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S05.E01: Guess Who's Coming to the White Party?

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I agree that Kyle looked great and it was SO nice to not see her in some awkward, billowy caftan. I think she has dropped some weight and/or inches. Lisa even mentioned when they met for lunch how skinny she looked, and Kyle remarked "I'm really trying" or something to that effect.  Portia continues to be adorable.  Her 2 older girls with Mauricio... sure look A LOT like Mauricio.


Lisa Rinna had some silicone removed from her lips and it looked so much better.  Then she had it put back in and it looks like... that



I know she had "most" of the silicone removed.  But I can't find any sources that say she had it put back.  Where did you hear or read this? 


I was totally cool with her mentioning Mad Men as many times as she did, but perhaps I'm biased because it's one of my top favorite dramas of all time!


If Kyle told us one more time how "everyone" wants to come to her white party, I was going to throw something at the tv.   Kyle, you're not A-List, not even B.



I can see how her comments could be read as pretentious.  But I, personally, interpreted it to mean that: now that people know the party is nationally televised, everybody's neighbor's 2nd cousin wants to come.  Like, people just wanted to come to maybe get shown on TV - not necessarily "famous" people.


I found Adrienne more painful to look at than usual thanks to too much Botox, or whatever she's using



Adrienne looked horrible on WWHL.  She joked about never being on Botched.  She should go on.  Paul actually is a talented surgeon.



Word to both of these comments.  I remember the first time I saw Adrienne on RHoBH, and I was shocked at how plastic her face was.  Now?  First Season Adrienne is like a breath of fresh, natural air.  I could NOT believe how bad she looked last night, especially on WWHL.  Between her face and how she totters around in too-high heels, she ages herself a good 15 years. 

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Brandi is this black cloud of negativity. Everyone's getting along and there she goes, complaining, holing herself up in the bathroom, and starting with the sitdowns. Felt shut out by the originals catching up? Then go chat with Yolanda or something.

She is very socially awkward.

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How refreshing to see Kyle wear an article  of clothing which not only fits her well and looks amazing, but one that doesn't require she pull and tug at it to the point of distraction.


Hopefully she's burned all of those atrocious caftans, as well.  

I thought they all had very flattering dresses on for the White Party - except Brandi.  I was afraid the whole time that her ass crack was going to start showing.  She has the most "model" body but when she was pulling Adrienne aside those straps across her back somehow made it look like she was fat.  Why are such clothes even made?!  If it was not flattering on the 6 foot tall stick figure lady, who has a hope of wearing it?!

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IMHO, this first show was a waste of time.  Even with all the plastic surgery on display, it still wasn't interesting.  Everyone seemed to be trying too hard, and half the time (at least) it seemed scripted.  How many times did BRAVO have someone say "moving forward" or "moving on?"  It became ridiculous.  Yes, BRAVO, you want us to know that this is a new season, a new cast, and that you're moving forward.  We get it.


Adrienne looks like a cat.  I wouldn't say that she looks "Asian" because most Asians look far better than she looks.  Taylor must be traveling with new cheeks.  Brandi has had something done -- maybe Botox.  Most of them, including Camille, Lisa V. and Lisa R., all look like they've been under the knife.  Lisa V. looks like she's aiming to be 20 again with her hair in a long bob near the beginning. 


Of course,Gigi's cover shots had to be shown along with glowing remarks by her mother!   I'm certain that Yo's first book will be titled, "GIGI -- The Wonder Child."  Most of all, I found all of the repairing of friendships tiring.  Former enemies are suddenly friends again.  Most unbelievable were Brandi and Adrienne.  Reality -- in real life -- is that they wouldn't be caught in the same room together for years!  The funniest/ most disgusting moment, for me, was Kyle's assertion that her White Party has become a huge deal in BH!  C'mon, Kyle, tell the truth.  You invited business associates so you could write off the party as a business expense!


I don't know about anybody else, but when I look at Kyle from behind, when her hair is pulled back, all I can think of is a rear shot of the horses running in the Kentucky Derby.



Edited by Lura
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I couldn't help but laugh at Brandi both times she mentioned the other Ho-wives being 72. Bitch, please. Brandi might see herself as young compared to some but she's no spring chicken.

True dat!

She's a scrawny chicken.

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Per Eileen's twitter page, she isn't showing up till episode 3. Kyle's site party was in mid July...filming had started end of June / early July.. Eileen wasn't announced as joining till mid July..so that could be why she wasn't at the white party. Still I would have introduced her in episode 1..and.gotten to know her before interacting with the other women.

That is.how Tamra on OC was introduced...she spent three episodes showing her life before meeting the other housewives.

With that said, I did like the fun aspects of the episode...came closest to the spirit of the 1st season...

Brandi is the problem.

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Brandi looks much older than she thinks she does so the exaggerated age shaming is especially funny. Like poor dear don't you realize actually young attractive people might be snarking the same bitchy comments about her Nancy Reagan looking plastic stick figure ass?!

Edited by Petunia13
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I couldn't help but laugh at Brandi both times she mentioned the other Ho-wives being 72. Bitch, please. Brandi might see herself as young compared to some but she's no spring chicken.



Right!  Kyle is what.... 2 years older than her?  Taylor and she are close to the same age.  Yeah, Adrienne and Lisa have a decade or so on her.  But if that's the best insult you can come up with?  Get some new insults. 


Not to mention that Camille is now 46 and is lovelier and more poised than Brandi will ever be.  Seriously, though, Camille looked incredible on WWHL last night.  Best I've ever seen her!  

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It's amusing to hear most of the women deny doing anything other than Botox when it's obvious they've all had real work done.  To her credit, Taylor never really answers the question, but at least makes fun of herself for having procedures done.  Her face looked very odd indeed.  Adrienne is so far removed from what she originally looked like that at this point it hardly matters to her -- She'll just keep on tweaking it.  Real face dysmorphia going on there.  I give her props for making up with Andy Cohen though and being good natured about his ribbing.  


Telling that for all the campaigning against Lisa V last season, by the time we got to last night's show, Brandi is once again the one on the outside looking in.  The women with real wealth will always gravitate towards each other no matter the offense and so she's always going to be left with her nose pressed up against the glass, wondering what happened.  Kim is only really tolerated because she's Kyle's sister.  I would gladly have traded Kim for Joyce this season as I will miss Mr. Joyce, breakout star of Season Last Time. 


As annoying and phony as Yolanda can be -- smug condescension personified -- one thing I do appreciate about her routine is that she doesn't freak out whenever in proximity to animal life.  These women are so over the top ridiculous with their hysterical screeching whenever they encounter any part of the natural world.  That being said, Yo's "Can you connect to the earth?" while at the beach was pretty lame & amusing.  That's her story and she's sticking to it to the very end.  David seemed even less interested in her and her dancing shenanigans than ever.  I'd love to see her start ignoring him and running around town on her own, blowing through his cash and hooking up with some young stuff. 


Kyle's middle daughter is the one who looks like she might make a killer model.  Five foot 9 in Junior High and very exotic.  Stand up straight and you've got it made if you want it, girl. 

Edited by copacabana
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My guess is Bravo cross-promotional event (surprised the staff of SUR wasn't there) with extras from Central Casting to fill in the background. As there were no blurred faces. And Bravo most likely paid for it all.

There was a twenty-somethings presence.  Dot Wang and several others were present (Farrah's friends).   The only Bravo cross-promotional people I saw were the Brits from MDL and they work with Mauricio.   I think Ken commenting about Fatburger was his way of showing that the SUR/Villa Blanca group was passed over for food and service.  I saw food other than Fatburger.  Fatburger's son dates Kyle's daughter and his twin married Kim's daughter.  For all the people that were there Bravo artfully shot around the party.  If Mauricio and Kyle can get Bravo to pay for it more power to them and I think there is a large segment of the party that is not filmed by Bravo.  After the party happened there were tons of selfies on Instagram by party attendees.

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I loved Ken's comment about "missing out on a Fatburger." Lol.  And then having Fatburger at the party.  So there were people from The Agency there and Million Dollar Listing L.A.  Do you think this was a Bravo only event or was it still Mauricio's birthday party with "real" people there?  

Didn't Kim's daughter marry someone in the Fatburger owner's family? 

Edited by njbchlover
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Brandi is finally getting  the payback she deserves. After spending several seasons shit stirring and trying to get the others to gang up on some howives, she is finally getting a taste of her own medicine. I hope she felt awkward at the party. If things are going so well with her THIrD book (I mean really, who reads her crap? Someone must be buying them), why can't she find a place to live. And she has done what all washed up single bitches do in BH, she hired a gay entourage so she has someone to talk to at the party. 


I had never noticed that Yo's house is across from the beach on a major road. Looks like you could easily get killed trying to cross the street. Methinks she would have been way more pissed if there weren't cameras present when she saw the guy who was selling stuff in her driveway. But she is smart enough not to react, since she would be called out for being an elitist. Oh, the endless Gigi references. Gah! Stop. But I loved her dress at the white party. 


I agree with the person upthread who said that I always start the season out liking Kyle and end up hating her by season's end, when she starts up with her mean girl stuff. She looked great at the party, I didn't care for the decor and the cirque stuff was just random, but it looked like a good time. I lol at her event planner. I thought BH event planners were small gay men like the Asian guy who planned Pandora's wedding. Her event planner looks like my plumber. 


Lisa V should own some of the stuff she has done. I was rolling when she met each ho wife individually and just kept saying that they need to "move forward". I also got a kick out of Ken's Fatburger comment. Why does she call her dogs sexy? It's so weird and random. I still love her closet, but the swans swimming in the moat in her front yard are ridiculous. She shoe not put colored extensions in her hair. She is too old for that. I actually think she should cut her hair. Her long hair ages her. 


Love Lisa Rinna. Love her house and I was so happy it was cozy looking, not a huge mansion, like Adrienne's. Her kids seem nice. What a contrast between Yo's kids and Lisa's. I always though Harry was a little out there, but I love him on Mad Men. I didn't mind that Lisa kept mentioning their party plans, MM is hands down one of the best TV shows ever made. It must be great to be associated with a project that is such a class act. 


Adrienne looks so nipped and pulled, her face looked puffy. I just don't like her style. Taylor can get off my TV. Camille always looks great. Almost no Kim. Yay! She is an energy suck. 


Waiting for Eileen. 



So far the season looks good. 


ETA: Lisa's white party dress was horrible. Her boos had no support, so they hung down low and there was some kind of sparkly animal on her stomach. The thing with Lisa is that she either looks great or horrible. There's no middle ground. 

Edited by poeticlicensed
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To her credit, Taylor never really answers the question, but at least makes fun of herself for having procedures done.

Caught a glimpse of Taylor lastnight  on WWHL and my initial impression  was that she's morphing into Madame.

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sheetmoss -- Exactly!  Thanks for the laugh.  Spot on.


I, too, love me some Lisa Rinna, lips and all, poeticlicense.  Confession:  Years ago I watched her soap opera show on Soap Net while ironing, folding clothes, wrapping holiday gifts, watching the grass grow.  She was quite good, I thought -- Quick on her feet and funny.  A slightly less manic Kelly Ripa.  And her husband is an interesting fellow -- well educated, with a career that stretches back to the late, great Ray Harryhausen, and includes several years of canoodling with Ursula Andress. (Also, one of the very first feature films to deal with being a closeted gay person in a real way and he was great in it). HIs son with Ursula is gorgeous and has his own modeling career going in Europe.  A good addition although I will hate seeing her descend into Housewifery and scenes scenes scenes over nada nada nada.  Gotta get that money though. 


The chance to be on MM was a great one for Harry and he seized it and made the character his own.  Too bad it was so brief.  The introduction of working soap opera actresses and one actual respectable actor will do a lot to bring the show back round, I hope.   I have the greatest respect for soap opera veterans, too -- They get little respect much of the time and tend to be both talented and hardworking -- you have to be to make it in their world. 

Edited by copacabana
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Where's Kim?  Best line of the night.


Lisa and Harry's daughters might be the prettiest ones in the entire franchise, even up against Gigi.  They just had such a wholesome all-American look to them.  Plus, one was eating a Nutella snack, so what's not to love.


I love Camille and her gifts.

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Caught a glimpse of Taylor lastnight  on WWHL and my initial impression  was that she's morphing into Madame.


I thought it funny that she said her lips were getting smaller with age. I agree whole heartedly with a previous poster who was baffled that Taylor landed a wealthy man to support her and her daughter. Not because she's middle age but because she was a train wreck on previous seasons. I was a bit skeptical about her claims of being battered but the Housewives believed her so who am I to judge?


I'm reserving judgement of Lisa Rinna. I don't know her or her husband from previous work. I suspect I'm the only PTVer who doesn't love Mad Men. It bored me to tears. I'm hoping Lisa R. won't bring it up in every. single. episode. What bothers me most is that we have yet another housewife that declares their husband is "King".


Bring on Eileen! She's one of the reasons I'll be watching this season.

Edited by turbogirlnyc
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Brandi's blog is up.   Some digs at her last seaon buddy Kyle


"We see Kyle planning her annual White Party, which she claims has become the event of the year in Beverly Hills with everyone trying to get on the guest list. I'm sorry, but its not the Vanity Fair Oscar Party if you have invited your chiropractor. I think she is feeling a little too self important."


She thinks Lisa was "cold and childish" to her at the White Party - and she had a knot in her stomach because of Adrienne and Lisa. And of course, Lisa and Ken left without saying goodbye to her (Brandi).  According to her, Lisa has made up with everyone but her. She brings up how Lisa "forced" her to be around Scheanna.


One episode, one blog, and I'm already over Brandi.   I really wish she had not returned.

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Where's Kim?  Best line of the night.


Lisa and Harry's daughters might be the prettiest ones in the entire franchise, even up against Gigi.  They just had such a wholesome all-American look to them.  Plus, one was eating a Nutella snack, so what's not to love.


I love Camille and her gifts.


Lisa's girls are indeed pretty but I beg to differ that they're the "prettiest". I think Kyle's daughters are gorgeous. And although I dislike Yolanda, Gigi is a beautiful woman. Sure, she has blonde hair but it shouldn't be held against her. Her sister is also beautiful. I suspect Yolanda appears to favor Gigi because Gigi's fulfilling Yo's wishes. My mom favors my sister for the same reason.

Edited by turbogirlnyc
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No Eileen until episode 3 is bullshit.  Though I'm glad to see so many fans of hers on here.  I hope we can still say that at the end of the season.


She thinks Lisa was "cold and childish" to her at the White Party - and she had a knot in her stomach because of Adrienne and Lisa. And of course, Lisa and Ken left without saying goodbye to her (Brandi).  According to her, Lisa has made up with everyone but her. She brings up how Lisa "forced" her to be around Scheanna.



Brandi...it's not that hard.  You rallied the troops against her, you're a shit-stirrer in general, you have a big mouth so you're a liability as a friend, and your relationship was all of 3 years old so it's not like you have a deep reservoir of good feelings to fall back on.  Plus, she doesn't need you for social or business reasons.


Or if I buy that the relationship was real and you both really cared- you hurt her the most.


Either way, it's pretty simple why she'd make up with everyone but you.  Can we all just move forward now (I think I'm going to say that a lot...it's fun)?

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I thought it funny that she said her lips were getting smaller with age. I agree whole heartedly with a previous poster who was baffled that Taylor landed a wealthy man to support her and her daughter. Not because she's middle age but because she was a train wreck on previous seasons. I was a bit skeptical about her claims of being battered but the Housewives believed her so who am I to judge?


Not just that she landed a wealthy man, but that she landed a wealthy man who was willing to leave his wife for Taylor!


Petunia13- Wouldn't that be the Oscars?

Edited by KFC
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Don't get mad at me but Adrienne has that just got fucked me in the morning hair then forgot a camera would catch the back of her - um - head.  {sorry}


Adrienne's hair always looks like a mess in the back. And even when it's up. Does anyone else remember the rat's nest she had for Pandora's wedding? You'd think someone with that much money would have better extensions. Jeez. 

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Having to laugh over the moving forward thing because, really, there is no other direction open to any of us.   Unless going sideways is an option.  So moving forward it is!


The one that gets me is the incessant talk about "negativity."  Just another way of acknowledging that, like Dina said on New Jersey, "this show is so fucked up!"  


I'm rewatching the episode now while I wrap presents and I do think that LisaR is being ironic in talking about Harry being King.  I think it's a subtle dig at Yoyo and Alexis from OC and it's pretty clear when she talks about how she gets tired of allowing him to be King.   Silly along with the bit of business about not knowing how to deal with flowers in a vase but whatever. 


The comment made by Brandi about sleeping with her boys in the same bed was put out there to get a raging debate going about just that--something akin to the Mommy Wars.  I'm not falling for it.  I'm pretty certain someone suggested she say just that to get the tension and strife going -- Wag the Dog, Brandi.  

Edited by copacabana
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Kyle's middle daughter is the one who looks like she might make a killer model.  Five foot 9 in Junior High and very exotic.  Stand up straight and you've got it made if you want it, girl.

I found it odd that Kyle mentioned her daughter's height when she was giving an update on her family. Now it makes sense. Put it out there, Kyle!

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Petunia13 -- Aside from company town events -- Oscar parties, etc. -- I would wager that if Jack Nicholson still hosts parties and get togethers, among the now old guard, that would be a ticket.  I would go and I'm meh about old Jack at this point.  Who knows?    


I'd also bet that any real parties hosted by folks like Harvey Weinstein would be cool to go to. There's a difference between industry events and parties hosted by big time ballers in Hollywood.  But a good party is just that. 


Like someone said earlier, I don't think that Kyle meant to sound like this was the event of the year for Hollywood all around - obviously not -- but for her sphere, her world of real estate agents, C list stars, commerce gentry and long term residents, I'll bet folks do like to be invited.  It does look like a fun party. 

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Previously TV -- fun recap and thank you,  but there is such a thing as too much Kim Richards and for me that comes down to more than 2 minutes of Kim a chapter.  Also, great to snark but Hamlin, hate to sound so serious, has been in on way more than one decent tv show.  Decades roll in and out -- he's got a good resume as far as TV goes. Nothing wrong about acknowledging that and then, yeah, snark away.  That said, thanks.  


It's amazing to think that some months ago a lot of folks felt bereft over the loss of TWOP and what it meant to the RHs message board folks -- And look at it now -- Thriving and vital and calling us out when we need to be called out.  Many thanks for providing a home -- Can  you find Brandi a permanent place to perch too?

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I don't mean this as a slam against Yolanda, but I found Lisa Rina's rendition of the Legend of Yolanda to be more than a bit hyperbolic.  I know the term super model gets thrown around a lot but was she?  I'd think with a name like Yolanda it would stick out in the same way Linda, Cindy, Christie or Naomi still do.  Or even if I said supermodel and I followed with Paulina, or Carol or Kim people might figure it out.



Yeah, that TH of Lisa's on the wonders of Yo in her er, "supermodel" years got me thinkin' what she looked like back then.  She probably was quite striking.  Btw, I did see Gigi strolling along Sixth Avenue a few weeks ago in the Village.  She also is really striking.  She's very, very tall & surprisingly not that thin.  Her hair is gigantic & she has a very round pie face.  She doesn't necessarily look like what I'd think a model would look like other than being quite tall.


I giggled when Yolanda begged David for "one note" and then he kept playing and playing and playing … STOP ALREADY.



Sheesh, what a fuckin' ham sandwich.  I hope he's not on much cuz I have little patience for his blow-hard bullshit


Is the Busch heir drunk the entire time?



Er, the booze is in his blood & besides he's gotta look at that plastic puffed up mug -- can ya blame him for being permanently wasted?


Hey guys, does anyone know what's the best social event of the year in LA? The one everyone vies to attend? I was curious and hoping someone would enlighten me.



Well, Brandi mentioned it in her Bravo blog.  Supposedly THE ultimate A-lister thing is the Vanity Fair Oscar party.  I kinda liked that Brandi said in her blog Kyle's White Party is not exactly the A-lister event she's proclaiming it to be.  Yeah, it's starting.  I don't hate you yet, Kyle, but I know I will.  How many eps till I wanna strangle ya, huh, hun?

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I got the impression that Ken is really over and done with this show. He didn't seem interested in any of it, as he was left at home holding the dogs.


He could very easily have made the decision to not sign for this season but being that he did sign I am going to need for him to stop with his constant complains about not wanting to go here or there, stay home if you wish Ken, better yet, tell Bravo that you are done and stop with the complains.


I bet it won't happen, after all the money for the legal fees has to come from somewhere.

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Hey guys, does anyone know what's the best social event of the year in LA? The one everyone vies to attend? I was curious and hoping someone would enlighten me.


I vaguely recall something mentioned about this last night. A party named after a color I think? I'll get back to you.


I would have loved it if David had been with Yolanda when she came across the guy having the impromptu flea market on their property. Something tells me he wouldn't have been quite so fine with it. And I agree with everyone who said that Yolanda probably wouldn't have been either if the cameras weren't rolling.


I don't know which is scarier Adrienne or Taylor's face.


And while I do think Kyle's party is probably a fun time, if I were Lisa and Ken, as soon as Lisa R and Harry mentioned leaving for the Mad Men party, I would have begged to tag along!!

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Regarding Lisa Rinna and her famous lips. I don't know if anybody ever saw the short lived reality show she had featuring her husband and kids several years ago. She was delightful then, always outgoing and sweet. There was a big focus on how unhappy she was with her upper lip after all the years of botched injections and implant. She went to a plastic surgeon and he said something I will never forget: Your upper lip should never be bigger than your lower lip!!   Anyway, he fixed her lip, she had a painful recovery and she looked great when it was all healed. She swore she would never do that to herself again. So what did she obviously go and do? Had that lip enlarged again! Why, Lisa, Whyyyyy? 

Edited by demarti
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Regarding Lisa Rinna and her famous lips. I don't know if anybody ever saw the short lived reality show she had featuring her husband and kids several years ago. She was delightful then, always outgoing and sweet. There was a big focus on how unhappy she was with her upper lip after all the years of botched injections and implant. She went to a plastic surgeon and he said something I will never forget: Your upper lip should never be bigger than your lower lip!!   Anyway, he fixed her lip, she had a painful recovery and she looked great when it was all healed. She swore she would never do that to herself again. So what did she obviously go and do? Had that lip enlarged again! Why, Lisa, Whyyyyy? 

I saw that show as well & that episode on her lip. I always thought Lisa was a tell like it is type person but for years she denied having ever done anything to her lips. Denied, denied, denied. Then that show came out & I thought, I guess she's not always honest. I like her so far & I liked her on DWTS, I hope this show doesn't ruin it for me.

Brandi came off as an awkward teenager in desperate need of friends. I wonder where her BFF Jen was. Did she bring along her makeup & hair stylist? Are they paid to be her friend? She pretends like she wants to move on & then continues to insult Lisa behind her back calling her 78. I for one think Lisa is 10 times better looking than Brandi & she's 54. 


Brandi saying that both her & Adrienne said mean things to each other is true but you can't compare what Brandi said about Adrienne's kids. No child should have that blurted on tv. That was the coldest, below the belt comment. If I were Adrienne, I would never forgive her & tell her to move on.


The way Brandi speaks of David & Yolanda is the same way she used to speak of Ken & Lisa. I'm sure Yolanda picks up the tabs, gives or loans her things & feels sorry for her as Brandi constantly plays the poor, single mother card. Yolanda, I'm sure will wisen up to it.

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Lisa's girls are indeed pretty but I beg to differ that they're the "prettiest". I think Kyle's daughters are gorgeous. And although I dislike Yolanda, Gigi is a beautiful woman. Sure, she has blonde hair but it shouldn't be held against her. Her sister is also beautiful. I suspect Yolanda appears to favor Gigi because Gigi's fulfilling Yo's wishes. My mom favors my sister for the same reason.

Well, it's kind of an embarrassment of riches to choose from with this franchise, as Kim's daughters (the ones we've seen) are quite pretty as well.  I do think Gigi is stunning and Kyle's daughters are also gorgeous.  Perhaps it's one's own aesthetic, I was just taken aback at how pretty I thought the girls were.


I can't believe Rinna didn't mention Hamlin's best work EVER, The Clash of the Titans.  Classic 80's cheesy epic and he definitely looks like a demi-god.


Brandi is so, so gross.  It's like how when I watch Sons of Anarchy, I can literally smell the leather and cigarettes through the TV screen, with her I can smell the booze, sadness, and skankiness.

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Brandi saying that both her & Adrienne said mean things to each other is true but you can't compare what Brandi said about Adrienne's kids. No child should have that blurted on tv. That was the coldest, below the belt comment. If I were Adrienne, I would never forgive her & tell her to move on.


I really rolled my eyes when she said that too. What was the worst thing Adrienne said about Brandi on air? You all have a better memory than I do (half the reason I use these forums!), but all I remember is that she sleeps until 3 or something. Not even in the same ballpark. Not to mention, Brandi goes stumbling around in public, drunk off her ass, with her tampon string hanging out - so it's no secret to anyone who pays attention that she likes to party. The thing with Adrienne's kids was never even close to mentioned except for by Brandi. I do NOT like Adrienne, but Brandi went way too far. And now she's trying to act like they're on an even playing field. Not biting. 


The way Brandi speaks of David & Yolanda is the same way she used to speak of Ken & Lisa. I'm sure Yolanda picks up the tabs, gives or loans her things & feels sorry for her as Brandi constantly plays the poor, single mother card. Yolanda, I'm sure will wisen up to it.


And I bet from Lisa and Yo's side, they have/had the same motivation for the friendship - mothering this downtrodden woman makes them feel better about themselves. 

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Watching the original cast - is a reminder what has sorely been missing - the opulent Beverly Hills lifestyle - that was suppose to set it apart from the housewife franchise. Instead, we're stuck with low class Brandi Glanville, who really brought this show down when she came on board.

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Clash of the Titans- Ray Harryhausen special effects masterpiece.  It's hard to understand why what's considered cheesy is in fact  Hollywood history.  Harryhausen is and was a legend.  You are so right, larapu2000.  I imagine LisaR didn't mention it because production didn't know or care and figured most viewers wouldn't either.  Or perhaps because she thought it would give Harry's age away. 


What's so dumb about Brandi and/or production comments about age and beauty is that most women tend to look their very best when they hit that 30-35-45 window of time. A woman in her 20s typically can't compete against herself as she becomes older -- Not just men who get better looking with age -- We do do too especially if we leave ourselves alone and figure out our style and how to best take care of our hair, skin, make-up and wardrobe. 

LoLo -- Right on about Brandi using YoDa the same way she used LiKen.  And YoDa will use Brandi the same way the SexMonsters did.  They are all in on  the act.  

Edited by copacabana
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What I really want to see is an explicitly candid how-to/DIY series revolving around Taylor ... that offers instructions on how exactly to net a million-dollar meal-ticket when you boast children from a previous marriage and more baggage than an airline terminal.

This baffles me to no end. Taylor especially -- she must spin the greatest Poor Little Me victim narrative the world has ever known. The guy must have needed someone to save, is all I can think.


I like Camille but didn't think she looked as good as she did in the past. Of course, she's been through hell so I'll say she looks amazing considering all that. I wish her well in her recovery and attempt to raise her kids while dealing with an acrimonious relationship with Kelsey. I'd advise her not to talk about him more though, just "move forward" and let him dig his own grave.

Edited by RedHawk
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Lawd, I hope I don't have to sit through several episodes about how Lisa can never admit she's wrong and never apologizes.  Jeebus, none of these women ever admit fault.  I'm with Lisa, move the fuck on and let it go.  Everybody behaved like an asshole last season.


I like that Lisa R has a sense of humor about her career. She has always seemed like a pretty cool chick. I like a person who can laugh at themselves.

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Hey guys, does anyone know what's the best social event of the year in LA? The one everyone vies to attend? I was curious and hoping someone would enlighten me.

I don't know what it is now but it used to be the opening of Lindsey Lohan's legs.

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... most women tend to look their very best when they hit that 30-35-45 window of time.


I agree. The sad thing is that so many Hollywood beauties who get famous in their mid to late 20s try to "hold" their looks at that age and end up looking much worse at 35 than they would have if they had just focused on eating healthy, exercising, and taking care of themselves. These days they don't wait until they need a little refreshing plastic surgery at age 45, they start with the Botox and other crap at 30 or even earlier! 

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My question for Brandi: With an ass that flat, why is it so hard to keep it tucked in your shorts?


Speaking as someone with a flat ass, the ass and thighs tend to kinda merge. But, most people with flat asses understand that and wear clothing that covers more than an inch of their butt.

Edited by CatMomma
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