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Small Talk: The Prayer Closet

Message added by Scarlett45

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1 minute ago, iwantcookies said:

@Zella my ex friend hated coffee. Even the smell made her gag!

You are not alone! 

Yeah I know other people who don't like it but like the smell. Even that grosses me out. Drinking coffee reminds me of licking an ashtray. (Not that I've ever done that!) 

Edited by Zella
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9 hours ago, Temperance said:

I consider anybody whose religion takes over their life to be fundie It doesn't matter what denomination, faith etc. I grew up Catholic, I've known plenty of Catholic fundies. 

I have a friend who is Catholic and I often refer to her as born-again Catholic. I think she considers herself more catholic than the pope.


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I agree Starbucks coffee isnt the best, their espresso is okay though. My drink of choice is usually a flat white. I KNOW they aren't the be all and end all, but they are consistent, and sometimes thats just what you need in a beverage! And it helps that they are everywhere. I dont mind dunkin but its too weak for me, I used to buy Dunkin beans and brew at home, so that it would be stronger.

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3 minutes ago, Scarlett45 said:

I agree Starbucks coffee isnt the best, their espresso is okay though. My drink of choice is usually a flat white. I KNOW they aren't the be all and end all, but they are consistent, and sometimes thats just what you need in a beverage! And it helps that they are everywhere. I dont mind dunkin but its too weak for me, I used to buy Dunkin beans and brew at home, so that it would be stronger.

Total non coffee drinker here, but I have heard of frappes, lattes,  expressos and cappuccinos. I couldn't tell you what was in any of them. I have never heard of a flat white, though. What is a flat white?

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16 minutes ago, realityfan26 said:

I have a friend who is Catholic and I often refer to her as born-again Catholic. I think she considers herself more catholic than the pope.


My church used to have several families like that. Many kids, the mom and daughters always wore dresses well below their knees, even the babies.  All the females would wear head coverings, usually chapel caps or mantillas which haven't been needed since Vatican II in 1962.  The boys all wore dress shirts with ties, sometimes complete suits.  They homeschooled their kids, too, because even the parish school wasn't Catholic enough.  Mom, dad and all the kids would attend Mass together, even the tiny babies. Always sat as close to the front as possible, sometimes even using their passel o'kids to nudge others out of their way.  Nobody ever stayed home and they'd never go into the crying room or step outside if the baby is fussy.  They would also get in line for communion, but, when they got to the priest, would deliberately kneel in the middle of the aisle and only take the Eucharist on the tongue which tended to cause traffic jams as others tried to navigate around them and their ostentatious demonstration of the purity of their faith.  The priest who was pastor when I first joined, was known for being conservative and he would let them ignore Vatican II and put on their little show of reverence at Mass.

Then, he retired.

The new pastor came in, got a feeling for the lay of the land and also asked the parish council about these families and what they were doing.  And, of course, being holier than all of us, the fathers from the families also approached the pastor to let him know that they considered modern Catholic practice like women not covering their heads, not kneeling for communion and taking the host in one's hand to be wrong and unacceptable.  After a couple of months, there was an announcement in the bulletin:  current Catholic practice is to stand to receive communion and therefore anyone who knelt in the aisle would not be given the sacrament.  A;ll of the families disappeared at that point, apparently looking for a church that was willing to pretend it was still 1961 along with them.

Some of you might recall that actor Mel Gibson was also a conservative Catholic who believed that the changes of Vatican II were sinful and who even wanted the Latin Mass.  He actually built his own church on his property and apparently found like-minded priest to say Mass there.  Of course, this is before he divorced his wife and had a child or two with his girlfriend.  Not to mention the DUI arrests and anti-Semitic rants.  I don't know if he still considers himself to be Catholic these days; I never did.

Edited by doodlebug
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Jeeves, you can also regift the cards to others. I went through one holiday where I got almost a dozen Starbucks gift cards, more than I could ever use, and I kept a few on hand to give out in a pinch. The mailman got one, the dog walker, etc.

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10 minutes ago, Liddy52 said:

Total non coffee drinker here, but I have heard of frappes, lattes,  expressos and cappuccinos. I couldn't tell you what was in any of them. I have never heard of a flat white, though. What is a flat white?

Its espresso with steamed milk, its different than a latte- less foamy, more velvety with small bubbles which means the espresso flavor comes through more.

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7 minutes ago, emma675 said:

Jeeves, you can also regift the cards to others. I went through one holiday where I got almost a dozen Starbucks gift cards, more than I could ever use, and I kept a few on hand to give out in a pinch. The mailman got one, the dog walker, etc.

I do the same. The woman who does my hair loves coffee and there is a Starbucks practically next to the shop; she's thrilled to get gift cards from there.  I come from a family of coffee lovers.  Both of my parents, all 4 of my sisters and my brother love the stuff and drink multiple cups daily.  Meanwhile, the only reason I have a coffee maker is for guests.  It comes out of the cupboard on Christmas and maybe a couple other times a year when family is visiting.  I would never make coffee for myself.  I like the fragrance, I looooove coffee ice cream; but the only time I drink coffee is if I am very cold or if I go out someplace nice for dinner and have dessert.  A cup of coffee tastes good with dessert.

On Christmas Eve my brother and sister went through 2 pots of coffee while visiting for dinner.  I didn't drink a drop.

Edited by doodlebug
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My father was raised Catholic in a Catholic country, so he isn't religious at all (never has been) but still considers himself a Catholic, if you know what I mean.

Anyway, my mother and I (who aren't Christian anyhow) were talking about one of those fundy "Catholic" sects who deny Vatican II and basically don't follow the Vatican in anything, just make it up as they go along yet still are very holier-than-thou about it. My father got very offended because he felt like we were attacking Catholics by criticizing them. I was like, these people literally say that the POPE isn't Catholic, they're just some crazy sect that happens to call themselves "Catholic"! He was still offended. Ah well.

Actually, I go to church services pretty regularly in non-pandemic times (live streaming hasn't been the same), but I'm not baptized and can't take communion. I try to avoid going to services where there's going to be communion served because of that, which means avoiding masses. I've thought about getting baptized, but I'm not really ready to do that. On the one hand, Catholicism has a great program for teaching people about the faith, but on the other hand, Catholic beliefs are pretty rigorous and I'm ambivalent about that. I dunno, still finding my way.

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1 minute ago, rue721 said:

My father was raised Catholic in a Catholic country, so he isn't religious at all (never has been) but still considers himself a Catholic, if you know what I mean.

Anyway, my mother and I (who aren't Christian anyhow) were talking about one of those fundy "Catholic" sects who deny Vatican II and basically don't follow the Vatican in anything, just make it up as they go along yet still are very holier-than-thou about it. My father got very offended because he felt like we were attacking Catholics by criticizing them. I was like, these people literally say that the POPE isn't Catholic, they're just some crazy sect that happens to call themselves "Catholic"! He was still offended. Ah well.

Actually, I go to church services pretty regularly in non-pandemic times (live streaming hasn't been the same), but I'm not baptized and can't take communion. I try to avoid going to services where there's going to be communion served because of that, which means avoiding masses. I've thought about getting baptized, but I'm not really ready to do that. On the one hand, Catholicism has a great program for teaching people about the faith, but on the other hand, Catholic beliefs are pretty rigorous and I'm ambivalent about that. I dunno, still finding my way.

Everyone has to find their own way, I've discovered.  Faith is not a constant, it waxes and wanes.  Sometimes it is right there, so close you can touch it, other times, it's off in a galaxy far, far away.  I haven't always been a regular churchgoer.  From my mid 20's to my mid 40's, I was a casual Catholic; went a couple times a year, usually on one of the big holidays (a Christmas Catholic as my father termed it).  But then, I felt a need to get back to church and started going more regularly, now I rarely miss.  It just started working for me again.  No explanation other than that which is why they call it faith, I guess.

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14 minutes ago, doodlebug said:

I do the same. The woman who does my hair loves coffee and there is a Starbucks practically next to the shop; she's thrilled to get gift cards from there.  I come from a family of coffee lovers.  Both of my parents, all 4 of my sisters and my brother love the stuff and drink multiple cups daily.  Meanwhile, the only reason I have a coffee maker is for guests.  It comes out of the cupboard on Christmas and maybe a couple other times a year when family is visiting.  I would never make coffee for myself.  I like the fragrance, I looooove coffee ice cream; but the only time I drink coffee is if I am very cold or if I go out someplace nice for dinner and have dessert.  A cup of coffee tastes good with dessert.

On Christmas Eve my brother and sister went through 2 pots of coffee while visiting for dinner.  I didn't drink a drop.

I love coffee, love the smell of it, the ritual of making it, etc. However, when I got Graves disease and it was really bad, I had to quit caffeine (Graves disease is like having a caffeine i.v., your system is running on overdrive). I was left with a permanent heart arrhythmia, so I still avoid caffeine. I can do decaf but I hate being that person at Dunkin or Starbucks in the morning asking for decaf. Half caff is even too much for me. 

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I'm not a coffee drinker either.  Years ago (before Starbucks was in my hometown, or many places in the southeast) I worked for a restaurant that had gourmet coffees.  People would come in and ask what so and so coffee tasted like.  When I would give them a sample because I couldn't describe the taste, people would look at me like I was insane.  "You work here and you don't drink the coffee???"  I loved the smell of it, especially when I would grind the beans, but nope, I didn't like the taste.  


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1 hour ago, Oldernowiser said:

I love coffee. I can no longer drink it. Thank you, reflux.

Enjoy it while you can, young’uns...

I am old enough that I had to choose between orange juice and coffee.  I now drink my mimosas with only a splash of OJ.

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1 hour ago, Jynnan tonnix said:


ng, speaking of Remy, I got a kick out of some of the conversation about the buffalo plaid holiday wear a few pages back, and, as luck would have it, this is what my daughter and son-in-law did for their Christmas photos. And they are not even remotely fundie or into religion of any stripe. Can't post the photo of the whole family, but here's just a zoom in on my precious nugget of a granddaughter!imageproxy.php?img=&key=2b6e9184fff4ceebimageproxy.php?img=&key=2b6e9184fff4ceeb


She's beautiful!

Edited by Suzn
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My first experience with coffee was with my grandmother at about age 10. I asked if I could have a cup, and instead of a cup from a percolator she used on the stove, she gave me instant Sanka. I never had a cup of coffee again until I was married with children, and having a yard sale with my neighbor years ago. Her husband went to Dunkin and picked up coffee and donuts for us. It tasted so good. To this day, coffee made by someone else tastes so much better to me. It could be diner coffee, chain coffee, doesn’t matter.

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I love coffee and I would have been thrilled to receive Starbuck's gift cards except....I just gave up coffee a few weeks ago. I am hoping that it will help my eczema and sleep issues, though I only ever drank 2-3 cups in the morning. I've been drinking herbal teas and doing fine with that.


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COVID update:  There are essentially no beds available in the hospital system where I work, which has access to around half the beds in northeast Ohio.  I performed surgery on a patient who was supposed to go home afterwards; she had a problem and needed to spend the night (she will be fine).  There were no beds available for her in the system, so she is spending the night in the ER.  

The folks here seem to be pretty savvy, but, please, please, please; do NOT go to the ER with a minor problem.  Call your primary care doc and see if something else could be worked out.  It is a war zone out there.

In a vaccine update, the hospital system where I work is moving forward with vaccinations.  They got in a bunch of the Moderna vaccine which helps because it doesn't need to keep as cold as the Pfizer vaccine.  Most community hospitals don't have freezers cold enough for the Pfizer.  Even Cleveland Clinic could only distribute it at their main campus as none of the satellites can store it.  I haven't gotten my invitation yet, but the docs in my office who are still doing obstetrics are getting theirs this week.  Since I am mainly office based and don't spend much time in the hospital up to my elbows in body fluids, I'm on a lower rung on the ladder.  However, at the rate Clinic is rolling it out, I expect to be able to be vaccinated in the next couple weeks.

Alas, the US as a whole is not doing as well, having vaccinated only 2 million when the original expectation was for 20 million vaccinations given by New Year's.  I don't think 18 million are going to get the vaccine in the next 2 days.

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Jynnan tonnix - that baby girl is gorgeous!!!   

husband came home from hospital last night. they needed his bed and they had gotten his blood level stable, still quite low but not dropping so fast, so they sent him home. i was not happy -- no no i was happy he was relaeased but not happy with the timing. it was literally pouring rain, wind, hail and dark at rush hour (not bad during the holidays) and he messaged me to come now to get him. i had just put a pot pie in the oven for dinner too.  he will need further testing to figure out where the blood loss is coming from but i did learn, in case i didnt share, that when your blood level tanks like that ...your heart rate starts pumping 'double' time!  his rate is stabilized for now.  oh just for grins and giggles (NOT), we also learned that the 'tumor/nodule/thingy' in his small intestine was NOT - i repeat NOT - removed at his last colonoscopy done at the university hospital last tuesday as we had been told it would be.  doctor says he will likely need some kind of open surgery to remove whats left of it after this final biopsy yesterday.  this is crazy stuff here!!!  we have a consult tomorrow with the gastro dr and hope to have a plan set up as to whats next. 

and friends, i do read here but i forget what i have read by the time i am done reading it all and start typing. forgive me if i overlook mentioning or supporting your events when you post.  i do care. 

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1 minute ago, doodlebug said:

COVID update:  There are essentially no beds available in the hospital system where I work, which has access to around half the beds in northeast Ohio.  I performed surgery on a patient who was supposed to go home afterwards; she had a problem and needed to spend the night (she will be fine).  There were no beds available for her in the system, so she is spending the night in the ER.  

The folks here seem to be pretty savvy, but, please, please, please; do NOT go to the ER with a minor problem.  Call your primary care doc and see if something else could be worked out.  It is a war zone out there.

In a vaccine update, the hospital system where I work is moving forward with vaccinations.  They got in a bunch of the Moderna vaccine which helps because it doesn't need to keep as cold as the Pfizer vaccine.  Most community hospitals don't have freezers cold enough for the Pfizer.  Even Cleveland Clinic could only distribute it at their main campus as none of the satellites can store it.  I haven't gotten my invitation yet, but the docs in my office who are still doing obstetrics are getting theirs this week.  Since I am mainly office based and don't spend much time in the hospital up to my elbows in body fluids, I'm on a lower rung on the ladder.  However, at the rate Clinic is rolling it out, I expect to be able to be vaccinated in the next couple weeks.

Alas, the US as a whole is not doing as well, having vaccinated only 2 million when the original expectation was for 20 million vaccinations given by New Year's.  I don't think 18 million are going to get the vaccine in the next 2 days.

How will you know when you can get the vaccine? I am in Texas so it may be a little different but have you heard how the general population will know when you get their shots? I am 65, have osteoarthritis, rhemuatoid, psoriatic arthritis and Ibs-d which are all autoimmune diseases.  I take an infusion for the arthritis which lowers my immune system. I don't know is being diagnosed with more than one autoimmune disease will make a difference. 

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@doodlebug, I really appreciate your updates and your insider’s expertise on all things medical, now more than ever. What’s left of my family lives in that area and my niece-in-law still works at the CC and I am quite worried about them but don’t want to butt in. 

28 minutes ago, doodlebug said:

The folks here seem to be pretty savvy, but, please, please, please; do NOT go to the ER with a minor problem.  Call your primary care doc and see if something else could be worked out.  It is a war zone out there.

My husband had his annual physical via telemedicine a few weeks back and his PCP flat out said he couldn’t believe the minor crap people were coming into the clinic for during a pandemic. So far our part of western Washington hasn’t been hit too hard but it’s coming. Too many people obviously decided that somehow Covid was taking Christmas off. 🙄 

@zoomama, my heart goes out to you and your family. What a time for this...ugh. Don’t you worry for a second about keeping up with the board! We’re here when you can join us and sending good thoughts always.

As I have two more days before my 2021 resolution not to say “fuck” begins...may this fucking year get the fucketty fuck out already. 

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19 minutes ago, crazycatlady58 said:

How will you know when you can get the vaccine? I am in Texas so it may be a little different but have you heard how the general population will know when you get their shots? I am 65, have osteoarthritis, rhemuatoid, psoriatic arthritis and Ibs-d which are all autoimmune diseases.  I take an infusion for the arthritis which lowers my immune system. I don't know is being diagnosed with more than one autoimmune disease will make a difference. 

For me, I work for a big hospital system and, as a health care provider, I'm in the first group.  My employer will be vaccinating all employees and they are sending email notifications when they've got the doses on hand.  They started with everyone working on the inpatient side; first those working in ICU, COVID units and ER since they are at highest risk.  They started at main campus because the first vaccines they got were Pfizer that need special refrigeration.  Now that everyone in potentially direct contact with patients with COVID has been covered (and that includes food services, housekeeping, security and the like); they are vaccinating caregivers who spend a significant portion of their time in the hospital setting.  So, the anesthesia folks, obstetricians and the like are getting it as are residents and fellows who didn't fall into the first category.  Finally, they will spread out to those of us who see patients regularly in an outpatient setting and don't spend a large amount of time at the hospital.  My employer is currently vaccinating in at least 4 sites in the greater Cleveland area which is how they're able to get it done so quickly.

I would expect that, in the next month or so; the majority of healthcare providers will have gotten vaccinated and that they will then start with the next tier.  As someone over 65 with significant health problems, you should be towards the top although, from what I've read, each state gets to prioritize their vaccine supplies.  I would expect that there will be significant media coverage once the hospitals and care facilities are completing their vaccinations and you'll hear about it on TV, on the radio, etc. Contact your primary care physician's office and ask them if they plan to provife the vaccine or how they are going to help their patients access it.  They should have some sort of patient newsletter or website that will have information for you when the time comes.


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3 minutes ago, doodlebug said:

For me, I work for a big hospital system and, as a health care provider, I'm in the first group.  My employer will be vaccinating all employees and they are sending email notifications when they've got the doses on hand.  They started with everyone working on the inpatient side; first those working in ICU, COVID units and ER since they are at highest risk.  They started at main campus because the first vaccines they got were Pfizer that need special refrigeration.  Now that everyone in potentially direct contact with patients with COVID has been covered (and that includes food services, housekeeping, security and the like); they are vaccinating caregivers who spend a significant portion of their time in the hospital setting.  So, the anesthesia folks, obstetricians and the like are getting it as are residents and fellows who didn't fall into the first category.  Finally, they will spread out to those of us who see patients regularly in an outpatient setting and don't spend a large amount of time at the hospital.  My employer is currently vaccinating in at least 4 sites in the greater Cleveland area which is how they're able to get it done so quickly.

I would expect that, in the next month or so; the majority of healthcare providers will have gotten vaccinated and that they will then start with the next tier.  As someone over 65 with significant health problems, you should be towards the top although, from what I've read, each state gets to prioritize their vaccine supplies.  I would expect that there will be significant media coverage once the hospitals and care facilities are completing their vaccinations and you'll hear about it on TV, on the radio, etc. Contact your primary care physician's office and ask them if they plan to provife the vaccine or how they are going to help their patients access it.  They should have some sort of patient newsletter or website that will have information for you when the time comes.


Thank you. I guess I'll have to start watching the news again I haven't watched it since tge last presidential election. 

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1 minute ago, crazycatlady58 said:

Thank you. I guess I'll have to start watching the news again I haven't watched it since tge last? presidential election. 

I should've also mentioned that a part of the reason that the immunizations at my employer and other health care facilities are progressing well is because we've all seen the virus up close and personal.  You don't hear much anti-vax talk amongst the health care community.  One of my partners got hers today; she got the email last night and took the first appointment she was offered.  The staff needed to change her work schedule in the office so she could go to the hospital about a 15 minute drive.  Our office manager came in and asked her why she didn't just get the vaccine later and not change her schedule; all of us looked at her like she had 3 heads.  WTF?  I don't know where she's been for the last ten months.

There are no atheists in foxholes, baby!

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I'm in TX too but I'm only 45 so I'm low on the list. But I just did a quick google search and found this: https://www.dshs.state.tx.us/coronavirus/immunize/vaccine.aspx and this: https://www.texastribune.org/2020/12/23/coronavirus-vaccine-texas/ (though that is a bit older). We moved here in July and have been avoiding going out so haven't gotten a primary care physician so we're not going to be notified. We haven't gotten the flu shot either because we used to do that bing bang boom at our PCP around Halloween. And it feels pretty obnoxious to start looking around for doctors while we're in the middle of an uncontrolled pandemic. 

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17 minutes ago, frenchtoast said:

I'm in TX too but I'm only 45 so I'm low on the list. But I just did a quick google search and found this: https://www.dshs.state.tx.us/coronavirus/immunize/vaccine.aspx and this: https://www.texastribune.org/2020/12/23/coronavirus-vaccine-texas/ (though that is a bit older). We moved here in July and have been avoiding going out so haven't gotten a primary care physician so we're not going to be notified. We haven't gotten the flu shot either because we used to do that bing bang boom at our PCP around Halloween. And it feels pretty obnoxious to start looking around for doctors while we're in the middle of an uncontrolled pandemic. 

In most states, you can get a flu shot at your local pharmacy.  Walgreen's and CVS provide the services where available.  You don't need a doctor's order, just go.  They will even bill your insurance although flu shots are usually not terribly pricey.  You should be able to check online and find the closest drugstore that offers flu shots.  Or, contact your local department of health.  They often give out flu shots or other immunizations on designated days, often for free.  You definitely want a flu shot this year, the hospitals are no place to be and it looks like people who get COVID on top of the flu are more likely to have severe disease.

The COVID vaccine itself will  be free; but individual sites that administer it can charge an administration fee.  Private doctor's offices have the highest overhead and will probably charge the most. However, many if not most, insurance companies will pay the administration fee for their clients anyway.

Edited by doodlebug
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14 minutes ago, frenchtoast said:

I'm in TX too but I'm only 45 so I'm low on the list. But I just did a quick google search and found this: https://www.dshs.state.tx.us/coronavirus/immunize/vaccine.aspx and this: https://www.texastribune.org/2020/12/23/coronavirus-vaccine-texas/ (though that is a bit older). We moved here in July and have been avoiding going out so haven't gotten a primary care physician so we're not going to be notified. We haven't gotten the flu shot either because we used to do that bing bang boom at our PCP around Halloween. And it feels pretty obnoxious to start looking around for doctors while we're in the middle of an uncontrolled pandemic. 

I got my flu shot in Walgreens.

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15 minutes ago, frenchtoast said:

And it feels pretty obnoxious to start looking around for doctors while we're in the middle of an uncontrolled pandemic. 

I see your point- and the search is probably complicated by the pandemic. But maybe if you could get set up with a new primary care doctor, that would be a little peace of mind. You'd have a resource for help other than an ER or urgent care clinic, if someone gets hurt or sick. 

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5 minutes ago, doodlebug said:

In most states, you can get a flu shot at your local pharmacy.  Walgreen's and CVS provide the services where available.  You don't need a doctor's order, just go.  They will even bill your insurance although flu shots are usually not terribly pricey.  You should be able to check online and find the closest drugstore that offers flu shots.  Or, contact your local department of health.  They often give out flu shots or other immunizations on designated days, often for free.  You definitely want a flu shot this year, the hospitals are no place to be and it looks like people who get COVID on top of the flu are more likely to have severe disease.

The COVID vaccine itself will  be free; but individual sites that administer it can charge an administration fee.  Private doctor's offices have the highest overhead and will probably charge the most.

Yeah, I was approached in Target pharmacy by a pharmacy tech offering a flu shot but I also have to get daughter another vaccine. So it's something that would make more sense to find a doctor. But people in TX (and going by the flags I see on my street) are not exactly being careful and I'd rather hole up at home. FFS, a neighbor had a fucking cookie exchange. Indoors. Maskless. WTF?!!!???!?!? I'd rather avoid any public spaces entirely, even for a vaccine. Because yeah, it's that bad. It might calm down enough in January seeing as there are no holidays to at least get the flu vaccine. 

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30 minutes ago, frenchtoast said:

I'm in TX too but I'm only 45 so I'm low on the list. But I just did a quick google search and found this: https://www.dshs.state.tx.us/coronavirus/immunize/vaccine.aspx and this: https://www.texastribune.org/2020/12/23/coronavirus-vaccine-texas/ (though that is a bit older). We moved here in July and have been avoiding going out so haven't gotten a primary care physician so we're not going to be notified. We haven't gotten the flu shot either because we used to do that bing bang boom at our PCP around Halloween. And it feels pretty obnoxious to start looking around for doctors while we're in the middle of an uncontrolled pandemic. 

what part of big ol' texas did YOU land in? it seems we have several Texans on this page. i second the advice to at least get affiliated with a doctor there. my daughter who just moved in september tried to get a primary and was laughed at. i told her to keep looking. 

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8 hours ago, Zella said:

I have had people gift me Starbucks cards. I. Don't. Drink. Coffee. But I'd usually take a friend with me (back in the pre-pandemic days), and I'd order tea or cocoa, depending on the weather, and something to eat, and friend would order coffee. It worked pretty well. 

I have never had a cup of coffee in my life.  I don't even like the smell.  I will drink tea, but I find coffee or a mocha flavor disgusting.  Not sure why.  But I'm not overly fond of chocolate, either.  So maybe they go together.  I will eat dark chocolate, but it has to be "good" chocolate, not just a candy bar from the grocery store. I've received Starbucks gift cards, but I have always passed them on to my coffee-drinking friends.

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8 hours ago, Zella said:

I have had people gift me Starbucks cards. I. Don't. Drink. Coffee. But I'd usually take a friend with me (back in the pre-pandemic days), and I'd order tea or cocoa, depending on the weather, and something to eat, and friend would order coffee. It worked pretty well. 

I'm that bad, too.  I'm allergic to coffee so I get tea, scones, or give them to one of my kids. I usually keep one in my handbag in case I want a snack at the hospital since Starbucks is the most convenient.  At least I do that when we aren't in a pandemic.  

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Well there are sites that buy gift cards. 

6 minutes ago, Jenniferbug said:

Really rethinking the Starbucks gift cards we got our children's teachers for Christmas now, thanks guys 😆

There are baked goods there so hopefully your cards were appreciated!

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On the subject of vaccines, someone who claims to be in the know here locally mentioned something about the health department starting distribution in January, but I am rather dubious about it being that fact. I assume if that is true, it will mainly be for available for seniors. 

I got all my vaccines as a child from the local health department. As an adult, I've always gotten my annual flu shot either at the local non-chain pharmacy or the Wal-Mart pharmacy. I usually would rather deal with the local pharmacy, but they weren't giving flu shots on the weekend this fall and they were experiencing shortages, so I went with Wal-Mart's pharmacy and didn't have any issues. I do have a PCP and I like him, but I'd rather get the COVID vaccine at one of the pharmacies if that's an option. 

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40 minutes ago, Jenniferbug said:

Really rethinking the Starbucks gift cards we got our children's teachers for Christmas now, thanks guys 😆

Lulz! Starbucks has baked goods, sandwiches, iced teas, and frappucinos that are basically milkshakes, so you don't have to be a coffee person to find something to enjoy. I'm sure the gift cards are appreciated!

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1 hour ago, zoomama said:

what part of big ol' texas did YOU land in? it seems we have several Texans on this page. i second the advice to at least get affiliated with a doctor there. my daughter who just moved in september tried to get a primary and was laughed at. i told her to keep looking. 

I'm north of Dallas/Plano (husband was promoted to the new HQ in Plano). Born in Green Bay WI, grew up in the NY/NJ area and stayed until I was late twenties. Lived in MA for 16 years and now here in TX. And in 15 years when it's time for Mr. Toast to retire, we are hightailing it out of here. Unless he can get a job in Australia with the same company, but that seems unlikely. 

We got here in July when there was a spike and now it's completely out of control. I'm not stepping foot in any doctor's office, urgent care or hospital. I don't trust that necessary precautions will be taken, even in a doctor's office because from what I've seen they aren't. 

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7 hours ago, Jynnan tonnix said:

We've actually had a slew of festive dinners over the past 10 days or so since my older son has been home (after having done a covid test beforehand, then quarantining at home until his drive up), so I made sure to make all his favorite meals for him while he was here. Starting with filet mignons in a burgundy sauce, through a sort of mix between veal piccata and veal saltimbocca which I made a long time ago while trying to remember what was supposed to be in it, and which went on to become one of everyone's favorites. Then, through to our traditional Polish Christmas Eve dinner, followed by duck the next day, then the prime rib the day after that, and a bunch of traditional Polish food (pierogi, bigos, potato pancakes), then shrimp scampi yesterday. I've gone through all his requests, and I'm pretty much cooked out, so will just be doing some shake'n'bake chicken tonight! LOL. Can't post the photo of the whole family, but here's just a zoom in on my precious nugget of a granddaughter!imageproxy.php?img=&key=2b6e9184fff4ceebimageproxy.php?img=&key=2b6e9184fff4ceeb


Your granddaughter is precious.....her squeezable looks and what she says. I miss grandchildren this age!

The week + of meals your family enjoyed are out of this world amazing. I’m impressed. Can I come visit you? You have certainly earned an evening of something much less gourmet intensive. 

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4 hours ago, frenchtoast said:

I'm in TX too but I'm only 45 so I'm low on the list. But I just did a quick google search and found this: https://www.dshs.state.tx.us/coronavirus/immunize/vaccine.aspx and this: https://www.texastribune.org/2020/12/23/coronavirus-vaccine-texas/ (though that is a bit older). We moved here in July and have been avoiding going out so haven't gotten a primary care physician so we're not going to be notified. We haven't gotten the flu shot either because we used to do that bing bang boom at our PCP around Halloween. And it feels pretty obnoxious to start looking around for doctors while we're in the middle of an uncontrolled pandemic. 

I'm also in TX. I'm 42 (almost 43) but work in a neuropsychology private practice. I received an email from a regional psychological association about getting the vaccine that indicated that psychologists/neuropsychologists fell within Phase 1 in TX, especially those who see high-risk patients. Since we're independent health care providers, it is up to us to "hunt down" the vaccine - that is, find someone who has the vaccine, contact them, and make a reservation. There were some follow-up emails from psychologists who detailed their experiences getting the vaccine in the Fort Worth area. Basically, they found themselves waiting for 3 - 4 hours in line to get the vaccine.

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Jynnan Tonnix, she really is adorable. So sweet at that stage. 

Ref. Starbucks gift cards. I rarely get one that I don’t perform some sort of a dance. Lol It’s a place I can image working, post covid. 

I’m close to selecting my new phone. I realize I overthink most things, so can someone chime in about their cell phone preference.  Should I go with new Android or iPhone? I have a PC laptop and android phone, but I also have an IPad.  I’m just not sure.  Any opinions welcomed.  


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Mr. Woodhouse got his vaccine today. He is a hospital chef. I have no clue when I will be able to get mine. My MIL's retirement community is still waiting on Walgreens (the state has contracted with them and CVS for senior facilities) to facilitate the process. 

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@SunnyBeBe, I recently traded in my Apple iPhone 6s (because the battery was just draining too fast and already replaced once) for the new iPhone 2020 SE. I love it so far. It is the right size for my hand and pockets (smaller than most other new smart phones) and has plenty of bells and whistles for me at less than half the cost of the other new iPhones, but includes many of the same features. I also have a PC desktop, mostly for documents and an iPad that I live on. Good luck with your search.

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Long time reader to this forum. Didn't write here until now.

Just wanted to ask for some prayers and thoughts. I live in Croatia and we have had a series of earthquakes. It's 7 am here, I am lying awake because it woke me up at 6:15. There were 3 of them.

Yesterday 6.4 destroyed Sisak and Petrinja. 7 Sead do far. We had one over 5 on Monday. 

And 5.4 9 months ago. These things do not happen here


Covid is now put to side






Edited by Snow Fairy
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We didn't have such earthquakes for more than 100 years.

12 year old girl was walking in the town square  with her mother when it hit, and she was killed by the debris. This is old town, poor people with war wounds still.

I am also afraid that this will lead to even more covid cases.  Can't wait for the vaccine, al least for my parents. I like reading your experiences here

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2 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

Jynnan Tonnix, she really is adorable. So sweet at that stage. 

Ref. Starbucks gift cards. I rarely get one that I don’t perform some sort of a dance. Lol It’s a place I can image working, post covid. 

I’m close to selecting my new phone. I realize I overthink most things, so can someone chime in about their cell phone preference.  Should I go with new Android or iPhone? I have a PC laptop and android phone, but I also have an IPad.  I’m just not sure.  Any opinions welcomed.  


I have an iPhone and I love how simple it’s to use. It’s almost 2 years old and works fine. Downside the battery is going and not enough storage. 

Get a phone with 64+ gb storage and a good quality screen. 

Iphones memory cannot be upgraded. Android phone yes it can. 

And buy an unlocked phone! Mine is locked even though I paid for it already. If I switch providers I will need a different phone. 

Next time I’m buying an unlocked phone. 


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The medical community in my area closely represents the country with their feelings on covid vaccines. About 25% are not onboard. But that means 75% are! Which might explain why one of my former co-workers got her first vax - she works in a hospital but has no direct contact with patients or patient areas on medical floors. (but I also know this woman, so I'm not that surprised)

In addition to the freezer temps that @doodlebug mentioned, with the Pfizer vax, the vaccines are delivered in vials with multiple doses. Once these vials are removed from cold storage and opened, they must be used within a short time. To complicate things even more, some vials are labeled 5 doses, but actually have 7. In hospital settings this is no big deal, but in smaller settings, like care homes and pharmacies, this has already proven to be a problem. If they have 15 folks lined up for vaccines, only 14 show up and one vial has two extra doses, they now have 3 extras they need to use in a short period of time. So some non-frontliners have received vaccines that would otherwise have been discarded.

The rollout of the actual vaccines was quick and messy, but most experts believe the initial learning curve combined with the new covid team will help to streamline things.

My personal opinion is once each state moves into Phase Two it will turn into a free-for-all because of the delicate nature of the vaccine and all of the many moving parts. So for any individuals who meet the criteria set in Phase Two, I would reach out to your PCP and/or pharmacy to get yourself on a priority list- if they have one, or ask when they'll have one. But again, this is just my personal opinion.

Edited by GeeGolly
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