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Current Plots Discussion: Actually Today's Episode

Message added by scarynikki12

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Not only did they just have 6 cupcakes at the stupid party, Jordan told Ari they won't eat the cupcakes until the party was over. Um, isn't the point of a party (for a 1-year old, who won't know what the heck is happening anyway) to open presents, eat cake and go home? Dumb!

And, what was that "funeral?" Where was it and why was there a casket against a wall in a courtyard? Was it at DiMera? And, the fact that not a single one of Julie's family came to show respect for what Gabi did for them was unforgivable. If I had been Gabi, I would never forgive them. Every single person who made a plea for the heart for Julie should have been there. At the very least, Doug. And who officiated? Kristen came later, so how long was he supposed to be laying there?

Also, as others have said, there is too much happiness right now, so we know that won't last. At least I didn't have to see mopey, woe is me, Nicole or the martyr Sarah today. 

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Usually at 1st birthdays you have a small cake so the baby can mush their hands or face in it for pictures and party audience giggles and a bigger one for guests. Anyways soooo who took the poisoned cupcake? 

Jack’s proposal was cute and I liked Jennifer’s shock at first, then later glee telling Elani. She had “day after” hair too from their night together, it was that same swept over side part straight fall, nice touch. Surprised blueberry scone is her favorite brekkie, she’s always been a sweets girl so would think it’s be a muffin, donut, or roll. I kinda wish there had been a note inside like “turn around” and him there already on knee w the ring. I get it though he was nervous and MA played that accurately. I got a little water in my eyes with them today, I have a cold and PMS so that could have been it. 

I have hated Kristen a long time but have liked her with Brady lately and really respect he’s at least helping her since it’s a medically dicey pregnancy and that he supported her at Stefan’s burial holding her hand and hugging her. That’s classy of him and felt that was dignified. 

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Gabi, I love you, I really do, but enough with the hysterical grief.  You were able to sell it the first day, not so much the second, and since then it's giving me the giggles.  Today's "Where in the World is Stefan Dimera" whack a mole episode had me laughing far too much for a funeral.  What next, a whoopie cushion on Lani's chair at the station?

Gabi looked fabulous, though.  Now, serve that revenge up cold, please, make her squirm if you must.

Loved Jack and Jenn today, their scenes added a lightness to what otherwise was either pretty sad or pretty weird.  

I felt sorry for Brady today, waking up to Kristen staring at him with that smile that makes me think she's trying to figure out what side dishes will go well with Filet of Brady.  Nuttier than a fruitcake, that one.  

Under normal circumstances, I'd think Brady was right to tell Will and Sonny to be nice to the woman who he'd brought to live in the mansion, but this is Kristen.  You know, Brady, the woman who's tried to kill Will's grandmother numerous times?  Plus TONS of other horrendous crap?  Remember any of that?  I think asking them not to trip wire the stairs is about all he can legitimately expect them to do.

Poor David.  Thank God he's only 1 and doesn't realize he just had the saddest birthday party with the saddest guests ever.  He should ask for a pony -  or a security guard all his own for his next birthday.

Edited by boes
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I just realized that we now have three couples engaged.  The last time they had a slew of these was this summer and I don't think any of them lasted.  Stefan died.  Sarah dumped Rex for Eric who then dumped her for Nicole. Eve and Jack ended in divorce once Jack realized how she didn't want him to get his memory back.

So I guess that means Jack/Jenn, Adrienne/Justin and Lani/Eli are doomed somehow. We already see Gabi has it out for Eli/Lani. I'm scared for the vets.

I did love how Jennifer started eating her scone mid-proposal. 

I hope we keep ghost Stefan if we can't get real Stefan.  I love every time he shows up and talks to Gabi.  Before Jack was revived, I kind of wanted Jennifer in investigative mode with Jack acting as her ghost consultant. 

13 minutes ago, boes said:

Gabi, I love you, I really do, but enough with the hysterical grief. 

At least she had a relationship with him.  What was up with Kristen's grief?  Did they even have scenes other than being competitive over DiMera?

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2 minutes ago, Irlandesa said:

I did love how Jennifer started eating her scone mid-proposal.

At least she had a relationship with him.  What was up with Kristen's grief?  Did they even have scenes other than being competitive over DiMera?

I agree, I haven't enjoyed Jenn so much in years.

As for Kristen and her "grief", the woman is so totally nuts I'm surprised we don't see bats flying out of her ears at sunset.  Didn't she want Stefan killed, or something horrendous, not that long ago?  Brady really should be seeing what maternity clothes come with straitjackets.

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Gabi, you looked good today. Enough with the hysterical grief. Why was there no priest or some sort of officiant? Stefan could have just been cremated and you could spare the expensive of the coffin. Where were folks like Mr. Shin or any of Stefan's employees (except for Ben). I did like the fakeout/fantasy of Gabi throwing Lani in to the grave.

What a sad birthday party for a one year old. Who bakes only 6 cupcakes?????? What if other folks drop in or someone wants two? It's not an adult party where you may say, have some boozy ones. Where are the balloons and streamers and maybe some clanging pots and pans? Jordan, do you think that Arianna is not going to tell her mommy that you basically screamed at her because you gave Ciara's special cupcake to the birthday boy? Ben's toy chest was very nice and thoughtful. He didn't have to make it or anything.

Another engaged couple? It was cute that Jenn was eating her breakfast during the proposal.

@boes, I did laugh at your Filet of Brady comment. No one woke up to use the bathroom during the night and moved back to their own room?

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11 minutes ago, Irlandesa said:

I hope we keep ghost Stefan if we can't get real Stefan.  I love every time he shows up and talks to Gabi.

I need my Stabi fix somehow lol so yeah I hope he's here to stay if we can't get the real deal back. 

5 minutes ago, boes said:

As for Kristen and her "grief", the woman is so totally nuts I'm surprised we don't see bats flying out of her ears at sunset.  Didn't she want Stefan killed, or something horrendous, not that long ago?  Brady really should be seeing what maternity clothes come with straitjackets.

Kristen is gonna use Stefan's death to manipulate Brady I'm calling it now.  

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@boes you completely deserve to smush a David’s birthday cupcake (though not the mystery poisoned one) or Elani cake slice in my face, since I have liked Kristen with Brady and I FUCKING HATE HER. 

I agree it was cute Jen was still nibbling and didn’t drop the scone when Jack started proposing. This bitch 😂 she was like


They really only bring out the best in each other. 

The entire time since Stefan was shot till today at his funeral today where Rafe made it seem like going to get a city registration sticker chore, Will and Sonny have cared more for Gabi than her ain’t shit brother. Fuck you Rafe.

Ghost Stefan did nothing for me since I didn’t know wtf if it was an alter or fantasy and he was telling her to be nice. Why? No one else is in Salem or has for years. 

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First the good - the only good (for me) on this show lately has been Jack/Jennifer. This storyline has been handled horrendously but they just spark so well together and are like a breath of fresh air when they get to interact just the two of them.

Now the rest of horrible and/or cringeworthy stuff.

Shut up, Brady!

Shut up, Gabi!

Shut up, Ben!

I try to give this show some leeway because I know their budget is for shit but the living situations of most of these characters is lame. I know they don't have a lot of money for sets, but I can't imagine it costs as much to just redress sets when they're not in use for other characters - like when they're not using a set for John/Marlena's house change it up a bit and use it for some other character. And there's no reason a character like Ben should have a set of his own when other people don't, especially when they have the loft set not being used. Since Ciara mostly lives up his butt now there's no reason they can't do that at the loft and use Ben's bedroom set for some other character.

This whole plot with Brady moving Kristen into the mansion is a glaring example of this and makes no real sense. When Brady insisted on doing it, I don't know why Victor only fired Brady. Why didn't he tell Brady you can't move her in, find your own place? Isn't it Victor's mansion and not Brady's? It was weird the other day as well when Brady said that since he thought Victor was firing him he should find his own place? Can't he do that whether Victor fires him or not? Is there some rule the CEO has to live at the mansion? Brady is a fairly well off guy. He should be able to find his own place.

I think it's incredibly selfish for Brady to foist Kristen and her geriatric womb on the other 800 people living in the mansion. He's the one who knocked her up. It's understandable given the risks to the pregnancy that he wants to look out for his unborn child, but it's not everyone else's responsibility to put aside their well-founded dislike of her to deal with Brady's problem. I thought it was galling of him today to give Will and Sonny a lecture about respecting Kristen. If he wants to appeal to them and talk about the risk to the pregnancy and wanting to avoid stress to Kristen, that's fine. But to tell them they need to respect her because she's a human being and a guest at the house? Fuck that. Kristen had Will's mother kidnapped and let her think she shot her own mother. She's tried to kill Will's beloved grandmother a billion times. Will not spitting on her whenever he sees her is asking a bit much let alone asking him to give her respect. I'm so glad Will didn't actually apologize.

The way they're trying to make this sick relationship rootable in any way is gross! What was with her wailing and practically throwing herself on Stefan's casket? She barely knew him and I think she had him kidnapped at one point. Kristen threatened to kill Tony, so I don't buy her crocodile tears over Stefan. I hated Brady consoling her as if she was a true grieving sibling.

If the show insists on having Brady live at the mansion with Kristen, character-wise it makes no sense for Will and Sonny to still be living there. They've got a young child to take care of. Why would they stay there and expose her to someone like Kristen?

Gabi yesterday with her whining about her and Stefan not getting a wedding reception earned the deepest eye roll. Gee, why didn't you guys get a reception? Could it be because you kicked the love of your life out of the house two seconds after the vows were finished?

What was with her line today "he loved me. he loved my daughter" about? Why is the show trying to set up this never seen connection between Stefan and Arianna? Did they even share one scene on-screen? Gabi and Stefan were married for like two seconds. And were on good terms for only half that time? When did he have time to create this loving bond with Arianna? I guess it sort of makes sense for a show that couldn't scrounge up a decent love montage for the two of them after Stefan died but still tries to pretend how deep their bond went.

I get that Gabi is grieving but that excuse only has a certain shelf life to excuse behavior and I have a feeling Gabi isn't going to let go of this blaming Lani thing anytime soon. Someone needs to have a conversation with the poor widow about guns, bullets, and physics. Lani is not Superwoman. She couldn't stop the bullet once she fired and her dumbass husband literally jumped in front of it. The people responsible for Stefan's death are him and Vivian. Since Stefan's already paid the price if Gabi's revenge-happy butt wants retribution than she should try finding Vivian.

Ben didn't do much that was horrible today but just seeing him in the same room as Will and Sonny sets my teeth on edge and is another reminder why his redemption storyline is such trash. I did love that at least CM was aware of how he should react to Ben's presence. At one point, they were standing next to Ciara and Ben at the funeral and you could see him give them a long, wicked side eye. But later at the sad party, when Will and Sonny were leaving, Ben clapped Sonny on the shoulder as he was walking by. It was so brief but annoyed me so much. Those two are not anywhere close to being friends. Do not touch the husband of the man you tried to murder as if you're old friends.

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54 minutes ago, FilmTVGeek80 said:

Shut up, Ben!

Ben didn't do much that was horrible today but just seeing him in the same room as Will and Sonny sets my teeth on edge and is another reminder why his redemption storyline is such trash. I did love that at least CM was aware of how he should react to Ben's presence. At one point, they were standing next to Ciara and Ben at the funeral and you could see him give them a long, wicked side eye. But later at the sad party, when Will and Sonny were leaving, Ben clapped Sonny on the shoulder as he was walking by. It was so brief but annoyed me so much. Those two are not anywhere close to being friends. Do not touch the husband of the man you tried to murder as if you're old friends.

Great post, all of it!

And what was with all the over-the-top praising for Ben's Ikea toybox?

He used an Allen wrench to attach 5 pre-cut  boards and a hinged top, then used a wood burning set to (badly) put David's name on it.

Other than being mildly surprised at Ben's dexterity with something other than a necktie, what's the big deal?

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11 hours ago, Silver Raven said:

Brady, you ho.

Gee, Jack and Jen slept together on their first date.  😄

Yeah, I knew that throw Lani into the grave thing wasn't real.

DiMera Enterprises couldn't be bothered to send a representative to Stefan's funeral?  Chad couldn't be bothered to come?  Tony didn't show up?

Why should they care about that contrieved flop? Im glad he got killed off. He was really unnecessary . We have already seen "Stefano's long lost offspring" schtick unfold with Renee ,Lexie ,Andre ,Benjy and Chad . There was no need for the 6th long lost DiMera offspring . It is totally overkill .

If Carlivati wanted to add more DiMeras ,he should have brought back Peter Blake -DiMera or Ian McAllister . Ian could have been confirmed to be Ryan Brady ,son of Santo DiMera and Colleen Brady . He Could have showed up using his birth name and calling himself Ryan McAllister . 

Tyler Christopher simply should have been Nicholas Alamain .

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I'm catching up on yesterday's episode and had a few quick thoughts:

The Gabi Stefan hallucination was over-the-top and stupid. Her dialogue too. You'll live without him just fine. Is this really the same girl who was almost raped by Nick? Stefan is terrible, Gabi.

Was almond milk even a thing before Jack died last time? I doubt it was. At least come up with character histories that sound plausible. Was it ever even established that Jennifer was into organic or vegetarian food in the past? I don't seem to recall that.

Did anyone else get immediate Deja Vu when they saw Jack come into the hotel room with the two coffees the same way he did with Eve months ago? I'm surprised that I can remember that, but it was basically the exact same shot. It really diminishes the impact of what's supposed to be a happy reunion scene. Jack seems like he's doing the same schtick with some other girl.

...now that we have Jack fully back on the show I'm really not sure what purpose he has. Wouldn't Jennifer have been just as happy with an oversized teddy bear to snuggle? It just seems like diminishing returns with this guy.

At the very least, I thought we would get a big episode with him moving back into his and Jennifer's old house. But now they don't even seem to use that set anymore.

Someone needs to offer Hope a massage already. How many times does a girl have to touch her neck before someone takes the hint?

Edited by DisneyBoy
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Poor Dr. Rolf--how many people has the man's lemon lime soda concoction brought back from the dead and he still doesn't get any respect??!!  Hopefully, his latest mad scientist experiment will finally get him the Nobel Prize he so richly deserves :):)

I do love how natural Will and Sonny's conversations are, especially when they are talking about the weirdness in the town.  The actors work very well and believable together.

I also enjoyed Lani's sneering disdain towards Gabi with her "Revenge is your m.o" like Lani and Eli didn't first get together to get revenge on their wrong belief that JJ and Gabi had slept together?  No self-awareness at all, I guess that's what makes Lani such a great cop.  NOT!!

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I only saw the first half because I had an appointment, but burning question here.  Why didn't Lani just punch Gabi and grab the phone out of her hand?  Is Gabi so committed to this that she would be willing to risk going to jail for murder?

1 hour ago, kitmerlot1213 said:

Poor Dr. Rolf--how many people has the man's lemon lime soda concoction brought back from the dead and he still doesn't get any respect??!!  Hopefully, his latest mad scientist experiment will finally get him the Nobel Prize he so richly deserves :):)

All joking aside, anyone that can repeatedly bring people back from the dead probably does deserver the Nobel Prize.  and why isn't anyone trying to get this formula from him?  He's brought several people back.  This can't even be remotely considered a well-kept secret.

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So my big grouse from this week is: Is adding an egg and some water to a box mix now called BAKING?! No No No. And Ciara, it was "to die for" ? Have these people never had actual fresh , wholesome, non chemical ingredient home made baked goods? Not that hard to do it the right way. I'd be damned if I gave my one year a packaged gross cupcake mix treat. 

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20 minutes ago, msrachelj said:

So my big grouse from this week is: Is adding an egg and some water to a box mix now called BAKING?! No No No. And Ciara, it was "to die for" ? Have these people never had actual fresh , wholesome, non chemical ingredient home made baked goods? Not that hard to do it the right way. I'd be damned if I gave my one year a packaged gross cupcake mix treat. 

The whole thing was just plain stupid. Viewers had to be subjected to two full days of this foolishness. The only thing that saved those scenes was watching that adorable little baby. He is a cutie pie!

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Did Hope steal the picture of Stefano for Rolf?

"You can't be too careful, not in this town."

They really drug the whole "eat the cupcake" thing out.

Won't Jordan's fingerprints be on that poison vial?

Why would Ciara want to call Sarah?  Doesn't she have a personal doctor?

Is Princess Gina going to go after John again?

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29 minutes ago, Silver Raven said:

They really drug the whole "eat the cupcake" thing out.

Won't Jordan's fingerprints be on that poison vial?

Yes, they did.  Did they find a vial?  Getting rid of that sucker would have been the first thing I did.  Actually the first thing I would do would be to find a better way to poison someone than at a party where I made all the food (and made a point of everyone getting specific cupcakes and insisting that the poison victim had to eat her cupcake).  But, maybe I'm secretly an evil genius and that's not as obvious as I think it should be.

Edited by Katy M
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18 hours ago, Petunia13 said:

Will and Sonny have cared more for Gabi than her ain’t shit brother. Fuck you Rafe.

I've missed a lot these last weeks so maybe you're right...BUT! (oy am I really about to defend Rafe?) he did distract Ari during the funeral by bringing her to (crazy) Jordan's party. That's a nice thing to do since Will and Sonny went to the funeral to support Gabi. And also, as her brother and a cop who was trying to nail Stefan for a good while...is he really expected to be close to Gabi right now? Gabi knows Rafe thinks she's dumb for getting with him...

...and yeah, I remember those scenes where he was pushing her to admit she loved him but I kinda saw that as Rafe being two steps ahead, seeing where things were headed and just wanting her to come clean. Didn't mean he was happy about it.

The only support Gabi needs is from people actually upset for her. As an older brother Rafe is probably fuming and not too keen to see her wail over her "great love" ...and she's probably glad not to suffer through his polite condolences.

But like I said, I've missed most of this week so I may be waaaaaaaaay off.

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28 minutes ago, Katy M said:

Yes, they did.  Did they find a vial?  Getting rid of that sucker would have been the first thing I did.  Actually the first thing I would do would be to find a better way to poison someone than at a party where I made all the food (and made a point of everyone getting specific cupcakes and insisting that the poison victim had to eat her cupcake).  But, maybe I'm secretly an evil genius and that's not as obvious as I think it should be.

Katy M, you're not an evil genius, just a funny as hell genius!  And it's obvious to me, so keep it up!

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Hello fellow Days fans!  I haven't posted here in quite a while, as I lost interest in the show, and was barely watching all summer.  But I'm mostly back watching now, so I have to try to get back in the habit of coming to this forum.

I haven't read all the posts, so no idea how y'all are enjoying the show lately, but I'm finding it quite entertaining.

I was on my long Days hiatus when Princess Gina was around before, so other than that Halloween episode last year or the year before, I'm not familiar with her.  But anything that keeps Hope away from Rafe is good with me. 😀

Speaking of Rafe, good twist today having him eat the cupcake.  I also like him with Jordan, and wouldn't mind if Jordan got her sanity back and they were a couple, like they were back in 2014 when I first starting watching again.  I really don't hate Rafe, just hated Rope.

Not sure if we're supposed to be liking Kristen or not, but I like the chemistry between her and Brady.  Shouldn't she be getting a bit of a baby belly though. 😁

Gabi, Gabi, Gabi ...  Guess she's the new villian in town. Again.

Speaking of villains, I'm loving Dr. Rolf.  Hope he's gonna be around for a while.

Also love, loving Jack and Jennifer. I had a stupid grin on my face during the proposal.

There's probably more I should mention, but that's all I can think of right now.

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21 hours ago, Retired at last said:

Not only did they just have 6 cupcakes at the stupid party, Jordan told Ari they won't eat the cupcakes until the party was over. Um, isn't the point of a party (for a 1-year old, who won't know what the heck is happening anyway) to open presents, eat cake and go home? Dumb!

And, what was that "funeral?" Where was it and why was there a casket against a wall in a courtyard? Was it at DiMera? And, the fact that not a single one of Julie's family came to show respect for what Gabi did for them was unforgivable. If I had been Gabi, I would never forgive them. Every single person who made a plea for the heart for Julie should have been there. At the very least, Doug. And who officiated? Kristen came later, so how long was he supposed to be laying there?

Also, as others have said, there is too much happiness right now, so we know that won't last. At least I didn't have to see mopey, woe is me, Nicole or the martyr Sarah today. 

The Funeral was at the park... that people have all their conversations since a lot of these characters don't have homes and stuff.

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32 minutes ago, buffynut said:

Hello fellow Days fans!  I haven't posted here in quite a while, as I lost interest in the show, and was barely watching all summer.  But I'm mostly back watching now, so I have to try to get back in the habit of coming to this forum.

I haven't read all the posts, so no idea how y'all are enjoying the show lately, but I'm finding it quite entertaining.

I was on my long Days hiatus when Princess Gina was around before, so other than that Halloween episode last year or the year before, I'm not familiar with her.  But anything that keeps Hope away from Rafe is good with me. 😀

Speaking of Rafe, good twist today having him eat the cupcake.  I also like him with Jordan, and wouldn't mind if Jordan got her sanity back and they were a couple, like they were back in 2014 when I first starting watching again.  I really don't hate Rafe, just hated Rope.

Not sure if we're supposed to be liking Kristen or not, but I like the chemistry between her and Brady.  Shouldn't she be getting a bit of a baby belly though. 😁

Gabi, Gabi, Gabi ...  Guess she's the new villian in town. Again.

Speaking of villains, I'm loving Dr. Rolf.  Hope he's gonna be around for a while.

Also love, loving Jack and Jennifer. I had a stupid grin on my face during the proposal.

There's probably more I should mention, but that's all I can think of right now.

It's so good to see you back!

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I'd also like to see Jordan with Rafe.  He's actually likable when he's sarcastic and cynical; it's when he tries to play the hero that he becomes intolerable - to me anyway. 

What exactly is Jordan's problem with Ciara?  I haven't been watching much the last few months, and when she went after Ciara before it was because Jordan was trying to protect her from Ben.  Of course her rationale was nutso, but at the time they were also throwing around dialog that Jordan had suffered a pretty serious head injury. 

7 hours ago, DisneyBoy said:

Was it ever even established that Jennifer was into organic or vegetarian food in the past? I don't seem to recall that.

This sounds vaguely familiar.  My memory is shit but I do seem to recall her talking about organic food before.  Not vegetarian, though, as I'm a vegetarian and that detail would've stuck with me.

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4 hours ago, msrachelj said:

So my big grouse from this week is: Is adding an egg and some water to a box mix now called BAKING?! No No No. And Ciara, it was "to die for" ? Have these people never had actual fresh , wholesome, non chemical ingredient home made baked goods? Not that hard to do it the right way. I'd be damned if I gave my one year a packaged gross cupcake mix treat. 

I make a cake mix as a treat for me, normally when the cake mix is on sale for $1.00. Usually make my own cakes, cookies, brownies. A decent mixer will last and not the cheapie $25 one that will break when it has to handle cookie dough. Homemade baking controls sugar (I use less) and I can adjust the ingredients a bit. It's just easier for people to buy the mix or to buy the prepackaged cookie dough.

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4 hours ago, Katy M said:

Yes, they did.  Did they find a vial?  Getting rid of that sucker would have been the first thing I did.  Actually the first thing I would do would be to find a better way to poison someone than at a party where I made all the food (and made a point of everyone getting specific cupcakes and insisting that the poison victim had to eat her cupcake).  But, maybe I'm secretly an evil genius and that's not as obvious as I think it should be.

She stuck the vial in Ben's jacket.

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I see Dr. Rolf went and bought the entire Ikea "Transylvania By Night" Home Decor accessories when he decorated Princess Gina's new Bat Cave.  Who doesn't dream of lounging in a (barely) padded, scarlet seated bednobs and broomsticks faux baroque arm chair while polishing your candalabra wearing your daytime tiara?  All Princess Gina needs now is a squad of mice to make her a new dress!


I have a bad feeling, though, that Dr. Rolf would make them into canapes.....

Isn't Arianna a little too old to be eating a cupcake with the same amount of messiness that Kristen has when devours human flesh?   Handiwipes cover up a mulitude of sins.

I was trying to feel nice towards Julie today, since she was being pretty decent - for her - when she was talking to Eli about Gabi.  UNTIL she said something about how she knows what it's like to be on the "receiving end of Gabi's wrath".  Gabi didn't have any "wrath" for Julie until Julie started unloading on her about her "precious Nick" and never, ever shut the hell up about it or made even the slightest attempt to understand what a monster he was, not only to Gabi, but to Will as well.  

So Gabi, don't kill her, but if you want to put the pacemaker on the disco beat setting for a while have at it.

I think Gabi could have had even more satisfying revenge if, instead of making her dump Eli at the altar, she'd make Lani take her wig off at the altar instead.  That sight would cause more than a few hearts to skip a beat, I'd think.

So if Hope's transformation is now complete, does this mean we'll be seeing her in full Princess Gina mode all the time, tiara and all, strolling through Horton Square, smiting her varlets and serfs and knaves with her rod and scepter?  

Sorta like this???


I can't wait!

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Arianna, you are getting as naughty as your mommy - by switching out the cupcake nametags. You are a little old to be getting icing all over your face. And did tell your daddies that Jordan was mean to you.

So Rafe got the magic cupcake? It really wasn't the best idea to host the party and then poison the food and only one item. You could pass it off as food poisoning or a norovirus if all the guests got sick. Plus be so insistent that Ciara eat hers. And have only a small number of cupcakes. Too many things can go wrong - i.e. someone drops one on the floor, the birthday boy smashes his face in to it, etc. Great idea to stash the poison vial in to someone's pocket. You don't think that the person finding the vial won't wonder how it got there - the only place he's been to is Rafe's house? I wouldn't be gushing over a cake mix cupcake either and most likely frosting that came from a can. I can taste it!!!!!!

Princess Gina has now been activated? Who cleaned up that dusty, dank, dark apartment or whatever it is? Who put all the bizarre candelabras, the weird red throne like chair? At least have it more tasteful for a Princess. Plus the cheap tiara! Find a nice room at the Salem Inn and make some changes to make it more royal. It looks like someone went to a theatre sale and snapped up some props.

@boes, you are probably right about Lani removing her wig at the wedding. Gabi, you did bring up some correct history about Lani and Eli. I still don't get them as a couple and have no idea why they are together, why they love each other, other than there is no one else in Salem. Let them get married and be miserable together. Lani will cheat on Eli again at some point and it will crash and burn. Please turn the beat around on Julie's heart a few times just because. Maybe she does want to see you and thank you, but she still hasn't really had any sort of epiphany about how she has treated you in the past.

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Gabi is about to have her hands full in the revenge department lmao, between Lani and Jordan idk who's head she's gonna want on platter more....Jordan yelled at her daughter and poisoned her brother(I know Rafe sucks but that won't stop Gabi probably, not since little Ari is involved too). Who knows? She might just ditch her plan to punish Lani long enough for her to deal with Jordan's crazy ass.

  • Love 7
8 hours ago, Silver Raven said:

She stuck the vial in Ben's jacket.

This makes it even more stupid. If I were going to try to frame my brother for the poisoning of this gf, then I would break into his place and poison whatever it is he keeps on hand just for her.  Or is he supposed to find the vial and decide he's crazy and he forgot poisoning her?  I think I need to watch more if I'm going to actually figure all this stuff out.  And, if she originally wanted to kill Ciara to protect Ben, why is she now trying to frame him?  Or, did she think that was the best hiding place?  Or is she just insane and has no real motive?

  • Love 6
On 10/18/2019 at 4:14 PM, superdeluxe said:

Now, because of this "great love", we have to suffer through the 5092nd Gabi revenge plot.  Oh, that's going to be so much fun.

I don't even get what Gabi's 5092nd revenge scheme is supposed to accomplish. Sure, I get that she wants to torture Lani but the threat that Eli is going to turn on her feels really nebulous to me. And Julie's angina is somehow part of that now?

Gabi, maybe you need to find a more constructive outlet for your anger. Especially since your last crazy complicated revenge scheme went sideways and you ended up falling in love with the target. Is Lani going to end up your future ex-soulmate?

Also, you might want to check in with your daughter. She's feeling ignored, and, you know, possibly poisoned her uncle. Oopsie!

Edited by Sandman
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1 hour ago, Sandman said:

I don't even get what Gabi's 5092nd revenge scheme is supposed to accomplish. Sure, I get that she wants to torture Lani but the threat that Eli is going to turn on her feels really nebulous to me. And Julie's angina is somehow part of that now?

Gabi, maybe you need to find a more constructive outlet for your anger.Especially since your last crazy complicated revenge scheme went sideways and you ended up falling in love with the target. Is Lani going to end up your future ex-soulmate?

Or Julie!  Maybe she starts having these feelings for Julie, feelings she never expected to have for Julie, and Julie has the same for her.  At some point we might get to see those two running towards each other in slow motion, Stefan's ghostly head superimposed over Julie's!

Love really IS a many splendored thing.

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No one thinks Gabi will fall in love with Eli?   They were together once.  

At least this Gabi revenge plot the other person knows what’s going on.  Even though the plot is stupid and I laughed so hard at the app for Julie’s heart I enjoyed Gabi and Lani interactions.  

Ari is really cute. She switched the cupcakes so the girls got more frosting.  I would have done that as a kid too 😂.  Of course none of my family poisoned any birthday treats as far as I know.  

I think boxed cake taste better then bakery and made from scratch cakes.  

Ducks tomatoes 

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Y'all, I'm kinda slow sometimes, but...did Gabi forget she was talking to a cop? Did Lani forget that she IS one? Didn't Gabi just basically confess to attempted murder? Someone said something similar earlier, but Lani should have just grabbed Gabi's phone, arrested or detained her and deleted the app. I'm sure there's some sort of procedural error with that, but jeez c'mon. I know cops have been blackmailed before, but this seems easily thwarted to me.

  • Love 19
1 hour ago, Giuseppe said:

Y'all, I'm kinda slow sometimes, but...did Gabi forget she was talking to a cop? Did Lani forget that she IS one? Didn't Gabi just basically confess to attempted murder? Someone said something similar earlier, but Lani should have just grabbed Gabi's phone, arrested or detained her and deleted the app. I'm sure there's some sort of procedural error with that, but jeez c'mon. I know cops have been blackmailed before, but this seems easily thwarted to me.

I agree.  It's so silly. 

And speaking of forgetting, did Gabi forget that Stefan died because he was interfering with a cop?  This whole thing makes Gabi look so stupid in addition to spiteful and cruel.  I don't care if she is supposedly grieving, messing around with someone's actual life and heart and smirking about is some next level psychopath stuff.  She should have just said no to donating Stefan's heart and been done.  Do the mature thing for once.  But she gets off on mean, spiteful, and vengeance.  She needs it to thrive.  Maybe she should talk to someone about how she just bounces from one revenge target to the next.  All of the rest of this kills any understanding I had for her situation.  Especially since it makes no sense to be directing all this animosity towards Lani, even given their history.  She's acting like Lani deliberately and intentionally sought out and murdered Stefan in cold blood when that's not what happened at all.  Gabi is the one totally in the wrong here as her actions are intentional.  And if she still is harboring ill will from her history with Lani, her actions are still wildly out of proportion to what went down.  And after all this, people will still whine about the Hortons not liking her.  Why the hell should they at this point?  She's gone out of her way several times now to hurt people in that family.  Yeah, they may have looked down on her and been judgmental before, but they will be absolutely right to shun her after this latest stunt.  Yeah, yeah, she donated Stefan's heart to Julie, but now she's using that to torment people.

I don't even get what she's so vengeful about here.  No one murdered Stefan.  No one was out to get Stefan.  He made a choice and paid the price for it.  Lani was well within her rights to shoot at Vivian after the latter pulled a gun on her and Lani knew she'd already shot and tried to kill Kate.  If Stefan thought it was worth it to protect his crazy mother, then that's on him.  He, and Gabi, were protecting a woman who'd just shot and buried someone alive and refusing to turn her over to Rafe complete with wacky hijinks at the mansion.   They helped set in motion the events leading up to Stefan's death.  Sure, they didn't know what would happen, but Lani didn't know either that Vivian was going to pull a gun on her.  Lani was doing her job and also simply protecting herself from a woman who had already shot someone.  I'm not seeing how she's in the wrong here and needs to be punished.  And I find the Lani character just as boring as everyone else on most days.  

Edited by KBrownie
Lani doing her "jog" isn't the same as Lani doing her "job."
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4 minutes ago, Petunia13 said:

Gabi is supposed to be like the new Kate and the stuff she’s doing with Lani and Julie is very vintage “Kate.”

One of the most hilarious things I seen on Twitter is that Sami and Kate never went after innocent people now I love them but that's not exactly true.

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28 minutes ago, KBrownie said:

I agree.  It's so silly. 

And speaking of forgetting, did Gabi forget that Stefan died because he was interfering with a cop?  This whole thing makes Gabi look so stupid in addition to spiteful and cruel.  I don't care if she is supposedly grieving, messing around with someone's actual life and heart and smirking about is some next level psychopath stuff.  She should have just said no to donating Stefan's heart and been done.  Do the mature thing for once.  But she gets off on mean, spiteful, and vengeance.  She needs it to thrive.  Maybe she should talk to someone about she just bounces from one revenge target to the next.  All of the rest of this kills any understanding I had for her situation.  Especially since it makes not since to be directing all this animosity towards Lani, even given their history.  She's acting like Lani deliberately and intentionally sought out and murdered Stefan in cold blood when that's not what happened at all.  Gabi is the one totally in the wrong here as her actions are intentional.  And if she still is harboring ill will from her history with Lani, her actions are still wildly out of proportion to what went down.  And after all this, people will still whine about the Hortons not liking her.  Why the hell should they at this point?  She's gone out of her way several times now to hurt people in that family.  Yeah, they may have looked down on her and been judgmental before, but they will be absolutely right to shun her after this latest stunt.  Yeah, yeah, she donated Stefan's heart to Julie, but now she's using that to torment people.

I don't even get what she's so vengeful about here.  No one murdered Stefan.  No one was out to get Stefan.  He made a choice and paid the price for it.  Lani was well within her rights to shoot at Vivian after the latter pulled a gun on her and Lani knew she'd already shot and tried to kill Kate.  If Stefan thought it was worth it to protect his crazy mother, then that's on him.  He, and Gabi, were protecting a woman who'd just shot and buried someone alive and refusing to turn her over to Rafe complete with wacky hijinks at the mansion.   They helped set in motion the events leading up to Stefan's death.  Sure, they didn't know what would happen, but Lani didn't know either that Vivian was going to pull a gun on her.  Lani was doing her job and also simply protecting herself from a woman who had already shot someone.  I'm not seeing how she's in the wrong here and needs to be punished.  And I find the Lani character just as boring as everyone else on most days.  

What is her endgame suppose be? Making sure her and Eli never hook up again? I know Eli and Lani have fans, but really,  would a lot of people really care? And watching her playing pacman on a elderly woman's pacemaker will get old really fast.

Well, at least she stopped all that over-the- top wailing over a guy she barely even knew.

  • Love 6
5 hours ago, Katy M said:

This makes it even more stupid. If I were going to try to frame my brother for the poisoning of this gf, then I would break into his place and poison whatever it is he keeps on hand just for her.  Or is he supposed to find the vial and decide he's crazy and he forgot poisoning her?  I think I need to watch more if I'm going to actually figure all this stuff out.  And, if she originally wanted to kill Ciara to protect Ben, why is she now trying to frame him?  Or, did she think that was the best hiding place?  Or is she just insane and has no real motive?

The whole point is to make Ben who murdered 4 people(yes I know Will returned) with no remorse seem less crazy.... god forbid she actually stayed sane and tried to cope with her crazy brother dealing with society and in her life again. Too character driven for this show.

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4 hours ago, Sandman said:

Also, you might want to check in with your daughter.

Seriously. They haven't had a scene together since before Stabi got married, have they? 

1 hour ago, Petunia13 said:

Gabi is supposed to be like the new Kate and the stuff she’s doing with Lani and Julie is very vintage “Kate.”

Ah! I was thinking Sami, but Kate sounds right. 

3 hours ago, boes said:

Love really IS a many splendored thing.

Boes, I'm scrolling upward (backward) and I knew that was your post before I saw your name, lol. 

I was traveling this week and a bit distracted by work (ha!), but found this week a bit slow and boring. Gabi was by turns beautiful and fiery and annoying and exhausting. Jack and Jenn were effervescent! And I agree that Ciara is looking a little fuller these days, lol. 

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