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Small Talk: The Prayer Closet

Message added by Scarlett45

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41 minutes ago, Jynnan tonnix said:

My daughter is in labor. Went in last night. She texted that she was fully dilated around 8:30 this morning, so I'm just pacing around and waiting for more news!


I get my Moderna booster Monday. I had the J&J vaccine and my doctor told me to get Moderna or Pfizer, and I read about a study of additional benefits from Moderna. Hopefully I won’t have any side effects. I had none with my vaccine.

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1 minute ago, MargeGunderson said:

Congratulations! I hope mom and baby are doing well, and that you get to see your new grandson soon.

Thanks. I'm watching my granddaughter until they get home, which will probably be tomorrow afternoon if all goes well. Mom and baby both doing great, so should be no problem.


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1 hour ago, Jynnan tonnix said:

Baby boy is here!!!!


2 hours ago, Ijustwantsomechips said:


I get my Moderna booster Monday. I had the J&J vaccine and my doctor told me to get Moderna or Pfizer, and I read about a study of additional benefits from Moderna. Hopefully I won’t have any side effects. I had none with my vaccine.

My first Moderna vaccine-- I had a very sore arm. My second, arm felt fine, the rest of me did not. Fever that I just couldn't bring down, body aches... spent two days in bed. I got the booster last Friday, this time my arm hurt AND I had headache and fever! Though I didn't feel quite as God awful as I did with the second, but it was enough to keep me in pjs and in bad for a full day. 

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In light frivlous news- remember the guy I met at the park who asked me out on a date and then tried to recruit me to an MLM?? Well he called me again for the first time in two months (I didn’t answer, I was watching Queens). 

Well it’s nice to be memorable!!!!


Also, here’s a photo of Cosmo in his Thanksgiving bandana. 


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Just in case anyone is interested, I saw that a movie based on the old series Highway To Heaven is airing on Lifetime Nov. 6.  It stars the incredible Jill Scott and Barry Watson, who played on the old series 7th Heaven.  


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20 minutes ago, zoomama said:

random fact i learned today.....did you know that all those dollers we (i) spend at hobby lobby actually fund bill gothard and the iblp? yes! truth.  see this: https://www.gawker.com/hobby-lobby-funded-the-duggars-allegedly-sex-abusing-cu-1599083411

Yes I knew that, which is why I choose not to shop there. 

Speaking of shopping. I went with my friend to buy her grandkids their winter coats (she does this every year). They live across the country and she was debating on getting a size 8 or 10 for her granddaughter. I asked her if she wanted me to try on the 10 to see how it fit me. She was shocked. It fit me perfectly. So she ended up buying the size 8 for her grandie. Yes, I am that thin and small. 

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54 minutes ago, zoomama said:

random fact i learned today.....did you know that all those dollers we (i) spend at hobby lobby actually fund bill gothard and the iblp? yes! truth.  see this: https://www.gawker.com/hobby-lobby-funded-the-duggars-allegedly-sex-abusing-cu-1599083411

i had always thought it was Mormon owned.  i felt a little bad shopping today. luckily, i dont't go there often. 

Yes. Have never shopped there, nor at Walmart or Chick Fil A.

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53 minutes ago, zoomama said:

random fact i learned today.....did you know that all those dollers we (i) spend at hobby lobby actually fund bill gothard and the iblp? yes! truth.  see this: https://www.gawker.com/hobby-lobby-funded-the-duggars-allegedly-sex-abusing-cu-1599083411

i had always thought it was Mormon owned.  i felt a little bad shopping today. luckily, i dont't go there often. 

I knew they were extremely conservative christian, but I didn't realize they funded Bill Gothard & IBLP.

I've never been to one. I'm not the least bit crafty and I don't decorate, so I've never had any reason to drive 3+ to the one closest to me.

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1 hour ago, zoomama said:

random fact i learned today.....did you know that all those dollers we (i) spend at hobby lobby actually fund bill gothard and the iblp? yes! truth.  see this: https://www.gawker.com/hobby-lobby-funded-the-duggars-allegedly-sex-abusing-cu-1599083411

i had always thought it was Mormon owned.  i felt a little bad shopping today. luckily, i dont't go there often. 

Yes. They were also part of the suit to undo the contraceptive coverage in the ACA. They also had to surrender several artifacts that were smuggled out of Iraq: https://www.npr.org/2018/06/28/623537440/hobby-lobbys-illegal-antiquities-shed-light-on-a-lost-looted-ancient-city-in-ira They get no money from me.

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1 hour ago, zoomama said:

random fact i learned today.....did you know that all those dollers we (i) spend at hobby lobby actually fund bill gothard and the iblp? yes! truth.  see this: https://www.gawker.com/hobby-lobby-funded-the-duggars-allegedly-sex-abusing-cu-1599083411

i had always thought it was Mormon owned.  i felt a little bad shopping today. luckily, i dont't go there often. 


30 minutes ago, Cinnabon said:

Yes. Have never shopped there, nor at Walmart or Chick Fil A.

Yes, I knew they were linked with some pretty terrible stuff, including being assholes about health insurance, too. (There was a Supreme Court case and they can deny birth control coverage to their employees. Assholes) And I also avoid WalMart if I can (and I usually can) and never eat at Chick Fil A either. 

Or what @jcbrown said. 

It's a shame because there is a yarn I would like to try that is a Hobby Lobby brand but I will not step foot in the store.

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Years ago I did shop at Hobby Lobby when I was into making jewelry.  Then the prices got too expensive so I stopped.  When they came out with screwing women over with birth control and when they were caught smuggling 5,500 biblical artifacts from Iraq (and if you look at Hobby Lobby controversies online there are even more things) it made me glad I had already stopped going there.  

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42 minutes ago, Jynnan tonnix said:

I got to meet him yesterday and make some dinner for them when they came home. I was over there watching my granddaughter, and we were all looking forward to seeing her reactions to him. She is taking being a big sister very seriously so far! She wanted to "read" him a book (she has all of hers memorized), and picked one of her current favorites, "If I Drove an Ambulance" (or something along those lines). It's actually got quite a lot of quite technical words in it for a children's book, much in the same way that books about dinosaurs might, and she rattles them all off. But part of the story tells of the EMT going to help a woman who has been injured and broken her leg. She paused when she got to that part, and solemnly said, "I'm not going to read this part because it might upset him".


That is so sweet!

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6 hours ago, Jynnan tonnix said:

I got to meet him yesterday and make some dinner for them when they came home. I was over there watching my granddaughter, and we were all looking forward to seeing her reactions to him. She is taking being a big sister very seriously so far! She wanted to "read" him a book (she has all of hers memorized), and picked one of her current favorites, "If I Drove an Ambulance" (or something along those lines). It's actually got quite a lot of quite technical words in it for a children's book, much in the same way that books about dinosaurs might, and she rattles them all off. But part of the story tells of the EMT going to help a woman who has been injured and broken her leg. She paused when she got to that part, and solemnly said, "I'm not going to read this part because it might upset him".


Oh my!  What a sweet and sensitive child. What a good big sister she is indeed.  

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6 hours ago, Jynnan tonnix said:

I got to meet him yesterday and make some dinner for them when they came home. I was over there watching my granddaughter, and we were all looking forward to seeing her reactions to him. She is taking being a big sister very seriously so far! She wanted to "read" him a book (she has all of hers memorized), and picked one of her current favorites, "If I Drove an Ambulance" (or something along those lines). It's actually got quite a lot of quite technical words in it for a children's book, much in the same way that books about dinosaurs might, and she rattles them all off. But part of the story tells of the EMT going to help a woman who has been injured and broken her leg. She paused when she got to that part, and solemnly said, "I'm not going to read this part because it might upset him".


That’s too precious!

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On 11/4/2021 at 7:32 PM, SunnyBeBe said:

My 11 year-old niece got vaxxed today!  She has significant health issues, so we are very relieved and grateful.  Her parents are fully vaxed too!  

This is great news! I know my 2 grandchildren I see the most often will get vaccinated b/c their step-father has health issues. I'm not sure about my other grandchildren b/c their parents believe all the conspiracy bs about Covid.

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Got my booster yesterday (Moderna, after originally getting the J&J shot). Happily, and to my surprise, the only side effect is my arm is sore. I was expecting worse, so this is great. I’m still going to sit on the couch all weekend watching the rest of the Harry Potter movies, though (4 more to go).

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9 hours ago, Nysha said:

This is great news! I know my 2 grandchildren I see the most often will get vaccinated b/c their step-father has health issues. I'm not sure about my other grandchildren b/c their parents believe all the conspiracy bs about Covid.

I hope they reconsider.  My niece’s parents took a little while coming around.  I think it was the number of people who died that they knew personally that did it. Some of those who died were healthy and under 45!  Plus, their jobs required it.  With my niece’s serious medical situation, I’m sure her healthcare team encouraged it. They got her in the first day it was available.   

Edited by SunnyBeBe
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    I found out yesterday that my Marine son is NOT planning on getting his four kids vaccinated...wtf! 😭

They were transferred from Germany to f'ing Florida for Pete's sake.

(they are ages 5,7,9, & 11 years old)

  The whole family is upset that they're not. I don't think we are going to do the holidays together because of this (dog forbid one of us gives one of them covid..we'd never forgive ourselves.)

 He and his wife are vaccinated..only because he's in the military, and had to, and her parents talked her into doing it when she was visiting (in between Germany and moving to Florida.) My son was actually upset she got it.😡  

  I know there's nothing I can do about it..not my circus, not my monkeys.💔

(thanks for letting me vent.)

Ps on a lighter note...for whoever it concerns:



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7 hours ago, ChiCricket said:

    I found out yesterday that my Marine son is NOT planning on getting his four kids vaccinated...wtf! 😭

They were transferred from Germany to f'ing Florida for Pete's sake.

(they are ages 5,7,9, & 11 years old)

  The whole family is upset that they're not. I don't think we are going to do the holidays together because of this (dog forbid one of us gives one of them covid..we'd never forgive ourselves.)

 He and his wife are vaccinated..only because he's in the military, and had to, and her parents talked her into doing it when she was visiting (in between Germany and moving to Florida.) My son was actually upset she got it.😡  

  I know there's nothing I can do about it..not my circus, not my monkeys.💔

(thanks for letting me vent.)

I completely understand how you feel, @ChiCricket! I have some like this in my own family and it hurts terribly to know that their children are not protected. My heart goes out to you!

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Hello Small Talk friends.  Yesterday marked one year since Sweet Son died.  Our tradition is for a ceremony to "unveil" a "monument", usually a headstone.  (Here is one explanation for anyone so inclined https://www.jcam.org/Pages/Foundation/Education/articles/monument-unveiling-traditions.php

Because Sweet Son was cremated, son in law dedicated a bench in memory at the  park around the corner from their house where they walked and enjoyed.  Family including other son flew in.  Lots of friends.  Many loving memories.  Beautiful ceremony.  I made the drape used, with a design by son in law.  It was a labor of love but caused me physical symptoms while I was doing it. As soon as I finished the last stitch, all that lifted.  I am depleted.  Honestly, it is no different today than it was while he was sick and then when he died.  I look functional.  I don't spend all day in bed crying, but everything seems hard.  I do things such as my quilting, and sometimes go to the groups.  Having grief counseling.  I spend time outside and try to keep up with exercise. I have good friends and family.  Mr lookeyloo is here for me and me for him.  We are "tight" with the son in law.  It is still a misery.  I speak with some others who have lost a child.  I have had other significant losses in my life, but this is very different.  They say the same thing.

I try and read here - I'm sorry for everyone's pain lately, but, do enjoy the pet pictures.

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I only pop in and out of here... my thoughts are with all of you that are struggling or suffering. Hugs to you @lookeyloo, on this significant anniversary of Sweet Son's passing. The description of the bench, covering and ceremony warms my heart and I hope you can find comfort in it too.

I thought I'd drop this here, for anyone who needs it.


Edited by GeeGolly
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@lookeyloo, the ceremony and the bench are good reminders of Sweet Son, a special place where you can sit and remember him. Whenever I see a bench or a tree with a similar plaque, I read it and say a prayer for the family of the loved one being memorialized. I think about how that place might have been special to them and I think about how grateful I am for the loved ones I've lost, but will never forget. My sympathies are with you and your husband and son-in-law as you grieve your dear son. 

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11 minutes ago, GeeGolly said:

I only pop in and out of here... my thoughts are with all of you that are struggling or suffering. Hugs to you @lookeyloo, on this significant anniversary of Sweet Son's passing. The description of the bench, covering and ceremony warms my heart and I hope you can find comfort in it too.

I thought I'd drop this here, for anyone who needs it.


All true

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