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Small Talk: The Prayer Closet

Message added by Scarlett45

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@zoomama, I am so sorry you and your husband are having to go through these health issues, and hope your results will be ok.

I also have enjoyed reading about everyone’s decorating traditions, and I would love to see any pictures of beautiful decorations if anyone wants to share. Since there are no little kids living here any more, our decorations are minimal, but still cozy. However, as I complained here already, I don’t think any family will be at our house this year to share them, due to Covid.

Hang in there Small Talk friends with storms and power outages. So strange....in Southern California we are still dealing with fires and a heatwave coming this weekend. 

Edited by Love2dance
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I mentioned on Jessa's thread that I am a Nov 1 Christmas decorator and also take time off of work to get everything put up in 2-3 days...I am a little crazy for Christmas for sure. Something that I've always wondered about when people say anytime before December is too early is this - autumn starts in September. Theoretically, one could put up autumnal decor in September and leave it up till December and be socially "appropriate" in timing. That's 2-3 months of time to have autumn decor up. But Christmas decor requires far more time and effort to put up and take down if you're doing a tree with ornaments and outdoor lights and such...so why does all that work have to get crammed into about a month of enjoyment? If I'm going to do all that work, I'm going to enjoy the fruits of my labor for as long as possible. 😊

For me, Thanksgiving is nothing special. I can't cook to save my life - I'm worse than a Duggar daughter. Jill's gross beige food would be what I would need to aspire to at this point in my capabilities. 😂 So a holiday based around elaborate food and not much else is not my jam. Oh, and football. Thanksgiving is full of football and I cannot STAND football! Most of my memories of recent Thanksgivings are of going to my husband's family celebrations which are usually filled with people I barely know, and my husband will promptly disappear to watch football and I'm left to entertain my two kids, change diapers, make awkward conversation and count down the minutes till we can leave. And then beg my husband to leave while he fights me because the stinking game isn't over. And then the kids miss a nap or are late for dinner and fall apart on the two hour drive home and I seethe with anger. LOL....I can definitely skip right over Thanksgiving and be just fine! Though, both my kids are past naps and finally both potty trained now, so I can strike those two issues from the list!

Everything to do with Christmas for me is magical and just makes me happy. Growing up I spent Christmas break at each of my grandparents' houses. They're all gone now, but I have many of their decorations. I love telling my kids about where all our special things came from and sharing those memories. If there's something about Christmas I don't like, though, I don't do it, which really cuts down on stress and keeps things fun. As you can imagine, I don't cook fancy holiday foods. 😁

Edited by thehorseofpower
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I won't decorate my house until after Thanksgiving.  With my job, I get Black Friday off and use that day to clean the living room from the day before and put up the tree.  If we were getting a live tree, we would not begin to decorate until sometime in December.  I grew up in a home with an Ukrainian Catholic father and I am technically Ukrainian Catholic, so we always keep our decorations up until after January 6th.  

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42 minutes ago, Ohiopirate02 said:

 I grew up in a home with an Ukrainian Catholic father and I am technically Ukrainian Catholic, so we always keep our decorations up until after January 6th.  

That's interesting. When I moved to Denver I learned a couple of things about Christmas lights and decorations. First, around here it's not unusual to keep Christmas decorations up until after the National Western Stock Show is over in mid January. Also, a Denver electrician may have done the first lighted outdoor Christmas tree - in 1914, for a sick child who couldn't leave his bedroom to see the family's indoor Christmas tree. His company is still in business here. 

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@Ohiopirate02 My family is the same way, Christmas decorations do not go up until after Thanksgiving and don't come down until Epiphany (Jan 6th).  I was raised Episcopalian.   My children are out of the house, so it's just my husband and me so we put up a small crab pot tree.  Growing up, my mother would not decorate the tree until mid December as well,  my sister said it wasn't decorated until Christmas Eve, but I don't remember that.  

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23 minutes ago, catwonc said:

@Ohiopirate02 My family is the same way, Christmas decorations do not go up until after Thanksgiving and don't come down until Epiphany (Jan 6th).  I was raised Episcopalian.   My children are out of the house, so it's just my husband and me so we put up a small crab pot tree.  Growing up, my mother would not decorate the tree until mid December as well,  my sister said it wasn't decorated until Christmas Eve, but I don't remember that.  

My dad's family did not put up or decorate their tree until Christmas Eve.  My grandfather on my dad's side spent his adolescence in NYC, and my great grandfather was cheap.  So because the family did not celebrate Christmas until January 6th, he would find the family's Christmas tree on the curb.  

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15 hours ago, crazycatlady58 said:

I looked them up found they were less expensive than I remembered. I probably will get her one the only thing I am not sure about is will it filter out the medicine?  Someone mentioned mixing it with a little tuna juice which is a good idea. Even if I don't put tge drops in if it makes her want to drink more water that is a good  thing. Thanks for all the suggestions. 

I think it only filters particles not medicine dissolved in water.  You might want to check with your vet.

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Day 12 of my workout challenge- today was the HARDEST day, 6am workout, I was not feeling it, and I didnt give it 100% but I did finish. I put in my Whole Foods order and it got here speedy quick. Last night I cleaned my Mom's room and put away her laundry.

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I've written about not decorating until after Thanksgiving, but that doesn't mean that I don't care about lights and ornaments.  In recent years I've developed a thing about deer.  I have at least six deer to put on the mantel - silver, gold, red glitter, etc and other deer ornaments.  What I want, what I really, really want is a deer with blue lights for the yard.  . Yes, they exist, but what I've found cost more than I want to spend.  This combines two of my decorating things - deer and blue lights and I hope to find one I can afford or I may break down and spend too much!

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My brother-in-law definitely has the outside Christmas light decorating gene. Nothing tacky - just white lights everywhere.  He gives Clark Griswald a run for his money. He already bought white lights on sale this year along with a great sale he found after Christmas last year so he'sready to go.  He had to upgrade his power a few years ago because a fuse or two blew would blow everytime the outside lights were on & my sister-in-law used a hair appliance. 

The poster who said she collected thrift store goodies as gifts throughout the year brought back nice memories for me. My mom & some of the other ladies in our neighborhood were faithful garage sale goers when I was growing up. One year, I think when I was about 9 or 10,  she got me all kind of small stocking stuffer  trinkets like a deck of cards, costume jewelry, hand lotion, ornaments, etc.  The items outgrew my stocking & had to be moved to a box instead.  I had such fun opening them. I don't remember what else I got that year but I will never forget my box of goodies.


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I have this wild hair up my butt about taking thanksgiving to the river this year.  Today is a bit chilly for the first time all season. And pretty dang windy.  Usually, the weather thanksgiving day is tolerably chilly.  I remember one year the hubs and I (being too lazy and too full to do it up right) threw an air mattress in back of the truck and slept outside (at the river).  

soooooo.....: the river is gorgeous and open and lovely.  Crunchy brown this time of year.  If it’s not too windy , I think we can pull it off.  We can take a couple generators for what little electric we need.  We can fry the turkey.  I even have a compartment warmer about the aize of an apt fridge to keep things warm.  Hooked to the generator.  I thought maybe I could Bill (with his bubble not in the middle) and the other cousins to come the night before and camp.  I think my bro and his wife would camp too maybe.  If not I know they’d come  down the day of.  This could be fun, right?

theres that one chick who ain’t ABOUT to camp... and I don’t want to lose her.  She’s the sister of the brothers who are already loving the camping idea - and she’s the COOKER.  She gets such JOY from cooking and sharing food.  How to get her on board??  She lives alone and everybody she would turn to that day will go to the river with me I think.  We can’t leave her behind.  If she’d go the day OF, she could cook that morning and bring hot dishes down and fill up the warmer.    I’m rambling because I’m a little kid plotting how to get my waaaaay...


@Turquoise:  I have a whole ritual thing I do every morning (concerning Lookey).  I log on, I note how many notices there are, I keep going till I get to the logon page that says if you have multiple in the same post.  If you only have 3 posts, but they have 20 names each, that’s not good.  But also. This gives me a chance to see if the responses that morning are smiling or sad.  So far, I’ve been able to continue on to the feed.  One day, when I can see it looks like a train wreck before I get there.. I’ll have to leave and properly brace myself before facing it.  My son is close to her sons age and i just ache for her.  I have pm’d her several times.  Occasionally I get a short response - mostly she says she reads all our posts every day, but doesn’t have the energy or the brain power to answer.  She DID tell me earlier this week that he’s had 2 relatively good days back to back and she was ❤️❤️❤️ That.  Sweet son has an apartment attached to his house (or on his property) meant for the Lookey’s as they got older and needed looking after.  So they’re actually staying there full time.  Which melts my heart - that’s an ideal situation for a truly not ideal situation, right??  How many problems and logistical nightmares does that apartment Solve??  Genius!

Edited by Happyfatchick
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I don't decorate until the day after Thanksgiving and then it comes down on New Year's day. For me, putting it all up too early loses the "specialness". I always try to get an ornament whenever I travel so there is always a surprise each year to put on the tree (I usually travel in the summer and put the ornament away until I start decorating), except for this stupid year since I didn't go anywhere. 2020 just keeps on with the low blows. 

Since Christmas will be just my immediate family this year, we've decided we're not doing big presents, just stocking gifts. I'm planning on lotto tickets, chocolate, little trinkets. Does anyone have any fun stocking gift ideas? 

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3 minutes ago, emma675 said:

I don't decorate until the day after Thanksgiving and then it comes down on New Year's day. For me, putting it all up too early loses the "specialness". I always try to get an ornament whenever I travel so there is always a surprise each year to put on the tree (I usually travel in the summer and put the ornament away until I start decorating), except for this stupid year since I didn't go anywhere. 2020 just keeps on with the low blows. 

Since Christmas will be just my immediate family this year, we've decided we're not doing big presents, just stocking gifts. I'm planning on lotto tickets, chocolate, little trinkets. Does anyone have any fun stocking gift ideas? 

I like to get mascara, hand cream, cell phone chargers- things like that in my stocking. 

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25 minutes ago, MargeGunderson said:

It has been snowing here in my area of Massachusetts since around 8 am! As of last night it was supposed to be just a coating, and no sticking on paved surfaces. Now it looks like it will be a bit more than expected, at least where I am. 


That reminds me of my mom telling stories about how she would always buy our Halloween costumes a size larger just in case we had to wear our winter coats under.  I don't remember ever having to do that, but I guess I did at some point.

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19 minutes ago, MargeGunderson said:

It has been snowing here in my area of Massachusetts since around 8 am! As of last night it was supposed to be just a coating, and no sticking on paved surfaces. Now it looks like it will be a bit more than expected, at least where I am. 


I’m jealous! Last year I had no snow! I love snow.

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48 minutes ago, emma675 said:

Since Christmas will be just my immediate family this year, we've decided we're not doing big presents, just stocking gifts. I'm planning on lotto tickets, chocolate, little trinkets. Does anyone have any fun stocking gift ideas? 

Kids love flashlights! They're useful for adults too. Bath bombs, fun or fuzzy socks, chapstick or lip gloss, mini bottles of alcohol, ear buds...nothing too exciting but useful stuff. 

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That's the kind of snow I like, a frosting of it so it's pretty on the trees and ground.  

Due to the husband's bullshit, oops I mean home improvements, that have been occurring over the past couple of years he's going to put up the tree for me the weekend of Turkey Day or the weekend after.  The past couple of years it's been pretty late to get it up and I want to see my ornaments for a longer amount of time.  I have a lot of cool ones my mom had given me over the years, the glass Campbell soup cans for example, and I'd like to be able to enjoy them.  



 Does anyone have any fun stocking gift ideas? 

 I always like to put in gift cards - even if you get the $5 ones at Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts they are really appreciated.  How about an extra face mask or two, if you can sew?  One in the purse and one in the car.  

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1 hour ago, MargeGunderson said:

It has been snowing here in my area of Massachusetts since around 8 am! As of last night it was supposed to be just a coating, and no sticking on paved surfaces. Now it looks like it will be a bit more than expected, at least where I am. 


We got enough snow to accumulate and stick on Monday and Tuesday (Kansas City, KS).  I was enjoying the fall and wasn't ready for winter yet!  Your snow is a bit more than we got.

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News from the Covid front . The  daughter of our neighbours is infected , the rest of her family tested negative . They are not allowed to leave the house until November 13.  And they should wear a mask around the child and try to keep a distance from her . She is 4 , how do you explain that to a 4 year old .  And because she tested positive her kindergarten group is now in quarantine and some of the other parents are leaving angry messages with our neighbours . 


My niece got tested today , no signs of any symptoms  and my mother could hear her in the background of a voice mail  happily claiming to have infected her friend because they walked home from school on Tuesday . She's clearly enjoying her extra free time . 

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Yesterday I was driving through a smallish town which I will not identify because statistically they can’t all be religious fruitcakes and there was a gigantic sign outside of a small business screaming in all caps, “WEARING MASKS IS A SIGN OF THE BEAST!!! 666!!! JESUS DIED FOR YOUR DEVIL COVID MASKS!!!”

Didn’t know whether to pull over and throw a mask at the door or just speed up. I chose flooring it out of there.


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Just now, Temperance said:

I'm feeling very low right now. I think I may have made a big mistake and I'm hoping I'm wrong. I don't want to talk about it. 

I've been trying to stay postive and not be too stressed but it's hard.  If y'all could just send me some good vibes, I'd appreciate it. 



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15 minutes ago, Temperance said:

I'm feeling very low right now. I think I may have made a big mistake and I'm hoping I'm wrong. I don't want to talk about it. 

I've been trying to stay postive and not be too stressed but it's hard.  If y'all could just send me some good vibes, I'd appreciate it. 

Good vibes, warm hugs coming your way Tempie. 

(our mistakes are rarely as bad as we think they are)

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22 minutes ago, Temperance said:

I'm feeling very low right now. I think I may have made a big mistake and I'm hoping I'm wrong. I don't want to talk about it. 

I've been trying to stay postive and not be too stressed but it's hard.  If y'all could just send me some good vibes, I'd appreciate it. 

Hugs and good thoughts. If you ever want to talk about it we are here.

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55 minutes ago, Temperance said:

I'm feeling very low right now. I think I may have made a big mistake and I'm hoping I'm wrong. I don't want to talk about it. 

I've been trying to stay postive and not be too stressed but it's hard.  If y'all could just send me some good vibes, I'd appreciate it. 

We all make mistakes and I have made some doozies. Cut yourself some slack.
Do what you need to do to “fix” things if you can and try to move past it. 

Wishing you the best...non creepy socially distanced hug coming your way. 

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5 hours ago, lianau said:

News from the Covid front .

  My news is that I face-timed  a little while ago with my Marine son in Germany. 

  He  has to quarantine for two weeks because he just got back from a trip to Italy which is now very covid-red (he had to go for his job.)

  He told me "yeah, we shouldn't even have been sent to Italy, because it was already really getting bad when he sent us.  But our commander is a stubborn knucklehead, and made us go anyway."

 Here's the twist...he's not their commander anymore...he got fired a week after they left for Italy. (not because of his covid stupidity.)

He was fired after allegations he used a racial slur (n-word) around subordinates!

(I had heard this story on the news, but never knew it was my son's boss)

 Sheesh...2020 is wild.😨

Edited by ChiCricket
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1 hour ago, Temperance said:

I'm feeling very low right now. I think I may have made a big mistake and I'm hoping I'm wrong. I don't want to talk about it. 

I've been trying to stay postive and not be too stressed but it's hard.  If y'all could just send me some good vibes, I'd appreciate it. 

Big hugs and all the positive vibes. 

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1 hour ago, iwantcookies said:

I saw this on Instagram. Mom and daughter pregnant. All I could think of omg Jill and Nurie would Definitely do this. 


It’s kinda cute. 

As long as mother and daughter are both adults the being pregnant together thing doesn’t bother me. 

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4 hours ago, Temperance said:

I'm feeling very low right now. I think I may have made a big mistake and I'm hoping I'm wrong. I don't want to talk about it. 

I've been trying to stay postive and not be too stressed but it's hard.  If y'all could just send me some good vibes, I'd appreciate it. 

Be kind to yourself. Big hug for you.

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3 hours ago, iwantcookies said:

I saw this on Instagram. Mom and daughter pregnant. All I could think of omg Jill and Nurie would Definitely do this. 


They would!  But it would be very sluttish for them to post their bellies!

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23 hours ago, Jenniferbug said:

Kids love flashlights! They're useful for adults too. Bath bombs, fun or fuzzy socks, chapstick or lip gloss, mini bottles of alcohol, ear buds...nothing too exciting but useful stuff. 

Speaking of flashlights, one year my MIL found everyone a flashlight that has to be wound up for power - no batteries needed. The kids loved it as well as the adults.  Mine has a special place in the desk drawer in our living room so I know exactly where it is when the power goes out and it has come in handy many a time. 

One year my mom found ring flashlights at Kmart for my son & niece's Easter baskets.  They were really nothing special - just velcroed on their finger but they really got a hit out of them. 

Edited by Barb23
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My mom once found us car flashlights- it had a razor under the clip part that could cut a seatbelt and little metal studs that could be used to break a window, as well as a pulse setting to use as a flare/beacon thing. It was actually pretty cool, even though I've never needed to use it. 

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Patient (my mom) is in hand!!!!!!


She’s loopy and grumpy. Poor thing is so loopy she thought it was 11:30pm!!!!

But was so confused because it was sunny. 

She didn’t know what was going on
“Did I miss Halloween?”

Im trying to get her settled before my sister wakes up. 

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@Temperance: I hope things aren’t as scary for you today.  My Granny used to say “nothing’s ever as bad or as good as you think it’s going to be”.  I choose to believe her on the “bad” angle.  I don’t on the good stuff - I’m still looking for my pony every christmas!  
I do hope you feel better and have found some resolution.  It’s scary to be scared. 

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On 10/30/2020 at 12:10 PM, MargeGunderson said:

It has been snowing here in my area of Massachusetts since around 8 am! As of last night it was supposed to be just a coating, and no sticking on paved surfaces. Now it looks like it will be a bit more than expected, at least where I am. 


We got about that amount here in CT as well. My mom lives a little more inland, and got an extra inch or so over what we got.

I went to pick her up today (she usually spends at least part of the weekend over here with us), and slipped on an icy patch in her driveway. Gave the back of my head a bit of a knock, but I don't appear to be concussed or otherwise worse for wear. No headache, dizziness or nausea, but it definitely rattled me! Head injuries are something that I find very frightening. I do have a nice bump on the back of my head, but otherwise, about 7  hours later, am not feeling any other effects. 

I do love winter, though - even though the snow is quite early, and some of the trees in the yard still have a fair amount of leaves on them, which looked really incongruous this morning, all covered in snow and gleaming in the sunshine.

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20 minutes ago, Jynnan tonnix said:

We got about that amount here in CT as well. My mom lives a little more inland, and got an extra inch or so over what we got.

I went to pick her up today (she usually spends at least part of the weekend over here with us), and slipped on an icy patch in her driveway. Gave the back of my head a bit of a knock, but I don't appear to be concussed or otherwise worse for wear. No headache, dizziness or nausea, but it definitely rattled me! Head injuries are something that I find very frightening. I do have a nice bump on the back of my head, but otherwise, about 7  hours later, am not feeling any other effects. 

I do love winter, though - even though the snow is quite early, and some of the trees in the yard still have a fair amount of leaves on them, which looked really incongruous this morning, all covered in snow and gleaming in the sunshine.

Hoping you have no further problems.  Hitting your head is scary. My mama always said if the bump ( she called it a knot) was raised, then it would be ok. No idea where she got that from or if it is anywhere near close to being true. Anyway, if you do have any dizziness,  blurred vision, nausea etc, please get help!  Your body probably will be somewhat sore tomorrow!

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39 minutes ago, Liddy52 said:

Hoping you have no further problems.  Hitting your head is scary. My mama always said if the bump ( she called it a knot) was raised, then it would be ok. No idea where she got that from or if it is anywhere near close to being true. Anyway, if you do have any dizziness,  blurred vision, nausea etc, please get help!  Your body probably will be somewhat sore tomorrow!

My mom said the same thing. She said the opposite about canned food.

I guess @emmawoodhouse proved ours moms wrong on the head. Maybe my mom is right on the canned food. lol

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