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Small Talk: The Prayer Closet

Message added by Scarlett45

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I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss political social media posts of those in the Duggar realm- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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Why do I need to find out from my primary doctor about the fact I may have mild heart mitral? regurgitation (blood leaks from the valve and flows backwards into my heart's left atrium) instead of the cardiology doctor office calling me within ten days of having two tests? They may not think it is not serious enough to call me? Seriously! I cannot run errands, walk the short distance from my house to the mail box, go up and down stairs, pick up one of my cats, use the vacuum, or go outside in the heat without feeling tired, mild shortage of breath/chest pressure, my heart beat racing or feel lightheaded. Two and half years of this. Yes, the sleep apnea does not help, but the sleep apnea might be related to the regurgitation. Anxiety is not the cause of this. I am probably anxious because I am sick and worried about being ill the last few years. This is not getting better. Maybe I should have lay down on the floor and have one of my cats do a cat scan or go to the vet they see. I might get the proper diagnosis and it would cost less.

Why do I need to find out from my primary doctor about the fact I may have mild heart mitral? regurgitation (blood leaks from the valve and flows backwards into my heart's left atrium) instead of the cardiology doctor office calling me within ten days of having two tests? They may not think it is not serious enough to call me? Seriously! I cannot run errands, walk the short distance from my house to the mail box, go up and down stairs, pick up one of my cats, use the vacuum, or go outside in the heat without feeling tired, mild shortage of breath/chest pressure, my heart beat racing or feel lightheaded. Two and half years of this. Yes, the sleep apnea does not help, but the sleep apnea might be related to the regurgitation. Anxiety is not the cause of this. I am probably anxious because I am sick and worried about being ill the last few years. This is not getting better. Maybe I should have lay down on the floor and have one of my cats do a cat scan or go to the vet they see. I might get the proper diagnosis and it would cost less.

Discouraging is the least of it.  Furious?  Make noise and maybe find another cardiologist.  

  • Love 3

Chequing accounts are completely alien to me. I've processed cheques from businesses as part of my job, but private citizens using cheques is as rare as hens teeth. Unless you're paying an invoice by mail, they practically cannot be used in Australia.

What does 'balancing' a chequing account involve?

My baby boomer-aged parents use checks to pay all of their bills by mail and will rarely use a check in stores. They have a online/paper hybrid system going on. My mom writes down the check number in the book and then my dad looks online to see if the check cleared.  It's convenient for them because then they know the check made it and was cleared.


Originally, there would be an account balance column and a check column. When adding a new check, you would subtract the amount from the balance column and at the end of the month, hope to come up even. Online checking takes the work out of the balancing. 

Edited by Cocka doodle dont

Chequing accounts are completely alien to me. I've processed cheques from businesses as part of my job, but private citizens using cheques is as rare as hens teeth. Unless you're paying an invoice by mail, they practically cannot be used in Australia.

What does 'balancing' a chequing account involve?

OK.  You have money in your checking account.  In a check register (a little booklet) you add your deposits to that money and subtract your checks.  You keep a running total.  The bank does the same thing BUT not all the checks you subtract from your register clear the bank in a timely fashion.  Therefore 'balancing' or 'proving' the statement that the bank sends you every month requires a little finesse to reconcile the two amounts.  You also have to account for service charges and other debits.  I worked in banking and still fuss over that damned statement every month, but don't get hysterical if it doesn't reconcile to the penny.  Unfortunately, i usually have less in the bank than I thought.

Chequing accounts are completely alien to me. I've processed cheques from businesses as part of my job, but private citizens using cheques is as rare as hens teeth. Unless you're paying an invoice by mail, they practically cannot be used in Australia.

What does 'balancing' a chequing account involve?

OK.  You have money in your checking account.  In a check register (a little booklet) you add your deposits to that money and subtract your checks.  You keep a running total.  The bank does the same thing BUT not all the checks you subtract from your register clear the bank in a timely fashion.  Therefore 'balancing' or 'proving' the statement that the bank sends you every month requires a little finesse to reconcile the two amounts.  You also have to account for service charges and other debits.  I worked in banking and still fuss over that damned statement every month, but don't get hysterical if it doesn't reconcile to the penny.  Unfortunately, i usually have less in the bank than I thought.

Why do I need to find out from my primary doctor about the fact I may have mild heart mitral? regurgitation (blood leaks from the valve and flows backwards into my heart's left atrium) instead of the cardiology doctor office calling me within ten days of having two tests? They may not think it is not serious enough to call me? Seriously! I cannot run errands, walk the short distance from my house to the mail box, go up and down stairs, pick up one of my cats, use the vacuum, or go outside in the heat without feeling tired, mild shortage of breath/chest pressure, my heart beat racing or feel lightheaded. Two and half years of this. Yes, the sleep apnea does not help, but the sleep apnea might be related to the regurgitation. Anxiety is not the cause of this. I am probably anxious because I am sick and worried about being ill the last few years. This is not getting better. Maybe I should have lay down on the floor and have one of my cats do a cat scan or go to the vet they see. I might get the proper diagnosis and it would cost less.

I'm so sorry you're going through this. That is ridiculous and may be against medical practice. Aren't they required to give you results directly? I hope you find an answer soon. The cat cat scan sounds like a medical miracle - probably more cost efficient and you get cat cuddle time.  Though I do think cats' beside manner could be snooty at times....anyway, I really hope you get to the bottom of this soon.

I had been going to dr's for anxiety/depression and an "off-feeling" for five years. It took a nurse practitioner at my university's health center one visit and round of tests to figure out what I really had. The right tests make all the difference. 

Edited by Cocka doodle dont
  • Love 5

Chequing accounts are completely alien to me. I've processed cheques from businesses as part of my job, but private citizens using cheques is as rare as hens teeth. Unless you're paying an invoice by mail, they practically cannot be used in Australia.

What does 'balancing' a chequing account involve?

Cocka Doodle Dont beat me to it.  t really was making sure any checks you had written cleared as did deposits, accounting for any fees, and making sure you agreed with the bank as to the amount of money in the account.  In the US, there are still a lot of people who use checks or get pad by check.  Much of the world is ahead of us in terms of electronic banking.  I work with an international payroll system..  One of my colleagues in Germany called paychecks "barbaric".  They do everything by electronic transfers.  


Why do I need to find out from my primary doctor about the fact I may have mild heart mitral? regurgitation (blood leaks from the valve and flows backwards into my heart's left atrium) instead of the cardiology doctor office calling me within ten days of having two tests? They may not think it is not serious enough to call me? Seriously! I cannot run errands, walk the short distance from my house to the mail box, go up and down stairs, pick up one of my cats, use the vacuum, or go outside in the heat without feeling tired, mild shortage of breath/chest pressure, my heart beat racing or feel lightheaded. Two and half years of this. Yes, the sleep apnea does not help, but the sleep apnea might be related to the regurgitation. Anxiety is not the cause of this. I am probably anxious because I am sick and worried about being ill the last few years. This is not getting better. Maybe I should have lay down on the floor and have one of my cats do a cat scan or go to the vet they see. I might get the proper diagnosis and it would cost less.

Sorry to hear that the mitral valve prolapse is causing you so many problems.  I have MVP.  Because it is fairly common some doctors will treat it like it's no big deal.  However, for some people it is a major issue.  The cardiologist should have handled this.  What you should talk to your doctor about is getting an echocardiagram (ECG).  This is like an ultrasound of the heart.  From this, they should be able to estimate a regurgitation factor for the mitral valve.  Basically, on everyone, some amount of blood is pushed backwards when the valve closes.  With MVP, too much may be pushed backwards.  Based on the regurgitation factor, they can determine if surgery is recommended.  Even if it is not needed now and they can help your symptoms in other ways, this will give a baseline for future comparison.  The other things to determine from the ECG are leaflet tears and broken chordae.  You should also have an EKG to see if there are any complications based on electrical impulses.  For those of you wondering, I and my siblings have a genetic disorder that includes heart issues so I keep on top of these things.  Dr. Muffyn is a cardiac surgeon.  

  • Love 5

Why do I need to find out from my primary doctor about the fact I may have mild heart mitral? regurgitation (blood leaks from the valve and flows backwards into my heart's left atrium) instead of the cardiology doctor office calling me within ten days of having two tests? They may not think it is not serious enough to call me? Seriously! I cannot run errands, walk the short distance from my house to the mail box, go up and down stairs, pick up one of my cats, use the vacuum, or go outside in the heat without feeling tired, mild shortage of breath/chest pressure, my heart beat racing or feel lightheaded. Two and half years of this. Yes, the sleep apnea does not help, but the sleep apnea might be related to the regurgitation. Anxiety is not the cause of this. I am probably anxious because I am sick and worried about being ill the last few years. This is not getting better. Maybe I should have lay down on the floor and have one of my cats do a cat scan or go to the vet they see. I might get the proper diagnosis and it would cost less.

WTF?! I would walk into an ED and complain of heart attack symptoms. They'll gather all your info together and run any additional tests needed. This sucks BSG!

  • Love 4

I had an EKG in July, and it was abnormal (missing/skipping heart beats.) My primary doctor sent a copy of the test over to the hospital's Cardiology office. After waiting for five long weeks, I had a treadmill stress test on 8/31. One of the nurses ask me if I knew I had a heart murmur. I said no doctor said anything about a possible murmur. My heart rate did speed up, and I had some chest pressure during the six minutes of walking on the treadmill. My blood pressure was a little higher than usual. One of the nurses did say the EKG was abnormal but not as bad as the one in July. When I got home from the doctor's office, my husband told me the office called. I was told to come in for an echocardiogram. I went in on the same day as the stress test. My primary doctor said my heart valves look good, but it look like mild mitral? regurgitation. So far no calls from the Cardiology office for ten days to let me know what is going on. I am still having symptoms of regurgitation, and the symptoms are not getting better. The symptoms started in February 2013 (two months after the treatment for killing my thyroid cells.) My primary doctor thinks anxiety is part of the problem and put me on two blood pressure meds. One doctor told me I had situation anxiety/depression/stress after my husband was diagnosed with his illness. It took going in to be a possible kidney donor for my husband for me to find out I had endometriosis and Graves Disease. Seriously! I am sure anxiety is not helping, but it is not the cause of what is going on now.

I'm so sorry. It took nine years for me to get a good diagnosis for brutal pelvic pain (to be fair, as it turned out, there was more than one thing going on) and yes, "anxiety/depression/it's all in your mind" was at the top of everyone's list. Oh, and "You're a drug seeker," that one was always a pleasure to receive ("Why yes, I am seeking pain relievers. Because of the horrible PAIN I'm in...")

I've found over the years that having a man with me -- any man -- gets the doctors to pay better attention. I can't describe how much this infuriates me, but I still do it. I drag out my 83 year old father if my husband can't make it.

  • Love 8
Ha, my parents were ALL about academics when I was growing up. It's why I didn't learn how to do laundry until I went to college; I didn't have very many household chores and I wasn't allowed to get an after-school job because ~homework was my job~. But hey, maybe the research skills I put into my homework helped me research basic life skills. ;)


galax-arena, this was the case in our house.  I had to give my kids a crash course in laundry before they left for college, and had to teach them how to cook a few basic things.  Because I was a stay-at-home mom for much of their lives, I was the one who did the laundry, cooked, and cleaned.  They cleaned their rooms and bathroom.  My husband and I felt like your parents--we just wanted them to have plenty of time to study and bring home good grades.  Now that they're in college, they've both had to make use of youtube videos when wanting to learn how to prepare food, etc. 

  • Love 1

Or course you would be anxious at this point. Who wouldn't. They should treat you for anxiety with an anti-depressant as well something to calm you, whether it be a benzo, or other less addictive options, not HPB meds. No harm in treating you for anxiety while figuring the rest out. And they have enough evidence to know something is going on.


Yeesh, keep on them BSG.

  • Love 3

BSG there is one other test they can do.  You wear a heart monitor.  When you feel any abnormalities, you call in and tell them what was happening at the time; e.g. I was climbing stairs, I felt very weak, my heart was pounding.  This can be done for a short term or for several weeks.  It helps to determine what is triggering the symptoms.  since it runs for a longer time than an EKG, it can also help find instances that aren't being seen by the doctors.  


Unfortunately while heart disease is the #1 killer of women, doctors still often don't take it seriously.  And it is all too common for women to be told that any symptoms they have are due to stress or anxiety.  They may have put you on BP meds to try to regulate your heartbeat but they are obviously not working.  If possible, find a new cardiologist, even if you have to travel.  It's worth it.

  • Love 5

MRI UPDATE - Whoo hoo! Breasts are free of cancer. Per radiologist, lumps could be benign lymph nodes (5 and 7 ml) but still keeping an eye on them so I need a follow up MRI in March. Also have excess Breast tissue in same Breast. Don't know what that means! lol. Although I'm still feeling the effects of the contrast I would do it (and will be doing it) again. I'm so grateful for this test.

. XOXO I'm praying it has been "nailed" this time! I'm clear for now, but I do appreciate your offer.

Thank you, Readalot, and I am praying that you stay clear!! So glad you got this great news!

  • Love 1

It is almost impossible to find a good diagnostic doctor.  Horror stories here about misdiagnoses in my family.  The diagnosis is the number one key to all health issues.  Meanwhile people suffer, get worse, and even die.  I have been misdiagnosed and almost dies.  Tests and tests.  And you get sicker and sicker.  Your life sucks.  Do they care? No.  I used to trust veterinarians much more than medical doctors, until last year when someone diagnosed my dog with lung cancer, and despite what he said I disagreed.  I couldn't argue because I was in so much pain myself. Then went into the hospital for over a month a few days later.  When able I took her elsewhere and he said no, it's not lung cancer, for sure.  But he didn't provide any treatment that helped.  When she got so bad I couldn't bear it I took her to an all specialist place I didn't know existed and they came up with a diagnosis that as soon as they said it, I knew it was right.  But she was so far gone, and so weak, and 15, that she would never have survived surgery and although the vet sedated her, the breathing was so bad still that she said the fair thing was to let her go.  So I did and miss her every day.  I give a wide side-eye to all docs now, having had so many human screw ups and seen so much suffering and pain and running around.  I am still not well, on meds but not getting any better yet and need help with housework, paperwork (can't concentrate) and errands without mouth from caretakers.  I also can't afford them.  My remaining dog doesn't want me to go yet because his new home would be one he likes, with one dog he likes, and one dog he dreads laying eyes on.  So I have to stick around long enough for the other dog to grow into maturity and get his balls sacked off.

  • Love 3

Argh BSG, how frustrating.  My murmur turned out to be mild aortic valve regurgitation, and I knew it within a day of my ECG from the cardiologist's office.  You need a new cardiologist and a Holter monitor (funny but true, I thought they were saying "Halter" monitor because of the way it sits, not realizing it was an actual name).


HFC, I'm still over here holding my breath.


Hugs for everyone else and their challenges.

  • Love 3

I'm at uni but we don't tend to live out of home here so I can't relate to most of these. That said, my mum was of the opinion that if we were old enough to spread butter and Vegemite on bread, we were old enough to make our own lunches which is why my brother and I packed our own lunches from kindy.  It completely shocked me that one girl in my grade had a mum who made her lunch in year 12.  She was 18 and her mum still made and packed her lunch!  It was more common among the boys but I couldn't believe that they were legal adults who relied on their parents to make a sandwich and pack an apple each day.  Seriously, take two pieces of bread, put on some cheese and ham, grab two pieces of fruit and a couple of biscuits, it isn't that hard.  This same girl still had her mum pack her bag up until she was in year 9 - admittedly she was a bit of a princess (as you might have guessed) but I couldn't work out why her mum would enable her like that.  

Two things:

1.  You eat Vegemite.  I tasted it once.  It is apparently an acquired taste, but not for me.  Very salty, as I recall.

2.  Many of today's young people are clueless.  For proof I point to my own beloved daughter who is now in her 30's and has 3 gorgeous children.  About 5 years ago I gave her a cookbook entitled "Recipes with only 5 Ingredients".  There were recipes for appetizers, soups, main dishes and desserts.  She thanked me and then asked (I am NOT making this up) if all the recipes in the book used the same 5 ingredients.  I cannot believe I raised that girl. She will still occasionally ask me a question that has me scratching my head.  But I love her to death.

  • Love 8

galax-arena, this was the case in our house.  I had to give my kids a crash course in laundry before they left for college, and had to teach them how to cook a few basic things.  Because I was a stay-at-home mom for much of their lives, I was the one who did the laundry, cooked, and cleaned.  They cleaned their rooms and bathroom.  My husband and I felt like your parents--we just wanted them to have plenty of time to study and bring home good grades.  Now that they're in college, they've both had to make use of youtube videos when wanting to learn how to prepare food, etc. 


One of the many nice things I can say about my folks, is that by the time my siblings and I left the largess of their home, we could all do our own laundry (including ironing and shoe-shining, but that's more of a function of going through Catholic school), cook a couple of staple meals (if not more), and do the basic handy work maintenance on a house or apartment.  My father was adamant that we do our own laundry, and my mother was insistent that we pack our lunches three days a week (we bought lunch the other two).  The only thing they didn't insist we learn was how to change flat tires on cars, because that's what AAA is for. 

  • Love 4

I think I come from a long line of figure-it-outers, and my kids inherited the gene. Even before the internet we just would tackle what was in front of us till we figured it out. Not that we always could, but we would at least try.


True story: My son was under 5, and quite a chatter box and a Lego-maniac. As we were driving over a bridge he began to tell me how the bridge builders did it wrong, and if he had built the bridge he would have ... . When I asked him why, he matter-of-factly replied, "To make it safer for big trucks".


25 years later the bridge is still standing and used by a lot of big trucks  :)

  • Love 6

Live chatting tonight during Josh's RU broadcast at http://FreeJosh.slack.com. Message me here with your email address so I can add you.

You can use slack from your computer or through the mobile phone app.

Try to send me your email as soon as you can, so I can get you on slack and you can get situated.

Edited by CofCinci
  • Love 1

Two things:

1.  You eat Vegemite.  I tasted it once.  It is apparently an acquired taste, but not for me.  Very salty, as I recall.

2.  Many of today's young people are clueless.  For proof I point to my own beloved daughter who is now in her 30's and has 3 gorgeous children.  About 5 years ago I gave her a cookbook entitled "Recipes with only 5 Ingredients".  There were recipes for appetizers, soups, main dishes and desserts.  She thanked me and then asked (I am NOT making this up) if all the recipes in the book used the same 5 ingredients.  I cannot believe I raised that girl. She will still occasionally ask me a question that has me scratching my head.  But I love her to death.


Cute story. I'm sure that at that moment you were thinking "OK, unless I take credit for this, I guess I'm not going to be able to take credit for everything wonderful she does from this point out either..." LOL.

  • Love 3

BSG, I've got mitral valve prolapse, too. My cardiologist says he sees it quite frequently in people with thyroid problems (I told him he needed to do a paper on it for a medical journal). I'm on anti-arrhythmic drugs and I hardly notice it anymore, unless my thyroid levels are off. I was diagnosed with the mvp when I was first diagnosed with Graves disease.

  • Love 1

BSG, I've got mitral valve prolapse, too. My cardiologist says he sees it quite frequently in people with thyroid problems (I told him he needed to do a paper on it for a medical journal). I'm on anti-arrhythmic drugs and I hardly notice it anymore, unless my thyroid levels are off. I was diagnosed with the mvp when I was first diagnosed with Graves disease.

Count me in too with hypothyroid and MVP with a bit of pericardial effusion thrown in. I am lucky in that I have no symptoms from the heart stuff and just get monitored so far. I take t-4 and compounded t-3 for my thyroid.

  • Love 1

Just a quick warning on the Holter monitor.  Several years ago I had a base-line test run, and I was to wear the monitor for for 48 hours.  When the time was up, the tech removed the lead pads---and my skin.  I had several perfectly round patches of missing skin from the adhesive on the pads.  Extremely painful, and quite shocking to the tech and the doctor.  I was holding my shirt up to remove the pads.  Then I asked how I was supposed to drive home holding my shirt up because it hurt so much to have anything touch the spots.  My skin grew back after a week or so, but it really did hurt.  Be sure you are not allergic to tape before you do the test, and if you start to feel any "funny" feeling or itching under the pads, Take Them Off.

  • Love 3

Carrying this over from the Jim Bob and Michelle thread:

Michelle doesn't seem strike me as a stereotypical Virgo. She seems more of a Leo. Virgos do not like to be the center of attention, while she seems to revel in it. She has a few Leo traits such as the need for attention, her love of her "mane" (aka her hair), dominating, arrogant and extremely loyal to a certain few (Jim Bob). Virgos absolutely hate germs and a messy environment. Michelle really is atypical in that sense.

Virgos tend to be very reserved, some what eccentric, private and deeply into their own thoughts. Also very intellectual and analytical. It's true we are perfectionists but it's simply because we want things to be correct.

  • Love 5

Carrying this over from the Jim Bob and Michelle thread:

Michelle doesn't seem strike me as a stereotypical Virgo. She seems more of a Leo. Virgos do not like to be the center of attention, while she seems to revel in it. She has a few Leo traits such as the need for attention, her love of her "mane" (aka her hair), dominating, arrogant and extremely loyal to a certain few (Jim Bob). Virgos absolutely hate germs and a messy environment. Michelle really is atypical in that sense.

Virgos tend to be very reserved, some what eccentric, private and deeply into their own thoughts. Also very intellectual and analytical. It's true we are perfectionists but it's simply because we want things to be correct.

I might have accidentally hit "report" when I meant to hit "like." I surely fit this description of a Virgo. I'm an introvert. I actually do public speaking, but that is different. There is a wall between me and the audience. Then I go as quickly as possible to the restroom hoping when I reappear people will have forgotten I was the one on the stage. Many years ago I did a humorous talk to an audience of over 2000 people. It went well. As soon as it was over and I could leave the dais, I hurried into a restroom stall. I was in there re-energizing myself. A few women came in and began whispering that I was in that stall. They sort of waited around so I had to come out and act natural. "Here, let me wash my hands." I guess that counts as somewhat eccentric. Usually I just don't draw attention to myself. I didn't know that was a part of Virgo. Another thing -- see if it fits -- I literally love throwing things away. Even when I'm tired, if I see something I can run out to the recycle bin, I pop right up to do it. DH says, "Why don't you wait until you have a few things to recycle (bin is around the house behind the garage). "No, no, I'll just do it now since I have it in my hand and I'm already standing up." Does this sound familiar to other Virgoes?

Edited by mbutterfly
  • Love 5

I might have accidentally hit "report" when I meant to hit "like." I surely fit this description of a Virgo. I'm an introvert. I actually do public speaking, but that is different. There is a wall between me and the audience. Then I go as quickly as possible to the restroom hoping when I reappear people will have forgotten I was the one on the stage. Many years ago I did a humorous talk to an audience of over 2000 people. It went well. As soon as it was over and I could leave the dais, I hurried into a restroom stall. I was in there re-energizing myself. A few women came in and began whispering that I was in that stall. They sort of waited around so I had to come out and act natural. "Here, let me wash my hands." I guess that counts as somewhat eccentric. Usually I just don't draw attention to myself. I didn't know that was a part of Virgo. Another thing -- see if it fits -- I literally love throwing things away. Even when I'm tired, if I see something I can run out to the recycle bin, I pop right up to do it. DH says, "Why don't you wait until you have a few things to recycle (bin is around the house behind the garage). "No, no, I'll just do it now since I have it in my hand and I'm already standing up." Does this sound familiar to other Virgoes?

It does sound familiar. I like getting rid of things that clutter my space. For me, it's very cleansing. I'm getting rid of excess baggage.

Another issue I have is getting rid of clothes to donate to someone else. I'm so critical of my unwanted clothes that I will often throw them away than give them to someone. The reason for this is stains, rips or minor imperfections. I only want to give away clothes that are like new. I know it sounds OCD, but I'd be embarrassed to give away something that is stained or worn out. Crazy...but I'm a perfectionist.

  • Love 2

Carrying this over from the Jim Bob and Michelle thread:

Michelle doesn't seem strike me as a stereotypical Virgo. She seems more of a Leo. Virgos do not like to be the center of attention, while she seems to revel in it. She has a few Leo traits such as the need for attention, her love of her "mane" (aka her hair), dominating, arrogant and extremely loyal to a certain few (Jim Bob). Virgos absolutely hate germs and a messy environment. Michelle really is atypical in that sense.

Virgos tend to be very reserved, some what eccentric, private and deeply into their own thoughts. Also very intellectual and analytical. It's true we are perfectionists but it's simply because we want things to be correct.


Me too. That Me-chelle is Virgo was shocking. Astrology is a hobby of mine [i've actually guessed signs correctly at times after reading biographies etc] and I totally had Me-chelle pegged as a "Look-at-me-Leo!" She must have a whole bundle of planets and influences in Leo, because she is the most atypical Virgo ever. I just dug out my astrology journals and the first box in each section are keywords that describe the sign "in a nutshell." For Virgo, these words are service, self-improvement, thought, intellect, communication, sacred patterns and perfectionist. None of these make me think Me-chelle. I had to laugh too, because then I noticed that Virgo's ideal date is taking a cooking class! Oh sure, that's our Me-chelle all right...

  • Love 1

It does sound familiar. I like getting rid of things that clutter my space. For me, it's very cleansing. I'm getting rid of excess baggage.

Another issue I have is getting rid of clothes to donate to someone else. I'm so critical of my unwanted clothes that I will often throw them away than give them to someone. The reason for this is stains, rips or minor imperfections. I only want to give away clothes that are like new. I know it sounds OCD, but I'd be embarrassed to give away something that is stained or worn out. Crazy...but I'm a perfectionist.

just di you know, don't hesitate to donate your worn, ripped and stained clothes. Depending on the severity it will be sold to third world countries OR to places that make mattresses and pads. Either way the charity profits.
  • Love 3

just di you know, don't hesitate to donate your worn, ripped and stained clothes. Depending on the severity it will be sold to third world countries OR to places that make mattresses and pads. Either way the charity profits.

Good advice, because I do that too, also with my husband's clothes that look outdated (because he didn't want to get rid of them just in case). 

  • Love 1

It does sound familiar. I like getting rid of things that clutter my space. For me, it's very cleansing. I'm getting rid of excess baggage.

Another issue I have is getting rid of clothes to donate to someone else. I'm so critical of my unwanted clothes that I will often throw them away than give them to someone. The reason for this is stains, rips or minor imperfections. I only want to give away clothes that are like new. I know it sounds OCD, but I'd be embarrassed to give away something that is stained or worn out. Crazy...but I'm a perfectionist.

Actually I agree.  My daughter has TONS of baby clothes that were gently worn or even new.  Some still had the tags.  Those we happily donate to the Salvation Army or Catholic Charities or the Family Services in our area.  They are always gratefully received.  But we would never donate a stained or ripped garment.   I wouldn't donate something I wouldn't want to use myself.

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I feel like I'm at a "I share a birthday with Michelle" anonymous meeting!  


Does that mean we have to join RU? Will we have to wear plaid?


So far, we have four posters who share Michelle's birthday? Oh, and to answer my own question, there is one other Duggar who's a Virgo. Josiah. Yes, I looked it up. (Hanging head in shame.)

  • Love 1


Does that mean we have to join RU? Will we have to wear plaid?


So far, we have four posters who share Michelle's birthday? Oh, and to answer my own question, there is one other Duggar who's a Virgo. Josiah. Yes, I looked it up. (Hanging head in shame.)

I already wear some plaid, so that would be a go, but I think we all could find better use of our money than to join RU!  And no shame in answering someone's  question.  I think that could be a Virgo thing, too  :)

Apropos of absolutely nothing, I am curious as to how everyone picked their screen name.  Mine is easy.  We have always had Labrador retrievers as pets.  They are the perfect dog for our type of family, although there are dozens of wonderful breeds there and also many perfect Heinz dogs (57 varieties).  Each of our girls (they have all been females) has had her own personality and we have loved them all.  Just curious, as I said!

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My screen name was born in a TWoP chat thread. Posters were bemoaning the site closing and also losing their post counts. So when I signed up here I just decided to bring my post counts with me.


I share a birthday with RHoNYC SonJa Morgan. I only mention it here because the level of delusion is similar to Michelle's and they both are committed to the big "J".

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I'm another member of the I-can't-believe-I-share-a-birthday-with-Michelle club. And I'm a youngest, too. But that's where the similarities end.


Are any of the kids Virgos?



I am going to take it upon myself to speak for the entire Leo community and say we don't want her either , she's yours!


Gotta say, Leos out there, I'd feel the exact same way if Me-chelle was my sign, Cancer. But Cancer's keywords - feeling, sensuality, motherly, nurturing, childhood, emotional, domesticity - don't line up in her corner either. I actually Me-chelle pegged as an Aries at first, based on watching the show and the Aries keywords; leading, action, new beginnings, sex and daredevil. With apologies to all the very fine Ariens out there... :>)

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I talk a lot and am drawn to shiny, glittery things.  Twenty-nine is a lucky number for me.  The "pye" part came because magpie is a very popular choice for online names, but I love Siamese cats so took the spelling from Pyewacket in Bell, Book, and Candle.  Also, I'm a Gemini, so the duality of magpie and magpye appealed to me.

  • Love 6

I talk a lot and am drawn to shiny, glittery things.  Twenty-nine is a lucky number for me.  The "pye" part came because magpie is a very popular choice for online names, but I love Siamese cats so took the spelling from Pyewacket in Bell, Book, and Candle.  Also, I'm a Gemini, so the duality of magpie and magpye appealed to me.


Aw. My favorite ever cat, who lived with me for thirteen years, was a tortoiseshell Pyewacket.

  • Love 6
Message added by Scarlett45

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