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Below Deck in the Media


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Is anyone watching Kate and Amy on "watch what happens" in right now? As much as Rocky annoys me, I feel like there is a bit too much Rocky-bashing going on.

I agree. It was way overboard. Especially the game Kate played about who she'd rather be on a boat with. I feel like Andy wasn't into it at all. Almost like he was scraping the barrel for topics to discuss.

Kate and Amy's responses were boring. Kate seemed less than thrilled to be there. Loved her outfit choice. It must be nice to have a body that looks good in anything!

No surprise that Andy's first question was about Kelly. I know I probably spelled it wrong.

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Did anyone else who watched WWHL notice Kate kinda outed Dean Slover as gay. I know it was hinted at on the show, but when she was talking about Meeting up with him in his (Dean) hometown, and Andy insinuated that there might be something between them, Kate said something to the effect of they were the same person and shared the same interest, I kinda felt like she was saying they were both interested in men.

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I agree. It was way overboard. Especially the game Kate played about who she'd rather be on a boat with.

Absolutely.  I would have cried, to hear that from a colleague.


Rocky's hard to take, and I don't admire her hot/cold treatment of Emile, but she's not mean.

Kate, Sam, Kat:  mean.

Edited by candall
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Did anyone else who watched WWHL notice Kate kinda outed Dean Slover as gay. I know it was hinted at on the show, but when she was talking about Meeting up with him in his (Dean) hometown, and Andy insinuated that there might be something between them, Kate said something to the effect of they were the same person and shared the same interest, I kinda felt like she was saying they were both interested in men.


Maybe I'm crazy but wasn't it obvious that he was gay the three times he chartered a yacht on the show? It was obvious to me. 

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Maybe I'm crazy but wasn't it obvious that he was gay the three times he chartered a yacht on the show? It was obvious to me. 


Not only that, but I could've sworn it was said during last season that he was gay.  Plus - and I know insinuations aren't stated facts - Kate said in regards to Slover and her penis blanket that she was "pretty sure he's into that."  I'm sure we would've heard from Slover if he wasn't gay if Kate is basically saying on TV for millions of people to hear that he's gay.   Hell, from what I remember, more than half his guests last season were really obvious gay guys.  I don't know many straight guys who would charter yachts with mostly or all gay guys.  (Not that straight guys couldn't be friends with lots of gay guys, comfortable in their sexuality, etc., obviously.)  Whatever the case, I sure as hell never thought Slover was straight.

Edited by LIGirl
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Any word about that Mediterrean show they were going to do?


I just wanted to drop in to note that I saw an ad for Below Deck Med during the latest episode of Top Chef. Woohoo!!!


It only said "Coming Soon" but it got me to thinking (and Googling.) Still nothing official from Bravo about a premiere date, but I've got a hunch that it's probably gonna premiere once Top Chef wraps up, which is probably pretty soon being as there are only 5 chefs left. I've got nothing to back this up, but here's how I think it might go....


Top Chef s13.e13 (5 chefs to 4) March 3

s13.e14 (4 to 3) Mar 10

s13.e15 (3 to 2 to 3, or 3 to 4 to 3, with LCK winner returning) Mar 17

s13.e16 (3 to 2, or 3 to winner) Mar 24

s13.e17 (2 to winner, or reunion) Mar 31

s13.e18 (reunion, if not Mar 31) Apr 7


So my best guess, now that they're running ads, is that Below Deck Med will probably premiere on either April 7 or April 14. High five!


Edited to add: Or, if it stays on Tuesday, as I suppose it probably will, then April 5 or 12.

Edited by Uncle Benzene
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I thought the female deckhand was also supposed to be on the Mediterranean version, besides Ben - did she pull out, because I remember her being so excited at the end of the season when Captain invited her along.

I think Connie was staying on that same boat she was on. This new show is a different boat all together.

Am looking forward to this new show. Looks like lots of drama ahead

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I thought the female deckhand was also supposed to be on the Mediterranean version, besides Ben - did she pull out, because I remember her being so excited at the end of the season when Captain invited her along.

No, she was continuing the cruise season, with Captain Lee. Not for the show, but as a regular crew member.


And, regarding Ben and the Mediterranean season, I've got the feeling that it was filmed BEFORE the regular one, and that was the main reason why Ben was not available at the beginning and we had to endure Leon ;)

Edited by Diane Mars
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OMG Lisa Rinna and Chef Ben from "Below Deck" are on WWHL tonight.  Chef Ben gave away two eye-openers about his former "Below Deck" cast mates.  Former Chief Stew Kate Chastain has "switched teams" and is now in a relationship with a female athlete named "Rho"!?  Ben wished Kate well and seemed genuinely pleased that Kate was happy and in a good place with her new partner.

Then, Andy asked Ben a sort of loaded question regarding another former cast mate.  Ben spilled the beans.  Andy seemed bummed and very quickly moved on to another question.  Andy asked Ben if Eddie (from the original Below Deck) was still in a relationship with his fiancee/GF after the whole "Rocky" incident came to light.  I am assuming when Rocky handed Eddie his ass on a platter during the Reunion episode(s).  

Chef Ben said Eddie was not going to be on next season's show of "Below Deck"  :(   BOOOOOOO !! because Eddie wanted to work on his relationship with his GF Amy (I think that's her name).

On a Side Note:  About 15 mins. before WWHL Live aired Bravo had a commercial break and they showed a brief upcoming clip for WWHL.  They showed Andy, LisaR, and Chef Ben.  So Andy says something about LisaR's "new hair-do".  They show a side shot of Rinna.  I looked up for a sec and I thought I saw LisaR with a black sort of "1950's greaser/duck-bill" jet black wig over her reeal head of brown hair.  Now I actually thought they had LisaR (or that it was her own idea) to wear an obvious wig as a dig regarding Brandi Glanville's "glued on wig" crack.  I thought it was a cheesy, stupid prop/joke.

So I'm thinking, um, I love Chef Ben and want to see him on the show but since I just caught bits and pieces of the BH Reunion Part 3, I had my fill of Rinna.  I don't want to see her again on WWHL.  I was multi-tasking and didn't change the channel (too lazy).  Fuck.  WWHL starts and Andy compliments LisaR on her wig, er, new hair style.  Uh, it was REAL.  There was no wig.  

LisaR was sporting a new hair cut with some ombre (not ombre?) type of dye job with the front being really big and high, jet black in color, and the underneath part of the hair brown.  It was not blended therefore it looked like a black toupee fitted atop her regular hair.  Hated the look from the side (too harsh and it looked totally disconnected) but from the front Lisa looked nice.  

Even though I snark/critique I commend Rinna for changing her hair especially because she said she had the same cut for 20 years and loved that cut/style.  For the record I really loved Rinna's hair cut/hair style and give her props for making a change.  The new cut is cute - IMHO I wish her stylist would have blended the colors a little more naturally so it looked more natural instead of a rooster wig plopped on top of Lisa's head.

Edited by beesknees
8 hours ago, beesknees said:

OMG Lisa Rinna and Chef Ben from "Below Deck" are on WWHL tonight.  Chef Ben gave away two eye-openers about his former "Below Deck" cast mates.  Former Chief Stew Kate Chastain has "switched teams" and is now in a relationship with a female athlete named "Rho"!?  Ben wished Kate well and seemed genuinely pleased that Kate was happy and in a good place with her new partner.

Then, Andy asked Ben a sort of loaded question regarding another former cast mate.  Ben spilled the beans.  Andy seemed bummed and very quickly moved on to another question.  Andy asked Ben if Eddie (from the original Below Deck) was still in a relationship with his fiancee/GF after the whole "Rocky" incident came to light.  I am assuming when Rocky handed Eddie his ass on a platter during the Reunion episode(s).  

Chef Ben said Eddie was not going to be on next season's show of "Below Deck"  :(   BOOOOOOO !! because Eddie wanted to work on his relationship with his GF Amy (I think that's her name).

On a Side Note:  About 15 mins. before WWHL Live aired Bravo had a commercial break and they showed a brief upcoming clip for WWHL.  They showed Andy, LisaR, and Chef Ben.  So Andy says something about LisaR's "new hair-do".  They show a side shot of Rinna.  I looked up for a sec and I thought I saw LisaR with a black sort of "1950's greaser/duck-bill" jet black wig over her reeal head of brown hair.  Now I actually thought they had LisaR (or that it was her own idea) to wear an obvious wig as a dig regarding Brandi Glanville's "glued on wig" crack.  I thought it was a cheesy, stupid prop/joke.

So I'm thinking, um, I love Chef Ben and want to see him on the show but since I just caught bits and pieces of the BH Reunion Part 3, I had my fill of Rinna.  I don't want to see her again on WWHL.  I was multi-tasking and didn't change the channel (too lazy).  Fuck.  WWHL starts and Andy compliments LisaR on her wig, er, new hair style.  Uh, it was REAL.  There was no wig.  

LisaR was sporting a new hair cut with some ombre (not ombre?) type of dye job with the front being really big and high, jet black in color, and the underneath part of the hair brown.  It was not blended therefore it looked like a black toupee fitted atop her regular hair.  Hated the look from the side (too harsh and it looked totally disconnected) but from the front Lisa looked nice.  

Even though I snark/critique I commend Rinna for changing her hair especially because she said she had the same cut for 20 years and loved that cut/style.  For the record I really loved Rinna's hair cut/hair style and give her props for making a change.  The new cut is cute - IMHO I wish her stylist would have blended the colors a little more naturally so it looked more natural instead of a rooster wig plopped on top of Lisa's head.

I am so glad rhobh is done for the season. I wanted to stay up for wwhL but I couldn't stay awake.

As for Kate. If she is happy then more power to her.

I'm gonna miss Eddie though on the new season.

I wonder if Kate will be back, or Amy

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20 minutes ago, methodwriter85 said:

Wow, I didn't know Kate was bisexual! Glad she seems to be happy.

I don't think she did, either!  I'm pretty sure her GF's name is Ro Hernandez - former soccer player and coach.   Not sure what she does currently. They do seem happy, though!

Edited by straightshooter


Sad that Amy and Eddie are apparently MIA. And I'm also kind of sad that we're apparently including Kate's girlfriend in at least an episode. I feel like Kate is best when she isn't involved in drama and instead just comments snarkily on it, so I'm not looking forward to watching it unfold on screen, especially knowing how her relationship ends up.

Ben really is no strings attached, isn't he? Fresh from the Med (except, probably not, because didn't he came back from the Med tour to replace Leon last season?) and his Tiffany/Hannah drama, plus back with Kate, and now flirting with a new stew? I think he proves pretty well that charm will get you places.

I don't mind Kelley, so whatever. Hopefully he's matured since he followed Jennice around like a puppy. 

We'll see about the new people. I always feel like I'm not into them.

The boat looks very pretty and a nice, updated change coming off of the rather dated Ionian Princess.

Edited by McManda
21 hours ago, biakbiak said:

Amy isn't back they brought the other Johnson back, unfortunately.  no Rocky so that's a plus.

I rewound the promo for September twice.  Kate is back (looking kind of rough in her TH!), Captain Lee is back as well as chef Ben and Kelley.  There is a new African American stew or deck hand?, a new Caucasian deck hand or bosun?   I hate it that Amy's not back but it's probably because her brother is.  Amy and Kelley together get to be too much; they make me stabby with all their crying.  I want Eddie back now that Rocky's ass has been 86'd.

Edited by beesknees
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I joked over on the BD: Mediterranean board that it would be hilarious if Aleks' yacht was staffed with the nitwits and jackasses from BD and BD: Med because hired Rocky. The thing that is interesting is that the deck crew has a lot more idiots on it than the inside crew. Why is the deck crew disproportionately terrible? Basically all of the BD: Med deck crew was pretty terrible. On BD, we had C.J., Andrew, Don, and Dane. From the inside crew, we have Leon, Rocky, Sam, and Kat. In hindsight, the BD: Med deck crew is so disproportionately bad that it makes it seem like there are more fuckwits outside than inside.

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  12 hours ago, pasdetrois said:

I think Ben and Emily are for the camera. I didn't see any chemistry between them. But they enjoyed their dinner away from crew madness and had some interesting conversation.

IA.  Their date looked extremely awkward to me up to and including where he asked her for a little kiss and she said no.  I think Ben needs a woman who's  more mature and worldly.  Emily is just too young and inexperienced for someone like Ben who seems complicated, sensitive and has issues.

  8 hours ago, OnceSane said:

How is it okay for the whole deck crew to get that smashed?  No wonder Captain Lee is pissed at Kelley & his poor management skills.  And Lauren is a whiny, irritable drunk--or at least she was this time.  

Right.  They're going to get they're asses chewed by Capt Lee next week and rightfully so.  Getting that smashed on the boat, dropping food on the floors and leaving panini grills on to overheat is very uncool.

To me Kyle looked like he wanted to skip over the pesky "getting to know you" stuff with Sierra and get right to the naked gymnastics.  She was turned off by that and reacted by withdrawing into her phone.  She could have handled it better but Kyle was being a douche imo.  None of the men on this boat except maybe (maybe) Ben have any game to speak of.


4 hours ago, pasdetrois said:

Call me nuts, but I think I hear Kate doing a voiceover in a new Moto TV commercial. It's either her or a doppelganger Kate voice.

That's so weird because last week when I was watching a repeat of the episode, a commercial came on (I'm certain it wasn't Moto, tho) and it sounded just like her, too.  I almost posted that thought, but didn't.  I do not like Kate but after I heard that commercial and believed it sounded like her, it made me think she might be good for voiceovers.  I think her voice is nice.  She's articulate with good modulation.  She has a face for radio.

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