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S04.E12: Heroes And Villains

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They left Henry to wander around in a house with an active Portal to other realms?  That can't be a good thing.


Deleted scene.  "Hey, where did Henry go?"  "Oh no, did he get himself sucked into the Hat?"  "Did anyone remember to let the Fairies out?"

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I think seeing Mal, Cruella, and Ursula would have worked better for me if they'd shown up after Belle kicked Rumpel out of town.  Maybe have exactly 3 flashbacks: one devoted to each of the incoming villains to lay the groundwork for their arrival at the end.  At the end of the episode, rather than immediately show Rumpel starting his plan to return, we have a limo version of Cruella's car arrive at the town line and all three ladies get out, wearing modern versions of their movie outfits, ready to invade and cause chaos.  We wouldn't yet know their purpose, we wouldn't know how they knew each other or why they were teamed up, and there wouldn't be any indication that they'd be working for Rumpel rather than themselves.


I did like that we got a live action version of the chocolate scene from Frozen.  Elsa and Anna were such treats this season and I want to keep them.  Emma needs some actual friends since the show isn't interested in keeping Ashley and Aurora around beyond a few minutes. 


I do think that a time jump of six weeks isn't long enough.  I get that they want to advance the time a little so that the characters can breathe offscreen but Gilmore is still significantly older than Henry and six weeks won't come close to making up that time.  He's going to be well over 21 by the time Henry's a teenager at the rate the show's going.

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Oddly enough, when Henry made the comment about his mom having bad things happen to her in the book, I assumed he was talking about Emma! Because there was no way Regina could be so ridiculously described. And when Belle said things were going better for "his mom" now, I was grinning be cause I immediately thought, hell yes she has the steamy pirate to munch on (laughing)


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I feel like there was a moment in the writer's room where everyone went,"Crap, we're already on episode 12, and we still have to set up 4B!" The wrap up of Frozen felt rushed. Bye Elsa! I'll miss you!


Waaaaaay too much OQ moping. I hoped that it was over when Robin crossed the town line (accompanied by a heartfelt "Get lost, you douche!" from me), but the 4B promo implies he'll be back. Darn.


I also didn't need so much backstory on Maleficent, Ursula, and Cruella. And as much as I love the way they're doing Cruella, I don't see how she's from the Enchanted Forest. I would have preferred something like the end of last season, where the new story was set up only in the last couple minutes of the episode.


The sorcerer's hat and Hook's heart were wrapped up much too quickly and with zero fanfare. The only good part of that was Belle finally (finally!) being a sensible character. 


The episode was overall underwhelming for a mid-season finale. Cutting down on OQ and the Enchanted Forest mean girls (as someone else awesomely called them) would have improved it immensely. 


ETA: If they're going to continue to pursue this author nonsense, I hope the author starts sending them creepy messages like "A" on Pretty Little Liars. That's probably the only way I would enjoy that subplot.

Edited by Leia1979
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I also didn't need so much backstory on Maleficent, Ursula, and Cruella. And as much as I love the way they're doing Cruella, I don't see how she's from the Enchanted Forest. I would have preferred something like the end of last season, where the new story was set up only in the last couple minutes of the episode.


I wonder what the rationale for that was.  Maybe last season, they thought just a shot of Elsa would entice all the Frozenistas to jump onto the ship.  And this year, they needed to show us more to intrigue people enough?  I think what scarynikki12 suggested would have worked better.  I mean, where's the mystery about the villains' goals when we already know it's all Mongoose?

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Here's hoping Robin is well and truly gone from Storybrook. Although, he and Regina do sort of deserve each other. I kept hoping Marian would take Roland and start running so they wouldn't be stuck with him either.


I'm over Gold/ Rumple even though I love Carlyle as an actor. And I have never liked Belle until their final scene together. She stopped looking like a giant dope and had the right amount of pent up righteous indignation over all the lies and deception, of not just herself, but everyone IN Storybrook.


Emma needs to spend more time with Killian and less time with Regina. Of course she's all in with Operation Mongoose. We must feed the stupidity that is Henry and Regina.


These three "villians" are decidedly not going to be nearly as fun as the Arendelle gang. For one thing, Cruella is NOT magical and not even really much of a true villian... she's just mean and ignorant. The actress playing her looks awesome in the part (is that Victoria Smurfit from Dracula??), but still, NOT A MAGICAL VILLAIN. Ursula and Maleficent just look hapless. I fear the second half of the season may be lame-ish.

The only thing I'm curious about is how they are going to reveal the sorcerer/ author. If it's a giant mouse, it will be worth the wait.

Edited by PepperMonkey
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Kid's like seventeen now, isn't he? He can take care of himself.

Watching a small TV across the room, when Snow, Charming, and Henry entered one scene and then the camera pulled back, I momentarily mistook Henry for Snow. Same haircut. Almost the same height. And they were dressed alike. Anyway, Jared Gilmore is 14, but, yeah, they should replace him like they did Darren on Bewitched.
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I hope the author starts sending them creepy messages like "A" on Pretty Little Liars.


A is the first letter of Author and Disney owns both networks after all!


That would actually be hilarious enough for me to accept it.  A (we presume) teenage girl who terrorizes everyone in the most bizarre, yet horrifying, way possible?  I'm in! 

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Even Emma expressing disgust over what Gold did to her "boyfriend" when talking later to Regina would have helped the Emma/Regina scene seem less jarring. As it is, we don't even know how Emma (or Regina) feel about Gold now or if they know he tried to take Henry too. Emma and Regina both snort over Gold not getting what he wanted, but we don't know if it's real disgust toward the character or just general snarkiness and it's particularly hard to tell with Regina, who is snarky to everyone. 

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ETA: If they're going to continue to pursue this author nonsense, I hope the author starts sending them creepy messages like "A" on Pretty Little Liars. That's probably the only way I would enjoy that subplot.

OH MY GOD this MUST happen!!! (But instead of creepy little messages, can it be things like "You dopes, the book records events that happened, so if you start making better decisions, you'll stop being a villain and getting karmic comeuppance"? Not that Regina or Rumpel have received anywhere near the karmic comeuppance they deserve, but, you know.)


The actress playing [Cruella] looks awesome in the part (is that Victoria Smurfit from Dracula??),

It is! I loved her on that show, and I'm liking her Cruella so far. She's got the snark down cold already.

Edited by stealinghome
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Was Regina's hand holding Robin's while it crossed the line supposed to mean something? Her comment about choosing Marian because the kids had to come first made me think something is coming there. 


I was proud of Belle, finally she got a backbone against Gold. She saved Hook, she stopped the magic hat, and she banished Gold.  What happens to the magic hat and the people in it now though? Also did Belle not realize she had been asleep for a long time.


LOL at Henry calling Belle, "Grandma."


Will miss Anna and Elsa. Loved the wedding scene of the two of them walking off together though. 

Edited by Artsda
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LOL at Henry calling Belle, "Grandma."


The weird thing about that is... okay, so this is the first time we've seen Henry have a conversation with Belle.  But is this the first time they've actually talked? Wouldn't that Grandma thing have come up already weeks ago when he started working at the Shop?  

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ETA: If they're going to continue to pursue this author nonsense, I hope the author starts sending them creepy messages like "A" on Pretty Little Liars. That's probably the only way I would enjoy that subplot.

I would pay to see this. "I'm back, bitches. You want a happy ending? Come and get it. -A."

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So which relationship was "tested" and which was "changed forever"? 3/4 of them had (relatively) big moments, so...

I suppose CS was tested, and Rumbelle was changed forever. OQ might fall under either category, depending on the writers' definition.

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The weird thing about that is... okay, so this is the first time we've seen Henry have a conversation with Belle.  But is this the first time they've actually talked? Wouldn't that Grandma thing have come up already weeks ago when he started working at the Shop?  

Yes, but this is the first reaction they've let Henry have about his grandfather's marriage. Of course on this show Henry would go from barely interacting with Belle to calling her grandma. 

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This episode felt like the screenwriters found some bad fan fiction and based a script off of it.  I agree that Cruella looked out of place in the Enchanted Forest, but I'll watch in spring just so I can see what bs powers they give her character.  I have to imagine that her modern time counterpart is currently at war with PETA.

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First reaction ,

CS I'm in the  not happy camp. We already saw hot kiss but maybe they can talk about feeling or actually,anything for longer than 10 seconds.

 is Emma (the savior) never save anybody on this show ?

First reaction ,

CS I'm in the  not happy camp. We already saw hot kiss but maybe they can talk about feeling or actually,anything for longer than 10 seconds.

 is Emma (the savior) never save anybody on this show ?

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So sad to see the Frozen cast go!  I sort of wish 4B could have been Emma and crew helping Anna and Elsa take down Hans once and for all.  A girl can dream.  I guess I'd have to "let it go" eventually...dammit.  Still, I do think Hans' defeat was awfully rushed.  There wasn't much time in the episode to address it, but one moment Anna and Elsa are going through the magic door, worried about getting rid of Hans, and then the next they've fixed everything and are all decked out for Anna's wedding.  At least they gave us one more movie reference with the "chocolate" scene.  *Sniff*


Well!  Belle finally woke up, literally and figuratively.  That was refreshing.  Of course the bad thing about Gold being pushed over the town line is that since I figure he'll surely be back, that means Robin Hood can probably find his way back, too.  I think I need some Rolaids.  I keep hoping it'll turn out that Tinkerbell was wrong about who Regina's true love is meant to be.


I actually kind of enjoyed watching Emma and Regina clinking glasses and relishing the idea of a powerless Gold suffering in NYC.


As others have mentioned and because it can't be said enough IMO, Cruella is WAY out of place in the Enchanted Forest.  She also doesn't have any powers so what does she bring to an alliance with the other two ladies anyway?  And what is Ursula doing in NYC?  Regina's curse wouldn't have taken her there, so she must have some other problem going on.  I'm not sure I'm all that interested.  Ursula + Maleficent + Cruella just seem like a mishmash of characters thrown together because the writers had no other ideas going.

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Belle finally buying a clue almost made up for all the other wasted plotlines. Almost.

Hey, Emma, WHERE IS YOUR PHONE? And why the rush through everything today? It felt like she was barely even in this episode. Frozen crew leaving? Ok, bye. Rumple playing you all along? Ok, freeze. Hook was missing his heart this whole time? Ok, BAM! Regina alone at the bar? Ok, drink! Operation Mongoose exisits? Ok, I'm in!

As for the evil crew:

I'm all about the tres, about the tres, no Rumple.

Seriously? Why is Rumple always the most magical of all magic and most eviliest of all evil? Can we get finally get a villain that even Rumple is afraid of, and has even more power than Rumple (Dairy Queen was close)? Ursula is supposed to be a SEA GODDESS whose legend has existed for over a thousand years. And yet she needs Rumple to recruit her on his own Author quest? And why does she work in a literal shark tank? Couldn't they have made her a cutthroat lawyer in a powerful law firm or something?

At least it seemed like Cruella isn't magical? She seemed like the ringleader, but Maleficient was the one with the magic, and Ursula was the heavy (heh). I wasn't able to watch as closely as I would have liked, but I didn't see her do anything magical.

Belle's boobs looked painful in that fairyback. BWAH to "grandma".


I'm the most disappointed at the severe lack of SVEN!

With the last second appearance of this gauntlet that apparently saves the day, it's nice to get confirmation that Contrivance is the one fairy who escaped the hat.

Edited by The Cake is a Pie
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What was that? All I can say is thank God Ingrid got such an epic send off last week and was spared the crap that was this episode. 


First off, I'm upset that there was zero fallout from the Shattered Sight spell or Emma getting her memories back or anything that had to do with this entire season of Frozen and the Snow Queen. What a waste. Even Emma's fear about Hook dying on her were completely glossed over and ignored. As was Captain Swan and any related angst. 


I wish this was the end of Outlaw Queen, but sadly, I cannot get that lucky. Last season, we had Captain Swan build up until "Going Home" and the Hook/Emma goodbye was two lines. It was sad, but nice. Why the hell did I need endless Outlaw Queen goodbyes. Just be done with it. And surely someone else could have gone with Marian. No one wanted to leave crazy magic town? I suppose Roland was a factor, but seriously, that was stupid. Marian is free to come live with me as long as she dumps the jackass she's married to. Marian is just sheer class.


Belle has a spine! Who knew? Still, I don't expect it to last and that makes me sad. I expect Baby Stiltskin is already in the oven and she'll soften towards Rumpel very easily.


Not at all interested in the flashbacks or the new villains. I don't know. I may be out after this. We'll see.


Finally, Operation Mongoose. I was at the Mob Museum in Vegas this week and there was an exhibit about the real Operation Mongoose which involved the CIA and the mob in a plot to kill Castro. That was a crazy plan, but it made a hell of a lot more sense than whatever this show has going. I will say that a room full of empty books means nothing other than the author may have plenty of other stories to document, not that he's writing future tales. We know that there are people in Storybrooke whose stories are not in the book. Maybe the author is still working on writing their histories. Maybe he's going to write a book about Arendelle and all of that now. 

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As much as I enjoyed Belle kicking Rumple to the curb, her speech about realising "all the signs I'd been seeing were correct" didn't really jibe with what we'd seen on screen  for me. Have we seen her question him even raise an eyebrow at anything he's said or done this season? It's true I don't always pay full attention to Rumple/Belle scenes, but I can't think of one instance. 

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I think this ep and the blatant lack of emotional followthrough over the Hook's heart plot may be the final nail in the coffin of my ties to this show. Huge, huge setup, but all emotional CS fallout was shoved aside for SQ pandering and bringing Emma into Operation Stupid. That tells me all I need to know about the show's priorities now. A big no thank you to all of that. It was so blatant that I literally now wonder if they've decided to change course and make SQ canon. I'm not even joking.


After this lackluster, perfunctory finale, I suspect there is going to be a big drop in ratings for 4B, more so than can be accounted for by just the Frozen fans leaving; I think the Frozen fans have already left. I don't think the Evil Trio are enough to lure many viewers, Rumpbelle and OQ fans are upset, this ep showed TPTB no longer care enough about CS to even follow through on maybe their biggest story yet, so what's left?


I mean, good for Belle, I guess. That's about it in the "positives" column.

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1. Henry calling Belle "grandma" was the best thing ever except that he

2. Followed it up with a bizarre statement about how "bad things happened to his Mum" in the Enchanted Forest, leaving out the part where that was mostly her doing bad things to other people.

3. We really are supposed to accept this "author" plotline, which (sing it people) makes no sense, umkay

4. A whole episode of Belle and barely a Captain Swan nod. And had to see in excruciating detail that Marian is 10 times Robin and Regina put together. He is the only character apart from Gold who makes Regina look like a good guy in comparison. Can't wait for the spinoff series - Robin Hood: Douchebag

5. Gold got his and he got it at Belle's hands, which is great. Bit of redemption of a character they've unmercilessly assassinated for... a long time. I can't even remember how long

6. Hook. After a whole season of being tortured by Gold, was that really the only resolution we got? Seriously? That was so perfunctory and unsatisfying. And why after finally being reunited with his heart did he apparently wander off alone while Emma went on a drinking binge with Regina?

7. The Emma and Regina drinking scene was lovely. It almost made me forget that Regina is the third worst person in the world.

8. The Frozen cast thing was wrapped up a little too neatly for me.

9. The gauntlet was a little convenient. If they knew they needed it, couldn't they have introduced it a little earlier in the season?

10. Cruella deVille? Really?

Edited by AudienceofOne
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Belle mentions that the gauntlet led her to the REAL dagger, but how does she even know about a fake existing?



She doesn't need to. She just needs to know where the fake was supposed to be. Having found the gauntlet (which I, incidentally, thought they said was a 'goblet' the first time around and got confused), Belle, driven by her insecurities after the mirror curse and wanting reassurance, asked it to find the thing that Rumpel loved most, hoping I guess that it would be her. Instead it led her to the dagger. Seeing as it wasn't the one he'd given her, she realised the one she had was fake and that the only thing he loved was power. Despite the contrivance of the magical gauntlet that only existed in the show ten seconds before it was needed to drive the plot, this was one of the more coherent aspects of this episode.

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Does this fulfill the "the boy will be my undoing" prophecy, since it was Henry's clumsiness that led to Belle finding the gauntlet that set forth the chain of events that rendered Rumple to be powerless (therefore "undoing" his magic)?

Or was that already fulfilled during the Neverland arc when Henry having the heart of the Truest Idiot resulted in Rumple killing himself and Pan?

Or is that just going to be repeated every season?

Edited by The Cake is a Pie
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“Lots of bad things happen to her in it.”

Lots of bad things happen to her in it.

Really, show?  Lots of bad things happen to her in it--how about she does lots of bad things in it?  Huh?  How about that?  Shut up, Henry.  Why was Henry smarter when he was ten?


Add me as another who shouted "NO!" at this line.


Sorry, not sorry, sorry: I’m sorry we won’t see Roland again.  I’m not sorry about losing Robin Hood.  And I’m feeling sorry for Marian who is now stuck with a man who doesn’t really want her.

At the first town they come to, Marion tells Robin that he never thought of her or their son when he was shagging Regina, so they're done thinking about him. A line about he being a miserable horse thief (and getting him arrested!!!) and then moving on would have fixed so much of this episode.



Oh, I forgot to add - loved seeing Rumple reduced to taking the bus, his cadillac is still in Storybrooke!  And the cane is back...


How did this lame old dude with no powers even stay alive for 6 weeks. Made no sense at all.


I don't care if Cruella fits into this world. I already love her. I want her to be my new best friend. We can hang out and drink and be snarky together.

If only that was going to be how she was written -- alas, it won't. I'd love to see her hang with Re4gina and dish on the terrible fashion sense of the Storybookites.



Damn, if only the portal in the Sorcerer's house had looked more like a blue telephone call box ...

Thank goodness it didn't. Not everything has to have Dr Who in it.


Not looking forward to 4B. The motivation of the three, the depiction of Ursula and the inclusion of Cruela just don't work after the strong plot-line (well, strong for OUaT) and great characterizations of the Frozen line.

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Wow they do love to write Emma as a cold fish, don't they? She seems fairly into Hook when she's with him but when she's not it's as if he doesn't exist. First she shoves his heart back in while they are in some grimy hallway at Granny's, then she leaves him to go drink with Regina.

I realize they want to drag out all their big moments but seriously...that looked really bad. Make him wait until they get back to his room before putting the heart in but then leave right after it's done.

Thank God Belle finally got a clue and they stopped the character assassination. But the entire episode had way too much to resolve which just makes the two hour episode look even more wasteful by comparison. Other than pandering to the Frizen fan, why did we need to see the wedding prep?

I love my show but it frustrates me sometimes.

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I think the prophecy has more to do with the audience than Rumple. The boy will be my undoing. I couldn't believe that for 5 seconds I was cheering that I thought the found the freaking cell phone.

Me too! Why use something they set up and built up episodes ago, when they can go with a deus ex machina instead? :-p

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I am only going to consider being ok with that lame ass resolution to all the CS heart angst and a time jump that will likely mean no '1st morning after coffee' scene IF I get Emma waking up in Killian's arms from nightmares of nearly seeing his heart crushed while she was helpless. If she should actually realise she might also need some therapy after seeing her Mum burned at the stake and by WHOM... I could maybe stop putting my fist through walls... (yeah ...not holding my breath on any of that)...*sigh*thump*...ouch! !

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"For the First Time in Forever", I'm prepared to believe that Swan Queen is endgame.


Pop Question: On the one hand, you have your boyfriend who you earlier claimed you couldn't lose. He's spent the last umpteen days being controlled by his arch enemy and you just witnessed him almost having his heart crushed. Bonus: He must have a really interesting story to tell since he is the only one who knows what Rumple has been up to behind the scenes. On the other hand, you have a woman who has almost killed you and your entire family multiple times, a woman who constantly insults you, a woman who hates you so much that her hate was the one thing you thought distilled enough to get rid of items of pure love and this woman has just lost her boyfriend of a few weeks whom you've already consoled multiple times about the subject.


Who do you pick to console? Who?


Most people would pick the almost dead boyfriend who has had the more traumatic and interesting adventure. But, Emma just kisses him and promptly goes to console Regina. I guess she's just using him for his body because she couldn't demonstrate less care if she tried.


Of course, what do I expect? Earlier in the episode, when he's acting like a robot with a twitchy hand and she obviously knows something is up with him....she doesn't care either. At first, I thought Rumple was going to wreck his own plan by forcing Hook to deliver the news in such a stilted manner...why not just go himself? Too lazy to walk a block? Surely, somebody is going to be suspicious and take the time to investigate? But he was correct. Might as well save the shoe leather because Emma doesn't care. Sure, she looked a little worried, but that didn't sway her from her non-urgent mission to get the Arendelle people back home. They couldn't wait 10 minutes? She couldn't have had Snow/Charming take them to the house and followed Hook to see what was up? Nope. She does nothing about her suspicions. Not one thing.


In other news. You go Marian and Belle!


I was hoping that Marian would start running after she got to the town line. Robin is just going to drink all that money away moping about his girlfriend and they are going to be living in a tent in Central Park in no time. His usual  manner of "working" is going to get them all arrested. Ask Emma how hanging around a thief worked for  her in the Land Without Magic. At least the woman has the good sense of wanting to be chosen. But, I hope she doesn't hang around...she can do the choosing too.


Belle finally grabs a clue and does what needs to be done. I wish more people in Storybrooke realized that sometimes you need to put some distance between themselves and the people who harm them/others. Maybe she can  have a chat with Emma, Snow and Henry about making some hard choices.


The editing of Belle appearing in the Clock Tower was so jarring, I thought they'd accidentally shown the reels out of order. How exactly did Belle end up behind Rumple?  She can't poof herself there. Had she been hiding there all along? Where? Rumple noticed as soon as somebody entered the door, so how did she get from outside and up all those steps?


I loved Rumple having to take the bus. I expected him to get clipped by a cyclists when he stepped out nonchalantly into a bike lane. I would like to imagine what he did to earn the money for that bus fare. Did he have to pawn something? Did he have to sell himself? Did he sit in front of the bus station with a box and a hand-lettered sign begging for money to "Get Home"? But, I expect he just followed Robin until the guy fell down in a drunken stupor and robbed him of the money Regina gave him to support Marian/Roland.


Vancouver Aquarium! I spent the entire Ursula/Rumple scene feeling sorry for the sharks. I've been to a lot of aquariums, but I've never seen a shark tank where the sharks were fed from the public side with buckets of crystals. Normally, somebody provides entire fish from the top of the tank at the back or sends in divers or something. No wonder those poor beasts are still hungry.

Edited by kili
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Wait, wasn't Regina the sea witch - as far as I remember she had turned out to be the villain in the Ariel storyline. Agree with whoever said that Ursula should have been played by someone in drag. This casting feels like something from Pirates of the Caribbean for some reason. 


Also, speaking of Ariel, why was Ariel able to swim across realms? How do portals work? Are there no more beans? Can't we just make another magic closet like the one Emma was in? 

Ugh, I like this show but dammit, magic needs rules. 


I loved Rumple having to take the bus. I expected him to get clipped by a cyclists when he stepped out nonchalantly into a bike lane. I would like to imagine what he did to earn the money for that bus fare. Did he have to pawn something? Did he have to sell himself? Did he sit in front of the bus station with a box and a hand-lettered sign begging for money to "Get Home"?



I'd bet on Rumple having something saved up in the real world, just in case. I'm more intrigued as to how he found Ursula without any magic. I hope this is not leading us to magic in the real world. I can get into it when it's Storybrooke, but NY is a stretch. I did like the heroes vs villains thing at the end. I love when evil-doers are just evil for evil's sake.

Edited by Trichromatic
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No one wanted to leave crazy magic town?


I actually laughed out loud at this.  So much word.  I can't imagine that the line up for volunteers wasn't three deep.


Emma: "Operation Mongoose?  I'm in!"

Regina: "You are?"

Emma: "Yes, I want to finally give you a happy ending so I can go have my own happy ending with my crazy hot pirate boyfirend-ish.  Did you see the scene we cut from so I could go console you?  Clearly this author hates me."


Thank you writers for undermining everything I am trying to teach my teenagers which boils down to "do good things, get good stuff" with whom I watch this show.


Selinak's kid: "Sorry I failed that test, Mom.  Bad things just keep happening to me."

Selinak: "No, you didn't study or pay attention in class and made the poor choice to ignore the study guide your teacher sent home."

Selinak's kid: "No, mom, I'm telling you! Bad things happen to me."

Selinak: "Yes, you're about to find out how bad."


I did cheer for Belle.  That was an epic scene.  Robert Carlyle seems so much more in to playing this facet of Rumple.  Even he is bored by "good, redeemed" Rumple.


Cruella seems awesome.  I'm not going to worry about whatever convoluted logic we need to have her.  I hope they just let her be bad and snarky and not give her some horrific backstory about how her mom killed all the dalmatian puppies she was given for Christmas so it isn't her fault she is just trying to make them into coats before they rip out her heart with emotional attachment.

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Each scene seemed so long, except the Frozen scenes and Rumple and Ursula at the end. I'm looking forward to a deliciously evil threesome. 

I only watched Frozen this fall before OUAT began for the season. I'm glad Disney allowed the show to follow up the parent's storyline. But I think the resolution should have been in the movie so the kids watching weren't left wondering if the parents really accepted Elsa. 

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This whole savior/happy ending thing is really starting to get on my nerves. Is Emma going door-to-door asking all of the residents of Storybrooke how she can give them a happy ending? Actually, I'd like to see that: "Hello, my name is Emma Swan and I would like to share with you the most amazing book!" (hat tip to The Book of Mormon). I think it mostly grates that Regina and Rumple think they're entitled to happy endings while those who actually "deserve" them aren't sitting around moping or being evil because they don't have one yet.


And because my mind is pretty firmly in the gutter at this point -- happy endings for all!

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I slept on it and I'm still not okay with what happened.


Belle being the one to banish Rumple from Storybrooke, perfectly fine with that because it had to come from her at the end of that day as opposed to Emma or David or whomever.  Of course, she'll take him back eventually, but Rumple seems to have learned absolutely nothing.  So now, what is his happy ending?  He's been out of SB for 6 weeks, he had lost his cane at the start of the season (I guess us noticing that was for something), his limp is back, he doesn't have his powers anymore and he doesn't have Belle anymore.  So what is it that he wants for his happy ending?  His powers or Belle or is it still both?  The powers first, Belle the cherry on his disgusting sundae?


They should have resolved everything Frozen last episode.  Instead, we got a ridiculous curse that was played for laughs and they crammed everything in 40 mins for the finale which left much to be desired.  Now that Frozen is gone, Regina is back in full force and I'm just bracing myself for them to make up for her absence in 4A.


They built and built and built a whole arc around the hat and Hook's heart, Hook's insecurities, Emma being worried that she was going to lose him being the reason she was pulling away from him.  All of this to get 2 minutes of basically nothing.  Outside of being a CS fan, I thought the resolution of all of this was just very meh, very underwhelming, very disappointing. 


Hope those shots with Regina were good.  And now we're about to enter the fucking Twilight Zone with Operation Desperation.  So. cannot. contain. my. excitement.  Just cannot!


Someone should have given Marian some you know, modern day clothes.  Also let the contrived angst begin.  Marian can change her name to Carly and go work at Belly Burger.


The final scene with Rumple and Ursula was really good.  I sort of live for that kind of sarcasm and MD absolutely delivered with her loto line.

After last night, I am so okay with the 10 week break from this show.

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The editing of Belle appearing in the Clock Tower was so jarring, I thought they'd accidentally shown the reels out of order. How exactly did Belle end up behind Rumple? She can't poof herself there. Had she been hiding there all along? Where? Rumple noticed as soon as somebody entered the door, so how did she get from outside and up all those steps?

Loved your post, kili. As for Belle, I guess she really did poof there--that Gauntlet or whatever led her straight to the thing Rumple loved the most, which was the Dagger.

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I realize that I'm in the minority on this, but I hated the way the lead characters disappeared from the screen this season in favor of some Heidi-looking girl with freckles and braids and her sister, who never changed her clothes or restyled her hair. I stopped watching this season about 3 episodes in -- although Mr Washables had it on every week, so I did catch bits here and there -- and tuned in last night to see the finale. I'm thrilled to see these Frozen people go.  


Not so sure about the 3 witches -- will they riff on Macbeth, I wonder? -- but anything's better than watching every plotline hinge on things turning into ice.


I assume that the author is Mother Goose, and I'm hoping they cast Joan Collins.  

Edited by FineWashables
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I'm glad to see the Frozen people go as well.  Anna is a regular hero and Elsa was all about Anna and everyone was all about Anna and I just could not stand Anna.  I still wish I knew what it is that she told Emma and I could have done without that final scene because there were more important things going on in SB.  Also, SB has chocolate.  It's from the '80s but beggars can't be choosers, but chocolate is chocolate.  Frozen should have been wrapped up in episode 9 as was the plan.

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As for Belle, I guess she really did poof there--that Gauntlet or whatever led her straight to the thing Rumple loved the most, which was the Dagger.


Ah...I thought the Gauntlet was going to be like a Locator Spell and it dragged you around to the general location of the "Loved Item/Person" and then pointed at it. I guess it could poof you to the "Loved Item/Person".


Maybe they should have given us a "Gauntlet" demonstration earlier so that we don't have to fill in all these blanks ourselves. Maybe they did have such a scene, but they cut it to allow for more time for people to look sad at the Town Line. Why explain things?


I have to give Belle kudos for quickly grabbing the situation. Most people would be momentarily confused at being poofed into such a scene. Here is Belle, sitting in the shop with her luggage and waiting for her honeymoon to start. She decides to goof around with the gauntlet and ask it like a Magic-8 Ball who Rumple loves...expecting it to point at her. The next thing she knows, she's poofed into the Clock Tower that has been transformed into the inside of the Omega 13 device. Rumple is zapping Snow/Emma into statues whilst also crushing Hook's heart. The dagger she thought was safely in her purse is lying there. Most people would probably say "What the hell is going on here?"/"Stop!" and give themselves away (like Emma did seconds before). She immediately assesses the situation, discards the glove and grabs the dagger.  She then does what needs to be done.


That's a real "Hero". Sometimes being a "Hero" means making unpopular choices - giving evil people umpteen chances to continue being evil doesn't mean you are "Hero". It means you are stupid. She didn't kill him, but she put him in a situation where he should be able to do significantly less harm. Of course, he is a survivor and a magic addict, so he will be back. Emma tries to discuss things with Rumple and just gets turned into a statue. Not a very effective savior that one.

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The sad thing is we didn't even need the gauntlet to resolve Belle's storyline. You know what would have done the exact same thing, and was actually established in a previous episode? The freaking voice message. 

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That's a real "Hero". Sometimes being a "Hero" means making unpopular choices - giving evil people umpteen chances to continue being evil doesn't mean you are "Hero". It means you are stupid. She didn't kill him, but she put him in a situation where he should be able to do significantly less harm. Of course, he is a survivor and a magic addict, so he will be back. Emma tries to discuss things with Rumple and just gets turned into a statue. Not a very effective savior that one.

Poor Emma. I guess the last person she saved was Marian, and look where that got her... Taking this to the Emma thread.

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When the ice wall came down, it seemed like they should have at least gotten a safe distance away in case of flooding or violent effects of displacement. But. Magic. With a flourish.

The person playing Maleficent really does look a lot like Angelina Jolie who recently played her in a movie.

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The person playing Maleficent really does look a lot like Angelina Jolie who recently played her in a movie.



That would be Kristen Bauer, best known as Pam from True Blood. And she's actually the same actress who played Maleficent early in season 1, so they really lucked out there.

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