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S05.E02: Who Stalked J.R.?

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Are we on Mohammed's 5th child-bride fiancé? I feel like there's a new one every season.


If Teresa of RHONJ were not going away to the pokey, we could have Teresa flip over one of Mohamed's massive tables, screaming "ENGAGED NINETEEN TIMES!" Then, Ashlee could chase Mohamed through his expansive grounds and rip off his wig.

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I certainly believe Lisa is right in the "thick" of all the action.  She thinks she's being covert about her machinations, but I think the others know  her too well at this point.

I have always thought that there was a pretty good reason why the fabulous Lisa surrounds herself with low lives as Cedric, Brandi, Sheanna, Stacey and basically her whole crew of misfits at SUR, it fits two purposes IMO, it makes her look magnanimous and generous which never hurts but most important they act the part of Mr. Hyde to her dr. Jekyll.

In this specific case, there is no doubt in my mind that lisa knew prior hand what brandi was going to reveal, the way she carefully coached her with questions to lead to the revelation leaves me no doubts. As brandi herself has said Lisa has never asked her to say something but she has mainly to please her Lisa wanted to get rid and hurt Adrienne and this was her way to do it. Lisa was lucky that she found someone with no moral compass to do it, any other person with an ounce of conscience would have never done it. Lisa could have try to dissuade Brandi from doing it, but I don't think she even intended to do it, Lisa was okay with the secret being revealed.

But does it redeem Brandi? Absolutely not

Brandi's only currency to these ladies is her big mouth and trashy behavior. Brandi has nothing to offer to them except her big fat mouth that acts like a weapon against the enemy du jour. Lisa uses Brandi's big mouth when she wanted to punish Adrienne and kyle, yolanda used her to bring down Lisa a couples of nudges. So while Lisa might have hinted about Adrienne and how nobody ever called her on her lies, it is obvious to me that the only responsible one here was Brandi, Lisa could have hinted and insinuated all she wanted but if Brandi wouldn't be so bent and determined to become a full time HW instead of a FOHW she didn't have to do it.

Brandi and Brandi only is the one who is responsible for what comes out of her mouth, she used this secret to positioned herself as a full time HW and she never cared how her actions were affecting innocent children. Many people throughout your life try to work you into their own personal agenda but it is ultimately up to you how you react to that. Brandi last episode insinuating that she revealed this secret to please Lisa is the act of a coward who can't own up to her mistakes and will always find the way to pass the buck and blame someone else for her poor decisions.

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Yolanda's face when David told her that if anyone had seen her in trench coat and lingerie they would have thought her a hooker was priceless!  He's like a musical savant -- so clueless outside of his sphere.  I felt bad for her really--I imagine she's easily wounded by his overall thoughtlessness.  I wondered too if the sexy outfit had more to do with showing off her wares, as in I'm still a model!, than in trying to seduce him.  As others have noted, they have zero chemistry.  So awkward with each other.  And, lo and behold, we all got to find out he's going to be a mentor on The Voice.  Now that seems like a perfect fit. His brand of schlock is right in keeping with that show. 


Could Brandi and Kim be any more pathetic and ridiculous?  Brandi's got some weird speech thing going on.  She sounds much of the time as though she's got a mouth full of mashed potatoes. 


God bless the child, but I've already had enough of Portia and we're only two episodes in.  Spoiled has already taken place.


Lisa's Grande Dame routine is starting to wear thin.  I cringe every time these hos feel compelled to mention sex, blow jobs and threesomes when just going out bauble shopping ... We get it -- You think you're funny. 


That said, a fun, frothy, stupid episode.  


What I want from these shows is pretty much what they deliver.  Still, can't lie, I'd love to see the whole thing come to a merciful end-- all the housewives, all the cities,  all the Andyisms.  Seems like Bravo may be interested in moving in that direction too -- Girlfriends Guide looks like it might be fun and about time the network admit they do in fact script. 

Edited by copacabana
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Brandi is literally stomach-turning. A sixtysomething (to borrow her own creative arithmetic) literally stalking a dude who's told her he's in love with another woman is not cute or zany, it's fucking creepy and pathetic.

When did JR and Brandi become exclusive? I thought he made no bones about having a casual relationship of convenience. Brandi even complained to him on camera that he doesn't include her in his life, have her out with his friends, take her to his social events etc. Now, Brandi wants to turn their one & off again dating into a full blown committed relationship and play the wronged party? Girl please.

I have viewed Brandi as cunning and manipulative for quite some time, but after reading her latest blog, I still think that she is cunning and manipulative but also a full-on psycho... or maybe she does not realize that she needs to up her manipulation game since the sympathy and benefit of the doubt that she got as the cheated on wife and mean-girled new girl has dissipated.

In her blog she says that she considered herself and JR a couple because he told her he was in love with her - this happened around the time of the PR trip during season 3 filming, the question that popped in my head was "were you both standing upright when he said that?" OK maybe he said it, but there were numerous other indicators that they were not an exclusive couple. Forget J.R. and what he was doing, by the way he seems like a total sleazebag, Brandi was dating that ex-football player guy and bragged at the reunion that he could not quit her because of her make out skills. Fast forward to summer 2014 and apparently J.R. and the woman he met when he went to Italy the previous summer has move to "Brandi's town!" In her blog she is using words like "affair" and "other woman" but during this same time span she brags that the mover guy she just met spent the night in her bed and comments on his penis size.

I have to admit Brandi's got me a bit mystified, I do think she is a psycho, but I cannot figure out if her blog is full of psychotic ramblings, or is she so full of hubris that she thinks she can pull the same scams that she did 2-3 years ago and still get away with it.

Edited by quinn
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I would have posted earlier but I have decided to copy Lisa's custom made shirts so I have been bedazzling all of the cuffs on my shirts.  I am envious of Lisa's custom made shirts for one reason, no gap in the buttons along the bust line.

Since when does a moving company not wrap and box framed pictures?  It has been my experience that all of my large pictures of me holding a flag with my butt exposed have always been professionally boxed and not once did a moving person ever uncrate anything.  Any bets on how long Brandi will be residing at this new house?


Lisa R and her agent...at this point in her career she needs a seasoned professional not a 25 year old. 





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I have always thought that there was a pretty good reason why the fabulous Lisa surrounds herself with low lives as Cedric, Brandi, Sheanna, Stacey and basically her whole crew of misfits at SUR, it fits two purposes IMO, it makes her look magnanimous and generous which never hurts but most important they act the part of Mr. Hyde to her dr. Jekyll.

In this specific case, there is no doubt in my mind that lisa knew prior hand what brandi was going to reveal, the way she carefully coached her with questions to lead to the revelation leaves me no doubts. As brandi herself has said Lisa has never asked her to say something but she has mainly to please her Lisa wanted to get rid and hurt Adrienne and this was her way to do it. Lisa was lucky that she found someone with no moral compass to do it, any other person with an ounce of conscience would have never done it. Lisa could have try to dissuade Brandi from doing it, but I don't think she even intended to do it, Lisa was okay with the secret being revealed.

But does it redeem Brandi? Absolutely not

Brandi's only currency to these ladies is her big mouth and trashy behavior. Brandi has nothing to offer to them except her big fat mouth that acts like a weapon against the enemy du jour. Lisa uses Brandi's big mouth when she wanted to punish Adrienne and kyle, yolanda used her to bring down Lisa a couples of nudges. So while Lisa might have hinted about Adrienne and how nobody ever called her on her lies, it is obvious to me that the only responsible one here was Brandi, Lisa could have hinted and insinuated all she wanted but if Brandi wouldn't be so bent and determined to become a full time HW instead of a FOHW she didn't have to do it.

Brandi and Brandi only is the one who is responsible for what comes out of her mouth, she used this secret to positioned herself as a full time HW and she never cared how her actions were affecting innocent children. Many people throughout your life try to work you into their own personal agenda but it is ultimately up to you how you react to that. Brandi last episode insinuating that she revealed this secret to please Lisa is the act of a coward who can't own up to her mistakes and will always find the way to pass the buck and blame someone else for her poor decisions.

You're right..... guess I've developed a dislike of Lisa over the years....I thought she was great in the beginning.  Brandi is a mess, IMO and I wonder if she is on some mind-altering substances, and that is why she and Kim have struck a "chord" with each other.

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The back of Adrienne's hair may have looked horrible during that scene with Brandi, but it was nothing in comparison to Brandi's hair when she went to Kim's house before they went spying on JR!!  (Did I notice some extension weaves there, too??)



Yea she's talked about her weave/extensions in the past, both on the show and in her blogs - her first book too (I think).  At least she doesn't front and try to pretend it's her real hair.  And that's about one of the only good things I have to say about Brandi at this point.


I've been married 18 years, much longer than them, and if I greet my husband in lingerie, we are not just sitting down to dinner as usual. No red-blooded, straight man would sit down and eat his dinner and chat about the day sitting across from a half naked woman in black lace.



I think Yolanda is annoying as hell with her fawning over her "King" and her over-the-top proclamations of their "Greatest Love Story of All Time."  That being said, I think how most red-blooded straight men would act in "real life" if their wives showed up at the door in lingerie VS. how they would act if their wife showed up at the door in lingerie WITH a camera crew in tow are quite different.   

Edited by Duke2801
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Not a Kim fan, but nice to see her interact with the others.

Good for Adrienne for silently sitting there while Brandi apologized, then simply forgiving her. Brandi was clearly uncomfortable and you could tell she wanted Adrienne to jump in. And for not buying the "it's Lisa's fault".

Brandi is an embarrassment to herself, her kids, her family.

Kyle and Bravo can stop trying to make Portia the new Milania.

Really liking Lisa Rinna.

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I think this Portia business is just a storyline. Kyle has three other daughters and I have yet to read about any problems (e.g., drugs, DUIs, accidents, etc.) with them. We can discount Farrah as she was an adult when the show first started, but the other two girls were quite young when RHOBH premiered--the one who's a freshman in college now was probably in her last year of middle school and the one in middle school now (or is she a high school freshman?) was in elementary school at the start of the franchise.

Kyle and Mauricio have raised some pretty decent daughters, and I don't see Portia becoming an enfant terrible based on her sisters' examples.

One of Kyle's daughters was drunk in Vegas last year - they took her off instagram - I think it was the one who may be going to college.  I hope it wasn't the one still in high school.  



I am not seeing anyone suck up to Mohammed other than Lisa, and with Lisa it's mutual sucking up because he sucks up to her to get air time. I felt bad for him last season when Joyce could not say "oh hell no" fast enough when someone teased that she was one of his conquests.

The implication was that Joyce was a call girl/escort like Joanna Krupa was rumored to be - it was an insult to Joyce, not just an innocent, "Did you two date?"


I think Brandi did flat out apologize.  I think she was also saying that she was taking on some of Lisa's feelings/being loyal to Lisa.  It made me think of Kyle initially being cold/cackling about Brandi wearing the high heel and being on crutches and using the excuse that she did it out of deference/loyalty to Lisa because Cedric was friends with Brandi.  Lisa didn't "ask" her to do it. 

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Brandi has always projected a psycho vibe..going back to the season 2 reunion where she admitted slashing her ex husbands tires then giggled as she said she told him about before he got in his vehicle. When Taylor looks at you like you're bonkers... that's pretty bad.

I think the housewives are staging these events to resemble the old format...but the key thing missing is that before, it looked more authentic...plus I kind of wish the talking heads were done ad the scenes were being filmed...like early OC did from season 1 through 5?

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Good for Adrienne for silently sitting there while Brandi apologized, then simply forgiving her. Brandi was clearly uncomfortable and you could tell she wanted Adrienne to jump in. And for not buying the "it's Lisa's fault".


Gah, I'm so sick of Brandi trying to make everything she does someone else's fault. Lisa is certainly no saint, but Brandi has a mind (albeit a disturbed one) of her own. She can choose to do something or not to do something. I've never seen anyone hold her at gunpoint. I would have had a hard time not jumping all over that one. While I am not a fan of Adrienne, I did like how she handled herself. 


It also annoyed me how Brandi was all, "See? Adrienne forgave me, why can't Lisa?" Like one is equal to the other. First of all, Adrienne and Lisa are not the same people, so you cannot expect them to react the same way. Second, the thing with Adrienne happened awhile ago and ultimately led to her leaving the show. Now that she wants a spot back, it seems she realizes it might be good to grovel a bit. Not to mention she's had more time to move past it. Lastly, while what Brandi revealed about Adrienne's family was incredibly disrespectful and reprehensible, I never got the impression that she intended to do that. It seemed like another case of Brandi with foot-in-mouth-disease. She was annoyed at Adrienne and called her out in that moment for her "lie". It seemed spontaneous. Whereas the entire thing with Lisa last season seemed very deliberate and intentional, as if she wanted to really hurt her "friend". So I can see Lisa not really wanting to get over that. 

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Brandi is "stalking" an ex that never really was exclusive? He went to Spain or where ever, met a woman and now is in a relationship with this woman, and Brandi tells us she still hooks up with JR. Okay, Brandi keep it classy!

The scene with Kim and Brandi trying to be fun and silly, as they followed JR was dumb. It looked like it should have been part of the show we see after the reunion. The clips that didn't make it on the show.

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I think this Portia business is just a storyline.


So Kyle has no problem exploiting her youngest for storyline. A storyline that paints Portia as brat in the making, not a flattering look for the girl. But she'll have a cow when something so much as hints her marriage is less than perfect?


Pick someone your own size, Kyle.

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I would have posted earlier but I have decided to copy Lisa's custom made shirts so I have been bedazzling all of the cuffs on my shirts.  I am envious of Lisa's custom made shirts for one reason, no gap in the buttons along the bust line.


I would LOVE to be able to afford custom blouses with no gap. But then again, Lisa wears them unbuttoned to the point where you can see her bra and her girls anyway. Not a good look. 


For anyone who is interested in bedazzled cuffs, you can pick up a bedazzler on the cheap


Edited by poeticlicensed
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And, of course, leave it to Kim, who has nothing else going on besides being pathetic, to enable old Brandi in her manufactured cray cray.  These two being buddies in some ways makes perfect sense because they both appear to have serious issues but I can't imagine anyone worse for Kim to hang out with if she's trying to get herself together and what this tells me is that  both of them have decided, or been told, that they need to work hard together to try to form ONE vaguely entertaining person.  Unfortunately, stalking some poor fellow the viewers barely know is the best the folks pulling the strings could come up with.  I'm sure JR (really?) was in on the deal and loved the attention. If the viewers were editors, we could just cross the whole thing out with a big fat red pencil. 


If either of these two ladies is really, seriously looking to find herself a man, all this BS would be the anti-advertisement for their wares. Two middle-aged women acting like unfunny tools on national tv. 


Am trying to imagine what it would be like to have my shirt cuff emerge with either my first or last name on it.  Oh, Lisa Lisa Lisa.  Way to muck up a real luxury. 

Edited by copacabana
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Brandi needs Adrienne a lot more, than the other way around. The only reason she apologize was because she's on the outs with Lisa.  Yeah, love how Adrienne just sat there stoic as Brandi squirmed through her apology.  And she did not fall for Brandi's bait of trying to blame Lisa.

Edited by twilightzone
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I would LOVE to be able to afford custom blouses with no gap. But then again, Lisa wears them unbuttoned to the point where you can see her bra and her girls anyway. Not a good look. 


For anyone who is interested in bedazzled cuffs, you can pick up a bedazzler on the cheap


Yep, I don't understand the extra unbuttoned look.  Is she just trying to show off her hundreds of pink bras?  Not cute.  

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Brandi needs Adrienne a lot more, than the other way around. The only reason she apologize was because she's on the outs with Lisa.  Yeah, love how Adrienne just sat there stoic as Brandi squirmed through her apology.  And she did not fall for Brandi's bait of trying to blame Lisa.


Good on Adrianne for not taking the Lisa bait. It was an thinly veiled attempt to for Brandi to insinuate herself back into Adrianne's life. Hoping to draw on the on and off rivalry. Adrianne is all "Been there, done that, I lost my Bravo paycheck to show for it" Find another venue to worm your way back in Brandi.


Brandi is a manipulative piece of scam. But her time is up.

Edited by Deputy Deputy CoS
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So Kyle has no problem exploiting her youngest for storyline. A storyline that paints Portia as brat in the making, not a flattering look for the girl. But she'll have a cow when something so much as hints her marriage is less than perfect?


Pick someone your own size, Kyle.


Portia must be a better actress than her mother if this is just a storyline.  I totally believed Portia's entitled attitude at the plane, while Mauricio was speaking with the pilot, "Can we just go now?!"


I'm sure JR (really?) was in on the deal and loved the attention.


Yep.  He had to have signed a release or his face would have been blurred out when they showed him walking to his car, alone.

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What a frickin' snoozefest. Ugh.  And I was even playing my own little drinking game, every time Brandi blamed someone else for her problems or just generally played the victim ad naseum; I would have a glug of wine.  Guess that's why I went to sleep?

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So Kyle has no problem exploiting her youngest for storyline. A storyline that paints Portia as brat in the making, not a flattering look for the girl. But she'll have a cow when something so much as hints her marriage is less than perfect?


Pick someone your own size, Kyle.


I think that Kyle should watch past seasons of the RHNJ and see how well that worked out for Milania and Teresa...I hope this is not going to be a storyline for the whole season.  I always thought Portia was adorable, and I'd hate to change my opinion.

I would LOVE to be able to afford custom blouses with no gap. But then again, Lisa wears them unbuttoned to the point where you can see her bra and her girls anyway. Not a good look. 


For anyone who is interested in bedazzled cuffs, you can pick up a bedazzler on the cheap



I agree...but, I guess having the ability to be able to button up without a gap is a good thing!! 

Maybe it's the Jersey girl in me, but I liked Lisa's bedazzled cuffs!!    ;-)

Yep, I don't understand the extra unbuttoned look.  Is she just trying to show off her hundreds of pink bras?  Not cute.  

I wonder if her pink bras are bedazzled, too?   :-)

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So Kyle has no problem exploiting her youngest for storyline. A storyline that paints Portia as brat in the making, not a flattering look for the girl. But she'll have a cow when something so much as hints her marriage is less than perfect?


Pick someone your own size, Kyle.


Heh. Kyle isn't the first. Lisa more than happily traipsed Max around in season one at the music school talking about how they'd had to send him away because he had troubles and was running with the wrong crowd. 


One of Kyle's daughters was drunk in Vegas last year - they took her off instagram - I think it was the one who may be going to college.  I hope it wasn't the one still in high school.  


If it was the daughter who just went off to college, I'm still not seeing anything pearl clutch-y about it. A high school student who drank? Horrors. If she got behind the wheel I'd be upset. If she drank and got goofy and put it on social media? Ehhh.

Edited by Mozelle
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I would have posted earlier but I have decided to copy Lisa's custom made shirts so I have been bedazzling all of the cuffs on my shirts.  I am envious of Lisa's custom made shirts for one reason, no gap in the buttons along the bust line.


Lisa's shirts have buttons?!


I think J.R. simply was suppose to serve as a reminder that men. cheat. on. Brandi.  Nothing more than once again establishing her as some kind of victim so you can't blame her if she does something heinous.  As usual.  J.R. seemed hungry for the cameras so I think if he was involved with Brandi at all, he would have had lines and not just signed the waiver to show him long after the scenes were filmed.  If he even did that.  Note that Brandi was so relieved he wasn't with this woman but then ended with a snippy "but he's going home to her".  If he actually lives with this woman, Brandi is either just as sleezy as her ex husband (yeah a shock I know) or she is deluded..(yeah a shock I know).


My guess is she has texted him and he has replied with typical uninterested but in form with their past type of banter and maybe a flirty but completely innocuous "what's up" phone call and Brandi now thinks they are having phone sex.  Or even more extreme, I wonder if he has been in contact with her at all in months and she was really stalking him and figured it would make for a great storyline for the show


I'm pretty sure Mauricio belongs to a time share charter flight.  And just to be snotty, that is not flying private.  Flying private is when you own the jet or the person you are traveling with does.  Or even better sent the jet for you. 


In terms of pulling back the curtain on the wealthy entertainment set, neither the Fosters or the Rinna-Hamlins bring it for me.  I love Harry on Mad Men and even though one of my favorite shows, it is neither HIS vehicle and it is ending.  Plus I think he is a bit warier than she is.  Reading about their first reality foray and he seems to be just as stupid famewhorey as she is, but she seems to be the one who forges their path in that regard.  It almost makes me miss Joyce.  Simply because in a second season we might have seen more of her with her husband doing their own thing.   Or his own thing.  They might have been let go by the show, but I think he had the best potential for a real glimpse into the wealth of Hollywood.  Probably he is too smart to have ever let that happen much though. 


Shiva seems to be making a real play to be a regular "friend".  I'm kind of surprised Andy Cohen doesn't just make Mohammed pay him for a role.  Sure Mo-mo lost tons in Dubai and/or Abu Dabi in 2009.  But he might have recovered that.  He's not great shakes in the international market much after his failed forays into Bangladesh.  But still a couple hundred million is nothing any of us would sneer at let alone the hungry slavering likes of Lisa Vanderpump.  I just don't understand why he doesn't just write a check for a couple of million and dangle it in front of Cohen's face.  Well, write two checks for a million each so both eyes get the picture (yes that is sooo mean, for which I am thankful)

Edited by heebiejeebie
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When Brandi was sitting on Kim's bed, I was praying Kim's pit bull would stroll in, calmly snatch her hair piece(s) off, and

chow down.

Brandi and Kim, no story lines to speak off, trying WAY too hard to be the wacky Laverne & Shirley.

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Yolanda's scenes bothered me. She's desperately trying to put on a show that her marriage is perfect. If you have to try that hard it's probably to overcompensate. When she was calling herself fat for not being able to button her jeans it just spoke volumes about her true nature and values.

Not to mention that calling yourself fat to someone who is larger than you is just plain insensitive.


Kyle and Maurico don't own a plane.  They spoke of flying private; that means paying for a flight on a private carrier.  

Right.  They showed the name of the company - Wheels Up.

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Heh. Kyle isn't the first. Lisa more than happily traipsed Max around in season one at the music school talking about how they'd had to send him away because he had troubles and was running with the wrong crowd. 


Just because other's have done it doesn't mean it is okay or that I shouldn't comment on it. And Max is not a child.


Putting your children on TV is bad, focusing on them is worse, highlighting their shortcoming is the worst. Guess which one Kyle is doing. 

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In terms of pulling back the curtain on the wealthy entertainment set, neither the Fosters or the Rinna-Hamlins bring it for me.  I love Harry on Mad Men and even though one of my favorite shows, it is neither HIS vehicle and it is ending.


Were the Hamlins in financial trouble at some point?  Because Lisa R. sure made it sound that way when she was saying the money from her Depends commercial really pulled their ass out of the fire, or something like that.  Why would they be so broke?  Just random overspending?

Who is Mohammed? Is he a husband of a current housewife? I feel like there is a back story I missed somewhere. 


Mo was married to Yo for a while, and they had children together.  He is also a friend of Lisa's and has hosted the Ho's at his house for at least two or three parties I can remember.  With camels.

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Mohammed is one of the three men on the show who have ridiculously hideous hair. 


Ken of course is married to Lisa and he or someone he pays sneaks into the boarding school dormitories of, I'm guessing Scandinavian, young boys who have just sprouted their first set of pubes to snip and then shove a top his head with the help of a curry comb and hot glue.


Martin is the second of the men.  He apparently found the discarded collection of toupees for seventies game show hosts somewhere in a dumpster on the edge of Studio City. Oh yeah, he was fixed up with Kim one episode and shows up at every party the cast members throw.  And when he runs out of events on the BH show he pops up on other BRAVO shows.


Which brings us to Mohammed.  He is the one wearing the dirty old mop.  Not a strand of which moves no matter how he twists to stay in range of a RH camera.  Not a strand moves even when the whole thing dances like the Big One just hit the San Andreas fault.  Oh yeah.  He was also married to Yolanda before she met her king with whom he has three kids and is Lisa's go to for large houses on little tiny lots and no furniture (seriously I get the whole Arab decor but when I grift in on the next party thrown by someone I don't know?  a place to park my ass please) for her to throw parties or just attend for the show to illustrate how fabulous her lifestyle is.

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When Brandi was sitting on Kim's bed, I was praying Kim's pit bull would stroll in, calmly snatch her hair piece(s) off, and

chow down.

Brandi and Kim, no story lines to speak off, trying WAY too hard to be the wacky Laverne & Shirley.


I was thinking a very, very, very bad version of Lucy and Ethel....either way, major fail!!   :-)

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Brandi and Kim, no story lines to speak off, trying WAY too hard to be the wacky Laverne & Shirley.


True. When a promo for this episode showed the Kim/Brandi/wig thing, all I could think was "This will not end well."  Meaning the relationship, not the one stalking bit.  Just waiting to see if they eventually end up in jail or at each other's throats. 

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In terms of pulling back the curtain on the wealthy entertainment set, neither the Fosters or the Rinna-Hamlins bring it for me. 

In terms of "real weath", only Lisa, and Adrienne had it going on.  And Kelsey Grammer is much higher profile than Harry Hamlin.


The most irrelevant is obviously Brandi.  She was tabloid gossip married to a D-list actor.  She's never going to throw lavish parties, host big vacations, fund raisers, etc. 


Somehow glimpses of Brandi's condo is not the same as glimpses into Adrienne's mansion.

Edited by twilightzone
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Since when does a moving company not wrap and box framed pictures?  It has been my experience that all of my large pictures of me holding a flag with my butt exposed have always been professionally boxed and not once did a moving person ever uncrate anything.  Any bets on how long Brandi will be residing at this new house?







You too, Baltimore Betty?  I have never had issue with my patriotic ass shots being dragged out by the movers. 


I was grossed out by Brandi's . . . whatever . . . with the 12 year old mover.  I think she needs to get herself some therapy, get a real job and even a few good hobbies, get rid of the stripper pole, kick your kids out of your bed and keep your clothes on.  Then maybe try to find a nice, decent MAN to date.


Brandi and Kim's Cagney and Lacey shtick was painful.  Maybe they should have opted for ladybug disguises if they were just going to crouch in the bushes?  And that big pinkish scarf Brandi was wearing?  Yeah, like you see that everyday in LA. 


This episode was mostly filler but I love, love, love Lisa Rinna.  I would hang out with her in a freaking minute.  She seems fun and doesn't take herself so darn seriously. I would have been perfectly happy to have half the episode just Lisa and her agent and her family life. 


I look forward to Eileen coming on the scene next week.

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Just because other's have done it doesn't mean it is okay or that I shouldn't comment on it. And Max is not a child.


Putting your children on TV is bad, focusing on them is worse, highlighting their shortcoming is the worst. Guess which one Kyle is doing. 

I agree. Portia is very different from Kyle's other daughters in that they didn't spend their formative years (ages 0 - 5 imo) with a camera following them around.  She has a very high potential for reaching cousin Paris' level of foolishness. 

Even if all the daughters had grown up under the same circumstances, doesn't mean one of them can't/won't be different than the others.  Millions of families to back that up. 


I hope Portia doesn't follow in Milania's footsteps.  Milania has made me laugh a couple times but she makes me sad more often than not.

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Were the Hamlins in financial trouble at some point?  Because Lisa R. sure made it sound that way when she was saying the money from her Depends commercial really pulled their ass out of the fire, or something like that.  Why would they be so broke?  Just random overspending?



Yes, I believe they were.


During their other reality show ("Lisa Loves Harry" I think was the name), there was talk in a couple of episodes about her boutique, Belle Gray, and lack of funds and the possibility of having to close it.  


It's been a long time ago and, when Googling for more information, the first few pages that come up are in regard to her Belle Gray line on QVC (which is apparently reasonably successful).  I did find one article from 2009 on RadarOnLine (ugh), but when I tried to view the page, I was informed it was no longer on the internet, LOL.


I have Hulu and Netflix.  I need to make a mental note to check to see if that reality show is on either of those.  I really did enjoy that show but, in retrospect, I wish I had paid more attention to their financial discussions.  

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ew.  Watching this epi for the first time on DVR.  Just saw the David and Yolanda part. I hate when someone says they just threw up in their mouth, but, I kind of understand what that means now.  Dude, where's your dignity?  Yolanda's disappeared into the lemon grove long ago, but David....


When Brandi showed up at Kim's door, I thought she was trying to be funny by wearing those gag glasses with the plastic nose attached. 

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For now, I will just post this - Why the hell can't Lisa and YoFo pronounce the names of the women that work for them? Rocio is not pronounced with an "a" sound at the end of it. YoFo called Blanca, "Blanci" with a long "e" sound at the end. WTF?


YoFo - the damn horse doesn't give a shit how you are dressed, whether it is British riding wear or western wear, the horse will trot and ride the same, and apparently, fart the same. Idiot.


Lisa should have just gotten all of her shirts made with one big "L" on the front just like Laverne DeFazio.

Edited by GreatKazu
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Gah, I'm so sick of Brandi trying to make everything she does someone else's fault. Lisa is certainly no saint, but Brandi has a mind (albeit a disturbed one) of her own. She can choose to do something or not to do something. I've never seen anyone hold her at gunpoint. I would have had a hard time not jumping all over that one. While I am not a fan of Adrienne, I did like how she handled herself.


This.  I am not looking forward to Brandi's version of "I'm a good person, but if it weren't for that manipulative Lisa..." story line. Own your behavior.


Let me first say, of all the women, I hate Lisa the least.  However, she really needs to stop with the victim act.  I think she was wronged last season, and I believe that the majority of viewers were on her side.  So, rise the fuck above it Lisa and go back to being the diva who doesn't give a damn what these women say.  If she wants Kyle to move on, then she needs to move on as well.

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For now, I will just post this - Why the hell can't Lisa and YoFo pronounce the names of the women that work for them? Rocio is not pronounced with an "a" sound at the end of it. YoFo called Blanca, "Blanci" with a long "e" sound at the end. WTF?


The Rocio one has bugged me forever, but....and I hate to defend Yo....I thought she was calling Blanca that more as a nickname, not a mispronunciation. 

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Yes, I believe they were.


During their other reality show ("Lisa Loves Harry" I think was the name), there was talk in a couple of episodes about her boutique, Belle Gray, and lack of funds and the possibility of having to close it.  


It's been a long time ago and, when Googling for more information, the first few pages that come up are in regard to her Belle Gray line on QVC (which is apparently reasonably successful).  I did find one article from 2009 on RadarOnLine (ugh), but when I tried to view the page, I was informed it was no longer on the internet, LOL.


I have Hulu and Netflix.  I need to make a mental note to check to see if that reality show is on either of those.  I really did enjoy that show but, in retrospect, I wish I had paid more attention to their financial discussions.  

I've been meaning to mention this but when Lisa said her girls names were there middle names Belle & Gray like her store?

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OK, so Brandi is expecting us to sympathize with her when she knows full well JR has a girlfriend that he clearly sees (bangs) regularly? Um, no, Brandi. But it does help me understand who you are, hun, and what the marriage to Eddie was about. Clearly, Brandi knew he was bangin' other chicks -- probably throughout their whole marriage -- and she tolerated it.

Sorry, Brandi, but you get zero sympathy from me, if ya wanna repeat this idiot shit ya did with Eds, & do the same thing with JR. And JR doesn't even sound that awful to me. At least he was straight with her & told her he has a girlfriend. If she's dumb enough to stick around him, well, I really don't wanna hear her whining bout him & the girlfriend.

Honestly, if I DVR this crap in the future, I'm just gonna FF past the Brandi stuff. Even that voice of hers bugs. Everything bout her is annoying to me. Get her the fuck off the show already, Satan Andy.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
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I've been meaning to mention this but when Lisa said her girls names were there middle names Belle & Gray like her store?


I'm thinking (or maybe hoping is more accurate) that the store was named after the girls, not the other way around.

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I agree. Portia is very different from Kyle's other daughters in that they didn't spend their formative years (ages 0 - 5 imo) with a camera following them around.  She has a very high potential for reaching cousin Paris' level of foolishness.

Even if all the daughters had grown up under the same circumstances, doesn't mean one of them can't/won't be different than the others.  Millions of families to back that up.



I wasn't watching the show that closely, but it doesn't seem like Portia's been anywhere near out of control like Milania so often is. Seems like the way they were going with her was more about the question of growing up fabulously wealthy, which if you're going to do a show about Housewives of Beverly Hills is a pretty relevant subject. It's not delving into sensitive areas like adoption or drugs or mental problems, just looking at the question of raising a kid who has everything and is surrounded by other kids who have everything. Lots of kids Portia's age would whine "Can we go now?" (or be picky about what they want on their burger) without being a super brat. The fact that this one is doing it on a private plane makes it seem more entitled, but the plane, to Portia, is just normal.

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I'm actually getting to watch the episode now, and I have to chuckle at Lisa commenting that the other women question every word she says. Maybe if she weren't snide, hiding it behind "It was just a joke, dahling!" they wouldn't question her? I mean, when you make digs at other people's expense, can you really be exasperated that they can't be certain when you're being a big jerk versus when you're being less of a jerk?

Edited by Mozelle
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Seriously. That was so eye roll-worthy. No, Lisa, people were not questioning your horrible double entendres ("You love length!"), they were questioning your "jokes" that were thinly-veiled jabs, i.e. your joke about Mauricio being seen with a younger woman. Make a "joke" about Shiva being Mohammed's  high-class prostitute and see how she takes it...

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