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Small Talk: The Prayer Closet

Message added by Scarlett45

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5 minutes ago, Oldernowiser said:

If I’ve paid $2500 for a first class ticket I am not spending even three seconds being subjected to an up close and personal view of someone’s crotch. I will confess to doing some stretching in the area near the front door while waiting for the restroom, but it’s around the corner and doesn’t involve waving my feet in people’s faces.

I would not have taken that well. What a piece of work. And for the record, that shot (who took it?) makes her look a little chunky.


On her social media, she had captioned the airplane picture as her having fun with the other passengers, and all I could think was, "Bitch, nobody else is having fun in that picture. LOOK AT THEIR FACES!" 

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on a different note than hee-lar-e-uh, 😉, i just wrote my final blog post of 2020 and ended it like this:

i don't plan to rehash the whole year here but i can say i want it to be over and a truly NEW and different year to begin. i do hope the cooler weather hangs around a bit - i am not a hot weather girl - and doesn't rush to the summer heat. even with all the difficulties and life changes made during this covid time, i am grateful for online communication that kept me sane and allowed me to see my grandchildren. without that, i doubt i would have come through still speaking understandable words. 

i have plans for 2021. i signed up for a genealogy class online. i am planning to join a  quilt club and plan to start sewing again much more frequently. i started tracking my meals again on WW in hopes of looking different in the new year. i got my shingles vaccine so i wont get that awfulness and am still undecided about the covid shot. its not my turn yet so i don't need to decide today. all in all, i look for more peace, more happiness, more love ahead in 2021.

                                                                   Happy New Year.  


you all are included in the 'online communication that kept me sane' part!  i write all year and then get it hardback printed and put on the bookshelf for my grandchildren to find some day. i need to upload photos before i actually order the book.  

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12 hours ago, Zella said:

I actually think her age is correct. Her graduating high school class from a school that was most definitely not in Spain was 2002, and that matches her being 36.

Also, people have uncovered her high school yearbooks, etc. that’s her real age.

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Guys I was supposed to be doing something for work (via the internet) and the technology was really difficult to figure out. 

Then I was trying to fill something out and I submitted it early, because I was taking advice from a tech support. So now I can't fill the rest of it out and I'm really depressed.

Please send good vibes.

I really appreciate you all. I hope for better days for all of you. This year is so awful. 

I can say that at least my roommates and I don't have COVID, so that's something I'm thankful for. 

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1 hour ago, Temperance said:

Guys I was supposed to be doing something for work (via the internet) and the technology was really difficult to figure out. 

Then I was trying to fill something out and I submitted it early, because I was taking advice from a tech support. So now I can't fill the rest of it out and I'm really depressed.

Please send good vibes.

I really appreciate you all. I hope for better days for all of you. This year is so awful. 

I can say that at least my roommates and I don't have COVID, so that's something I'm thankful for. 

I hope you’re able to figure out the problem. Sending positive vibes.  I’ve worked really hard this week, so I’m going to relax tonight and tomorrow.  

Each day that I’m well, I’m happy.  I just hope I can hang on til the vaccine arrives.   

One more thing about Ms. Baldwin.   Have you  read the names of her children?  They’re beautiful names, but very Spanish sounding.  I’ll try to find a link.  

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19 hours ago, Zella said:

Yeah she seems like a Jeremy Vuolo level attention whore. 

I feel like this is the ultimate Hilaria Baldwin picture. She's doing her show off thing and everybody else is just like WTF. 


Peter Pan much?


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18 minutes ago, Snow Fairy said:

Happy New Year to everyone. It's 0:45 here, time to go to bed. Really didn't feel like celebrating

Happy 2021, Snow Fairy...I hope you can get some rest.


5 minutes ago, Temperance said:

Peter Pan much?


She has five kids, FFS. 

She’s Jill Rodrigues but with more money.

Edited by Oldernowiser
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8 hours ago, Jeeves said:

I'm in Denver. After moving here long ago, I learned that here it's traditional to keep Christmas decorations up until after the annual National Western Stock show ends (in late January). There won't be a stock show this year; it's been postponed until January 2022. I'm finding that makes me unexpectedly sad but I'm all for it in light of the pandemic. 

I've gotten complacent about taking my time to go see the public outdoor holiday lights, since they stay up so long here. I haven't made my annual trek to see and photograph the City & County Building decorations this year. Must do that! This weekend - sounds like a plan.

Personally - I don't decorate for Christmas. I'm allergic to the evergreen trees used for live Christmas trees (break out in a rash from touching them), and just not into decorating my condo for the holiday. I offloaded all my remaining Christmas decorations when I downsized and moved here 15 years ago. I haven't missed that stuff for a single minute. I enjoy looking at others' decorations, but I am so over doing it myself. 

I have a great excuse not to decorate this year. We're still in extended lockdown and can't have anyone over. 

Plus, our house was upside down and inside out for three weeks until two days ago. We had our twenty year old carpet removed, and bare flooring installed, new baseboards, and every inch of the ceilings, walls, and trim painted. 

I liked not dragging all that stuff out!

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Happy new year, a bit early! It's been pouring rain here all day (we were 7 degrees away from snow, darn it) so the neighborhood idiots who usually pop off illegal fireworks are stuck inside. I'm sure they will make up for it this weekend, though. Here's hoping 2021 is a complete turnaround from 2020!

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34 minutes ago, Mindthinkr said:

I’m wishing all of you a better new year and thanking you for helping me keep my sanity through this one. 
May blessings rain on all of you. Happy New Year 🥳

Give your kitties some extra snuggles  from me. HNE!

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10 hours ago, NotthebadVictoria said:

You must have been raised Catholic 😂, me too!

I'm Lutheran, and decorations stay until Epiphany, which is Jan 6.  I'm hoping all three of the kings are still here on the 6th.  One of my cats is fascinated with one particular king, and I have found him in various places on the floor and under furniture.  I hope he survives the week!

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19 hours ago, Zella said:

I actually think her age is correct. Her graduating high school class from a school that was most definitely not in Spain was 2002, and that matches her being 36.

I saw a yearbook picture from her senior year which was indeed 2002. She was a theater girl. Surprise. 🙄

Happy new year, everyone! 

Edited by emmawoodhouse
Rogue comma
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49 minutes ago, emmawoodhouse said:

I saw a yearbook picture from her senior year which was indeed 2002. She was a theater girl. Surprise. 🙄

Still is...🙄

We’re hunkered down for my second least favorite holiday after the 4th of July. I have an exceedingly nervous rescue dog who HATES this shit and despite the reality that fucking fireworks are fucking illegal in this fucking county, it sounds like a fucking war zone out there.* Idiots. It’s supposed to start raining soon and I hope it drives these fuckwits indoors. Let them start their own fucking houses on fire. 

* Counting down to my 2021 resolution so I need to get as many “fucks” out as possible before midnight. Not at all sure if I’ll be able to talk at all, really...

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1 hour ago, Oldernowiser said:

Still is...🙄

We’re hunkered down for my second least favorite holiday after the 4th of July. I have an exceedingly nervous rescue dog who HATES this shit and despite the reality that fucking fireworks are fucking illegal in this fucking county, it sounds like a fucking war zone out there.* Idiots. It’s supposed to start raining soon and I hope it drives these fuckwits indoors. Let them start their own fucking houses on fire. 

* Counting down to my 2021 resolution so I need to get as many “fucks” out as possible before midnight. Not at all sure if I’ll be able to talk at all, really...

I support your fucking desire to get as many fucking fucks out as you fucking can. And your fucking hatred of the fucking dimwits who think they fucking have to blow fucking shit up to celebrate every fuckity fucking holiday.

(Our three bottle baby kitties, the last of whom died 18 months ago at age 19+, were terrified of fireworks, so I feel your pain. The latest crop are much more sanguine about them.)

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@jcbrown, do you think we need some kind of crutch substitute word or just go cold turkey? 

I refuse to resort to lame faux fuck words, like, ”fudge,” “freak,” or “effing.” I have a potty mouth but I still have standards, by God. 😈

Twenty-seven minutes left of this wretched year. May 2021 find all of you lovelies healthy, happy, and fabulous.


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Happy first day of 2021 Small Talkers. Its hard for me to think of this time as anything new because we're still in the middle of this fucking pandemic. (I'm not giving up swearing, lol)

But I'm continuing on with my mini timeline "goals" as well as some projects for this year that is new. Three timeline goals for January: 1/6, 1/20 and then my birthday a few days later, and bam, January is done and we're all that much closer to the vaccine and my area is a little closer to warmer weather. I'm not wishing the year away, just trying to make it more tolerable for me, during this pandemic.

Instead of resolutions, I always pick a word to focus on each year. Choosing a word this year has been particularly hard. I'm pondering between sincerity, beauty, or purpose, but I'm open to suggestions if any of you have any. My words for the past two years were, grace and light.

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Happy New Year, Small Talkers!

ETA: I have house cleaning chores to do today. Not just to have a clean fresh start on the new year. But also, much as it pains me to admit it, I have Let Things Go around here. There are a few areas that just might almost possibly be approaching Jessa Seewald levels of grime and neglect  - if you look closely.  Like I did last night in the kitchen. I dropped an allergy pill I was about to take at bedtime, and to find it I grabbed a flashlight and knelt down to scan the floor. Uh-oh. The stone pattern "hides" a lot from the casual glance; up close and personal it wasn't pretty. Overdue for a scrub.

Time to sort, sweep, vacuum, dust, and mop. At times like these I'm glad I'm in a modest condo and not a large house!

Edited by Jeeves
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On 12/30/2020 at 5:47 PM, Westiepeach said:

Funny phone story here. I have had an iPhone for like forever and I know how to use it. I am Mac based, so everything is synced together, and I love it. Husband just learned about “the Google.” That said, Husband needed a new work phone. He had an OLD flip phone until it died. Now, Husband is a mechanic and can take apart and put together any car with a hand tied behind his back. Computers, eh, not so much. So he got his new work phone It is a JITTERBUG! You know, the senior citizens phone? I am dying here!

I'm sure we all have stories like this.. and yours is a scream!.. My dad STILL has a flip-phone.. on the FAMILY plan..hates texts (who can text on a flip phone?).. and won't change it ("it's good til it dies").. I am SO like him who hates change.. but come on.. it's time.

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38 minutes ago, Jeeves said:

Happy New Year, Small Talkers!

ETA: I have house cleaning chores to do today. Not just to have a clean fresh start on the new year. But also, much as it pains me to admit it, I have Let Things Go around here. There are a few areas that just might almost possibly be approaching Jessa Seewald levels of grime and neglect  - if you look closely.  Like I did last night in the kitchen. I dropped an allergy pill I was about to take at bedtime, and to find it I grabbed a flashlight and knelt down to scan the floor. Uh-oh. The stone pattern "hides" a lot from the casual glance; up close and personal it wasn't pretty. Overdue for a scrub.

Time to sort, sweep, vacuum, dust, and mop. At times like these I'm glad I'm in a modest condo and not a large house!

Not kidding about this:  I also plan on doing some major cleaning this weekend.  Just a side note:  i beat a mouse to death 2 nights ago in my kitchen with a broom.. the little bastard made it up to my trash barrel and was wiggling his way under the top.. tail seen.. and i beat it..  I am never that brave but i've had it with mice.  I have D-Con baits all over the place and even an illegal bait.  And I live in a pretty good neighborhood.. when it gets cold.. they're here.. and i have panic attacks.  Back to cleaning grout in my bathroom. (sigh)

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11 hours ago, emma675 said:

Happy new year, a bit early! It's been pouring rain here all day (we were 7 degrees away from snow, darn it) so the neighborhood idiots who usually pop off illegal fireworks are stuck inside. I'm sure they will make up for it this weekend, though. Here's hoping 2021 is a complete turnaround from 2020!

it's been like a fireworks event around here (no rain or snow.. just idiots..) i jump every time a bottle rocket goes off.

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On 12/31/2020 at 5:41 AM, GeeGolly said:

State agencies received federal money and most stepped up big time in supporting folks who are homeless. Shelters, food pantries and churches where hot meals are supplied all have masks to give out. @SunnyBeBe, I'm surprised no one has tossed a mask out the car window either. He may just choose not to wear one. I wouldn't have opened my window for him.

Hilaria Baldwin is an absolute fool and her explanations make her look even more foolish. She's an attention whore and it seems almost all attention whores use lies to gain more attention. Funnier even still is she thought all the students in Boston were going to keep their mouths shut.

Hilaria (and friends) net to STFU.  If they think they are advancing her story they are jackasses.  Get off SM (not you.. Hilarious) and just shut up.  BTW.. my new years resolution was to stop saying the F word ( i live alone, talk to myself..lol.. and have brought that word to my regular vocabulary in the last year).. I put stickies all over so i will stop.. obviously not here.

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Happy New Year, Small Talkers! You all have taught me so much during 2020 and I look forward to more of the same in a much happier 2021! My great niece stated that she just wants to hug someone from outside her home. I want that too. I want to hug so many people when it's finally possible! Maybe by Mother's Day? 🥰

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15 minutes ago, ozziemom said:

Happy new year Small Talkers! I am officially retired as of today. I have been working remotely in Florida for about 5 years but visiting my clients in Connecticut about once a month. Until the pandemic. And my husband had surgery. Seemed like the universe was telling me it was time. Until yesterday I was still a bit unsure but now I know I made the right decision. Hopefully my days will be filled with interesting projects. 

Congratulations on your retirement, @ozziemom! I'm sure you will find many interesting things to occupy your days. I hope your husband is recovering well. 

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2 hours ago, Boston said:

BTW.. my new years resolution was to stop saying the F word ( i live alone, talk to myself..lol.. and have brought that word to my regular vocabulary in the last year).. I put stickies all over so i will stop.. obviously not here.

We can have a support group...I am proud to say I haven’t said or written that word in nine hours and twenty-seven minutes. Of course, I was only awake for about an hour of that time. Baby steps, people!

I’m even more pleased to report that it started raining seriously just before midnight and between that and the fact that Nervous Dog at age twelve apparently has finally started losing his freakishly keen sense of hearing, we actually were able to sleep shortly after midnight. Last year we were awake until nearly three because apparently there is no holiday without massive, earth shaking illegal explosions every three minutes. I DO NOT UNDERSTAND THIS.

 I’m sure you’ve all heard this by now, but I laughed, so...

”As of 12:01 on 1/1/21, for the first time in history, hindsight really is 2020.”


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6 hours ago, GeeGolly said:

Instead of resolutions, I always pick a word to focus on each year. Choosing a word this year has been particularly hard. I'm pondering between sincerity, beauty, or purpose, but I'm open to suggestions if any of you have any. My words for the past two years were, grace and light.


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58 minutes ago, ozziemom said:

Happy new year Small Talkers! I am officially retired as of today. I have been working remotely in Florida for about 5 years but visiting my clients in Connecticut about once a month. Until the pandemic. And my husband had surgery. Seemed like the universe was telling me it was time. Until yesterday I was still a bit unsure but now I know I made the right decision. Hopefully my days will be filled with interesting projects. 

Mommy Rabbittron here congrats on your retirement. I just turned 65 and had to retire from my it position because of my health but I am really enjoying being retired.

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I retired at the end of July 2020, and its the best thing I have ever done.  Staying home during the pandemic is a no brainer for me as well.  I did miss a step coming down the stairs and broke my left leg right above the ankle, but I am healing nicely.  It is great to have a knee scooter, takes me everywhere I need to go!  Happy New Year everyone!

I retired at the end of July 2020, and its the best thing I have ever done.  Staying home during the pandemic is a no brainer for me as well.  I did miss a step coming down the stairs and broke my left leg right above the ankle, but I am healing nicely.  It is great to have a knee scooter, takes me everywhere I need to go!  Happy New Year everyone!

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1 hour ago, ozziemom said:

Happy new year Small Talkers! I am officially retired as of today. I have been working remotely in Florida for about 5 years but visiting my clients in Connecticut about once a month. Until the pandemic. And my husband had surgery. Seemed like the universe was telling me it was time. Until yesterday I was still a bit unsure but now I know I made the right decision. Hopefully my days will be filled with interesting projects. 

Congratulations! Enjoy retirement.

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51 minutes ago, Oldernowiser said:


That’s a good one! I think that’ll be my word for 2021, too.

Something I’ve been trying to do is think of the best that could happen — not just the worst. Like, “what if... this turned out great?” It really helps center me. I’m going to try doing that more this year.

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1 hour ago, Oldernowiser said:

We can have a support group...I am proud to say I haven’t said or written that word in nine hours and twenty-seven minutes. Of course, I was only awake for about an hour of that time. Baby steps, people!

I’m even more pleased to report that it started raining seriously just before midnight and between that and the fact that Nervous Dog at age twelve apparently has finally started losing his freakishly keen sense of hearing, we actually were able to sleep shortly after midnight. Last year we were awake until nearly three because apparently there is no holiday without massive, earth shaking illegal explosions every three minutes. I DO NOT UNDERSTAND THIS.

 I’m sure you’ve all heard this by now, but I laughed, so...

”As of 12:01 on 1/1/21, for the first time in history, hindsight really is 2020.”


You win the F gold medal! (so far).  The fireworks thing has been going on since before 4th of July here.. i may be wrong, but it seemed to coincide with all the fights, fires, BS going on in some states (my niece works in DC - Metro Police.. she had to move because of the violence -( she still works there but decided not come home for Christmas because of this damn Covid).. I haven't heard firworks (thank god) since Christmas and last night.  I haven't got a pet right now, but i can just imagine the bitchy cat i had.. sitting on my refrigerator!.  I loved her

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I think I would like to retire one day, but I don’t know when that will happen.   We’ll see.  I had the opportunity to retire and move to Key West a couple of years ago, but passed it up.  Sort of regret it. 

I’ve been really busy with work lately and not a lot of time to eat.  It does wonders for my blood sugar levels. And my tummy has gone down too.  So, I now know what I must do in 2021 in addition to walking more.

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1 hour ago, catwonc said:

I retired at the end of July 2020, and its the best thing I have ever done.  Staying home during the pandemic is a no brainer for me as well.  I did miss a step coming down the stairs and broke my left leg right above the ankle, but I am healing nicely.  It is great to have a knee scooter, takes me everywhere I need to go!  Happy New Year everyone!

I retired at the end of July 2020, and its the best thing I have ever done.  Staying home during the pandemic is a no brainer for me as well.  I did miss a step coming down the stairs and broke my left leg right above the ankle, but I am healing nicely.  It is great to have a knee scooter, takes me everywhere I need to go!  Happy New Year everyone!

Hope you continue to do well.. and congratulations on being happy after retirement.  I was happy at the beginning of all this.. but i found myself very down at Christmas (when you can't see your family and everyone is out of sorts).. but today was a good day and that is all that matters.  HAPPY AND HEALTHY NEW YEAR TO ALL.

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