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Small Talk: The Prayer Closet

Message added by Scarlett45

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I comment occasionally... but I read posts here a lot, I enjoy reading all you guys have to say. I'm sorry about WW. I confess, no red flags went up for me, and they should have.

I work in healthcare, I'm a respiratory therapist...but I don't work with kids. I recall asking her one question about being in the NICU, because it sounded off, but her answer made sense to me...I haven't worked in a NICU in years, I work with adults...have worked in hospitals that only have adults since 2007.

I have 2 accounts, but I'm not a sock puppet, honest. I had to create another account when I closed my FB acct (i had my login linked to my FB acct...and couldn't access it after I deactivated my old FB acct. Sooo, I had to create a new one, same user id, just with a period.

Sorry for the wall of text, I just feel that I needed to clarify...and to those who were upset and scammed by the fake person, I'm sorry.

  • Love 4

Oh, as to Thanksgiving food...I'm not a good cook AT ALL...but I'll eat anything:D and Halloween? Yeah. I got a high bag of candy last week and it's almost gone. Yay for Walgreens putting out Halloween candy in September! I'll eat any kind of candy, I don't care.

As to holidays...I have a confession to make. I'm a recluse. I hate get togethers. So, I work for people on the holidays and tell my friends I can't do Christmas or Thanksgiving or whatever...I'm so bad:D

  • Love 8

I trick-or-treated WAY past the age of appropriateness, but I did it with younger children that I was babysitting. Plus, I look freakishly young for my age (baby face and only 5'1''), so no one felt uncomfortable or asked to see my birth certificate...

Does that make me a candy grifter, like Jill and Derick? Yikes!

That probably wouldn't give me pause. I'm describing families with six kids, and someone holding a second bucket for a newborn baby who obviously isn't eating candy... then Mom and Grandma holding out Walmart bags of their own. It's not every family, but it's enough. I'm blunt and finally just started saying, "Sorry, just the kids!" in my cheeriest voice.

One of my kids has food allergies, and we've taught him to just say thank you if it has nuts. I do admit to eating all his Snickers and Reese's cups, because, I mean, SAFETY.

  • Love 15

Since Halloween really isn't celebrated here it annoys me no end when shops try to make it a thing.  We have had a grand total of TWO kids come to our door (luckily we had a couple of packets of lollies in the back of the pantry).  But you wouldn't know it going into the shops!  There are Halloween displays and specials and costumes, the whole lot.  It is a good opportunity to stock up on chocolate but I don't know a single person who has ever gone trick-or-treating.  

I also saw Christmas trees last week which should, quite frankly, be illegal.  If I was in charge, no one would be allowed to put up Christmas decorations in stores until at least November!

  • Love 3

Count me dumbfounded too re WW, SeaShell and GEML - though I did think always think something was a little "off" re GEML (but I wrote it off to my being a bitch for considering her a know-it-all bitch).

She supposedly had 4 kids, IIRC, yet she was constantly posting long and hard on multiple threads at all times of day and night. Who, I wondered, could be a decent mother when most of her time was spent tending to her keyboard?


That said, I am still stunned that anyone would invest so much energy doing this stuff. (Yeah, I know, money and all, but still ....) And equally stunned how gullible I was (am). Even with GEML, I never considered she might be a troll. Frankly, it would never occur to me to think anyone in our wonderful little tribe is a troll. Fortunately, I never sent anyone any money. My genuine sympathies to those of you who did and must now untangle that mess. Gobsmacked.

I'm confused. Do we know for sure that the others aren't legit or are connected in any way to WW? It's possible to rub others the wrong way and embellish one's own experiences and still be an actual person. GEML had two kids, one away at college, and never asked for any money to my knowledge.

Someone please PM me if you know differently. I didn't post much, but lurked on a near daily basis, mostly when I was up nursing the middle of the night.

  • Love 2

I think the best Halloween group to visit me was a family next door with a 6-month-old and a 3-year-old. They were Wizard of Oz characters. The mom was Dorothy, carrying the baby in one of those chest packs, and the baby was lightly made up to look like Toto. The dad was the Wicked Witch and the 3-year-old was dressed as one of the flying monkeys. Very cute!

  • Love 15

I'm confused. Do we know for sure that the others aren't legit or are connected in any way to WW? It's possible to rub others the wrong way and embellish one's own experiences and still be an actual person. GEML had two kids, one away at college, and never asked for any money to my knowledge.

Someone please PM me if you know differently. I didn't post much, but lurked on a near daily basis, mostly when I was up nursing the middle of the night.

I also would like a PM if we know something related to GEML and Seashell other than embellishing -- I mean if there is a reason for warning. It is sad that some people have felt the need to explain why, for example, they've had two poster names. I hope we can settle back in and trust each other unless there is concern for potential scamming. 

  • Love 6

My Mom made her potato pancakes exactly the same, but thicker - about an inch I'd guess. My mouth is watering for them. Only me and my Dad liked them so we got them all, not that there were ever a lot. With 6 kids and 2 adults - and me - in the house, there weren't a lot of leftover taters around. Yum.

My mom is from an Italian background so she would add egg, Parmesan cheese, and parsley to the cold left over potatoes and then fry them up.  Yummy!

  • Love 7

Gosh, I'm sitting here with my first cup of morning coffee and beginning to drool! 


Halloween--love any kind of chocolate.  We live in the country now and do not get any trick of treaters but that doesn't stop us from buying a few bags!


Thanksgiving--really my favorite holiday.  All food and very little stress.  I enjoy cooking for a crowd.  We will celebrate with some visiting relatives this year at my daughter's house, but I'll do most of the cooking.  Turkey, traditional mashed potatoes, candied sweets potatoes, stuffing, kale (my grandma was of German descent and made it so it is mild and delicious), string beans in a burnt butter sauce, cranberry sauce, apple pie, pumpkin pie, and coconut custard pie.  Our feast is a mixture of German and Italian because we'll often have Italian pastries along with the pies.  I guess I'd better begin to plan now!


By the way, I have found that my mom's recipe for meatloaf has been turning out dry.  I've been on Allrecipes and tried some others.  Anyone have a recipe that they absolutely love?  You can PM me if the mods think that the forum will be overrun with meatloaf recipes!

  • Love 4

I believe our intrepid investigator Burlsa has already stated that she found no connection between GEML and WW. I know we've been asked not to discuss this matter but it bothers me to see GEML's name brought up again when it's my understanding that she has been cleared. Slinking away now.

Edited by momofsquid
  • Love 8


By the way, I have found that my mom's recipe for meatloaf has been turning out dry.  I've been on Allrecipes and tried some others.  Anyone have a recipe that they absolutely love?  You can PM me if the mods think that the forum will be overrun with meatloaf recipes!


Not a recipe per se, but a technique:  I use a panade (bread-based filler) to make my meatloaf tender.  Basically, take a slice or two of bread, rip it into pieces, soak the bread in milk till it's squishy, squeeze out the excess milk and add the ensuing bread goo to the meatloaf mix.  Otherwise my meatloaf is tough and dry (kinda like me without carbs, but I digress...)  You could also grate some onion into the mix, and the liquid will help keep it moist.

  • Love 1

I'm confused. Do we know for sure that the others aren't legit or are connected in any way to WW? It's possible to rub others the wrong way and embellish one's own experiences and still be an actual person. GEML had two kids, one away at college, and never asked for any money to my knowledge.

Someone please PM me if you know differently. I didn't post much, but lurked on a near daily basis, mostly when I was up nursing the middle of the night.


I'm taking the mods' silence on Seashell Love as tacit confirmation, along with Burlsa's clarification that someone else wasn't a sock puppet. We bandied about those names often enough yesterday without reproach and I think we would have been set straight if we were off base. Just my thoughts on it; no inside knowledge that hasn't been posted here.


ETA: removed GEML per others pointing out that she has not been tied to WW. Thanks Almost 3000 & Mom of Squid

Edited by MargeGunderson
  • Love 2

I'm taking the mods' silence on Seashell Lover and GEML as tacit confirmation, along with Burlsa's clarification that someone else wasn't a sock puppet. We bandied about those names often enough yesterday without reproach and I think we would have been set straight if we were off base. Just my thoughts on it; no inside knowledge that hasn't been posted here.

Not true, Burlsa has said GEML did not come up in their research as suspect.
  • Love 3

My grandmothers were French Canadian and Swedish and though both my grandfathers were German, not a bit of sauerkraut for Turkey day.  We tend to use my paternal (Swedish) grandmother's recipes - but my maternal grandmother made corn and oysters and pork dressing.  Now, nobody in my house will eat sauerkraut but I always have a can around to throw on brats, make reuben sandwiches or to make country style pork ribs (with caraway seeds, apples, onions and sauerkraut) for myself.


Meatloaf - crackers (ritz or saltines), 1lb ground beef, 1 lb ground pork, 1 egg, 1 onion chopped and about 3 tablespoons of dijon mustard.  It's a texture thing as to the amount of cracker crumbs, if it gets too dry feeling I'll add another egg.  I put ketchup over the top of half of it, because my son likes it that way and nobody else minds it.


My first Halloween with my daughter, I was alone because the SU always took my step-son trick or treating in his neighborhood.  We were in a suburb very close to the poor part of a city and lots of kids were driven in.  I was out of candy and a little scared within an hour, having brought my 2 month old to the door in costume in one arm and the candy bowl in the other and kids grabbing far more than their fair share.  After that year, we just decorated a bit, put a bowl out and took her and then both kids trick or treating, when the bowl was out and we got home, lights out.  I know, I'm a scrooge, lol.

  • Love 2

My grandmothers were French Canadian and Swedish and though both my grandfathers were German, not a bit of sauerkraut for Turkey day.  We tend to use my paternal (Swedish) grandmother's recipes - but my maternal grandmother made corn and oysters and pork dressing.  Now, nobody in my house will eat sauerkraut but I always have a can around to throw on brats, make reuben sandwiches or to make country style pork ribs (with caraway seeds, apples, onions and sauerkraut) for myself.


Meatloaf - crackers (ritz or saltines), 1lb ground beef, 1 lb ground pork, 1 egg, 1 onion chopped and about 3 tablespoons of dijon mustard.  It's a texture thing as to the amount of cracker crumbs, if it gets too dry feeling I'll add another egg.  I put ketchup over the top of half of it, because my son likes it that way and nobody else minds it.


My first Halloween with my daughter, I was alone because the SU always took my step-son trick or treating in his neighborhood.  We were in a suburb very close to the poor part of a city and lots of kids were driven in.  I was out of candy and a little scared within an hour, having brought my 2 month old to the door in costume in one arm and the candy bowl in the other and kids grabbing far more than their fair share.  After that year, we just decorated a bit, put a bowl out and took her and then both kids trick or treating, when the bowl was out and we got home, lights out.  I know, I'm a scrooge, lol.

Putting the bowl of candy out reminds my or the only and only time I tried that candy distribution method. After about an hour of the bowl being put out there was a pounding on the door and incessant ringing of the bell. So I looked out the peek hole and there was the cutest little angel girl holding up the empty bowl for me to see. Something about it being an angel just cracked me up.
  • Love 6

I am sort of into the Halloween thing because I love thinking up costumes. I love fashion and it is a creative outlet I enjoy. When my daughter was still in the NICU, I dressed her up like a flapper complete with fish net stockings, a fringed hot pink dress and crocheted mary jane shoes. After she came home she had a poodle skirt, peter pan collar shirt and a denim jacket and was a 50s girl. Then she started liking TV shows, so I dressed her up like Dora one year and Izzie from Jake and the Neverland Pirates last year.


This year she has started to notice Disney Princesses and especially seems to like Snow White. A friend of mine gave me a trunk full of her daughter's old costumes and luckily there is a Snow White costume in there. I am adding a pair of shoes from her closet and a red velvet bow headband and costume complete. I do admire the people with multiple kids who do group costumes. I have seen Star Wars ones and Wizard of Oz ones. I just love all the creativity.


Our neighborhood is full of kids and we have van loads of kids from other neighborhoods come. I usually buy 7 of those 70+ piece bags. I prefer fruity candy (my husband was out last night at the store while I was reading this thread and I demanded he buy a bag of Skittles for me, so thanks for that!) and can control myself better than my husband who likes the chocolate ones. I get the bags and hide them in my bedroom closet under a pile of clothes, because if he sees them in the pantry, I will have to go out and buy it all over again.


This year we are not going around the neighborhood. We are going to my sister's house in Louisiana. Her husband's birthday is November 1st, and they have a party for him on the Saturday closest to his birthday every year. It just so happens it lands on Halloween this year. She will still get to go trick or treating. My sister lives in a small town and the houses are spaced further apart. It isn't uncommon to see kids being chauffeured from house to house on the back of trucks. People are outside on their carports and usually passing out bowls of gumbo in addition to the candy, because it is gumbo weather. Anyway, the party is an all day eating, drinking, playing games, watching football, spend the night type of thing. I can't wait!


And as for meatloaf, my mother who was an excellent home cook, used to make the worst, driest meatloaf either. She always, always, always served it with mashed potatoes and cream style corn, which my sister hated all three. She still refers to it as the trifecta of doom. To this day none of us can stomach the thought of meatloaf. I have attempted to make it several times because my husband lurves it, but I still have not done it successfully. Mine comes out too wet.

Edited by XinaMarie
  • Love 5

So, first update with the new Toast family member: he really, really, really didn't want to get out of his crate this morning. We actually had to force him out, which we didn't want to do, but we knew he had to go (to the outdoor bathroom). He blossoms when he gets outside, but is not happy with the stairs (he got down them but has yet to make it up) and with the non carpeted floors. Even so, progress--he did walk on his own around them. We went for a walk this chilly morning and he loved it. Time, patience and love and he'll figure it out. He definitely likes being with us, so that's a good thing. He's only the second dog I ever saw that doesn't inhale their food. The adoption lady said he was a grazer, but if we get another, that's not going to work out as well. But there are techniques to make feeding two dogs easier, and the groups caring and adopting the dogs are great resources for any help. 

  • Love 22

We're doing the teal pumpkin thing for Halloween, probably going to hit up Target for vampire teeth and similar non-food goodies.

For those who don't know, the idea is that you display a teal pumpkin on your front steps if you have non-food stuff that would be safe for kids with food allergies. My son is allergic to tree nuts, peanuts, and sesame, so we figure we'll make sure other kids like him can get safe items while trick or treating.

Luckily my son is still little (he's 2) so he doesn't know what he's missing yet, but we plan to let him trick or treat and then make a game of swapping the candy he gets trick or treating for candy he can have. We've been told by other parents that's a good way to handle Halloween, since he can still trick or treat, and then he can choose to swap his candy for stuff he likes. We'll also find out if we can donate any candy he gets trick or treating.

  • Love 7

Pennsylvania does have great potato chips. I order Charles Chips online now, but when I was a kid, there were delivery trucks that would come to your house. My dad was a sucker for a delicious, light, crisp, very lightly-salted chip and he declared Charles Chips the best. Even though they were pricier than the store brands, he'd splurge on them, so we had chips with our sandwiches on weekends! That was a treat! They came in a large round tin, like you can get for gourmet popcorn, and you just refilled the can from week to week, or whenever you ran out. We ran out every week - LOL. They also had pretzels and cookies then.


Boy if that didn't bring back memories. Not sure how often the Charles Chip guy came to our neighborhood but my mom used one of the cans to store other snacks in. I can still picture it in on the shelf of the lazy Susan storage cabinet. I wonder what happened to it, it seemed like it was around forever.


I've been keeping track but so far nobody has mentioned sauerkraut for Thanksgiving. My mother's grandmother was german so we had it every year. Is this just a regional thing or has anyone else had this? I love sauerkraut but tend to only eat it for Thanksgiving or with a reuben sandwich.

I think sauerkraut is a regional thing & it's always on our table in Maryland.

Thanks to whoever posted about the cranberry & orange relish. My SIL mother always brings this type of relish & I love it. I usually get a carry out container of it to take home.

  • Love 3

So. I went away for a 3-day weekend and returned to discover that I have been convicted in absentia as a Sock Puppet. For the record, I didn't set up the Gofundme for Ww. I mentioned the idea once, on forum, and that's all. She emailed the link to me. I posted it. I may have given ten minutes total attention to the thing.

I'm really disappointed because I did enjoy this board, but I can't be here anymore, especially that PM 's have begun arriving informing me what a piece of shit I am.

(I'm amazed that an absence of three days constitutes a "Mysterious disappearance" BTW. Better be very sure you never go on vacation without announcing it ahead of time, or you too may find yourself hated right off the boards.)

  • Love 3



So easy even I can do it - shape potatoes into patties the size/shape of hamburgers, fry in either butter or bacon fat (this is NOT supposed to be healthy !) until they are med-to-dark brown on either side, drain on paper towels, and that's it. The thinner and crispier the better...

Aaaaaannnd now I have to make mashed potatoes so I'll have them for pancakes tomorrow. You can make them same day, but they are infinitely better if you let them "set" in the fridge overnight. Instant potatoes are okay to use, but fresh ones hold up and crisp better.

 I am so drooling over this post.  My mom used to make potato pancakes with the leftovers, but hers were thicker, and I have never been able to reproduce them to my satisfaction.  I think I will try your thinner ones next time. With just the two of us, there are always leftover potatoes.  


Now if only I can reproduce the crispy pancakes my dad used to make......and the fried red snapper my aunt cooked..... and the biscuits my grandmother's cook made.......     Sigh........................

  • Love 2

So. I went away for a 3-day weekend and returned to discover that I have been convicted in absentia as a Sock Puppet. For the record, I didn't set up the Gofundme for Ww. I mentioned the idea once, on forum, and that's all. She emailed the link to me. I posted it. I may have given ten minutes total attention to the thing.

I'm really disappointed because I did enjoy this board, but I can't be here anymore, especially that PM 's have begun arriving informing me what a piece of shit I am.

(I'm amazed that an absence of three days constitutes a "Mysterious disappearance" BTW. Better be very sure you never go on vacation without announcing it ahead of time, or you too may find yourself hated right off the boards.)

I guess I missed all the posts accusing you of being a sock puppet. All I've noticed is poor old know-it-all GEML being dragged into things when she hasn't been around for months, and the only disappearing act I've seen referenced was Seashell Lover. Of course, I know that emotions are running high and many people don't know what to believe or who to trust, and I can't say I blame them. Furthermore, if I posted a link to a fundraiser that turned out to be a scam, I would expect people to be a bit suspicious of me. It's too bad you feel so defensive and can't understand why folks are upset and full of questions. Edited by Wok Chop
  • Love 6

My mother would recycle leftover mashed potatoes into mashed potato kugel.  Actually, she'd make a double batch so she could make kugel.  Basically, it's mashed potatoes in a casserole dish (old-school Corning Ware for the tate of authenticity) with the top brushed with oil and sprinkled with paprika, then baked until the outside is super-crusty.  It should have a nice, thick crust, with creamy insides.  If you serve it with meatloaf, it's like deconstructed shepherd's pie.  I never had mashed potato pancakes, but latkes?  Awww yeahhhhh!!!!   Latkes are so good that I wish Chanukah was more than eight days. 

  • Love 7


swear, one of the worst things about getting older is seeing things you've used and loved for years suddenly disappear.

it is not only food, but other things---there was a moisturizer I liked that has disappeared as well as a cream mousse that is difficult to find and some favorite lipsticks which have gone the way of the dodo bird.  I can actually find the cream mousse in every shade but the one I like fairly easily.  

  • Love 3

So. I went away for a 3-day weekend and returned to discover that I have been convicted in absentia as a Sock Puppet. For the record, I didn't set up the Gofundme for Ww. I mentioned the idea once, on forum, and that's all. She emailed the link to me. I posted it. I may have given ten minutes total attention to the thing.

I'm really disappointed because I did enjoy this board, but I can't be here anymore, especially that PM 's have begun arriving informing me what a piece of shit I am.

(I'm amazed that an absence of three days constitutes a "Mysterious disappearance" BTW. Better be very sure you never go on vacation without announcing it ahead of time, or you too may find yourself hated right off the boards.)

Maybe next time you will leave some explanation with a link that you post. The Gofundme was written as though someone else set it up. A reasonable person would then conclude that you set up the Gofundme. Also, by being the person who posted the initial link, you were put right into the thick of it. I'm sorry that you are upset that people are suspicious of you for that.

I am also sorry if people harassed you in PMs. I've been working my ass off trying to dispell the rumor that GEML was the sock. I've also pointed out to people in PMs that you were not the sock. I hadn't seen your name on the general message board so I didn't make a public announcement. I figured there was no need to bring you into this any further if people weren't talking about you. Plus I couldn't say for sure you had no involvement in the scam because you hadn't been back on. I knew you weren't the sock, but you posted the link (that until this point I had thought you made) without any explanation.

Also, I think people had every right to think your disappearance was mysterious. You post a link to a fraudulent fundraiser, and aren't heard from again. Most people are going to put two and two together and think you're in on the scam.

  • Love 9

it is not only food, but other things---there was a moisturizer I liked that has disappeared as well as a cream mousse that is difficult to find and some favorite lipsticks which have gone the way of the dodo bird.  I can actually find the cream mousse in every shade but the one I like fairly easily.

The only lipstick and lipgloss I've ever been comfortable in were discontinued (from different companies), and I eventually stopped going to Bath and Body Shop because I figured out that my liking a scent meant it was going to be summarily discontinued and I figured I shouldn't deprive the rest of you (I'm just sorry I was too late to save lemon basil).

Also, the company which makes the easter candy we got every year was bought by a company I'm boycotting, along with the company that makes my favorite grappa. This peeves me.

Edited by Julia
  • Love 3

Maybe next time you will leave some explanation with a link that you post. The Gofundme was written as though someone else set it up. A reasonable person would then conclude that you set up the Gofundme. Also, by being the person who posted the initial link, you were put right into the thick of it. I'm sorry that you are upset that people are suspicious of you for that.

I am also sorry if people harassed you in PMs. I've been working my ass off trying to dispell the rumor that GEML was the sock. I've also pointed out to people in PMs that you were not the sock. I hadn't seen your name on the general message board so I didn't make a public announcement. I figured there was no need to bring you into this any further if people weren't talking about you. Plus I couldn't say for sure you had no involvement in the scam because you hadn't been back on. I knew you weren't the sock, but you posted the link (that until this point I had thought you made) without any explanation.

Also, I think people had every right to think your disappearance was mysterious. You post a link to a fraudulent fundraiser, and aren't heard from again. Most people are going to put two and two together and think you're in on the scam.



Sorry that you got taken but why would you trust a complete stranger? IDK maybe because I grew up in the badlands of Chicago I'm very suspicious of everyone even more so on the internet. I've seen plenty of scams and encountered internet trolls. My guard is always up. 


Once again sorry to everyone that got taken. 

  • Love 2

When do you decorate for Christmas? I know some people put up the tree and other decorations the day after Halloween. I could put up a small decorated tree on the table, but I can hear it now. I turn off the lights and go to bed. Within a few minutes my four year old kitty fur baby Sassy will be up on the table with the sound of crash, thump, thump following.

For Thanksgiving our daughter will brine a turkey breast and our son-in-law fries it.  It's delicious!  We also have mashed potatoes, gravy, stuffing, green beans with cashews, cranberry sauce from the can, and oven roasted brussel sprouts.  I always loved sprouts, even when they were boiled and had little flavor, but when they're oven roasted and get little crispy pieces,  they're almost as good as chips.  Almost.

  • Love 3

When do you decorate for Christmas? I know some people put up the tree and other decorations the day after Halloween. I could put up a small decorated tree on the table, but I can hear it now. I turn off the lights and go to bed. Within a few minutes my four year old kitty fur baby Sassy will be up on the table with the sound of crash, thump, thump following.

The weekend before thanksgiving. We get hardcore into the Christmas spirit in this household. So we have the Sirius Holiday Traditions channel playing as soon as it comes out. Living in Michigan, we also like to take a trip to Bronner's Christmas Wonderland in October or November. :)

  • Love 1

When do you decorate for Christmas? I know some people put up the tree and other decorations the day after Halloween. I could put up a small decorated tree on the table, but I can hear it now. I turn off the lights and go to bed. Within a few minutes my four year old kitty fur baby Sassy will be up on the table with the sound of crash, thump, thump following.

Hey ONE holiday at at time! I still can't get over that summer is gone let alone think that Halloween is around the corner.

  • Love 4

When do you decorate for Christmas? I know some people put up the tree and other decorations the day after Halloween. I could put up a small decorated tree on the table, but I can hear it now. I turn off the lights and go to bed. Within a few minutes my four year old kitty fur baby Sassy will be up on the table with the sound of crash, thump, thump following.

I only decorate for Christmas because I'm basically forced to by my bf's mother. I put up a small, fake tree (that she insisted we have) and a few decorations on the mantle and that's it. If she doesn't like it, then she can buy ornaments and decorate my house. All decorations are taken down the day after Christmas.

Yes...Christmas is my absolutely LEAST favourite holiday ever. I'm a Grinch.

  • Love 2

Mid-December my tree goes up and that's about it.


This year for Thanksgiving my folks are frying a turkey (same as last year) and the boyfriend is planning a turducken (homemade) for Friendsgiving.


I hate trick or treating, but love dressing up. Since I don't have kids my Halloweens consist of partying while in costume....and the boyfriend's birthday is the following day.

  • Love 1

I only decorate for Christmas because I'm basically forced to by my bf's mother. I put up a small, fake tree (that she insisted we have) and a few decorations on the mantle and that's it. If she doesn't like it, then she can buy ornaments and decorate my house. All decorations are taken down the day after Christmas.

Yes...Christmas is my absolutely LEAST favourite holiday ever. I'm a Grinch.

I do not care for Christmas either. I think it is too commercialized. I see helping others out, but the give me give me, buy me an expensive present advertising drives me crazy.

I decorate for fall on October 1st. This is a variety of potted mums, fall spot color in the planters flanking my front door, 3 pumpkins (one daddy, mama, and baby pumpkin is how I think of them) and then a daddy, mama, and baby scarecrows. I put them all on crates to have things on different heights. I also have some fall leaf garland I wind around everything. The weather is mild enough around here that everything survives until November 31st, when I move all of that out and start doing Christmas decor. Then out come the poinsettias. I would actually love to start doing it right after Thanksgiving, but we are always out of town. I am advocating we leave two days earlier than usual. I am also losing out on gift shopping days because we are trapped in a tiny town with no shops.


I have five siblings. All the husbands, wives, children, and my parents come to town for about ten days. It is wild, crazy, family togetherness. And I want to make it as magical as possible for everyone so I do go overboard on decor. I have a 12 foot Christmas tree I put up in the foyer of my house, I drape garland on the banister and every other surface I can think of, lanterns and candles. I even switch out some of the art we have on the wall and put up seasonal art. I like to display Christmas cards on the wall, too.


So who sends out Christmas cards? We have only done it three times in sixteen years, but I want to get in the habit of doing them now that we have our daughter. People are interested in seeing what she looks like and how she is doing. We do the photo cards, but there is so much pressure trying to select the perfect picture. I would rather comb through the ones we have done throughout the year instead of posing for something special. Getting my husband to dress up on the weekend just to take pictures is like I am asking him to donate a kidney. And I have to start thinking about it now. I really want to get them out around Thanksgiving because by December 1st I want to be focused on nothing but baking and decor.

Edited by XinaMarie
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I am a bartender and I wear my very authentic nun's outfit at work for Halloween.  But I have a question about the orange pumpkin mellowcremes.  Someone upthead said the Department of Defense had a connection to them?  I cannot find it in the googlesphere.  As for Thanksgiving food traditions, my "straight off the boat from Ireland grandma" always made creamed parsnips and my "ditto, Austria" made red cabbage with apples.  I like to include them in any holiday preps no matter where I go now.  And finally, I was on to WW quite early (years of bartending and/or a bachelor's in psych?) possibly because she reminded me of someone who has Munchausen-by-proxy syndrome and her tales of woe go on and on with constant eye contact, kind of like WW posts.

  • Love 2

When do you decorate for Christmas? I know some people put up the tree and other decorations the day after Halloween. I could put up a small decorated tree on the table, but I can hear it now. I turn off the lights and go to bed. Within a few minutes my four year old kitty fur baby Sassy will be up on the table with the sound of crash, thump, thump following.

When my sister's kids were little I had a tree in the corner of the lounge room that would stay up all year, and they'd decorate it for other holidays as well, and sometimes for non- holidays, just because they felt like it.

Now I generally don't bother, I see enough decorations everywhere else.

When do you decorate for Christmas? I know some people put up the tree and other decorations the day after Halloween. I could put up a small decorated tree on the table, but I can hear it now. I turn off the lights and go to bed. Within a few minutes my four year old kitty fur baby Sassy will be up on the table with the sound of crash, thump, thump following.

We have all our grown children and their families and nephews and their families for Thanksgiving. A little part of their thank you is that they climb up to our garage attic and bring down all the Christmas decorations and put them into our sun room. I start decorating right away. 

  • Love 4

I live in a city.  Our neighbors try to block our street for Halloween which is pretty dangerous.  People cannot see the barricades until they are right on top of them.  We live in what has become a very popular neighborhood with a lot of bars, clubs and restaurants.  So it is hopping on the weekends and on Halloween. 


When I am working, I am usually out of town.  So for many years I missed Halloween.  The one year I was home, I bought about eight bags of candy, all chocolate.  I didn’t know what to expect.  It seems everyone sits on their front steps with their bowls of candy so the kids don’t have to climb up and ring the bell.  Ruins it a bit for me.  I like the whole ritual of opening the door and acting surprised/scared/laughing depending on the costume.  One of our neighbors has four kids.  I do feel sorry for them because he has some untreated mental health issues.  However, the oldest boy started grabbing snickers out of my bowl, loading up his bag.  I had already given each child two handfuls of candy (and I have some damn big hands).  Being the jerk that I am, I raised the bowl up high and asked his sisters and little brother what their favorite candy was.  I then gave each of them many of their favorites.  And I told them they got extra for being polite. 


I haven’t bought candy this year but I need to since I’ll be home.  I have no idea how many kids still go out, so I will probably overbuy.  If I buy too early or keep the extra in the house, I’ll go snack happy.  So I’m waiting to buy and already have a place to donate any extras.

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We do the Christmas photo cards. I don't stress it. We go the Friday after Thanksgiving to a local cut-your-own tree farm, I dress the boys in some sort of Christmas sweater and snap a picture of them picking out the tree and that's what I use for the cards. By the end of Thanksgiving weekend our house is fully decorated. This year we are going on the Polar Express train ride through the mountains. You wear your PJ's, Santa comes on board and gives every child a bell. It will be the first time for our kids and I know they will love it.

This weekend my oldest celebrates his birthday so we are going on the same train ride except it is Charlie Brown themed. They read the a Great Pumpkin over the speaker and then the train stops at the pumpkin patch where the kids can trick or treat, face paint, meet Charlie Brown, Lucy and Linus and then pick a pumpkin to take home! It's a surprise gift so I can't wait to see his face!

  • Love 6

Thanks for clearing GEML of being a sock.

Sorry GEML, and thanks mods for clearing this up.

Thanks for clearing GEML of being a sock. My apologies to her for accusing her of being a sock. It's simply she went poof at the same time as WW and I noticed.

Edited cuz I sounded crazy.

Edited by Jellybeans
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Sorry that you got taken but why would you trust a complete stranger? IDK maybe because I grew up in the badlands of Chicago I'm very suspicious of everyone even more so on the internet. I've seen plenty of scams and encountered internet trolls. My guard is always up. 


Once again sorry to everyone that got taken. 


Adding this to the mix. A super long time ago before the internet existed there was an expose on beggers in Chicago. They usually set up shop near the expressway. So one of the tv reporters decided that they would follow them home because once the story aired they were outed as to where they lived. Just happens that they lived in a pretty nice upper middle class part of the city not too far away from me.


Fast forward to now when the internet is allowing people to set up GoFund Me accounts that may or may not be scams. My head always goes back to the street begger and where do they live? IDK once again have your guard way up! If it smells bad probably go with your instinct.


Ooops I wanted to add that a long time ago before the internet there were street beggers that were exposed by the local tv reporters. I don't remember the whole story but they used to beg near the expressway. The reporter was tipped off as to who they were and discovered that they lived in a nice middle class area of Chicago. They had a nice brick house, etc.


Now with the internet who knows who is setting up these GoFund me accounts? Personally if I don't know you your not getting a dime. Way too many street beggers have upped their game with GoFund Me.


Just a note that if something smells bad, walk away from it for a while and trust your instincts. Once again I'm sorry people got hurt. But like I've said  multiple times your own personal safety is what you should guard at all times. Scammers don't care about you just your $$$$$.

  • Love 6

Just popping in real quick to let you know my refund was processed on 10/15/15 but it didn't hit my bank until 10/18/15, which was yesterday. (I don't know deposits hit on Sundays?). Growing up a JW I didn't celebrate holidays at all so I make a big deal of them for the kids. Love hearing all your traditions. I will post mine later.

  • Love 3

Yes, I'm just not sure now about the person who set up the account. She's disappeared from this forum at the most convenient time.

we don't KNOW who set up the account. According to WW, her "social worker" or someone at the hospital set it up. At the time (while we were buying the story) SEVERAL of us were encouraging her to do that. Of course, now we know that she probably set it up herself, or a sock monkey. Once it was set up, and she told us that pm, someone took the initiative to post it. i don't think the person who posted the link is really guilty of anything but being gullible - and there's WAY more people in that club. When WW posted pm that it was ok to post the link, it could have been any one of a number of us to post it. Honestly, I almost did. I waited for someone else, but if it hadn't shown up when it did, I could have easily been the one because I was so eager to help. I'm embarrassed now, that I was so taken in by that scam, and I'd hate to think that if I'd been the first one to post the link, I'd be considered part of the deal.

For the record, I'm pretty sure SL posted on other threads in this forum after receiving her money. I don't think she disappeared forever, just from this thread.

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