'm graduated!" Oy. But I didn't think her orange headband was bad. It's probably in style at her school or with her friends.


Only 1/3 of the way through, going to keep watching/punishing myself... 

  • Love 2

They have all shitted up those brand new houses in short order. The rugs look like hell and the furniture is awful.

I have neat freak tendencies. I also can't keep the kids straight. That said...

Christine's graduating daughter was sent back upstairs after walking in on their conversation about the graduation surprise. There was an article of clothing or something laying on the floor. She stepped on, over or around it to go upstairs.

Stupid as it may be, that's all I could think about until I saw them chewing with their mouths open, again.

I think I'm missing the great plyg life lessons they're trying to teach me.

  • Love 4

So much drama over a failure of a  "business"...  Meri can miss me with her comment about  "It's just not fun anymore".  Boo friggin hoo.  Work is not generally known as fun, fyi!  It's about doing what you've got to do to keep a roof(s) over your (massive) family's head and food on the table(s). 


Note to Robyn - we all get what your original idea behind MSWC was, however, it is NOT making money in ANY way, shape, or fashion.  Therefore, it's time to look at it differently.  DUH..... 


I would like Robyn to go over in detail what a typical day of hers look like seeing we can see how busy she truly is as businesswoman.


This would be a great episode!  Until we fell asleep from boredom.

  • Love 4

Basic guess on Maddie's job: she wanted to get the hell out of Dodge and applied for work study (though *maybe* not low income enough to qualify) or other job that's for summer semester. Many student jobs are set up by semester or school year.

Bottom line, I suspect she took the quickest route out of the family loony bin that she was offered.

Funny how she more or less kissed Las Vegas good-bye ("maybe for a visit, but...") while dumbass was hoping she'll miss HIM (not her mom, not her siblings, not her friends. Him.) so much she'll come running back where she "belongs" and he can make all those "memories" he skipped while she was growing up.

Edited by RealityCowgirl
  • Love 9

I thought the designer guy did say in a nice way that her stuff sucked. He was saying something about them being a fantasy etc etc. and needing more time or something. He was trying to be nice about it and didn't come right out and say this stuff sucks. 


I agree what does Robyn do all day that amounts to killing herself for the ugly jewelry? its so ugly if they keep their own designs. They suck. The stuff is very bad. 


God Kody and this stuff about sex etc and morals. He is such an idiot, in the meantime he is doing 4 different women at the same time! 

  • Love 3

How I have missed these fools! 


Congrats to Christine on the weight loss.


True that Kody does seem overly concerned with his girls purity but the one thing that I loved that he said to Maddy was that her body belongs to her even if she is married! I am always surprised by how so many people don't know or believe this, so kudos to Kody. 


So I take it Mykelti isn't going to college? Is she going to some type of fashion and design school or is this potential internship the extent of her continuing education? Never knew Mykelti was so into fashion design. If she was so passionate and felt it in her head and heart, why wasn't she more in the mix when the wives were having those monstrosities made for the vow renewal last season? I was embarrassed for her during her meeting with the designer.


Sorry, not sorry but the designer's fashion aesthetics aren't exactly all that great either. By the looks of his designs, his customers must be of the Golden Girls variety. His design strikes me as very dated and appeal to the retirees in the state.


As usual, I remain awed by the Browns seeming complete disregard for any type of fiscal responsibility. Two separate graduation parties days apart? Granted, I understand they go to separate schools and have different sets of friends but it strikes me as stupid to have done it that way given their financial situation.


I am dying to know what kind of, if any, medical coverage they have. With Truly's recent illness and Dayton's recent accident, those medical bills would be high!


For a company with little to no sales, I too want to know what is occupying Robyn's time so completely that she can't even begin to entertain the thought of having another child. I know they aren't filling orders.


Maddie: "Get out. Get out. Get out." Well done.


Maddie basically 'bye Felicia'ed her own parents. Maddie is a woman of her word. When her ass says she was out of there ASAP, she meant that shit! The ink was barely dry on her diploma and she had all her shit packed, in the driveway and ready to go. I think Maddie not only didn't like LV, she wanted to get away from the family entirely. It must suck to never have a chance to be alone with your thoughts or have a space of your own. I can't imagine. I will not say that I am an introvert but I really do value time to myself without interference.  


I thought the Maddie video was actually kinda cute and sweet. Glad she seemed to enjoy it.


I hate to compare to the Browns to the fabulousness of the peanuts gang, but Kody, Meri and Christine dancing outside at the party reminded me of the dancing from the X-mas special. Kody was damn near almost doing the dance the boy is doing below, he just needed a bit more neck action.



  • Love 12

Speaking of designing...Robyn is such a spoiled brat in regards to MSWC. If designing and selling jewelry is a hobby business, then sure - talk about "integrity." But if it's a business to make money, and to support a family of 20+, then accept the fact that your original business plan isn't working, and change course.


Their business plan is to whine.   And cry.  That's about it.  No need to change it now.

  • Love 2

I hate to compare to the Browns to the fabulousness of the peanuts gang, but Kody, Meri and Christine dancing outside at the party reminded me of the dancing from the X-mas special. Kody was damn near almost doing the dance the boy is doing below, he just needed a bit more neck action.




Oh my God, you almost got me into trouble at work.  I've never seen a better depiction of Kody's . . . umm . . . "dance moves."

  • Love 6

Happy to see the return of this train wreck. Some comments: Kody and his wives (minus Janelle), seem to have fun sometimes which is better than the non stop moping of the Williams clan. Janelle needs to stop living in the past though. You have to forgive and forget the past in order to move on. Endlessly whining about how she and Meri were mean with each other doesn't accomplish anything. I actually think Janelle is just not suited to this life. She reminds of the Northern Wisconsin women who lived near my aunt. They were all plaid shirt wearing pioneer types who liked to cut wood and make applesauce, but didn't like being around people much.


Mykelti's portfolio was very unprofessional looking and bringing her parents to the interview was nuts. The 13 year olds on Project Runway threads can sew a pretty dress in a few hours, Mykelti could have sewn some dresses and photographed them for the portfolio. I could draw the dresses she designed and I'm far from an artist. Obviously the designer wanted to be on TV.


I felt bad for Dayton for his accident, but don't remember ever hearing about it or noticing his eyelid of scar. He already struggles with being different, now he has to struggle with the scars. 


I found most of the graduation stuff to be boring. It's very personal and probably fun for them, but I'm sure if they filmed a party at my house it would seem very boring to other people too.


Finally: I really think Kody is a frustrated actor or performer that got caught up in religion instead. He seems to have a crazy need to dance, sing whatever. And he is not very good. And whenever I see Robyn I want to just say Shut the hell up.

  • Love 2
Dayton's recent accident, those medical bills would be high


Besides her lust for Kody (LOL and gag!), I think the main reason Robyn wanted in this family was to get her bills paid. I don't think she expected to have to work being she was the new, "pretty" (Kody's opinion, not mine) wife who pushed out a baby and that's why she is ticked she has to put any work into the joory business.

Edited by Armchair Critic
  • Love 7

OMG!!! OMG!!!OMG!!!  That is hilarlious.


I really don't understand all the parties.  The part that I don't understand is, if you have a family with that many people in it, why wouldn't you combine parties. Like: Everyone who has a bday in a certain month, have ALL those parties in that same month. Why separate parties?

Edited by Taylorh2
  • Love 2
So I take it Mykelti isn't going to college?


According to her Twiiter (and Aspyn's Twitter), both girls are at UNLV and are roommates. They're both in sororities (different ones) and seem to be heavily involved in those. Good for them to go to college and experience the "college life," despite being so close to home. 


Funny that even the three kids who stayed in Las Vegas for school, have gotten OUT of the house. No commuting to class and staying at home. Madison and Mariah have gotten WAY out of dodge. So far, the older kids all seem "over" this entire situation (even though Mariah seems okay with being a polyg wife eventually).


I have felt for Janelle and her difficulties with Meri, but for God's sake - let it go!  Reunion after reunion, Meri is called out again, and year after year she is humbled and apologizes.  Meri cries, and Janelle coldly refuses to acknowledge it.  At this point, I think Janelle will only be satisfied by receiving both of Meri's kidneys and a lung.   I believe Meri was mean, and Janelle admits she was mean as well.  It's rumored Janelle approached Kody behind Meri's back - if true, that's a bad way to start that relationship.  At this point I just don't care.  Janelle had her say in their book, and she's been martyred in each reunion.  I'm over it.


WORD. Janelle  is probably my favorite wife, but the continued martyrdom is getting old. Almost as old as Robyn Williams' weekly puddle of tears over that god damned anniversary ring. 


I wonder if Christine's weight loss has Janelle a little salty, as well. We've been seeing Janelle work out, and she HAS lost weight. All of the sudden, Christine starts a new season with a VERY noticeable weight loss, which seems to have surpassed Janelle, who we've seen struggle for a couple of seasons, now.  I know that I'd be fighting back feelings of jealousy that it didn't happen as quickly for me. 


"I want you guys to LEAVE." Ouch (and LMAO), Madison!

Edited by ChicksDigScars
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