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S25.E12: All Or Nothing

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As much as the Scientists deserve love . . .  come on, there are so many asterisks you can slap on them.


There are a lot of asterisks you could put by several winning teams at this point, though.


The first season of the Amazing Race: Canada was won by a father/son team who never won a single leg and had to be saved on two NELs.  And the next season there was also won by a team of male friends who never won a single leg (might be a trend for TAR Canada, actually).  Then there's Josh and Brent, who were saved by an NEL and James and Abba's loss of their passports and basically sucked hind teat for the entire race save for the last leg.


I mean, I get what you're saying but at this point it's happened enough times that it doesn't feel like an outrage.  Particularly, for me, when it's a likeable team that may not be physically strong but is still tough in their own way.  And one could also make the argument that their last place finish last week was during a double leg, not an NEL, but that's splitting hairs, IMO.

Edited by DasFlavorPup
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This is the first time I was ever 100% happy with the results.  Yeah, Amy & Maya!  Now I hope that someone will give them their own TV show - combine travel & science, sort of a Bill Nye meets Globetrekker. 


Next season looks horrible!  This season shows they don't need gimmicks, they don't need stunt casting, they don't need rejects from other reality shows.  Cast normal people, and let the show run itself.  I'm ok with the teams that have never met, but why add the "dating" aspect to that.  Like there's time to date on the Race.  ugh.

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For me this was a perfect combination for a final leg: navigation + couple physical challenges + the very last task being the hardest one requiring kwonledge,strategy and resistance. Hate those final legs were teams have easy navigation, just do tasks like clim buldings and jump of heights with almost zero chance for teams to catch up after half of the leg or finish the race outperforming the other teams. We have a bunch of last legs where the cab driver pretty much decided the race, thats really bad/underwhelming. 

Edited by Guiaoshi
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Count me as disappointed with next season. As this season proved, you don't need personality conflicts and gimmicks to make a great race. You need good racers and good tasks. This wasn't the most thrilling finale, but this ranks just behind TAR 5 as the best ever for me. And what's worse, with these ratings, it might just be TAR's swan song. 


 Watching the finale I realized that I'd be happy with any of the teams winning (except Robbie and Brooke, really),so there was no chance that I would be disappointed. That's the first time that's happened in many, many, MANY seasons. I think you could make a case for the asterisks were Amy and Maya a "bad" team. They weren't. I really didn't think the Scientists had any chance not because they were bad racers, but because everybody else was better than them. It really was a superlative season in regards to racer skill.

Edited by DB in CMH
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I always watch the post-Race interviews sprinkled throughout the show for clues to the winner, and I couldn't help but noting the exuberant grins on Amy and Maya. It occurred to me that maybe they were just happy to be there, but they looked so friggin' pleased. Jim and Misti, not so much. The surfers had goofy grins, but they always look like that. Anyway, very happy with the result. Maybe they weren't a traditionally "strong" team, but they hung in there against a great field and kept their heads when it counted.


As for next season, no no no no no. Yuck. 

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Awesome win for one of the most underdog teams ever!  Congrats Maya & Amy!!!  Amy really dug deep the last two legs.  I haven't cheered this much since Uchenna & Joyce beat out you know who.


I loved this team from the first leg but didn't think they had any chance at all.  I thought the Cyclists might pull it out and rooted hard for them and hoped the Scientists could live to see another part of the world each leg.  But I never saw them winning it all.  Ever.  And a RB that lasted 4 to 5 hours according to Jim in hot temps with Amy's leg?  Amy for The Ironwoman award and Maya for Best Phil Hopping TAR Enthusiast.  Loved, loved loved them winning.


You guys remember some poster complaining that the Scientists weren't getting any air time a few legs into the Race and they were pretty upset about it?  Guess we know why now.  The show had tons of stuff ready to go as they started to slowly emerge from the shadows in a nice editing build to this climax.  (Nicely done, editing team).  I hope that poster kept watching and is happily celebrating their win tonight too.


It was a good final leg.  No final leg is ever excellent but this was one of the best and despite a task that was right up the Surfers strong suit, the Scientists still won thanks to Amy digging deep cause the running was probably a lot harder for her then the other two in the container yard.


Now the bad.  I hate, HATE, H-A-T-E 90% of all dating couples who have ever been on the Race.  Not personally of course but hated these kinds of annoying teams on the Race with all their petty little "couples stuff."  I cannot stand soap operas of any kind.  Also I always loved the cornerstone of the Race; that all teams have a "prior relationship."  Now wall-to-wall-to-wall teams I pre-hate and five of them are blind dates they meet at the starting line?  Just say it ain't so. 


Next season is the Anti-Amazing Race and after 25 seasons of viewing ever single freaking episode I may skip it.  Remember The Family Edition? I think The Family Edition will be looking pretty darn good in retrospect compared to this, the worst possible format I could ever imagine in my darkest nightmares.  And hey it is the first new "gimmick theme" since The Family Edition.  Shouldn't the producers have learned their lesson by now?


It is really going to cheapen a great show.  Too much like trash reality and not like the class reality I've come t expect from TAR.  Especially after one of the best seasons since the TAR Classic years just happened.  I was feeling all good and great then I stayed for the promo and felt as down as I had felt up a few seconds earlier.  What a bummer to destroy my mood so quickly there guys.

Edited by green
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Guys I know I have an Adam and Bethany avatar but I am thrilled that Amy and Maya won this race it was definitely an unexpected shocking ending for me! This season has been so freaking amazing so deliciously awesome I love this show!!!!

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Robbie: "You'll never forget the wrestlers!!"

Me: "Yeah, and I'll never forget that time I had the chicken pox, either. What's your point?"

When Robbie said that, my response was, "I'm sure as hell going to try." And please, TAR, never bring them back for all-stars or second chances or whatever. Please.

I felt a little bit bad for the surfers, but I was thrilled for the scientists. Can't remember ever being quite this happy about a win. Amy and Maya weren't the best racers throughout the race, but they were the best when it mattered most. I loved the container task, partly because I have this weird ability to memorize strings of numbers, and it was thoroughly impressive that Amy got it right on the first try. Yay brainy women!

Edited by mauras
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And a RB that lasted 4 to 5 hours according to Jim in hot temps with Amy's leg?  

I'm not inclined to take "4 or 5 hours" as gospel unless we later get in dependent confirmation from elsewhere. I'm not accusing Jim of lying either. But waiting anxiously in hot weather, not being able to do anything to help, can easily feel like 4 times as long a time as it really was.

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Normally I don't like it when a team that survives by a gimmick or because they ride along on some other teams coattails either wins or makes it late into the race. Yea, I'm talking about you Beakman Boys. And yet I'm not terribly upset that Maya & Amy won the Amazing Race.

Part of it was of course that they beat the Wrestlers (I halfway typed "Wrasslers" there). I have fond memories of TAR 6 and Lori and Bolo, but these two had none of their endearing qualities. They and the Dentists (but mostly them) had almost a sense of entitlement, like they deserved to win and that Maya and Amy weren't worthy of even being there. That's why I like Adam & Bethany more than the other two. There was a certain schadenfreude about The Wrestlers getting eliminated after their statements about The Scientists.

The Scientists' triumph is exactly why we watch The Race. It's about the possibility of the underdog winning. It's about diversity; not just in terms of race, ethnicity, gender, or sexual orientation but also in terms of physical type and even age. The Race isn't always to the strongest or the fittest or the people who look like they should win. The Scientists winning reminds us that if you are in this Race you can win it.

The preview of next season - have they ever done that before? - looks dire, but let's wait to see the teams before we rush to judgement. I don't like the idea of mixing The Race with The Bachelor, but we don't know the character of the teams who will be participating in that season, so how can we realistically judge at this moment.

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Although I was rooting for the surfers, I am very pleased by the underdog win by the scientists.  Very good season.


Not so good is the dating fiasco to come.  Show, show, show, have you learned nothing from the Weevils?  Will the leg winners be receiving a rose from Phil??

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I don't like the idea of mixing The Race with The Bachelor, but we don't know the character of the teams who will be participating in that season, so how can we realistically judge at this moment.


Does this mean that in next season's finale Phil will be giving out the million dollars, the title of winner of the Amazing Race --- and the Final Rose ? </snark>


ETA: @basiltherat beat me to it about the final rose by a minute.

Edited by ottoDbusdriver
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Yet another Wisconsin resident chiming in here!


I truly never really thought they had a chance - they weren't "newsworthy"  enough - just really nice folks like Bethany and Adam, T & T and the bikers - and yes, even the Dentists and I never thought I would type those words!


Great season and I LOVED THE FINAL!  Truly I would not have minded if either of the other two teams won - I really loved the vibe in this season - nice people really can provide fun and suspense and thrills.


I truly understand a competitive nature, I do not understand the ugliness that Brooke displayed - and I don't understand her extreme nastiness to the scientists, completely uncalled for.  They were saved by a NEL, so we have a new twist.  Get over yourselves.  She was no happier at the finish than he was and I wish they had not shown their reaction.  Sadly, I fear it foreshadows that we will see these jerks again - "good tv" and all.  NOT!


I would love to see the top 3 teams again plus, the cyclists and T & T.   most of the other were ok but my memory is not what it used to be.


I will pray tonight that wiser heads will prevail and the wrestlers will never be heard from again.


I am still a bit confused as to why they think they are unforgettable.




Well done BADGER SCIENTISTS - - - you made us proud!

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The wrestlers did set one record that might never be topped--thousands of miles--dozens of cities--multiple countries--and NOT ONCE did they have any idea where they actually were in the world.


Still laughing UncleChuck - spot on!

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So there's no speed bump on this episode even though they came in last in the previous leg?


It was a TBC (To Be Continued) leg.  Those legs (half-leg really) never include Speed Bumps given to the last team at the midway point for the next part of the leg.  Only the non-elim legs do.  Those legs (err...half leg) also never include a prize for coming in first either since the mat is just another spot to get the next clue.  Thus the one leg the Wrestlers "won" they didn't since the leg wasn't over.  So they never won a prize on the whole race which is kind of okay with me.

Edited by green
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There are a number of posts that mention how the scientists were "saved by an NEL", or that they didn't have to do a speed bump.  But wasn't this a "to be continued" leg - not an NEL?  That explains why there was no prize for 1st place (the leg wasn't done yet), and no speed bump for the last place. 


Edited to add:  Green beat me to the same thought! 

Edited by chaifan
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I was really rooting for the Surfers, but if it couldn't be them, I was pleased it was not the dentists or the wrestlers.  I would love to see the Surfers back for an All-Star edition.  Their attitude was so positive, as were Amy and Maya's.  I did find the final task boring and I do wish both the team members were competing, not just one member.  


A very pleasant season all together.  I heard they are going to be on after Survivor in February?   I know the ratings were not great for this season after the stupid switch they did on night's.  Half the time I was forgetting the show was on Friday night.  Luckily, my DVR always remembered for me.


I would totally suck at the memory competition.  Because I would already be exhausted from racing, my mind would be putty, especially with memorizing numbers.  Amy and Maya, amazing job!

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Man, I loved this finale. Good for the scientists for winning. Amy's been injured half the race and that last swim was really set-up for the surfers to win. I thought for sure they would get eliminated at the 1/2 way point. Nice to see a smart team succeed for once. Too often it seems like the finale is set-up for the strongest team.

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And because the penultimate leg was a To-Be-Continued, Brooke and Robbie also didn't receive a prize for reaching the mat first.  After that: a 14-hour flight from Manila to Los Angeles, followed by the chance to drive the LA freeways for a few hours, and a visit to City Hall.  

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Wow, way to go, scientists! Color me shocked that they navigated so well when it really counted.

Did anyone watch that awful, awful show Love Prison? I think it was on A&E. Couples who'd been dating online but had never met were forced to spend a week in a house on a teeny little island together with no outside distractions. Just about all of the couples couldn't stand each other by week's end. And I fear next season of TAR is going to be almost as awful. In what universe is this a good idea? I hate the gimmicks on Survivor, and certainly don't need or want them on my TAR, dammit.

Edited by Squirrely
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You are an ass, Jim, you and your low-hanging fruit.  I hope they hand you your head.


Shit!  Self-navigation in the final leg?  Woah!  And the Candy Scientists aceing it?!??


Bethany is famous!


Brooke & Robbie disintegrating in the car, and the Dentists not much better.


Suck it up, Maya!  Yesss!  Like that!  (And you've got a date for later, too!)


DamnItMayaReadTheFuckingClue!!!  You too, Amy!   Lost a good lead to the Surfers, but got away just before Jim & Misti.


Brooke & Robbie heading for the Mexican border, apparently.  Or is it Canada?


The Wrestlers hang their heads...  but this puts the Candy Scientists in last place!  Right?


Okay, a needle-in-haystack challenge and a memory challenge, all in one!  I think the memorization/sequencing will be the killer.  At least they're pretty much neck and neck.


Candy Scientists!  Please let them not get Sterling'd!


YAAAY!  (And fuck you, and your low-hanging fruit, Jim.)


Look out, Phil!  Incoming..... Oooofff!


Well done Amy & Maya!  Hope you are OK with second place, Jim & Misti!  Adam & Bethany will be just fine with third.  There was another team woffling on about never, ever being forgotten, but I can't remember who they were.....

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It looked like Amy and Maya were at the finish line for quite a while before Team Dentist showed up. If they hadn't bungled the "change out of your gear" portion of the clue at the stuntman task, they might have even made this a runaway victory.

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Congratulations to the Scientists. I wasn't rooting for them though due to their overall less than spectacular performance. They did well on this leg though, and I guess that's all that matters. However, I do NOT like the mid-leg elimination of a final 4 team on the last leg, and hope I never see it again.


However, I am glad that it was Brooke and Robbie that were eliminated. She really is an ugly person, especially with that attitude toward the scientists. Also miffed at Jim for joining in on that, even if he meant whacking Amy on the leg as a joke. It wasn't the least bit funny. What was funny was them eliminating themselves with horrible navigation skills.


My opinion of Jim continues to fluctuate in all directions. Between the comments above and losing his temper a bit with Misti over navigation, my favor of him went way down on this leg. However, kudos to him for hugging his wife after that brutal roadblock. Misti was a trooper. People wanted to see how he reacted under stress, and this showed both good and bad aspects. Hardly the scary-eyed hyper-intense ogre from early in the race, where people claimed things like spousal abuse.


I suppose my heart was set on the Surfers winning going into the finale, which is where it was for the majority of the race. However, if I hear her make a cutesy "honeybun" reference one more time I'm going to projectile vomit. I see we already have people claiming that the rescue task was tailor-made specifically for the Surfers to win. I thought maybe that wouldn't come since they didn't win, but no such luck. I was also a little disappointed in the linger views of the camera as Bethany's boobs swung back and forth as she ran. It might have just been the absence of her arm that would normally hide them somewhat.


Nor can I blame Bethany for not getting those numbers right at the Roadblock, because I'd still be there trying to remember everything. It was difficult enough not being able to consult with your race notes, but to then have to remember the numbers on the container without writing them down was just downright evil. I was also appreciative of her thanking the Coast Guard lady for her service. That's class! I also thought it was cute that the fireman recognized her, but she had to excuse themselves for having to hurriedly leave and not talk. In retrospect, that's why I'm not too awfully upset she didn't win. She's got some fame and notoriety already.


Overall, it was an enjoyable episode and an enjoyable season. I missed the preview for next season, but am not looking forward to it after hearing everyone say it's based solely on dating couples. Ew! Though I was surprised to hear Jeff Probst announce during the Survivor finale of all places that the next season is going to premiere on Wednesday night after the Survivor premier. But I then heard in these forums that it was only for the premier, as they're going to move to Friday after the premier episode. Ick! But still, any TAR on a crazy night is better than no TAR at all. I hope.

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I'm so happy Amy and Maya won. I was really rooting for them, though I would have been fine with the surfers winning. Both those teams really worked well together, had positive attitudes, and didn't cause all sorts of unneeded drama. The Dentists I could take or leave, and I was SO glad the wrestlers got eliminated, especially after Brooke's comments to Amy and Maya in the airport. 

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Well, this proves that you never know, and you'd best not think you do until it's done!


Brooke was ridiculous, blaming Robbie for them being lost, and complaining that he wasn't calm. He seemed way calmer than she did, to my ears and eyes. And they weren't in last because of Amy and Maya being in the race. They were last because they got lost. It wasn't even about a "brains vs brawn" challenge, either. And they can't even blame it on having trouble getting a tax, like she tried to do earlier in the season. I do give her points for knowing they'd fall behind on a mental challenge. That was kind of honest and self-aware when she said that in the airport. She often seems delusional, but she was right about that bit.


Really, everyone's placement was determined by their performance, and how many mistakes they made.


Jim and Misti got lost after Jim gloated about how they were the only team that knew where they were going, and after calling the people ahead of them "low hanging fruit."


Bethany and Adam did well until Bethany had trouble with the final task. I admit, I'd have been terrible at it myself; memorization is not my strength. But she was pretty excited about how her heroic man was going do the stunt, so it's hard for me to feel that sorry for them. If they knew Adam was their memory person, they should have saved him for the final task, which has often been a roadblock. No reason they couldn't see that coming. And it's not like Bethany couldn't have done the stunt; she's proven herself perfectly capable all season long. It's a choice they made that did them in.


I thought it was one of the more fair finales they've done, with a mix of skills and types of tasks required.


I thought Adam was pissed about losing. When Bethany was going on and on about how much she loved him and that was worth more than the money, he stayed pretty quiet, and never really reciprocated until Phil fed him the line about how proud he must be of Bethany. And he did feel obligated to add that the million would have been nice. Not horrible behavior, but not perfect grace and partner support, either. I actually thought Jim was more supportive of Misty than Adam was of Bethany, in this regard.


As far as next season is concerned: I am sure they are doing it hoping for epic meltdowns and emotional drama. The past few races have been much less full of people who despise their teammates and let it show. I think dating couples, especially ones who've not spent time together before, are the most likely pairs to go off on each other and have nothing to lose in terms of ruining their relationship forever. I predict lots of mistakes, outbursts, tears, yelling, and arguments. I guess that's what they think the viewers want. Unfortunately, they might be right, since trainwrecks seem to be fairly popular viewing. But it sounds awful, to me.

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I suppose my heart was set on the Surfers winning going into the finale, which is where it was for the majority of the race. However, if I hear her make a cutesy "honeybun" reference one more time I'm going to projectile vomit. I see we already have people claiming that the rescue task was tailor-made specifically for the Surfers to win. I thought maybe that wouldn't come since they didn't win, but no such luck.


I don't know about any other post about this but I think you may have misunderstood my post.  I said it was tailor-made for them as in it was right up their alley.  Not that the producers were making the task with them in mind.  I would have said the same thing had the Cyclists made it to Manila and driven the rickshaw bicycles.  It was a task that was made for them as in it was something they should be really good at.  The producers never have and never will "fix" the Race for any team over another.  Period.

Edited by green
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While I wanted the surfers to win, I'm really happy the scientists won.  In the end, it came down to a "brainy" challenge.  I think it'd be hard to remember all those cities and numbers and then have to put it all together.  I heard the specific "no notes" instructions which made it a true memory task.  I think I still remember when Kat and Nat answered the video board final challenge by just consulting all of their notes.


Kind of knew that the scientists would do well after Jim's "low hanging fruit" foreshadowing. 


Jim needs to get his thyroid checked.  Those eyes of his are about to pop out of their sockets.


So we get to see some Ford voice command feature, which really isn't a huge novelty in cars these days.  But what I don't understand is why none of the racers used the navigation in the cars.  Unless it was disabled.  Or unless there were specific instructions that you couldn't use it.


Bethany's breasts are huge.  When they were running away after the stunt task, you could see those melons bouncing up and down.  It looks painful.  She needs a better sports bra.  In twenty years those things are going to be down to her waist.

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I was also surprised that I would have been happy with anyone but the wrestlers winning - it's never happened before that I like every team in the final 3.  So, that was fun.  I felt bad for Bethany and Adam, and even for the Dentists (which I would not have predicted at the beginning of the season), but I would have felt just as bad for Maya and Amy if they hadn't won.  


Brooke was so awful at the airport, possibly the ugliest she's ever been, which is saying quite a lot.  Brooke, if it's in the rules of the game / design of the race, then it's "fair".  


I can't believe they were at that final task for 4 or 5 hours (when Jim asked about the time).


I'm pretty sure Jim was kidding about that, being sarcastic because it was so hot (the partners waiting were hiding in the shade), and because they were all on pins and needles waiting for their partners.  The sun angles didn't look like they were there anywhere near that long, and while the task was tough, I can't imagine it took 4+ hours.  

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Wow, what a surprise! I would never have thought the scientists would have made it through the entire race, never mind win. Good for them.


I love that Brooke was worried there was going to be a “smart” challenge & knew it would not be good for her & Robbie & she was almost right. The "smart" part wasn’t the challenge, it was getting there.


I don't like what next season looks like, what's the point of putting people who don't know each other together? Remember Mallory & Mark? They were a disaster, why does anyone think we want to see 5 teams like that?

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I never expected the Scientists to win, so that was just awesome when they went ahead like that so unexpectedly.  I would have been fine with the Surfers or the Dentists winning.  I would have felt a bit badly for them if not for Jim's comments to the Wrestlers about the Scientists, and Adam saying he wished they were eliminated.  It would have been even better if Amy had bested Jim and Adam on the final task with the shipping containers.  I really liked Misti's positive attitude, though, and how she was laughing even when they made a mistake ("No wonder no one was behind us!").  


That was satisfying to see the Wrestlers flame out.  Trying to follow, and then just getting lost on every segment.  The mid-leg elimination would have sucked if it were any of the other teams, but with the Wrestlers, it was just desserts.


How did Amy and Maya suddenly get so good at navigation?  That was their Achilles Heel for so many legs.  Good on them for figuring out how to beat it.  I'm happy for them that they have some money to pay for their education.

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Well I don't feel like the best team won this time, but whatever.  I do think it's kind of lame to have two NELs in a row and then the final leg.  Made them seem sort of pointless, you know?  And Amy and Maya received no penalty whatsoever for finishing last on the previous leg, no speed bump and not even a later start than the other teams.  So I did think it was unfair to the other teams that Amy and Maya got to start the last leg even with them.  I hope they don't do that again, it should either be the final three or if it's four then the fourth place team needs to be at some disadvantage, just like the last place team on other legs.  I knew Brooke and Robbie were finished when the other teams had all left city hall and they were still lost in Santa Monica.  Yeesh.  (and seriously, it's not that hard to follow the signs and get on the freeway to downtown from LAX, don't know why it was such a problem for them and the dentists)  I did like them even though Brooke could be obnoxious, they made me laugh.  I guess Bethany had trouble with that container challenge because she must have had a good 15 minute head start at least on the others.  The dentists had their usual navigation trouble in the beginning that they could never overcome.  I was pulling for the surfers to win.  I'm happy for the candy girls and all, but the finish was sort of meh.

Edited by Dobian
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Once the Wrestlers were eliminated, I was fine with any of the other teams winning, though I was hoping for the Surfers!  There was a spoiler on last week's thread that basically said it was the Dentists or Surfers who got eliminated (the spoiler was quickly taken down), so I was braced for that, and so pleased when the Wrestlers began their wandering tour of Southern California. 


I thought I only saw three Coast Guard boats at the rescue task, so that was a good clue that the Wrestlers were about to be eliminated.  I wonder at what point the other teams knew they were the Final Three?  Or did they think the Wrestlers might show up for the first few hours of the container search?  Of maybe they figured it out when they saw the three boats. 

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Imho, Adam and Bethany have already won, they just didn't win this race. They love and support each other, and I never heard either of them say a negative word to each other when so many racers dissolve into bickering and criticism.

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Best result ever! The scientists' enthusiasm for the race made me smile every week. I didn't think they had a chance, but I guess that was my mistake. Once it was clear that the final task was a mental one, I had hope. They had such good attitudes, focused on their race and not on putting down other teams.

I enjoyed the wrestlers being eliminated midway through, but I also would have enjoyed seeing them try to figure out which countries they had visited, and to memorize the numbers. They'd still be there, walking around, trying to figure it out.

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Bethany's breasts are huge. When they were running away after the stunt task, you could see those melons bouncing up and down. It looks painful. She needs a better sports bra. In twenty years those things are going to be down to her waist.

I imagine finding a bra that she can wear with only one arm (not much of a shoulder) is difficult. I like the racer-back style myself and they don't make a lot of them with underwire support.

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Well I don't feel like the best team won this time, but whatever.  I do think it's kind of lame to have two NELs in a row and then the final leg.  Made them seem sort of pointless, you know?  And Amy and Maya received no penalty whatsoever for finishing last on the previous leg, no speed bump and not even a later start than the other teams.  So I did think it was unfair to the other teams that Amy and Maya got to start the last leg even with them.  I hope they don't do that again, it should either be the final three or if it's four then the fourth place team needs to be at some disadvantage, just like the last place team on other legs. 


This was a continuation leg (aka, double-length or to be continued) which means that the pit stop is only to pick up the next clue and any other instructions.  The first to arrive do not win a prize and the last to arrive do not have to complete a speed bump.  So, there was really nothing that happened that was 'unfair' to the other teams.  


There is more information in this link in the section on Double-Length Legs. (I hope the link works)



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I was really hoping that Bethany and Adam would win because they have been so positive and supportive of each other, which is surprisingly rare to find on this show. They haven't yelled at each other, blamed each other, berated each other, insulted each other, or lost their tempers with each other. That alone is enough to make me like them. But the fact that they were also very good at the tasks was a bonus. They were good at physical tasks as well as mental tasks and even when they made mistakes they didn't lose their cool. They just dug in until they got the task done.


Despite the fact that I was totally rooting for the surfers, I was very happy when Amy and Maya won. They were my second choice to win but I honestly kept thinking that something would knock them out at some point. Loved seeing Amy knock out that final task on her first try.


In contrast, Robbie and Brooke are the worst. Neither of them could accept the fact that they got lost because they are IDIOTS. Again they had to keep pointing fingers and blaming other people instead of admitting that they are incapable of following simple directions. The guy didn't give them bad directions. He told them exactly which freeways to take and they took the right freeway in the wrong direction.


Similarly, I was cracking up when Jim said they had a huge advantage because he and Misti were the only ones going the right way, never considering the possibility that the reason no one else was going the same way was because everyone else was going in the correct direction. HA!

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